Can dogs cry - from emotions and for other reasons?

The appearance of tears on the face of a four-legged pet cannot be ignored. In such a situation, it is very important to understand why the dog is crying and how you can help it. Despite the emotionality of these animals, in most cases their crying is explained by physiological reasons and serves as a symptom of a number of pathologies.

Can they do it and why?

Let's figure out whether they can and do, and why do dogs cry real tears? If by “cry” we mean shedding tears, then we can safely answer this question: yes, dogs can cry . Do dogs have tears - of course! All mammals can shed tears because they all have lacrimal glands. Dogs need tears to lubricate their eyeballs to prevent dust and other particles from accumulating on the surface of the eye.

According to zoological scientists, dogs shed tears not from an excess of emotions, but from a physiological need. Typically, tears in dogs are so small that they spread very quickly over the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye, without flowing onto the face. If your dog can clearly see tears running down his face, this may be a symptom of a health problem.

However, many owners fundamentally disagree with this opinion and believe that their pets may cry when they are upset about something or when they are sad. This can manifest itself in howling, pursed ears and tail.

According to dog handlers and animal psychologists, dogs, being constantly in the company of their owners, learn to interact and communicate with them. But, since they cannot speak purely physiologically, they use special signs to communicate : howling, whining, tail (either waving it, or tucking it in, or raising it high), ears (either lowering it, or vice versa raising it up). Therefore, what owners consider to be crying may be a sign that the dog is showing us that there is discomfort or stress.

Danger is nearby: why does a dog whine and how to wean it off?

Some breeds are friendlier

It is believed that some breeds are friendlier than others. Indeed, it is useful to learn more about the chosen breed before purchasing a dog. But this is not the key point. It is very important to find out the dog’s pedigree and the personal characteristics of the parents.

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With proper upbringing and constant training, any dog ​​will become a truly friendly companion and will accept the proposed model of social behavior.

Can it be from emotions?

Out of sadness

Despite the assertion of many zoologists and veterinarians that dogs are not capable of experiencing the same emotions that are characteristic of humans, most dog owners do not agree with them, sincerely believing that their dogs can cry from sadness. And every time they are convinced of this, observing in everyday life with their four-legged friend how he cries when the owner leaves home, when his favorite toy is taken away from him, or when he is not allowed to try an amazingly fragrant and tasty treat.

In their opinion, it is expressed not only by tears, but also by howling, whining, pursed ears and tail. And looking at pugs, you get the feeling that they are neither sad nor crying in life:

But many dogs know from their personal experience that if you just make a sad face, lower your ears and look into the eyes of the owner, you can immediately receive consolation in the form of a portion of affection and hugs, and if you are very lucky, then also a treat. This is why, while eating, many dogs almost fall into “depression”.

From gratitude

According to dog handlers and animal psychologists, dogs easily adapt to the environment, and especially to their owner, and their level of intellectual development is comparable to that of a three-year-old child. So dogs are not only very trainable, they can train their owner just as well .

Many owners have reported that their dogs cried with gratitude when they were allowed to do something that was previously prohibited. In fact, dogs perfectly capture the emotions of their owners, and can use them in their cunning and insidious plans. Just as a dog owner uses treats to reinforce desired behavior when training, dogs reinforce desired behavior in their owners. By shedding “tears of gratitude,” dogs are simply manipulating their owners.

For example, a dog is not allowed to sit on the sofa. And so she sits on the floor, looking with sad eyes at her owner. The owner can’t stand it and lets the dog onto the sofa, receiving a portion of “tears of gratitude” about him. And next time in a similar situation, the owner will be more willing to let the dog onto the sofa.

Similarly, pets teach their owners to feed them with goodies from the table, to take them with them all the time, and to pay attention to the dog even when they are very busy.

From resentment

No less common is the opinion of dog owners that their pets can cry tears of resentment. Many owners have encountered how, after scolding their pet for misdeeds, he tucks his ears and tail in resentment and begins to quietly “whine”, and some dogs also defiantly turn away or go away “to suffer from the insult.”

Observing this behavior of his pet, the owner is sure that his pet is crying from resentment. After this, most owners immediately forgive their pet’s offense, and a satisfied pet learns once and for all: if you make a sad face, look devotedly into the owner’s eyes and whine, then the owner becomes kinder and begins to feel sorry. And this pattern of behavior becomes firmly established.

