Royal Corgi: standard, character, breed description, care and nutrition, owner reviews

In this article we will talk about the most smiling dog breed!

The Corgi gets its name from the Welsh language, its name translates to “dwarf dog.” This dog was common in the 10th century in Wales (UK), but its popularity increased in the early 1900s. Queen Elizabeth II is the most famous corgi owner, and thanks to her love for dogs, many people call this breed the Royal Corgi. The British monarch was first given a corgi by her father in 1933. The Queen had 30 of these fluffy little dogs throughout her life and even bred corgis.

Royal Corgis are true companion dogs. Corgis are used to taking orders from people and they really want to please their owners, which is a very attractive trait. And the fact that dogs eat well makes them easier to train.

Royal Corgi: Pros and Cons


  • The Royal Corgi is smart, loyal and loves to please his owners.
  • They get along great with children and other pets
  • Corgis learn quickly, are easy to train and adapt well to dog sports.
  • These dogs love to be outdoors and are energetic enough to hike or play all day.
  • They are happy dogs that are loyal to their owners and protective of their families.
  • The Royal Corgi is relatively easy to care for. Weekly cleaning will help keep your home clean.

Smiling dog

  • Royal Corgis , like other herding breeds, tend to bark and may bite at the heels when playing
  • They should be trained from a young age and also socialized to avoid dog dominance
  • Corgis tend to think that they are independent from an owner who is in charge.
  • Corgis that are not properly socialized may become nervous around strangers.
  • Corgis need regular daily exercise
  • A bored Corgi is not a happy Corgi and may find other distractions such as chewing on shoes or furniture.
  • These dogs gain weight easily, which can cause back problems

Character traits

This breed is not predisposed to problems in socialization, and due to its friendliness, pets get along well with both people and other animals.

But, despite its peacefulness, the dog does not have a definite opinion towards strangers. Dogs can show wariness and even bark or manage to fall in love at first sight. Therefore, the corgi security service is off limits.

Welsh Corgis have a tendency to collect everything that moves. Puppies often run after people, trying to bite their heels. So they try to set the direction of movement for a relative who has strayed from the herd. The shepherd's past is telling.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Perhaps one of the characteristics of a pet is not so much its human orientation as its lack of fear. This trait comes from the distant past, when the main activity of the dog was the role of a shepherd. A herding dog must not only combine intelligence and ingenuity, but also be able to predict the moment when it will face difficulties. Moreover, fearlessly overcome them. If this breed were prone to feelings of fear, then the mouth would have to be abandoned.

Royal Corgi Cardigan and Pembroke: differences

The Royal Corgi comes in two varieties: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

  • Both of these breeds are fast and agile, originally bred as farm dogs that herd livestock. The Cardigan Corgi is slightly larger than the Pembroke in both weight and length. By the way, the corgi's length is almost twice its height!
  • The ears of cardigans are more rounded, and the color has a wider range. But the Pembroke is more sociable and friendly even with strangers, while the Cardigan is more reserved.
  • But the main difference between them is that Pembrokes do not have tails, while Cardigans have long, bushy, fox-like tails. Although lately they have stopped stopping them.


Appearance of puppies

Welsh Corgi puppies are adorable, soft little bundles of love that you can't resist.
The puppy's tail is straight and long without kinks, the eye color is brown, in cardigans it can be blue . Puppies look like plush toys thanks to their medium-length coat.

What does a royal corgi look like?

  • The Royal Corgi is a medium-sized dog with very short legs compared to its body. The stocky dog ​​has a short to medium coat with a thick undercoat. By the way, it is resistant to getting wet!
  • The Corgi's eyes are smart, kind and interested. The head is very similar in shape to a fox, but the expression of the muzzle is not cunning, but kind. The Corgi has a wide forehead that is flat between the ears.
  • The nose is black with pronounced pigmentation. The chest is voluminous, ovoid. The tail is most often docked (in Pembrokes).
  • One part of a corgi's torso has proven to be a hit on social media: their butt. They became an Instagram phenomenon with their own hashtag, #corgibutts . Royal Corgis tend to have fluffy butts that recreate the shape of a heart. Their posters will provide many funny moments.


