How to measure a dog's height at the withers - a skill that every owner needs

Taking into account the pet’s parameters is necessary to monitor its development, determine compliance with the breed’s exterior, and calculate medication doses.

To select the correct collar, harness, or winter overalls, you need to measure your height at the withers.

Not all breeders know how to correctly determine this indicator. It is not difficult to learn this if you follow the basic techniques and follow the instructions.

When to correctly determine the location of the withers

The height of the withers is a necessary parameter for dogs. It is measured at various exhibitions and competitions. The indicator is also necessary in other cases.

When applying flea drops

Many antiparasitic drugs are applied to the withers. Since this is the highest point of the body, the animal cannot reach it on its own, and the risk of toxic substances entering the body is eliminated.

Insecticides are slowly absorbed through the pores of the skin on the nape of the neck, which reduces their side effects. The presence of blood vessels under the skin facilitates the distribution of the active substance throughout the body through the bloodstream.

When giving injections

The skin here is elastic, does not have increased sensitivity, and bundles of blood vessels connect here. 90% of all veterinary drugs are administered to dogs in this place: the procedure is painless, the drugs quickly enter the bloodstream.

It is quite difficult for a tailed friend to bite a veterinarian’s hand when he is holding him by the scruff of the neck.

To control the growth and development of your pet

All dog breeds meet certain standards. The adult puppy is measured to determine if he is developing properly.

Any deviations from the norm indicate diseases and a lack of nutrients in the diet.

Problems with the spine, curvature of the back, and developmental defects are determined after measuring height.

For accessories

Growth is an important parameter that you cannot do without.

A collar, harness, warm clothes, veterinary collar, and carrier are chosen based on this indicator. If their size does not correspond to the animal, then the pet will experience discomfort and the skin will chafe.

A large collar or collar is also useless: the dog can break free at any moment.

At exhibitions and competitions

If the dog belongs to the show class species, all its dimensions must correspond to the generally accepted exterior of the breed. Any deviations are not considered the norm; such an individual may be rejected and will not be allowed to breed.

In sports dogs participating in competitions, the potential jump height is determined by the height at the withers.

How to measure the length of a dog's back

Determine the length of your dog's back (or topline) by placing the beginning of the tape measure on the dog's neck. The base of your dog's neck is where the collar naturally fits. Holding the tape measure with one hand, pull the tape straight through the dog's spine until you reach the base of the tail.

Do you have a male dog? If so, you may need to size down a bit depending on the fit of the garment. If the coat or hoodie you buy is not shaped to avoid dog mess (meaning the bottom of the garment should be shorter than the length of the back of the garment), there is a chance that your dog will pee on it.

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Rules followed when measuring a dog

To carry out accurate measurements, the help of a person with whom the dog can easily communicate is important. The assistant holds the animal, and the owner makes the calculations.

Measuring device

Dog handlers recommend using a special device - a height meter. If you don't have one, you will need a ruler (measuring tape), a level and a pencil.

Industrial height meters are equipped with a level and a clamp; their readings are more accurate.

At home, you can make a stadiometer yourself. To do this, take 2 wooden slats 3 cm wide, the length of one should be 25 cm, and the other 5 cm. They are glued together so that they form a right angle or the letter “G”.

A measuring tape is glued along the 5-centimeter strip, and a weight is hung on its end for convenience.

How to find the average

The dog is called, the assistant fixes it in one position. The long part of the stadiometer is placed on the dog’s withers; the short strip with the measuring tape is located along the body. The device must be positioned strictly vertically.

Measurements are carried out 3 or 4 times, this result is considered correct. During a one-time measurement, a slight deflection of the dog’s pasterns can significantly distort the results.

The interval between measurements is 30 seconds or 1 minute. All indicators are added up and divided by the number of measurements taken.

For example: the height of the dog at the withers at the first measurement is 25 cm, at the second - 24, at the third - 24.5 cm. Calculations: (25+24+24.5): 3=24.5.

Stand as a prerequisite

The dog's height is measured in a calm, standing position. The floor surface must be flat and hard. The dog's paws are straight, but not tense.

Expert opinion

Panteleeva Irina Petrovna

Breeder, 11 years experience.

Young, active individuals are gradually accustomed to the procedure: they must behave calmly. The dog is fixed in the exhibition stand.

Correct application of measuring instruments

The most accurate results are shown by a professional stadiometer, but dog breeders do not always have one.

In its absence, measurements are made as follows:

  1. The pet is placed on a flat surface and fixed.
  2. Determine the location of the withers.
  3. Place a book, construction meter, level or any other flat object on top of the blades.
  4. Using a measuring tape or ruler, measure the height of the pet from the scruff of the neck to the floor.

Important! The tool must be strictly straight (it is better to use a plastic or metal ruler).

There should be no soft coverings, baseboards, or protrusions on the floor.

Taking measurements to purchase a baby carrier

Every pet breeder sooner or later faces the question of purchasing a carrier.

How to measure a cat's temperature at home

Important! In order for the dog to feel comfortable on the road, it is necessary to select a shipping container in accordance with the dimensions of the tailed pet.