Some representatives begin to be “offended” even by the fact that they were scolded for their misconduct. The thing is that dogs remember the sequence of actions of the owner and perfectly read his emotions. Therefore, noticing that the owner is starting to get angry, the cunning pet immediately demonstrates the behavior that usually replaces anger with mercy.

Does behavior change after sterilization?

Veterinarians answer this question in the negative. There is no proven evidence that neutering affects a dog's personality or behavior. There is not even evidence that an animal becomes lazy and indifferent after surgery, although there is such a strong opinion among animal owners.

Neutering reduces the likelihood that your dog will mark his territory. Some dogs stop wandering.

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Why do tears flow from my eyes?

There are breeds in which, in principle, their eyes are always “wet”: Chihuahua, pug, toy terrier, French bulldog, etc. However, increased tearfulness can also be a symptom of an illness. The main reasons for the release of tears can be:

  1. Mechanical damage, which is a foreign body entering the eye. For example, dust, sand, wool, blades of grass, etc.
  2. Chemical damage . For example, if an aerosol or deodorant is sprayed near a dog, or chemical household products are abused in the house where the pet lives.
  3. Eye diseases: conjunctivitis, inflammation of the lacrimal sac, inflammation of the cornea, inflammation of the eyelids, etc.
  4. Infections in and around the eye.
  5. Poor nutrition . For example, feeding a dog sweets leads to the appearance of so-called “tear tracks.” They are especially noticeable in decorative breed dogs, since many owners like to pamper their little ones with cookies, ice cream or chocolate. Such food is not suitable for a dog, and the consequences of eating such food can be much more serious than unsightly tear tracks on the face. Similar to sweets, you should not give your dog spicy, salty, fried or smoked food.
  6. Allergy . Tears can be a symptom of allergies not only in humans, but also in dogs.
  7. where the dog lives is too dry
  8. Diseases of internal organs.

17 reasons why a dog howls and instructions on how to stop it

If your dog's tears are due to mechanical or chemical injuries, then you can help yourself. You can use special eye drops for animals or wipe your eyes with a cotton swab with chamomile infusion and water.

If tears flow due to dry air in the room, then you can use artificial tear drops to humidify the air.

In all other cases, you should not attempt to self-medicate; you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. The dog's health is the full responsibility of its owner.

If, along with tears, other symptoms appear, such as:

  • green, yellow, or brown discharge in the inner corners of the eyes.
  • The dog scratches its muzzle near its eyes, trying to scratch them.
  • conjunctivitis,
  • redness of the eyes,
  • cloudiness of the eye, dull veil,
  • swelling of the eyes,
  • the dog blinks or squints its eyes frequently, cannot open its eyes,
  • change in the size of the eyeball,
  • blurred vision.

In such cases, you must rush to see a veterinarian immediately, otherwise the consequences can be dire. Why risk the health of your furry friend?

Allergy to wool goes away over time

Some allergy sufferers believe that over time their bodies can adapt. Therefore, the allergy to dog fur will go away. True, not a single scientist has been able to prove this. However, some experts believe that over time, the sensitivity of the immune system actually decreases, and allergy problems go away.

American experts recommend using vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters. They collect wool well and help slightly reduce its impact on the immune system. If you have a dog in the house, you will have to constantly take antihistamines. You may even have to resort to immunotherapy. Therefore, it is better to think about your health before buying a dog.

If a person is prone to constant respiratory diseases, if there is a history of bronchial asthma or allergies, it is better not to take risks and not get a dog.

Why in a dream?

Some owners notice that their dogs cry in their sleep. This phenomenon can have 2 reasons: a crying animal in a dream is bothered by something or is having a dream.

If the dog is bothered by something or is in pain, it will howl or whine for a long time. This may be accompanied by other symptoms: decreased activity, loss of appetite, desire to hide and retire. In such a situation, it is best to have your dog checked by a veterinarian.

Dogs, just like people, have dreams and visions . That's why some owners see their dogs howling, whining in their sleep and twitching their paws. This phenomenon is especially common in puppies. There's nothing wrong with that. Scientists, having conducted several studies of the brains of dogs, have found that they see more vivid and dynamic dreams compared to people. Therefore, their reaction to what happens in a dream is more violent.

