Causes of brown discharge from a dog's ears and methods of treatment

Dog owners need to be aware of such an unpleasant phenomenon as ear diseases in pets. It is very easy to notice this problem: by the animal’s behavior and specific discharge from its ears. Timely veterinary care is necessary in this case, as the dog experiences severe pain and can scratch its delicate skin until it bleeds.


Most often, ear diseases in dogs are observed in certain breeds: dachshunds, spaniels, setters, Afghan hounds or beagles. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that long hanging ears are poorly ventilated, and also lie on the floor, thereby simplifying access to the internal tissues of parasites and microbes.

The symptoms of ear diseases are quite pronounced, and it is difficult not to notice this phenomenon. The main sign is severe restlessness of the animal, scratching and constant shaking of the head.

Symptoms of dog ear problems:

  • severe scratching of the skin, sometimes to the point of bleeding;
  • the ears are inflamed, swelling appears inside and outside the organ;
  • the dog tilts its head and shakes it while moving;
  • touching the ears causes pain and discomfort in the dog;
  • Uncharacteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.

Ear diseases in dogs affect the mood of the pet, which does not want to play and does not make contact. An attentive owner will definitely notice that something is wrong with the pet, and this is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

According to statistics, ear diseases in dogs are a fairly common and dangerous phenomenon, so you should not put off visiting a doctor and hope that everything will go away on its own.


Availability of certificates, adherence to the vaccination schedule and scheduled visits to the veterinarian will not provide your pet with complete protection from diseases. An animal gets injured during a walk or fights with relatives, at home does not get the necessary beneficial elements from food, or lives with congenital diseases.

Breeds and individuals have their own character and behavior. The owner knows the pet, and he is the first to notice that something is wrong. Changes in your pet's daily habits need to be given more attention. Give your dog time if you suspect problems with the body.


There are many pathogens and causes of ear diseases. In some cases, only a qualified specialist can determine them.

The most common causes of ear problems in dogs are:

  • allergies;
  • ear injuries;
  • mites;
  • primary infection with various microorganisms of viral, fungal and bacterial origin;
  • secondary infections;
  • foreign objects entering the animal's ear;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • immunological diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

Some ear diseases in dogs require increased attention from owners and first aid, namely:

  1. Ear hematoma. Auricular hematoma occurs due to damage to the blood vessels in the dog's ear due to mechanical stress: scratching, shaking or being bitten by another animal. Soon after the injury occurs, a hematoma occurs, which, over time, can fester.
  2. Allergic reactions. It is the ears that often suffer from allergies, because their tissues are very delicate and sensitive. This problem is accompanied by redness, pain and swelling of the tissues of these organs. If you notice these symptoms, be sure to consult a specialist for help, otherwise serious complications may arise.
  3. Infectious diseases. Ear problems are often caused by various pathogenic microflora. The most dangerous are fungal microorganisms that are not afraid of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents. In this case, treatment is prescribed only after identifying the pathogen using laboratory tests.
  4. Otodectosis. The presence of mites in a dog's ears causes severe allergic reactions, itching and pain. This condition is called otodectosis. This disease is accompanied by redness and swelling of the tissues.
  5. Foreign objects. Most often, pieces of plant components penetrate into the ears of dogs: bark, branches or grass. This problem can happen to an animal both in the forest and in a city park. As a result of a foreign body entering the tissues of the ear, a wound may occur into which various microorganisms penetrate, causing inflammation. To prevent this from happening, your pet's ears should be examined after each walk.
  6. Injuries. Most often, injuries to a dog's ears occur as a result of a fight with another animal, so the owner is obliged to prevent such clashes. It is worth noting that a pet can contract rabies from the bite of an affected animal, which means you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.
  7. Hormonal diseases. Hormonal problems cause dermatitis and dermatoses. Sex and thyroid hormone disorders in dogs are very difficult to diagnose and treat. Therefore, this situation is considered very dangerous and requires immediate attention to a veterinarian.

