Food n/d for dogs: composition from Farmin for different breeds

Farmina dog food is a nutrition brand with high quality and a wide range. The manufacturer uses only natural ingredients. There are several lines of food for dogs, suitable for different breeds and age groups. Among them there are dry and wet mixtures that differ in composition.

How to calculate the daily amount of food for a dog

Choosing a dry diet as the main food for dogs is a convenient, practical and affordable option that will simplify the life of the owner and maintain the health of the pet. It would seem that everything is simple, you just need to read on the packaging how much food to give your dog, measure out the required amount of dry granules and pour them into a bowl. In reality, many problems and questions arise. From the article you will learn: how the daily intake depends on the energy value and class of food, what to do if the dog does not eat enough of the recommended portion, how much water is needed and when it is necessary to review the amount of food given to the dog.

Advantages of Farmina cat food

A balanced composition is the main advantage of the brand’s products. When creating new recipes, the manufacturer is based on serious scientific research and takes into account the needs of cats of different ages and health conditions.

The series of feeds are varied, but all products are different:

  • environmentally friendly - there are no harmful preservatives or artificial colors in the composition;
  • a wide selection of flavors - there is a suitable option for the most demanding pets;
  • additional content of probiotics to aid digestion.

The online store “World of Tails” offers Farmina cat food in packages of various sizes. If you find it difficult to choose the type of food or your pet has special needs, contact our managers, they will help you choose the right diet for your pet.

Should you feed your dog only prepared food or use a mixed diet?

Before we find out exactly what portion of dry food a dog needs every day, let’s find out whether it is possible to feed the dog exclusively with dry granules or canned food. Many owners worry that such a diet is too monotonous and can lead to negative consequences. To avoid this, they switch the pet to a mixed diet - mixing meat directly into a bowl of dry granules or replacing one of the meals with natural products.

Let's highlight the main risks that a dog's mixed diet carries:

  • the combination of dry food and meat products can lead to excess protein. Its excess puts additional stress on the kidneys and liver. The result is kidney failure, liver dystrophy, allergic reactions;
  • the combination of dry pellets and fish leads to an excess of phosphorus. The result may be urolithiasis. In addition, there is a critical decrease in the level of leukocytes. Minor hemorrhages appear. Bones lose calcium and accumulate phosphates. In adults this leads to osteoporosis, in children to rickets;
  • a mix of dry food and porridge leads to an excess of carbohydrates in the body. This situation threatens the rapid development of obesity and all the ensuing consequences.

Constant menu changes actually terrorize the gastrointestinal tract, forcing it to produce different types of enzymes. Such intense work leads to gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Opponents of dry food talk about the risks that a monoration poses. First of all, they note a negative effect on the mucous membranes, especially when the daily norm is exceeded. Despite the qualitative differences in dry diets depending on the class to which they belong, there is no negative effect on the mucous membranes. Before entering the market, all dry food undergoes laboratory testing. All of them are produced with a monoration in mind, so high-quality products contain the entire necessary set of minerals, vitamins and microelements.

Important: of course, it is worth considering the presence of diseases in your pet. Particular attention should be paid to gastrointestinal problems. If a veterinarian recommends giving up dry food and switching to a natural diet, this must be done.

Why do you need to define the norm?

Determining the daily feeding rate is very important. Overfeeding or underfeeding will lead to health problems. Dogs cannot control their food intake on their own. Some breeds, such as pugs or dachshunds, will eat whatever is in their bowl. This behavior has a genetic reason - in nature, the ancestors of dogs did not get prey every day. Of course, domestic dogs are freed from the need to get their own food, but unlimited access to dry food leads to excessive consumption.

Interesting: some manufacturers put a special measuring cup in the package with dry food, which is very convenient for measuring portions for your pet. It is worth remembering that such measuring containers are only suitable for granules from a certain manufacturer and cannot be used for others.


Thanks to the company’s good scientific potential, as many as 12 types of diets are available in the Vetlife cat food line, each for its own disease. Below are reviews of each of the items, indicating its features and differences from conventional dry food:

  • GASTROINTESTINAL – a special diet for pets with problems with digestion in the stomach and absorption in the intestines. Electrolytes in the composition help to improve the digestion of food, and a specially selected symbiosis of products makes this task easier for a weakened body.
  • HEPATIC – food for pets with liver problems. Recommended for cats with chronic liver failure. With a low percentage of protein and a high amount of fatty acids, this veterinary diet takes the load off the liver, facilitating its regeneration. A low percentage of copper relieves the toxic effect on affected liver cells.
  • STRUVITE – nutrition that promotes the dissolution of uroliths (stones in the genitourinary system). Effective against struvite type deposits. The therapeutic effect is achieved by acidifying urine with DL-methionine, which allows you to dissolve existing stones and also prevents the formation of new ones. In addition to normalizing pH, this food contains a small percentage of protein, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which prevents the formation of struvite stones in the urine.
  • STRUVITE MANAGEMENT – food for cats with chronic urolithiasis. Indicated for idiopathic cystitis. The composition and mechanism of action is similar to STRUVITE food, but additionally contains ammonium chloride, which effectively prevents the formation of sediment in the urinary system of cats. Has a powerful antioxidant effect.
  • RENAL – food for animals with renal failure (acute and chronic forms). Also used as maintenance nutrition for congestive heart failure. This food has a reduced percentage of protein and minimized phosphorus content to reduce the load on the kidneys.
  • CARDIAC is a diet designed for cats with heart failure. Thanks to the optimally selected content of potassium, sodium and phosphorus, the load on the heart muscle is reduced and the balance of electrolytes in the blood is restored. Taurine and L-carnitine have a beneficial effect on the absorption and transport of nutrients important for the heart. The composition also contains high-quality, easily digestible protein, which promotes rapid saturation.
  • OBESITY is a special diet for animals with various forms of obesity. For a therapeutic effect, the fat content in the food has been reduced, and the percentage of complex carbohydrates has been increased, which, breaking down slowly, provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. Total calorie content is reduced.
  • DIABETIC – food for animals suffering from diabetes. Special sources of sugars and starches in the diet's list of nutrients help maintain the required level of glucose in the blood, preventing it from increasing.
  • ULTRAHYPO – hypoallergenic food for individuals with food intolerances and allergies. The mechanism of action is based on the content of fish hydrolyzate as the only source of protein. As a result, the body digests the protein “without noticing” that it was animal protein. The source of carbohydrates - rice starch - is the safest product in terms of allergies. Fish oil, which is a source of lipids, is also easily digestible and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • NEUTERED MALE – diet for sterilized cats. Developed taking into account the needs of such animals, namely: reduced nutritional value, which eliminates the manifestations of obesity, and also contains L-carnitine and light protein, which helps maintain muscle mass and burn fat reserves. A reduced percentage of magnesium and phosphorus, coupled with calcium sulfate, prevents the development of urolithiasis.
  • NEUTERED FEMALE – the composition is almost identical to cat food, but is intended for feeding sterilized cats. The differences are in the percentage of nutrients, which takes into account the nutritional characteristics of animals of different sexes.
  • VETLIFE HAIRBALL is a cat food that helps eliminate hairballs from the digestive tract. Due to its fiber content, this formulation has a beneficial effect on the bowel movement process. And probiotics normalize the absorption of nutrients.

