Kennels for Border Collie dogs in Moscow

Usage:Shepherds, companions
Color:Grey; brown with a reddish tint; brown with an ocher tint; black; sand
Dimensions:Height 51-57 cm, weight 18-28 kg
Lifespan:13-15 years old
Other breed names used:Hairy Collie, Bearded Colli, Beardie; Highland Collie, Mountain Collie.

The Bearded Collie (biardid) is an example of loyalty, charm, curiosity and perseverance. Long hair that hangs down the sides does not need trimming. It gives the dog charm and an unusual look. Each dog has a distinctive feature - a beard and mustache, which can be seen in the photo of a bearded collie. The docile, non-conflict nature makes the Biardid attractive for keeping as a companion dog.

Breed standard

Table No. 1 shows the main characteristics of the Biardid breed standard.

Table No. 1.

ParameterDescription of the breed
FrameStrong build, powerful, well-developed chest, straight back, without arches or camel's hump.
HeadThe skull is square-shaped, wide. The head is large, proportional to the size of the body. Smooth transition from skull to muzzle.
MuzzleThe length of the muzzle is the same as the length of the skull, the nose is black.
NeckMedium length, moderately muscular.
EarsTriangular in shape, hanging down, covered with long hair outside and inside.
EyesLarge, but not bulging. The color of the iris varies from light brown to almost black. Depends on the coat color: the darker the coat, the darker the color of the iris.
BiteScissor-shaped. A pincer bite is allowed.
WoolElongated under the lower lip, chin and sides of the muzzle. Forms a beard, a distinctive feature of the breed, falling to the sternum line. There is a thick fluffy undercoat. The guard hair is long, soft, straight. Slight waviness is allowed. The dense coat protects the collie from cold and dirt.
ColorBlack; all shades of gray; sand; brown with an orange tint. White areas on the face, paws, and chest are acceptable.
TailSaber-shaped, abundantly covered with hair. The tip of the tail reaches the hock joint. Low set.
LimbsStrong, with well-developed muscles. Abundantly covered with hair. The limbs are parallel to each other.
PawsLarge, oval shaped. The fingers are tightly closed into a ball.
MovementsSmooth, sweeping when running.

A quick glance at the photo of a bearded collie reveals a resemblance to a bobtail and an Old Russian Shepherd.
Representatives of the Biardid breed are subject to disqualification if the following signs are present:

  • Jaw – undershot or undershot.
  • Short hair.
  • Lack of undercoat.
  • Curled tail.
  • Crooked front or hind legs.
  • Lack of pigmentation of the nasal planum.
  • Aggressive or cowardly behavior.

It is worth noting that pet-class puppies (showing signs of rejection and not allowed for breeding) are subject to castration.


Bearded collies are affectionate to their owners and friendly to strangers. Therefore, using them as a guard is impossible. Playful and active, even at an advanced age, they are ready to participate in active entertainment and long hikes. Loneliness is difficult to bear, and they become sad if the owner appears at home only at night. Therefore, people who often leave home should not get this dog.

The Bearded Collie dog breed is easy to train. The term “training” does not apply to them, but they love to learn everything new. There is some stubbornness, which is the main task of the owner to cope with.

One of the Bearded Collie's personality traits is their fear of loud noises. They may be frightened by the sound of thunder and the explosion of firecrackers.


The Bearded Collie is not an aggressive breed, so socialization is easy. It is difficult to raise them to be guards; they are more of a sociable dog.

Biardids are energetic, loving dogs. They are ready to jump and lick their owners. If there are small children in the family, it is necessary to wean the puppy from showing his feelings from an early age. After all, he could accidentally scare a child. The puppy will grow into a large dog, and the bad habits left over from childhood will remain, which is undesirable.

The birdie's good disposition allows him to coexist peacefully with other pets. On occasion, they can show their desire for dominance by oppressing a cat or another, smaller dog.

The biardid's innate herding instinct allows him to get along well with other dogs. After all, from time immemorial, representatives of this breed worked in packs.

