DIY clothing patterns for a French bulldog puppy

On the question of whether clothing is needed for a French bulldog, the opinions of veterinary specialists and breeders vary greatly. Some talk about its harm, because when animals are wrapped, the thermoregulatory processes inherent in nature are disrupted. Others, on the contrary, believe that clothing for dogs is a necessary attribute that cannot be avoided.

Both opinions have the right to exist, but each owner makes his own choice. It should be noted that dogs of this breed are short-haired, so in severe frosts and windy weather it is recommended to wear suitable clothing. In order not to spend money on buying clothes for your pet, you can sew or knit some items of clothing yourself.

How to make clothes for a French bulldog with your own hands?

  • 1 Materials needed
  • 2 Taking measurements
  • 3 Sewing instructions 3.1 Jumpsuit
  • 3.2 Knitted sweater
  • 4 Photo gallery
  • 5 Video “DIY dog clothes”
  • On the question of whether clothing is needed for a French bulldog, the opinions of veterinary specialists and breeders vary greatly. Some talk about its harm, because when animals are wrapped, the thermoregulatory processes inherent in nature are disrupted. Others, on the contrary, believe that clothing for dogs is a necessary attribute that cannot be avoided.

    Both opinions have the right to exist, but each owner makes his own choice. It should be noted that dogs of this breed are short-haired, so in severe frosts and windy weather it is recommended to wear suitable clothing. In order not to spend money on buying clothes for your pet, you can sew or knit some items of clothing yourself.

    Let's look at the main types of clothing for small dog breeds

    Functional clothing

    – things used for autumn-winter-spring walks: these are jackets made of light but waterproof material, warmer fur coats or down jackets, as well as safety shoes.

    Decorative clothing

    – it includes things that do not carry any functional load, but serve for purely aesthetic purposes. These are various dresses, blouses, pants, T-shirts and other things that, in their assortment, are close to the human wardrobe.

    Buying ready-made clothes for your pets or sewing them yourself is a matter of taste and wallet for each individual owner. This article will talk about how to sew clothes for your dog without spending a large amount of money, because you can use your old boring things, such as a jacket or jeans.

    Let's look at how to sew clothes for a dog using a pattern, using the example of a sports overall for a Chihuahua. For work we will need: a sheet of paper, fabric (preferably cotton or knitted velor), threads in the color of the fabric, a sewing machine (you can do without it - the overalls are not large), rhinestones or other decorations at your request.

    Necessary materials

    To sew clothes with your own hands you will need:

    • textile;
    • padding polyester;
    • scissors, threads, needles;
    • elastic bands, zippers, rivets, buttons and more;
    • details for decoration (necessary for a bulldog girl).

    If you want to knit some elements of a dog’s wardrobe, then you should get:

    • knitting threads;
    • knitting needles;
    • crochet;
    • a piece of soft natural fabric that will act as a lining.

    Jumpsuit with back fastening


    • Suitable fabric - raincoat fabric, vinyl, nylon.
    • Fabric for lining, preferably soft and warm.
    • Bias tape.
    • Threads to match.
    • Velcro tape or zipper.
    • Rubber.
    • Scissors.
    • Sewing machine.

    Important! The larger the dog, the less it needs additional heating. Large breeds do not need a raincoat lining


    We work with the pattern in the same way as the previous model.

    If necessary, we make changes to the paper pattern.

    • Half of the overalls – 2 parts.
    • Insert – 1 piece with a fold.


    • Lay out the pattern pieces on the fabric and chalk them.
    • Cut it out.
    • We connect the parts according to the pattern marks.
    • We run an elastic band along the bottom of the pants.
    • We sew a detachable zipper or strips of Velcro tape onto the back.
    • Let's try it on.


    The hood can be cut out and sewn separately with Velcro, or sewn to the main product.


    • Suitable fabric - raincoat fabric, vinyl, nylon.
    • Bias tape.
    • Threads to match.
    • Velcro tape.
    • Rubber.
    • Scissors.
    • Sewing machine.


    To sew a hood you need the following measurements:

    • The circumference of the muzzle is measured above the forehead along the cheekbones.
    • Neck circumference - measured around the base of the neck, usually equal to the size of the collar.
    • Head circumference - measured at the widest point of the head.
    • Neck height. - from the base of the neck to the neck.


    We transfer the hood detail onto a sheet of newspaper or whatman paper. We cut out the collar based on the girth of the dog’s neck, plus 10 cm for the fastener.