How to calculate the amount of food for a pet

Since we are talking about ready-made food rations: dry and wet, we will need to take as a basis tables with recommended daily intakes placed by manufacturers on food packaging. However, the owner will have to take into account a number of individual factors that distinguish his dog. These include:

  1. Age category of the dog (puppy, young or elderly dog);
  2. Weight (can be normal, overweight or underweight);
  3. Dog activity (number and duration of walks, physical activity during the day);
  4. State of health (presence of chronic diseases, pathologies);
  5. Physiological condition (pregnancy, lactating bitch, recovery from illness or surgery, and others).

The tables from the manufacturer indicate the recommended daily intake of dry food. Quite often they are significantly overestimated; manufacturers are simply not able to take into account all the characteristics of your pet.

It is necessary to collect all individual information about the dog and determine the brand of food for which the calculation will be made. It is better if dry food is selected by the owner together with a veterinarian, since it is not always possible to independently take into account all the medical contraindications of the animal. The use of a dry diet can lead to serious kidney problems and a serious allergic reaction - advice from a specialist in selecting food and determining the portion size is simply necessary.

Nutrition and health

The brand's specialists have created a series of professional feeds. Vet Life vegetarian diets are 12 types of specialized nutrition that are recommended for various chronic diseases in cats or are designed to help pets overcome illnesses.

The brand's assortment includes formulas that are optimal for kidney (Renal) and liver (Hepatic) diseases. For many purebred animals, special foods for diabetes (Diabetic), urolithiasis (Struvite), and heart failure are also relevant. You cannot change your pet’s diet on your own—medicated food is prescribed by a doctor.

Farmina Vet Life diet food has been receiving excellent reviews for many years. The professional series also includes special food for sterilized or neutered animals and a separate Hairball recipe that helps remove hairballs.

Types of dog food

One of the most important indicators of dry food is its relationship to a certain class and the energy value of such a diet. There are types of dry food:

ViewEnergy value (Kcal/100 g)CompoundRecommendationsExample
Economy250-300Poor composition, based on grains and corn. Contains aromatic additives and dyes. A large portion is needed to satiate the dog. Should not be used for continuous feeding of dogs. Requires the use of additional vitamin and mineral complexes. Chappie, Oscar, Meal, Favorite, Our brand, ProTail, Darling, Pedigree.
Premium300-350Higher protein content (about 20%), mainly due to offal and meat production waste. The composition contains vitamins and minerals, fiber. Suitable for everyday nutrition, requires vitamin supplements adjusted for the physiological state of the dog.Royal Canin, Brit premium, Monge,
Super premium360-450The most balanced diet, with a minimum content or complete replacement of grains, a maximum content of meat (up to 75%). A complete complex of vitamins and minerals. Suitable for daily feeding of dogs, no additional feeding is needed.Akana, Eukanuba, Grandorf.
Holistic360-450Difference from the super premium class: the ingredients that make up the food are approved for use in the human food industry.Maximum benefits, recommended for use in dog nutrition.Landor, G.O., Canidae, Grandin.

The daily amount is indicated by the manufacturer based on the normal physiological weight of the animal, and not the actual weight. If your dog weighs much more than is expected for a certain age, this is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

There is no direct relationship between the amount of dry kibble in your pet's bowl and how quickly he becomes satiated. A dog can eat a “bucket” of economy class pellets and remain hungry. Don’t think that buying low-grade food will save you money.

What does the N&D designation on feed mean?

“ND” is a dog food produced by Farmina Vet and belongs to the holistic class. The abbreviation N&D stands for Natural & Delicious Grain Free, which translated into Russian means “natural and tasty grain-free food.”

Farmina N&D

Many grains are known to irritate the digestive tract and cause allergies in pets. Corn and wheat are especially likely to cause allergic reactions, so N&D dog food manufacturers do not add these ingredients to dog food. Instead, they use animal products - meat and fish. This diet is designed specifically for carnivores.

Made only from natural ingredients of the highest quality, ND is a dog food that contains 70% meat, fish and other animal ingredients. The remaining 30% consists of plant ingredients: vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, legumes, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements.


Dry food

There are average feeding rates, according to which the daily dose is divided by the number of feedings. Most often, this standard is indicated in grams or in the number of measuring cups. 1 measuring cup = 240 ml (about 100 grams).

If necessary, dry granules can be softened with liquid: for puppies under 4 months of age, for older dogs or those with gastrointestinal problems.

I do this with different liquids depending on the dog’s preferences.

You should not prepare a large portion of soaked food, so as not to throw away an expensive product. Experts note that in the warm season, many animals refuse the softened product, preferring to drink dry granules with water.

Advantages and features of the food

Farmina food has won consumer recognition, primarily due to its natural high-quality composition and flexible pricing policy.
The food lines are divided into: economy, medium and premium price segments. The company's specialists try to satisfy almost any purchasing power. Other advantages include:

  • availability of wet assortment;
  • wide choice of dietary food;
  • food is enriched with vitamins and healthy additives;
  • grain-free or low-grain composition;
  • natural preservation of the product due to special packaging.

At the feed packaging stage, the company’s specialists replace oxygen with nitrogen, which allows the natural properties of the product to be preserved.

The peculiarity of Farmina food is its low fiber content, but not in all food lines. This is due to the fact that the feed contains no grain crops or is contained in small quantities.

Some consumers note that the manufacturer does not always indicate the content of components in percentage terms.

