Dog Bed: description of key points, step-by-step instructions for making it yourself (140+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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Alexander Korovaev 03/18/2020

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Even for such a sociable animal as a dog, a place for privacy is required. Therefore, as soon as a pet appears in the house, the first step is to provide it with not only a feeding place, but also its own sleeping area. You can make your own dog bed from a piece of thick fabric, an old mattress or an out-of-fashion sweater.

Key points to consider

Types of beds

To make your pet cozy and comfortable on the bed, when sewing it, think through every little detail:

  1. The fabric for the sleeping place must be dense enough, otherwise the animal’s claws will quickly render it unusable. It should be easy to wash and dry quickly
  2. For smooth-haired breeds, it is better to choose a fleecy material, for example, plush or velor. Dogs with thick hair will prefer a bed made of durable cotton, linen, tapestry or denim. A large animal will be quite comfortable on a carpet product. It’s hardly worth making a bedding for a decorative breed dog from this rough material.
  3. It is not advisable to use synthetic fabric. It can accumulate static electricity and can trigger the development of allergies.
  4. Observe how your pet sleeps and try to make a bed that is most comfortable for him. Large breeds like to rest with their paws extended forward, so make their sleeping place rectangular, with small sides. You can make a cozy bed for a small dog by raising the sides higher or make a foam house for such an animal
  5. Foam rubber, padding polyester, and batting can be used as padding. Down or feather filling is not a good idea. After all, they can become a breeding ground for parasites and a place where microbes accumulate.
  6. The animal will definitely pay attention to any hanging things, so there is no need to decorate its house with bows and beads. There is a high probability that the dog will chew them off and then swallow them
  7. Decide right away where your pet will rest. For these purposes, choose a corner that is maximally protected from drafts. In the future, it is highly undesirable to move litter from place to place.
  8. Small breeds of dogs often freeze even at home. It is better to arrange a sleeping place for them on a small stand
  9. Housing for an animal should not be located in a walk-through area
  10. Try to ensure that your pet can see you while resting. Believe me, this is very important for him
  11. Be sure to periodically treat the litter with antiparasitic agents.

It is better to put a removable pillow or bedding in the animal's bed. In this case, you can easily wash them at any time. You can make a pair of removable pillows from the same or contrasting fabric.


It is necessary to clean the “place” at least once a month, preferably more often. If it seems to you that the bed is clean, this does not mean that there are no parasites invisible to the eye. If the type of bed allows it, use replaceable covers (you can sew them yourself or purchase them). Steam, vacuum or wash your dog bed periodically. Special bactericidal sprays are also sold that will get rid of unpleasant odors and disinfect the sunbed.



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Square bed with sides

Square bed with sides

Of course, you can buy a dog bed at your local pet store or online store. But it’s still better to make it yourself. In this case, you can not only choose the color of the material that perfectly matches the interior of the room, but also make the product exactly according to the size of the animal.

Structurally, a square bed is quite simple, and you will need a minimum of time to make it. Products with sides that serve to protect against drafts are more comfortable and are used more often.

Required materials

Bed with sides

So, we present to you a master class on the step-by-step production of a bed for a dog or cat.

You will need:

  • dense fabric : for a small dog it is enough to choose a piece of material measuring 1.0 x 0.8 m or a little larger
  • foam rubber or synthetic padding for stuffing
  • paper for a pattern : if you want to get a neat product exactly according to the size of the animal, you should not rely on chance and cut out the product “by eye”
  • a ruler and pencil for drawing a pattern on paper, as well as chalk or a piece of dry soap for transferring the pattern onto the fabric
  • cutting scissors
  • fairly thick threads and a sewing machine or regular sewing needle

Most fabrics shrink after washing. Therefore, it makes sense to pre-soak the fabric, dry it, iron it, and only then start sewing. Otherwise, the stuffing in the shriveled cover will collect in clumps.

