Anti-barking collar - turning a weakling into a decent dog

An anti-bark collar is special equipment for a dog, on which a special device is placed, which exerts a certain effect on the pet in specified cases. This device is used to wean a dog from barking at certain moments, or simply to calm it down and force it to obey. The principle of operation is based on any unpleasant effect on the dog when it does something forbidden. As a result of each such incorrect action, anti-barking affects the dog, makes it unpleasant for it, and the pet develops a conditioned reflex.

What is an Anti-bark collar?

“Anti-bark” collars for dogs (reviews note that the product helps to quickly stop the dog’s barking for no reason, but not in the most humane way) have one goal: to wean the animal from using its voice without a command. The device responds only to the impulse that occurs when playing voice sounds. With a certain effect on the pet, he warns him that such behavior will be unsafe for him.

The strength of the signals is adjustable. As a rule, at first dogs pay attention to the minimum degree of impact, but later they get used to such signals, and an increase in power is required.

Electronic collar iPets PET 617


Bronze medalist is a powerful modern device with which you can train up to 3 dogs at the same time. Its operating range is 800 m. Smooth adjustment ensures a gradual increase in power without causing injury to the animal. By rotating the wheel, the mode is set from 0 to 8. At the top of the remote control there is a switch for dogs 1, 2, 3. It is waterproof, has a comfortable ergonomic shape, and is always ready for use. The impact occurs in three ways: vibration, sound and electrical stimulation. Soft rubberized buttons are comfortable to use. They come in different colors, making settings and management easier. The receiver is turned off from the remote control or using the built-in magnetic switch. It is waterproof. When bathing an animal, synchronization with the remote control is not disrupted. The collar is adjustable to fit medium and large breeds. It is made of durable material. A metal clasp securely secures the strap around your neck. The manufacturers highlighted quick settings and combination of the remote control and receiver, clear controls, and long battery charge.

Electronic collar iPets PET 617


  • smooth change of modes
  • training and walking 1-3 dogs
  • high level of water protection
  • anti-slip coating of the remote control
  • comfortable, durable strap


  • not detected

Types of collars

All “Anti-bark” devices for dogs (reviews from pet owners claim that a collar, even set to full power, will not cause much harm to the dog, but will only create a moment that is somewhat unpleasant for him) are divided according to power sources. Products can be battery operated or powered by a battery that is charged from an electrical outlet. The former are cheaper, but they run out faster and are not suitable for dogs living in an enclosure or on the street. The latter hold a charge longer, but their cost is higher than that of the former. Typically, such devices charge for about 1.5-2 months, but this indicator depends on the frequency of operation of the device.

Anti-bark dog collars are also classified according to the method of influence, these are:

  • Ultrasonic. Their efficiency is 60%. When barking, the collar begins to reproduce sound waves that only the animal perceives, but the person does not hear. Such a device is not effective enough, since many dogs get used to such signals and continue to bark loudly and for no reason. Not suitable for pets suffering from ear disease.
  • Spray or gas. They act effectively and do not cause harm to the animal. When a dog gives a sound signal, a stream of hissing gas goes straight into its face. It is the hissing that signals the animal about danger. As soon as the release of the inert gas has been completed, the dog immediately stops barking.
  • Vibrating. Does not cause pain to the pet. Only the receiver vibrates. Considered more effective than ultrasonic ones. Suitable for small dogs and animals with a timid character, as well as pets of those dog breeders who are opponents of electrostatic devices.
  • Electric collar "Anti-bark" for dogs. Reviews from dog owners note that it effectively copes with the task assigned to it. After several treatments, the dog stops barking and becomes more disciplined. These devices are considered the most effective. The dog stops barking for no reason by the end of the first week of using the collar.
  • Combined impact. Such models include several methods of influence at once: sound, vibration and static discharge. For example, the Terminator BT-6 Anti-Bark Collar. After the first bark, the receiver on this device vibrates, after the second it vibrates even more strongly, on the third attempt to bark, a small current charge is applied, and on the fourth discharge, the current is more powerful.

The impact of “Anti-bark” collars on an animal can be adjusted manually or automatically. The first option allows the dog breeder to fully control the entire process; in the second case, the process follows the program specified by the manufacturer.

