A pug is in heat: signs, changes in behavior, duration and time for mating

Many potential owners of pug bitches plan to get offspring from their pet in the future. Others, when buying a pet, do not even think about getting puppies from their dog.

But, regardless of the desire or reluctance of the owner to breed dogs of this breed, sooner or later the pug bitch begins to go into heat and its onset may be a surprise for an inexperienced owner. How does estrus occur in pugs and what should a dog owner do during this time?

Changes in behavior

The onset of the pug's first heat, as it turned out, occurs no earlier than six months. Before it begins, the animal’s behavior changes significantly. Signs of imminent estrus look like this:

  1. A dog with a kind and affectionate disposition suddenly turns into a real fury: it snaps, growls, and behaves strangely. New owners get scared when they think about their pet’s illness. She's not sick, she's just growing up.
  2. The beloved, previously independent and proud, becomes eager for affection. She cuddles up to her owner and family members, exposes her belly for scratching, and withdraws the back of her body.
  3. The pug is a big eater. Before the onset of heat, many dogs refuse to eat, but drink plenty of water.
  4. Other representatives of the breed, on the contrary, begin to eat everything they see in their path.

Repeated estrus

Estrus usually occurs twice a year with an interval between them of 5 - 9 months.

This period depends on the condition of the animal and the season of the year. In summer the period will be shorter, and in winter it will increase. Also, the interval increases after the birth of puppies.

On problematic women's days, the owner should show care and patience. This is especially true for the first heat. There is no need to be too strict, raise your voice and punish your girl. Otherwise, she will withdraw into herself, lose her cheerfulness and stop trusting.

When to breed a dog?

When pugs come into heat, mating takes place on days 10–13. There are some nuances that must be adhered to when wanting to get offspring from your pet:

  1. Representatives of the breed are bred that are registered in the RKF and have permission to breed. Before breeding a bitch, please answer the following questions: does she have documents confirming that she belongs to the breed? Does the dog participate in exhibitions? Does she have breeding value? Did the owner answer “no” three times? Forget about mating, it is better to sterilize your pet.
  2. On what day of heat pugs are bred is written above. It remains to be seen whether the first heat is a suitable condition for this or not. Dear novice owners, it is unacceptable to breed a female dog until she is fifteen months old. In simple terms, we wait until the third heat, then we think about getting offspring.
  3. To select a male, contact the breeder. We strongly recommend that all matings be carried out only through it. Without experience, it is very difficult to find a suitable partner for a bitch; his shortcomings are carefully hidden from view.
  4. Small breeds have a hard time giving birth, and the pug is no exception. When planning to breed a pet, they discuss possible difficulties with the breeder and veterinarian in advance. Will he be able to come if labor begins late at night or on a holiday? Will the breeder be able to provide assistance at this moment? If a bitch gives birth for the first time, a specialist must be present near her.

Preparation for mating

Preparation must begin three months before the heat. Before going into heat, you need to undergo a preventive examination by a veterinarian, take blood and stool tests for eggworms, cure existing inflammations, and also make sure that all necessary vaccinations are completed on time.

A month before mating, you need to carry out deworming and rid your pet of fleas. If you are late with anthelmintic drugs, this threatens the resorption of embryos in the early stages or the loss of offspring at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy.

For a male dog, you need to undergo a preventive examination by a veterinarian and undergo tests once every six months. Treat for fleas no later than a week before mating, and deworming is carried out as usual (once every 3-4 months). But if the analysis shows the presence of worms, then the problem must be eliminated immediately before mating.

Another important point for both parents is weight control, because Pugs have a tendency to become obese. For a bitch, being overweight does not threaten pregnancy and complications in the future, but it will be difficult and uncomfortable for a dog to climb on top of a girl, he will be out of breath and get tired faster.

Therefore, it is worth unloading animals from excess fat prematurely and this requires only a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.

Precautionary measures

We found out how long a pug's heat can last. Now let's talk about how to protect the bitch during this period.

Walk your pet only on a leash. Does the dog know commands, obey perfectly and never run away from its owner? Excellent, only during heat she “blows her head off”, the pet is able to ignore the braking command and hide in an unknown direction.

Another point regarding the need for walking on a leash is the numerous male dogs. Males, sensing a female in heat, will definitely come to meet her. Such communication can end badly for both the dog and the owner. The first one will be tied up, the second one will be bitten while trying to fight off the “lady”. A leash is a reliable way to keep your pet close to you; male dogs will be afraid to come too close to a person.


A female dog in heat should be fed almost like a puppy. At this time they are made moody and vulnerable. Food is given 5 times a day, in small portions. Finely chopped meat and fermented milk products, to which honey can be added, should be given. Boiled eggs should be given once a week.

This regime will help the dog’s fragile body cope with shock, this is especially true for the first or second heat. It is also worth pampering your pet with delicious treats. The main thing is not to overfeed the pug, as they are prone to overeating and, as a result, obesity. After the heat has passed, feeding is transferred to normal.

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Cleanliness in the house

My pug is in heat, what should the owner do? How to protect furniture from dirt? The pet leaves bloody marks not only on the floor, but also on interior items. The discharge cannot be controlled, it is spontaneous, and a young bitch can become confused during her first heat. She doesn’t know how to take care of herself, how to eliminate the consequences on the floor.

