Why do dogs stick together when mating - what to do

The physiology of various species is determined by their structure and the natural necessity of certain processes. But that doesn’t stop it from looking funny or strange. And dogs have this feature that often causes confusion and questions when you first encounter it.

Sometimes after sexual intercourse, the dogs do not disperse in different directions, but stick together for a while, turning their sirloins towards each other and spend some time like this. The Internet is filled with funny videos of dogs pressing their butts together, but this is not a natural anomaly, but a completely natural development of events that completes the mating and makes it more likely to conceive healthy, strong puppies.

Many owners do not know about the normality of mating, about the reasons for the phenomenon and are frightened when they see this process with their own eyes for the first time; they try to intervene, often only interfering with the natural course of things and making things worse.

Mating process

In the wild, this feature is not unique; it is typical for many representatives of the canine species, so dog handlers are not at all surprised that it also appears in domestic four-legged friends. To understand why intercourse ends this way, you need to understand how it happens.

The whole process can be divided into several important stages:

  • Initial acquaintance, during which the dogs sniff and try on each other. Once mutual agreement is reached, active action begins.
  • The bitch stands in a calling position and freezes, and the male tries to gain a foothold on her, holding the female’s torso with his front paws and firmly resting his hind paws on the ground. Trial crates are necessary to ensure that the dogs find a comfortable position.
  • The mating procedure is not much different from other mammals, except that the structure of the penis in dogs is somewhat specific. After the ideal stable position has been found, the penis, which has increased in size and slipped out of the prepuce, penetrates the vagina. This is where physiological characteristics manifest themselves, due to which a little later the mating will appear. The head of the penis increases significantly, becoming thicker than the main shaft, and the walls of the vagina tightly grip the main part, preventing the penis from slipping out.
  • Active movements take very little time. Usually after 30-60 seconds the dog calms down and leans on the bitch to rest after ejaculation. At this moment, human help may be needed, since the female is in an overly excited state and often unsuccessfully dodges or even injures her partner in an attempt to get rid of him.
  • After a few minutes, the rested male moves his paw. The animals find themselves clasped butt to butt and remain in this position for some time from 10 minutes to an hour, until the body completely calms down, the vaginal muscles unclench, and the head of the penis takes on its normal appearance.

Sometimes adhesion does not occur. And this is not the best sign, since it indicates problems:

  • The dog is sick and unable to fully perform sexual function.
  • Sick bitch.
  • The female or male is too young and inexperienced, because of this it is not possible to carry out mating as expected and achieve the desired result the first time. In this case, you need to try again after a while.
  • Wrong day of heat. In dogs, as in other mammals, the maturation of the egg occurs at a certain period, therefore, if it is not yet ready for fertilization or has already died, then the body does not respond properly to an attempt at insemination. To avoid this, keep a heat diary and note your ovulation period.

Reproductive system in males

In males, the main reproductive organ is the testes, where the development of sperm, important components of positive mating, occurs. A male dog is ready to breed if the testes have descended into the scrotum. It happens that during a dog's life the testes do not descend. The male is considered infertile. Often the only testis descends; under such circumstances, the male can mate, but sexual functions remain reduced. Dog breeders do not recommend using inferior male dogs for procreation; sexual inferiority can be inherited. As you know, purebred puppies are considered the pride of the breed if they do not have a single defect.

In a non-excited state, the penis of male dogs is hidden in a leather pouch. If a dog begins to regularly lick the genitals, breeders should immediately take the dog to a veterinarian. The dog may have a sexually transmitted infection that requires immediate medical treatment. A sick male is not allowed to mate.

In an excited state, the male penis “comes out” of the pouch, erection, sexual intercourse and ejaculation occur. The mating process of dogs should not be distracted by strangers; it is forbidden for a person to interfere with the sexual intercourse of dogs.

How to behave as owners

Not only dogs, but also owners should prepare for the mating process. They should not only consult with a veterinarian about the general condition of the pet, but also consult with a dog handler about their own behavior in a given situation. Even with an unplanned mating, the owner must remain calm and cool, and try to think soberly.

Even if your pet got into a “lock” with an unwanted male, which happened entirely through your fault, under no circumstances should you forcibly separate them. Firstly, physically this is practically impossible; secondly, the pet can be injured so severely that the outcome can be quite disastrous for the female’s health.

The planned mating must take place under the full control of the owners, preferably the presence of an experienced specialist.

Their presence should be unnoticed and intervention is permissible only when certain difficulties arise: aggression on the part of the female, reluctance to give in to the male, etc. The owners must behave calmly and confidently so that their nervousness is not transmitted to their pets. In addition, you should avoid any other irritants during the process.

