The story of the most pumped up dog in the world + list of muscular dogs: Review + Video

The story of the most inflated dog

The English greyhound breed dates back many centuries. This breed was bred to hunt small game, which is why they are muscular and graceful. These smooth-coated dogs are very durable and can cover short distances at incredible speed.

Externally, Whippet dogs are distinguished by a lean body with well-developed muscles, strong long legs and smooth, shiny short hair. By nature, these dogs are flexible and easy to train.


An African breed of dog, which is not yet recognized by the FCI, and due to its aggressive nature is prohibited in some countries of the world. A very strong and resilient dog that grows up to 80 cm at the withers, and is also flexible and has a lightning-fast reaction.

A powerful dog with well-developed muscles can develop great speed. It needs to be dealt with, otherwise a lack of physical activity can cause aggression.

In the world, including in Russia, cases of attacks on people have been recorded, which is why the Boerboel is included in the list of dangerous dogs.


Big Wendy

The most famous dog in the world, nicknamed Big Wendy, is also a Whippet breed, but differs from everyone else simply by the huge number of muscles. This happened due to a gene mutation. According to the research results, it was found that Wendy's head, legs and internal organs fit the breed standard, but the number of muscles was doubled. The Big Wendy's body weight is about 30 kg; usually dogs of this breed weigh about half as much. This mutant dog's body has many muscles bulging out, especially noticeable in the neck, legs and shoulders. Her abs have not 6 cubes, but as many as 24. Photos of this famous dog can be easily found on the Internet.

IMPORTANT! Researchers agree that the most muscular dog in the world will not live long, unlike all other dogs of the same breed.

The dog received such differences from its relatives as a result of a genetic mutation. It occurred in a gene that is responsible for the formation of a protein that “prohibits” muscles from growing. When there is no prohibition, the body grows a lot of muscles that do not need physical activity.

NOTE! Breeders are specifically looking for such dogs with defective genes, because they are capable of developing high speed in one second and are incredibly strong. In all other respects, defective dogs are no different from normal ones.

Regarding Big Wendy, there is not one defective gene in her body, but even two. Therefore, she is the most pumped up dog in the world and is studied by the most famous geneticists from all over the world. Although outwardly intimidating, Big Wendy is very docile and playful, loves to run through the fields of Canada with her other relatives and is not aggressive towards other dogs and people. In addition, she is very affectionate and can lie on her owner’s feet for long evenings.


The service breed was bred in Germany in the middle of the 17th century, and one of the legends says that these first Rottweilers took part in the Seven Years' War.

Rottweilers are very attached to their owner and home, they are very jealous, and therefore require special attention from a person. It’s not for nothing that the stereotype of “a dog of one owner” is firmly attached to them,

Despite their formidable appearance, with proper upbringing and training, they are excellent helpers for the disabled. In addition, they serve in customs and are used in units of the Armed Forces.


Other breeds of pumped up dogs

If you are planning to get a puppy for guarding the local area or active physical activities, pay attention to the following list of strong and muscular dog breeds:

  1. Staffordshire Terrier - are excellent guards and companions. These dogs are incredibly strong and have a steely grip and considerable endurance.

    Many people are afraid of these dogs, as they can get excited and show aggression very easily and quickly. Therefore, keep in mind that they need competent, strict training and daily long walks.

  2. The French Bulldog is a small, muscular dog. French Bulldogs are small in size and have a proportionate, strong, muscular build with short, strong legs. French Bulldogs are very brave and have quick reactions. They can take on larger opponents. These dogs are very curious and love to go to new places.
  3. Dogo Canario - tall dogs of this breed have a massive, pumped up body and a difficult character. Canary dogs can be excellent hunting assistants and excellent guards. In addition, they are bred to participate in battles. They are mainly purchased by owners of private houses.
  4. Siberian Husky - a large muscular dog. Huskies are distinguished by the beauty of their luxurious coat, strong muscles and almost always different eyes. The Husky's character is not very flexible. They are proud and quite difficult to train. But the main thing in this matter is for the owner to show patience and perseverance. In addition, you will need to carefully care for your pet's thick coat. Positive qualities include unpretentiousness and endurance.

  5. The miniature pinscher (mini-Doberman) is a small, strongly built, muscular dog that belongs to the service breeds. The character of dogs of this breed is quite complex and therefore they are difficult to train. But the miniature pinscher moves very quickly and maneuverably and successfully hunts rodents.

IMPORTANT! Mini Dobermans do not get along with other animals in the same house, but they love children and active pastime.

