What you need to know about Chihuahuas' heat: when does it start, how often does it happen and how to care for your dog during this period

The Chihuahua is recognized as the smallest dog on Earth, whose name comes from the Republican State of Mexico (Chihuahua).

Dog handlers are convinced of the value of this breed, which has had a significant impact in the field of breeding dwarf dog breeds.

The Chihuahua has a compact body and an apple-shaped skull. The dog's character is lively and at times flexible.

The breed also has a number of advantages, including high intelligence and good health.

In this article we will talk about such a sensitive topic as Chihuahua's estrus. From it you will learn at what age these dogs start coming into heat, how often it happens and how long it lasts, as well as how to properly care for your pet during this period.

Signs of the onset of estrus

At what age does estrus begin?

The estrous cycle in Chihuahuas begins between six months and two years of age. The norm is 6-7 months, but there are often cases when the process is delayed in a dog. If your girl is not yet one and a half to two years old, don’t panic! If in doubt, take your dog to the vet.

Signs of the first heat

Have you noticed any strange behavior in your pet? It is likely that she is beginning to have “critical” days. First signs of estrus:

  1. A sharp change in character. During a difficult period for her, a Chihuahua girl can become either lethargic or overly irritable and aggressive. Especially towards other people and animals.
  2. The dog begins to mark its territory. On walks, he breaks off the leash in attempts to escape.
  3. Pale pink discharge from the loop. They may not exist, since Chihuahuas tend to lick themselves frequently.
  4. Swelling of the vulva. In the very first days, the loop increases slightly in size. Around the middle of estrus, it becomes approximately 2-3 times larger.

A certain smell is released to which male dogs react. If your dog has become popular with the opposite sex, you should know that estrus is close.

What to take with you on a walk

Some owners are sure that decorative dogs are not dangerous to others, because they are so small. This opinion is wrong - miniature pets can strongly compress soft tissues with their teeth, and therefore their bites are quite painful.

When going for a walk with your Chihuahua, be sure to take a leash with you. Whether it will be a harness or a collar - the choice is up to the owner. Many people find a leash more attractive, while others find a harness more comfortable.

If you are going to walk in crowded places where children will play, it is better to take a muzzle with you. Even if the owner knows that his pet is friendly and balanced, the people around him do not know this.

In hot weather, bring a bottle of drinking water for your dog. If you are planning a long walk, keep your animal busy with toys for outdoor fun.

Hidden heat

Hidden estrus is an estrus that occurs without discharge, but during it the process in the ovaries still occurs. Hidden estrus is rare, but generally does not threaten the animal in any way. Bitches in latent estrus successfully mate and give birth to healthy offspring.

How to detect hidden heat

Bitches tend to curl their tails and move them to the side during heat. This makes it easier for animals to mate. This action is called “flagging”. Lightly scratch your dog's lower back. If she flags, she is likely to have started her estrous cycle.

Alternatively, you can take your dog to the vet. He will take blood for a progesterone test. If a bitch has a low level of the hormone, there is no cycle; medium indicates estrus; high indicates the dog is pregnant.



During the first 20 days after mating, pregnancy is difficult to detect. The main features are:

  • thirst;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • fatness.

Noticeable signs appear by the 30th day of pregnancy. At this moment, the dog becomes more careful and may not allow people to approach him.

In weeks

Chihuahua pregnancy can be divided into three main stages:

  1. The first stage is “preparatory”. It lasts about three weeks after mating. At this time, no serious changes occur in the dog’s body; it feels and behaves the same as before mating. However, at this point she sleeps and drinks a lot, and may show apathy or excessive activity.
  2. The second stage begins approximately a week after the end of the first, that is, four to five weeks after mating. Then the mother’s fertilized egg is implanted into the walls of the uterus, and its development begins. Behavior changes dramatically. She gets tired quickly, sleeps a lot, moves slowly and may not let her near her stomach. At this time, you need to protect her from stress, since any trouble can harm both the mother and the fetus.
  3. At the third stage, by the sixth week of pregnancy, the veterinarian will be able to find the puppies by palpating the dog’s belly; in another ten days the number of puppies will already be visible on an ultrasound. The dog quickly gains weight, sleeps for a long time, and its mammary glands swell. A few days before birth, colostrum appears.

It is important to remember that at the last stage, any active games and long walks are strictly contraindicated for the dog. Instead, you need to build a temporary bed for her with high sides, where the expectant mother can lie with the puppies.

How long do pregnant women last?

Typically, the entire pregnancy of a Chihuahua takes from 57 to 66 days. The more puppies in the womb, the less time will pass before birth. If the pregnancy drags on, most likely there will be only one baby.


False pregnancy occurs in an unmated female dog that exhibits all the signs of pregnancy. The main cause of this condition is the excessive secretion of a special hormone.

In this state, the dog may begin to prepare a nest for itself and be careful in its movements, but it will soon turn out that it has no puppies.

If you suspect a false pregnancy, you should definitely show your pet to a veterinarian. Only he can prescribe the right remedies. Sometimes this condition can be caused by problems in the body, which also requires the intervention of a doctor.

Dog behavior

During pregnancy, your dog's behavior may change. This is due in particular to the unusual state for her and changes in her body.

Many changes depend on the dog:

  • Some become more affectionate, but cautious.
  • Some show no signs of pregnancy at all.

In rare cases, a bitch may become overly active - in which case she should be seen by a doctor, as this is not a typical condition for a pregnant dog.

The dog may refuse to eat due to severe toxicosis.

How and what to feed?

In the first half of pregnancy, the dog's diet does not change. Then the amount of food doubles and the number of feedings increases up to 3-5 times per day.