In any case, it is worth interfering with natural processes only if something obviously goes wrong.

Hello, dear readers!

In the whole world there is no more obedient and loyal animal than a dog. Every day there are more and more dog breeders who are happy to get acquainted with the daily life of their four-legged friend. All owners sooner or later encounter such a phenomenon as gluing, during which the mongrels are tightly glued together with their butts.

What to do in such a situation? Does it hurt dogs during mating and do they need to be separated?

You will find answers to all of the above questions in our article.

Ways to prevent eye sticking after visiting a bathhouse or swimming pool

The course of an infectious disease may worsen after bathing procedures. The reason for such manifestations is high temperature and high humidity of the environment. Thermal effects on the body and sudden changes in temperature expose the body to a certain load. Such procedures awaken pathogenic processes.

The main factors causing eye infections:

  • Using foreign cleaning products.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Corneal injury due to high temperature.
  • Already existing herpes or conjunctivitis.
  • Strengthening the work of the lacrimal glands as a protective reaction of the body.

If the body is prone to such manifestations, it is advisable to use antihistamine eye drops before visiting the bathhouse.

Use drops

Visiting the pool also in some cases causes inflammatory processes. The main irritant in a swimming pool is chlorinated water. If you have cosmetics on your face, then in combination with chlorine, your face is subject to an allergic reaction. If water purification is of poor quality, you are guaranteed to get infectious conjunctivitis. In order to avoid such manifestations, it is necessary to use swimming goggles.


Before answering the question “why does it happen that dogs stick together during sexual intercourse?”, it is necessary to understand the phenomenon of mating and the physiology of the mating process in pets.

The period of puberty in males ends at approximately the age of 9-12 months; females are ready for the first mating even earlier. When a dog owner begins to notice changes in the pet’s behavior, then, most likely, puberty has occurred.

Most often, adhesion occurs in young and inexperienced animals. The essence of the phenomenon is that when the genital organs of dogs come into contact, a spasm of the female’s vaginal muscles occurs, and the head of the male’s penis increases in size due to increased blood circulation. Therefore, pets remain crossed against their will, only for physiological reasons.

When mating has occurred, the male dog continues to ejaculate, and the sperm penetrates the genital tract to the bitch’s uterus. As a rule, dogs do not remain in the crouch position. The male changes his position relative to the female, throwing his paws over her. Having taken a comfortable position relative to each other, the dogs can remain glued together for half an hour.

What is the role of bonding for the female

Not only dogs, but also their distant ancestors, wolves, undergo bonding during mating. This indicates the anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive systems of animals. In a mated state, both the male and the female are practically defenseless. So why did nature provide for such a phenomenon?

Thanks to adhesion, the female's chances of successful fertilization increase significantly. During mating, sperm has time to enter the female’s vagina and penetrate further through the genital tract.

In addition, in the “lock” position, the male secretes the secretion of the prostate gland, which contributes to the accelerated movement of sperm.

For the male, the bonding process also plays another role. This gives him a guarantee of continuation of his lineage.


The reproductive mechanism of dogs has been developed through centuries of evolution. Gluing plays a major role in it. This physiological phenomenon is a guarantee of the logical conclusion of intimate relationships - fertilization. Pet owners need to accept the “rules of the game” that Mother Nature has laid down. Non-interference in this case is synonymous with reasonable care of the pet.

This question worries many inexperienced pet owners. Is it normal when a bitch and a dog, turning their “loin” parts towards each other, seem to stick together? Is it worth doing anything to separate the dogs?

Why do dogs stick together when mating?

The question of why dogs stick together when mating is asked by every person who has seen this process for the first time. In most living creatures, the male immediately disconnects from the female as soon as he completes the process required of him by nature, and sometimes everything takes no more than a few seconds.

In dogs, in this regard, everything is more complicated, and mating in general can take about half an hour, or even more, and all because the couple remains for a long time in the so-called castle - in a bound form. The animals stand tightly with their backs to each other, waiting for the moment of disengagement, and are in a helpless state. Why does this happen and why is it necessary?

The mating process of dogs in detail

It is worth noting some facts about canine mating that will help shed light on the question of why dogs stick their butts together and stand tightly after mating, without separating.

  1. This trait is characteristic not only of dogs, but also of their closest relatives, wolves,
  2. This is caused by the anatomical features of animals, and not by their whims,
  3. You cannot unhook tied dogs; this must happen naturally.

During the mating process, flirting initially occurs, then the dog mounts, that is, jumps on the back of the bitch.

