Metis dachshunds - popular crosses with other breeds, characteristics of hybrids

Not so long ago, the results of unplanned matings of dogs were considered a marriage. The resulting puppies were equated to mongrels. Today, crossing representatives of different breeds and obtaining mestizos has become a new direction in canine selection. The most interesting and varied results are obtained by crossbreeding pugs with other dogs. Some of them have a unique appearance, have strong immunity, others are distinguished by poor health or undesirable character traits. For this reason, crossing pugs must be done responsibly so as not to produce non-viable offspring.

Who are the mestizos?

Mestizos are dogs that appear as a result of crossing different breeds. The reason may be:

  • conscious selection work of the breeder;
  • random mating.

It is extremely difficult to predict what appearance and qualities a crossbreed will have.

Mixing blood often leads to a positive result - babies are born with strong immunity, good health and without hereditary diseases. Their psyche is stable, their intelligence is high, and their disposition is friendly. But there are also exceptions.

Dog food Russian Hunting Spaniel

Every owner wants their pet to be healthy, happy and active. And for this to happen, you need to take proper care of your animal. This also includes proper nutrition.

It must be complete and balanced. High-quality and healthy nutrition is especially important for Russian Hunting Spaniel puppies. Their body is just developing and their future health depends on how the kids eat.

You can feed spaniels either high-quality food purchased in a store or the most common food of natural origin. It is only important to know that you should never combine both! This can cause stomach upset in your dog.

Russian Spaniels can be given:

  • Porridge (buckwheat, millet and rice);
  • Boiled sea fish fillet;
  • Dairy products;
  • Boiled egg yolks;
  • Fruits, vegetables and herbs;
  • Rye crackers and bread.

But it is forbidden to feed dogs:
  • River fish;
  • Legumes;
  • Fried food;
  • Sweets and baked goods;
  • Tubular bones;
  • Smoked products;
  • Sausages;
  • Spices and seasonings.

Spaniels should not be overfed - this breed has a tendency to become obese.

How to distinguish a dachshund puppy from a crossbreed?

At the time of purchasing a puppy, dachshunds are most often shown with their mother. Based on its appearance, you can form an opinion about the future appearance of the puppy. The second parent of the dachshunds is indicated in documents or simply named verbally. You can distinguish purebred dachshunds by several characteristics:

  • brand on the ear or stomach;
  • proportional, well-fed, dense physique;
  • Brown eyes;
  • scissor bite;
  • pink tongue;
  • rounded ears;
  • back without deflections;
  • the tail is straight, continuing the line of the back;
  • the color is darker than that of adult dachshunds;
  • nose, claws black;
  • absence of white and light markings on the coat, “socks” or “shirtfront”.

Raising and training a spaniel

Dogs of this breed are a little capricious and, as puppies, are prone to disobedience. After they turn one year old, they begin to distinguish “us” from “strangers”, accept and respect only those who are part of the pack for them.

What about “strangers”, spaniels behave differently with them. They can simply bark at a stranger, or even bite, which does not happen so often.

  • The dog may try to seize power “in the pack” and begin to be capricious and disobey. So he decides to show himself as a leader; Even manifestations of special aggression are possible.
  • In such cases, it is important to pacify the spaniel in order to prevent him from becoming more permissive. You need to regularly show your pet who’s boss.
  • To do this, it is good to train him using submission techniques. The dog should be taught to follow commands and be completely obedient.
  • If this is not addressed, problems may arise in the future. At the same time, we must not forget to praise the dog: this will help protect against possible conflicts.

Russian hunting spaniels are smart and quickly grasp what they are trying to convey to them. This is their advantage in training: the breed is great at learning new commands.

Photo of dachshund mestizos

Who are mongrels?

This is the most numerous order, whose representatives are called “complex polyhybrid” by experts, and people simply call them mongrels. Pedigree dogs have been bred for decades, collecting the best qualities in each offspring. For some, flair is of paramount importance, for others - strength and endurance. Any puppy from a purebred dog is predictable - it is always known in advance what will grow out of it. For example, spaniels can only produce a spaniel and not any other breed.

