American Eskimo Dog (American Eskimo Spitz)

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

American Eskimo Dog (American Eskimo Spitz)
Activityin the house3.4
on the street3.7
Dominationin family2.9
over dogs3
Defending your territoryfrom people4.4
from dogs3.6
Sociabilityin family4.6
with strangers2.6
with dogs2.9
Concentrationin family1.4
in front of strangers2.5
with dogs2.2
Aggressivenessin family1.9
to strangers3.5
to the dogs2.6
to cats2.2
Family behaviorcalmness4
demand for affection4.5
excessive barking3.4
behavioral breakdowns2.1
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years2.6
over 4 years old3.1
Institutional usewatchman4.8

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Samoyed, Norwegian Elkhound (Norwegian Elkhound), American Staffordshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog).

The photo shows what representatives of this breed look like:


The first mating is possible only after the first year of life. The optimal age for a female is 24 months, and for a cable - 12 months.

After selecting a partner and the onset of estrus, you can begin mating, which takes place in 2 stages:

  1. The first encounter during estrus occurs around days 5-12. The female will be playful towards the male, but will not allow him to approach her.
  2. The second stage begins as soon as blood is noticed on the bitch's loop. This means that the dog is ready for breeding. During this stage, the female herself seeks contact with the male. At this moment you need to knit.

Childbirth occurs at 9 weeks. There are from 1 to 6 puppies in a litter.

Description of the American Eskimo Spitz breed

The breed was bred in America, using German Spitz dogs. They named her American Eskimo Spitz. It is similar in appearance to the Japanese Spitz, but has more variety in height and color.

This is a cheerful and loyal companion. He will not become a “sofa” dog, as he is very active and curious. The protective qualities of the Spitz have been preserved from their ancestors; the Spitz will bravely protect the owner and property. This is an ideal pet for active people and families with children.

breed nameAmerican Eskimo dog or American Eskimo Spitz
a countryUSA
time of originXX century
ICF classificationnot recognized
life expectancy13-15 years old
height23-48 cm
weight2.7-15.9 kg
applicationcompanion, watchman, circus dog
character traitsbrave, loyal, good-natured, smart
complexity of contentunpretentious, but difficult to care for
healthaverage, hereditary pathologies occur


Thanks to its small size, the American Spitz can be kept even in a small apartment. This dog is suitable for beginners in dog breeding. It has many advantages:

  • balanced temperament;
  • friendly character;
  • attractive appearance;
  • loves children;
  • cheerful, energetic;
  • gets along well with other pets;
  • unpretentious and not capricious;
  • smart, quick-witted;
  • devoted;
  • has protective qualities;
  • Doesn't spoil things at home.


But these Spitz dogs also have disadvantages. This is not a decorative dog; it requires proper training and physical activity. She is very active and curious. There are also such disadvantages:

  • talkative - often barks, whines, purrs;
  • complex grooming;
  • cannot stand loneliness;
  • Can be stubborn and manipulative.

The breed is not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, so exhibitions are not held. To participate in exhibitions, you need to register your pet as a German Spitz. It is difficult to buy a purebred puppy; in Russia they are rare and expensive.


Despite their kind and peaceful disposition, dogs of this breed are predators, and their main food product remains fresh meat. Dog handlers recommend giving preference to cattle meat. In order to diversify the diet, you can sometimes feed chicken and chicken by-products.

Rice and buckwheat porridge, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and greens will have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, and stewed zucchini and pumpkin will help replenish the vitamin balance.

Advantages of natural products:

  • availability;
  • diversity;
  • ease of preparation;
  • confidence in quality;
  • the opportunity to treat your pet with treats;
  • rapid identification of allergenic components.


  • the need to purchase large quantities of meat;
  • difficulty in independently preparing a complete diet;
  • high cost of quality goods;
  • formation of plaque and tartar;
  • feeding is possible only with freshly prepared dishes;
  • additional purchase of special vitamin complexes.

When choosing ready-made food, you should give preference to premium products that are made from natural ingredients and contain a minimum amount of dyes and preservatives. The main advantages of such feeds are their balance, the absence of the need for daily cooking, accessibility and maximum absorption of all nutrients by the body. The disadvantages of industrially produced feeds are their high price range, long selection of the necessary feed composition and the inability to diversify the menu.