Rules for soaking dry food

If for some reason the amount of dry food is soaked, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • use clean drinking water (can be bottled or filtered), but not boiled. Temperature - 40 C o;
  • The ratio of liquid to dry product depends on the preferences and age of the dog, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Possible ratios (water:feed) - 1:2, 1:3;
  • In addition to water, you can use low-fat fermented milk products - yogurt or kefir. The diluent should not be sweet, the temperature should be room temperature;
  • the daily feed intake is not increased or decreased. Only the consistency of the portion changes.

Important: soaked dry food should be eaten within 2-3 hours. At any temperature, such food quickly sours and is inseminated by bacterial flora. If fermented milk products are used, it is necessary to carefully monitor the animal's stool. Minor liquefaction that resolves quickly should not cause alarm. If diarrhea continues for a long time, it is necessary to stop soaking dry food and consult a veterinarian.

The manufacturer may set a limit on the soaking of dry granules, which should be noted on the food packaging.

Opinion of owners and doctors

Veterinarians note that the basis of such nutrition is not cereals, but vegetables that replace them, for example, potatoes or pumpkin. This reduces the likelihood of allergies. Therefore, all brand diets are considered hypoallergenic or even dietary.

Many owners and breeders say that it was difficult for them to choose a dog’s food until they settled on Farmina brand food mixtures. Some talk about the high price of the product, but at the same time note that dogs switching to such a diet rarely get sick, are energetic, and do not have problems with hair and stool. Pets like the taste of the food offered, and the food eaten is well absorbed.

Daily food intake for puppies

Puppy age (in months)Number of meals per dayDaily kcal norm per 1 kg of weight in
Up to 16220-250

Small breeds of puppies

Puppies of small and miniature breeds develop very quickly due to increased metabolism; at 6 months, such a miniature dog puppy is already very similar to an adult dog. Therefore, during the period of intensive growth, such babies need high-calorie food, which allows the animal’s body to properly form in such a short time.

Age\weight (months) dog weight up to 10 kgSuper premium diet (using Akana as an example, value about 450 kcal)Economy (using the example of Our Brand, value about 300 kcal)
1-315-80 gr45-100 gr
3-417-115 g60-200 gr
4-620-120 gr70-250 gr
6-1225-125 grFeed used for adult animals


Large breeds of puppies

Large breed dog puppies need a diet rich in protein and calcium for muscle growth and healthy skeletal development. Their development occurs spasmodically, at six months of age they look more like ugly ducklings rather than adult dogs. The heart muscle also requires special nutrition, which must receive all the necessary elements for further uninterrupted operation.

Dog's age/weightSuper premium diet, value 400 kcal (using Grandorf as an example)Economy food, value 300 kcal (using the example of Pedigree)
1-3 (from 5 to 70 kg)50-220 gr400 gr
3-4 (from 25 to 70 kg)230-330 gr450-530 gr
4-6 (from 25 to 70 kg)260-500 gr550-600 gr
6-12 (from 25 kg)250-800 gr650-900 gr

Feed produced under the Farmina brand

The company's products are of good quality and balanced components. A large assortment allows you to choose the food that suits your pet for regular feeding.

In total, Farmina has five lines of dry cat food:

  • Natural & Delicious (N&D);
  • Cimiao;
  • Matisse;
  • Fun Cat;
  • Vet Life.

They all differ in the components from which they are made, the effect on animal health and market value.

Photo gallery: Farmina food lines

Cimiao super premium dry food is intended for both kittens and adult cats, including those with health problems

Economy class dry food Fun Cat is intended only for adult cats Matisse premium dry food is a complete food for kittens and adult cats (a separate type is provided for sterilized animals)

Vet Life Cat dry food has more than ten varieties and is recommended for the dietary nutrition of cats with various diseases

The N&D line is holistic

All products, starting with economy class food, are not only of high quality and use of natural products, but also necessarily include a large number of vitamin and mineral components necessary for the healthy life of pets.

Table: composition of dry food N&D (“N D”) holistic class

Type of feedProduct FeaturesGuaranteed nutritional compositionAmount of vitamins (per 1 kg of feed)List of microelements (per 1 kg of feed)What is included in the food
Grain-freeThe grain-free food recipe takes into account the diet of carnivores prone to allergies or with sensitive digestion. They contain 70% components of animal origin, and 30% are plant and mineral additives; no grain ingredients. Taking into account the varied taste preferences of pets, the company’s specialists have developed the following types of products:
  • chicken and pomegranate for kittens, pregnant and lactating cats;
  • chicken and pomegranate for adult cats;
  • wild boar meat and apple for adult cats;
  • fish and orange for adult cats;
  • lamb and blueberry for adult cats.
  • protein - 44%;
  • fat - 20%;
  • fiber - 1.8%;
  • ash content - 8.5%.
  • A - 18000 IU;
  • D3 – 1200 IU;
  • E - 600 mg;
  • C - 300 mg;
  • PP - 150 mg;
  • B5 – 50 mg;
  • B2 – 20 mg;
  • B1 – 10 mg;
  • H - 1.5 mg;
  • B9 – 1.5 mg;
  • B12 – 0.1 mg.
  • Choline chloride - 2500 mg;
  • β-carotene - 1.5 mg;
  • Zn - 910 mg;
  • Mn - 380 mg;
  • Fe - 250 mg;
  • Cu - 88 mg;
  • Se-Me - 0.4 mg;
  • DL-Me - 5000 mg;
  • taurine - 4000 mg;
  • L-carnitine 300 mg;
  • Ca - 1.5%;
  • P - 1.3%;
  • Mg - 0.09%;
  • Omega-6 - 3.30%;
  • Omega-3 - 0.90%;
  • DHA - 0.5%;
  • EPA - 0.3%;
  • glucosamine - 1200 mg;
  • chondroitin sulfate - 900 mg/kg.
Depending on the type of food, the main ingredients may be:
  • 30% fresh chicken meat and 28% dried;
  • 30% fresh herring and 28% dried;
  • 25% fresh boar meat and 23% dried;
  • 28% fresh lamb and 26% dried.

The list of other components is the same:

  • potato;
  • chicken fat;
  • fish fat;
  • dried whole eggs;
  • fresh herring;
  • dried herring;
  • hydrolyzed animal proteins;
  • pea fiber;
  • dried carrots and alfalfa;
  • inulin;
  • plantain;
  • pomegranate, spinach, blueberry and black currant powder;
  • dried apples;
  • dried sweet orange;
  • sodium chloride;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • turmeric;
  • glucosamine;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • calendula extract.
Low grainAll foods of this type are intended for adult cats; they contain a small amount of cereal products:
  • oats - 10%;
  • spelled (grain crop from the wheat genus) - 10%.

