Your question: Why does my dog ​​curl up under my knees?

Although he has spent a lot of money and time searching for the best and most comfortable bed for his dog, they insist on sleeping at his feet. Any chance your dog can see, even if he is standing, will take advantage of it. This is a very funny and sweet habit, but why does this happen???

Dogs are expected to be very affectionate and loyal animals. They always want to be close to you and will find a way to prove it to you. Over the years, these creatures have filled the hearts of people with unconditional love and communication. We know that our pets will always be there for their adorable looks and canine compassion...

If you want to know a little more about the lives of our best friends, read this article on while we answer: Why do dogs sleep at your feet??

When your pet yawns

Dogs yawn for the same reason as people: they are bored or want to sleep. Remember that yawning is contagious: if you succumb to it, your friend will quickly start yawning too. There is nothing surprising.

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Dog instincts

Dogs are pack animals. Even if your pampered pup has never spent time in the wild, he still has these behaviors. Often the process of sitting on their feet is simply a remnant of the DNA of their ancestors.

In the wild, dogs live in packs. They do this to protect themselves and hunt together to survive. When they sleep or rest, they huddle together. The leader of the pack gets the most comfortable place, while the other dogs lie nearby to keep warm.


Here is a list of the most common reasons for this behavior in dogs.

Shows his love

Sitting at the owner's feet is normal behavior. This can be a way to show affection, as if you would choose to sit next to a friend or loved one.

Some dogs like to stay on the floor rather than sit next to you on the couch, so they end up right at or on your feet. Your dog may prefer the texture and feel of carpet, tile or wood, or perhaps sitting next to a person makes them too warm.

Here are some common sleeping positions.

The dog sleeps curled up in a ball

This is a position you will see frequently throughout your dog's life. Her paws are tucked under her body, and her tail is curved towards her muzzle.

In fact, they are tightly connected. This position may indicate that the dog is cold or that something is a little bothering him. The position protects their body.

The dog sleeps on its side

As mentioned earlier, this is exactly the position you want to see. Your dog will lie on his side, exposing his belly. This shows that your dog is trusting and carefree. They can sleep without worrying about anything.

Dog sleeps on his back

Also affectionately called “Crazy Legs,” this pose can be a little funny to watch. Your dog will lie on his back with his legs elevated. This is a submissive position because they leave their entire body exposed.

If your dog does this, it means that he is generally feeling calm, comfortable and safe.

Sleeps on his back with his paws pressed to his chest

Although this position is very similar to the previous one, the biggest difference is their front paws. In this position, the paws are pressed to the chest.

This usually means your dog is very tired and doesn't want to be disturbed. This may also indicate that they are feeling a little hot. The position allows them to cool down easily.

Star pose

In this position, your dog's head and belly are on the floor. Their four legs are then spread, giving the appearance that they are flying. Young puppies and energetic dogs do this because it is very easy to wake up and start playing again.

Half-bent posture

In the crouched position, your dog's paw is tucked under his body. However, she did not curl up into a ball. Dogs in this position usually do not sleep much because the muscles cannot relax properly.

Sleep half sideways

This pose is practically ineffective for relaxation and rest. The dog is always ready to jump up and act; the deep sleep phase does not occur. The animal is dozing rather than truly sleeping. This position is typical for guard and guard dogs. And also for those who consider themselves “in service.” Dogs often sleep in this position next to their owner - they are ready to defend him if something happens.

Sleep need and duration

Depending on the age, the need for wakefulness and rest in pets is different. If a puppy sleeps at least 20 hours a day up to three months of age, then an adult dog sleeps half as much.

If the dog’s wakefulness and rest are distributed as a percentage, then the picture will be as follows:

  • active wakefulness – 20%;
  • sleep – 50%;
  • nap, temporary rest – 30%.