Making a pattern

Sample pattern

Let's proceed to the most important stage of work - I will reveal:

  1. First you need to decide on the size of the bed. Its length should be equal to the length of the animal with its front legs extended
  2. You will need to cut out two pieces. They will have the shape of a square (see photo) with adjacent sides. Don't forget to leave seam allowances. Make them a little larger, at least 2-3 cm
  3. If you plan to insert elastic along the edge of the lounger, measure another 3-4 cm along the edges of the sides for hemming
  4. Lay out the paper for the pattern, use a pencil and ruler to draw the outline of the parts onto it
  5. We call our dog and lay him on the workpiece, checking if we have made a mistake in the size
  6. If we are completely satisfied with the size of the future product, we apply the pattern to the fabric and outline it with chalk
  7. Cut both pieces with scissors

Sew the product

Sewing a square bed

To ensure that the bed lasts longer and the edges of the fabric do not fray, process the edges of the workpieces using an overlocker. Let's start sewing the product:

  1. The dog bed will turn out more neat if you are not lazy and first fasten the seams with straight stitches with a regular needle, and only then start sewing
  2. When connecting parts, be sure to leave space for inserting foam rubber or padding polyester
  3. After inserting the filler into the bottom and sides, we finally sew up the edges of the product
  4. We make an entrance by pulling the center of one of the sides with a strip of fabric. Although the entrance hole can be cut out in advance
  5. If desired, insert an elastic band into the edges of the sides in a pre-prepared fold
  6. You can also fasten the sides together using thin strips of fabric or braid (see photo). You will need 8 of them - one for each edge of the side. Just keep in mind that most dogs really like to ruffle strings and laces that catch their eye with their teeth. It is quite possible that such a mount will become unusable over time.

It is better to assemble the sides of a bed for a large animal from several pads. Due to the larger number of seams, they will be stronger and will caking less.

What needs to be done in advance?

Make inquiries about the breeder, because you want to get a healthy puppy. Today, in order to make money, unscrupulous owners may allow matings between close relatives. Therefore, make inquiries about how long this person has been breeding and what people get by purchasing puppies from him. You definitely need to go visit and see how the mother and puppies are kept, how well-fed they are. Take an interest in the baby's diet. Based on your observations, you can make a decision.

In addition, you need to take care of administrative issues:

  1. Find a good veterinary clinic that is located as close to your home as possible. Just finding a phone number is not enough; you need to go in person and register. This is very important: if your pet gets sick and needs medical attention, there simply won’t be time.
  2. Here, at the clinic, find out about the insurance conditions. This will cover expenses in an emergency, for example, if an expensive operation is needed.
  3. For the puppy to fully develop, it is extremely important that he constantly communicates with other animals and people. Therefore, the training ground will be an excellent option for spending your free time. Here the dog handler will tell you how to master the necessary skills, and the owners will be able to make friends and increase their social circle.
  4. Buy a good collar that you can attach a special tag to. It indicates the nickname, age, and contact phone number of the owner. This helps if the dog is lost.

Let's go shopping

This can be done immediately before you go to the breeder. Today there is a huge selection of things for dogs. You will need to muster your willpower so as not to buy the entire store. For now, your task is to make the puppy’s first days in the new home as comfortable as possible. Therefore, you need to purchase the following things:

  • Two bowls. One is for food, the second is for water.
  • Leash and soft muzzle. If the collar has not been purchased in advance, then it must be purchased.
  • Grooming accessories.
  • Toys.
  • A bed that will fit in size.
  • Home aviary. Many consider this cell to be a manifestation of the cruelty of the owner. But this is not true at all. It's more like a house that puppies really like. It will have a cozy bed and toys. Yes, the enclosure is equipped with a door so that you can isolate your pet while you are away at the hospital or store. But remember that a puppy's first days in a new home are not the right time to leave him alone, locked in a house. Give your pet time to get used to it and begin to consider the enclosure familiar and cozy.
  • Feed. You will need about a week's supply. Choose the food that the breeder trained the puppies to eat.

When everything is ready, we pick up the puppy from the breeder. Ask him for a piece of the diaper he slept on with his mother. Place him in a new house. The familiar smell will make his first independent overnight stays easier.

The long awaited day

The best time to pick up your puppy is on Friday. In this case, you will have enough time ahead to be at home together, and the baby will get to know all the family members. If you are such a busy person that you work on Saturday and Sunday, and taking a few days off is not possible, then think about how you will care for your dog. Believe me, waiting for the owner for 10-12 hours is not the best life for an animal.

