Can dogs eat apples, and in what form should they be given to their beloved pet?

Most dogs readily eat apples. But not every owner thinks about whether this fruit can be given to pets and how often - every day or only occasionally as a treat. Despite a number of beneficial properties, there are also some dangerous nuances that should be taken into account when including this fruit in an animal’s diet. Apple is one of the most accessible, popular and delicious fruits. For dogs receiving natural nutrition, this product is always included in the diet. However, you should first figure out which varieties are best to give and in what quantity.


1. Benefits and harms, danger of allergies 2. Is there any harm? 3. Proper introduction of fruits into the diet 4. Volume and frequency of feeding 5. Feeding apples to small puppies and pregnant females 6. Choice of variety 7. Is cooking beneficial 8. Restoration of the body 9. Are there quality substitutes 10. Video: 11. Let’s summarize

The basis of the animal's diet is meat. As a supplement, the predator is given porridge. And fruits and vegetables are an addition. But plant foods contain quite a lot of useful substances, vitamins, and microelements. All of them have a beneficial effect on the dog’s body. Apple has a number of beneficial properties. But eating fruit must be carried out taking into account certain rules and without exceeding the dosage. How to feed an animal correctly?

What can you replace apples with?

Pears, bananas, melons, carrots, and pumpkins are suitable alternatives. Any product is tried in small quantities, the body’s reaction is monitored, and if there is no individual intolerance, it is included in the diet.

It is impossible to provoke an excess of fiber in an animal; it is not recommended to combine several fruits or vegetables a day; if the pet ate an apple, then the consumption of another plant product is tolerated.

Hybrid fruits resulting from crossing different fruits are not suitable; they have a strong, unusual aroma and can lead to allergic symptoms.

Benefits and harms, danger of allergies

Apple is the most affordable fruit. At the same time, it is completely safe for the body. Nutritionists advise giving applesauce as complementary food in the first weeks after the birth of the baby. Carrots and apples are the two most affordable products. They allow you to normalize digestion, as well as provide access to vitamin-containing substances. It is not advisable to completely remove apples when making up your dog’s diet. Limitation – individual intolerance.

Regular and dosed introduction of apples into the diet will bring the following benefits:

  • Ensure that the body is saturated with fiber necessary for the normal development and growth of the animal, as well as carbohydrates.
  • Normalize and stabilize the functioning of the digestive system, eliminating cases of constipation and diarrhea.
  • Strengthening the immune system. The apple contains a sufficient amount of vitamins (C, B1, B2, P) that can strengthen the immune system.
  • Increased protection against viral and infectious diseases.
  • Saturation of the body with beneficial microelements (manganese, potassium, iron, calcium, etc.).
  • Strengthening the immune system, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, musculoskeletal structure
  • Strengthening gums and jaws, and cleansing enamel from yellowness.

Any variety is a wonderful delicacy. It's better than chocolate chips or other sweets. It is better if feeding such “yummy” food depends on the dog’s behavior, correctly executed command, and training.

In general, an owner who regularly gives his pet a certain portion of apples creates a positive mood in the animal and relieves many health problems!

What to do if things get bad?

A dog is not immune to problems after being treated to apples. There may be several reasons:

  1. Still, the allergy showed up. Manifestations: the dog itches, flat rashes appear on the skin, the ends of the paws, the nose turn red, the eyes begin to water. In difficult situations, hair loss may occur. The animal needs to be given an antihistamine, put on a diet and shown to a veterinarian.

  2. The apples turned out to be of poor quality, unwashed, with an excess of nitrates and caused poisoning. You need to act as with any food poisoning: rinse the stomach, give activated charcoal or another absorbent, provide access to drinking water and, if possible, take it to a veterinary clinic.
  3. The animal has eaten too much. In this situation, diarrhea will occur. There is no particular reason for concern: it is worth providing the dog with its usual food and making sure that dehydration does not occur.
  4. Cyanide poisoning. This may occur if a dog inadvertently eats an apple core. The main symptom is profuse vomiting, the animal suddenly becomes ill, it seems that it is about to suffocate. You cannot help in this situation on your own; you need to urgently call a veterinarian.

Is there any harm?

Without a doubt! If you give your dogs apples constantly and in large quantities. What is the harm?

The pulp of the fruit consists of fairly coarse fiber. If you consume a little fruit, it will only be beneficial, but exceeding the consumption norm stimulates the active removal of toxic substances and accumulated waste from the body. This will lead to gastrointestinal disorders and increased gas formation.

Excessive eating of apples can provoke the development of diarrhea, which results in dehydration. Emergency veterinary care and a long recovery process will be required.

Another danger is an allergic reaction.

The likelihood of a dog developing an allergy to apples is negligible. But if the fruit turns out to be of poor quality, with nitrates, the dog may begin to itch. Apples bought in stores are often coated with a layer of paraffin. In addition, chemicals that are sprayed on the fruits during their ripening period may remain on the peel. All this can also provoke allergies.

You will definitely avoid problems if you feed your dog (periodically) yellow or green fruits. It is better to avoid red-skinned apples; they may contain a strong allergen.

Which variety is better?