    The pattern is given for a back length of 40 cm; we calculate it for your dog based on the size.

    • Hood – 2 parts.
    • Collar – 1 piece with a fold.


    • We cut out the details of the hood and collar.
    • We sew the hood.
    • We sew the collar piece to the hood, leaving room for the fastener.
    • Sew on Velcro tape.
    • We process the cuts with the finished bias tape.
    • Let's try it on.

    Advice! You can make a stitched cape to the hood that will protect the dog’s chest.

    Taking measurements

    To create a pattern, you must first take all the measurements. The French bulldog is mainly sewn in overalls with a hood or raincoats, but for any other product you need to know the following measurements:

    1. The length of the product or the length of the back - the measurement is taken from the withers (from the collar) to the base of the tail.
    2. Neck circumference is determined by the length of the collar. Since this breed has a very sensitive neck, it is important to sew a jumpsuit that will not rub or irritate the skin, that is, make the neck free.
    3. Chest circumference - measured from the withers down, passing under the front legs through the entire chest and rising again to the withers.
    4. Waist circumference is determined by the narrowest part of the pet’s body, that is, directly in front of the hind legs.
    5. The height of the paws is necessary for sewing overalls.

    If you have no experience in sewing clothes, then it is better to go to a tailor shop, where they will take all your pet’s measurements and sew clothes to order, or visit a dog clothing store.

    We cut a warm overall for a dog (video)

    As a material for overalls, you can use not only fabric, but also natural leather, as well as sew them from old clothes that have not been worn for a long time. At the same time, the dog will look incredibly stylish and original. If the main goal is to prevent the animal from freezing, then it is better to resort to the use of more practical materials. The owner can sew not only a jumpsuit for her devoted friend, but also a suit, vest, various jackets, which will keep the dog warm. You can download the pattern on the Internet. After work on clothes is completed, it’s time to think about shoes.

    Sewing instructions

    You can start sewing clothes after taking measurements, creating a full-size pattern and preparing the necessary materials and tools.


    For your pet, it is better to choose fabric with a water-repellent effect, this will make the overalls universal. In order not to sew several overalls at once, you can make one model from high-quality fabric and sew a lining underneath it for severe frosts.

    Important! If you have no experience in sewing clothes, it is better to make a trial version, for example, from an old sheet. Try it on your pet, adjust all the measurements if necessary, and only then proceed to sewing on the main fabric.

    5 6 7 8
    The jumpsuit consists of two identical parts. After the pattern, you need to baste the parts manually and carry out preliminary fitting. If everything suits your pet, then you can sew all the seams on a sewing machine or by hand, sew in a fastener and adjust all the details (video from the Household Affairs channel).

    Knitted sweater

    Knitting pattern for a simple sweater using acrylic yarn:

    1. 38 loops are cast on the knitting needles and the first 22 cm are knitted with an elastic band: 2 knit stitches - 2 purl stitches.
    2. Next, 10 loops are knitted in the front row, the next 10 loops are closed and the row ends.
    3. The next purl row is knitted in this way - the first 18 stitches, then cast on another 10 stitches and finish the row. We have our first opening.
    4. After this, another 9 cm are knitted with an elastic band, 2 knit stitches - 2 purl loops, and a second armhole is made according to the same principle as described above.
    5. Then another 22 cm are knitted with an elastic band.

    Overalls for a miniature dog made from terry socks

    From a pair of ordinary socks you can make two original overalls at once, each of which will be special and very comfortable. Even without having sewing skills, you can make such outfits without the slightest problem.

    • socks;
    • yarn for knitting “Grass”;
    • elastic threads;
    • needle;
    • hook;
    • paper;
    • ruler.
    1. Place the sock with the heel up and draw a center line from the center of the heel to the toe.
    2. After this, draw a perpendicular line at a distance of about three centimeters.
    3. Measure ten centimeters from this line and draw another segment.
    4. On these perpendicular lines, mark the locations of future holes for the paws.
    5. On paper, make a template for future holes by drawing a pair of circles with a diameter of three centimeters and a pair of ovals, the diameter of which should be 6x3 centimeters.
    6. Secure the templates with threads in the designated areas on the fabric.
    7. Secure the knitwear around the perimeter of the template with an elastic thread using a machine stitch so that the fabric does not fray.
    8. Cut holes and remove templates.
    9. Using a hook and yarn, tie all the holes, making regular double crochets.
    10. Try the blank on the animal and mark all the necessary holes with chalk.
    11. Process and cut them in the same way as in the case of the slots for the paws.

