All about Pro Plan dog food and whether you should give it to your pet

Probably every dog ​​owner wants his pet to always remain healthy, active and smart. To do this, you need to choose a balanced diet, and especially food and vitamins. Reviews from veterinarians indicate that Pro Plan dog food consists of natural ingredients, is designed for large and small breeds, and is suitable for different ages and coat types. We will talk about the types below.

Types of dog food Pro Plan

Proplan dog food is produced by the Purina company, it belongs to the premium class and is available in different versions.

Types of feed:

  • dry food - 0.7, 1.5, 3, 7, 10 and 14 kg;
  • wet food (canned food, 400 g pouches).

In total, the line includes about 20 food options, which are designed for adult pets or puppies; there is also hypoallergenic food. If dry food gives a boost of energy and supports the immune system, then canned food will help fight indigestion and make the coat silky.

Wet and dry food Proplan from Purina is divided into several categories:

  • for puppies;
  • for small and medium-sized dogs;
  • for large and fighting dogs;
  • for digestive problems, inflammation and for old dogs.

Few people know, but recently a new line of Pro Plan Duo Delice has appeared, which is suitable for every type of dog.

The main component of the feed is chicken or beef, from 15 to 70%. There are also other natural ingredients:

  • egg white;
  • corn;
  • cellulose;
  • beet juice;
  • gluten;
  • fish fat;
  • minerals and vitamins.

What does Pro Plan contain?

Most of the food from the ProPlan line is manufactured in Russia, at official production in the village of Vorsino in the Kaluga region. This gives owners confidence in the quality and natural origin of the ingredients. The naturalness of Pro Plan is high. And the recipes of Russian lines differ from those accepted in the West. Localization has especially changed wet food, and some dry formulas, and this has led to the appearance of unpleasant features.

  1. The main component of dog food should be meat. But chicken (14%), lamb (19%), turkey (22%) are not so concentrated in ProPlan feeds to speak of a serious beneficial effect on the animal.
  2. Salmon, which is part of a large number of diets for adult dogs, contains a high concentration of Omega-3 and is 80% water.
  3. Dry salmon protein is added separately. This allows you to provide the dog with the necessary amount of protein. Pure dry protein is extracted from salmon cutting waste through chemical processing.
  4. Dry animal protein (mostly chicken) is also added. It also contains protein, and is a completely desirable component of a dog’s diet, but its location at the top of the list indicates its overabundance.
  5. Beetroot pulp is used to balance the animal's blood sugar levels. But some veterinarians insist that this is simply filler for the volume and weight of the pack.
  6. Wheat increases the caloric value of the diet. It quite correctly affects digestion and speeds up metabolic processes.
  7. Corn is often used in the production of Purina ProPlan dog food. This is due to the fact that corn is an easily digestible, cheap source of carbohydrates and a stomach filler that greatly increases satiety.
  8. Rice supplies the animal with complex carbohydrates and increases the calorie content of the product. It, like corn, does not harm the dog, but it also does not provide much benefit to its health. Especially in diets for sterilized dogs.
  9. Animal fat is one of the worst ingredients in Pro Plan products. The fact is that this formulation can hide the organic remains of any animal, even waste from a slaughterhouse or simple expired food.
  10. Another controversial component of the composition is dietary fiber. Under this name lies ordinary cellulose. It is easy to understand that the dog does not get any benefit from the consumables in paper production.
  11. Monosodium glutamate, hidden under the term “flavoured feed additive”, is generally not recommended to be given to four-legged friends; allergies and side effects are too likely. But it’s not just Pro Plan that adds it to feed.

Thus, analysis of the composition indicates inconsistent quality of the feed. Some components, the existence of which even the company itself does not deny, are of unknown origin. This suggests that if something happens to the dog, you are unlikely to receive a constructive answer about the quality of the product. Then which food is better for dogs: ProPlan or Royal Canin? If we compare the composition specifically, the advantage is not on the side of the products of Michel and Co.

Disadvantages of Proplan food

There are also a number of disadvantages, due to which not all veterinarians recommend buying food for decorative dogs and puppies:

  • presence of flavorings and flavor enhancers;
  • similarity of composition in all food lines;
  • a small portion of meat.