Further, as soon as their genitals are connected, the bitch’s peri-vaginal muscles contract in spasm, and at the same time blood flows into the lump-like formation on the male’s penis, and it increases in size.

The dog does not remain in the cradling position; usually he throws his paws over, and the animals stand with their backs to each other, waiting for the moment of disengagement. At this moment, ejaculation is still occurring, sperm continues to enter the bitch’s genital tract, ensuring the conception of offspring soon. Dogs can stay in the castle from several minutes to half an hour, all this time is considered the norm.

Why is this necessary?

However, why do dogs stick together after mating, why does nature put them in such a vulnerable position? It's actually quite simple.

Despite the fact that animals at such a moment are indeed exposed to significant risk, remain vulnerable and defenseless, this increases the chances of successful conception.

The sperm has time not only to enter the vagina, but also to pass through the genital tract without the risk of loss.

Since one bitch in heat is usually courted by several males, and a whole flock often gathers around her, it is not surprising that the dog that has captured her attention needs to play it safe and stay with the chosen one as long as possible in order to exclude other contenders from her

How to behave as owners

Having answered the question of why dogs stick together during mating, it is also necessary to consider how to behave correctly as a dog breeder whose animal happens to another.

Even if an unplanned mating occurs, but the dogs are already locked, there is no point in dispersing them, because this is physically impossible, and attempts to separate them will only lead to injuries.

In this case, all that remains is to wait for the end of the process and decide what to do with the puppies.

But, as a rule, experienced animals behave calmly, independently and quite confidently if they are in a hunting state. In any case, mating should not be accompanied by unnecessary noise and irritants; the owners should behave calmly so that the animals do not get nervous and do not risk injuring each other at this difficult moment.

How do they come apart?

Having answered the question why dogs stick together, it is worth pointing out the mechanism of their separation. When the excitement subsides, the bitch's spasm stops and the muscles relax. Blood also drains from the male penis. And the dogs free themselves from each other naturally. Usually, immediately after this, they begin to actively lick themselves - this is normal behavior of dogs after mating.

A bitch in heat is capable of mating more than once and with more than one male; as a rule, this happens many times.

And puppies of the same litter may well be conceived from different males, and therefore be of different breeds - this happens.

It is for this reason that the bitch must be closely monitored throughout her entire estrus in order to avoid unwanted offspring, which can arise from a single mating.

Instead of a conclusion

Once you understand the mechanism of sexual behavior in dogs and their physiology, you will no longer be surprised that they stick together when mating. This behavior is the norm for them, despite the fact that in most other animals the male does not remain united with the female for long.


As children, we all watched with joy how, after certain processes, two dogs could not separate from each other for a long time. Someone even tried to “help” with the help of a ball, a leg and a targeted blow, although the dogs did not need this, since this is inherent in their nature. For people, in terms of separation, everything is completely different. That is, we can do this at any time, even without the help of doctors. Now imagine a situation (I wouldn’t wish a real-life case on anyone) when suddenly you and your partner are stuck together. By “stuck together” I mean that it is impossible to pull the penis out of the vagina (it seems to be stuck there). What will you do? I certainly doubt that anyone has ever thought about such a problem, but if this happens, there will be no time for the smiles that may now appear on your faces. You can, of course, call an ambulance, or you can try what they will do to you in the hospital. I will try to describe the action from the words that came to me. Everything is very simple. In order to “unstick” in the hospital, both partners are simultaneously inserted into the anus with a finger. Thus, certain muscles contract and certain muscles unclench. If you and your partner can perform such a circus act, then there will be no need to call the ambulance. Good luck and may fate protect you from such situations.

Why do dogs need mating?

The main purpose of the appearance of a “love match” in dogs is to guarantee offspring

This is the importance of this physiological process. Dogs have an unusual structure of the penis - its free part ends in a cylindrical bulbous head, at the base of which there is a bone. The bone ends in cartilage, consisting of a spongy cavernous body

The bone ends in cartilage, consisting of a spongy cavernous body.

During the moments of intercourse, the veins of the dog’s genital organ are compressed and the blood flow is stopped. The bulb, overflowing with blood, gets stuck in the female’s vagina. Let’s summarize why nature “invented” mating:

  • A dog's love “lock” is a guarantee of a favorable outcome of sexual intercourse.
  • If a male and a female have physiological discrepancies, mating “smoothes out” the disproportion, ensuring normal intercourse.
  • Thanks to “clinging together”, sperm end up deep in the vagina, which means success in fertilization.
  • During the “lock”, secretion fluid is released from the male dog. What is it for? Lubricant helps sperm move through, causing sperm to reach the uterus more quickly and fertilize the egg more successfully.

