Types of mastitis in dogs
Changes in the mammary glands in a dog: Causes, diagnosis and treatment
Causes Diagnosis Treatment Recommendations The mammary glands are located on the abdomen of dogs. They are usually
How long does it take for a pregnant dog to move puppies thumbnail
How long does it take for a pregnant dog to move puppies?
During the period of fetal formation in dogs, there is a strong load on the organs, in particular on
Why vaccinate your puppy?
What vaccinations do dogs and puppies need: table for buyers and breeders
Why do you need to vaccinate puppies and adult dogs Vaccination helps curb the spread of infections and reduce
Conjunctivitis in dogs: treatment at home, symptoms and types, disease prevention
How and with what to treat conjunctivitis in a dog: types of disease with photos and descriptions
In this article I will talk about conjunctivitis in dogs. I will give the main reasons for the development of the disease. I'll tell you
Castration and sterilization of Chihuahuas - pros and cons
Pros and cons of castration and sterilization of Chihuahuas
Inexperienced owners overlook the importance of spaying and neutering their Chihuahua. If professional divorcers deliberately
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Popular brands of dry food for pugs, which one is better to choose?
People adore these friendly and sociable dogs with huge, sad, naive eyes and
What to do if your dog constantly hides in dark places?
Caregivers often associate their dog acting strange and hiding with suffering from illness. But the truth
photo from the site: RANDRS.ru
Husky vaccinations: when to vaccinate puppies, schedule, table
Hello, I purchased a 2-month-old Siberian Husky puppy. A number of questions arose: They said to give anthelmintic in a week
How to teach a dog to guard things
How to teach a dog the guard command - algorithm and tips
Command “Guard!” for a dog, it is designed to develop its skill in being in an alert state
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How to eliminate dandruff in a Spitz and why does it appear? Read carefully
Spitz, like all long-haired dog breeds, are susceptible to dandruff. One of the main reasons
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