Mongrel puppies are the result of free crossing, so neither appearance nor character traits are fixed at the genetic level. A small fluffy ball can grow into a charming and intelligent dog, although it is possible that it will not live up to expectations either in its external qualities or in its intelligence. This, however, happens very rarely. Most owners of mongrels would not exchange their pet for any dog, even the most beautiful purebred one. It is very difficult to classify mongrels, they are so diverse.

Popular dachshund crossbreeds

Most often, dog handlers crossbreed with representatives of the same size breed. The genetics of hybrids demonstrate endurance and resistance to a number of diseases. But exceptions to the rule give interesting results, which is why mixed breeds of dachshunds and Rottweilers, German shepherds, huskies, Labradors, Dobermans and other breeds have become popular.

With a mongrel

Uncontrolled mating with mongrels may result in dogs resembling a dachshund, although the result is completely unpredictable. In most cases, the hybrid in appearance resembles an outbred mongrel, since its genes turn out to be dominant. The mestizo has an elongated body shape, the color is gray, black-gray or multi-colored. If the yard dog is large, the crossbreed will grow larger than a dachshund, but smaller than a mongrel.

With a spaniel

Dachshunds mixed with spaniels produce offspring called dockers. Their appearance resembles that of a dachshund - a stocky, elongated body with legs shorter than those of a spaniel. The coat is wavy, with caramel, spotted, black and tan colors. The crossbreed has a sociable and curious character. From the spaniel, the hybrid inherited a predisposition to eye diseases.

With a chihuahua

As a result of mating Dachshunds with Chihuahuas, they get Chiwinnies - pocket mestizos with a friendly, loving, slightly timid character. They have a long body, a Chihuahua face, and bat-like ears. Height at withers – up to 25 cm, average weight – 5-6 kg. The miniature size of the dog allows you to take it with you on walks and on any trip.

With a toy terrier

Mix with Toy Terrier - Doxy Terrier. Rabbits and miniature dachshunds are most often chosen for mating. Mestizos are playful and intelligent and can be kept in an apartment. They become very attached to their owner and do not always get along with children. The height of adults is 30 cm, weight is up to 5 kg.

With a miniature pinscher

A hybrid of a taxi dog and a miniature pinscher is called a doxie pin. The dog is brave, its desperate character does not always correspond to its height (20-25 cm) and weight (about 6 kg) - without hesitation, the dog rushes to protect its owner. May be a nuisance due to unmotivated and excessive barking. Such a deficiency must be corrected in a timely manner with the help of training and education.

With a fox terrier

Crossing with a fox terrier produces powerful but short offspring. The height of mestizos is up to 40 cm, weight is 7-8 kg. The body is compact but muscular. The coat is hard and straight. Color brown with black spots. Dogs are stubborn like fox terriers, sociable, agile, like taxis. They need constant attention and human contact.

With Rottweiler

A hybrid with a Rottweiler is called a Dutchweller. He looks quite unusual and even ridiculous - short legs, long body, big head. Despite this, there are amateurs for mestizo with this appearance. They are attracted by the good health and high protective qualities of the dog. The dog's height is 30-35 cm, weight is 17-20 kg. If mistakes are made during upbringing, the Dutchweller may show aggression towards others.

With Jack Russell Terrier

The offspring of a Dachshund and a Jack Russell Terrier are called Jackwinnies. The puppies have inherited the qualities of both parents - they are attached to the owner, playful and good-natured like terriers, get along well with other animals and have a hunting instinct, like dachshunds. Jackwinnies are easy to train and can perform tricks and basic commands. Disadvantages include severe shedding and a predisposition to joint dysplasia.

With a pug

Crossing with a pug produces dawgs with a height at the withers of about 28 cm and a weight of 10 kg. The body structure is dense, the head is large, the eyes are large, the tail is in a ring, the skin has many folds like a pug. Long body, drooping ears and short legs like a dachshund. The color is pure fawn or in combination with red; darkening is noticeable on the face and ears. The dog is active when young, but later becomes lazy. The pet has hypoallergenic wool, so it is suitable for those who have a reaction to it.