Thanks to mating, the male does not allow outside “love interference” from another male. A female, mortally tired from intercourse, will no longer allow other dogs to approach her. Gluing is a necessary and important process.


If the owner does not regularly treat the pet for helminths, parasites can settle in the intestines. When there is a large accumulation of worms, they can clog the intestines and come out through the anus, causing irritation of the anus. The dog scratches it, crawling with its heel on the floor or ground.

Infection with worms can be suspected by weight loss, alternating constipation and diarrhea, deterioration in coat quality and the presence of blood in the stool. Sometimes worms can be seen in feces.


To eliminate parasites, anthelmintic treatment should be carried out at least once every three months.

Castle phenomenon

The purpose of an animal's existence is to give birth. Dogs do not mate for the sake of pleasure - a natural physiological process has the ultimate goal of prolongation of the species. Crossing and sticking together is a guarantee of fertilization and a successful outcome of intercourse.

Important! Dogs stuck together are pitiful and helpless. They are dependent on each other and vulnerable

At this time, a serious process is underway in the female’s body - sperm tend to the uterus and end up deep in the womb. The risk of loss of material is eliminated - the female has every chance of becoming pregnant. Another important point is that when the lovers open up, the weakened partner will not have the strength for another contender. “Love Lock” is insurance for a male dog to conceive puppies from him.

This behavior and physiology is characteristic of many school animals. The pack is divided into alpha males and weak, unworthy competitors. Strong animals strive to be the first to cover the female. The “lock” phenomenon is observed in the closest relatives of dogs - wolves, as well as foxes and hyenas.

Important nuances of the first mating

In rare cases, mating does not result in a lock. Statistically, such a mating is considered unsuccessful, although the bitch can become pregnant.

The lock fails if:

  • A young female or male is mating - the reason is inexperience and stress.
  • Partners have pathologies, including the reproductive system.
  • The timing was wrong for mating.

The choice of the optimal time for mating depends on the individuality of the bitch, or more precisely, on her cycle. Mating occurs after the onset of the third heat, so the owner needs to calculate based on the following data:

  • The first two heats lasted 21–23 days, which means you need to breed from the 10th to 14th day of the heat.
  • The first two heats lasted 26–28 days, which means you need to breed from the 14th to 18th day of the heat.

The environment in which mating takes place plays a significant role. It is better that the mating takes place in the dog’s territory and without prying eyes. A bitch, especially a young one, will not allow herself to be impregnated if she feels danger or stress. A young male may give up if there are other males in the territory vying for mating.

The first mating is very stressful. Dog bonding can occur for two reasons - fertilization or fear. If the bitch is afraid, she is held and forced to mate, the lock will occur, but due to a strong spasm. Such mating is accompanied by severe pain, and both the bitch and the dog feel discomfort.

In this case, fertilization does not occur, although the dogs stand in the castle for quite a long time. In addition to unsuccessful mating, such an incident is fraught with fear of animals before subsequent matings. The dog will simply remember that intercourse is very painful and will avoid it. The bitch will not allow the male to approach her even during the hunting period, and the male will not dare to have sexual intercourse. Refusal to mate is more often observed in bitches who have experienced an unsuccessful first mating.

Dog mating is a whole science, but it can only be learned through experience. If you don't have any experience, it might be worth asking a stud instructor for help (yes, they exist).

If you decide to cope on your own, you should listen to the advice of experienced breeders and dog handlers:

  • Don't rush - don't breed a female under 2.5 years old or a male dog under 1.5 years old. Early matings have a detrimental effect on the health of parents and puppies.
  • Carry out the first mating in autumn or winter - it will be easier for the dogs to cope with the load, and the litter will be stronger.
  • Take preventative measures before mating - the male and female dogs should be examined by a veterinarian and freed from fleas and worms 10–14 days before mating. The bitch must have all her vaccinations no later than 1 month before breeding.
  • Introduce the dogs - mating will be successful if the bitch and the dog have known each other for a long time and trust each other.
  • Do not interfere - even if mating is not followed by mating, you should not interfere. Most likely, the dogs will rest and get back to work.
  • If the female panics in the castle, calm her down and hold her, but in no case show your anxiety.
  • Carry out a control mating 1–2 days after the first mating.

If the mating was successful, after it the male loses sexual interest in the female, and the female looks tired and calm. Dogs should be placed on leashes, given water, calmed down, and given the opportunity to rest. After a short rest, it is better to isolate the bitch from the male, since after a few hours he will again show sexual interest.

Should I intervene?