These grains are perfectly digestible by animals. Flavor varieties available:

  • lamb and blueberries;
  • cod and orange;
  • chicken and pomegranate;
  • reduced fat chicken and pomegranate.
  • protein - 36%;
  • fat - 20% (for the latter type - 10%);
  • fiber - 1.9%;
  • ash content - 8.1%.
B6 (8.1 mg) has been added to the list of vitamins available in grain-free food.In addition to the already existing microelements, the addition of aloe vera (1000 mg) and green tea extract (100 mg) was introduced to improve the organoleptic properties of the product. Natural antioxidants are also added. The main ingredients, depending on the taste of the food, are:
  • 24% chicken fillet and 24% dried chicken meat;
  • 25% fresh cod and 24% dried;
  • 22% fresh lamb and 20% dried lamb.

Other ingredients:

  • dried whole eggs;
  • fresh and dried herring;
  • animal fat;
  • fish fat;
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • peas;
  • dried carrots;
  • alfalfa flour;
  • inulin;
  • blueberry powder (or dried orange);
  • dry apples,
  • pomegranate, spinach and black currant powder;
  • plantain;
  • sodium chloride;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • turmeric;
  • marigold (or calendula) extract.
Grain-free food based on pumpkinThere is an option for pets prone to obesity, with a reduced calorie content and an increased amount of fiber, which significantly improves intestinal function. This is food for adult cats with the following flavors:
  • quail, pumpkin and pomegranate;
  • quail, pumpkin and pomegranate (for sterilized cats);
  • herring, pumpkin and orange;
  • duck, pumpkin and cantaloupe;
  • venison, pumpkin and apple.
Nutrient content (data for food for sterilized animals is given in parentheses):
  • protein - 44% (46%);
  • fat - 20% (11%);
  • fiber - 1.8% (5.5%);
  • ash content - 8.7%.
Added vitamin B3 - 150 mgSame supplements, except L-carnitineDepending on the taste, the food contains 30% fresh meat (quail, herring, duck, venison) and 28% dehydrated meat (food for sterilized cats has 2% more of these components). The list of other ingredients is the same as the grain-free food, with the exception of minor changes:
  • instead of potatoes, pea starch and pumpkin are used (5%);
  • The hydrolyzate taken is not animal protein, but fish protein.
Food with a reduced protein and fat content for adult cats, containing quinoa (a pseudocereal, a source of vegetable protein).Adding quinoa to your diet reduces cholesterol levels and has a positive effect on heart function. The following flavor varieties are available:
  • duck, quinoa, cranberry and chamomile;
  • lamb, quinoa, broccoli and asparagus;
  • herring, quinoa, coconut and turmeric;
  • quail, quinoa, coconut and turmeric;
  • lamb, quinoa, fennel and mint.
  • protein - 30% (in feeds with lamb and duck there is more: lamb and broccoli - 40%, in others - 33%);
  • fat - 16% (lamb with broccoli flavor food has 9%);
  • fiber - from 2% to 2.5% (except for lamb with broccoli, this food contains 10% fiber).
The list of vitamins is the same as in pumpkin foodThe list of microelements is the same, but the amounts of some components have changed:
  • Choline chloride - 3000 mg;
  • DL-Me - 7000 mg;
  • taurine - 2500 mg.

And also for different types of feed, the amount of microelement additives, expressed as a percentage, changes.

All flavors contain 8% quinoa seed extract and other main ingredients as follows:
  • fresh duck meat - 20%, dried - 18%, dried cranberries and chamomile - 2.5% each;
  • fresh lamb - 22%, dried lamb - 20%, dried broccoli and asparagus - 2.5% each;
  • fresh and dried herring - 18% each, dried coconut and turmeric - 2.5% each;
  • fresh and dried quail meat - 18% each, dried coconut and turmeric root - 2.5% each;
  • fresh lamb - 20%, dried lamb - 18%, dried fennel and mint - 2.5% each.

Other ingredients:

  • pea starch;
  • dried whole eggs;
  • flax seeds;
  • dried herring;
  • fish and chicken fat;
  • inulin;
  • plantain;
  • potassium and sodium chlorides;
  • dry brewer's yeast;
  • calendula extract.

Table: cost of dry food N&D

Weight of packingGrain-freeLow grainWith pumpkinWith quinoa
300 gFrom 350 rub.From 260 rub.From 460 rub.About 500 rub.
1.5 kgFrom 1300 rub.From 950 rub.From 1500 rub. up to 1700 rub. From 1700 rub.
5 kgFrom 3400 rub.From 2600 rub. up to 3500 rub.
10 kgFrom 6100 rub.From 5500 rub. up to 6500 rub.

Cimiao Line

The Kimiao line of food is declared on the official Farmina website as super premium food, but it does not contain fresh meat, but contains corn gluten. Therefore, this brand rather occupies an intermediate position between super-premium and simply premium. The food has a good composition of components, and is also attractive because it takes into account the differences in the development of the body of cats of different breeds at different periods of their life.

Kimiao food has three types of packaging (400 grams, 2 kg, 15 kg), each type of food is represented by its own packaging color

Table: composition of Cimiao dry food

Name of foodNutritional value of the productNutritional supplements (per 1 kg)Vitamins (per 1 kg)Composition of the product
Cimiao Kitten (food for kittens up to twelve months). The packaging is dark green. General composition of the product at 7% humidity:
  • protein - 34%;
  • fat - 24%;
  • fiber - 1.9%;
  • ash content - less than 7%.
  • Choline chloride - 2500 mg;
  • lutein (natural pigment for improving vision) – 5 mg;
  • β-carotene - 5 mg;
  • Zn - 255 mg;
  • Mn - 200 mg;
  • Fe - 118 mg;
  • Cu - 47 mg;
  • Selenite Na - 0.33 mg;
  • DL-Me - 6500 mg;
  • taurine - 2900 mg;
  • L-lysine - 3000 mg;
  • Ca - 1.2%;
  • P - 0.9%;
  • Mg - 0.08%.
  • A - 24000 IU;
  • D3 – 1600 IU;
  • E - 650 mg;
  • C - 330 mg;
  • B3 - 160 mg;
  • B5 – 55 mg;
  • B2 – 22 mg;
  • B1 – 11 mg;
  • K3 – 1.7 mg;
  • H - 1.7 mg;
  • B9 – 1.7 mg;
  • B12 – 0.11 mg.
Main ingredients:
  • dried chicken meat - 34%;
  • rice - 12%;
  • corn - 12%;
  • dried fish - 6%;
  • dried whole eggs - 4%.