Royal Corgi: varieties, colors

  • The Royal Cardigan Corgi comes in a variety of colors, including red (fawn), sable or brindle, as well as black, merle, brindle or blue merle, with brindle points.
  • There is not much variety in the Pembroke breed, usually red, sable, fawn, black and tan, with or without white markings.
  • However, crossbreeding between two different types of Corgis inevitably resulted in unique and contrasting colors in these small herding dogs.

The main thing to remember is that Royal Corgis do not come in one color!

Price range

Currently, the breed is distributed all over the world, so there should not be any difficulties in buying a puppy. Another thing is the price.

In Russia, the cost varies from 15 to 60 thousand rubles . Depending on pedigree and other characteristics. For example, the cheapest pet-class puppy will cost 15-20 thousand rubles.

Breed-class puppies suitable for participation in exhibitions are already more expensive - 30-40 thousand. Titled show-class pets – 55 thousand.

Royal Pembroke Corgi: characteristics and features of the breed

The Royal Pembroke Corgi is the more popular of the two Corgi breeds.

  • Pembroke dogs do not have tails. This could be for various reasons. Some are born without a tail or with a very short tail. Others have their tails docked between two and five days of age. Historically, farmers docked the Pembroke's tail to prevent injury when grazing sheep or cattle. They have vertical ears that look like a fox. The Royal Pembroke Corgi is a caring, loving dog and a wonderful companion.


  • The breed is attentive and playful, which makes them a lot of fun when it comes to active play. Their relatively small size allows them to take up little space in the house. They are independent thinkers, so it is recommended to teach puppies manners and even take puppies to classes with specialists. Previously, farmers used this breed to herd livestock or sheep during grazing. For this reason, Corgis should not be left unsupervised with small children.
  • Royal Pembroke Corgis are extremely intelligent and, as a result, quickly learn new commands and techniques. But they need constant stimulation, otherwise they can cause problems in the apartment or house. Using challenging dog toys can be a great way to keep your corgi entertained.
  • Another skill and feature is their ability to manipulate their owners. These dogs are very cute, but they know well how to use their charm to their advantage. Discipline from the owner is required, otherwise these corgis could quickly begin to rule the house.
  • Royal Pembroke Corgis are very sociable, loving and caring pets. They love to chase other dogs in the park and have tons of energy. Be prepared for your Corgi to follow you around the house, essentially becoming your shadow.


Origin story

The history of the Welsh Corgi breed dates back to the 9th century, according to archaeological excavations in South Wales, the first mention in chronicles dates back to the 10th century.

The British dog breed has two varieties: Cardiganshire and Pembrokeshire . Two species originated in different areas of Wales, hence their names: the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

The most popular type is Pembroke . The variety became widespread thanks to the royal family; Queen Elizabeth II is considered an expert and lover of the breed.

Thanks to its funny and playful character and smiling face, the corgi quickly won the hearts of not only Welsh peasants, but also representatives of royal families.

Peasants used the dog as a shepherd; it successfully coped with the responsibilities of monitoring and protecting the herd.

Despite its centuries-old history, the breed began to be shown at exhibitions and competitions only in 1925; corgis owe this to the love of the royal daughters for themselves and the attention of the secular public.

Royal Corgi: smart dog or not?

The Royal Corgi is confident, intelligent and knows what he wants. Corgis are considered very intelligent dogs that are easy to train. Because they are extremely intelligent, they quickly learn new commands and techniques.

INTERESTING: By the way, it is believed that this breed even understands jokes and has a sense of humor. They also know how to smile.



Most breeders recommend using a "positive only" when raising a Corgi. That is, you do not scold your pet when it does not do something, you exclusively reward it for successfully completing a command.

It is believed that having a deep attachment to a person, the Corgi becomes very upset when he does not receive praise and treats, and for him this is the most unwanted punishment.

But this tactic only works if you need to learn a command, repeat some action, but if you forbid the dog, for example, from barking, then stricter measures are needed: a firm ban, a slight shake by the scruff of the neck.