Anti-barking SmartDog 656


This collar model is battery powered and has an adjustable length. It is suitable for dogs with a neck circumference from 15 to 50 cm. SmartDog dc673 has 7 intensity levels, 2 operating modes. On the first two, only the sound mode is activated, and on the subsequent ones, vibration is also connected to it. If the pet stops barking, the device returns to the first intensity mode, and when it reaches mode 7, it starts a sleep mode that lasts exactly one minute. The collar only starts when the dog barks. He determines this by the vibration emanating from the muscles of her throat. That is, accidental activation from the barking of another dog is completely excluded. The device is available in blue and pink.

Anti-bark PET856. Sound, vibration, electro. For dogs 4-70 kg. (20-70cm)


  • waterproof
  • compact and lightweight
  • 2 operating modes and 7 intensity levels
  • affordable price
  • adjustable length


  • turns off when reaching level 7

What does the device consist of?

The appearance of the “Anti-bark” collar for dogs (reviews from dog breeders note that some products are equipped with batteries that are difficult to find on sale and because of this they lie unclaimed) is indistinguishable from a standard leash product. It is made from nylon or PVC. The device is quite easy to place on the animal’s neck, where it is adjustable in volume. The receiver is attached to the collar. It can weigh between 25-120 grams (depending on the weight of the dog). It is a small box that triggers the barking of a pet in one way or another. Many receivers are resistant to moisture, so the device can be used in bad weather.

Which brand of electric collar for dogs is best to buy?

The TOP includes devices from 5 brands, among which there are both budget brands and those offering goods at an average cost. This also includes premium companies, each of them has positive reviews and an excellent reputation. The list of leaders includes the following companies:

  • Dogtra is one of the best e-collar companies in the world, recognized as such by leading dog trainers. They are suitable for training dogs both professionally and amateurly. The company's assortment includes models for hunting and instilling obedience in pets, as well as those equipped with the Anti-Barking system. Brand devices are safe for animals.
  • SmartDog - the company's products have an optimal price-quality ratio. Depending on the model, it is suitable for training dogs of both small and medium and large breeds. It is characterized by versatility, ease of use and a high level of safety for dogs. They offer products with several operating modes and more than a hundred levels of signal sensitivity adjustment.
  • Petrainer is a brand of affordable electric collars for dogs, which are characterized by good water resistance, fast and accurate action, and a wide operating radius. Its features include the convenience of remote control over the animal’s behavior using a remote control and ample training opportunities thanks to a wide selection of settings.
  • Petcomer is an inexpensive brand that sells universal electronic collars for training dogs, including non-professionals. His devices exert a safe pulse effect on animals at different frequencies, which guarantees the desired effect for varying degrees of disobedience. According to reviews, the level of their reliability and comfort for pets is quite high, so they respond normally to the use of the products.
  • PaiPaiTek is a brand of inexpensive e-collars for training and bark suppression. In this rating it is represented by the PD-258S model. They have flexible settings that allow you to select the most optimal operating mode, taking into account the dog’s behavior, its breed and conditions of use. They are covered by a six-month warranty.

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Product use

The “Anti-bark” collar for dogs (reviews note that the device helps to quickly calm down the animal’s unreasonable barking and is a real assistant for dog breeders) should be put on the pet without switching on for the first time. The dog must get used to wearing it. Typically, this process takes two to three weeks. Then you should turn it on and make your pet bark, see how he will react to the influence of the collar. If the dog is frightened, then the product must be removed from it immediately and training continued the next day. And so on until the dog responds correctly to the signals of the device.

As practice has shown, animals already after the first signals from the receiver understand that barking is forbidden, but to consolidate the result, the product should be used for at least six months.

Many brands of collars are manually adjusted, and here the force of influence is selected individually. For small dog breeds, minimal impulses are used.

The device is placed higher on the neck than a regular collar for everyday wear. It must fit snugly to the animal’s body, otherwise the dog will not feel any impact. Using the device incorrectly can cause chafing on your pet's skin and cause side effects such as stress or rage.

The maximum time of wearing the collar should be no more than 8-12 hours, then you should take a break from using the Anti-Bark device for dogs. The description and reviews of this product speak of the simplicity and ease of use.

Pros and cons of using this device

Many dog ​​owners are against such collars, explaining their use as inhumane. But it has been proven that dogs do not experience pain (with the exception of electric models) when using gadgets. All training is based on the psychological factor, discomfort.

The only disadvantage of “anti-bark” is that it cannot be used constantly. It costs more than regular collars.