Additional components:

  • chicken and fish oil;
  • hydrolyzed animal protein;
  • corn gluten;
  • flax seeds;
  • pea and sugar beet fibers;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Brewer's yeast.
Cimiao Chicken Adult Maintenance (food for adult cats with chicken flavor). The packaging is dark brown. General composition of the product at 8% humidity:
  • proteins - 32%;
  • fats - 15%;
  • fiber - 3.4%;
  • ash content - 7%.
  • Choline chloride - 1800 mg;
  • lutein - 5 mg;
  • β-carotene - 5 mg;
  • Zn - 228 mg;
  • Mn - 180 mg;
  • Fe - 104 mg;
  • Cu - 42 mg;
  • selenite Na - 0.3 mg;
  • DL-Me - 4400 mg;
  • taurine - 2200 mg;
  • L-lysine - 1500 mg;
  • Ca - 1.1%;
  • P - 0.9%;
  • Mg - 0.08%.
  • A - 18000 IU;
  • D3 – 1200 IU;
  • E - 600 mg;
  • C - 300 mg;
  • B3 - 150 mg;
  • B5 – 50 mg;
  • B2 – 20 mg;
  • B1 – 10 mg;
  • B6 – 8.1 mg;
  • K3 – 1.5 mg;
  • H - 1.5 mg;
  • B9 – 1.5 mg;
  • B12 – 0.1 mg.
Main ingredients:
  • dried chicken meat - 28%;
  • rice - 20%;
  • corn - 10%;
  • dried fish - 6%;
  • dried whole eggs - 4%.

The additional components are the same as in the line above.

Cimiao Fish Adult Maintenance (food for adult cats with fish flavor). The packaging is dark blue. The general composition of the product is the same as with chicken.The list of microelements and vitamins completely coincides with the previous type of foodThe composition differs only in the number of dried components:
  • dried fish - 28%;
  • dried chicken - 6%.
Cimiao Light (food for pets prone to weight gain). The packaging is dark olive color. General composition of the product at 8% humidity:
  • proteins - 40%;
  • fats - 10%;
  • fiber - 7.9%;
  • ash content - about 7%.
The content of some organic substances that affect immunity and general health has been changed:
  • Choline chloride - 2400 mg;
  • taurine - 2600 mg;
  • L-lysine - 4500 mg.
The amount of some vitamins has been increased:
  • A - 22000 IU;
  • D3 – 1500 IU.
  • dried chicken meat;
  • corn;
  • pea fiber;
  • corn gluten;
  • flax seeds;
  • dried fish;
  • rice;
  • dried whole eggs;
  • chicken and fish oil;
  • hydrolyzed animal protein;
  • plantain seeds;
  • sugar beet pulp;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Brewer's yeast.
Cimiao Senior (food for animals over ten years old). The packaging is dark yellow. General composition of the product at 8% humidity:
  • proteins - 28%;
  • fats - 23%;
  • fiber - 2.1%;
  • ash content - less than 6%.
Increased content of choline chloride (2600 mg) and amino acids:
  • L-lysine HCl - 1200 mg;
  • L-cystine - 500 mg;
  • L-carnitine - 300 mg.
The amount of vitamins is the same as in the previous foodThe list of ingredients is the same, with the addition of green tea and grape seed extracts.
Cimiao Neutered Male (for sterilized cats). Blue packaging. General composition of the product at 8% humidity:
  • proteins - 38%;
  • fats - 10%;
  • fiber - 6.5%;
  • ash content - more than 7.5%.
The amount of choline chloride is 2400 mg, there is no L-lysine and L-cystine, L-carnitine is 300 mg. Increased content of microelements:
  • Zn - 255 mg;
  • Mn - 200 mg;
  • Fe - 118 mg;
  • Cu - 47 mg;
  • Selenite Na - 0.33 mg;
  • DL-Me - 4500 mg.
The amount of vitamins is the sameThe list of ingredients is the same as Cimiao Light food
Cimiao Neutered Female (for sterilized cats). Pink packaging. General composition of the product at 8% humidity:
  • proteins - 34%;
  • fats - 10%;
  • fiber - 6.4%;
  • ash content - 7.5%.
The amount of vitamins and nutritional supplements is the sameThe list of ingredients is similar to the previous one
Cimiao Hairball (food for eliminating hairball problems - with high fiber content). The packaging is dark turquoise. General composition of the product at 8% humidity:
  • proteins - 34%;
  • fats - 15%;
  • fiber - 8%;
  • ash content - 7%.
The list of supplements is the same as for adult cats, with minor changes:
  • Choline chloride - 2200 mg;
  • DL-Me - 4500 mg;
  • taurine - 2400 mg;
  • L-lysine - 2500 mg;
  • L-carnitine - 3000 mg;
  • Mg - 0.07%.
The content of vitamins A (18000 IU) and D3 (1200 IU) is reduced.The list of ingredients is similar to the previous one
Cimiao Delicious (for cats with sensitive digestion). The packaging is light olive color. General composition of the product at 8% humidity:
  • proteins - 33%;
  • fats - 22%;
  • fiber - 2.1%;
  • ash content - 6.6%.
Compared to the previous food, the amount of DL-methionine (4900 mg) and L-carnitine (350 mg) has been changed, L-lysane is absentVitamin content is the same as Cimiao LightThe list of ingredients is similar to the previous one
Cimiao Persian (food for Persian cats). The packaging is dark purple. General composition of the product at 8% humidity:
  • proteins - 30%;
  • fats - 22%;
  • fiber - 6.6%;
  • ash content - less than 6%.
The quantity of the following elements has been changed:
  • Choline chloride - 2400 mg;
  • DL-Me - 1000 mg;
  • taurine - 2900 mg;
  • L-lysine - 1400 mg;
  • L-cystine - 1200 mg;
  • Ca - 0.9%;
  • P - 0.7%.
Vitamin content is the same as Cimiao LightThe list of ingredients is similar to the previous one

Matisse line (“Matisse”)

The Matisse line is a premium class food. It does not contain wheat, has several different flavors, and is well balanced in composition (food for kittens is provided). This brand represents not only dry food, but also wet food.