To prevent food poisoning, dog experts do not recommend feeding dogs from a common table. All food must be freshly prepared and intended exclusively for your beloved pet. It is strictly forbidden to give animals fried and smoked meat, sausage, sweet confectionery and bread, canned food, fatty fish, peas and beans, beets, mushrooms, potatoes, as well as semolina and millet porridge.

Experienced dog breeders do not recommend giving bones to their pets, especially those that have voids inside. This product can not only deform your dog's teeth and gums, but also damage its digestive system. For stable functioning of the digestive system, the dog must be constantly fed dry food or natural products. Constantly changing the food system will negatively affect the general condition of your pet.

Puppies under 3 months must be kept close to their mother and fed only with her milk. The first feeding of small pets should start with cottage cheese and kefir, and then gradually move on to the adult menu.

Feeding your dog unbalanced food can lead to rapid weight gain, which will have a negative impact on your pet's health. At the first signs of obesity, it is necessary to review the animal’s diet and increase physical activity.

History of the origin of the American Eskimo dog breed

At the beginning of the 20th century, German Spitz dogs were brought to the United States. American breeders liked these dogs. But at that time Germany was not loved in this country. Therefore, they began to breed their own breed - with white wool. There is a theory that Samoyed huskies took part in the breeding; according to another version, individuals with the necessary characteristics were simply selected. The dogs began to differ from the German Spitz, so they were identified as a separate breed, and their American origin was emphasized in the name.

At first, these agile, smart dogs were used by traveling circuses. Spitz dogs easily learned tricks; it is known that a representative of this breed was the first to walk the tightrope. Later they began to be kept as pets and companions. After World War II, Japanese Spitz came to America and also began to be used in breeding. This helped to consolidate the white color in the representatives of the breed.

In the 60s, the American Eskimo Spitz Fanciers Association was created. But the new breed was recognized by the AKF only in 1995. But the International Canine Association has not yet recognized it. Therefore, these Spitz dogs are still rare around the world, but in the USA they are popular. These dogs are loved and affectionately called Eskies.

Education and training

Dogs are smart and quickly remember commands. Education must be done from an early age. The owner must become a real leader for the pet, otherwise the cunning and intelligent Spitz will constantly test the owner whether anything is permissible.

Spitz dogs are distinguished by their mobility and excellent acrobatic abilities; it is not without reason that they were used in circus performances. If you set a goal, you can teach your pet interesting tricks.

Breed standard American Eskimo dog

There is no officially recognized breed standard; it was developed by the American Kennel Club. The description is similar to German Spitz dogs. There are three types of necks according to size:

  • standard 38-48 cm;
  • miniature – 30-38 cm;
  • toy – 23-30 cm.

The American Eskimo Spitz is a medium to small sized dog with a compact and harmonious build. Weight is proportional to height: toys up to 4.5 kg, miniatures 5-9 kg, standard 9-16 kg. The physique of males and females is almost the same. Characteristic features are snow-white or creamy thick fur, a sharp muzzle, and a smooth gait.


The head is proportional to the body. The skull is rounded, the occipital protuberance is pronounced. The stop is smooth, the muzzle is wedge-shaped, tapering towards the nose, reminiscent of a fox. The lobe is large and black. The teeth are strong, scissor bite. The lips are dry, tightly closed, and also black.

The eyes are close-set, almond-shaped, brown. Sometimes there are dogs with blue eyes. The look is smart, attentive and mischievous. The ears are triangular and small in size. Planted wide, erect.


Dogs of this breed have a strong but graceful build. The body is muscular, square in format. The withers are well defined, the back is straight. The chest is deep, the stomach is tucked. The loin is short and sloping. The tail is set high. It is long and well covered with hair. Twisted into a ring and thrown over the back.


The limbs are straight, set parallel. They are muscular and their joints are flexible. The hips are wide. The gait is soft and smooth.

Coat and color

The coat is voluminous and long. It is two-layer, waterproof. Has the ability to self-clean. The guard hair is hard, the undercoat is soft and dense. The longest length is on the neck - forms a collar, on the paws - pants, and on the tail. Short hair on the muzzle and the front surface of the paws.