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The first days of a puppy in a new home also mean developing certain rules that will allow you to live comfortably in the same family. After all, another member of her has appeared, who has desires and needs. Perhaps family members are impatient to cuddle or play with the baby. But don’t rush: the time will come for this, first your furry friend must get used to it and stop being afraid. Need to remember:

  1. It is important to establish a new daily routine. Walking, feeding - all this must be done on time. Today, everyone can express the desire to walk their pet every day. But it won’t be long before it becomes an obligation.
  2. Choose a name. The first days of a puppy in a new home are filled with pleasant moments, this is one of them. Start calling him by his nickname every time. Very soon the puppy will begin to respond.
  3. Develop rules that will be followed by all family members. This is important not only today, but also tomorrow, as well as every subsequent day. Remember that your dog may develop bad habits that will make you suffer. And it will be extremely difficult to retrain later. For example, once you let him take food from the table, you will no longer explain that he can’t do that. This also applies to other points. Do not allow your pet to sleep on your bed or stand with its front paws on its owner when greeting him.
  4. Accuracy. Remember, here, as with the advent of a small child, all dangerous objects, toxic substances, and then sharp, small objects that can injure or be swallowed disappear from the house. The arrival of a puppy at home is a reason for careful behavior. Teach your family to put their shoes and cell phones away on shelves so that your pet cannot damage them with his sharp teeth.
  5. After going back to work, try to arrange your schedule so that the puppy is not left alone for more than a few hours. Gradually this interval can be increased to 4 hours.

Punishment for misconduct

This is an important issue that cannot be ignored. It is necessary to punish for misconduct, but do it carefully. You can shake the puppy by the skin on the back of the neck, give a command in a stern voice, or deprive him of a treat. However, do not deny him love, do not hit him, do not poke his face into the puddle. If he chewed on something, then you left it in a visible place. Physical punishment will only cause him to become angry and add this item to his list of personal enemies.

Bed house

Pattern of a bed-house

For a small dog, a sense of security is very important. Therefore, a sleeping place in the form of a house would be an ideal option for him.

Let us describe in detail how to sew a dog bed in the shape of a house:

  1. The length of the product must be equal to the length of the animal plus 10 cm
  2. The width of the entrance (hole) to the house is wider than the animal’s chest plus 5 cm
  3. The animal must be placed in its home at full height. Therefore, also measure the height of your pet to the withers. This will be the height of the walls (the height of the roof is not taken into account). It is better to make a house without a sloping roof a little higher - so that its height is equal to the height of the dog to the tips of the ears
  4. When cutting, do not forget to set aside 2-3 cm on the sides for seam allowance
  5. The walls, floor, roof and ceiling can be made from a single piece of fabric of a suitable size (see photo of the pattern). The back and front walls with the entrance are cut out separately
  6. Cut two rectangles of the same size and sew them together
  7. Mark and stitch the lines dividing the roof from the wall, the wall from the floor, etc. Be sure to leave a little space for stuffing them with filler.
  8. Insert foam into each of the resulting compartments, and then sew up these holes

At first, your pet may be wary of the house-bed. To help him get used to his new home faster, put a treat or favorite toy inside.

Donate an old sweater

Dog bed made from an old sweater

If you have an old sweater made of thick knitwear in your house (a sweatshirt is ideal), you can make an inexpensive bed for your dog from it. This bedding will be especially dear to your pet - because even after a couple of washes it will retain your scent. It is better not to use products with weak knitting - under the influence of the animal’s claws they will quickly lose their shape and turn into rags.

Making a dog bed from an old sweater is easy. For this it is enough:

  1. Make a seam from one armpit to the other. This way you will divide the sweater into 2 parts. The large one, the bottom one, will become the bottom, and the sleeves and part of the chest will turn into sides
  2. We insert a small pillow or padding polyester into the lower part. Fill the top part in the same way.
  3. Don’t skimp on the filling - try to stuff the sides as tightly as possible so that they don’t deform under the weight of the animal.
  4. Tighten with lace or sew the bottom of the product. For ease of washing, you can insert small zippers into the bottom and neck of the sweater
  5. Sew up the neck
  6. We sew both sleeves together, thus forming a “tunnel”
  7. We fix it along the edges of the pillow in the form of sides

A bed with a removable cover is much more convenient. It can be removed and washed at any time. To make your pet feel comfortable at any time of the year, make two of these covers at once. The first, winter, is made of warm fabric, and the second is made of cotton or linen.

Necessary materials

To make a bed we will need the following materials:

  • I used two types of fabric as the main upholstery material: durable, wear-resistant natural fabric “Canvas” and denim. But this is not at all necessary. You can only use one type of fabric.
  • You can use padding polyester or holofiber as a filler.

Jack immediately appreciated the holofiber bag. He probably thought that this was his new soft bed.