The advantages of the device include:

  • high efficiency;
  • safety;
  • ease of use;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • the presence of various models and methods of influence.

How to choose an “Anti-bark” device for a dog?

Reviews advise choosing “Anti-bark” collars for dogs based on the size of the dog. For large breeds, you should choose devices with a stronger discharge, usually these are models with electrostatic impact. “Anti-bark” for small dogs (reviews here advise giving preference to devices such as A-101, A-109, they have a small receiver and are made specifically for pets up to 3 kg) should be chosen with a vibration or sound signal. Gas collars are considered universal and are suitable for both large and small dogs.

The model of the device with electrostatic influence should be selected based on the length of the contacts. For long-haired breeds, choose longer contacts, and for short-haired breeds, shorter ones.

Before purchasing Anti-Barking, you should establish the cause of the dog’s prolonged barking and direct all efforts to eliminate it. It may be possible to stop the dog’s barking for no reason without this device.

Garmin Delta Sport XC E-Collar


The leader is an electric collar created by a well-known American manufacturer of navigation equipment. It is suitable for all medium and large breeds with any length and thickness of coat. One device can control up to 3 animals at the same time. The lithium-ion battery holds a charge for up to 80 hours. The tank is refilled in 120 minutes. The range is 1200 m. The remote control smoothly switches modes. The intensity of the pulses is adjustable up to 36 levels. The backlit LCD display shows all the necessary information. The durable strap is securely fixed with metal locks, eliminating accidental removal and loss during games, movements in bushes, and fights. The compact size of the receiver provides a comfortable feeling while wearing. The waterproof housing ensures that synchronization is maintained and that there is no loss of control over the animal during swimming or deep diving. The model is chosen for training domestic and service dogs, as well as for reducing aggressive behavior on the street.

Garmin Delta Sport XC E-Collar


  • professional device
  • long battery life
  • waterproof – IPX7
  • control over long distances
  • built-in anti-bark function


  • not detected

Review of popular models

Before purchasing a device to prevent barking for no reason, you should decide on the characteristics that an “Anti-bark” collar for dogs must meet. Review and reviews of the most popular models include the following products:

  • Bark Stop. It affects the dog with ultrasound. Harmless. The weight of the receiver with the belt is 33 grams. Does not react to barking of other animals. The model has built-in both sound and ultrasonic modes, which are switched manually. Suitable for all dog breeds. For large and medium-sized dogs, choose a low level of sensitivity, for small dogs - high. The product runs on AG10 batteries, which are included in the kit. Price - about 1000 rubles.
  • Terminator BT-6. Battery operated. Multifunctional. It costs around 1500 rubles. The model is universal and suitable for dogs from 2 to 100 kg. The collar strap is adjustable and has a length of 30–50 cm; a receiver weighing 40 g is attached to it. The device operates in six modes and allows you to advantageously combine the response to a dog’s bark. Costs 2000 rubles.
  • A-16. Waterproof. It belongs to the category of expensive devices of this kind. Practical and multifunctional. Costs about 3000 rubles. It works using the vibration method. It has a network of sensitivity levels and six levels of impact intensity, which are manually adjusted. There is a “foolproof” protection that works automatically. Designed for small breed dogs.
  • VK-208. The price of the device is 1000 rubles. This is an analogue of Terminator III. It is considered one of the most effective. It works using a combined method of influence: sound - electrostatic charge.
  • "Bone." It has a modern original design of the receiver in the shape of a bone. It is of excellent quality. The length of the strap is adjustable from 10 cm to 58 cm. Its price ranges around 1300-1500 rubles.
  • "Antilai A-101" for small dogs. Reviews about it note that it is easy to use and has a very small receiver size (23 g). It operates on the principle: sound - vibration. Costs about 1300 rubles.
  • PET 852. Designed for small dogs. The method of influence is similar to the A-101 device, only it acts with ultrasound and static current. Price - 1200 rubles.
  • Anti-bark spray. It is the safest device. Does not cause side effects, fear, pain or burns. Designed for dogs weighing over 3 kg. When barking, the device releases essential lemon oil into the animal's face with a characteristic hissing sound. Enough for 25 sprays. Price – 2500 rubles. It is not recommended to use in cold weather.
  • "Terminator III". One of the most effective collars that affects the animal with an electrostatic discharge. Suitable for dogs weighing from 10 to 70 kg. When exposed to a pet during the initial bark, it emits an ultrasonic signal; during further attempts to raise a voice, it hits the dog with an electrostatic discharge of up to 13 Volts (maximum). Waterproof, battery powered. It costs around 1000 rubles.
  • J-1302. Stationary ultrasonic device with built-in microphone. Operates from a regular electrical network of 220 V. Can be hung on the wall of the house, as well as on the street, near the animal’s booth. If the pet starts barking, the device emits an ultrasound, which the dog does not like, lasting five seconds. As a result, the dog stops barking. Cover an area of ​​up to 80 square meters. m costs around 1600-2000 rubles. This “Anti-bark” for dogs is a whistle against neighbors. Reviews say that it can also be used to silence the neighbor’s dog without anyone noticing.