Color white, light cream allowed. It should be uniform, without spots. If there are spots or reddish tan, the dog is not allowed for breeding.

Photos complement the description of the appearance of these dogs:

Character of American Eskimo Spitz

Unlike German Spitz, which have a complex character, Eskimos are good-natured and highly people-oriented. They quickly become attached to their owner, very loyal and affectionate. They love children and get along well with different pets, the main thing is to give them enough attention.

They do not get into conflicts with other dogs; on the contrary, they love to play with them. They treat strangers with distrust and wariness, but do not show aggression.

Eskies have an easy-going character. They are good-natured, cheerful, energetic and obedient. They are always cheerful, playful, curious, love to participate in all activities, play and be the center of attention. They are able to adapt to the mood and lifestyle of the owner.

They are constantly on the move, find something to do and do not like to be bored. They love communicating with children, but do not tolerate rudeness. Some people may not like that eskies are very noisy. They react by barking to any noise, purring, whining, growling. This is how they express their emotions and communicate with people.

This dog can become a good guard or watchman. It reacts to any sign of danger with a loud bark; even representatives of miniature varieties bravely rush to protect the owner. Eskies have a keen sense of smell and sensitive hearing, which is why they are used by the police to search for drugs and in search and rescue services. And thanks to their agility and energy, they participate in dog sports and can perform in the circus.

Features of training

The American Eskimo Spitz is a very intelligent and quick-witted dog. She easily learns commands, understands words, and loves to perform tricks. Education needs to start as early as possible. It must be consistent, you need to be patient and persistent. Eskimo Spitz can be stubborn and independent. For training to be effective, you need to gain her authority. The Spitz obeys its beloved owner unquestioningly and tries to please him. But if he feels weak, he will begin to cheat and manipulate.

It is recommended to definitely learn the following commands from the eski:

  • to me;
  • it is forbidden;
  • quiet;
  • ugh;
  • sit;
  • stand;
  • place;
  • lie;
  • near.

When training, it is better to use encouragement and affection; you can give a treat for success. But these dogs love praise and try to please their owner. It is recommended to conduct classes in the form of a game. Eskies are very active and playful, and in this form they will master any tricks and commands well and are capable of completing tasks of any complexity.

You cannot shout at the dog, or even hit it. But punishment for undesirable actions must be mandatory. It is better to scold your pet in a stern voice and deprive him of play and communication for a while. Prohibitions must be equally observed by all family members. Eskimo Spitz are smart and cunning; if you allow him to do something forbidden once, he will do it always.

Timely socialization of the Esky puppy is mandatory. He needs to be accustomed to strangers, other dogs, street noise, and traffic. It is recommended to gradually increase the time your pet is left alone so that he does not react so strongly to loneliness.


This Spitz has an easy-going character. Smart and playful, he loves active exercise. Training is easy for him, in a playful way. Sometimes the owner thinks that the Spitz is training him. The dog easily offers the necessary actions, so all that remains is to play in time. If you give your pet the opportunity to throw out all his energy on a walk or amuse him with games, then the dog will learn contact with the owner and obedience in a week.

You can't leave an Eskimo without anything to do - he may start chewing shoes or scratching doors. To avoid this, you need to let the pet know that there is an owner in the house, and the dog’s abilities are constantly in demand. The Spitz loves to be part of the family and can get bored from being unnecessary. Daily exercises and outdoor games can saturate the dog’s high intellectual abilities.

It is better to train Spitz dogs in a playful way

Because of his keen mind, the American is capable of independence, and the owner needs to know in advance what the dog can come up with in order to steal a treat from the table. Training in good manners and obedience should begin when the puppy first arrives at home. Loud barking is the first reaction to unfamiliar sounds, because the dog was bred as a watchdog. With a ringing voice, the dog will bother neighbors and owners who love to sleep. You need to stop barking by giving the command “stop” from the age of four months.


The Eskimo Spitz is a dog for an apartment or private home. Despite the fact that the thick coat protects from bad weather, it should not be kept in an enclosure. A pet needs to communicate with a person; it cannot be alone for a long time. Therefore, it is not recommended to have eskies for those who are constantly at work and rarely at home.