Round bed

Pattern of a round dog bed

The principle of its manufacture is similar to the previous one. The only difference will be in the form of details:

  1. First you need to prepare a pattern for a round dog bed
  2. The diameter of the workpiece will be equal to the length of the pet plus 25-30 cm for the sides. You need to add 2-3 cm to this figure for hemming the fabric, as well as 4-5 cm for inserting an elastic band
  3. Using the pattern, cut out two identical parts in the form of circles
  4. On one of them we mark the bottom of the bed in the form of a small circle located in the center. We also mark the location of the segments with chalk (eight will be enough)
  5. Sew the central circle, leaving a small gap for padding padding polyester or foam rubber
  6. We insert the filler into the bottom of the bed and finally sew it up
  7. We sew the segments and the second circle, also leaving holes for stuffing the sides
  8. Fill them tightly with filler. Sew up the remaining hole
  9. Preparing the seam for inserting the elastic
  10. Insert braid or elastic. We tighten them in such a way as to raise the sides
  11. Let us repeat once again that we are against any small decor in the form of beads, buttons and bows. You don't want your pet to choke one day trying to chew them off.
  12. We place the bed in the chosen place and invite the animal to try it out.

Puppies grow quite quickly, so it’s not worth sewing them a personal bed right away - they will quickly grow out of it. To make your baby feel protected, at first give him a place in a cardboard box and put a mattress in it.


Giving your dog his personal territory is an important aspect of raising an animal. It is important to choose a comfortable and high-quality bed that suits your pet and place it correctly. If you follow these principles, your dog will have a place where he will feel comfortable and safe and can take a break from people. This will also provide comfort to the owner, since the dog will know where to go after a specific command from the owner.

Where to place

If possible, place the bed in the area where your dog sleeps most often. If this is difficult, then when choosing a location, use the following tips:

  • This should be a secluded place where household members rarely go; but the dog must observe the movements of people in this room.
  • Place the lounger at a height of at least 8 - 10 cm from the floor to avoid drafts.
  • Avoid batteries, electrical appliances, air conditioners, doors and windows.
  • You may need to place several sun loungers in different rooms.

How to train a dog

Small puppies are easiest to train to a bed. After active games and food, when the puppy is about to sleep, take him to the bed and say “Place,” thereby marking his territory. With older dogs it can be a little more difficult, but if you place the bed in the dog’s usual place for sleeping, then there should be no problems.

The main rule: never scold the dog when it is on the bed. “Place” is an inviolable zone where the animal should feel protected and know that it will not be exposed to danger. Also, never occupy your dog's bed with other things. Even for a while. Don't allow other animals to be there. “Place” is the territory of only one dog.

Wooden for large dogs

Blanks for wooden stock

It doesn’t always make sense to make regular beds for large dogs with sides filled with filler. Under the weight of the animal, such sides will quickly flatten and the bed will lose its shape. In this case, it makes sense to make a bed on a rigid wooden frame or make it in the form of a small crib.

So, let's describe how to make a wooden dog bed:

  1. Knock down the side walls and bottom of the product in the form of shields of a suitable size
  2. To prevent a hangnail from accidentally getting under an animal’s claw, sand each part well before assembling the product.
  3. If you don’t have boards of a suitable size on hand, you can use old pallets. They are disassembled into individual components, thoroughly sanded, and then sawed into boards of suitable size.
  4. The nails will loosen too quickly and may injure the animal. Use self-tapping screws for assembly, pre-drilling slightly smaller holes in the wood. Be sure to slightly deepen the heads of the fasteners into the wood so that the animal does not cling to them
  5. To make the product stronger, use small metal corners for assembly.
  6. You can attach a small bedside table to the wooden frame in which toys for your pet will be stored.
  7. To make it easy to move the bed from place to place, attach wheels to its bottom. You can buy them at a furniture store

Wooden dog beds

When choosing fabric for a mattress, keep in mind that material that is too light will have to be washed often, and wool will be clearly visible on dark material. Use fabric with a small print to sew the cover - faded wool on it will be less noticeable, and you will not have to vacuum the litter as often.

Choosing the size and price of a sun lounger

When purchasing, it is best to pay attention not to the price, but to the scale of the product, since it plays a huge role in the dog’s comfort.

  • The width of the bed should be twice as wide as the dog itself, so that it has room to turn around.
  • Choose the length according to the length of the dog, but you need to add 15-20 cm to it.
  • Do not take a large lounger, this may also make the dog uncomfortable.
  • It is better to choose the size of a dog bed based on general recommendations.

Buy a high-quality one right away, since an inexpensive dog bed quickly becomes unusable, deteriorates, and you will be forced to buy a new bed.

