Why does a dog bark, types and causes of barking, advice to owners

Man and dog have coexisted side by side for a very long time, having learned to communicate without words. Dogs understand the words of the owner, or rather the intonation with which they are pronounced. Or, in the process of living together, a reflex to a particular word is developed. But dogs also “talk.” One of the manifestations of their talkativeness is barking, which is usually very annoying to both the owner and others. From the article you will learn: why dogs bark, are there any differences in the sounds made, and what purpose do they serve?

Where did the habit of barking come from?

During the research, a theory was put forward - various shades of bark are used only by domestic dogs. Wild tribesmen resort to this method of communication with each other only in rare cases.

If we talk about wolves - the closest relatives of domestic dogs, an interesting observation is that adult individuals do not use bark to communicate. But wolf babies communicate in this way willingly and use many shades of bark. Researchers conclude that domestic dogs are like teenage wolves, arrested in development and dependent on humans.

Corrective collars. Is it worth using?

There are a number of products on the market that advertise that your dog will stop barking quickly. Collars placed on your dog can provide sonic or ultrasonic correction for your dog, but they are not effective for all dogs.

Collars that spray citronella often work, but some dogs learn that they can exhale the scent and then bark at will.

Shock collars that cause pain to your pet can harm them and make dogs aggressive, especially if they associate the person or animal they are barking at with pain.

Other collarless devices may work well if your dog barks in a certain area.

Collar-activated water sprayers or noise suppressors turn on when they detect a bark, shoot water at your pet, or make an annoying sound.

They can sometimes disrupt a dog's barking in a certain area, but they work best if you're at home to reward your pet when he stops barking.

This helps reinforce what you want your dog to do.

Various sounds when barking

As a rule, we do not pay attention to the “intonation” with which a dog barks. We can identify an alarming sound when the dog is simply tearing up and indicating his desire in other ways. Although, with due care, it is very easy to determine the emotional state of the animal at this moment. The main conclusion about a dog’s barking is a strong desire to convey information to the owner.

For example, a long, loud bark, sometimes turning into a squeal, indicates severe fright. Rough low sounds are an indicator of an aggressive mood. Well, the way a joyful pet barks when its owner comes home is familiar to everyone.

The dog is bored

A bored dog can be compared to a boiling kettle: when the pressure is too high, it starts to whistle.
So a dog, who has nowhere to expend his energy, begins to bark, chew objects, scratch or do something else that will bring him release. In this case, barking is usually monotonous, sometimes interrupted by howling. The way out of the situation is to find something to do for the animal, tire it out on a walk and leave dog toys and teethers for the puppies.

The main causes of barking

We have already found out that dogs bark because they want to attract the owner’s attention and convey information to him. There may be several main reasons for attracting attention in this way:

  • fear . Often the cause of fear can be a new habitat, improper socialization of an animal that simply does not know how to calmly respond to environmental changes;
  • anxiety . The animal is concerned about any sounds that force it to turn on “guard mode” and signal in such a way that the territory is protected. For example, dogs often bark at strangers simply because they do not know what to expect from such a visitor;
  • joy . A stormy meeting between the owner and household members, the distribution of goodies overwhelms the animal with joy so much that it cannot restrain itself and expresses emotions with loud sounds;
  • call to play . This vocal stimulus signals that you need to spend more time with your pet. He misses;
  • warning . The dog himself has not yet figured out what is happening and makes it clear to the person that he should be careful. Such sounds will most often be hesitant and cautious.

All these reasons may conceal additional reasons to bark.

Before you scold the dog and give the command to stop, you must give a signal that you have figured everything out.

Below we will talk about specific reasons for barking in order to understand what exactly can drive a dog crazy at a time when there are no visible reasons for this.

How to deal with unreasonable barking

There are various ways that can stop barking in vain. It is necessary to start raising a puppy from the “young claws”. It is necessary to persistently explain to him what can be done and what cannot be done.

This applies to education in general and unnecessary barking in particular.

If time has already been lost, proper education alone will not be enough. Other measures will have to be applied.

  • A fairly effective method is impact on the ears. The owner must approach the pet and press them with firm movements, without causing pain. The intense impact on the ear canal will surprise the dog. She will shut up.
  • This method will help you cope with inappropriate dog barking. You need to squeeze your mouth tightly. This is how the owner makes it clear that the dog is behaving incorrectly. She is rewarded with a treat when she becomes silent.
  • You need to teach your pet to follow the command “Come to me!” . When he starts barking loudly, they call him. The dog stops making a sound because he gets distracted and runs up to his owner. If the barking stops, a treat is given.
  • If an animal yaps when left alone at home. In this case, he is provided with toys, balls and tasty bones. Your pet will have something to brighten up his leisure time. He will calmly wait for his owner to come home from work.

Why does the dog bark at night for no reason?

Most often, residents of private houses encounter this problem when a dog living on the street on a chain barks every night for no apparent reason. But such a situation can also arise in an apartment. In both cases, the owner needs to quickly find out the reason and take measures to avoid causing problems with neighbors.

Few people will like the fact that behind the wall of an apartment or the fence of a neighbor’s house a dog howls and barks all night. Reasons for such barking:

  • reluctance to be outside, in another room. Such situations arise when habituation to something begins and such barking is a protest against loneliness and a change of situation;
  • incorrect socialization, in which the animal reacts with loud sounds to any rustling sounds, cats, the moon, and even to neighbor’s dogs that it has “known” for a long time;
  • small age. In the process of getting used to a new home, the puppy may “cry” for several days;
  • disease. Many diseases often worsen at night; barking can signal the presence of symptoms.