The duration of sleep depends on the following:

  1. Age. Old age requires more time to recuperate.
  2. A stressful situation causes a protective reaction in the body and the animal is able to sleep for 16-20 hours.
  3. Sadness, boredom. The long absence of the owner of the house, a calm atmosphere, is conducive to sleepy pastime.
  4. Breed. Large breed animals have longer rest periods than small breed animals, as they require more time to recuperate.
  5. Weather. The influence of weather conditions is possible - weather changes, heat, cold - all this affects the behavior of the animal.
  6. Disease. Often the onset of an illness makes itself felt by such behavioral signs as weakness, lethargy, and drowsiness. If you suspect an illness, you should visit a doctor.

This is interesting

It happens that dogs start digging and rustling their sleeping place before going to bed and spinning around. This is how the dog tries to create more comfort for itself, it wants to create more comfort. Often this indicates the animal’s anxiety, that it has experienced some kind of moral dissatisfaction during the day and wants, when going to sleep at night, to create a more favorable atmosphere for itself that it had during the day.

Of course, there are also poses that defy any classification. Often this becomes a subject for a photo. Puppies or hyperactive dogs who fall asleep during their pranks in a place where fatigue overtook them can fall asleep in a completely unimaginable position.

INTERESTING: Some owners notice that their sleeping dog may cluck and twitch its paws slightly in its sleep. This suggests that the dog is deeply asleep and dreaming at this moment.

Can dogs understand that you have health problems?

Dog handlers, together with scientists, train dogs to recognize diseases by the smell emanating from a person or by his appearance. For example, in Hawaii, in one of the hospitals there are dogs that detect infections of the genitourinary system in bedridden people who are no longer able to speak.

Experiments were also conducted in which it was proven that dogs can detect cancer by smell. They are best able to recognize breast tumors - in 88% of cases and lungs - in 99%.

In some cases, these pets can sense a person's asthma or epilepsy attack.

On the pillow

As a rule, the softest place, on the pad, is chosen by small and very tiny dogs. First of all, this is because it is softest there and the dog, due to its small parameters, fits. Plus, you put your face on the pillow, and the dog in this position is in the closest emotional proximity with you. If your pet chooses this particular place, it means that he loves you endlessly and is attached to you more than anything in the world.

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Mandatory procedures

If, nevertheless, the decision is made to let the puppy into your bed, it is worth remembering that in this way you are reducing your authority . The dog becomes the boss, demanding respect and appropriate behavior.

In addition, there is a possibility of introducing various infections, fungi and microorganisms carried on the pet’s fur and limbs by its owners. To avoid this, you should carefully monitor the baby’s hygiene, as well as his health.

By performing basic procedures (brushing teeth, bathing and washing paws), owners prevent various diseases that the pet can carry.

Between masters

It happens that as soon as two lovers fall asleep, a four-legged miracle immediately emerges between them. The main reason for this is most often jealousy. If you previously lived only with a dog, and now you have a dear friend, most likely, the pet simply does not want to share you with anyone and shows the new person that here, first of all, they love him. If you have been together for a long time and got a dog, being already a couple, then this may simply be a sign that the dog adores both of you and does not want anyone to be offended that he lay down not next to him, but next to another the owner.

The meaning of things

Different animals see objects around them differently. A dog who looks around the room does not at all consider himself surrounded by a person’s things - all these are objects of his world. Our ideas about what this or that object is intended for may or may not coincide with a dog’s. The meaning of things is determined by what we do with them (von Uexküll called this “functional tone”). A dog may be indifferent to chairs, but if you teach him to jump on them, the chair becomes something to sit on. Subsequently, the dog may independently discover that there are other things intended for sitting: a couch, a pile of pillows, or, for example, a person’s lap.

So, we begin to understand in what ways the ideas about the world of dogs and humans are similar and in what ways they are different. For dogs, many objects in the surrounding world are associated with food - much more than for people. Moreover, they distinguish “functional tones” that do not exist for us - for example, things that can be tastefully rolled on. If we are not children and are not inclined to such games, then the number of such objects tends to zero for us. And on the contrary, a huge number of things that have a strictly defined meaning for us (forks, knives, hammers, pushpins, fans, watches, etc.) have no (or almost no) meaning for dogs.

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