How to use an electric collar correctly

For non-professional trainers there is only one rule. Everything must be done without fanaticism, in moderation and carefully, so as not to harm the animal. After all, the whole process directly depends on the character and behavior of the animal. If your pet is an active fidget, then you should work with the device more often and for a longer time. If she is calm and always reacts to vibration, then a smaller number of such procedures will be enough. In any case, you can’t just put the device on your dog and forget about it. It is recommended to wear such a collar for several hours, then remove it so that the dog can rest. In any case, raising a pet with this device is an active process, constantly monitored by the owner.

Advantages and disadvantages

The “Anti-bark” collar for small dogs (reviews from some people consider such dog training to be inhumane and argue that other methods of influencing the animal should be tried), as well as for large ones, has its own advantages of use, these are:

  • quickly weaning off unwanted barking;
  • the dog's discipline;
  • eliminating the need to punish an animal or cut its vocal cords;
  • better control over your pet's behavior;
  • safety of use;
  • application for dogs of different sizes;
  • light weight of the product;
  • easy to operate.

The disadvantages of using the Anti-Bark device include:

  • high cost, for some devices it can reach up to 7 thousand rubles;
  • false alarm;
  • fear of the pet;
  • application of electrostatic discharge current;
  • inhumane methods;
  • expensive product repairs;
  • Spray devices cannot be used outdoors in winter.

Using an Anti-Bark collar has both its advantages and disadvantages. But despite the obvious disadvantages, it fulfills its purpose well and helps to cope with the causeless barking of the animal.

Rating of the best electric collars for dogs

The analysis of offers on the market was carried out taking into account customer reviews and reactions of training experts. The results of the device tests were particularly influential. When selecting suitable electric collars for dogs, each product was considered based on the following characteristics:

  • Type – training or anti-bark;
  • Focus on the breed and weight of the pet;
  • Number of operating modes (usually there are three);
  • Flexibility of impact settings;
  • Equipment;
  • Weight and dimensions;
  • Design and color;
  • Possibility of using the remote control with several devices;
  • Range and sensitivity of the product to obstacles on the way;
  • There are restrictions on the degree of sensitivity;
  • Equipped with backlight;
  • Materials from which the product is made;
  • Charge replenishment speed and battery life;
  • Belt length and the possibility of changing it.

When analyzing electric collars, attention was paid to their functionality, versatility, ease and safety of use. Last but not least was the price-quality ratio of the devices, the reputation of the manufacturing companies and their availability on the market.

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Anti-bark collar for dogs: reviews and photos

Many dog ​​breeders are satisfied with such a purchase as the Anti-Bark collar. It allows you to stop the unreasonable barking of those pets that are used to being noisy when left alone at home. Effectively acts on animals that make sounds without reason at night and on the street. The collar also helps on training grounds, when there is a process of bickering between animals. In all these cases, the device distracts the animal from the stimulus and switches its attention to the sensations caused by the device.

In addition, “Anti-barking” makes the dog more disciplined and calm. As practice shows, at first the device frightens the animal and can cause fear or aggression.

Some dog breeders try the effect of the collar on themselves first, and only then use it on the animal. Dog owners note that the device does not harm the health of the pet, but only causes short-term discomfort, to prevent which you should stop barking. Usually 2-3 impacts are enough for the animal to stop barking.

When using the device on hysterical dogs, you should first consult with a dog handler, since such an effect can only aggravate their condition.

