Corgi is a real shepherd in a small package

Welsh Corgis have become famous for their interesting appearance and friendly character. They look very touching, but in terms of courage and intelligence they are not inferior to German shepherds. However, the character of the corgi has its own characteristics.

The breed is not suitable for every person, despite many positive qualities. Therefore, before you get a charming Welsh Corgi, you should learn more about him and soberly evaluate all the pros and cons.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The Welsh Corgi is one of the smallest shepherd dogs. According to the ICF classification, the breed belongs to the group of guard and racing dogs.

This is interesting. The Welsh Corgi's "competitor" in size is the Schipperke Shepherd, which is approximately the same height but weighs a little less.

Welsh Corgis are dwarf dogs. However, they were formed not as a result of breeding work, but through natural selection. Thanks to their small dimensions, animals easily maneuver and deftly dodge the blows of hooves. Also, their small size allows them to live in rather cramped apartments.

The Corgi is a squat, moderately elongated dog that stands firmly on short legs. Despite its compact size, the dog looks strong and resilient. According to experts, the breed should give the impression of "a big dog in a small package."

History of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed

The exact history of the Welsh Corgi breed remains a mystery. The homeland of these animals is Great Britain, the historical region of Wales. It was here that the remains of dogs that resembled modern corgis were discovered. The finds date back to the 8th-9th centuries.

Presumably the ancestors of the Welsh Corgi were the Wolfspitz, Samoyed, Schipperke and Norwegian Elkhound. Most likely, dogs were brought to Britain by the Vikings.

Pembrokes lived in the county of Pembrokeshire, which gave the breed its name. In the neighboring region of Cardiganshire, another type of corgi, the Cardigan, developed in parallel. Dogs sometimes crossed with each other, so they had a similar appearance. For a long time they were considered a single breed.

Welsh Corgis herded cattle, ducks and geese, helped in hunting and guarded property. In 1925 they were first presented at an exhibition in London. In 1934, the Kennel Club of Great Britain separated the Cardigan and the Pembroke. To enhance the differences, Pembrokes began to have their tails docked.

In 1963, both breeds were recognized by the FCI.

Welsh Corgi character

Corgi dogs have a kind, brave, alert and determined character. In an unfamiliar environment, they behave warily, but this does not mean they are cowardly. Rather, this is how a sharp mind manifests itself. Animals are able to correctly assess the situation and choose the appropriate behavior model.

Another characteristic of the breed is its inexhaustible cheerfulness. Welsh Corgis radiate positivity and infect others with it. Their smiling faces lift the spirits of everyone around them.

The most charming features of the breed are its excellent sense of humor and innate charm. Many Welsh Corgis deliberately perform funny tricks to make their owners laugh.

These dogs are curious and love to explore everything around them. They never refuse walks and love outdoor games.

Important. Due to lack of movement and new experiences, small shepherd dogs develop bad habits. They start barking and chewing things for no reason.

The character of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is characterized by a complete lack of aggression and nervousness. Animals with behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified. However, a miniature shepherd is always ready to protect its owner - even from an enemy that is significantly larger than it.

This dog breed does not have a hunting instinct, which makes it possible to keep it with other pets. Corgis and cats often become good friends. At worst, the animals will remain neutral. But at first you need to make sure that the cat does not offend the small dog.

How to feed a corgi

Pay special attention to your pet’s diet, because its health and longevity largely depend on nutrition. After purchasing, check with the breeder what kind of food the puppy is accustomed to, and feed the same for the first time. Otherwise, the baby may develop digestive problems or simply refuse to eat. Over time, the diet can be gradually changed if necessary.

In general, it is permissible to feed a corgi a variety of foods. The simplest option is high-quality ready-made food, which contains all the beneficial and nutritious substances the animal’s body needs. Choose a universal diet or special diets that are created specifically for dogs that have various health problems.

An alternative option is natural food that you prepare specifically for your Corgi. This diet is based on meat, offal, and vegetables. Regular food from our table is prohibited for dogs. Cutlets and sausages are not good for animals, and hot, spicy, smoked and other foods that are familiar to us are completely harmful.

Keep an eye on your dog's weight, as obesity can be dangerous for him. If you doubt whether everything is in order, consult your veterinarian and, if necessary, change your pet's diet. And be sure to always make sure your corgi has a bowl of clean drinking water.

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