Not all breeders know what to do in a dog breeding situation. Should animals be posted? Dog handlers and veterinarians say a categorical “no.” Experienced breeders continue to observe and control the process.

Even if the knot in dogs does not weaken for more than half an hour, you cannot apply physical force to the couple. You need to help the female if she breaks out of the “lock”. The zealous “bride” is calmed down. Sometimes the loin is held to direct the flow of sperm to the uterus. This is necessary when the female is smaller than her lover. They also help a male dog if he is unable to stand with his back to his partner after ejaculation. The dogs are not allowed to twitch.

Important! Animals are not forcibly separated, even if mating is not planned. This is fraught with injury and loss of animal health.

Young ladies get scared, the spasm can intensify to unbearable pain. In the future, they are afraid of partners and intercourse. Sexual intercourse can take even longer.

During intercourse, owners create a calm environment for the dogs. Before mating, the female is fed moderately; it is better not to feed the male at all. The couple is given the opportunity to walk around and run around. The process is best done in the evening or early in the morning. The male feels more confident in his own territory, so the “brides” are brought to his home. It is better if the sacrament of conception occurs in silence. They watch him from the side, not trying to separate the couple.

The first mating is often carried out with a muzzle.

The first mating of a young bitch is especially important. She can be aggressive. Often the act is carried out wearing muzzles. The suitable age for dogs is 2-2.5 years. Matings earlier than this period lead to unhealthy litters, and the physical condition of the parents is also at risk. Bitches are bred after the third heat.

The best time for pets to crossbreed is late autumn and winter. Puppies are born healthier. The hormonal surge during early mating slows down the growth of dogs. The timing of puberty is individual and depends on the size of the individual, breed, and psychological state.

Important! If mating does not occur during intercourse, a repeat control mating is carried out after 2-3 days while the bitch is in heat.

Why do dogs stick together during mating?

Since the main goal is the moment of conception of a new life, the way dogs stick together during mating should also be taken into account. This process is quite complex and to understand it it is necessary to look at this process from a physiological point of view, while learning about the anatomical structure of the genital organs of both males and females. Nature is designed in such a way that such behavior can be characteristic not only of domesticated animals, but also of wild ones, such as foxes, wolves or hyenas.

Step-by-step mating process in dogs

After the olfactory acquaintance, if the female liked the “gentleman,” then they move on to a closer sense of touch. At the same time, the female takes a stable, comfortable position, and the male makes a strong grip with his front paws and attaches himself to her buttocks, spreading his hind legs for security. Scientifically, such actions sound like trial or fitting cages.

This interesting name refers to precisely the process when both try to nestle next to each other. And finding a vagina is also not a matter of minutes. After successfully passing the first stage of the fitting cages, the male is definitely confident in his partner and puts his genitals to use. To begin mating, it must emerge from the prepuce, a protective fold of skin, and thanks to the strong influx of sperm and blood, it increases significantly in size. The tip of the penis also undergoes some transformations that make it thicker than the main part.

At the same time, the opposite situation occurs in the female’s vagina, when the total volume decreases significantly, completely enveloping the partner’s genital organ. And thanks to the increased size of the head, a kind of lock is obtained that securely holds the couple in the next few minutes.

Then the male begins the most important part of the ejaculation process, which occurs thanks to impulsive movements in literally 30-60 seconds. After the grueling process of ejaculation, long-awaited moments of peace come

Now the female naturally wants to take a more comfortable position, but her partner does not allow her to do this and continues to hold her with her front paws. Since this process can take a long time, it is more convenient for the dogs to take a normal position and turn their buttocks towards each other. If this does not happen, it is necessary to delicately intervene and prompt the animals to find a comfortable position. Under no circumstances should you break the connection; you can only create a comfortable situation for their further interaction.

Sometimes you can observe a situation where both partners went through the first stage of fitting cages, but after mating was completed, the lock fell apart ahead of time. This can happen if one of the partners has physiological abnormalities or they are simply not mature enough to mate together.

The need for bonding for the female

Having received the answer to the main question about dogs sticking together during mating, we can move on to analyzing the reasons that directly affect the female. Mating allows you to activate the full functioning of the male genital organs, while removing three main components:

    1. Lubricant;
  • Sperm;
  • Secretions of the prostate gland.

The first stage serves as a preparatory stage for the upcoming ejaculation. At this moment, the female’s vagina receives the lubricant necessary for smooth mating. During the second stage, the amount of sperm required for fertilization is released.

The third stage serves as a logical conclusion, preventing the reverse flow of sperm from the vagina by releasing a large volume of prostate fluid, which accelerates the penetration of sperm.


