6 dangerous diseases that your dog can infect you with

Like any animal, dogs sometimes suffer from contagious diseases. They can unwittingly infect their owners with some of them. Diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans are called zooanthroponoses. Sources of infection can be not only dogs, but also cats, rodents, and exotic pets. They become infected through direct contact with each other through body secretions or by airborne droplets, as well as through soil, water, and food.

Basic zooanthroponoses

Any infectious or parasitic diseases of animals must be identified and treated as early as possible. This is due not only to the desire to preserve the health of the pet, but also to concern for one’s own well-being.

Some diseases are easily transmitted from dog to person, while others require special conditions, for example, the pathogen getting into water or food. But if there is close contact between an animal and a person, it is easy to become infected.

Zooanthroponoses include the following:

  • helminthic infestation;
  • dermatomycosis – lichen, fungi;
  • chlamydia;
  • leptospirosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rabies.

These are serious and dangerous diseases that can seriously harm a person’s health. They need to be recognized in time and treated, having previously made an accurate diagnosis from a veterinarian.


One of the most common bacteria, which most often enters the human body through household routes, can also be transmitted to him from a pet. Staphylococci are gram-positive bacteria and can lead to the development of various inflammatory processes in both animals and humans. In dogs, staphylococcal infection usually develops against the background of other diseases accompanied by itching. At the moment when the dog begins to scratch too actively and chew the skin, infection enters through the wounds and foci of suppuration form.

People get infections from dogs the same way - through wounds on the skin. The elderly and children, as well as those who cannot boast of strong immunity, are most susceptible to infection from a pet. Infection occurs through normal contact, when the animal is petted and then not washed, if the animal in the game bit the owner before the injury appeared, etc. Pathology can be excluded by caring for the dog, checking its health, monitoring, for example, whether She has pockets of infection on her body, giving her the necessary vaccinations. And, of course, regular hygiene is required, i.e. the same usual hand washing. If there are wounds on the skin, you should be very careful in contact with your pet.

According to dog laws. How to avoid becoming a victim of four-legged animals? More details


Worms are a common problem in dogs, puppies and animals brought in from the street. Young animals love to taste objects or scraps found on the ground that may be infected, so this behavior must be stopped and trained from a young age.

The source of infection can be not only garbage, but also feces, dirt, and other animals in close contact. Helminths such as pinworms or roundworms are often found, but echinococcosis or toxoplasmosis can cause serious harm. Both diseases negatively affect the health of humans (and dogs too) and require complex treatment.

Toxoplasmosis is most often transmitted by cats, but dogs can also be a source of infection. For an adult, the disease is not too dangerous. Pregnant women are at risk, as microorganisms can cause miscarriage.

Even roundworms with pinworms are harmful to health if they infect a small child. The infestation can affect his physical and mental development.

Infected dogs are sources of such dangerous parasitic diseases as toxocariasis, dipylidiasis, alveococcosis, and diphyllobothriasis.

Aspect two: there is a life cycle that parasites go through during development

Parasites go through a certain path before they are able to develop in the dog’s body. Man is excluded from this chain of evolutionary development of parasites. Therefore, even an infected dog does not become a source of human disease.

When worm eggs fall on the soil, they are eaten by mites. This tick is eaten by a sheep, and by eating the sheep, the dog becomes infected with the parasite. A person does not act as a tick for worms, and therefore does not take part in their evolution, even while continuing to communicate with a sick dog.

Scientists have already studied a number of common helminths of humans and animals. They are called common because the parasite in the process of its development needs to change its host, one of them is a person.

The dog in this case is only an intermediate carrier of the helminth.

Some of the most dangerous parasites are:


The disease is caused by microorganisms – chlamydia. The infection is transmitted through fluids - blood, urine, discharge from the genitals, eyes, nose, throat. It is difficult to diagnose and treat, often has no obvious manifestations or is asymptomatic. It is very easy to become infected if you allow your dog to lick you, do not wash your hands after contact with the animal, or do not sterilize the dishes from which the dog eats. To identify an infection, you need to be tested for chlamydia, most often by scraping from the affected organ, since the pathogen lives inside the cell.

Aspect One: Parasites need a suitable environment to thrive.

