Taming a wild kitten: useful tips and tricks

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Many people associate cats with playful and affectionate creatures. But in fact, not all fluffies are ready to fawn over their owners and climb into their arms at the first call. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to tame a kitten or an adult animal.

  • 2 Reasons why a cat doesn’t like to be held
  • 3 How to tame a wild kitten

    3.1 Video: how to accustom a kitten to your hands

  • 3.2 Is it possible to tame an adult cat?
  • 4 How long will it take to tame
  • How to tame a wild kitten

    Future owners are worried: how to tame a kitten, what if the situation gets out of control and an unaffectionate cat will grow out of a cute creature. The baby quickly gets used to it and begins to understand:

    • Where is the toilet.
    • Where is the bowl of food?
    • Who lives in the family, from whom you need to hide.

    To tame a cat you will have to wait ten days (maximum). Usually this much time is spent on re-educating a street dweller.

    It’s worth learning from the very beginning: a kitten’s squeak means “I feel bad,” while purring is a sign of goodwill and contentment.

    There is no need to push a squeaking lump into a bathtub of water or allow children to cause pain. The kitten should feel safe and loved. It’s easy to accustom a kitten to handling and rules of behavior (both in the house and at an exhibition): affection, play and treats will do.

    Once the baby is in the house, you need to give him time to calm down. You can leave him in an unlocked cage or put him in a low cat basket. Don't forget to place a bowl of water nearby.

    In a calm environment, the kitten will soon crawl out of its shelter and go to inspect the territory of the house. Don't pick him up just yet. It is enough to gently stroke him and say a few words in a calm tone. Then transfer to a bowl and praise. In this case, the kitten in your hands will not perceive the action as danger.

    Within 24 hours, the cat will begin to trust its owner and may jump onto its lap. The kitten will learn to sit quietly in your arms if you support it by its back. The warmth of the hand is soothing, and any possible fear of heights disappears.

    How to accustom a cat to hands and affection

    If you want cat affection, become patient and affectionate yourself. An outdoor cat will begin to trust a person when it gets used to his smell and voice. He will associate his appearance with a pleasant event (food, affection).

    A wild cat is tamed in the same way as a kitten. First, treats are brought regularly. Then they hold out their palm with a piece of the most delicious thing (the delicacy lies in the center of the palm, not on the fingers!), and allow it to be sniffed. When the cat begins to approach, perhaps rubs its head on its leg, you can pet it in response, speaking calmly and affectionately.

    A common mistake: in order to tame a cat at home, he is immediately locked in a room - the animal will try to escape as soon as it is freed.

    You can call the cat with you, after a few meters, stop, praise, and give a treat again. The main thing is that if you come, give her the opportunity to leave. Without feeling afraid, the pet will return.

    First steps

    Experienced animal lovers are sure that raising a kitten from the street is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to follow simple rules. It is important to understand that changing behavior takes a lot of time. Therefore, you need to be patient. Before you think about how to tame a wild kitten from the street, figure out whether you need it. The difference between pets is that they are people-oriented. Cubs, seeing a person from birth, feeling his smell, get used to trusting and reacting positively to the one who caresses and feeds them. Street animals, without an owner, gradually forget about trust and love for people, and therefore begin to react aggressively. Therefore, when seeing stray animals on the street, the first thing a person asks himself is: is it possible to tame a wild kitten at home, will it not spoil furniture and shit?

    Why is the cat not affectionate?

    If a cat scratches and bites as an adult, the owners themselves are to blame. While still playing with her, they allowed her to “claw” in excitement. At first it's funny, then the adult:

    • bites legs;
    • does not allow himself to be combed;
    • spoils things, marks territory.

    The simplest veterinary examination and medical procedures (injections, enemas) turn into a nightmare for the owner.

    The independence and aggressiveness of a mustachioed cohabitant should not be shown towards family members. If the owners are afraid, the pet will become impudent. It is recommended to hold the cat in your arms more often and show affection. After taming, release it for further exploration of the area, praise and treat it with something tasty for good behavior.

    Gradually the cat will understand: nothing bad is happening. If you do this regularly, at the same time talk affectionately, give a piece of “yummy” - after a while you can add short-term combing, examining the ears and other manipulations.