The main criterion that a carrier must meet is the ability for the dog to stand inside it at full height and turn 360 degrees. To make the right choice, you should measure your pet not only in height, but also in length, excluding the tail.

The size that is called height at the withers

By the age of 2–3 years, the dog’s skeleton is fully formed. At this time, measurements will be more accurate than at an earlier age.

Dog classification:

  • small breeds - up to 28 cm (dachshunds, spitz, toy terriers, chihuahuas, pinschers, beagles, corgis);
  • medium dogs - from 28 cm to 55 cm (bulldogs, spaniels, hounds, greyhounds, bull terriers);
  • large breeds of dogs - more than 55 cm at the withers (mastiffs, Newfoundlands, Caucasian Shepherds, Great Danes, St. Bernards, Labradors).

Dogs that do not have a breed can have any height regardless of weight.

For purebred dogs, the indicator must meet established standards. If dogs of different breeds were allowed to breed puppies, the indicator may undergo changes in one period of time.

Exact position of the desired point

If you draw a vertical line along the dog's front legs, and a horizontal line over his spine, then the intersection of these lines will indicate the exact location of the withers. This area (protruding tubercle) is located between your pet's shoulder blades. It is easy to lift the skin in this area with your hand.

The withers are located just behind the dog's neck and consist of the first five thoracic spines. The mother carries the puppies by holding them by the withers.

In a healthy, properly developed dog of any breed, the withers are the highest part of the body. That is why growth is measured based on this point.

How to measure a dog's chest

When looking to buy a new dog harness or dog jacket, you need to know your dog's chest circumference. Chest girth is the measurement of the largest part of your dog's chest, usually just behind the front legs.

To measure chest girth, first press one end of the measuring tape against your dog's spine. While the dog is standing, wrap the tape behind the dog's front legs and around his body. Don't measure directly under your puppy's armpits unless that's the widest part of the waist. Place the end of the tape measure next to the beginning; where it intersects is your dimension. To achieve an optimal fit, use the "two finger rule" and place your index finger and middle finger between the measuring tape and the dog.

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Height and weight of French bulldog puppies by month

The growth rate of puppies is not regulated, since they depend on:

  • Genetic factors.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Quality of mother's milk.
  • Balance and timeliness of supplementary feeding.
  • Correct calculation of portion size and prepared diet, frequency of feeding.
  • Factors for the presence of hereditary diseases.

French bulldog puppy weight by month:

From 0 to 10 days.200-300 gr.
1 month1–1.6 kg.
2 months2.1–2.6 kg.
3 months3.1–5.3 kg.
4 months4–6.6 kg.
5 months4.8–7.9 kg.
6 months5.6–9 kg.
7 months6.5–10.5 kg.
8 months7.2–11.6 kg.
9 months8–13.1 kg.
From 10 months.8.9–15 kg

Selection rules

In order for the choice of clothing model to be competent and consistent with the pet’s parameters, you need to pay attention to several criteria at once. The main one will be a size grid for small breeds

For example, the famous dog clothing manufacturer For My Dogs has created a specific size chart for small dogs. It notes that the number 8 on the label corresponds to a back length of 21 cm and a chest circumference of 27 cm, which is fully suitable for the Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese, Chihuahua and Toy Terrier.

The next size, number 10, is also suitable for the above breeds, however, the back length in this case is 24 cm, and the chest circumference is 32 cm. The difference lies in the age of the dog: for example, purebred puppies only reach certain development standards over time. It is also worth considering that when choosing clothes for boys' dogs, sizes may vary, because often males are larger than girls.

Main criteria for selecting products:

  • availability of accessories and decor. It is worth making sure that the jumpsuit or blanket does not have extra strings, ruffles or rhinestones. Of course, such decor will make the dog the most stylish, but it is unlikely to add comfort to it. When washed, such elements may come off, which will worsen the appearance of the product;
  • gender of the dog - dresses, skirts, sundresses are made for girls, and jackets, overalls and sweatshirts are made for boys;
  • minimum additional details. It is worth giving up clothes with a hood: if the baby is too active, this detail will fall over his eyes when running;
  • product material. There is no need to purchase clothing models made from synthetics; it is better to give preference to natural materials.

When selecting winter sets, it is recommended to pay attention to the tightness of the seams, and also to choose durable, windproof material. The last and main selection criterion is the convenience of the pet. If the dog is uncomfortable and constantly wants to take off the product, most likely it is preventing him from moving

What is a dog’s withers, what is it for and where is it located?

In pets, the withers are the highest point of the body, which is located between the shoulder blades on the spine. All important measurements necessary to determine the size of the pet begin from this area of ​​the back. The size of a dog is quite significant for some calculations. There is also a significant number of vessels in the withers, which allows various medications to be applied there.

National and physiological incidents

Measuring dog height in the Old and New Worlds is carried out differently. In countries that are members of the FCI, the withers are taken as the reference point, in the USA - the apex of the angle of the shoulder blade. As practice shows, the measurement results differ.