Plywood booth

Plywood booth

A small plywood kennel can be placed in the house. In order not to bother with making a roof, you can make the product in the form of an ordinary box with an opening for entry. But a house with a gable roof will, of course, look much more interesting.

Booth with a gable roof

  1. You will need 6 plywood blanks - 4 for the walls, 2 for the roof and floor. You can cut them with a regular or electric jigsaw.
  2. We clean the cut areas well with sandpaper.
  3. We connect the parts with wood glue and additionally fasten them with screws
  4. The dog's home will look more decorative if it is painted with wood stain. Plus, this coating will protect the plywood from rapid wear.
  5. If desired, you can install the finished product on low furniture legs
  6. The booth house is ready to welcome residents

Choosing the right fabric for your pet

We advise you to choose durable fabrics so that the lounger lasts a long time. The best are considered to be beds made of flock, corduroy or furniture matting. It is not recommended to take synthetic materials; sunbeds made from natural materials perform poorly; they will not last long.

Choose sun loungers only with holofiber, as it prevents the development of parasites inside.

Bedding for large dogs in the form of a mattress

Mattress with sides

A large dog needs a lot of space to rest. Such animals often sleep with their paws extended to the side or forward. There may not be enough space for them on standard bedding. Therefore, it is better for them to make a dog bed in the form of a mattress.

For convenience, you can also make sides, but they are placed only along the back and side walls:

  1. To work, you will need a decent-sized piece of foam rubber and thick fabric for sewing the cover. It is better to make it removable so that the fabric can be washed at any time
  2. To sew a cover, it is enough to fasten two large fabrics together, leaving a hole for inserting the filler. You can complicate the task and sew rectangular inserts on the sides equal to the height of the stuffing
  3. By sewing a zipper into one of the sides, you will get a circuit cover that will be convenient to wash
  4. Foam rubber cakes over time, so it is better to lay it in several layers
  5. All that remains is to make the sidewalls. To do this, we sew a cover in the form of a long pipe, insert foam rubber into it and finally sew up the holes. Insert a zipper into one side
  6. We sew the resulting side by hand to the back and sides of the mattress. It is not worth making sides around the perimeter of the entire bed - under the weight of a large dog they will quickly become compressed and lose their attractive appearance
  7. Bed for a large dog is ready
  8. This mattress can be placed on a wooden stand with low legs, thus creating a cozy crib.

Original ideas

Booth from a nightstand

In principle, a pet bed can have any geometric shape: it can be made not only in the form of a circle, rectangle or square, but also a pentagon or polygon. But still, you shouldn’t think too much - wool and debris will constantly accumulate in numerous corners, which will be problematic to remove. And such a design will take up much more space.

A variety of materials can be used as a frame for a sleeping bed for a dog:

Booth from a nightstand

  • for a medium-sized animal, an old suitcase with bedding placed inside is ideal
  • a small dog can be placed in a small basket
  • turn over the old table and saw off its legs - and you will get an original wooden bed for your pet
  • you can use a bedside table for these purposes if you remove a couple of bottom drawers from it
  • You can get a real house if you cut out an entrance for the dog in the side table and put soft bedding inside the new home; so that the entrance to the home is not too conspicuous, it can be curtained with a decorative curtain made of thick cotton or linen
  • when replacing furniture, do not throw away table or chest of drawers - they will make a ready-made sleeping bed for an animal; You just need to lay a mattress on the bottom
  • “place” your pet on the bottom shelf of a closed coffee table - the dog will only be happy to be close to you
  • You can also use an old ottoman with a hole made on one side for a manhole.
  • if you unscrew the legs from an old office chair or a regular chair with armrests, you can get another original look for a dog bed
  • Have you had an old baby bath lying around for a long time? you can easily use it as a sleeping place for your pet
  • your dog will definitely love a bed crocheted from thick yarn

Ready beds

Ready beds

If you don't want to bother making a bed for your dog, you can simply buy one. The price of a dog bed depends not only on the material used, but also on the size of the product. The range of such beds is quite large. Manufacturers often use buckwheat husks to stuff a sleeping bed for an animal, which is very convenient - it does not harbor insects.

The author of the following video suggests making an original pet bed in the form of a tightly stuffed pillow. You can clearly see each of the manufacturing stages by following the link:


There are a large number of different patterns for dog beds. It all depends on the size of the dog and the shape of the future product. We suggest viewing the best options for patterns of beds.

As you can see, decorating a resting place for a dog with your own hands is not difficult if you choose the right pattern and choose a manufacturing technique. But you won’t spend extra money, spend your time creatively, and make your pet happy.

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