    An irrepressible desire to “cuddle” can also be the reason why a cat becomes less affectionate. Small children will happily play with the kitty and pull its ear or tail.

    Adults sometimes don’t lag behind (especially if the cat is not their property): they shamelessly shove pieces from the table, try to stroke them and pick them up against their will. It's not the cat that needs to be blamed, but the owner:

    1. If the cat is not the highlight of the program, it is better to isolate it in another room. Or warn the guest about correct behavior.
    2. For children, it is better to find other fun, otherwise the simplest scratch on the hand of an uncontrollable child will ruin the evening.
    3. When neither the person nor the cat is particularly anxious, let them interact as they wish.

    Advice. It is advisable to wash your hands not only after interacting with an animal, but also before. Precautionary measures apply to small unvaccinated kittens.

    Is it possible to tame an adult cat to a new owner?

    A cat tolerates a change of owner more easily than a dog. The exception is socially oriented breeds, for example, Oriental Siamese. They will gradually become affectionate with their new owners, but the first one is the only one for life.

    The best way to train, even for a sexually mature individual, is not food, but play. First, an adult cat must get used to the territory. It is better to leave your pet to explore its new home on its own, and after a while offer some food from your hands. Just like a treat. At the same time, do not forget to talk measuredly, but not to stroke.

    As soon as the cat gets used to it a little, you can:

    • lightly scratch a chair or furniture - so that the cat reacts to the sound near the owner;
    • roll a ball or ball of wool near you, inviting you to play;
    • “drive” a candy wrapper.

    The cat quickly joins the game. After a while, you should again give a piece of food from your hand and praise it.

    How to catch a wild kitten that is afraid of people

    Although caring for a cat takes less effort than caring for a dog, adopting an outdoor cat is a big responsibility. It’s a pity for the little lump, scared and frozen, squeaking near the trash can or the entrance door. He will not scratch or bite if you put the kitten in your palm, stroke it, and mutter a few gentle soothing words. The warmth of human hands for a baby is a guarantee of food and safety.

    Please note that we are talking only about feral and street cats, whose ancestors have always lived with humans. The real wild cats, which can only be tamed by Yuri Kuklachev and the Zapashny brothers, are:

    • Jungle Cat (House);
    • European forest cat;
    • Amur (Far Eastern) cat - inherits aggression towards humans and fear.

    For an outdoor wild cat or kitten from the street, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory, as it can be a carrier of viruses and infections that are dangerous to the health of humans or other animals in the house.

    The newborn was probably thrown out by people: no hand was raised to drown or poison. Opening her eyes, the baby captured the person as a relative. Therefore, he does not experience aggression towards people. It’s easy to domesticate this one: it will get used to its new home and fall in love with its new owner in an evening.

    Imprinting (instant early memory) of kittens that were born and lived in an attic or basement for a couple of months does not apply to humans. Stray cat cubs can remain feral for life.

    The little “animals” run away, and when you try to pick them up, they bite. To catch a wild cat, use primitive traps:

    • large box;
    • baby bath;
    • a rabbit cage without a bottom;
    • regular carry...

    They put food on the ground and cover it, for example, with a box.

    Important. Consider the size of the animal. A heavy container falling on its back can injure the cat.

    All that remains is to lift it and place one side on a support with a rope. As soon as the animal approaches the food, the stick is pulled out.

    A more complex option: a cage with a lowered door (kotolovka). Triangular-shaped nets with a long handle and noose loops are also used.

    To catch a domestic yard kitten, it is enough to regularly feed it by hand and talk to it. In a couple of days the baby will come running when called and allow himself to be petted.

    When thinking about how to tame a cat, a person forgets: the cat chooses the owner. It was the cat who first began to meow, demanding food and attention, rubbing against her legs, showing affection. Once in the apartment, the animal adapts to the rhythm of the owner, giving him special, cat-like care.

    A small kitten found in the basement is much easier to adopt as a pet than an adult.

    The main thing is to set a goal, which will be to turn a wild, fearful cat into a kind, sweet and completely safe cat for others. There have been cases where aggressive pets have caused significant damage to human health, so the safety aspect is paramount. An inappropriate cat that thinks it is protecting itself from danger can frighten or injure a child, and we should not allow this to happen.