For example, a dog dreamed that he was running after a cat in the yard. This sleep may be accompanied by paw movement, barking, or yelping. Or the dog dreamed that its beloved owner locked it. Then in her sleep she can howl and whine. Such dreams, as a rule, occur to dogs during the deep sleep phase, and usually do not last long. After it, the light sleep phase immediately begins and the animal calms down.

At the same time, you should not immediately run and wake up your pet, since it is during deep sleep that the nervous system is restored. And if you wake up the dog at this time, it will be disoriented and confused, it may not recognize its owner and be afraid of him or start growling.

So now you know whether dogs can cry and why they do it. You can share your stories and photos of your pets in the comments, as well as tell everyone about your experience or give advice to other dog breeders. We express our gratitude to you in advance!

Males have a friendlier character

Veterinarians are confident that the gender of a pet does not affect its character. It doesn't matter whether it's a male or a female. The main thing is that you need to constantly work with the dog, work on its socialization. Then the pet’s character will be even and calm.

Aggression most often occurs when the dog is not neutered. At the same time, she is not taken for mating. Indeed, lack of sex can cause aggressive behavior.

Photos and pictures

Everything will work out, friend, I'm here!


How long does it take for a puppy to adjust?

Every puppy is different and therefore there is no fixed period that determines how long it will take for the puppy to adjust. This time will mainly mean the actions that we ourselves take to facilitate this adaptation. If all goes well, your baby may begin to feel comfortable within a week and stop crying at night.

A newly adopted puppy doesn't understand why he's no longer with his mom and siblings. Therefore, it is important to convey security, trust, affection and comfort while promoting relaxation and a positive environment.

Memo to the owner

  1. Dogs do not experience the same range of emotions that are characteristic of humans, so their tears flow not from emotional experiences, but from certain reasons.
  2. The reasons for the secretion of tears can be either breed characteristics, mechanical or chemical damage to the eye, or diseases.
  3. You can help your pet yourself in cases where there was mechanical or chemical damage, or due to dryness in the room. To do this, you need to use special eye drops or chamomile tincture in water.
  4. Eyes can also become watery from poor diet: do not feed dogs sweets, salty, spicy, fried or smoked foods.
  5. If your eyes are watering for other reasons, you should consult a veterinarian.
  6. There are a number of symptoms, other than watery eyes, that indicate serious health problems in your dog. In such cases, you should definitely visit a veterinarian.
  7. What owners usually mean by crying (howling, whining, drooping ears and tucked tail) are signs dogs use to communicate with their owners.
  8. Dogs may use signs that are commonly mistaken for crying to indicate discomfort or stress.
  9. Dogs can manipulate their owners, crying out of sadness, resentment or gratitude, not from an excess of emotions, but in order to receive a portion of affection or a treat.
  10. Dogs may cry in their sleep. The reasons can be anxiety and pain, as well as dreams and daydreams. In the first case, this may be accompanied by symptoms such as refusal to eat, decreased activity, or an attempt to retire.
  11. Love and help animals - they so need our strength and care!

Remember! The health and well-being of the pet depends entirely on the owner! Be attentive to your pet, learn to read the signs that it shows you, and if suspicious symptoms appear, do not experiment with self-medication, but contact a veterinarian.

Is it possible to feed your pet only dry food?

Veterinarians are clear on this issue. However, one condition must be observed - the food must be of high quality. It must meet all nutrient requirements. Food should always be selected depending on the age and breed of the dog. Be sure to check whether the food you choose has been certified.

Owners should also remember that with such a diet, the dog should always have water freely available and in sufficient quantity. If you are in doubt about the choice of food, it is best to consult your veterinarian.

Types of scabies

Pathology is divided into several types:

  • typical,
  • scabies without passages,
  • Norwegian,
  • scabies of “clean people”,
  • complicated scabies,
  • scabious lymphoplasia of the skin,
  • pseudosarcoptosis.

Each type has its own clinical manifestations:

Scabies typical type

They become infected more often in bed with a sick person through close contact. Fertilized female mites penetrate from a sick person to a healthy one, burrow into the skin and immediately lay eggs. A characteristic itching and whitish or light gray passages on the skin appear. The most common itchy areas of the skin are located on the abdomen, inner thighs, on the sides of the palms and feet, and in the interdigital folds. In men it can also be on the penis.