    Make a similar jumpsuit from the second sock, but additionally knit the sleeves, carefully cut and carefully process the holes for the ears.

    How to make clothes for a French bulldog with your own hands?

    On the question of whether clothing is needed for a French bulldog, the opinions of veterinary specialists and breeders vary greatly. Some talk about its harm, because when animals are wrapped, the thermoregulatory processes inherent in nature are disrupted. Others, on the contrary, believe that clothing for dogs is a necessary attribute that cannot be avoided.

    Both opinions have the right to exist, but each owner makes his own choice. It should be noted that dogs of this breed are short-haired, so in severe frosts and windy weather it is recommended to wear suitable clothing. In order not to spend money on buying clothes for your pet, you can sew or knit some items of clothing yourself.

    Breed Features

    We will not dwell in detail on the characteristics of the French bulldog breed; we will only say that the French is a short-haired breed, so wearing clothes in cold and windy conditions is a necessity. There is no reason to worry that you will do harm in this case.

    The main thing is to choose the necessary clothes according to the air temperature outside, take into account the size and it is strictly forbidden to wear small clothes that hinder the movements of our smaller brothers.

    We also wrote that the neck of a French bulldog is a special sensitive place that should not be pressed. Hence, wearing collars is not recommended for a Frenchie. It’s true that it’s better to take measurements with it - this way you will more accurately determine the correct size and sew clothes that actually won’t press or rub.

    The French Bulldog is a dog with a brave heart, a serious appearance, but a very kind soul and cheerful character. Inside he is hot, but outside he requires warmth, attention and care; veterinarians believe that dressing these dogs is simply necessary.

    Even in summer, under the scorching sun, the skin can suffer and the coat can fade. Ears are the most sensitive and thin and also require protection. In summer it is advisable to cover them with a Panama hat (if it fits), and in winter with a voluminous hat.

    It is better to wear shoes for these dogs in slush and rain, so as not to get dirty, or in winter - when it is very cold. The rest of the time, shoes are not recommended.

    Necessary materials

    To sew clothes with your own hands you will need:

    • textile;
    • padding polyester;
    • scissors, threads, needles;
    • elastic bands, zippers, rivets, buttons and more;
    • details for decoration (necessary for a bulldog girl).

    If you want to knit some elements of a dog’s wardrobe, then you should get:

    • knitting threads;
    • knitting needles;
    • crochet;
    • a piece of soft natural fabric that will act as a lining.

    Possible problems at the cutting stage

    If your pet is not quite standard in size, nuances arise:

    • Wide, long, short or narrow front legs;
    • The lower insert has fallen off;
    • Discrepancy between step length and inseam.

    To correct the pattern, additional individual measurements are taken. The dog must be brought to a standing position. Do not tighten the measuring tape, otherwise the dog will be uncomfortable and tight in the outfit.

    Additional individual measurements:

    • Half neck circumference (SNC);
    • Half chest girth (POG);
    • Semi-hip circumference (HH);
    • Lateral length (LA) - measured along the side of the abdomen between the hip and shoulder.

    The overalls are too tight in the stomach and chest area

    We calculate the height of the sidewall (WB):

    WB = (2*POG - insert width)*

    As a result, we get a value that is added along the entire length of the back. This type of pattern adjustment is fraught with widening of the neck. To reduce it to the desired size, you will need to gather the fabric of the armhole along the width or use darts located on a level with the trachea.

    Jumpsuit short on the sides

    We retreat a few centimeters from the cutout of the front and back legs and draw 2 perpendicular lines from the extreme points of the belly line upward. We cut the template along them, move the sides apart so that the distance between the cutouts for the paws is equal to the length of the side line and a couple of centimeters (margin).

    Together with the length of the sides, the length of the back will increase. This can be corrected by making recesses at the cut site. In the future, they will allow the pet to feel more free in overalls.

    Narrow leg coverage in overalls

    You can expand the coverage of the trouser leg by adding equal sections along seam line B on both sides.

    We calculate the increase (P):

    P=(2*POB - seam length B)*

    We shift the side pattern by width P back and add centimeters to the front edge of the leg.