    In medicine, there is a special term - “cat scratch disease”.

    You can easily end up in the hospital with this syndrome. The damage that remains after a bite or scratch is quite painful and often inflamed. It is very difficult to protect yourself and your loved ones from such situations, because it is impossible to predict the behavior of an unfamiliar animal that lived in unknown harm.

    It is impossible to put a muzzle on a cat to prevent it from biting. It is also difficult for her to trim her nails to avoid scratches. Therefore, she needs to be educated. A pet should be affectionate and safe for all family members. To make an adult cat or a small kitten a kind pet, you first need to earn his trust. This can be achieved by satisfying his life needs. The animal should be fed well and tasty, play ball with it, speak in a gentle voice, and stroke it gently. All these simple manipulations will lead to the formation of trust and affection.

    How to tame a wild cat or kitten into your hands

    When taming an animal, not only desire and perseverance are important, but also knowledge of small tricks that will help the pet quickly get used to its new owner. This process should take place in a calm environment, without sudden movements or loud sounds. To pick up a kitten, you need to act slowly and not hold the animal against its will. Gradually, the kitten will learn to trust and go to the owner himself. To tame an adult animal, a different approach is needed.

    It is easier to tame a kitten from early childhood. The first need for communication arises in him already at two weeks of age. From this moment on, the owner should take the pet in his arms as often as possible so that he gets used to and learns to trust the person. This must be done carefully and the baby must be released at his first request. Under no circumstances should you hold a kitten, otherwise it can become a traumatic experience for him and will remain in his memory for a long time . It is very difficult to restore the animal's trust later.

    Sometimes kittens do not want to sit in your arms for no apparent reason. In this case, the owner should be patient and remind himself that the animals are extremely curious, the world around them seems endlessly interesting to them. In addition, like human children, kittens are restless and get bored staying in one place for a long time.

    It is worth making sure that the pet is comfortable being in human hands. By abruptly lifting or holding the kitten incorrectly, causing him discomfort, the owner can unknowingly scare away the baby.

    First contacts

    When you take a pet into your home, the first step is to carry out several important procedures. This is a visit to the vet and a wash. The specialist will check for discharge from the nose and eyes, examine the fur and skin, take tests, and determine the approximate age of the kitten. In addition, the doctor will give advice on vaccinations, care, feeding and treatment (if it turns out that it is necessary).

    After visiting the veterinary clinic, the new resident must be washed off the accumulated street dirt. But this can only be done if there are no medical contraindications. For example, with some skin diseases, cats cannot be washed until they are completely cured.

    Water treatments

    For washing, it is better to use a special anti-parasite shampoo. The owner should be prepared for the fact that the kitten will react negatively to the process, will break free, and use its claws and teeth.

    Before starting taming, the animal must be given time to come to its senses and calm down a little. Most likely, as soon as he is released, he will hide in the darkest and safest (in his opinion) corner. This could be a box, under a closet or under a bathtub. Let the baby sit there. There is no need to touch it or try to pull it out. There should be no bright light or loud sounds in the room.

    From time to time you can come up and talk to the kitten. The words must be pronounced quietly, affectionately. You should not catch the animal’s gaze; if you look directly into its eyes, it will perceive it as a threat.

    Perhaps after a while the kitten will come out of hiding and begin to slowly walk around the room, sniffing and looking around. If not, it's time to take action.

    After sitting in the shelter for several hours, the animal will get hungry. This must be used to try to lure him out. Not far from the place where the kitten hid, bowls with food and water are placed. At first, it is better to choose soft and aromatic food.

    Taming methods

    Time and hunger are the most faithful helpers on the path to taming a wild cat. First, the animal must be isolated by placing it in a cage or carrier. It is better to place the cage in a separate room or cover it with a rag, creating the illusion of loneliness for the animal and depriving it of all kinds of entertainment, even the opportunity to observe the situation. There should be no food or toys in the cage, only a bowl of water and a tray.

    After your pet has been sitting in the cage for several hours, you need to go up and hand him a piece of tasty food in your palm. This could be some soft food or a small piece of chicken. If the kitten hisses, tries to hit with its paw, backs away, immediately remove your hand and walk away. Try again after a couple of hours. If the result is the same, leave the animal for a few more hours. Sooner or later, hunger will force the cat to come up and take the treat from your hand. Once this has happened, you can consider that half the job is done.