Special panties or pads for dogs will come to the rescue. Panties are more expensive, absorb better and protect against leaks. They provide a hole for the tail, the only inconvenience is bowel movements. You will have to take them off during a walk so that the dog can go to the toilet.

Can't buy protective dog underwear? We recommend making friends with a mop during the estrus period. An air freshener will not hurt, since the discharge is quite smelly, although some online resources claim that this is not the case.

Should you wash your dog at this time? If the bitch is inexperienced and self-care causes her a stupor, then the loop is wiped with special wipes for dog hygiene or a damp cotton pad.


Owners of bitches are often frightened by the thought that the bloody discharge that their pet leaves everywhere at this time may end up on a light-colored carpet or upholstered furniture. To prevent this from happening, experienced breeders recommend putting special underpants on the dog, which you can buy at a pet store or make yourself.

Due to the fact that pugs have a very specific body structure and ordinary panties do not fit very securely on them, it is recommended to supplement them with straps that will prevent clothes from sliding down.

Important! If you sew panties for a female in heat yourself, then you need to choose natural soft materials for sewing them.

Possible complications

The bitch's behavior changes, as described above. There is no need to panic if the dog is active or lethargic, affectionate or aggressive, constantly eats or refuses to eat. However, there are points that require close attention from the owner; they indicate deviations from the norm:

  1. Yesterday the pet was active and enjoyed walking. Today, having barely finished my business, I asked to go home and lay down in my place. The owner became alarmed, took the bitch’s temperature and found out that it was rising rapidly. In this case, the pet must be shown to a veterinarian. An elevated temperature during estrus is a sign of infection.
  2. The reason for an urgent visit to the doctor is the occurrence of vomiting after eating or refusal of food and treats that lasts more than a day.
  3. Normally, the color of a pug's discharge during heat ranges from pale pink to dark red. When something green, black or brown comes out of the loop, accompanied by a putrid odor, a trip to the veterinary clinic is guaranteed. Such discharge is clear evidence of a sexually transmitted infection.
  4. Bloodless estrus is characterized by the absence of discharge. The loop is swollen, behavioral deviations appear, but there is still no estrus. It is there, only invisible to the owner's eye. During the first heat, the absence of blood is acceptable. During subsequent bloodless estrus, the dog is shown to a veterinarian, examined and given the necessary tests.
  5. The pet reacts sharply to touching the belly during the “red days”. This is a reason to visit a veterinarian; the development of pyometra or a neoplasm in the animal’s body is likely.

If you don't need puppies

Sometimes there are no plans to have offspring or you need to skip mating for reasons of exhibition, travel, etc.
In this case, it is necessary to protect your pet from accidental mating or possible pregnancy, if this occurs. One of the possible ways to correct behavior is a leash. Firstly, this will allow you to always keep it under control. Usually calm, the pug-girl can be somewhat aggressive and unpredictable during her cycle.

It is sometimes difficult to cope with it. Secondly, he will always be nearby, which will allow you to avoid unwanted mating.

Using a leash while walking will allow you to keep her away from male dogs, and, if necessary, pull her towards you and pick her up.

These are standard recommendations for walking an animal. They can be supplemented with other solutions. Modern veterinary medicine offers two ways to avoid problems that arise during estrus: sterilization and contraceptives. Let's look at both.

The first way is to sterilize the dog. What is the procedure? Sterilization is an operation in which the ovaries or ovaries and uterus are removed. Removing the uterus together with the ovaries is considered more successful, because the uterus produces sex hormones.

If mating does not occur from year to year, then there is a risk of various diseases. And first of all, these can be oncological diseases, inflammation of the genital organs.

Sterilization significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.
But you should remember that the operation is very painful. During the procedure, the animal may become stressed and receive negative impressions. It is usually performed at the age of six months and under general anesthesia. This must be taken into account when preparing your pet for sterilization, if it cannot be avoided.

You must refrain from feeding for 8 hours before surgery.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to immediately feed the patient. He will need time to recover from the anesthesia. On average, this takes a day. In addition, the owner must ensure that the dog does not inflict injuries or wounds on itself during the postoperative period. You will have to inspect and care for the seams for 10 to 14 days. The stitches are usually removed on the 12th day.

Life expectancy during the procedure can be extended by 1.5 - 2 years. After such an intervention, behavior usually changes. The pug becomes calmer and more obedient. Hormonal imbalance can lead to the development of obesity and diabetes. Therefore, the owner should pay special attention to the diet and diet.

The main disadvantages of this method are the high cost and the impossibility of producing puppies in the future. For nursery owners or those involved in breeding the breed, such a drastic decision will not work.

If you need to skip one or more matings, you can use special contraceptives.

Their use will calm your pet, relieve sexual arousal, prevent unwanted pregnancy and interrupt estrus. But veterinarians advise not to forget that when using such drugs, you should avoid male dogs, which are still following the smell. In addition, if used frequently, the tablets will be harmful to the dog itself.

