Command "Give". How to train a dog at home?
It is not uncommon to encounter dogs that show aggression towards their owners when they approach the bowl.
What vitamins to give your dog for strong coat, health and beauty
A dog's appearance is a fairly accurate indicator of its health. If your dog's fur has become dull,
Dogs in the castle
How to untie a male dog: concept, age for mating, advice and recommendations from a veterinarian
The question of how to untie a male dog often arises among novice dog breeders who decide to take up
Gina dog food: reviews and composition overview
Manufacturer and official website Manufacturer and official website ( of ready-made animal feed Gina,
How does a toy terrier give birth at home: preparing the dog and basic rules step by step
Breeding toy terriers is a matter that requires great responsibility and attention from the breeder. Because this process
How does pregnancy go in a dachshund: basic rules step by step and how to care for your dog
Dachshund is one of the most popular and widespread breeds. They love her like hunters
Sterilization and castration of dogs: up to what age is it possible, complications, care
Indications for castration Owners of male Spitz dogs note in their reviews that in pets that have reached
How to cope with the death of your beloved dog
How to survive the death of a beloved dog: advice from a psychologist, priest, reviews from people
Dogs are unique and amazing animals. They, who love people without any conditions, have everything
After what vaccination can you walk your puppy: types of vaccinations, vaccination rules and safe times for walking
October 19, 2018 Dogs and hunting with them Galina Chebykina After what vaccination can you
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Read on to know exactly what to feed your pug puppy.
Pugs are small, cute and cheerful dogs, ready to always participate with their owners in everything
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