Now, after carefully examining the processes, we can draw final conclusions about why dogs stick together after mating and why this is necessary:

  1. Animals thus insure against unsuccessful mating, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome;
  2. Since dogs do not feel differences in age or height, the adhesion process ensures that all physiological discrepancies are smoothed out;
  3. The lock ensures the fastest and deepest penetration of sperm into the internal parts of the vagina;
  4. Crossing allows you to activate the work of the male cells.

Since mating in dogs is a natural process, and for wild nature a characteristic feature is the struggle for possession of the female. Therefore, crossing is an additional guarantee that no annoying male will ever approach the female.

Doctors rescued lovers who got stuck together during sex

Read also: Doctors sewed on a guy’s penis, which he cut off himself

An Italian couple went to a deserted beach on a sunny day to give vent to their feelings. After a long foreplay, the couple went into the water to make love. However, the heated partners were in for an unpleasant surprise - their genitals literally “glued together” and made it impossible for them to separate.

The lovers had to spend a lot of time in the water until they were lucky enough to see another beach girl. It was she who helped the careless couple get ashore, wrapped them in a towel and called the doctors. However, specialists on the spot were unable to help the lovers, so the torment of the thrill-seekers ended only in the hospital, where they were taken by ambulance.

Read also: Doctors performed the world's first dead heart transplant operation

To free the man from the trap, doctors had to give the woman a pregnancy injection, which is used to dilate the cervix before giving birth. Only after this did the muscles of her vagina relax and the partners were able to be separated.

Watch the best advertisement about vaginal balls:

What to do if the penis is “captured”

Penis captivus (translated from Latin as captive penis) is a sudden spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the vagina, perineum and thighs of a woman during sexual intercourse, making it impossible to remove the penis. Both partners experience pain and emotional shock. According to statistics, sudden spasmodic contractions of the vaginal muscles do not occur very rarely - in about one out of a thousand sexual acts. Why does this happen and what to do if it happens to you.

“This is called “mating” or “locking” - by analogy with the final stage of mating in dogs. Only the phenomena are different! In dogs, the penis has a longitudinally located bone, which, before ejaculation, is transferred to a transverse position by muscle contraction, preventing the male from removing the penis from the vagina until the semen is completely ejaculated. This is a reflexive, painless, normal process for animals. In humans, mating is an incorrect, pathological reaction of the female body, which is based on the fear of sexual intercourse. This is also called “sexual neurosis” or “vaginismus,” says sex therapist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Nikolai Oleinikov.

1. During a gynecological examination, it is difficult to insert a dilator - the woman is afraid and pushes away the doctor’s hands. 2. Any touching of the genitals is prohibited. 3. Even the thought of sexual intercourse causes panic.

The “captive member” gives both partners a whole bunch of negative experiences.

She has. Fear, pain, rapid heartbeat, feeling of lack of air. The thighs and perineum are tightly compressed by a spasm of the adductor magnus muscles Musculus custus virgium (“Guardians of Virginity”).

Him. Since the arterial pressure in the erect penis is much stronger than the venous one, when it is pinched, blood continues to flow into the cavernous bodies, and its outflow stops. As a result, the penis swells sharply. Attempts to free themselves intensify muscle spasms in the partner, and the pain in the man reaches shock levels - up to loss of consciousness.

The most “unhappy” captives are mushroom-shaped members (with a large head) and barrel-shaped ones (with a thickening in the middle part). A tapered penis (thinner towards the head) has a better chance of release.

The main thing is not to panic, but also not to waste time. Self-release is possible within the first 20 minutes. These are the right actions.

As MIGnews.com.ua reported, the results of a new study conducted by American experts once again confirmed that the eternal desire of the fair sex to get rid of excess weight and achieve maximum slimness is completely unfounded. It has been proven that men, on the contrary, are much more likely to pay attention to women who can boast of rounded shapes and feminine curves of the body. Moreover, these are not at all model parameters 90-60-90, which are considered to be the standard ideal of beauty.

Men choose girls with curves

Which women are ideal for men?

About sex, positions and new trends

What should an owner do if his dog gets stuck with another? How to unstick?

You don't have to do anything. If the dogs are quot; in the clutchquot; then don’t bother them, they will decide everything themselves. Outside interference can cause serious harm to both dogs. Just think about it, because the majority of adults are people, gentlemen.

Under no circumstances should you quot; unstickquot;. quot;lockquot; occurs during mating, when the female is completely ready and usually leads to pregnancy. The quot; castlequot; is caused by the presence in the male of the so-called bulbous glands, thickenings on both sides of the penis, while in the female there is a spasm of the vaginal muscles, hence the “hitch”. Pulling dogs apart in such a situation means damaging both genitals. So, if your girl is standing in a castle - with your future grandchildren!

