Smart toys for dogs - purpose and types

Today we will make educational toys for dogs with our own hands. Very often they are also called smart or interactive toys for dogs. Everyone knows that dogs are very smart creatures. And in addition to physical activity, they also need intellectual training.

Yes, long walks with active physical activity are very important for our ponytails. It is important for them to communicate with other four-legged animals and their owners, to sniff all the “news” and “messages” left by other dogs. However, physical activity alone is not enough. Intellectual games and brain training help maintain your pet’s mental state in harmony with its physical state.

Nowadays, pet stores offer many interesting models of smart toys for dogs. All ponytails just love to eat. And educational toys are aimed at making your pet figure out how to get the treat out of the toy. And it is not at all necessary to shell out a fortune on expensive educational games for dogs, because no less exciting and interesting ones can be made from scrap materials with your own hands. Moreover, the process of creating such games will be interesting not only for you, but also for your dog.

Toys shouldn't be too complicated. Your pet should quickly understand how to get the treat. Otherwise, he will simply get nervous and lose interest.

So, today we are making simple educational toys with which your little one will quickly deal with them and feel happy.

Why does a dog need educational toys and where to get them?

Unfortunately, not all owners can often devote time to their pet, as a result of which the animal greatly lacks activity and all kinds of activities. It happens the other way around: some people think that a dog should exercise all the time, run, walk. Trainers, however, say that such a lifestyle can put the dog in a state of stress.

Delicious roll

For the next toy, take a small towel, a rag and a toilet paper roll. Distribute the treat throughout the towel and twist the towel with the treat into a tube. If you want to complicate the process, you can put a paper roll on top of the tube.

But I don’t recommend doing this for the first time. Let the fluffy get acquainted with the game first and understand what the point is.

Why does a dog need toys?

A dog is an intelligent animal; they have a highly developed brain. Therefore, for a full life, your pet needs a balance of different types of activities: not only physical activity, but also intellectual games.

Educational toys for dogs, aimed at training concentration, senses, and mental abilities, will help the animal fulfill this need.

There is a wide variety of entertainment for dogs of large and small breeds. By going to a pet supply store or online catalog, you can find smart toys for dogs, as well as active games.

You should be concerned about purchasing a toy, even if your pet is still very small. Up to six months, the puppy loves to chew on everything. To prevent him from inadvertently ruining your personal belongings, get, for example, a silicone bone so that he sharpens his teeth on it.

Pay attention to Trixie's games: they provide a huge range of active games that will interest a grown-up puppy. You can buy rubber dumbbells, sticks, balls.

It is necessary to train a dog from a young age. Interactive games are suitable for developing thinking - those in which the animal needs to do something in order to get a treat. They look like a bone, a pyramid or a plastic tower with your favorite food inside. Games of a similar nature - for example, Kong or Trixie Gamble Tower.

Wonderful box

For the first toy we will need a paper egg carton and, of course, treats. The box must be paper. If your pet accidentally swallows a piece of packaging when trying to get a treat, nothing bad will happen.

We take the goodies and spread them evenly throughout the box. We close the box. The toy is ready. I often make this toy for Jack, and he already knows how to quickly open it. Therefore, to complicate the task, I additionally wrap the box with masking tape.

You can give it to the gnawing to be torn to pieces.


Dogs enjoy playing with toys that train endurance, reaction, speed and hunting instincts. Active dogs can be occupied for hours with the “Jolly Egg” toy; it is difficult to grasp it with their teeth, it constantly slips out and wriggles in different directions.

Balls from Kong or Petstages are another good way to develop attention and dexterity. The popular dog toy “Chicken” from Trixie has received good reviews - it is suitable for fun both at home and on the street.

For training and playing while walking, choose a puller. It is a set of two elastic projectile rings. This item comes in three different sizes - mini (for small breed dogs: Chihuahua, Pug, Pekingese, etc.), standard (suitable if you have a Labrador, Shepherd, Retriever or other large breeds) and maxi (same diameter , which is standard, is only twice as thick, which allows you to improve the quality of your grip).

What does the game develop?

For animals, as for children, play is very important. It is necessary for health and normal development of the body and psyche.

Psychological benefits of smart toys:

  • develop the dog’s intelligence, ingenuity, and ingenuity;
  • encourage the pet to be active;
  • improve relations with the owner.