  1. The Rottweiler is a well-known beautiful, stately dog ​​with thick, shiny fur. Dogs of this breed become the best watchdogs and devoted companions. But due to their capricious nature, they frighten many people. However, with good, properly organized education and training from a very young age, you can achieve success in this matter and get a devoted and intelligent pet.
  2. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are muscular dogs used in ancient times to hunt lions. In the modern world, they most often act as guards of private houses and their surrounding areas. In addition, they are taken with them on hunting and sports competitions.
  3. Alabai is the strongest dog breed in the world. Externally, these tall dogs are distinguished by a strong physique with large muscles and a large head, resembling the head of a bear. Alabais can live well in a booth on the street and do not require home maintenance. However, feeding them will be quite expensive due to the fact that they eat quite a lot. Dogs of this breed can withstand heavy loads and their jaws have an iron grip. So for strangers, encounters with Alabai can be very dangerous. Despite all this, a breed such as Alabai is one of the most common and popular today.

Akita Inu

The original Japanese dog breed is native to the island of Honshu and is the largest Spitz-type dog. Archaeological research has proven that Akina Itu is one of the 14 oldest dogs on earth.

In Medieval Japan, they were actively used in dog fights, but at the beginning of the twentieth century, the use of these strong dogs in fights was prohibited.

Akita feels great both in a city apartment and outdoors. Let us note that the famous Hachiko, a symbol of fidelity and devotion, was of this particular breed.



The official name of the breed is Central Asian Shepherd. This large and seemingly friendly dog ​​is also an excellent hunter, watchman, and service dog. He copes with his duties at any time; the history of the breed goes back more than 2000 years. Alabais have a freedom-loving and independent disposition, they choose one owner and remain loyal to him to the end, they will protect everything that is dear to the owner, even if they have to fight to the death. They have an innate distrust of strangers, territoriality, a strong grip and impressive dimensions. Alabai's height is 45-78 cm, weight is 50-80 kilograms.

Siberian Huskies

For the sake of fairness, it is worth mentioning sled dogs, since among the strongest and toughest dogs, they are the most resilient. The Husky breed undoubtedly falls into this category.

Experts believe that they first appeared among the peoples of the North, namely the Chukchi, when the nomadic people began to expand the territories of their hunting domains. Huskies easily endure long treks, and are capable of pulling heavy loads and riders together.

In addition, Siberian Huskies are one of the smartest and bravest dogs, who have more than once rescued their owners in difficult situations.

Now let’s introduce individual representatives of the dog world who are absolute record holders in various fields.

Staffordshire Terrier

This breed of strong dog is called “Amstaff” for short, and it was bred in the USA from dog breeds brought from Spain and Scotland.

Very active and brave dogs, capable of standing up for themselves and protecting their owner from any danger. Possessing enormous strength, dogs are at the same time affectionate, and with proper training, they will become excellent helpers and guards.

Aggression manifests itself in moments of danger and towards strangers, so it is necessary to keep it in urban environments by taking precautions.


American Pit Bull Terrier

When ranking 10 fighting dogs, the first place is undoubtedly occupied by the pit bull, which has the strongest jaws. Let us compare, for example, that the compression force of a person’s jaws is 25 kg, but the force of compression of the jaws is 126 kg per square centimeter, which is called the “death grip”.

The very name “pit”, which translates as “fighting pit”, speaks of the fighting qualities of this breed. The fighting breed is still not recognized by the International Canine Federation, despite the fact that the ancestors of pit bull terriers are the officially recognized American Staffordshire Terrier.

Due to its qualities, it is a fairly popular dog and is widely used in the police service around the world. And its bite of 25 atmospheres makes it one of the best in battle.



Also a fighting dog breed. Just like the bulldog, it has now become more of a decorative dog and a guard dog. The similarity between the Boxer and the Bulldog lies in the fact that dogs snore at night due to a deformed nose. Actually, the boxer is a breed bred by crossing a bulldog with a bullenbeisser, hence all the features similar to the breeds. Medium sized dog, very strong.

But Boxers have a calm, balanced character, they are not aggressive, of course, if nothing threatens their beloved owner. If the boxer thinks that the owner is in danger, he will immediately rush to the rescue. This is an excellent guard dog, with absolute devotion to its owner, but the Boxer is distrustful of strangers.

This breed is suitable for keeping in an apartment, gets along well with other pets, and gets along well with children, which is the reason for its popularity. But the boxer loves to chase other people's cats. We must not forget that this is a fighting dog, so it requires serious training and sufficient physical activity when walking. Boxers have short hair that is easy to care for and there are no particular difficulties in their diet. In general, the boxer is a wonderful friend for the whole family and an excellent guard. An equally strong and devoted security guard and the next hero of our list of celebrities. This


According to the classification of the International Canine Federation (FCI), decorative dogs belong to group 9 “Toys and companions”, which currently includes about 50 breeds. According to other classifications, some breeds are added or excluded from this group, so there are discrepancies in their description. In general, this concept refers to dogs with a height at the withers of up to 38 cm. They are not intended for guarding, searching, escorting, hunting and other types of work. Their task is to bring pleasure to their beloved owners with their appearance.