It is also important that the small percentage of meat content suggests that the food cannot be classified as premium, although the manufacturer himself gave exactly this definition of the line.

Are there any advantages to ProPlan over other foods?

In order to sensibly assess the quality, you need to understand what class of ProPlan food it is? And the correct answer is indicated by the high market value - these products are classified as premium. Compared to other representatives of this price category, Pro Plan food stands out well. A small norm per day makes such nutrition quite attractive from an economic point of view. But what are the objective advantages of the brand?

Veterinarians from the production have created more than 30 foods for different dogs. This contrast is noticeable when comparing ProPlan with the Chicopee company, which has only 11 items. They also developed a special veterinary diet, which is used by many specialists (it includes foods such as Urinari ProPlan, Joint Mobility, Renal Function, Dental Health, Fortiflora, Hepatic, Gastrointestinal, and so on).

This feature of the feed most fully concerns practice in small towns: ProPlan is one of the most affordable premium feeds. The company's policy is to find an individual approach to dogs with different needs. Therefore, ProPlan has a rather rich mineral composition. Veterinarians note the good content of vitamin E. This company uses about 550 IU/kg, while in diets from Probalance the figure is 10 times less.

Which food should you choose for your pet?

It is necessary to choose food based on age, breed, weight and needs. All this is taken into account in the Purina Pro Plan food lines.

For large

For large breeds, it is better to choose the following types of food:

  • PRO PLAN® Medium Adult Sensitive with salmon and rice

Suitable for pets over three years old. It is a hypoallergenic food, suitable even for puppies with digestive disorders.

  • PRO PLAN® Large Puppy Robust with chicken and rice

It is used as dietary food, sometimes for puppies from one year of age, but with an athletic build. Packages of 3 and 7 kg.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIBALANCE with chicken

Designed for mature dogs from three years of age, for fighting dogs and large builds. The food complex is balanced, containing vitamins, omega-3, chicken or beef, wheat, corn and antioxidants.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIAGE with chicken

For pets from seven years of age with a large build. Nutrition stimulates development and mobility. Sold in 1.5, 3 and 14 kg. The composition contains beets, chicken, fish oil, oil, rice and animal fats.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIDERMA with salmon

Suitable for athletic and giant pets over the age of five with skin problems and allergies. Packages of 3 and 14 kg are offered, containing salmon, rice, corn, minerals and vitamins, soybean oil, fish oil.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIDIGEST with lamb and rice

For large pets with an upset stomach, used when reaching the age of three years, the food is considered dietary.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIPOWER with chicken

Suitable for mobile and active pets, and those that are subject to constant stress. Nutrition supports immunity, improves endurance, and strengthens bones.

Please note that Large Puppy Robust contains minimal flavor enhancers, but can only be used after a doctor’s permission.

For small dogs

For small pets:

  • PRO PLAN® Adult Small and Mini Digestive Comfort with chicken

Can be given from 8-12 months. The peculiarity of the diet is its low calorie content, no more than 15%, which is why the food is considered dietary. The composition also contains corn, vegetables and wheat.

  • PRO PLAN® Small & Mini Sensitive with salmon

It has a dietary composition, with 22% salmon, suitable for pets prone to obesity.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIAGE with chicken and rice

Suitable for dogs from nine years old, affects brain activity and mobility. Contains chicken, rice, OPTIAGE complex and minerals;

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIDERMA with salmon

Designed for mature dogs with sensitive skin over five years of age. The composition contains salmon meat, corn, beets, soybean oil, vitamins, and fish oil.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIDIGEST with lamb

For small dogs from three years old with digestive problems. A special feature is a probiotic that affects the microflora. Also contains lamb, rice, soy milk, corn, minerals. Sold in packages of 0.7, 3 and 7 kg.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTIWEIGHT with chicken and rice

Designed for dogs aged five years and older who are prone to obesity. This food is low in protein and fat. The key is to maintain energy, muscle strength and joint integrity. The food is also suitable for sterilized dogs.

Remember that you need to introduce dietary food into your diet slowly, over 7-10 days, and not all at once. Otherwise, problems with appetite and stomach may appear.

