Huskies with different eyes - why there are different eyes, reasons for their appearance

Have you ever seen dogs with two different colored eyes? Amazing! But why is this happening? Find out everything you wanted to know about heterochromia.

The next time you come across a dog with two different colored eyes, don't stop to clean your glasses or rub your eyes. You don't see things - you just found a dog with heterochromia. The term comes from the Greek words naturalami, meaning “other,” and chromatica, meaning “color.”

Why do dogs have different colored eyes?

This phenomenon is called "heterochromia". Heterochromia is a difference in eye, hair or skin color. It occurs due to excess or lack of melanin.

It happens that dogs have different colors of eyes, and sometimes the iris of one eye is painted in different colors. For example, a brown eye may have blue highlights.

Both animals and people have different eyes. This may be a congenital or acquired feature.

Among dogs, different eyes are most common in border collies, huskies, shelties, collies, and Australian shepherds. Other breeds and mixed breeds are less likely to boast of this trait.

Types of German Shepherds

Depending on their purpose, German Shepherds are divided into two groups:

  • exhibition - meet the breed standard in appearance, participate in competitions, provide canistherapy, work as guide dogs;
  • workers - without high standards of exterior, with well-developed muscles, endurance, excellent bone structure, fearless character, capable of performing physically difficult service.

There are other types of classification in the German family:

  • by type of coat;
  • color;
  • breeding lines.

By coat length

Depending on the type of coat, Germans are either long-haired or short-haired. The former have long, wavy fur, and the undercoat is weakly expressed. The fluffiest fur is in the neck, chest and tail. A distinctive feature of long-haired German Shepherds is the feathering at the base of the ears and on the back of the paws.

Heterochromia in dogs. What is this anomaly?

The word “heterochromia” is translated from Greek as “different” (heteros) and “color” (chroma). In different cases, it can determine the properties of the eyes, hair or skin. When it comes to the eyes, this condition is called heterochromia of the iris. The reason in this case is an increase in the number of melanocytes in the iris.

Heterochromia can be hereditary, when different eye colors are transmitted genetically, and acquired, resulting from eye diseases, for example, entropion (entropion).

The anomaly is divided into several types:

  • Complete heterochromia
    . The entire iris of one eye is a different color from the iris of the other. This is the most common type.
  • Partial heterochromia
    . Individual segments of the same iris have different colors.
  • Central heterochromia.
    The center of the iris has a different color from the rest of it. This pattern also resembles a target.

There have always been many legends about dogs with different-colored eyes. In Indian myths, they protected both heaven and earth at the same time. Other tales said that dogs with heterochromia protected humanity, while dogs with brown or amber eyes protected spirits. According to the Eskimos, dogs with different eye colors pull sleds faster.

If the animal's cornea is white (transparent)

Lipid or protein deposits appear shiny, clear or white

limited areas on the cornea (Fig. 7). These deposits often contain cholesterol or amyloid. There are both primary hereditary dystrophies and secondary ones that arise as a result of metabolic disorders, most often protein. Lipids or proteins are deposited in the central and peripheral parts of the cornea, often in the shape of a circle or oval. As a rule, deposits accumulate in the stroma, they are painless and are not accompanied by clinical signs of diseases of the anterior segment of the eye.

When there is a metabolic disorder, an excess of certain metabolic end products accumulates in the blood. As a result, lipids (usually cholesterol), proteins (usually amyloid) and minerals (usually calcium) accumulate in the cornea, which is nourished by osmosis and diffusion from the intraocular fluid and limbal vessels.

Hereditary primary dystrophies are more common in young animals. Secondary dystrophies are observed in older animals that have somatic diseases (diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas).

Can all dogs exhibit heterochromia?

Unlike humans, hereditary heterochromia is much more common in dogs than acquired heterochromia [1]. In some breeds, complete heterochromia is more common:

  • Siberian Husky;
  • Australian Shepherd;
  • Catahoula Leopard Dog.

As for partial, in addition to the above, it is also found in the following breeds:

It is important to note that the Siberian Husky is not a merle breed (a merle breed), and therefore cannot have partial heterochromia.

In some breeds, heterochromia can occur spontaneously:

  • Dalmatian;
  • Pit bull terrier;
  • English Cocker Spaniel;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Boston Terrier.

Unfortunately, one challenge in determining how common heterochromia is in dogs is the need to distinguish between acquired and hereditary. If a dog's breed is not predisposed to it, then it is unlikely that different eye colors will appear in its family. However, acquired heterochromia can occur due to many different conditions that are often impossible to predict.

Because heterochromia is often inherited, the genes can be passed on whether the dog is purebred or not. Heterochromia can also occur in mixed breed dogs, but this is only likely if one of their parents belongs to a breed for which this phenomenon is not uncommon.