While playing, the dog learns to react quickly and think. For completing tasks, she will be able to receive a treat. Reward for honest work will have a beneficial effect on the dog's upbringing. If you give her treats just like that, you can spoil your pet.

The game between the owner and the dog brings them closer and improves their relationship. The dog really needs human attention. After playing with the owner, the pet's mood improves. In addition, these relationships help to understand who the “leader” is and build a hierarchy in communication.

Toys are useful for the physical development of a dog:

  • The pet bites elastic or hard objects, and also pulls rubber rings and ropes with its teeth. This strengthens the jaw and teeth.
  • Throwing a ball, rings or plates improves coordination, reaction speed, endurance and agility.
  • Any outdoor games give your pet the physical activity necessary for health. This will help prevent heart and vascular diseases, joint problems, and obesity.
  • While playing, the dog trains and develops skills and instincts. For example, while searching for a toy in the grass, bloodhound skills develop.
  • The animal's skeleton and muscles are strengthened.

Note! The dog must play. Then she will learn to communicate with her owner and not be sad because of his temporary absence.

A surprise box can be packaged in different ways

DIY toy

You can easily replace purchased toys with homemade ones, and they will be no worse. You can come up with intellectual games with your dog yourself, without spending much money. Here are some examples of items that are easy to make at home:

  1. "Pot". Cut out circles from cardboard that are slightly smaller than the diameter of the pan. Attach “handles” to each circle (you can cut a U-shaped area and bend it). Place the resulting circles one after another in a pan. You can hide treats between the layers or at the very end (it's up to you). The more circles you add, the longer your four-legged friend will hold the horse. Make a small box from cardboard or thick paper (you can take a ready-made tea box). Show your dog something tasty and then put it in a box for him to see. Close the box and place it on the floor. The dog must get the treat in any way. You can complicate the task: put two boxes one inside the other, and hide the food in the smaller one. Once your pet can handle this easily, try adding more boxes.
  2. “Get the treat.” You will need a plastic bottle, be sure to be dry inside. The larger your dog, the larger the bottle should be. Pour crackers inside it (you need to choose something edible and that rattles when moved). Do not close the neck. Place the bottle in front of the animal and hit it so that a couple of crackers fall out. Once the dog understands what to do to get the rest, leave him alone with the bottle. This game can also be complicated by closing the neck with a cork, but first so that the dog can unscrew it. At the last stage, if the pet has successfully completed the previous task, screw the lid tightly.

Irina, 33, St. Petersburg

“My dog ​​is a French bulldog, and he has such a character that if he wants to play, it’s very difficult to get rid of him. I ordered a rubber Kong toy through Aliexpress, it looks like a pyramid with a small hole in the middle. At first I put dry food inside, but my smart dog immediately shakes it out. Then I tried putting pieces of meat into the hole. Now I can calmly go about my business, relax, and my dog ​​doesn’t get bored either. We have been using the toy for three years now. In the description on the website it was stated that it was anti-vandal, and indeed – there are still no signs of teeth visible! It cost about 400 rubles.”

Mikhail, 29, Omsk

“I bought a puller through the Internet - a DogLike ring. So far we have been using it for a short time, only a month, but compared to other toys that my bull terrier “kills” in one or two minutes, this one still holds up. On the plus side, the color is bright, you can play outside in winter, and the puller definitely won’t get lost in the snow. I didn't regret the purchase. Sometimes we invent and design toys for the dog ourselves, my child especially likes to do this.”

Delicious bottle

We take an ordinary plastic bottle, be sure to remove the label from it and screw the cap very tightly. We make a small hole in the bottle and put food inside. That's all. The toy is ready. The dog will quickly figure out how to get the treat out of the bottle.

By pushing the bottle with its nose and paws, the little ear will receive food, which will fall out of the hole.

But! This process is better controlled. If your watchdog is prone to destroying toys, then after the goodies are over, he may begin to chew on the bottle itself.

Why does a dog need toys at all?

First, let's answer a simple question: why does a dog even need toys? Despite its simplicity, several answers can be given to it.

