You asked: Why does my dog ​​bark at me when I kiss my wife?

When walking with a dog, any person is at least sometimes interested in the question, what is it about this passerby that the four-legged pet rushes towards him, joyfully wagging his tail, breaking off the leash? Or why is the dog so angry at a peaceful baby walking near the sandbox with a shovel? It is impossible to get answers to these questions, because asking an animal what motivates it, unfortunately. it is forbidden. However, experts involved in animal behavior are ready to shed light on how a dog perceives the environment around it, what triggers can lead to aggression or, conversely, joy.

Territory defense

When a stranger appears on the territory that the dog is accustomed to consider its own, wariness is a normal reaction of the animal. Our four-legged friends want to protect themselves from unfamiliar people and situations and, of course, their beloved owner and his family. A dog can consider its territory to be the house or apartment where the animal lives, an enclosure or a garden plot where the tailed pet is used to frolicking with its two-legged friends.

At the same time, the dog’s wariness can be caused even by the fact that there is a stranger next to him or his owner, as well as on his territory. In this case, the animal will growl and closely study the new person. If he, in turn, gives a reason, then the dog’s wariness can develop into aggression.

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How to Prevent Excessive Problem Barking

Most dogs bark, but there are ways to overcome this habit. The best way to prevent problematic barking is to control your dog's environment and eliminate any potential triggers for the behavior.

This may mean changing your walking routes so your dog doesn't get bored of the same thing and avoiding certain areas.

You can train dogs to bark less. It is recommended to work with a trainer to teach your dog the "Voice" or "Quiet" commands.

The "sit" command can also help your dog stay calm in public and reduce barking.

You also need to remain calm with your dog in public - if you become tense, your dog will notice.

Staying calm with your dog will help him stay calm.

You may also want to choose a breed with a low tendency to bark, although all dogs make some noise. Some breeds, such as American Akitas, Afghan Hounds, Greyhounds and St. Bernards, are known for their quiet behavior. You can even go with a Basenji, a breed known for its yodeling.

Unpleasant smell

A dog, having a fairly acute sense of smell (according to scientists, their sense of smell is ten thousand times superior to a human’s), can smell from a stranger something that is beyond the control of its owner. Of course, an unpleasant odor can also mean quite ordinary odors, for example, cigarette smoke, the aroma of cologne, etc. Here we are talking more about those that the animal has already encountered in one way or another before and are associated with negativity. You can also give the opposite reaction: if a beloved animal owner uses a certain eau de toilette, then, sensing the familiar smell from a stranger, the dog may involuntarily experience joy, wagging its tail and rushing towards this stranger.

In general, in dogs, the sense of smell plays a special role in life: it is the sense of smell that allows them to navigate unfamiliar places, successfully detect people under rubble, and prohibited substances.

How to stop a dog from barking at everyone - reasons and tips

It is known that a dog is man's friend. The dog always understands the mood of his owner, is ready to protect him and help in many matters. But sometimes the serene coexistence of man and animal is disrupted by the pet’s constant barking for no reason. Then a person has a completely reasonable desire to find out how to stop a dog from barking at everyone. Before you begin training, you should determine and understand the behavior patterns of your four-legged friend. It is necessary to find the reason for the animal’s restless behavior, which provokes loud barking.

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