Why is a lock needed?

To answer this question, you should understand that animals standing huddled together look funny, but there are reasons for this awkward position.

Unlike other species, during the process of intercourse, the partner secretes not one liquid (sperm), but as many as 3 at different stages:

  • First, lubricant is released. This clear liquid contains practically no sperm and is needed only to facilitate the first frictions immediately after the penis penetrates the vagina. Therefore, if the dogs are separated during the period of active movements, the likelihood of pregnancy will be extremely low.
  • In the second stage, after the bulb at the tip of the penis has reached its maximum size, ejaculate (or seed) is released. This moment is the most important, since just a few milliliters of the sprayed liquid contains all the sperm. Their number reaches 600 million in 1 ml of seed. This is why sometimes pregnancy occurs without a “lock”, but not always. Very often, even the intended liquid cannot help the birth of a new life.
  • The last stage is coupling. At this moment, the male secretes about 80 ml of secretions produced by the prostate gland, the sole purpose of which is to increase the speed of sperm to allow them to get to the egg faster.

Thus, such a peculiar feature of behavior serves at least 3 purposes at once, making it more likely to conceive:

  • In the wild, in a pack, estrus begins at different times for different individuals, so each female has several male suitors, from whom she chooses the strongest one to continue the race. An exhausting “lock” leaves the bitch tired and not wanting any more contact, which leads to the reproduction of only genetically strong, dominant animals.
  • In domestic pets, mating helps dogs overcome differences in physiology. For example, discrepancy between the sizes of partners. The genital organ clamped inside will no longer be able to slip out until everything is over, which means that fertilization will still occur.
  • The inability to disengage immediately after the completion of active frictions and additional lubrication make it possible to ensure that sperm accurately enter the uterus and perform their main function, allowing labor to continue.

Dog adhesion was invented by nature for a reason. This is a kind of insurance that allows the clan to continue with guarantee, while the strongest and healthiest individuals are chosen as future fathers, which allows the species to survive and receive the necessary diversity of genes.

Therefore, if during mating your pets get involved, do not worry. On the contrary, this means that with a high degree of probability pregnancy will occur and you will soon be delighted with small charming puppies.


With successful sexual intercourse, fertilization in the bitch occurs within 5-7 minutes. This time is enough for dogs to feel satisfied and fulfill their main goal in life: producing offspring.

After sexual intercourse, dogs must be given water to drink. After mating, the bitch should be separated from the dog, otherwise the dog will want to continue and will want to copulate again. As a rule, a fertilized bitch will no longer allow a male dog.

Why do dogs stick together when mating? This question is often asked. This is a very important process that guarantees fertilization.

In addition, it is evolutionarily conditioned and allows only strong males to copulate with a female in the wild. In professional language it is called “lock” or “gluing”. Let's take a closer look at this process.

Hormonal imbalance

Often the cause of sexual hyperactivity is the body's excessive or insufficient production of one or another hormone. You can talk for a long time about the influence of hormones on the behavior of male dogs, but such an educational program will be of little help to the average person. But who can help is a veterinarian. If, despite all efforts to re-educate the fidget, a male dog marks at home, behaves aggressively towards other animals, loses appetite and peace when a girl is in the neighborhood - take a test to determine the level of hormones in the blood. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas, gonads and other glands is not only behavioral problems, but also a serious threat to the dog’s health. It may be necessary to castrate a male dog - do not refuse the operation only for moral and ethical reasons. When a veterinarian recommends castration, it is no longer about your views on the issue, but about the duration and quality of life of a living creature.


Now it’s clear why the dog rides on the floor on its butt. Blocked anal and paraanal glands are less common, but can also cause discomfort in your dog. As a result of this, she will ride on the floor on her butt. It is very difficult to cope with such a disease on your own if a person does not have certain skills in this area.

So, the animal will require regular mechanical washing, a course of certain antibiotics and much more. The course of treatment is determined depending on the degree of the disease. For example, in some cases, novocaine blockades or washing of the sinuses with antiseptics and so on may be required. Naturally, with such problems, an inexperienced person will not be able to determine the real threat and prescribe a course of treatment.

Behavior of a dog owner during mating

Mating or mating is the process of mating dogs of different sexes with the aim of fertilizing the bitch and subsequently producing offspring.

The Russian Canine Federation recommends mating dogs once a year. As an exception, pregnancy is allowed 2 times a year, with an interval of 6 months and with the condition that the third mating is carried out no earlier than after 12 months.