The Matisse line includes both dry and wet food

Table: composition of Matisse dry food

NameNutritional value of the productComposition of the productMineral and vitamin supplements (per 1 kg)
Matisse Kitten (food for kittens up to twelve months, pregnant and lactating cats). The packaging is dark blue. General composition of the product at 7% humidity:
  • protein - 36%;
  • fat - 14%;
  • fiber - 0.9%;
  • ash - 7.3%.
Main products:
  • dried chicken meat - 36%;
  • rice - 20%;
  • dried fish - 6%;
  • dried whole eggs - 4%.

Other components:

  • chicken and fish oil;
  • corn;
  • corn gluten;
  • animal protein;
  • beet pulp;
  • vegetable oil;
  • yeast.
Vitamins and microelements:
  • A - 18000 IU;
  • D3 – 1800 IU;
  • E - 180 mg;
  • C - 180 mg;
  • B3 - 45 mg;
  • B5 – 18 mg;
  • B2 – 9 mg;
  • B6 – 7.2;
  • B1 – 5.4 mg;
  • K3 – 1.8 mg;
  • H - 0.45 mg;
  • B9 – 0.54 mg;
  • B12 – 0.07 mg;
  • Choline chloride - 3000 mg;
  • Zn - 228 mg;
  • Mn - 150 mg;
  • Fe - 104 mg;
  • Cu - 50 mg;
  • selenite Na - 0.22 mg;
  • DL-Me - 3000 mg;
  • taurine - 2900 mg;
  • Ca - 1.25%;
  • P - 1%;
  • Mg - 0.09%.
Matisse Chicken & Turkey (food for adult cats with poultry flavor) Blue packaging.The general composition of the product at a humidity of eight percent:
  • protein - 32%;
  • fat - 11%;
  • fiber - 1.2%;
  • ash - 6.6% tenths.
Main products:
  • dried chicken and turkey meat - 32%;
  • rice - 25%;
  • dried carrots and spinach - 2% each.

Other components:

  • chicken and fish oil;
  • corn;
  • dried fish;
  • dried whole eggs;
  • corn gluten;
  • animal protein;
  • beet pulp;
  • vegetable oil;
  • brewer's yeast.
Vitamins and microelements (per kilogram):
  • A - 16000 IU; D3 – 1600 IU;
  • E - 160 mg; C - 100 mg;
  • B3 - 40 mg; B5 – 16 mg;
  • B2 – 8 mg; B6 – 6.4; B1 – 4.8 mg;
  • K3 – 1.6 mg;
  • H - 0.4 mg; B9 – 0.48 mg; B12 – 0.06 mg;
  • Choline chloride - 2200 mg;
  • Zn - 228 mg;
  • Mn - 150 mg;
  • Fe - 104 mg;
  • Cu - 50 mg;
  • selenite Na - 0.22 mg;
  • DL-Me - 3000 mg;
  • taurine - 1800 mg;
  • Ca - 0.98%;
  • P - 0.85%;
  • Mg - 0.08%.
Matisse Salmon & Tuna (food for adult cats with fish flavor). The packaging is dark blue. The general composition of the product is the same as Matisse Chicken & TurkeyMain products:
  • dried salmon and tuna - 10% each;
  • rice - 20%.

Other components:

  • dried chicken meat;
  • chicken and fish oil;
  • corn;
  • dried fish; dried whole eggs;
  • corn gluten;
  • animal protein;
  • beet pulp;
  • vegetable oil;
  • brewer's yeast.
Nutritional supplements like Matisse Chicken & Turkey
Matisse Chicken & Rice (food for adult cats with chicken flavor). The packaging is dark burgundy. The general composition of the product is the same as the previous foodMain products (in percent):
  • dried chicken meat - 32%;
  • rice - 25%.

Other components:

  • chicken and fish oil;
  • corn;
  • dried fish;
  • dried whole eggs;
  • corn gluten;
  • animal protein;
  • beet pulp;
  • vegetable oil;
  • brewer's yeast.
Nutritional supplements, same as previous food
Matisse Neutered (food for sterilized cats). The packaging is light gray. General composition of the product at a humidity of 9%:
  • protein - 31%;
  • fat - 11%;
  • fiber - 5.9%;
  • ash - 6.6%.
Main products:
  • dried chicken meat - 32%;
  • rice - 25%;
  • pea fiber - 8%;
  • beet pulp - 6%.

Other components:

  • chicken and fish oil;
  • corn;
  • dried fish;
  • dried whole eggs;
  • corn gluten;
  • animal protein;
  • vegetable oil;
  • plantain seeds;
  • brewer's yeast.
The quantity of the following components has been changed:
  • vitamin C - 160 mg;
  • Choline chloride - 2500 mg;
  • Ca - 0.9%.

Added starch - 18.5%.

Cost of dry food "Matisse":

  • 400 g - from 250 rubles;
  • 1.5 kg - from 770 rub.;
  • 10 kg - from 3400 rub.

Matisse wet food line

produces only premium wet food under the Matisse brand. The company offers three varieties of this product with different tastes:

  • Pieces in sauce. Nutritional composition: protein - at least 5.5%, fat - 4%, fiber - 0.5%. Added vitamins A, D3 and E. Calorie content - 74 kcal/100 g. Can weight - 450 g, it is designed for the daily feeding requirement for a medium-sized cat. Available flavors: beef;
  • beef and chicken;
  • chicken;
  • beef and turkey with vegetables.
  • Mousse. Nutritional composition: protein - 9.5%, fat - 6%, fiber - 0.4%. Added vitamins A, D3, E and taurine. Calorie content - 88 kcal/100 g. Can weight - 80 g. The daily feeding rate for a cat can be from three to five pieces. Flavors available:
  • chicken;
  • cod;
  • lamb;
  • rabbit;
  • salmon;
  • sardines;
  • veal.

    Mousses are complete food for cats without dyes or preservatives.

  • Pate. Nutritional composition: protein - 7.5%, fat - 5%, fiber - 0.5%. The same vitamins and taurine were added. The calorie content is the same as the mousse. The weight of one can is 400 g. And it is enough to feed a cat daily. Flavors:
  • rabbit;
  • salmon;
  • veal.