1.Trainertec SP11

The design of the anti-bark collar with citronella SP11 is battery-powered, which allows you to charge it and use it at any time. Good water protection suitable for walking on wet grass or in light rain. The average operating time of the receiver, of course, depends on the number of operations of the device itself ( 25-30 sprays ), but in general the charge lasts for 7 days . A sensitive microphone is responsible for recognizing the pet's voice. SP11 collar has a comfortable and durable nylon strap that can be adjusted to any pet neck size up to 70 cm.


  • Safe and effective spray treatment with citronella;
  • Works for 7 days;
  • Fast charging in 2 hours;
  • Receiver with moisture protection;
  • Soft strap made of durable nylon;
  • Adjustable collar up to 70 cm;
  • Compact dimensions (6.15 x 3.45 x 3.2 cm);
  • Battery power supply;
  • Possibility of refueling with a spray can;
  • Sensitive microphone that responds to barks, howls and whines;
  • Lowest price (of the presented models);
  • 1 year warranty.


  • A can of citronella must be purchased separately;
  • Unattractive appearance of the receiver;
  • There is no additional microphone sensitivity setting;
  • No remote control.


Any dog, regardless of breed and size, has a tendency to express its feelings and emotions through barking. However, there are animals that can make noise with their barking for no reason, causing inconvenience to the owner and other people. For this reason, an anti-bark collar comes to the aid of dog owners.

This collar can stop your dog from barking. An anti-bark collar is an electronic collar that responds to the dog's voice. The device works very simply. If the dog begins to bark without the owner's command, the device makes a frightening sound or gives an impulse, this depends on the type of collar.

The dog immediately understands that its behavior is wrong. The collar has different signal strengths; the owner sets it independently. The anti-bark collar is completely harmless to your pet.

Weaning a dog from barking using the effect of surprise

There are times when you can’t calm your four-legged animal, it seems that you are powerless, and the barking can no longer be tolerated. In this case, there is a proven and simple method to confuse the screamer - grab him by the ears, but do it carefully. It is best to first test this method on a calm pet and if a positive reaction follows, then you can safely adopt the method. After touching the ears, tailed animals often fall into a stupor and stop barking, and you will have a few seconds to switch your pet’s attention, for example, to a toy.

Trainertec SP13

The set of this model of spray collars includes a compact remote control with which you can control two collars at once at a distance of up to 500 meters ! The advantage of the Trainertec SP13 is that in addition to its compatibility with the SP12 and SP15 models, the receiver perceives 4 types of commands : short and long spray of citronella, as well as low and high tonality sound warnings. This spray collar is perfect not only for dogs, but also for cats, because... With the possibility of remote control, training your pet will become more efficient and convenient. The SP13 receiver , like the SP12 model, is equipped with informative LED backlighting and 3 levels of microphone sensitivity. A fully charged collar can operate for 200 hours, which is approximately 8 days . SP13 anti-bark spray collar has two operating modes : autonomous and training, which allows you to train your pet yourself or switch the collar to automatic mode in your absence. In autonomous mode, the spray collar will automatically trigger a bark and spray a citrus odor that is unpleasant for the animal, preventing barking and bad behavior in the safest and most humane way.


  • Safe and effective spray treatment with citronella;
  • 3 levels of microphone sensitivity;
  • Compact remote control on a cord with the ability to control two collars at once;
  • On signal, sprays citronella and uses two levels of audible warnings;
  • Radio signal range up to 500 meters in open areas;
  • Working time up to 8 days;
  • Fully charges within 2 hours;
  • Two operating modes (autonomous and training);
  • Receiver with moisture protection;
  • LED indication of charge, amount of spray and microphone sensitivity levels;
  • Reinforced polymer strap 2.0;
  • Adjustable collar up to 70 cm;
  • Compact dimensions (6.9 x 3.2 x 2.95 cm);
  • Battery power supply;
  • Possibility of refueling with a spray can;
  • Sensitive microphone that responds to barks, howls and whines;
  • Bright and attractive appearance of the receiver;
  • 1 year warranty.


  • A can of citronella must be purchased separately.

How to stop a dog from barking at night: redirecting energy

It's no secret that a dog is an active and energetic animal; it requires a lot of attention. If you are trying to figure out how to stop your dog from barking at night at home, then this method is definitely for you. First of all, it is worth increasing the duration of walks, especially evening ones. You can also dilute your walks with various active games, such as the classic “fetch” or Frisbee dog. They will be a great addition to daily walks and will help tire out your pet before bed.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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