Scabies without moves

rarely observed. The disease is an infection without visible manifestations. This is caused by the fact that only tick larvae get on the skin from a sick person to a healthy person. It takes 2 weeks for them to develop into adults. Typically, this clinical type of illness occurs during previous (even accidental and short-lived) contact with patients.

Norwegian type

is even rarer, although its description dates back to the 18th century. It most often affects people with dementia, Down's disease, senile dementia, infantilism, and blood diseases. People suffering from leprosy, syringomyelia, paralysis, and tabes dorsalis are susceptible to it. As well as people taking hormonal and cytostatic drugs for a long time, people with low immunity. In recent years, this type of scabies is more often observed in HIV-infected and AIDS patients.

The main symptoms are massive crusts of dirty yellow and brownish-black color on the skin, up to 2-3 cm in size. Under these crusts a huge number of mites are found.

A huge number of passages are located on the hands and feet. The patient smells unpleasantly of fermented dough. People infected from such patients more often suffer from typical scabies.

Scabies of the "clean"

also called “incognito”. This type is detected more often in athletes, workers in hot shops and other industries, when a person takes a shower at work at the end of the day. In this case, most of the parasites are washed away. The disease manifests itself with the same symptoms as a typical one, only less pronounced. There is also itching and burrows on the skin (but sporadic and always whitish in color). More often they are located on the feet, elbows, and genitals of men.

Complicated scabies is a consequence of improper treatment. If the doctor was unable to make the correct diagnosis, mistaking scabies for another skin disease, then dermatitis or pyoderma, as well as urticaria or microbial eczema, subsequently develop.

Scobiosis lymphoplasia of the skin

- This is a special type of scabies, which is most often located on the genitals of men and on the skin of the torso. It is believed that this type of disease is typical for people with a special predisposition of the skin to respond to the parasite with severe hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue.


- This is scabies, which a person becomes infected with from animals. Ticks do not build tunnels, they simply bite and cause itching. The rashes look like papules and blisters located on open areas of the skin. This type of pathology does not pass from person to person. And if the source of infection is eliminated, self-healing occurs. Parasites from animals cannot live long on human skin.

The type of scabies is determined through laboratory tests.

What to do if your dog's eyes fill with tears

The first thing you should do is clean your eyes with clean water. Once you have done this, make sure there is nothing in your eyes that could make you cry. If this is the case, you can use cold chamomile tea or saline to deep clean the eye area and calm your dog.

Always remember to be aware of any changes occurring in your dog. The faster you act, the better. You are responsible for caring for your pet and ensuring a good quality of life...

Causes of dog tears

Breeds that are predisposed to tearing due to the special structure of the eye:

Watery eyes can be the cause of an infection in the animal's blood. For example, plague and calicivirus are characterized by lacrimation with yellow-green pus.

Tearing in dogs occurs mainly due to pain.

In case of infectious diseases, the dog’s temperature rises, the animal refuses to eat, does not respond to its name and is afraid of light.

An allergic reaction can occur due to plant pollen, dust, medications taken, household chemicals, and food components. Allergies include itching, anxiety, fever, skin irritation, nausea, diarrhea, and refusal to eat.

Inversion or eversion of the eyelids provokes lacrimation, inflammation, and itching. Certain breeds are susceptible to entropion of the eyelids, whose eyelashes can grow ingrown due to the special structure of the eye. The disease can also develop after injury. The hair around the damaged eye falls out, and the dog's condition worsens and there is a risk of losing vision.

A foreign body entering the eye will cause irritation, and tears will be a natural reaction to “wash out” the irritant.

Impaired tear flow occurs after an infectious disease or as a congenital disease.

Conjunctivitis is also one of the causes of dog tears

Excess carbohydrates in your pet's diet. Carbohydrates in large quantities are harmful to the dog’s body. The list of prohibited foods includes sweets and flour products.

Can dogs cry when they are sad?

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Dogs were domesticated by humans about 15,000 years ago, and since then they have been going through life together. Everyone who has a dog will tell you a lot about their pet, including funny and sad stories.