  1. A dog, being in an apartment most of the time, has rather limited opportunities to expend the energy that inevitably accumulates, so even small breeds want to run around and make noise, not to mention large and active species, like huskies. Thus, toys will allow you to maintain the required level of activity, thereby ensuring restful sleep and preventing the development of various diseases, such as obesity.
  2. Many even adult individuals become very attached to their owner and get bored while he is at work. It is because of this character trait that they begin to chew furniture, shoes and other things, thereby trying to occupy themselves while passing the time.
  3. Products designed for joint play strengthen the relationship between the dog and its owner, and also help build the hierarchy necessary for the animal. Simply put, understand who is the leader in the family, and believe me, not all dogs consider a person to be such.

Thus, simple dog activities like balls or rope knots for tug-of-war are aimed primarily at physical activity. However, it alone is not enough for the animal to fully develop and live.

Snuff mat

The goal of this interactive dog toy is to find treats hidden among fleece ribbons. There are many options for such rugs.

Today I will not talk about them in detail, since our blog has a whole article and a video where I tell and show how to make two versions of a sniffing mat for a dog with your own hands.

What are the benefits of smart dog toys?

Many dog ​​breeders note that dogs living in apartments and spending most of the day alone quickly lose the desire for any activity. They prefer to sleep and eat, and only occasionally, reluctantly, do other things, almost constantly being in a bad mood.

About 25 years ago, Nina Ottoson, an amateur dog breeder from Sweden, also noticed this. Then she drew parallels between the behavior of dogs and children and decided that animals might well be interested in various educational toys created by analogy with children's options. And, I must say, this seemingly absurd idea turned out to be more than successful.

Nina opened her own company producing intellectual entertainment for four-legged friends, and then, seeing her success, similar solutions began to appear in the assortment of other brands specializing in the production of various products for animals.

It’s easy to guess that intellectual toys for dogs are aimed not so much at physical activity (although that is also included), but at training the mind. In fact, their range of action is much wider: they train perseverance, attention and determination.

In addition, such entertainment can captivate a dog for several hours, without requiring human participation. That is, this is a great chance to keep your pet occupied while you are away or busy with household chores.

Tennis ball

The point of the toy is that by rolling the ball, the dog must get the treats or food stuffed inside. Pet stores sell many analogues of this toy. You can make it yourself by making one small hole in any ball, the size of which must correspond to the food inside so that it can fall out of the ball.

How do these toys look and work?

There are a great many options for their implementation. The simplest one is a plastic ball with holes. Crispy treats are poured inside, and as they roll, they gradually spill out. The dog, willy-nilly, has to be active in order to get to the treasured “yummy”.

The second type of toys is built according to a slightly different principle. It consists of small stationary platforms with drawers or holes where rewards are placed. In order to get to it, you need to move the flap, pull the string, press the button or perform another similar action. Despite the apparent simplicity (at least for humans), the dog will have to think seriously. And if successful, she will immediately receive a reward.


To construct the toy, you will need a cardboard or plastic tube (the diameter depends on the size of the dog). Stepping back a little from the bottom edge, make a transverse cut across 1/3 of the pipe section and insert a cardboard rectangle into it. This will be a kind of damper. The finished “drainpipe” is fixed vertically on the wall. The treat is wrapped in a sheet of paper and thrown into the cylinder. It will not fall to the floor until the dog pulls the flap out with his teeth. The number of such obstacles is gradually increasing. Of course, first the pet is shown what to do.

Game for dogs “Gutter”

Agility equipment

FCI rules allow two types of agility competitions:

  • Standard – classic style with three types of obstacles. The number of obstacles on the site is from 15 to 22.
  • Jumping – only jumping obstacles.

This is interesting! In addition to standard and jumping, there are several other types of agility: joker, snooker and relay.

Standard type agility equipment that we reviewed above:

  • Slide.
  • Swing.
  • Barrier.
  • Ring.
  • Long jump.
  • Double barrier.
  • Barrier fence.


  • Boom - similar to a slide, but it is a narrow crossbar with inclined boards along the edges.
  • A tunnel is a barrel-shaped, lightweight corridor that is laid to create a sharp turn or turn. The exit from the tunnel is soft - it lies on the ground.

Additional projectiles:

  • Slalom is a series of 12 poles (racks) through which the dog snakes its way.
  • A podium is a platform (usually square) with a graying contact area. The height of the platform can vary from 2 to 75 cm. The platform is used to secure the dog in the contact area. The time for which the dog must stop is determined by the judge.

This is interesting! In agility, a variety of recommended commands are used, but arbitrary ones can also be used. The only condition is that the commands should not be consonant or of the same type.