For puppies

For young dogs, you can choose the following lines from Purina:

  • PRO PLAN® Purina Small & Mini Puppy with Chicken

You can give it from three months of age, it contains chicken meat - 18%. Additional components: fish oil, vitamins, colostrum, fiber.

  • PRO PLAN® Medium Puppy Sensitive

Give from one year of age. You can count on a silky coat and no allergies. Because it contains chicory, soy meat, rice, and colostrum.

  • PRO PLAN® OPTISTART with chicken

Suitable for puppies of large and small breeds. Rich in minerals, trace elements, colostrum, amino acids and chicken. Can be used from the age of two.

Advantages and disadvantages

The previous point proves that even reputable dog foods can have negative aspects. Obviously, this food does not belong to the super-premium segment, but it still confirms its premium status. This is why ProPlan is better for dogs than Hills, Dog Chow and similar brands. But to form an objective view of ProPlan, you need to analyze all the pros and cons even before purchasing a trial pack.


  • The company presents a wide variety of products. It will be possible to choose diets depending on the size of the breed, age, and health characteristics of the animal.
  • The assortment includes dry and wet food varieties. And they are all sold in packages of different weights and sizes, which allows you to choose the most optimal nutrition.
  • The price, in comparison with other premium products, is quite adequate. You can find dog food costing up to 500 rubles, albeit in small quantities.
  • Most feeds, distributed in packages of three kilograms or more, have a fairly small daily consumption. This further reduces the dog owner’s expenses on food.
  • Mineral and vitamin complexes are indicated at the very end of the composition, but their quantity is optimal for four-legged pets.


  • The composition includes substances that are not beneficial even for a healthy animal. Cellulose and monosodium glutamate can cause irreparable harm to a dog, especially if added to veterinary or dietary food.
  • The manufacturer does not confirm or deny this, but a chemical analysis of ProPlan showed that it contains meat by-products. This reduces its nutritional value.
  • Quality standards have been changed for our country, and, unfortunately, not for the better. In Russia there are completely different formulations, composition components and concentrations of non-natural substances.
  • You can buy specialized medicinal food in a small locality only through a veterinary clinic. And they often add a percentage, so the price of food for sick dogs can be an unpleasant surprise.
  • If you do not take into account minerals and vitamins, the diets have a rather poor composition. Too large a percentage of the components are allocated to rice, corn and other banal stomach fillers.

Reviews of Pro Plan dog food

Ksenia: I gave my dog ​​Medium Puppy Sensitive because he had problems with his fur and skin rashes since birth. I fed the baby from the third month of life for about six months. Despite the affordable price, I was pleased with the result. Because my Peter grew up healthy and full of energy, very active. The main thing is to give plenty of water and, if necessary, choose hypoallergenic canned food.

Darina: We have a Corso horse, and we immediately decided to feed him Proplan because we heard a lot of good things. Yes, it contains a lot of flavorings and animal fats, but the price is low and the dog has no health problems. We tried both canned food and dry food, and settled on the latter option. Although we give additional vitamins and beef, because the food contains no more than 25% meat.

Polina: My Dora (Japanese Chin) started having problems with her fur and stomach. At one point, hair began to fall out, she felt sick and had diarrhea. The veterinarian said that there were problems with nutrition and, most likely, poisoning. We recommended Small & Mini Sensitive Derma because the food is hypoallergenic and has almost no calories, plus it contains minerals and fiber. Within two weeks, Dora began to feel much better, the diarrhea stopped, and the baby became active and cheerful. I was equally pleased with the cost of food!

The secret of Purina feed

Ralston Purina's experience in developing and producing nutrition for pet dogs spans decades. Deep knowledge about dogs and modern technologies allow the company to accurately guess which diets are suitable for four-legged pets.

The company is thinking about increasing the life expectancy of dogs - constant work is being done in the field of animal gerontology.

It is important that the dog lives a long time and is in optimal condition for as long as possible, which will allow the owner and dog to be together happily ever after.

The company's specialists study the physiological characteristics of dogs to create food that is ideal for animals that lead lives with an average level of activity or lower. It is important that the animal remains healthy and active.

Also, food developers try to ensure that all products are aromatic and very tasty. So that your pet enjoys food and is happy every day.