Ear diseases of dogs

The list of diseases is extensive, but we will list the most common ones:

  1. Allergic reaction. As in humans, it can be triggered by various reasons: food, medicine, household chemicals, skin and fur care products, dust, insect bites and much more. The dog actively scratches its ears, their tissues swell and redden, become inflamed, and become covered with a large rash. The dog suffers greatly from itching. The condition usually requires the intervention of a veterinarian.
  2. Hormonal disorders. The most affected breeds are those with long, floppy ears, such as dachshunds, cocker spaniels, setters, beagles, basset hounds and bloodhounds. It is difficult to treat disorders; it requires a lot of time and the use of precisely selected hormonal drugs. More often than others, these dogs develop hearing problems due to pathological changes in the thyroid gland.
  3. Inflammation of the outer ear. The cause of the disease is often hypothermia or water getting into the ears. Accompanied by copious, unpleasant-smelling discharge, pus, and sometimes an unusually large amount of earwax is produced. When the condition is neglected, under the influence of constantly weeping tissue, eczema can develop. Long-eared dogs are more susceptible to the disease.
  4. Inflammation of the middle ear. It can be a complication after a general illness that greatly weakens the animal’s immunity. Through the flow of blood and lymph, the infection penetrates into the middle ear, causing first swelling, then suppuration, and severe pain. If treatment is not started immediately, neighboring organs are involved, the eyes are affected, the dog cannot eat and drink normally, it is in pain, sleep and behavior are disturbed. The dog shakes its head, tilting it towards the diseased organ, often itches, which can damage the skin, spreading infection. The disease is dangerous due to complications and can cause meningitis and disruption of the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which regulates the sense of balance. The disease is treated with antibiotics, gentle cleaning of the ears, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, and the prescription of special ointments. In severe cases, surgery may be used.
  5. Otodectosis. The cause of the disease is a microscopic mite, which settles in an ideal place for it with constant humidity and heat. It penetrates under the skin, into the hair follicles, where the tissues are the most delicate and thin. The ears are the tick's favorite place; there is the thinnest skin and many capillaries. The parasite lives its entire life in the pet's skin, causing him severe suffering. The presence of a pest is indicated by constant itching, the formation of crusts and exudate flowing from under them. For treatment, specialized drugs are used, selected individually by the veterinarian.
  6. Eczema. This disease can be inherited, be autoimmune, or be caused by problems with the nervous system. Often the appearance of eczema is caused by severe stress, for example, a change of owners or moving to another home, the appearance of a new family member - a child or a cat, a dog. It is difficult to treat the disease; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments are used, as well as other means at the veterinarian’s discretion.
  7. Hematoma. It can appear after a bruise, a blow, or after any rough physical impact. Blood accumulates at the site of impact and interferes with the normal functioning of the hearing organ. The bruised area hurts and bothers the animal, which can lead to damage from the claws. Often a hematoma is removed surgically; the sooner the better. After the operation, the animal is prescribed a course of antibiotics, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
  8. Mechanical damage. Their appearance can be provoked by owners who are too energetic in cleaning their pet’s ears, or by the dogs themselves, who accidentally damage sensitive tissues when brushing. Such wounds, with proper care, heal quickly, but if you do not pay attention to them, they easily become entry points for infection - bacteria or fungi.

Diagnosis of diseases

Owners are often at a loss, realizing that the dog has an earache and not knowing what to do in this case. And the veterinarian comes to the rescue. There are many diseases associated with this organ. To prescribe treatment, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the dog’s ears, palpation, and diagnosis.

The examination is carried out using a special device - an otoscope, which allows you to detect ticks, foreign bodies, swelling in the inner and middle ear, as well as in the external canal. In addition, the veterinarian pays attention to redness of the skin, the presence of discharge, and swelling of the eardrum.

If possible, it is recommended to conduct laboratory tests:

  • a blood test that will indicate the presence of allergies;
  • cytological studies will help detect tumors, hyperplasia or autoimmune diseases;
  • examination of skin scrapings under a microscope to identify mites and other microorganisms;
  • X-rays will reveal tumors and polyps that cause chronic otitis media;
  • CT and MRI will help to more thoroughly examine the middle and inner ear, as well as identify the presence of diseases of neighboring organs.

After receiving tests and examination results, the veterinarian makes an appropriate diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Ear inflammation and care

Intensive and frequent ear cleaning by owners can lead to the development of otitis media. The skin is damaged by cotton pads and cotton swabs, which helps germs easily enter the animal's body. Treat delicate ears with care.

Intense discharge is not a sign of improper care, but a signal from the body about a failure. Visit a veterinarian's office, where a professional will explain the rules of caring for an animal.

The main causes of the disease:

  • ear mite;
  • skin damage;
  • entry of foreign particles into the channel;
  • illiterate care;
  • allergy;
  • neoplasms;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • other diseases.

Mites and allergies often lead to bilateral otitis, problems arise in two organs. This form of the disease occurs more often in young individuals. Damage, allergies and neoplasms cause unilateral inflammation in adults.


Any ear disease requires a special approach and specific treatment. The area of ​​organ damage significantly influences the delivery of therapy.