A dog's body temperature is approximately 39C; the human body temperature is only 36.6C. For parasites, such a temperature gap is important; worms do not develop due to uncomfortable conditions and tend to leave an unfriendly habitat.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>


Dogs become infected with this dangerous disease when swimming in dirty ponds or through the soil. It is transmitted to humans from dogs through any damage to the skin or mucous membranes. Leptospira can affect not only the outer skin, but also vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and spleen.

Outbreaks of the disease in dogs are recorded from May to November, when conditions are favorable and animals spend a lot of time outside. But you can get infected from them all year round. The disease occurs secretly, causing serious damage to health. Pathogens are excreted in urine, so all contaminated objects in the house must be disinfected or thrown away. Leptospira actively develops and reproduces in a humid environment, in water.

A dog cannot become infected from a person.

Mythical dangers.

Wrong helminths.
Opisthorchiasis (caused by the cat fluke), clonorchiasis (caused by the Chinese fluke), diphyllobothriasis (caused by the tapeworm), teniarinchiasis (caused by the bovine tapeworm) and many other helminthiases cannot be contracted directly from an animal, although it can serve as a home for the parasite and be thrown into There are many eggs in the environment. These helminthiases are dangerous for humans, but they can only be contracted from an intermediate host by eating fish or meat.

Not that flu.

Influenza-like diseases are caused by rhinotracheitis and calicivirus viruses in cats, and in dogs by parainfluenza (kennel cough), canine distemper and some others. Unlike the notorious “bird flu” and “swine flu”, these viruses are not noticed in “humanity” and are dangerous only for certain types of animals. But you should be careful when treating respiratory diseases of your pets - they are sometimes complicated by bacterial flora, but this can be dangerous for people with reduced immunity.

Not the same AIDS.

The feline immunodeficiency virus is a deadly enemy for cats, but it is not dangerous for humans. In general, most of the viruses that infect our pets are species specific. Rabies is one of the few sad exceptions.

Wrong lice

Lice are species-specific parasites. Three types of lice have been found in humans - body lice, pubic lice and head lice. Cats and dogs are parasitized by their own lice, which are not dangerous to humans. But if there is no choice, cat fleas can bite a person.

Not that chlamydia.

The most common chlamydia in humans is a disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. It has nothing to do with Chlamydophila Psittaci or ornithosis. Chlamydia trachomatis is transmitted sexually and sometimes through household contact, but you will never get it from an animal.

We sincerely wish you and your pets good health. And if someone frightens you about the incurable consequences of your friendship with a cat or dog, do not hesitate to ask questions to specialists.


The largest group of infections that can be “caught” from animals. Most often these are fungal diseases, various mycoses, and lichens. There are a lot of them, they have the same external manifestations on both pets and humans. It is only important to make the correct diagnosis, since different types and types of dermatomycosis require specific treatment.

Can you get infected through a dog's saliva?

Helminth infections can lead to numerous health problems, shortening life by 15-25 years. Many parasites are extremely difficult to detect. They can be anywhere - in the blood, intestines, lungs, heart, brain. Symptoms of helminthic infestation can be confused with ARVI, gastrointestinal diseases and others. The main mistake in such cases is delay! If you suspect the presence of parasites, you need to contact a specialist. More information about modern methods of treating helminth infections is described in this interview with a doctor . If we talk about medications and self-treatment, then this antiparasitic complex .

Another question that concerns people is whether it is possible to become infected with worms through the saliva of an animal. Yes, it is possible, but this happens extremely rarely.

For example, a dog can eat something while walking on the street and then (with worm larvae on the tongue) come into contact with a person, from where he can become infected through kisses. Also, through saliva, a dog can bring many infections that develop in the oral cavity.


Another fatal disease. In the early stages, rabies can be cured; it is just important not to miss the first symptoms. Most often, anxiety is caused by an unexpected change in the dog's behavior, and then severe fear of hydrophobia.

Human infection occurs through a bite or damage to the skin. The infection spreads quickly and poses a deadly threat, so measures must be taken immediately, or it will be too late.

Dogs with rabies are euthanized.

How to avoid infection

There are no measures to help avoid parasite infection. Even following all the rules of hygiene does not guarantee that helminths will not appear in a person’s body. The shocking fact is that up to 80% of all people in the world are carriers of one or more types of parasites. But there are effective ways to minimize parasitic infection.