If you read specialized literature, you can find out that the ideal time for mating is 11-15 days from the start of estrus. But there are some nuances here. The time of year, the size of the dogs, the ambient temperature - all this affects what day a bitch can be bred. For example, in winter, a dog may be ready to mate on the 9th day.

So, before bringing dogs together, you need to introduce them on neutral territory. Actually, the mating process itself should take place only in the territory of the dog. But before this event, the dog must be walked, not fed. It is advisable to give the “groom” and “bride” time to run around and play together. If the pets are of a small breed, then it is advisable to keep them in an apartment.

In order not to miss the 1st day of estrus, an attentive owner should wipe the genitals of his pet every day. In this case, he will know exactly what day to schedule a “date” and when to hook up with a potential “groom”.

In order for the young to be born healthy and strong, the whelping bitch is exempted from various types of competitions, normal guard duties and physical activity. The potential “mother” should be well-fed, peaceful, and content.

It is advisable for the pet owner to pay attention to how to behave when mating dogs. Under no circumstances should you try to separate them, even if an unplanned mating has begun.

The fact is that this is physiologically impossible, and attempts to separate animals that are in a state of lock can result in injuries to their genitals.

There should be no unnecessary noise or other irritants in the place where dogs are planned to be crossed. Being in a state of readiness for mating, animals often begin to behave much more timidly and aggressively than usual. Dog owners should also remain as calm as possible so that the dogs do not become nervous and inadvertently harm each other. It is advisable to carry out mating in the male dog's territory.

Sometimes dogs are mated without gluing, as they say. But such mating is considered unsuccessful.

The successful mating time depends on the female's cycle. The most suitable period is considered to be after the third heat has begun. For example, if the first two heats lasted from 26 to 28 days, then days from 14 to 18 are optimal for mating for the third heat.

The first mating experience is very stressful for dogs.

It is important to understand that bonding can occur not only due to fertilization, but also due to the female’s fear. If she is afraid and is being held forcibly, then a dog knot will occur, but fertilization will not occur

Dogs will experience severe pain. This may cause fear before the next mating. Therefore, a correctly structured first mating process is very important.

If you do not have experience in breeding dogs, then you should seek the help of breeding instructors who will help you do everything correctly.

What should I do, should I disconnect?

If you understand what is happening on the physical level, I think it will be easy for you to understand that we do not need to separate the dogs by force, moreover, if we do this, we can cause serious injury to the genitals of both. Even if it is an unwanted mating, the dogs should be allowed to finish and then contact a veterinarian. So keep these tips in mind :

  1. Keep calm. If dogs lose their perspective, nervous activity will only increase their stress. The result can be more movement and, as a result, more injuries.
  2. Don't pull either the male or the female.
  3. Don't water them.

Main types

The choice of the type of crossing is influenced by the goals and objectives that the breeder sets for himself

The quality and correct choice of sources are important. The following types of crossing are distinguished: absorption, introductory, reproductive (factory), industrial and variable


It is used when the breed meets all the requirements and has all the necessary qualities, but there is a need to improve them. To obtain the desired result, dogs are crossed in several stages:

  1. The breeding stock of the improved variety is crossed with a representative of the breed selected to improve the original. The compatibility and compatibility of parents is important.
  2. The second generation crossbreed is mated with a purebred representative of the breed being improved. In this case, only representatives with clearly expressed desirable characteristics are selected.
  3. Breeding crosses among themselves.


This species is also called reproductive. In the process of this method, representatives of several breeds are used for breeding. A new breed is created by crossing crosses that meet all the stated selection goals. As a result of this breeding method, the required qualities and characteristics are developed.

Local aboriginal representatives who are well adapted to environmental conditions are chosen as the mother base. Other breeds are selected based on the qualities that need to be obtained, but which are not in the source being improved. Large breed differences give more chances for the appearance of completely new qualities, but it is not easy to consolidate them. In more similar mixtures, such qualities are established more easily and quickly.

As a rule, factory crossing consists of several components:

  1. A model of the offspring that breeders want to obtain in the end is being developed.
  2. Initial representatives are selected.
  3. Crossing crosses with each other. Genetic enrichment. There may be a “flush” of blood from another breed.
  4. Severe culling of offspring.


The main goal of this type of reproduction is to obtain offspring suitable for a specific purpose. For this purpose, only the first generation of offspring is used. This choice is justified by heterosis, which consists in the fact that the first generation of crossbreeds has improved, more developed parental qualities.

For this method, only purebred representatives are selected. Requirements for crossed individuals: high degree of productivity and compatibility. Uteruses must be adapted to local conditions. Manufacturers are subject to higher quality requirements.

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