For otitis of the external ear, topical medications from a veterinary pharmacy are used: antihistamines, drugs to relieve swelling and antibiotics. In this case, you can cope with the disease at home, but it is still recommended to consult a specialist.

If a dog has an earache, but no problems in the external canal can be identified, then most likely the inflammatory process has affected the inner or middle ear. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian who will diagnose and prescribe antibiotics.

Parasites in the ears can be eliminated by applying special preparations or regular vegetable oil to the skin for 21 days. If you find ticks on your dog, inspect other animals the dog has come into contact with.

If hematomas are present, they are opened, drained, and given steroid injections.


Ear hematoma in dogs appears as a result of external contacts. This could be a fight with another dog, cuts from branches, bushes, plant thorns, or the result of hunting crows that can give back. Even if the pet emerged victorious from the fight, after such battles small seals may appear on the ears where blood accumulates. The bubble grows over time, and pieces of skin can die inside and pus can accumulate.

Symptoms of the disease begin literally two to three hours after the dog cuts its ears. When the owner begins to stretch this seal, the dog begins to whine in pain.

Ear hematoma in dogs

Under no circumstances should you burst or cut out the bubble yourself. If a hematoma is detected, you should contact your veterinarian.

Treatment depends on the nature of the problem:

  1. Most often, the pocket with blood and pus is sucked out with a syringe, the hair is pre-cut and the puncture site is treated with alcohol.
  2. If the first method is ineffective, all contents are promptly cleaned out.
  3. The wound is treated with an antiseptic, and the pet is given an antibiotic.
  4. Sometimes the cut bladder is drained.
  5. In all cases, the dog must wear a special collar.


In order to prevent your dog’s ears from hurting, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations for caring for the animal:

  • clean the animal’s ears from dirt and wax;
  • do not allow your pet to become hypothermic;
  • Do not allow your puppy to come into contact with other animals that exhibit symptoms of ear diseases;
  • protect each ear from water getting inside;
  • Trim your dog's excess hair in the ear area in a timely manner.

Although ear diseases do not directly threaten the life of a pet, they do cause pain, discomfort, and complications. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to immediately visit a veterinarian. It is important to remember that the main role in the treatment and prevention of ear diseases is given to the hygiene of this organ.

Allergic reactions

Ear diseases caused by allergies often manifest themselves throughout the body: the dog tries to bite itself, severe itching spreads throughout the body, and purulent fluid begins to be released from the ears in abundance. In rare cases, swelling may occur. There is also a crispy crust on the tips of the ears.

Allergies in a dog's ears

Severe cases of allergies manifest themselves in characteristic salivation and loss of coordination.

In this case, it is necessary to identify what caused the manifestation of such reactions and remember what the dog was fed. It is necessary to exclude these products from the menu and put your pet on a strict diet. In some cases, the veterinarian may prescribe antiallergens: Erius, Exekan, Suprastin. In emergency cases, injections of antihistamines are used, the dose of which is calculated based on the pet’s weight.

My dog ​​has ear pain: How to treat it at home?

If your pet has ear pain, try to get him help as soon as possible:

  • Avoid self-injury. Put on a protective collar; you can make it yourself from scrap materials, for example, from a plastic bottle. Be careful not to injure your dog's neck with sharp edges. The collar will help prevent damage to the ear vessels and the development of otohematoma.
  • If there is a large amount of discharge, it is necessary to clean the dog’s ears. How? A special lotion sold at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store is suitable: Otifri , Epiotik, Klini, Rosinka or regular saline solution Sodium chloride 0.9%. There is no need to sanitize frequently; this can lead to even greater inflammation. The ear canal should be filled to the brim, the ear should be squished at the base, the dog should be allowed to shake its ears and the excess lotion and secretions should be removed with a napkin. After 15 minutes, the medicinal drug can be administered.
  • For allergic, bacterial, fungal and mixed otitis, you can use drops of Candibiotic (human pharmacy) or Surolan (veterinary). They have a wide spectrum of action, but it is not advisable to use them when the eardrum is perforated. They also will not help in the case of a foreign body, neoplasm, or otitis media and internal otitis.
  • For otodectosis, use Inspector, Stronghold or Lawyer drops on the withers or Amit drops in the ears.

It is recommended to consult a veterinarian before using medications.

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If a dog's ear is swollen and there is fluid inside, it could be otodectosis, an ear mite. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, redness of the skin on the inside of the ear, and a black-brown oily coating (a waste product of a tick). Then the exudate begins to flow out, the fur around the ear sticks together, there are scabs and crusts.