Pro Plan dog food prices

The price of Pro Plan dry dog ​​food will depend on the weight and composition:

  • Purina Pro Plan 0.7 g – about 341 rubles (120 UAH);
  • Purina Pro Plan 1.5 kg – about 636 rubles (315 UAH);
  • Purina Proplan 3 kg – about 1157 rubles (575 UAH);
  • Purina Pro Plan 7 kg – about 2250 rubles (1100 UAH);
  • Purina Pro Plan 10 kg – about 3,760 rubles (1,600 UAH);
  • Purina Pro Plan 14 kg – about 4,770 rubles in Moscow (1,500 hryvets in Kyiv).

Official website –

Who produces this food?

The official manufacturer of ProPlan is the famous American corporation Nestle Purina PetCare. In Russia, the company Michel and Co. has the rights to represent its interests and sell its goods. Michel & Co. produces for free sale a line of regular foods for puppies, adult dogs and elderly animals. But veterinary rations most often need to be ordered through specialized clinics or directly on the ProPlan website in Russia. In parallel with ProPlan, the Nestle Purina PetCare company sells Darling and Dog Chow, which are less respected among dog breeders.

In our country, the range is not as wide as in the United States of America. But this does not prevent Russian four-legged lovers from choosing completely suitable diets. The manufacturer supplies here ProPlan for small dogs, Purina Pro Plan dog food and other medicinal dog food created under the ProPlan brand, food for puppies under one year old and the live weight of an adult animal, as well as ProPlan for medium breeds.


According to most veterinarians, Purina ProPlan is suitable for completely healthy cats, but not ideal for sick or neutered cats. For the latter, there are better foods of the same class. Some veterinarians are so radical in their assessment of ProPlan foods that they do not recommend them and consider them harmful to the health of cats. However, it is necessary to separate ProPlan food from France and ProPlan food, which has recently been produced in Russia. Products from domestic manufacturers are of significantly lower quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

As for the advantages and disadvantages, the potential consumer should familiarize themselves with these theses in advance. This information is based solely on reviews.

Let's start with the pros:

  1. The manufacturer offers the domestic market a fairly large range of produced feeds. The owner of any animal, meaning age and breed, will be able to choose a diet for their pet. In addition, both dry and wet variations are available for sensitive organisms, growing dogs, and diets.
  2. You can find Purina designed specifically for animals suffering from urolithiasis or some kind of allergy. But keep in mind that such a diet should only be prescribed by a veterinarian.
  3. The food contains natural meat or fish, albeit in small quantities.
  4. The production of goods is carried out under the supervision of professionals, as is their development.
  5. There is, like many other manufacturers, a program for nurseries that allows you to purchase feed in maximum packaging at an affordable price.

Now let's move on to the cons:

  1. The cost of production is quite high, especially considering the minimum amount of meat products in the composition.
  2. Although Purina offers consumers many different types, the composition, as practice shows, is largely identical.
  3. As you understand from the previous paragraphs, it is mostly based on cheap grain products. In particular, corn and wheat, which are included in feed, can cause food allergies.
  4. And although almost all types in the Purina line are positioned as hypoallergenic, flavor enhancers are added to them during production. Reviews from experts make it clear that this can cause allergies in some sensitive individuals.

Manufacturer and official website

Pro Plan food constantly takes leading positions in sales among its closest competitors. Purina has given dog and cat owners a wide range of products to choose from, and they also offer medicated foods.

Purina releases Pro Plan dog food in three varieties

  • Dry food.
  • Treats for oral hygiene.
  • Canned food pieces and pates (veterinary).

Note! The company's assortment includes hygienic treats for the prevention of dental problems.

The composition of feed varies depending on the purpose. The main ingredients are:

  • Lamb.
  • Beef.
  • Chicken.
  • Salmon.
  • Lamb and rice
  • Chicken and rice
  • Salmon and rice

Detailed descriptions for each product are provided by the manufacturer and the official Pro Plan website ( Note that the site has a more modest assortment than its counterpart in Europe.

Important! Most of Pro Plan food belongs to the premium (everyday) class. Only veterinary diets reach the super premium level.

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