    Now the main thing is patience and systematicity. It is necessary to approach the kitten more and more often with small pieces of food, each time giving it food from your hands. If he refuses, immediately leave, taking the treat with him. This way your pet will quickly get used to eating from your hands.

    At the same time, you need to start raising your pet. With the cage door slightly open, place your hand close to him (without touching him). Ignore the hissing, but if he tries to attack, then lightly fight back. When the kitten stops objecting and calmly accepts the owner’s hand in close proximity to itself, reward it with a treat.

    Frightening look

    When the baby is already eating from his hands, it's time for the next step. Holding the food in your palm, you should try to pet the kitten before giving it the food. To his objections, the owner’s reaction is the same - to leave and take away the delicacy. After several approaches, the animal will understand that stroking is pleasant, safe and will accept it with pleasure.

    Trapping rules

    If a trusting kitten reaches out to a person, just pick him up and take him home. The shy wild animal can be caught using a fishing net, an old blanket or another piece of thick fabric. Be sure to wear gloves. While defending itself, a cat can scratch, bite and in the process cause a dangerous infection.

    You can make a trap out of a cage or carrier. Place bait (dry food, fish, etc.) inside and close the door at the right time, for example with a rope. A ready-made trap can be purchased at a pet store. You should not pick up blind kittens if their mother has not abandoned them: it will be difficult for such a baby to be released. Better come back for the animal later.

    How long will it take?

    The timing of taming depends very much on the age of the animal, as well as on how long it has lived on the street and whether it has ever lived among people. A small kitten can make contact within a day. But an adult animal that has lived on the street for a long time can take a week or several months to get used to it. In addition, adult pets, even after a long stay at home, often retain fear of other people or the habit of hiding at the slightest noise. Sometimes it is not possible to get rid of these features, despite all the efforts of the owners.

    A little about cat features

    So, there is a wild kitten in front of you on the street. How to tame an animal and determine whether it was always wild, or whether it was recently thrown out into the street? It's not that hard to do. If you see a kitten or an adult on the street, take a close look at it. As a rule, those who have recently been thrown out cling to people, meow at the sight of them and try to follow the person, their fur is relatively clean. Feral cats and kittens hiss, arch their backs and run away from people. Therefore, if you have the second option, get ready to spend a lot of time adapting the animal. Some things sometimes cannot be fixed. For example, a cat may always be afraid of strangers.

    How to accustom a kitten to being held?

    The classic idea of ​​a domestic cat is a warm furry ball curled up in your arms, purring in different tones. But some pets are too independent, not very affectionate and do not strive for intimacy with humans. And then the owner is faced with the question of how to accustom the cat to handling.

    There are several methods to help overcome fear or reluctance to handle.

    • After a hearty meal, the pet is relaxed and sleepy. You can pick up a dozing kitten and gently cuddle it to keep it warm and cozy. After a short time, the baby will begin to climb up to the owner on his own.
    • Treats will help lure the kitten onto the person's lap. While he is eating, you need to gently stroke him and scratch him behind the ear. Gradually, the pet will understand that sitting in your arms is pleasant.
    • While playing, you need to pull the toy onto your lap from time to time. When the kitten jumps after you, you need to pet him. Over time, he will get used to close contact with a person and will strive for it himself.

    Games bring people closer together

    • Perhaps the cat is simply afraid of heights due to the fact that he was picked up incorrectly. In order for the baby to feel comfortable, one hand is placed under his front paws, and the other is placed under his hind paws. You shouldn't hold the kitten up; it's better to lightly hold it close to you.

    When using one method or another, you need to carefully monitor your pet, and the right path to training will definitely be found.

    The beginning of the problem

    Some people think it's normal to keep a pet and then throw it out into the street. Due to neglect of animal sterilization, the streets are filled with puppies and kittens.

    The fate of such animals is unenviable: most of them will not live to see a year. Often a person accidentally notices that a wild kitten has taken up residence in the yard of a house. How to train him to live in an apartment? Will he be affectionate and obedient? A caring person asks himself these questions and decides to take the foundling into the house.

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