Prevention of helminths in humans

Following simple preventive measures can be an effective way in the fight against worms.

  1. Eliminate from the diet foods that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment. This recommendation especially applies to fish and meat products.
  2. It is important to thoroughly wash fruits, vegetables and even berries before eating.
  3. Try to drink exclusively clean water.
  4. Pay close attention to the rules of household hygiene. It is recommended to wash your hands with soap every time you visit the toilet, every time you plan to eat, and take care to systematically change your linen.

No matter how perfect the rules are, there is a possibility that they will not be enough. Then there is a need to take antihelminthics.

Prevention of pets

A simple reasonable understanding of the rules of hygiene will help, guided by common sense, to determine and develop rules for safe communication with your pet.

It is much more important to ask the question of how to give anthelmintic drugs to your four-legged pet.

The minimum age at which prophylaxis is started in a puppy or kitten is three weeks. If the owner notices helminths in the feces, the procedure is repeated after 14 days.

Prevention of dogs is carried out 4 times a year. If the pet is not walked and eats exclusively special animal food, worms are removed twice a year, usually in spring and autumn.

Deworming is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating animals; adverse effects may occur in children. If an animal becomes infected with worms during pregnancy, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

Here are two simple rules for safe prevention:

  • Observe the dosage and follow the instructions for the drug.
  • The drug should not be given to sick, malnourished animals, especially in the postoperative period.

What to do when your four-legged friend gets infected

A friend at home has symptoms of infection? You should visit your veterinarian immediately. The specialist will find out the type of parasite. Having taken the research results from him, you need to visit the clinic at your place of residence.

In this case, you cannot take anthelmintic devices on your own!

Adherents of the theory: “to each his own” are not supported by either science or medicine. Parasites can be transmitted by animals to humans. The statement that pets are the main source of parasites is incorrect. Furry pets are victims who do not have the ability to protect themselves from this danger.

Compliance with hygiene standards and proper care of the animal can greatly reduce the risk of worms in all family members, including four-legged animals. A healthy home atmosphere, healthy pets – a joyful life.

What scientists say: the latest research on zoonotic diseases

Previously, doctors and scientists believed that the most serious consequences of meeting an aggressive dog were bites. Recent research has shown that this is not true - the wounds that can be caused by a dog's teeth are not as dangerous as pathogenic microorganisms contained in animal saliva.

A dog can infect a person by biting him

Scientists have dispelled the common myth that dog saliva can heal and disinfect wounds, and that a dog's oral cavity is much cleaner than a human's.

The following bacteria were found in the dog's mouth:

  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • streptococcus;
  • coli;
  • mycobacterium (Koch bacillus);
  • salmonella;
  • clostridia;
  • Capnocytophaga canimorsus.

These microorganisms are extremely dangerous for humans - for example, when Staphylococcus aureus enters the body, it causes serious infectious diseases, ranging from purulent skin diseases to damage to the brain and nervous system. Clostridia contributes to the development of botulism and gangrene, and salmonella is a serious disorder of the digestive and nervous system.

One of the most dangerous pathogens contained in dog saliva is called Capnocytophaga canimorsus. It affects people extremely rarely (risk groups include children, alcoholics, patients with HIV and other immunodeficiency conditions), but the consequences can be dire - sepsis, meningitis, respiratory failure, shock. Several cases of death after dog bites have been reported around the world, which was caused by damage to the body associated with the entry of Capnocytophaga canimorsus into the blood.

Damages of the body associated with the entry of Capnocytophaga canimorsus into the blood

Scientists from China spoke about another danger of dog bites and kisses. Several years ago, the influenza virus of subtypes H3N2, H3N8 and H1N1 was discovered in greyhounds and some other dog breeds - the ability to infect people was not found in these pathogens, but this does not mean a complete absence of danger. The microorganisms that cause influenza are constantly changing and mutating - this is exactly how viruses that exclusively affected waterfowl once changed, as a result of which humanity received one of the most dangerous ailments in history. Researchers say that at the moment the world is not threatened by a canine flu epidemic, however, it is extremely necessary to follow preventive measures, properly care for your pet and avoid contact with stray animals.

Interesting: scientists consider feline AIDS to be one of the most serious zooanthroponoses that have been discovered in recent research - while it also does not pose a danger to humans, it is capable of mutating, and therefore requires careful monitoring.

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