Complications after estrus

Does the owner think that once estrus ends he can relax? Alas, he is mistaken, the next two weeks are the most intense. The pet requires careful observation and taking certain measures if the owner notices the following oddities:

  1. The discharge from the loop continues, it is clear and thick, with a heavy odor. This proves the presence of high levels of sex hormones in the bitch’s body and requires veterinary intervention.
  2. The pet begins to defecate “smallly”; strange transparent clots are observed in the puddles.

How does it work and what does it look like?

Externally, estrus is manifested by an increase in the external genitalia of the bitch and discharge, which at first has a bright scarlet color, but by about the tenth day from the beginning of the estrus, it lightens to a yellowish-pink hue.

Later, the discharge brightens even more - to almost transparent and becomes increasingly scarce until it stops towards the end of the emptying period.

Important! Some dogs have latent estrus, during which there is no bleeding at all, which makes it very difficult to choose the right days for breeding.

Behavioral problems

Changes in behavior, as written above, are completely normal during a Pug's heat. But there are complex points that you should pay attention to:

  • the bitch is aggressive towards other dogs and strangers, this is clearly expressed during a walk;
  • the pet fights with the owner, trying to prove to him its superiority;
  • complete refusal to eat in combination with the problems outlined above;
  • too high or low activity;
  • a bowl of water remains untouched for a long time, or the owner does not have time to fill it.

Is your pug behaving as described above? It’s time for the “lady” to visit a veterinarian, her hormonal levels are going through the roof.


The speed of the phases of the reproductive cycle in females varies. Pugs estrus twice a year - in early spring and summer, if the first did not result in pregnancy. The interval between periods is up to 150-160 days. If a male lives in the house (it doesn’t matter - a pug, a terrier, or even an outbred representative of the Canine family), the pet may begin estrus more often. It's worth isolating the bitch.

If the estrus is less than 3 weeks, but not due to pregnancy, the four-legged pet should be examined by a veterinarian. Normally, in a sexually mature animal it lasts from 21 to 25 days.

Should you indulge your pug's whims?

When a pug dog comes into heat, the bitch behaves like a capricious young lady. This is quite normal; any dog ​​tries to attract the attention of its owner during this period. Whether or not to pamper a pet is up to the owner to decide. The fact is that indulging her whims is fraught with further dominance on her part. The animal probes the owner’s weaknesses and begins to manipulate him, demanding special treatment. It’s hard to resist a dog, which is what he takes advantage of. To avoid subsequent behavioral problems, it is advisable to ignore her whims during estrus.

How many days does the discharge last?

The first heat in pugs occurs when the animals reach 2/3 of the weight of an adult dog. The intensity of bleeding varies. In some females they are scanty and may not be noticed by the owner. Such heats are called “quiet” heats. Others are thick, bright red, abundant. It all depends on the age of the pug, its size and hereditary factors.

Depending on the conditions of detention, the quality of feeding and the individual characteristics of the bitch, the duration of heat varies; on average, estrus lasts 20-25 days.

The main mistakes of breeders

What's so special about breeding dogs? How many dogs reproduce on their own? What problems might arise? But pugs have problems with their offspring, and they often happen due to the fault of the breeders.

Breeding pugs can be complicated for several reasons:

  • Overweight
  • Behavior, character
  • Anatomical features (height, accessibility of genital organs, age)

When breeding pugs, breeders should be aware of the following:

  • Injury or surgery
  • The dog has deviations from the standards (anatomical)
  • There are genetic abnormalities
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Pathologies of the reproductive system
  • Temperament

If your pug has any of the above, then mating should not be carried out.

Pairing Instructions

Make sure the animals are as comfortable as possible. If mating occurs in the summer, then it is better to prescribe it in the morning or evening.

Animals (especially males) need to be given a good walk 2 hours before crossing so that they become more loving and do not need to be fed.

The mating itself should be carried out on the male’s territory so that he feels more confident, especially if he has little experience in amorous matters.

It is also advisable to have an experienced breeder present who can professionally monitor the process and help if difficulties arise.

When the animals become comfortable, a period of courtship and flirtation begins, which is the beginning of sexual intercourse. The male will carefully sniff the female’s intimate place, as he is excited by this smell, and the female will allow him to lick the loop and then begin mating.

But sometimes not everything goes smoothly: the bitch can become nervous, afraid, or behave aggressively and not let the male near. In this case, you or the breeder will have to intervene.

It will be necessary to carry out the mating on a non-slip table, holding the pug by the front paws. If necessary, use anti-bite gloves if the female is very aggressive, and a muzzle, but only as a last resort, because this can humiliate the dog.

If the female is larger than the gentleman, then a special stand or a thick book can be placed on his hind legs. You may need to hold the female's rear and adjust the position of her loop.

After this process is completed, the male will turn in the opposite direction (if necessary, help him) and the genitals of the animals will remain in the “lock” for 10-15 minutes.

Bonding may take up to an hour or more, but this is not a reason to worry, since in this position the process of fertilization of the egg occurs.

Mating may not work out right away, so to be on the safe side, it is recommended to repeat the mating the next day after the first time in order to consolidate the result, but do not forget to give the animals rest so as not to overtire them.

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