In the peculiar constitution of some modern representatives of the canine family, with the shoulder blade slightly retracted back, the measuring point moves towards the neck. This leads to a shift in the topline and a deviation from the standard in the direction of decreasing height. A defect in the scapular area also affects the visual effect: of the two dogs, the one with the correct structure of the shoulder blades looks taller.

Brief history of the breed

The history of the French Bulldog breed begins with the unexpectedly large and powerful Molosser fighting dogs. Molossians were distributed throughout the ancient world.

The first breed that evolved from the Molosser was the Mastiff. All bulldogs and about 400 other modern dog breeds originated from mastiffs. The first bulldogs were bred in England and were used for the bloody sport of baiting bulls and wild animals. Representatives of the breed of that time already had flattened muzzles, since the dog had to hold the bull, despite the blood flowing from the animal's wounds.

In 1835, sport baiting was banned in Great Britain and bulldog-type dogs were left without work. However, bulldogs were actively bred before 1800. When breeding, breeders deliberately reduced the size of dogs.

The first English bulldogs came to France with sailors. The ships also brought mestizo Bulldogs, who were much smaller than their brothers. Puppies with defects, such as erect ears or too dark a color, were sold much cheaper. In England, mestizos were absolutely not valued, but in France, “from them” a new breed was developed - the French Bulldog.

The first French bulldogs were very popular among society ladies, who gave rise to the development of the breed.


After each walk with the dog, clothes must be brought into proper shape by cleaning. If the fabric is not very dirty, just run a clothes brush over it, lightly moistening it with water. When washing in a washing machine, manufacturers recommend choosing a delicate cycle, but it is better to wash the products by hand. As a powder, you should use specialized products for dogs that do not cause allergies in your pet.

Drying clothes occurs in the usual way - on the balcony or on the dryer. When choosing things for your little pet, do not forget about the colors of the products: the brighter it is, the easier it is to spot your pet on the street.

How to measure a dog's paw size

Dog shoes and boots can range from XXX-Small at 3cm at the widest part to XXX-Large at 9cm. Since your dog's paws may be different sizes, you will need to measure each one separately. To get an accurate measurement, trim the toenails.

Place your dog's paw on a piece of paper and press it gently with your fingers. This mimics the way his paw spreads out when he walks. Mark the front and back of his paw, including his toenails, with a pencil. Then measure the distance between the lines.

You can also wet your dog's paw and press it against a piece of paper. As with the pencil marking technique, make sure that he is fully unfolded and that you take into account his paw claws. If your dog hates water, measure the length and width of his paw using a tape measure or ruler. Hold it in your hand, making sure it is completely spread out, and measure the widest part. If your dog's shoe size is between sizes, go up a size.

If you have any questions about measuring your dog, please leave a comment or send us a message. We'd love to hear from you and be happy to help you!


You may be surprised, but today there is a large selection of collars of various models on the market. These are no longer old-fashioned belts with buckles. There are martingale collars (semi-choke collars), there are chain collars and prong collars (they are also called “strict”). Chain and prong collars are used by some trainers to correct animal behavior, but veterinary medicine is conducting more and more research into animal behavior and has already proven that such behavior correction methods are not only unnecessary for your pet, but can be harmful. But martingale collars are gaining popularity and are quickly becoming one of the most sought after.

Due to their design, martingale collars are often referred to as “humane choke collars.” These models have two loops. One loop is larger, it slides around the dog's neck. The second loop is smaller and you attach the leash to it. When your pet pulls on the leash, it tightens the smaller loop, which in turn tightens the larger loop. This prevents the collar from slipping off the pet, but does not choke him too much.

When selecting a martingale collar, as well as a classic model, it is necessary to apply the “two fingers” rule. When the collar is on your dog, two of your fingers should fit underneath it. These collars are most often chosen by owners of large and strong dogs, but they were originally designed for greyhounds. Greyhounds and hounds are so aerodynamic that even a properly fitted buckle collar can slip off. Martingale collars are becoming increasingly popular with dog owners, but if your pet is a greyhound, a martingale collar is a must.

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Correlation with standard

Growth standards have been established for each breed of the dog family. As an example, here are the values ​​typical for cables of common types:

  • Dalmatian - 56-62 cm;
  • Labrador Retriever - 56-57 cm;
  • Great Dane - 80-90 cm;
  • Saint Bernard - 70-90 cm;
  • Giant Schnauzer - 60-70 cm;
  • German boxer - 57-63 cm;
  • beagle - 33-40 cm;
  • Maltese dog - 21-25 cm.

The pet's height may not coincide with the standard if its mother and father belonged to different breeds. Unpredictable growth is also typical for outbred puppies: growing up, they can be much taller or shorter than their parents.

The tallest dog in the world, the Great Dane Zeus, is 111.8 cm tall at the withers. The god of canine Olympus lives in the American state of Michigan. Owners say that with a weight of 70 kg, the pet eats 14 kg of dog food per day. The barking giant does not fit in a passenger car, so for country trips I had to buy a truck.

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