Pros and cons of castration and sterilization of Chihuahuas

A special spay or castration operation can be done to eliminate reproductive function in a Chihuahua. Thanks to them, you can take care of the animal’s physical health and make its character calmer. In this article we will tell you in what cases surgery may be necessary, when it is best to do it, how this can affect the Chihuahua’s well-being, and we will cover other related topics.

What is the procedure and why is it needed?

Sterilization is a type of surgical intervention that leads to the cessation of the uterine cavity and ovaries in females or the development of testes in males. After it is carried out, the dogs lose their reproductive function. As a result, the appearance of offspring becomes impossible.

Due to the fact that sterilization often leads to anxiety in pets, hormonal imbalance and the risk of developing dangerous diseases, many Chihuahua owners prefer to perform castration. This procedure involves removing the Chihuahua's reproductive glands (in females the uterus and ovaries, in males - testes). Each dog breeder decides for himself which option to choose (sterilization or castration).

What to consider before castrating your Yorkie

Before performing surgery, you must make sure that the dog is completely healthy. To do this, you need to undergo a number of tests that will reveal both hidden and obvious diseases, here are the tests you need to undergo before going under the knife of a veterinary surgeon:

  • blood chemistry;
  • classic blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • general veterinary examination.

The most humane and humane method remains surgical; with this method, the veterinarian removes the testicles. Sterilization can also be done at home . This is a very convenient method, especially for those owners who have neither the time nor the desire to visit a veterinary center. By the way, another plus in the direction of castrating a Yorkie is that the risk of a tumor in the dog is reduced, since there will be no extra hormonal load on the body.

At what age should

If the owner of the animal has decided to perform sterilization/castration, you need to find out the optimal time for this. After all, for example, at 3 years old, a Chihuahua can tolerate this kind of intervention much worse than animals at an earlier age. The timing of the operation must be determined by a veterinarian. He will decide whether the pets have any contraindications to undergoing it.


In dogs of this breed, sterilization is performed before the onset of the first heat. However, signs of puberty should already appear. The optimal time would be 4–7 months of age.


Castration of a Chihuahua is performed a little later - at the age of 7-10 months. It is during this period that the risk of developing a malignant tumor is minimal.

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Possible complications

Castration is considered a relatively safe operation. Most males tolerate it without consequences. After the procedure, swelling may occur in the incision area. This process is considered a variant of the norm and goes away on its own in a few days.

Since castration in bitches involves an incision in the abdominal cavity, the risk of complications is much higher. First of all, these include abscesses and the formation of foci of pus. The elimination of these unpleasant moments must be entrusted to doctors.

In addition to external signs of complications, such as discharge and persistent swelling, you need to pay attention to the general condition of the dog. High temperature, refusal to eat or apathy are warning signs. In such cases, you cannot do without the advice of professional veterinarians.


After the Chihuahua has been operated on, the doctor monitors its recovery from anesthesia. Castrated and sterilized animals are transported in a special basket or carrier with an insulated bottom. You cannot transport your pet on public transport. For two days after surgery, dogs may not eat well, move little, and become lethargic. During this period, it is important to always have a bowl of clean water nearby.

In the postoperative period, daily treatment of sutures with special aseptic substances is necessary.

The doctor prescribes them. To prevent animals from damaging the seams, they are wearing either a diaper or a special collar. Stitches are removed on days 10–14.

Bitches tolerate this type of surgical intervention less well. Therefore, in the first days they should not be left alone for a long time. During this time, they may experience chills and involuntary urination. Dogs should be fed little by little in the first days after surgery. They are switched to a full diet on the fourth day.

Is it possible to castrate a Yorkie at home?

In the recent past, such a procedure was carried out exclusively within the walls of veterinary centers, which are crammed throughout Moscow. In Yorkies, this procedure requires a particularly delicate approach, given the small size of the dog. Veterinary doctors have all the necessary skills to ensure that even such an operation takes place without consequences for the little charming friend. Of course, after the intervention, new marks may appear on the dog’s body, and consequences in the form of a bump are possible. However, there is no need to be afraid of castration at home. Thanks to modern technologies, everyone has a unique opportunity to perform castration in a comfortable environment, with minimal stress for the pet.

Remember that before any surgical intervention it is necessary to obtain a consultation from a veterinarian, his approval for the intervention, and only then can you additionally call a surgeon, an anesthesiologist and carry out the necessary intervention in the comfort of your home. It should be noted that during surgery, doctors use the most modern drugs that have virtually no side effects on the puppy’s body, however, various individual reactions, such as allergies or heart failure, should be taken into account.