Nose work on the street

To play, you will need a dog (where would we be without it?) and a large tree with textured bark on which you can put treats. First, the treat is placed at the level of the dog’s head, and then the task is made more difficult: they hide it below, forcing him to bend over, and high up, so that he has to stand on his hind legs.

Game for dogs “Nose work on the street”

Surprise box

You will need a box and several sheets of paper. They always start with something simple, introducing them to the game. A piece of treat is wrapped in paper and placed at the bottom of the box. They bring the dog, who has probably already smelled the tasty treat, and allow him to get the surprise. Unfolding the paper is usually not difficult.

Gradually the task can and should be made more difficult. They increase the number of boxes and packages, some may be empty, others are also placed in a bag. It is important that the dog remains interested, so the game should not be too complex or lengthy.

Video example:


Experts distinguish 3 types of pullers. Let's take a closer look at their differences and features:

  1. Puller Standard is a ring with a diameter of 28 cm. It is designed for large dogs. The equipment needs to be purchased by owners of boxers, huskies, shepherds and others. The thickness of the rings is 4 cm, and the weight is 260 g.
  2. Puller Mini is designed for training small purebred dogs. The outer diameter of its objects is 19 cm. The thickness of the material is 2.5 cm, and the weight is 70 g. The projectile has the same characteristics as the previous type, but is suitable for Chihuahuas, Pekingese, and French bulldogs.
  3. Puller Maxi is identical in diameter to the standard type, but has double the thickness and weight. These figures correspond to 6 cm and 590 g. Due to these features, the kit doubles the load on the chewing and neck muscles and promotes better grip. A special feature of this type of puller is a special recess for the owner’s hand. The maximum set is suitable for medium and large breeds that have strong jaws. Note that the thicker the rings, the longer their service life.

Important! For active pets of small breeds that show signs of working traits, experts advise buying maximum or standard pullers


Aportiks for training

It is necessary to accustom animals to carrying objects from early childhood.

  • For young dogs who love to play, you can choose ropes, potholders, balls;
  • For dogs with an excellent appetite, fetch items with holes for their favorite food are suitable;
  • Original floating models are suitable for hunting breeds.


To play, you will need a plastic bucket or any other container suitable for the size of the dog. It is filled to the brim with cardboard cylinders, cork plugs, tennis balls, any other small things and a handful of food is poured in. The dog's task is to get through many small obstacles to a tasty reward.

For experienced players, you can make the task more difficult by dividing the bucket into several sections. To do this, cut out a circle of cardboard of the same diameter. A U-shaped cutout is made in the middle and folded over. This will be the handle by which you will need to pull out the obstacle with your teeth.

Game for dogs “Edible-inedible”

DIY educational games for dogs will bring a lot of pleasure to both the owner and his four-legged friend.

Benefits of a puller

Now that you already know what a puller is, let’s take a closer look at its advantages. According to experts, this is an excellent remedy for the health of a pet, especially if it is raised in an urban environment. After spending the winter lying on the sofa, in the spring such patients are sure to suffer dislocations or sprains. A similar problem is familiar to owners of large pets.

The problem can be avoided through constant physical activity. Daily training with rings for 15–20 minutes will ensure good physical fitness for your dog.

The advantages of the projectile include its effect on all muscles, as well as the ability to develop observation and quick reactions in the animal.

Did you know? The sound of rain harms dogs. That is why they prefer not to injure their sensitive ears and do not go outside in wet weather.


Bright purple rings are clearly visible at any time of the year on a grassy lawn, asphalt path and in the snow. The device is almost impossible to lose. In addition, dog teeth will not spoil the structure of objects. Such a device will bring real pleasure to the ward.

The weight of the puller, depending on the type, ranges from 70 to 260 g. On the one hand, the dog is provided with physical activity, and on the other, the object is not a burden for the owner and makes it possible to exercise with the ward for a long time.

Many people think that a puller can easily replace an ordinary ball, stick, or plastic bottle. And they are deeply mistaken, because these are just toys, and we are talking about a full-fledged sports equipment.

It will be useful for you to learn about the reasons why dogs lick their paws, why a dog barks and howls, whether it is possible to keep dogs and cats together, how long dogs live, how to choose vitamins for your pet and how to train a dog to go to the toilet outside.

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