    Matisse pates are presented as canned food in metal cans weighing 400 grams

  • Currently, only mousse of all types is available for sale, its cost starts from 30 rubles.

    Fun Cat line

    The Fan Ket brand belongs to economy class food, but it contains a fairly large percentage of protein of animal origin. Beet pulp, included in the list of its components, contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For its class, this food is a good product. This brand offers only two flavors:

    • chicken (composed of 25% chicken meal and 10% meat meal);
    • fish (this food also contains 25% chicken meal, 8% fish meal and 5% meat meal).

    The food also contains:

    • wheat flour;
    • corn;
    • chicken fat;
    • animal proteins;
    • beet pulp.

    The list of added vitamins is the same as that of other dry foods, but with a reduced content. Nutritional composition:

    • protein - 27%;
    • fat - 10%;
    • fiber - 2.7%.

    Two types of packaging:

    • 2.4 kg - from 500 rubles;
    • 20 kg - from 3100 rub.

    Vet Life line

    Experts have developed a number of dietary foods under the Vet Life brand for complete nutrition of cats suffering from various diseases. The composition of these foods includes the same ingredients as the Kimiao food, but specially selected additives are aimed at solving pet health problems.

    There are many reviews about the positive effect of such a diet on the health of pets, although you can switch to such a diet only after consulting a veterinarian.

    The following types of dietary feeds of this line are offered:

    • Vet Life Cat Hairball - helps remove hair from the intestines;
    • Vet Life Cat Diabetic - recommended for diabetes mellitus, as it is aimed at controlling glucose levels;
    • Vet Life Cat Gastrointestinal - intended for nutrition during inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Vet Life Cat Neutered Male - designed for neutered cats;
    • Vet Life Cat Neutered Female - intended for sterilized cats;
    • Vet Life Cat Obesity is a weight loss food;
    • Vet Life Cat Renal - provides dietary nutrition for renal and heart failure;
    • Vet Life Cat Struvite - designed to dissolve struvite uroliths;
    • Vet Life Cat Struvite Management - intended for the treatment and prevention of relapses of struvite urolithiasis and idiopathic cystitis;
    • Vet Life Cat UltraHypo - recommended for food allergies and/or food intolerances;
    • Vet Life Cat Hepatic - used for chronic liver failure;
    • Vet Life Cat Cardiac - supports heart function in chronic heart failure.

    Cost (depending on the type of feed):

    • 400 g - from 280 rub. up to 420 rubles;
    • 2 kg - from 800 rub. up to 1900 rub.;
    • 5 kg - from 2200 rub. up to 4500 rub.

    Video: a veterinarian about the food produced by the company

    Daily food intake for adult dogs

    Normal dog weight (kg)Norm of dry granules per day (g) with normal activityNorm for high animal activity (in g)
    45+510 + 50 g/ 5 kg weight800 + 100 g\ 5 kg weight

    For a pregnant bitch, the daily intake of an adult dog (by weight) is increased by 25-50% depending on appetite, in consultation with a veterinarian. It may be worth giving up food intended for adult dogs and using a diet for puppies. A portion of such food is calculated according to the rule: the daily norm of an adult healthy individual with normal activity + 25-50%.

    Daily food intake for older dogs

    Upon reaching the age of seven, the pet needs to review its diet and the amount of food consumed. During this period, chronic diseases and pathologies worsen, and metabolism slows down. The dog needs additional minerals, but not an increase in food portions. It is worth changing the food, choosing one that contains special markings.

    Let us note that with age, most animals’ need for rest and sleep increases, but food preferences change greatly: from uncontrolled food consumption to refusal of it.

    If your dog has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or teeth, you should start soaking the granules or switch to wet canned food.

    Dog weight (over 7 years old) in kgDaily value (in g)Daily value in a cup (1 measuring cup about 100 g)
    45+480 + 50 g/ 5 kg5+

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Farmina, like other cat foods, has a lot of advantages, but it is not without some disadvantages. To make the right choice, you need to know about both.


    Among the impressive list of advantages of Farmina food, I would like to highlight the following:

    Natural – you will not find artificial ingredients or GMOs in the diets of this brand, so you can safely give this food even to those pets who are allergic to certain types of foods.

    Large assortment - the Farmina Pet Food company has taken care to provide food for all our pets, from babies who have yet to taste “real” food, to older cats who have experienced life. Among the products of this brand there is food for diabetic cats, obese sedate Britons and furry Persians, who often vomit due to hairballs that are inevitably swallowed when licking. But that is not all! Even if your pet is a big picky eater, he certainly won’t refuse such dishes as lamb with blueberries, boar with apple or chicken with pomegranate.

    Vitamins and minerals - all categories of Farmina cat food, with the exception of economy class, contain a full range of nutrients necessary for the health of the cat. Thanks to vitamins and minerals, food digestion and absorption are significantly improved.

    Healing herbs - if your cat rarely goes outdoors, does not have the opportunity to breathe clean country air and eat fresh grass, this supplement will come in handy for him.


    Farmina cat food has virtually no disadvantages, except for the increased ash content, which negatively affects the taste of the product, and high cost.

    Overall, this is one of the best cat foods - healthy, tasty and high quality.

    How much water does a dog need when eating dry food?

    Water is the basis for proper digestion and metabolism. In order for your dog’s body to receive all the necessary substances from their dry food, you must strictly follow the rules for providing it with water:

    1. The daily water intake depends on the dog’s weight and the portion of dry food consumed;
    2. For 1 kg of animal weight, about 40-60 ml of water is required;
    3. Puppies need more fluid - about 80-100 ml per kg;
    4. Monitor your pet's behavior - if he eats exclusively dry food, he may need more water than normal;
    5. If the ambient temperature drops below +20, the dog can reduce its fluid intake.

    A bowl of clean, fresh water should always be available to your dog. Monitor your fluid intake - deviations from normal behavior should alert you and this is a reason to consult a doctor. Don't get dehydrated!

    Who produces food under the Farmina brand?

    Farmina (“Farmina”) is a well-known Italian family company developing food and various nutritional supplements for pets. was founded back in 1967, and now supplies its products to more than forty countries around the world. It has several brands of dry food that are popular among four-legged pet owners and breeders. The company's products are made from high-quality raw materials produced in Italy, Denmark and France.