With Spitz

The result of crossing with a Spitz is Dameranin. It has lush fur, short crooked legs and an elongated body. The muzzle is long, the coat is light brown to deep red. The hybrid is larger than the Spitz - height up to 25 cm, weight 5-8 kg, prone to long barking, cocky, stubborn, but endlessly loyal to the owner. Due to its fragile build, the dachshund mix is ​​not suitable for families with children.

With Pekingese

When crossed with a Pekingese, the Pikehund is born. They resemble a dachshund with small floppy ears. The coat is short, long or patchy. The nose is flattened, the tail is curved upward in a ring, the legs are shortened. The dog has a complex character and does not like active pastime, so it is more suitable for older people. Height is about 20 cm, weight is 4-6 kg.

With Jagdterrier

Breeders do not plan special matings with Jagdterriers. Mestizos are most often born by accident. The dogs have a powerful appearance, a yagda head, and short, strong paws. The hunting instinct and viciousness are transmitted to the offspring from two parents.

With a German Shepherd

The hybrid of a dachshund and a shepherd looks impressive - height at the withers is from 40 to 60 cm, weight is 20-25 kg. The legs are short, the body is elongated and strong. Color black and tan or zoned. The dog has the face of a shepherd, the body of a dachshund. Mestizos are highly trainable and perform watchdog and security functions.

With Labrador

The mixed breed is called the Dachsador, and in appearance it is very similar to the Labrador. Its legs are powerful and short, its body is slightly elongated, its muzzle is wide, and its eyes are dark. Height at the withers is 30-35 cm, weight is up to 18 kg. Coat color ranges from fawn to charcoal black. The dog is obedient, children and elderly people love him, it’s good to walk with a dachsador on a leash.

With husky

If you cross a dachshund and a husky, you get a medium-sized dog with short legs. They call it dachsky. The muzzle of a mestizo and its coat resemble a husky. The coat is voluminous, with a dense undercoat. Color black and white and gray and white. As an adult, the dog’s height is 30-55 cm, weight – up to 18 kg. The character is friendly, restless.

With Stafford

Recently, a cross between a Staff and a Dachshund has become very popular. Dog breeders are attracted by the compactness of the hybrid, its serious appearance and fighting qualities. The body became elongated, muscular and squat. The color in most cases is black, brown, with a white mark on the chest.

With a husky

Crossing a dachshund with a husky produces a small dog. Its head, tail, and color resemble a husky, and its general shape and body structure resemble that of a dachshund. The character is friendly and active. The hunting instinct is clearly expressed.

With a beagle

A hybrid with a beagle is called a doxley. Height at the withers is up to 35 cm, weight is 10-15 kg. Color ranges from light beige to black and tan. Their character is sociable, willful, inquisitive, and devoted. In their youth they can become beagles - stubborn, disobeying orders. They love to dig holes.

With a lapdog

There is no special mating with a lapdog. The result of random crossing is unpredictable - dogs with a fluffy coat, a playful face and a color similar to that of dachshunds. Most often they have short legs and elongated bodies.

With a French bulldog

As a result of crossing with a French bulldog, French dachshunds are obtained. The color is brindle, the muzzle is shortened, the ears are erect and rounded. The legs and body are somewhat longer than those of dachshunds.

With a poodle

For crossbreeding, a dwarf poodle is selected. From him the mestizo took intelligence and quick wits, a love of loud barking. The crossbreed has curly fur, short legs and a long graceful body. The dog may be prone to genetic diseases of poodles.

With corgi

Dorgis are born from mating with corgis. It was they who became the first experience in crossing dachshunds with representatives of other breeds. The dogs' height is about 30 cm, weight is 12-14 kg. From the corgi, the designer dog inherited its coat color (red with a white apron on its chest), erect ears and curiosity. From the dachshund - smooth coat, body length.

With Chinese Crested

Cretoxy is the result of mating dachshunds with a Chinese crested dog. Offspring are born with hereditary diseases, malocclusion, and therefore are not common. The dog's head is shortened, the body dimensions correspond to the dachshund.

With a pit bull

The union with the pit bull produced animals with a strong build, a large head, short legs and a long, stocky body. Mestizos need to be carefully raised. You should not have them in families with children, since the union of two serious characters produces an “explosive mixture.”