Severe inflammation leads to perforation of the eardrum, hearing loss and swelling to the internal structures. The dog is sitting with its head down to one side, the temperature is elevated. If inflammation affects the meninges (affects the central nervous system), there may be seizures and convulsions.

The diagnosis of otodectosis must be confirmed by laboratory tests (scraping and microscopy). The smear reveals the mite Otodectes cynotis.

Comprehensive treatment using:

  • Anandina.
  • Amitrazine.
  • Otovedina.
  • Drops, spray Bars.
  • Gelya Ivermek.
  • Drops Tsipam.

Therapy can be carried out at home following the recommendations of a veterinarian. Before treating the auricle with drugs, it is imperative to remove exudate, crusts, and all dirt. If you don’t do this, therapy makes no sense and the pathological process will only get worse.

Tumors (neoplasms) of various origins

In the area of ​​the outer (less often inner) ear in dogs older than 5 years, as well as in those who have had otitis media, otodectosis, etc., without receiving normal treatment, tumors may occur. Visually, minor inflammation, looseness, folding of the skin or obvious pathological growths are visible. In advanced cases or with a malignant course of the disease, there is an unpleasant odor from the ears and discharge.

Treatment is based on the results of the examination. If the tumor is external, easily accessible and small, surgery is warranted. In case of multiple processes, tissue changes, or a critical age of the dog, the veterinarian may refuse removal and prescribe symptomatic (local) treatment.

Consolidated list of medications recommended for treatment

Group of drugsDrug nameMode of application
Ear hygienic cleaning products
  • Otoklin
The whole bottle (5 ml) is poured into the ear of large breeds, half of small ones; Gently massage the ear with a cotton swab
  • Epi-otik
A cotton swab is soaked generously, the auricle is wiped with massaging movements
Means for antiseptic cleaning and treatment of ears
  • Chlorhexidine 0.05%
A cotton swab is generously soaked in the drug and the pet’s ears are washed; you can pour a small amount into the ear, and then collect the leaking liquid
  • 3% Peroxide
Pour into the ear canal, rinse with cotton swabs
  • Salicyl tannin alcohol (2%)
Soak a cotton swab and then wipe the ear canals
Wound healing and antiseptic ointments
  • Sanatol
The product is applied to ear wounds (pre-treated) 1 time per day until healing
  • Levmekol
Apply once a day, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the wounds of the auricle
  • Saphroderm
Used like Levmikol, 2 times a day
Ear drops with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects
  • Otipax
2-3 drops into the ear canal 3-4 times a day, treatment duration – 10 days
  • Otinum
Ear drops with a pronounced antimicrobial effect
  • Tsipromed
3 times a day, 5 drops in each ear, duration is determined by the severity of the disease
  • Anandin
7 days 1 time per day, 3-5 drops in each ear
  • Otibiovin
Maximum duration – 12 days; 4 drops in the ear, massaging; the first days of treatment – ​​4 times, then – 2-3 times a day
  • Sofradex
After cleansing, 3-4 drops are instilled into the ears, 3 times a day.
Ear drops against fungal otitis
  • Terbinafine
6 times a day for 20 days, 3-4 drops in the sore ear
  • Nitrofungin
  • Clotrimazole
Antiparasitic ear drops (against ticks)
  • Leopard
5 days 3-5 drops in each ear
  • Rolf club
One-time instillation, repeat after 10 days; The volume of 1 pipette is divided into two ears
  • Dekta
2 times a day for 5 days, 2-3 drops, massaging the ears
  • Amitrazine
5-7 days, repeat after 1 week; 3-4 times a day, 1-2 ml of solution (dose prescribed by a veterinarian)
  • Ligfol
0.1 ml per 1 kg, injection is given intramuscularly (in the thigh) once every 2 days
  • Immunofan
1 ml per day is injected into the thigh or subcutaneously
Antibiotics for otitis media
  • Amoxicillin
5-7 daily injections of 2-3 ml
  • Ceftriaxone
1-2 injections per day, 2.5 ml

Otitis is an unpleasant disease that can be quickly treated if you visit a veterinary clinic in a timely manner. To avoid negative consequences, it is important to follow all rules of prevention and hygiene.

Inflammation of the middle ear

The disease often develops as a consequence of untreated otitis media and the transfer of inflammation from the external ear. Or due to a general infectious process (plague). Dogs experience difficulty chewing, swallowing, pain when opening their mouths, and discharge from the nose and eyes. The pet tilts its head towards the sore ear, its temperature rises, and there is no appetite. Complications include meningitis, incoordination of movements, etc.

Treatment is local, removing swelling, inflammation (antiseptics) and general, aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

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