Origin story

The mystery of the origin of the bearded collie (birdie) haunts researchers around the world. The breed is believed to have originated in the late 16th century in Scotland. According to one hypothesis, bearded collies are the result of crossing a long-haired collie with a bobtail. According to another, they descended from lowland sheepdogs brought to Scotland in the 16th century.

Birdies have unique herding abilities: they can easily manage a huge flock of sheep. Bearded men also make good watchmen and security guards. This breed went through a tough selection: weak individuals died during grueling transitions.

In 1912, the first Kennel Club opened in Edinburgh. Two world wars have put the birdie in danger of extinction. Breeders had to rebuild the population again. English breeders played a special role in the revival of the breed. In 1955 they started a birdie fan club and made changes to the standard. In 1967, the breed was recognized by the FCI.

How to choose a biardid puppy

You can find a suitable pet by talking to breeders at the exhibition. If the event participants do not have Biardid puppies, they will be happy to share the contacts of trusted dog breeders. A decent breeder will not send a kitten to the market or to dubious sellers.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the conditions for keeping Birdie puppies. Assess the physical fitness of the mother and other babies from the same litter. If the breeder does not make contact, does not want to show the living conditions of the puppies, then you should not contact such a person.

The mother's bed should be in a dry and clean room, without any foreign odors. The bitch may be slightly thin, because she is nursing babies. But at the same time, she should not look exhausted and aggressive.

Bearded puppies are active, curious, and have an insatiable appetite. You should not choose a beardid who behaves sluggishly or cowardly.

Features of maintenance and care

The main emphasis in care and maintenance is on maintaining the appearance and condition of the coat.


The dog is accustomed to all procedures for caring for hair, teeth, and claws from early childhood.

  • Wool . Daily combing will help maintain an attractive appearance. In addition, the long, silky coat is prone to tangles. Stranded hairs are sorted out with your fingers and then combed thoroughly. To make combing easier, the coat is slightly moistened beforehand. During seasonal shedding, the dog needs more thorough brushing. The procedure contributes to the speedy renewal of the animal's coat. The Collie's mustache and beard need daily brushing after each meal. Leftover food pieces can cause an unpleasant odor and a messy appearance.
  • Eyes . Once every two to three days, wipe with a damp cotton pad, in the direction from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner. A different disc is used for each eye.
  • Ears . Wipe the inner surface of the ear with a damp cotton swab as needed. During the warm season, tick activity is high. After each walk, the dog's ears are inspected for insects and promptly cleaned.
  • Claws . Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors have nails that do not require additional care; they wear down naturally.
  • Teeth . Once a week, check for the presence of tartar or plaque. To prevent the formation of deposits, the biardid is offered to gnaw on large bones, cartilage, apples, and carrots.


It is not advisable to keep an animal in a small apartment. The Bearded Collie is a herding dog breed that needs space. A private country house with a large fenced-in yard is an ideal place where the dog can run around to his heart's content. When kept in a city apartment, a birdie needs a long walk, combined with physical activity.

It is unacceptable to keep a biardid in a closed enclosure or on a chain. This can cause aggression and changes in behavior.


What to feed the biardid - natural food or dry food? Each type of nutrition has its supporters and opponents.

The basis of the bearded vulture’s natural diet is meat and meat products. They should make up 30% of the daily diet. This could be lean beef or offal.

Once a week, meat is replaced with low-fat sea fish: cod, hake, pollock. Be sure to include fresh and boiled vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Porridges made from various types of cereals, except semolina, are useful. Fermented milk products are necessary to replenish calcium in the body.

Twice a week, add a boiled chicken egg to the biardid food.

With a natural diet, there is a high probability of a lack of vitamins and microelements. To avoid this, a course of vitamin therapy is carried out once every three months.

Eating dry food is considered more rational. All nutrients, vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the pet are added to the “drying”.

Good industrial feeds cannot be cheap. To feed your bearded collie, buy super premium food.


The bearded collie dog breed is distinguished by good health and a long life span. With good care - up to 16 years.