During training, clickers are also used, which make unpleasant sounds when the pet behaves inappropriately, however, this tactic does not work with all dogs.

When training with a corgi, you will see that this is a very smart dog : remembering a command the second or third time is normal for it.

Royal Corgis: Shedding

One of the main problems with Corgis is that dogs shed a lot. The Royal Corgi has a double coat - a short inner coat and a longer outer coat. Pembroke Corgis are known to shed their fur constantly, which can be a problem for those who don't have time to groom their dog regularly and vacuum frequently.

If you live in a humid climate, the coat around your Corgi's belly will require constant grooming as it comes into contact with the ground during daily walks or runs. You can solve these problems with weekly grooming, regular baths, or a trip to a professional groomer.


  • To comb your hair, you need to purchase a furminator and a soft massager. The first one will be urgently needed during the molting period, when it will be necessary to comb out the undercoat, tangles and various debris. A massage will help you take care of your hair on normal days. The Furminator should not be used on a regular basis.
  • The Corgi needs to be brushed constantly, as this dog's medium-length coat is quite capable of getting tangled . This happens especially often when various debris gets in. Some owners take care of their pets' hair every day, but this is not necessary. Once every 3-4 days is enough.

Royal Corgi: how to care for it?

The Royal Corgi is very clean and loves to be groomed. The peculiarity of this breed is that it is necessary to care not only for the coat, but also for the claws, teeth, ears and eyes of the corgi. Of course, you can seek help from a professional, but if you decide to care for yourself, you must have at home:

  • Massage glove
  • Crest
  • Brush
  • Claw cutter
  • Special quality shampoo

Wool requires care

  1. bathe your Royal Corgi with shampoo very often unless it is very dirty. Frequent bathing washes away the natural lubricant from the coat, which negatively affects the dog. Thanks to this lubricant, the corgi's coat repels dirt and dust. But simply hosing down your corgi would be a great idea.
  2. If your Royal Corgi often walks on paved roads, then most likely his nails will not need to be cut, as they will wear down. If there are claws, they need to be cut off.
  3. The Corgi's ears are erect and get dirty quickly, so the owner should clean them once a week with ear sticks.
  4. You should also practice brushing your teeth with your puppy and use a special dog toothpaste and brush for your four-legged friends. Alternatively, using dog dental snacks or dry chews is a way to clean teeth naturally.

And most importantly, Royal Corgis are active dogs, walk them often and give them enough exercise.

Royal Corgi: food

  • Little bundles of energy love to eat in abundance and at any time. Therefore, a healthy and well-planned dog diet is especially important for this breed. Provide high quality dog ​​food. Pay special attention to the high meat content - meat should be first on the ingredient list.
  • But the Royal Corgi needs the right choice of meat - it should be a low-fat product! Also don't forget about vegetables like carrots, zucchini, and fruits. Buckwheat, corn grits and rice are allowed among porridges. Puppies need fermented milk products in the amount of no more than 100 g per day.


  • Dry food should be introduced gradually and if it suits your dog, do not change it too often. when feeding Royal Corgis because they tend to overeat. Give them only small portions and monitor their food intake to ensure dogs don't eat too much.

It is forbidden to give flour and sausages, cabbage and cucumbers, as well as offal, milk, boiled fish and cartilage!


  1. You need to walk small puppies several times a day, but not for long.
  2. With an adult dog, you need to not only walk back and forth, but also run and play.
  3. It is also advisable to periodically change locations (for example, go out into nature).
  4. Corgis do not like walking on a leash, and such pastime is not at all beneficial to the pet's health.

A dog needs to be socialized from an early age, otherwise it will be difficult for it to come into contact with foreign animals. Ideally, Corgis should interact with their peers. Getting to know older dogs (especially other breeds) can lead to a clash, and therefore to damage to the fragile pet.

Royal Corgi and illness

Overall, the breed is considered to be quite healthy, but the Royal Corgi has its own unique problems. Because of their short legs and heavy bodies, Pembroke and Cardigan breeds can develop spine and hip problems.

