Portosystemic shunt in dogs - causes, symptoms and treatment
Victoria Rashidovna Khazimulina veterinarian Petstory The liver is, without exaggeration, one of the most important
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By-products for dogs: what to give, how often and in what quantity so as not to cause harm. The most valuable by-products and features of their feeding
An owner who loves his pet strives to provide him with healthy, varied food. If the dog gets ready
Castration of a male dog: pros and cons, at what age, is it worth surgery
When it comes to castrating a male dog, most owners react negatively. It seems pointless to them to expose
The dog sniffs the wall
Discharge in a dog from a loop after estrus - normal or pathological
Owners of female dogs carefully monitor their health, especially related to reproductive activity. Big
How to train a dog at home
5 simple circus tricks with a dog that will delight your guests
If you get a dog, then you need to devote time to raising it, instilling discipline skills so that
Our fluffy bun: everything about the Pomeranian breed
You should properly and promptly care for your pet. Thinking about how to clean your ears
CHAIN ​​MANAGEMENT of a dog - how to make a dog happy!
Before getting a dog, think about its home and where to place the kennel. rest in
Gray hair in young dogs
Why do dogs need mustaches - can they be cut, reasons for hair loss
If your dog has not been with you since birth, you may not know it
Chihuahuas start estrus at 6-7 months
What you need to know about Chihuahuas' heat: when does it start, how often does it happen and how to care for your dog during this period
The Chihuahua is recognized as the smallest dog on Earth, whose name comes from the Republican State of Mexico
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Changing teeth in a Pomeranian - when Pomeranians' teeth change, when tooth extraction is required, tips for care and cleaning
Healthy and well-groomed teeth of a Spitz are always the merit of a caring owner. Most dogs
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