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How to make friends between a cat and a dog? Why does a hedgehog laugh? The entire encyclopedia about animals is on our website.

Why do the eyes not open immediately after birth?

Why aren't puppies born sighted right away? This happens because it takes some time for the muscle tissue of the eyelids to fully develop. As you know, eyelids play a critical role in healthy development - they protect the eyes from drying out and have a protective function when exposed to external factors. The overall development of the pet will depend on what time puppies open their eyes.

Early insight can negatively affect the puppy’s health, because the eyelids are still underdeveloped and cannot fully perform their intended functions. For the baby to develop properly, a certain period of breastfeeding with mother's milk is necessary, when the dog will receive all the vitamins and microelements necessary for normal growth.

What color are husky eyes?

Eye color must correspond to breed standards. Iris colors characteristic of purebred huskies:

Different shades of the listed colors are possible. There are no huskies with green eyes, but an olive tint is possible. This color is found in brown-eyed dogs.

Other colors are not typical for the breed and indicate that the dog is not purebred.

Blue-eyed huskies

The most popular and most frequently encountered are blue-eyed huskies. Previously, this color of the iris was considered a defect. Breeders were sure that the blue color of the iris indicated blindness or poor vision. Blue-eyed dogs were not allowed to be bred. This is why dogs with blue eyes are rare among other northern breeds.

During breeding work with huskies, breeders, on the contrary, focused on breeding blue-eyed pets, which became the hallmark of the breed.

The iris has a heavenly color and is surrounded by a dark rim. The shade is light, making the animal’s gaze seem piercing and frightening.

This breed feature is associated with a genetic anomaly that does not affect the dog’s health in any way. It occurs due to an insufficient amount of pigment in the iris. Visual acuity does not suffer from this.

All Husky puppies are born with blue irises. You can be sure that a husky’s eyes will remain like this for the rest of his life only when the animal is six months old.

This is why a breeder's assurances regarding a puppy's blue eyes should be treated with caution.

Even if both parents of the baby are huskies with blue eyes, over time the baby’s iris may acquire a chocolate hue.

Colors characteristic of blue-eyed dogs:

White huskies with blue irises are rare. They often have black noses and lips and dark eyes. Albinos are even rarer. They are all white huskies with blue eyes, light lips and nose. The iris is almost white or red.

Brown-eyed huskies

Dogs with brown eyes are not much less common than their blue-eyed counterparts. The color of the iris can vary from honey to black. In brown-eyed huskies, the iris is saturated with a sufficient amount of pigment, so its color is bright and dense.

Brown eyes are found in all colors of the breed. They look best on red and chocolate coats that have brown noses.

Amber eye color looks impressive. In certain lighting it appears golden or bright orange, and sometimes has a green tint.

Stages of development of a newborn brood

It is necessary to understand that for each breed, as well as for each puppy, development is individual; strict deadlines cannot be set here. It happens that littermates differ significantly from each other. They may grow and gain weight differently. Usually they sleep for a long time, while pushing a lot - this is necessary for the formation of muscle tissue and the development of the nervous system.

The umbilical cord in puppies falls off on the second or third day after birth. If this does not happen, then there is reason to worry - you need to contact a veterinarian. The brood begins to actively move around its bed within a week or a week and a half. At this time, dog cubs can only navigate by smell - after all, the time has not yet come when puppies begin to open their eyes. However, they are already trying to get back on their feet. At first, babies look funny and clumsy: their paws move apart, their gait is unsteady, their head gets in the way. But as their muscle tissue strengthens, puppies begin to walk confidently. This occurs towards the end of the third week of life.

It is very important for puppies to feel warm, which is why they tend to huddle together and be closer to their mother. Throughout the first week, babies suckle it every 1.5-2.0 hours, and sleep the rest of the time. After feeding, the mother licks the genital and anal area of ​​each calf, stimulating the process of defecation and miction.

Husky with different colored eyes - standard or defective?

Huskies with different eyes are a common occurrence for the breed. The different colors of the iris are called “harlequin” among cynologists. This genetic anomaly is not considered a defect and is allowed by breed standards. Odd-eyed huskies are popular among dog breeders because of their unusual appearance.

Different colored irises are found in humans and all animal species. This genetic abnormality is called heterochromia. In this breed it is hereditary. In most cases, a dog has one iris that is blue and one that is brown.

Puppies with heterochromia are more likely to appear from parents whose eyes are blue and brown, and animals with different iris colors are able to produce normal offspring. The reason for this anomaly is a lack or excess of pigment during the formation of the puppy’s iris.

Huskies' different eyes do not affect the animal's visual acuity. This feature does not pose a health hazard, so you can safely buy a puppy with heterochromia.

  1. Full. The irises are entirely colored in different colors.
  2. Sectoral. There are blue or brown spots on one or both irises.