  • Intervertebral disc disease occurs when there is a bulge or tear between the discs. Corgi owners should pay attention to their dog's movement. If this adorable breed begins to sway when walking, refuses to jump, suffers from loss of appetite, or has trouble toileting in the usual area, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.
  • Another common problem with Royal Corgis is hip and elbow dysplasia. This problem does not only affect Corgi breeds, it is common in other dogs. The problem occurs when the hip or elbow joint has grown abnormally or is deformed.

Excess weight worsens health

  • This can cause bones to grind against each other, which will inevitably lead to bone rupture or cartilage damage. Hip and elbow dysplasia can be treated by a veterinarian who will have to perform surgery.
  • The problem can often lead to early arthritis. It is also recommended to take a DNA test for degenerative myelopathy to protect against a genetic disease that can cause paralysis.
  • Kidney disease , such as progressive renal atrophy or urinary tract stones, is also rare

What the standards say

There are 2 varieties of Welsh Corgi: Cardigan and Pembroke. They are very similar in appearance. Until 1934, they were even considered a single breed. However, the first ones are slightly larger: their height is 30 cm at shoulder level, weight – 11-17 kg. Pembroke grows up to 30 cm at the withers, weighs no more than 12 kg.

All individuals with parameters below the acceptable limits belong to the mini category. This is not a separate breed of dog, but a deviation from the norm. Professional breeders reject such animals because they do not meet the official standard.

Dwarf puppies appear due to:

  • genetic mutations;
  • premature birth;
  • developmental delays.

Constant crossing of weak dogs worsens the gene pool of the breed, since mini corgis often suffer from serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, have breathing problems, liver problems, or congenital deformities.

Unscrupulous breeders sometimes pass off dwarf puppies as a separate miniature breed, wanting to quickly sell the unsuccessful offspring. To avoid being deceived, you should buy animals only from trusted nurseries that have a good reputation.

Normally, by the age of two months, a Pembroke or Cardigan puppy should weigh 2.7-4 kg and have a height at the withers of 7-10 cm. If the dog is significantly smaller than the specified parameters, most likely it will grow up non-standard.

Royal Corgi: nicknames for girls and boys

Royal Corgi boys can be called:

  • Bingo
  • Magnet
  • Lexus
  • Dandelion
  • Sinbad
  • Carlson
  • Coconut
  • Ivy
  • Honey
  • Dolphin

Choose a name based on your character and temperament.
female Royal Corgi

  • Cutie
  • Mini
  • Marshmallow
  • Caramel
  • Pampushka
  • Marquise
  • Esmeralda
  • Gioconda
  • Freona
  • Merlin

Of course, when choosing a name for a royal corgi, it is best to observe the dog for a couple of days. And then you will understand exactly what to name your corgi.

Royal Corgi: how to train to a diaper?

Considering that the Royal Corgi is quite quick and easy to train, it is not difficult to train a dog to go to the toilet in a certain place. The most effective way is to use a diaper. As soon as the puppy pees on the floor, quickly wipe the liquid with a diaper and wash the floor thoroughly to remove the smell. After that, the diaper should be placed in the place where the corgi prefers a toilet. Surprisingly, corgis very quickly begin to go to the right place. But if the first time you failed to achieve your goal, then under no circumstances cut the dog for a mistake.

Easy to learn

Royal Pembroke Corgi: owner reviews

Konstantin Ivanovich, Kirov

My whole family loves Pembroke Corgis, so this breed is our choice. If you love and want to buy a Pembroke, then my advice is to be patient. The Royal Corgi is naturally an intelligent breed. Therefore, she is easy to train and needs at least basic training. He is also the main friend of the family and the friendliest comrade.

Vitaly, Omsk

Corgis are very intelligent and capable, learning very quickly, but can also be very stubborn. I don't let my corgi discourage me. As with any dog, training takes time, dedication and consistency. I would also advise potential Corgi owners to definitely do some research on the breed, especially if this is your first dog. Benji is my first dog and I did a lot of research before getting him. The more you know, the more prepared you are for anything. But the Pembroke Corgi is an excellent choice that you will not regret.

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