    The company's enterprises are located in different parts of the world: Italy, Brazil and Serbia (it is from Serbia that products enter the Russian market). The products appeared in our country in 2012, the official supplier of the product is FARMINA PET FOODS LLC.

    This company conducts scientific work in the field of pet nutrition; it often organizes seminars and international conferences on various veterinary issues. In 2017, together with the portal, it organized a photo competition “Farmina: our happy pets.”

    Any product has its logo

    If the dog does not eat enough dry food

    All these rather complex and sometimes inaccurate calculations are needed to ensure that the dog does not starve and receives the maximum amount of nutrients from the food it eats. Of course, if a dog is constantly begging for treats and food from the owner’s table, this does not mean that the portion of food is not enough for him. However, you should carefully ensure that the offered portion is enough. Symptoms of deficiency may include:

    • after feeding, the dog does not leave the bowl, freezes, waiting for more;
    • the dog’s ribs, pelvic bones and scapular edges are clearly visible;
    • the hunger pit is pronounced;
    • the fat layer is thin.

    These signs indicate that the dog is underweight. This can be either a consequence of the disease or insufficient nutritional value of the daily diet. In this case, the owner must:

    • Visit your veterinarian to rule out your pet losing weight as a result of illness. For example, infections with parasites;
    • if the dog receives super premium or holistic food, it is worth increasing the portion. Perhaps the animal’s physical activity has increased, its physiological state has changed, the cold season has arrived - all these are reasons to increase the proportion of dry granules in the bowl;
    • if feeding is carried out with a diet of a lower class, choose higher quality, high-calorie and energy-rich dry food. It is better to choose an option, buying it in small packages in order to choose exactly what your dog will like;
    • You can switch your dog to a mixed diet according to the following scheme: wet canned food + dry granules. Canned food is more nutritious and is often more appealing to animals.


    It took my pug a long time to get used to one diet. We changed the food every month until the vet recommended Framina. At first we were afraid: it was still expensive, so we started with the smallest pack for puppies with sensitive digestion. Now we take seven or more kilograms, because the dog loves products with chicken and pumpkin. Sometimes we also buy canned food; they have an impressive shelf life and do not have an unpleasant chemical smell. And my pug likes them too. What else do you need?

    I keep a Labrador. He has been eating Farmina since the moment he bought it, and we took him home in the third week of his life. The food is expensive, which is sad. But the quality pays for the money. My dog ​​is cheerful, rarely gets sick, and she doesn’t have much energy, and she eats exclusively Farmina for large dogs. In the fifth month, problems with the fur appeared, but after switching to the veterinary line, they disappeared. I recommend this food to all breeders I know. And the owner of the club approves of him.

    I run a bull terrier kennel. All dogs are large, so they need a lot of food. Farmina food, produced in Italy and Serbia, fully meets their needs. True, one of the dogs developed an allergy, and I was already planning to change it to an analogue of the same quality. But our specialist, who supervises sick dogs, advised us to try something from the veterinary line. Farmina for dogs with sensitive digestion satisfies the needs of the animal. And when purchasing in bulk at online pet stores, there is a discount.

    Video: what do manufacturer representatives say about Farmina food?

    Why is underfeeding bad?

    If exceeding the norm threatens obesity, then what is wrong with underfeeding? A deficiency of nutrients that the dog does not receive from the daily diet will have a bad effect on the dog’s health - the animal’s bones and internal organs will suffer. This is especially true for pregnant and lactating bitches. Underfeeding is dangerous for a puppy or a bitch that has just given birth.

    During the period of feeding puppies, the feeding rate is increased - in this case, the food can be left in the animal’s bowl without restricting it. Even if she eats 200% of her daily allowance, that's okay. Malnutrition threatens not only the deterioration of the health of the mother with a tail, but also of the puppies, since the quality of milk decreases.

    Important: if during the feeding period the bitch cannot eat a lot of food, and she loses weight, it is worth consulting a specialist. It would be better to switch the animal to a higher-calorie type of dry food.

    Main granule ingredients

    The manufacturer uses meat from Italy to create mixtures for dogs. It is purchased not frozen, but fresh. Norwegian herring and cod are used to make a number of mixtures. The main ingredients are chicken and fish oil, saturated with fatty acids.

    Feed mixtures contain a lot of natural organic substances, for example, chicory extract. The brand's products include potatoes, sugar beets, and peas. These ingredients are rich in fiber and provide minimal calories. From these components, the dog receives maximum energy, and the functioning of internal organs improves. Great importance is given not only to the taste, composition, but also to the appearance of the product. There is practically no stock of components for processing in warehouses to avoid their spoilage. The manufacturer does not use genetically modified products.

    Briefly about the main thing

    1. Super premium and holistic dry food is best suited for feeding a dog;
    2. Dry food is digested much faster than natural food - it is worth feeding the animal three times a day in small portions, dividing the daily intake by the number of feedings;
    3. The dog’s diet should be based on its age, weight, health status and other individual characteristics;
    4. You can combine dry granules and wet canned food;
    5. The manufacturer provides the recommended serving size, it is a guideline;
    6. Small and large breed dogs have different nutritional needs;
    7. The dog should always have clean, fresh water available.

    How do you calculate the required portion of food for your pet? Which food was chosen: economy or super premium? What differences in serving size have you seen? Share your experience in the comments to the article, please. Your opinion is very important to us.


    General characteristics and features of the feed

    Farmina is an Italian company that has been producing animal feed for more than half a century. It was formed as a result of the merger of British and Italian companies, which are now registered under a single trademark and produce food for pets.

    Important! If you choose holistic food for your pet, he will not need any additional feeding with plant products or vitamin preparations. All other foods, even super-premium ones, need to be supplemented in the diet. A large assortment in different price categories is the key advantage of these food lines

    They can satisfy the needs of animal owners with any financial capabilities, while Farmina’s premium products are of impeccable quality, and economical products do not harm animals, unlike advertised commercial analogues.

    “Farmina” is distinguished by a line of medical nutrition developed for animals with various diseases. This diet will improve your pet’s health and will be a good addition to treatment.

    A large assortment in different price categories is the key advantage of these food lines. They can satisfy the needs of animal owners with any financial capabilities, while Farmina’s premium products are of impeccable quality, and economical products do not harm animals, unlike advertised commercial analogues.

    “Farmina” is distinguished by a line of medical nutrition developed for animals with various diseases. This diet will improve your pet’s health and will be a good addition to treatment.

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