For feeding, you should choose green varieties of apples - red ones contain a substance that can cause allergies. Overly sweet and sour varieties are undesirable. The former, due to the high fructose content, will be poorly digested. The latter will lead to indigestion. Various hybrids crossed with other fruits and varieties that have a strong, specific aroma are also not suitable for feeding dogs.

Curious : there is a variety of apples whose name is similar to the command for dogs: “Fetch.” But the Aport fruits are red and are not suitable for animals.

The optimal varieties are the popular “White filling” and “Antonovka”, “Papirovka”, “Early Geneva”, “Dachnoe”, “Grenny Smith”, “Linda” are also suitable.


The benefits of wild or, as they are also called, “paradise” apples are undeniable - they are rich in organic acids and pectin substances. Previously, wild game was mixed into the food of pigs and guard dogs to diversify the diet.

But your pet will most likely refuse such a dubious and sour treat. It will bring no more benefits than an ordinary apple, so you should not force your dog. And if you decide to experiment, be sure to cut off the sour-tart peel.


Green apples are considered the best option for dogs. The main thing is that they are not too sour, otherwise the animal will not eat.

Proper introduction of fruits into the diet

Feeding your pet an apple requires special preparation of the fetus. Simply picking a fruit from a tree and throwing it to a dog will definitely not do any good. But harm is quite likely!

The first feeding should be minimal. It is enough to give the animal a small slice, peeled and cored. Next, observe the dog’s behavior. If no external symptoms appear within 24 hours, then you can feed your pet an apple. You need to feed 20-40 minutes after the main diet. In any case, the fetus requires careful preparation:

  1. The fruit must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  2. Peel the red fruit (a green or yellow apple does not need to be peeled)
  3. Cut out the core completely. The seeds have no benefit, and the cuttings can damage the esophagus and injure the stomach. Often it is in the core that the dangerous poison cyanide accumulates.
  4. Cut the prepared fruit into small pieces. For larger dogs, you can cut a medium apple into 2-4 pieces. For dwarf breeds, the optimal size is 1.5 - 2.0 cm piece.

Now the apple is ready to eat. You can safely give the fruit to an animal. If necessary, you can mix with honey and add to porridge. Do not mix with fermented milk products, there is a high risk of indigestion.

Symptoms of apple poisoning in dogs

What difficulties can you encounter with improper feeding:

  • if the lobules are too large, there is a risk of suffocation;
  • excessive feeding of fruit can cause intestinal obstruction;
  • food allergy - rarely occurs to this fruit, but is still observed in some animals;
  • Too sour or sweet varieties lead to indigestion;
  • poisoning - one seed contains about 0.45 mg of cyanide. As a rule, the fruits contain 7 - 9 seeds and the total dose is already 3 mg.

With these pathologies, the following symptoms are noted:

  • in case of suffocation - cyanosis of the mucous membranes, the pet constantly coughs, breathing is deep and labored;
  • intestinal obstruction is manifested by vomiting after feeding, painful sensations, and lack of stool;
  • food allergies are accompanied by rashes, dandruff and itching appear, the visible part of the skin of the ears becomes red;
  • in case of gastrointestinal disorder, the animal experiences diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, but the general condition may not change;
  • in case of poisoning, the pet becomes lethargic, a refusal to eat is noted, diarrhea, vomiting, acute pain in the abdominal wall appear, and the amount of saliva increases.

Volumes and frequency of feeding

The dog's main food is meat and cereal. Fruits and vegetables can make up no more than 30% of the daily diet (total). It is better if the fruit is given to the dog as a reward. Proper feeding directly depends on body weight:

Little ones½ fruit is enough, no more than 2 times a week.
Average(body weight 10-25 kg) you can give 1 apple 2 times a week, not more often.
LargeEasily digests 2 medium sized ones. Frequency – 2 times a week.

An important addition: it is necessary to prepare the fruit regardless of the age, breed and size of the dog.

Feeding apples to small puppies and pregnant females

Nutritionists recommend introducing yummy food into the diet of newborns, starting from the age of two months. Naturally, in the form of puree. This will ensure the normalization of the functioning of internal organs and saturate the body with essential vitamins. Gradually, the proportion of fruits in the diet must be reduced, replacing it with meat and other foods containing protein.

It is also necessary to feed a pregnant female. The body of a pregnant bitch experiences high stress, and apples will help minimize it.

Fruits that should not be given

  • a lot of papaya will increase blood sugar;
  • all citrus fruits are allergens and irritate mucous membranes;
  • persimmon causes intestinal obstruction;
  • cherry fruits contain cyanide in the pits, which is acutely felt by the dog;
  • apricot and peach are natural dog laxatives;
  • strawberries in 90% of cases lead to severe allergies in animals;
  • raspberries , blackberries - allergens;
  • grapes and raisins are harmful to the kidneys and cause nausea and vomiting in small dogs;
  • pomegranates irritate the stomach, bones are toxic;
  • Avocado is especially harmful for dogs, as it contains persin, a substance that causes pulmonary edema, problems with the heart, and even death;
  • quince - causes vomiting;
  • Pineapples contain bromelain, an enzyme that destroys the lining of the oral mucosa and stomach, and also causes severe diarrhea in dogs.

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