With Shar Pei

Mating with a Shar Pei produces Sharnies with a complex character. Their appearance is impressive - height up to 45 cm, weight about 25 kg, body in folds. It is necessary to accustom the dog to discipline and obedience from the first weeks, since he is prone to aggression.

With Doberman

Mating with a Doberman is problematic due to the difference in size between the dogs. The born offspring has a strange exterior - a long body with developed muscles, floppy ears, short legs, a large head, black and red color. The height of the dog is up to 45 cm, weight -25-30 kg. The character is angry, stubborn, problematic for the breeder.

With Yorkie

Mixed Taxi and Yorkie - Dorki. He has a cheerful disposition and gets along well with children and adults. The result of selection is short-legged, with wavy, grayish-colored fur. He can be stubborn, jealous and self-willed. Height – 25-28 cm, weight – no more than 8 kg.

With papillon

The Papillon mix looks petite, just like both parents. The animals have long, tufted hair, and their legs are slightly higher than those of dachshunds. The hybrid has a pronounced hunting instinct, distrust of strangers and devotion to the owner.

How much does it cost and where to buy a puppy?

The price of a Russian hunting spaniel largely depends on the individual characteristics of each dog. Age, pedigree, vaccinations or not also influence. The average price for this breed in Russia is six to eight thousand rubles.

  • You can buy a puppy or an adult dog at a kennel or from a breeder.
  • It is important to consider all possible options before making a final decision.
  • It is useful to read reviews about the Russian hunting spaniel specifically in each source, call the phone number given there and ask around for everything you need.

Russian Spaniels are loyal to their owners, kind to them and love to spend time actively.

By purchasing this breed, you can be sure that your pet will become a faithful friend for many years. You just need to remember to provide the animal with proper feeding, care, comfort and attention.

Advantages and disadvantages of dogs crossed with a dachshund

Mestizos have a number of advantages over the original breeds. Among them:

  1. High immunity, minimum hereditary diseases.
  2. The wool of hybrids does not cause allergies.
  3. Smoothing out negative character traits.
  4. Unusual look.
  5. Low price of puppies.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. It is impossible to predict a dog's temperament.
  2. The dog is not considered purebred.


These dogs are quite active, which means they need to walk a lot, play, and spend time outdoors. It is recommended to walk your spaniel for more than an hour every day: in the morning and in the evening.

  • Dogs of this breed love to run a lot, so it will be great to throw a ball in the park.
  • You can go jogging or cycling with spaniels, letting them run alongside you.
  • They love to swim, so this pastime is also welcome.

Undeniable advantages

The main advantages of Matiz dogs (as mestizos are sometimes jokingly called) include their amazing appearance - no one else on the dog playground will definitely have such a pet. Often one animal combines the best qualities of both parents. Some representatives of mestizos have good health, immunity, and ease of care.

Note! The opposite situation also happens: some mestizos inherit genetic diseases from both parents and are very weak.

These are unusual dogs, with a bright appearance, a specific character, ready to become true friends for many years. Funny crossbred dogs are a great option for those who want to become the owner of an original pet.

Other hybrid varieties

There are several more mestizos, photographs of which convince of their uniqueness:

  • The descendant of a pit bull and a Labrador looks very interesting, but in the bad hands of a frivolous owner it can become uncontrollable.
  • Wier is a fairly rare dog - the result of crossing a German and a long-haired collie.
  • Yorkshire strudel - a descendant of the York terrier and poodle - is a very dynamic creature, ready to become a true friend to a resident of the Moscow region or any other.
  • Yorkie and Shih Tzu are an attractive, cute little one.
  • Bullmatian is the name of the ancestor of the Dalmatian and the bulldog, a formidable dog on the outside, but a very good-natured dog on the inside.
  • The Weimerman is a cross between a Doberman and a Weimaraner.
  • The muzzle and ears of a whippet, the physique of a pit bull, the paws of a boxer - this is a description of an amazing hybrid.
  • Bernudel. It can be obtained by mixing the breed characteristics of a poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog.
  • A snow-white giant with a brave heart - a cross between a Malamute and a Pyrenean mountain dog. It is not afraid of frost, although it does not have particularly lush fur.

A mixed breed of Yorkie and Shih Tzu will become a real favorite for the whole family.

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