The results of hundreds of studies have shown that dogs exhibit remarkable communication abilities and easily adapt to the feelings and desires of humans. But in one study, when owners faked a heart attack, not a single animal ran for help (although remember Lassie from the famous movie?). Maybe these dogs are so smart that they can intuitively distinguish a fake seizure from a real one? Everything is possible.

At the same time, a study conducted by specialists from The University of London showed that dogs can respond adequately to human pain and tears. Although, in general, this is quite natural, however, researchers do not provide convincing evidence in favor of this relationship. For example, I was never able to understand whether dogs really know how to distinguish between emotions such as joy or sadness, or whether this is still a manifestation of elementary canine curiosity or some other “big reaction”.

So we come to the question - can dogs cry from sadness? I can't answer from personal experience, I just know that dogs often have dry eye problems, which can be cured with a special ointment. Some dogs can indeed shed a few tears, but I don’t think it’s worth humanizing animals, believing that they cry from an overabundance of feelings. This does not mean that dogs are not subject to emotions, they just show them in their own way, not with tears. If an animal becomes upset, tears may indeed be seen in certain situations. But they get upset for slightly different reasons - for example, they don’t want the owner to leave, they squeezed their paw, the dinner was not tasty - all these reasons seriously upset the dog and can cause dissatisfied whining and even tears.

However, one of the main causes of lacrimation in dogs is allergies. With every blink, the dog begins to run tears, which are actively produced, especially if the animal has clogged tear ducts. From the outside it really looks like a dog crying! Infection or other eye irritation in your pet produces the same results. If your eyes are constantly watering, this is a reason to go to a veterinary clinic, since only a specialist can distinguish eye secretions from tears. If the discharge is yellow, mucous, or bloody, it most likely needs to be treated.

Recent research has shown that dogs feel physical pain in much the same way as humans. Some dogs also showed IQ levels comparable to those of a three-year-old child. Of course, all this is wonderful, but I’m not at all sure that dogs can feel jealousy and sadness like people, and certainly not shed tears of grief or joy.

How to eradicate the disease

Treatment for PA begins with acknowledging the condition and realizing that the person truly needs medical help. After consulting a doctor and ruling out real diseases, he can prescribe a consultation with a neurologist, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Therapy for the condition combines medication and psychotherapy.

Medicines prescribed:

Sedatives. They are quite effective, but only in case of a mild attack. They are based on herbs and have a low concentration of active substances. Tinctures begin to act faster than tablet forms. Antidepressants (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) for 6 months. Tranquilizers. They exhibit several effects: anti-anxiety, sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, vegetative stabilizing, eliminate fear. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, no more, so as not to cause addiction. Neuroleptics. Used as additional therapy. They relieve psychomotor agitation, eliminate fear, and reduce sensitivity to stimuli. Nootropic drugs. Stimulates the work of the central nervous system, activates mental activity

Improves cognitive functions: memory, attention. Prescribed in combination with the main therapy.

Of the methods of psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective. During her sessions, the therapist will help her client recreate the symptoms of PA in a safe environment, and after a while they will not seem so threatening to the person. The fear of being in a certain situation or place can also be overcome.

In addition, the patient will be able to understand the causes of his anxiety and fears and learn to control them. For example, it happens that the patient receives so-called secondary benefit from his condition

That is, the subconscious deliberately performs such tricks in order not to work, to attract attention, to receive care, etc. There can be a lot of reasons

In addition to cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy and psychoanalysis are also used.

Both methods, both drug treatment and psychotherapy, are effective in their own way. The earlier treatment for panic attacks is started, the greater the likelihood of getting rid of them once and for all.

There are some tricks that will reduce the frequency of attacks, becoming a kind of prevention of the process. First, avoid taking substances that excite the nervous system: strong tea, coffee, alcohol, drugs. Secondly, it is necessary to harmonize your nervous system, normalize your daily routine: get enough sleep, exercise, walk in the fresh air, eat right. Attend support groups designed for people with this type of disorder.

Last but most important, follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Panic attacks will not cause you to die, but they will significantly distort your existence

The most effective method of combating them is early, timely treatment. You should not put it off, trying to overcome the disease on your own. Such attempts will only aggravate the process, transforming it into deeper and more severe disorders.