There are a number of diseases that are most common in biardid:

  • Ocular - conjunctivitis, glaucoma, cataracts.
  • Allergy.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Ear pathologies.

It is worth noting that hip dysplasia is a hereditary disease of biardids. When selling a puppy, the breeder must provide a certificate confirming that the parents do not have dysplasia.


No animal is immune from such dangerous diseases as plague and rabies. Unvaccinated biardids pose a danger to other pets and people. Mandatory vaccination is carried out according to an individual schedule agreed with a veterinarian.

Before vaccination, a number of rules are observed:

  • The dog must be absolutely healthy.
  • Treatment for fleas and worms is required. The presence of parasites may reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.
  • At least three weeks must have passed since the previous vaccination.

Table No. 2 shows the standard vaccination plan.

Table No. 2.

Puppy ageTypes of vaccines
8 weeksThe first comprehensive vaccination against distemper, parvovirus, and leptospirosis.
12 weeksRevaccination against the above diseases
6 monthsSecond complex vaccination + against rabies.
12 monthsA comprehensive universal vaccine against all of the above diseases.

The following vaccinations are carried out once a year throughout the dog's life.

Diseases and life expectancy

Scots are a healthy dog ​​breed. They remain active until old age. The most common diseases include:

  • dysplasia of large joints;
  • cataract;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • Addison's disease;
  • allergy;
  • pemphigus.

The listed diseases are common to all types of collies. Proper nutrition and regular vaccinations will help avoid serious problems. Average life expectancy: 12-16 years.


The Bearded Collie is ready for breeding at 18 months of age. It is not recommended to breed animals earlier than the specified age. There is a high risk of having weak offspring or miscarriage in a very young bitch.

Particular attention is paid to the health of the bitch before mating. Two to three weeks before the expected event, antihelminthic measures are carried out.

The age of vaccinations must be checked. If it’s time for vaccination, don’t put it off until later. A vaccinated mother will give the puppies immunity for the first 8 weeks of their lives.

It is impossible to predict the color of puppies. Black parents may produce four-color puppies.

Where to buy and price

The best place to buy a puppy is an officially registered nursery. A good pedigree guarantees the health of the offspring and a strong psyche. In addition, breeders enter into contracts with veterinary clinics for routine vaccinations and examinations. The potential owner can review the puppy's and parents' medical records.

Puppies from kennels have basic social skills and are not afraid of people. Properly raised dogs instill rules of behavior in their young. Before buying a puppy, it is recommended to visit different breeders, read reviews on the Internet and think about the content. This will help you make an informed decision.

Bearded Collie kennels:

  • Festright (St. Petersburg);
  • Solitary Star (Kursk);
  • Star Shine (Ekaterinburg);
  • Greenland (Moscow).

Average price of puppies: 15,000-40,000 rubles.

How much do bearded collie puppies cost?

The cost of a Bearded Collie puppy varies depending on the pedigree, reputation of the kennel, titles and rank of the parents. A promising puppy can cost from 28 to 65 thousand rubles. Such individuals are intended for exhibition life, participation in various shows, as well as for breeding.

You can look for a puppy for a lower price in private advertisements or at the bird market. But it should be remembered that no one will give any guarantee regarding the purebred and health of the baby. Accordingly, there can be no talk about pedigree and participation in exhibitions. To purchase a truly purebred puppy, it is better to contact professional nurseries.

Popular nurseries in Russia:

  • G. St. Petersburg, nursery “Festright”
  • Moscow, nursery “Griland”
  • G. Obninsk, Moscow region, nursery “Nallecute”

The bearded collie dog breed combines such qualities as courage, loyalty, and endless devotion to the owner and family. This is an ideal companion that will brighten up the life of a lonely but active person.

Border collie kennels

Frome Rudzik HomeRFSSVladivostok
From the Northern CapitalRFLSVsevolozhsk
Seventy SevenOANKOO/RKKMoscow

Source -

For more information, see the official website of the RKF.

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