However, different eye colors in huskies are not always the norm. Some diseases can cause color changes. Acquired heterochromia is possible for the following reasons:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • lack of melanin;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and potent drugs;
  • mechanical damage to the cornea.

If a dog with different eyes has vision problems, this is also abnormal.

A painful reaction to bright light is characteristic only of albinos. And clouding of the iris and pupil is a sign of illness.

If all these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Newborn representatives of this breed are characterized by extremely low weight and an extremely helpless state. The weight of a newly born puppy is usually about 70 grams, but sometimes larger cubs can be found in the litter. They can only gain 2-4 grams per day. Immediately after birth, they are practically incapable of even small movements. Only the licking of the mother encourages the babies to take at least rare breaths.

At 12-16 days, there comes a time when Chihuahua puppies open their eyes. This process is practically no different from the epiphany of cubs of other dog breeds. Up to the 13th day, the palpebral fissure remains tightly closed, however, the cubs react to a source of bright light with a blink reflex. It will disappear only by 21-22 days, when the puppies have already learned to control the movements of the pupil. The presence of the palpebral reflex (twitching of the eyelids) is observed on the third day of life of the fragile creature, and by the 9th day it should be fully developed.

The opening of the palpebral fissure occurs from the inner edge to the outer. Usually the eyes open at the same time, but sometimes it happens that first one eye begins to see, and after a couple of days the other. On the first day after opening, the palpebral fissure remains narrow, however, the very next day the incision becomes properly formed and natural lacrimation develops. Vision becomes full only by 21-25 days of life.

Does eye color change over time?

All newborn husky puppies are blue-eyed. As soon as the baby opens his eyelids, it seems that his cornea is covered with a white coating. This is normal, because it has not fully formed. During this period, the baby sees only light.

The cornea is finally formed on the 25th day from birth. The gaze becomes meaningful and focused.

Over time, the color of the iris changes. It is impossible to say exactly when the change will take place. For some babies, everything becomes clear already at the age of one month. By six months, all husky puppies acquire a permanent eye color. If the irises are still blue by this time, they will remain that way.

Important! A change in eye color in a dog that is over a year old only indicates health problems.

Huskies have an unusual appearance, which is why dog ​​breeders all over the world love them. And it’s not just the color and great similarity of sled dogs with wolves.

An anomaly is considered normal for the breed, thanks to which dogs can boast of bright blue, as well as different eye colors.

To this it is worth adding different colors, the main characteristic feature of which is a unique mask.

But do not forget that despite their attractive appearance, northern dogs have a difficult character.

These are sled dogs that need long, active walks. They are not easy to get along with, and without training they become uncontrollable.


Visual development in puppies

The palpebral fissure of any puppy opens from the inner corner to the outer. This does not happen all at once, but over several days. Usually both eyes open at the same time, but it also happens that one eye opens first, and the second after 1-2 days. However, once this has occurred, the brood must be protected from exposure to bright light for several days. Sometimes puppies may not respond to light. This should not frighten the breeder, since infant puppies usually do not distinguish between dark and light. Therefore, after the day when puppies open their eyes, it will take some time before they can see as well as adult dogs.

Dogs with different colored eyes

Have you ever seen dogs with two different colored eyes? Amazing! But why is this happening? Find out everything you wanted to know about heterochromia.

The next time you come across a dog with two different colored eyes, don't stop to clean your glasses or rub your eyes. You don't see things - you just found a dog with heterochromia. The term comes from the Greek words naturalami, meaning “other,” and chromatica, meaning “color.”

How does this happen?

In dogs, eye color is determined by the amount of melanin found in the iris. Brown eyes indicate a high concentration of melanin, while green or blue eyes indicate a lower amount. Dogs with two different colored eyes have different levels of melanin in each eye. Heterochromia, however, can also be centralized. That is, the iris of one eye can be two different colors.

If the puppy had two different colored eyes when it was born, then heterochromia is a genetic condition passed on by both mother and father.

A dog may develop heterochromia later in life as a result of eye injury or from a condition such as glaucoma, cataracts, underdevelopment of the optic nerve, retina, or dysplasia. If this is the case, be sure to tell your dog's veterinarian to check for any underlying disease or problem developing in your dog's eyes. Blue eyes, for example, whether it is one eye or both, can be a sign of deafness in Dalmatians.

More common in certain breeds

Some dog breeds are more likely to have heterochromia. Among them are the Siberian Husky, the American Foxhound, and the Australian Shepherd. In addition to dogs, cats and horses are also susceptible to heterochromia. And, to a lesser extent, the condition also occurs in humans. Ever heard of David Bowie?

Just like people, every dog ​​is unique in appearance and personality. Dogs with two different colored eyes certainly meet this standard. So if your dog has heterochromia, consider it just one more thing that makes your pet special. And I know that your dog is not alone.