In addition, at night the dog may bark in its sleep. The reason for this behavior is insufficient activity during walks.

Manifestation of fear

When a dog is scared, it barks at any object that crosses its safety zone. He wants to scare away the enemy with a loud sound. But when this does not have an effect, a panic attack may begin. The barking in this case is usually very loud and disappointing. The most common reaction is that even if the dog runs away, it barks again from a distance. She can also give chase to a retreating object, but almost immediately returns to safety.

If this happens at home, then the owner must clearly and calmly give the command “Quiet.” When your dog barks while walking, you should respond with a quick but gentle pull on the leash or shout to distract him.

If he stops making noise and looks at you, then be sure to reward him for the correct behavior.

When the dog is left alone

When left alone in an apartment or house, a pet can bark continuously, thus waiting for a person to arrive and unnerving the neighbors. Causes:

  • territory protection;
  • an attempt to “call” the owner and speed up his arrival home.

This behavior can become a serious problem, so the puppy is taught from a young age to the absence of people in the house. After the baby gets used to the new home, along with basic commands, training begins. One option is to lock the puppy in a separate room and control his barking.

Why does a dog bark at passing cars?

It’s interesting that not all dogs think of barking and throwing themselves at a car. The exact reason why this happens is unknown, but the most common versions sound like this:

  • a car, bicycle or other moving and rattling object appears to the dog as a living creature. It frightens and causes reactions in the form of loud noises and aggressive behavior;
  • dogs don’t like spinning, rubber-smelling wheels;
  • The main reason for barking sounds is the creaking of wheels, the growl of an engine, the rumble of a motorcycle.

Many believe that barking and chasing vehicles is a favorite pastime of mongrels. This is wrong. Absolutely all breeds and yard dogs burst into barking and throw themselves under the wheels. And the reasons for this behavior most likely lie in fear, improper socialization, and possible nervous breakdown.

Dog barking and its features

Barking is the most accessible way for a dog to convey this or that information to the people around it or its relatives. By making a similar sound, dogs strengthen their position, recommend staying away from them, invite them to approach, scare, greet or defend themselves. Even if you really want to wean your pet from barking, you won’t be able to do this. A dog won’t stop barking just like a person won’t stop talking – after all, this is their way of expressing themselves and maintaining contact with the outside world.

Why does a dog bark at its tail?

What if the dog doesn’t chase cats, doesn’t bark at himself in the mirror or into space, but gives signals while looking at his tail? What does this behavior mean? There may be several reasons:

  • developed hunter instinct. He tries to catch and stop the “victim”;
  • getting attention. Hearing barking and noticing the tail being chased, the owner pays attention to the pet, laughs, and strokes it. And gets a repeat of the “concert”;
  • boredom and using the tail as a playmate;
  • discomfort, illness. This includes itching in the anus, the need to cleanse the paraanal glands, tangles and thorns, etc.

This behavior must be taken seriously and be sure to find out the reason for the tail barking.

Perhaps it's all a matter of boredom, or maybe the dog has worms or a serious illness.

Territory protection

In this case, the dog barks at anyone who violates its territory. Any attempt by strangers to get into the yard, house, or come too close to the place where she is resting can cause such a reaction. The bark is low, short, intermittent and often accompanied by a growl.

An animal that is defending itself or its environment may attack if its warning is not responded to.

During your absence, as well as at night, a dog locked at home or in its enclosure will not be responsible for guarding the yard and should sleep most of the time.

How to calm a dog

  • You shouldn’t scold and punish, persuade and feel sorry without understanding the reason for the barking;
  • Take a long walk with a young and active animal before going to bed. At the beginning there are energetic classes, then a calm promenade. The dog should be tired and sleep “without its hind legs”;
  • from the first days, the dog is given a comfortable place, toys are chosen that can calm him down alone;
  • You need to talk to the dog in a firm voice, without shouting. It’s worth petting and patting the ears;
  • if possible, eliminate irritants or reduce their impact: reduce the volume of the doorbell, move the bed away from the front door, etc.;
  • Visit a veterinarian to rule out the presence of disease or stress. Your veterinarian may prescribe a sedative to help you cope with a stressful situation.

Socialization of a pet should begin from a very young age; the complex of such educational measures also includes weaning the dog from barking for no reason.

Don't let problems continue and repeat

The longer a dog does something, the more ingrained the habit becomes for him. Barking can trigger an adrenaline rush in dogs, which makes barking enjoyable for them.

And allowing your dog to bark in certain situations, such as when the pizza delivery guy arrives, can ultimately make the dog aggressive in those situations.

What if your dog gets out one day while delivering pizza?

Address barking problems as quickly as possible. Excessive barking can cause several medical problems, from bee stings to brain disease and constant pain.

Older pets may develop a form of frailty that causes excessive barking.

It's always a good idea to have your pet checked by a veterinarian to make sure there is no medical reason for the problem.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Barking is a way of communication between a person and a dog.
  2. There can be many reasons for a dog to bark: from fear to intense joy and illness.
  3. The love for barking has nothing to do with size, but directly depends on his emotionality and spoilage.
  4. It is always necessary to find out the reason for such loud behavior of your pet.
  5. Weaning off unreasonable barking is the owner’s task.

Are your pets empty-headed? For what reasons do your pets bark most often? Tell us about your experience in the comments, please. We are very interested in your opinion.

Barking from separation anxiety/compulsive barking

Dogs with separation anxiety often bark excessively when left alone. They also typically exhibit other symptoms such as hyperactivity, destructiveness, depression, and inappropriate behavior.

Dogs who bark compulsively seem to bark only to hear the sound of their voice. They also often engage in repetitive movements, such as running in circles or along a fence.

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