Panic attacks will not cause you to die, but they will significantly distort your existence. The most effective method of combating them is early, timely treatment. You should not put it off, trying to overcome the disease on your own. Such attempts will only aggravate the process, transforming it into deeper and more severe disorders.

Diseases that cause excessive lacrimation.

If you don’t know why your dog’s eyes are running, treatment of the animal should be based on the underlying causes of the problem, which are often various diseases. They can be divided into 2 types.

The first include diseases associated with disruptions in the functioning of the lacrimal drainage system itself. The most common among them are dacryocystitis, entropion, stenosis, lacrimal atresia, mucus plugs, and so on. The second type of disease includes more general diseases, in which increased lacrimation is only one of many symptoms. Among them are blepharitis, glaucoma, keratitis, trichiasis, conjunctivitis and so on.

Of course, each of these diseases requires complex treatment, and therefore, before thinking about how to wash your dog’s eyes with inflammation, you should take him to an experienced specialist who will quickly determine why his eyes itch and help eliminate not only the symptoms, but also and the reason.

What treatment is needed for dog bites?

For dog bites, treatment is given to prevent rabies.

If you are attacked by an animal, you must immediately begin local treatment yourself. Treatment for rabies from a dog bite involves washing the wound with a 20 percent soap solution, hydrogen peroxide, or chlorhexidine. This will lead to partial neutralization of the rabies virus and reduce the risk of developing a bacterial infection.

Do not try to immediately stop the bleeding from the wound; the animal’s saliva is washed away along with it.

The skin around the wound is treated with an antiseptic solution, and a sterile bandage is applied.

Then the victim must be sent to the emergency room for emergency measures to prevent rabies and tetanus.

To prevent wound suppuration, traumatologists may prescribe antibiotics for 5-10 days.

If nerves, vessels and tendons are damaged, surgical treatment can be performed to restore their integrity. For extensive soft tissue wounds, plastic surgery with skin grafting may be necessary.

In addition, passive immunization with human rabies immunoglobulin is carried out, as well as the introduction of an anti-rabies vaccine to restore active immunity.

Human rabies immunoglobulin can be administered once (partly by puncturing the bite site, partly intramuscularly).

Rabies vaccine (i.e. rabies vaccination) is injected deep under the skin on days 1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 90.

Prevention of scabies

To avoid getting scabies, everyone should take some precautions. Here are a few rules if there is a risk of infection:

  • take a bath or shower using tar soap at least 2 times a day;
  • monitor the condition of your nails, trim them on time;
  • avoid casual sex;
  • use only personal hygiene products;
  • avoid contact with sick people;
  • after visiting public places, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning in residential premises;
  • avoid using reusable towels and soap in public places;
  • If there is a sick person in the family, you need to isolate him in a separate room.

Prevention by medical and quarantine services is based on the characteristics of the pathogen and the scale of the source of infection.

It consists of several stages:

  • Identification of patients
    . This can be done during preventive examinations in kindergartens, schools, and factories.
  • Determining the source of infection
    . The doctor asks where the possible infection occurred and with whom the sick person was in contact. The circle of people for whom preventive examination is recommended is determined. And these are, first of all, members of the patient’s family.
  • Organizing and carrying out disinfection
    in areas of disease is included in the mandatory action plan. It is necessary to disinfect towels, bedding, and clothing. This is achieved by boiling, using washing powder, and chlorine-containing products. Special spraying agents are also used to kill mites on the surface of furniture, door handles, and chairs. Pillows, mattresses, and blankets are subjected to double-sided processing.

When using aerosols to treat household items, it is important that children, animals and even plants are temporarily removed from the room.

Imitation crying

Then the researchers decided to lower the bar somewhat and simplify the task for pets. The following experiment was conducted among 18 dogs of various breeds with their owners in their own homes. To do this, volunteer Jennifer Mayer visited the designated houses one by one and interacted with the owners, while ignoring the dogs, so as not to arouse excessive interest in the pets in themselves.

It turned out that 15 dogs approached people while they heard simulated crying fits, and only three pets became interested when they heard humming or humming. 13 out of 15 pets that approached people to cry pressed their ears and tails and lowered their heads low. And only two of this group were cheerful and playful. This indicates that the dogs as a whole made a conscious gesture.

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