This is why it is so important to see all doctors, including a cardiologist, before any surgical intervention.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you decide whether to spay your Chihuahua, you need to find out all the pros and cons of this type of surgery. Let's look at them in more detail.

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You need to understand that sterilization has the only advantage - the animal does not have the opportunity to reproduce, but sexual functions are preserved. After performing this operation, the following disadvantages may appear:

  • aggressiveness in dog behavior;
  • involuntary urination;
  • nervousness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • tumor development, ovarian inflammation, false pregnancy.

At the same time, boys remain interested in the opposite sex, while girls continue to be in heat.


Castration does not have as many disadvantages as sterilization. Its main advantages are eliminating the risk of the following pathologies:

  • tumors of the ovaries, breast, uterus, prostate, testicles;
  • inflammation of the uterus, as well as the development of endometritis and pyometra;
  • alopecia (hair loss);
  • perineal hernia.

In addition, castration is an excellent prevention of certain chronic ailments (for example, liver failure). After castration, female dogs go into estrus. Males stop marking their territory. They become calmer. Sexual arousal also disappears.

Castration often has a positive effect on the psychological and physical health of dogs, thereby prolonging their life. However, despite such obvious positive aspects, this type of surgical intervention is also not without its disadvantages. The disadvantages of castration include the fact that Chihuahuas begin to gain weight. Moreover, the recruitment is carried out sharply. Excess weight leads to certain health problems for the animal.

To prevent your dog from becoming obese, it is necessary to review its walking schedule, as well as its feeding diet. This is due to the fact that the pet now spends less energy. Therefore, it is best to feed the animal with special food intended for neutered dogs, and also exercise it more often on sites.

In addition, castration increases the risk of cancer of the urinary tract, prostate, and bones. Tumors can also develop inside the blood vessels of the heart. Hypothyroidism can develop due to insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland. Long-haired breeds may quickly begin to lose hair on their paws, sides, or undercoat after this operation. Understanding the consequences of castration and sterilization in a Chihuahua, every dog ​​owner will be able to make the right choice that will cause minimal harm to the pet’s health.

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Why is it worth doing this?

Often dog owners treat this operation as something incompatible with their lifestyle, not really knowing what castration of a male dog can do. But you need to know that the dog will in no way suffer from the fact that he has no sex drive. On the contrary, the operation will only bring benefits and will allow the pet to spend more time playing and walking with its owners. This technique, when applied correctly and in a timely manner, has only positive solutions.

Here are a few reasons why you should neuter your male dog:

  • it has been proven that castrated dogs live longer than those who have not undergone this operation - after all, unsatisfied sexual desire is one of the most effective negative stresses for the body;
  • there is a positive effect on the animal’s behavior - dogs behave much calmer and become more obedient. Those who are castrated among them more readily recognize the authority of man;
  • on the part of such males, aggressive behavior towards their own kind decreases, or even disappears completely;
  • the calm behavior of those undergoing surgery minimizes the risk of a threat to their health - they do not run away from their owner during a walk, smelling a “girl”, do not get into fights and do not get run over by cars;
  • In such dogs, serious diseases of the reproductive organs are excluded.

Regarding the last point, it should be especially said about uncastrated cryptorchids (these are dogs in which one or both testes have not descended into the scrotum). In such male dogs, cancer occurs much more often than in ordinary dogs, so animals with this pathology are always subject to castration.

When is surgery needed?

From the above, it follows that surgical intervention to remove the genital organs in dogs can solve many problems for both the animal itself and its owner. However, this procedure cannot be applied to all four-legged pets. The physical condition of the animal, its hormonal levels, and even the breed of the dog should also be taken into account.

So, the decision on whether to castrate a dog needs to be made together with a veterinarian or dog handler, who, taking into account all these features, will give professional advice and suggest the best way to solve the problem.

To prevent your pet from reproducing, you should usually:

  • if she is a mongrel - after all, it is difficult to place mongrel puppies, and not everyone can abandon them to their own devices or drown them;
  • when the dog is not planned to be shown at exhibitions (the operated dog may simply be rejected);
  • in case the dog is not planned for breeding;
  • when a male dog is aggressive and uncontrollable, which especially manifests itself when he has sexual desires;
  • for all ailments in the genitourinary system;
  • when the male is cryptorchid (as mentioned above).

For females everything is obvious. She will stop attracting male dogs to her, rushing “headlong”, exposing herself to danger. The main thing is that you no longer have to think about where to place your unplanned “offspring.”

Thus, it should be recognized that castration of dogs is a useful and necessary procedure in certain cases. It helps prolong the life of the pet, relieving it of many serious diseases. There is especially no need to refuse this manipulation if it is suggested by a veterinarian for certain indications.

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