This dog needs to be taken outside 2 times a day. She needs long walks on which she can expend her energy. You don't just have to walk outside. Eskies love outdoor games: looking for and fetching objects, running after a ball or stick, overcoming obstacles. In winter, these dogs do not freeze, their fur protects them from frost, wind, rain, and they love to roll around in the snow. But in slushy weather, it is recommended to take your pet out in overalls, since white fur is difficult to wash off dirt.

Interesting photographs show the features of these dogs:


The long, luxurious coat of the Eskimo Spitz requires careful care. It needs to be combed at least 3 times a week. Pay special attention to the collar and pants, as tangles often form on them.

It is not recommended to cut the eskies; the undercoat will not recover after this. Only hygienic haircuts are allowed: on the paws, under the tail, on the belly. You should not bathe this dog often, once every 3-4 months is enough. Spitz dogs have sensitive skin - frequent washing can lead to dermatitis.

The rest of the hygiene procedures are simple: regularly check and, if necessary, clean the ears and eyes. If the claws do not grind down on the asphalt, they need to be trimmed. Chewing bones can be given to remove tartar.


It is recommended to feed your Eskimo Spitz with premium or super-premium dry food. It is balanced, does not contain starch and synthetic additives. But the composition contains a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. There must be at least 50% meat.

These dogs are prone to obesity, and dry food is easier to dose than natural food. They need to be fed twice a day at the same time.

If the owner has chosen a natural diet, you need to carefully select products. More than half of the volume should be lean meat: beef, turkey, rabbit. You also need to give porridge, vegetables, and herbs. Fruits and dairy products are healthy. Additionally, it is recommended to add multivitamins, fish oil or bone meal to your food.

You should not give your dog sweets, chocolate, sausages, smoked foods, pickles or canned food. Legumes, mushrooms, pork, baked goods, and tubular bones are prohibited. Pet food should not be salted or spiced.


With good care and timely vaccination, Eskies live at least 14 years. They have good immunity, but there is a tendency to some hereditary diseases:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • osteochondropathy;
  • dermatological pathologies.

These dogs are also prone to obesity, allergies, and dermatitis. But these diseases usually develop due to errors in maintenance and nutrition. Blue-eyed Eskies often have hereditary deafness or blindness.


You need to comb and brush your fluffy coat at least three times a week. It is best to carry out the procedure using a thick brush to prevent the formation of tangles in the dog.

Eskimo Spitz shed twice a year with average intensity; during this period, the pet needs to be brushed daily. The animal does not need the services of groomers.

Eskimo Spitz puppies

This breed is rare in our country. Therefore, it is difficult to buy a purebred puppy. You need to find a good nursery. The dogs in it must be well-groomed and healthy. They must have all the necessary documents, a veterinary passport. You need to get to know the mother: she should not be aggressive or cowardly, and her appearance should correspond to the breed.

When choosing a puppy, you need to examine it. A healthy dog ​​has smooth, thick fur, without bald patches or dandruff. The eyes are clean, there is no unpleasant odor. The abdomen is soft, not swollen or sunken. The puppy should be moderately well-fed, cheerful, and curious.

The price of a purebred Eskimo Spitz starts from 30 thousand rubles. Show class puppies cost 50-70 thousand. A dog with minor breed defects can be bought for 15-20 thousand. You just need to take into account that she will not be allowed to breed. But such a dog can become a good companion.

The photo shows what the puppies look like:

Watch an interesting video about representatives of this breed:

Video: Dog breed American Eskimo Spitz (Eski), white handsome

Video: Dog breed American Eskimo Spitz

The American Eskimo Spitz is a beautiful, obedient dog with a calm, cheerful personality. Well suited for active people, families with children. With the right care, she will become a loyal friend and an ideal companion.


  • They do not require grooming or cutting, however, if you decide to trim your Eskimo dog, remember that they have very sensitive skin.
  • Nails should be trimmed as they grow, usually every 4-5 weeks. Check the cleanliness of your ears more often and make sure that there is no infection that leads to inflammation.
  • The Eskie is a happy, active and intelligent dog. She needs a lot of activity, games, walks, otherwise you will get a bored dog that will bark and chew objects incessantly
  • They need to be with their family, don't leave them alone for too long.
  • Either you are the leader, or she controls you. There is no third.
  • They get along well with children, but their playfulness and activity can frighten very young children.

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