Content Features

Dogs of the Siberian Husky breed, of course, stand out among the huge variety of breeds of “human friends”.
However, a person who decides to purchase this dog with an unforgettable expressive look should carefully familiarize himself with all the features of raising and keeping this breed. Such dogs require long active walks; they do not tolerate long stays in a stuffy room, as well as a lack of intense physical activity.

Moreover, the option of keeping a dog year-round in an outdoor enclosure seems to be virtually ideal.

A dog of this breed is suitable for a person with an active lifestyle, a strong, stable character, who has sincere love and respect for his four-legged friend.


When floaters are a dangerous symptom

Sometimes the spots before your eyes are actually blood clots, drug drops, tumor fragments, or cholesterol crystals. Dark spots and dots also appear during temporary ischemia - spasm or lack of blood circulation in the retinal vessels.

The causes of flies can be the following pathologies:

  • Trauma, bruise, foreign body entering the eye;
  • Infectious process or inflammation, including autoimmune;
  • Retinopathy is a pathology caused by damage to the vessels of the eye that supply blood to the retina. Often develops against the background of diabetes, as well as hypertension or atherosclerosis;
  • Oncological process;
  • Cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • Migraine, psycho-emotional stress;
  • Pressure surges during pregnancy, sudden changes in body position.

Floaters can appear when the retina is detached or torn. In this case, the patient requires emergency specialized care. In these conditions, damage and death of the retina occurs.

Floaters can be both a variant of the norm and a symptom of a serious pathology

Retinal detachment can occur for various reasons. Patients most often at risk:

  • With myopia;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Head or eye injuries (for example, direct blows or injuries from falling);
  • Neoplasms.

However, each case is individual. Retinal detachment is also possible in situations where the above factors are absent.

In addition to spots, a patient with a retinal detachment or rupture sees photopsia - flashes of light, sparks or lightning, as well as a veil, clouding and double vision of objects. The disease is painless, but lack of timely intervention can lead to blindness.

Should I see a doctor?

It is impossible to independently determine the cause of spots before the eyes; if such a symptom appears, consultation with an ophthalmologist is recommended.

You should consult a doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Floaters before the eyes appear more often;
  • The floaters are accompanied by flashes of light;
  • Vision has deteriorated sharply: objects become cloudy, blurred or split into two, a feeling of a veil appears before the eyes;
  • Peripheral vision narrowed;
  • Pain syndrome appeared.


  • During the collection of anamnesis, the specialist finds out how long ago the symptoms appeared, what general diseases were diagnosed in the patient, whether there were injuries to the eyes and head, ophthalmological operations, whether any close relatives have vision problems;
  • The ophthalmologist measures blood and intraocular pressure, determines visual acuity and fields using tests;
  • Using a slit lamp or ophthalmoscope, a specialist assesses the condition of the retina, fundus and vitreous body;
  • Based on the results of the study, the ophthalmologist can refer the patient to related specialists or independently prescribe additional tests;
  • As additional tests, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the eye or optical coherence tomography (OCT). OCT is a highly accurate diagnostic method that is used to study the state of the structural elements of the eye at the microscopic level. This makes it possible to identify various diseases of the visual organ at the earliest stages of development. The OCT service is available in Megaoptika
    of the Happy Look network.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations


The main ways to get rid of flies include:

  • Therapy - prescription of drops that activate metabolism, nootropic drugs, multivitamins, immunomodulators.
  • Vitreolysis - laser evaporation - destruction of collagen lumps through the pupil. The use of a laser is impossible if the formations are located in the posterior parts of the eye, that is, too close to the retina.
  • Intravitreal injections are the injection of medications into the vitreous body, that is, directly into the eye. This method is highly effective and is used in cases where the use of topical agents (drops, ointments) and intramuscular or intravenous administration of drugs is ineffective.
  • Laser photocoagulation is used to strengthen the retina and prevent its further detachment.
  • Vitrectomy is the surgical removal of the vitreous and replacing it with a saline solution. Since this procedure has many side effects, vitrectomy is prescribed extremely rarely.

If other reasons have led to the appearance of flies, it is necessary to treat the primary disease.

Possible problems

The wait for the puppies to open their eyes cannot be too long. If the eyes have not opened on the eighteenth day, the puppy needs help. To do this, they are washed with warm boiled water or the eyelids are lubricated with eye ointment. It is advisable to show such a puppy to a veterinarian - he will recommend suitable drops.

However, if by the end of the first month of life the eyes still have not opened, a visit to the veterinarian is inevitable. You should not try to open your eyelids on your own. If pathologies of the puppy eyelid require surgical intervention, then all manipulations are recommended to be carried out only after four months of age. The usual indication for surgery is entropion of the eyelids, which occurs in breeds with folds on the face.

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