First of all, you need to take care of calcium in the dog’s body, since all of it is used to build the skeleton of babies. To do this, you need to include fermented milk products and low-fat cottage cheese in your diet, and you can use calcium supplements.

Important! All surplus in feeding the dog will be used for the development of puppies, so you should not overfeed the dog - later it may not be able to cope with the birth of large puppies.

How does your pet go into heat?

Veterinarians distinguish 4 stages of estrus:

  1. Proestrus is the preparatory phase. Duration – 7-10 days. The dog's loop swells, the female actively marks her territory. On the 4th day, bleeding appears. At this time, the Chihuahua is aggressive towards males, because it is not yet ready to mate.
  2. Estrus is the most important phase during which ovulation occurs. Lasts from a week to 9-14 days. Lubricant is released abundantly, the dog is ready to become a mother. She stops reacting aggressively to males and allows them to approach her.
  3. Metestrus is the final phase. Lasts a couple of days. The discharge disappears, the Chihuahua loses interest in male dogs. Progesterone levels gradually decrease.
  4. Anestrus is the period between cycles. If fertilization does not occur, the dog gradually returns to normal life until the next cycle.

Care during heat

During the cycle, the Chihuahua needs increased attention and care. The matter concerns not only her health: bloody discharge can stain the furniture in the house if it is not noticed in time. Knowing how to properly care for a girl during her estrous cycle will help you avoid many problems.

Hygienic panties

Special panties are a useful acquisition that will protect your belongings from unwanted marks. These panties are sold in every veterinary store. As a rule, separate hygiene panties for Chihuahuas are not produced. Please inquire about product availability for miniature breeds.

There are no problems with accessibility. Another thing is that the dog tries to pull off an incomprehensible accessory. It is important to ensure that this does not happen.

Also, for security, attach a feminine sanitary pad to the inside of your panties. This will reduce the risk of infection and leakage.

Chihuahua hygiene during heat

How to keep your dog clean during her cycle:

  1. Allow the animal to run around without sanitary underpants for several hours a day. There is no need to wear them outside either.
  2. When walking, it is especially important to keep an eye on your Chihuahua. Choose places where there are fewer dogs. If you see suspicious male dogs, take the girl in your arms. Do not let her off the leash under any circumstances.
  3. Do not allow the animal to remain on cold surfaces for a long time. During heat, the dog is most vulnerable to disease.
  4. If possible, avoid walking during cold weather. Do not allow your dog to lie in puddles or sit in the snow.
  5. Keep your genitals clean. But don't put foreign objects in there. If your Chihuahua has long hair, carefully trim the hair in the genital area.

Keeping your dog clean during this time is very important; the animal is especially prone to infections during this period.

Why walk your dog outside?

To understand whether a Chihuahua needs to be walked, draw a parallel with a human child. After all, a dog, even the smallest one, is a mammal just like a human. What happens to a child who does not go outside? The development of rickets, lack of muscle mass, weak immunity - this is not a complete list of consequences. All this is also true for a Chihuahua locked within four walls.

If the dog does not walk, the psyche will also suffer. Deprived of walks, Chihuahuas grow up socially maladapted and unsure of themselves. This will definitely affect the dog’s character - he will become cowardly, aggressive, nervous, and capricious. The consequences will cause discomfort to the owners themselves. It is unlikely that they will like a dog endlessly shaking with fear. Or a pet that constantly barks and tries to bite all the guests in the house.

Other consequences of psychological disturbances:

  • hair loss, dandruff;
  • loss of appetite;
  • attempts to go to the toilet in the wrong place.

Problems during estrus

What possible problems should you pay attention to:

  • absence of the estrous cycle in Chihuahuas older than 2 years;
  • unnatural color of discharge (the norm is from pink to dark red);
  • copious discharge;
  • foul odor from the genitals;
  • complete absence of cycles, including in older dogs;
  • the cycle lasts longer than a month, and the frequency is more than 2 times a year.

Gynecological problems can arise from both improper care and other diseases.

All of the above may indicate the presence of serious health problems with the animal. If you notice some symptoms, do not self-diagnose. Show your pet to a specialist as soon as possible.

Diseases associated with the reproductive system of the Chihuahua:

  • endometritis;
  • pyometra;
  • breast neoplasms.

When to breed?

Mating is carried out at stage 2 of the cycle called “estrus”, i.e. on days 9-14. By this point, the male has already been chosen, everything should be perfectly planned. Don't chance a girl with males from the street. It is better to negotiate with familiar dog breeders. If your Chihuahua is well-born, mating is carried out only with the same registered male.

The bitch must be kind to the dog. This means she is ready. But after successful mating, it doesn’t hurt to carry out a control mating after a couple of days.

At what age should you breed a Chihuahua?

Theoretically, Chihuahuas can be crossed once they reach sexual maturity. It occurs with the appearance of the first heat. However, early and late mating are undesirable for the dog. However, it is much worse when the dog is not ripe for childbirth. Early mating is fraught with problems with pregnancy: the inability to carry a fetus to term, problems during childbirth. Early mating also has a bad effect on the dog’s sexual development. The optimal age for mating is 2 years. Upon reaching 2 years of age, the Chihuahua becomes a sexually mature individual, pregnancy and childbirth occur under the most favorable conditions.


The main characteristics of Chihuahuas in upbringing: they are difficult to give in to; You cannot shout at them or lose your voice; require a lot of patience and perseverance.

But at the same time, small dogs also have a number of advantages: they get along well with teenagers, love to sleep next to the owner, always accompany the owner, and do not need large spaces or intensive training.

And most importantly, a Chihuahua can give its life for its owner if necessary. Could you ask for a better dog?

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