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So, the first two features have been identified: short stature and lack of specified performance characteristics. Some breeds are actually so small that they are called pocket or teacup breeds. In general, the name of the group – toy – translates as “toy”. Therefore, the third feature can be called attractive external data, although this concept is very subjective, because some people do not like hairless dogs, while others do not like long-haired ones. But here the point is not even in subjectivity, but in the origin of the breed and its selection.

During selection, external characteristics that were liked by the owners were fixed. Sometimes they are brought to excessive protrusion, exaggeration. The result is the appearance of mutant and dwarf forms. The next feature is selection by character. A small dog should evoke tenderness, please owners and guests, and be attached to a person. These are the character traits that are considered correct. If the animal is aggressive and hysterical, then this is the fault of the breeders - they fixed only the exterior to the detriment of behavior.

Another feature is the ringing voice of almost all small breeds. And it can greatly irritate not only you, but also your neighbors. But thanks to the loud barking, the companions have more than once saved the apartments and houses of their owners from the penetration of strangers - if they don’t attack, they will scare them away.

But among decorative breeds there are many who have retained their performance characteristics. For example, the West Highland White Terrier is an excellent hunting dog, adapted to living in an apartment. Like all terriers, it is active, energetic, vocal, devoted to its owner, and at the same time has a height at the withers of less than 30 cm and a beautiful appearance. The job of breeders in relation to such dogs is to achieve a reduction in size for keeping in the house.


Muscular dogs have an unusual and pleasant appearance. It is not known for certain when muscular dogs first appeared. However, we can say with confidence that the history of their origin goes back centuries. These dogs were used to hunt small and large game.

The main distinguishing feature of such animals is not their muscle mass, but their excellent endurance. They are capable of developing high speed in a short time. Other distinctive features include long legs. Also, most of these dogs have a calm character, thanks to which they are easy to train.

How to pump up muscles for your pet

Some dog breeders decide to pump up the muscles of their pets themselves. For rapid muscle development, you need to use the following exercises:

  • Run. You need to go for a run with your dog every day. At the same time, you need to run not only jogging, but also over rough terrain. Proper running exercises help improve endurance and build muscle.
  • Swimming. If possible, you should visit the dog pool regularly. Swimming helps to form and develop all muscle groups.
  • Jumping. This exercise is aimed at strengthening muscles. The dog must jump over low barriers. Gradually you can use higher obstacles.

Some dog breeders are attracted to beefy dogs. People who want to have such dogs should become more familiar with the breeds of such animals and their descriptions.


One of the most popular dog breeds was bred on the island of the same name, although dog experts have never come to a consensus about the time of appearance and the direct ancestors of the strong and beautiful breed.

Like St. Bernards, they are rescuers, but they only save people on the water, because they know how to swim and dive so well. Newfoundlands have virtually no hunting instinct or aggression. You can confidently talk about them - strong, but good-natured.

In addition, this is one of the smartest dogs, capable of making independent decisions.


Mini bulldog

The miniature variety is called a minibull. Representatives of the breed have a unique appearance. Their sizes are small, average height is 28-30 cm, weight is 9-12 kg, but at the same time they look like real fighters. The apparent formidability against the background of a miniature physique looks funny. The advantage of minibulls is their character, which is considered ideal. The pet will never show aggression without a reason; it gets along with other pets and calmly accepts guests in the house. He is not playful with them, but shows affection and friendliness towards the owner and all family members. Due to their compactness, minibulls are suitable for living both in a house and in an apartment.

German dog

What breed of dog simply must be strong and resilient is the Great Dane. These are real giants, not just massive, but also tall, with well-developed muscles. According to the breed standard, a male dog must be at least 90 centimeters at the withers.

Individual representatives far exceed this standard. So for a long time, the Great Dane Giant George (that's a really appropriate name) was considered the largest dog. His height at the withers reached 110 centimeters, and if he stood on his hind legs, then his front legs reached the mark of 2.2 meters. True, the giant did not live long - only 8 years. He was replaced on the pedestal by another Great Dane - Zeus. His height at the withers even exceeded that of his predecessor - 111 centimeters. Of course, the average representative of the breed is noticeably smaller, but still, with such parameters, the dog simply cannot be a weakling. Recently Zeus also died. Most likely, another Great Dane will become the new champion.

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