    Taking measurements

    To create a pattern, you must first take all the measurements. The French bulldog is mainly sewn in overalls with a hood or raincoats, but for any other product you need to know the following measurements:

    1. The length of the product or the length of the back - the measurement is taken from the withers (from the collar) to the base of the tail.
    2. Neck circumference is determined by the length of the collar. Since this breed has a very sensitive neck, it is important to sew a jumpsuit that will not rub or irritate the skin, that is, make the neck free.
    3. Chest circumference - measured from the withers down, passing under the front legs through the entire chest and rising again to the withers.
    4. Waist circumference is determined by the narrowest part of the pet’s body, that is, directly in front of the hind legs.
    5. The height of the paws is necessary for sewing overalls.

    If you have no experience in sewing clothes, then it is better to go to a tailor shop, where they will take all your pet’s measurements and sew clothes to order, or visit a dog clothing store.


    A vest is one of the most optimal clothing options for dogs. It does not restrict movement, like many overalls, the paws remain free, and the elastic band under the butt does not press! At the same time, the vest protects the torso from cold and slush. Even on frosty winter days, for many dogs it is enough to wear an insulated vest.

    To sew such clothes for a dog, you only need to take three measurements:

    • back length;
    • chest girth;
    • neck girth.

    Divide the result obtained from measuring the length of the back for the vest by 10. This number will determine the side of the square of the pattern mesh. We draw a grid and transfer the contours of all the details onto it to scale.

    Important Note

    The pattern, marked in blue, is intended for a boy. For the girl, we lengthen the shelf detail, completing the pink image.

    The proposed pattern shows two collar options - for the off-season and for frostier weather. You can choose any one you wish, but consider the size of the collar when purchasing a zipper.

    In addition, patterns for sleeves are given on the grid. In our master class, the vest was made without them. The feasibility of their presence is determined by you at will, taking into account what weather the vest is intended for.

    We need to prepare:

    • water-repellent membrane fabric;
    • lining fabric on padding polyester (stitch);
    • zipper.

    Sewing instructions

    You can start sewing clothes after taking measurements, creating a full-size pattern and preparing the necessary materials and tools.


    For your pet, it is better to choose fabric with a water-repellent effect, this will make the overalls universal. In order not to sew several overalls at once, you can make one model from high-quality fabric and sew a lining underneath it for severe frosts.

    Important! If you have no experience in sewing clothes, it is better to make a trial version, for example, from an old sheet. Try it on your pet, adjust all the measurements if necessary, and only then proceed to sewing on the main fabric.

    The jumpsuit consists of two identical parts. After the pattern, you need to baste the parts manually and carry out preliminary fitting. If everything suits your pet, then you can sew all the seams on a sewing machine or by hand, sew in a fastener and adjust all the details (video from the Household Affairs channel).

    What you need for work

    Before you start sewing the product, stock up on everything you need for the job. You'll need:

    1. Waterproof fabric. Try to choose a material whose edges do not fray. This will make your task easier by saving time on processing seams.
    2. Lightning. Opt for the tractor type of fastener. The high reliability and wear resistance of this type of fittings will allow you not to worry about breakage or mechanical damage to the teeth.
    3. Rubber. It is better to buy not a regular one, but a round one. It is much more convenient to adjust and stretches less.
    4. Collar closure. Depending on personal preferences and the design of the product, you can choose Velcro, button or button.

    What kind of clothes are there?

    Clothes for dogs can be decorative and seasonal. During the warm season, the French dress up in funny super hero costumes, funny overalls, T-shirts, dresses and tutus. The main function of such outfits is to distinguish the dog from others, to attract the attention and admiring glances of passers-by and owners of other animals.

    For walks in rainy, damp and slushy weather, a rainsuit made of waterproof fabric is perfect. It will allow the dog not to get wet or dirty, and will save you from having to bathe the dog after walking. It will be enough just to wash your paws.

    In cool, windy weather, a cape, blanket, fleece or flannelette vest will keep the Frenchie from freezing and will not hamper movements or irritate the dog. When the thermometer outside the window drops to +5, choose warmer clothes - overalls made of thick fabric lined with fleece or flannel.

    Winter walks should not be a lightning-fast relief and immediate return home. During a walk through snow-covered streets and parks, even a short one, a Frenchman should be comfortable and, most importantly, warm. A jumpsuit made of thick raincoat fabric lined with padding polyester, holofiber or faux fur is perfect for these purposes.

    Pet salons and online stores will be happy to offer all kinds of clothes for your pet for any weather and different occasions. Many owners do not skimp when it comes to the comfort and health of their beloved dog, and therefore the price of such things is often overpriced. If you don’t know where to buy clothes for your Frenchie at reasonable prices, then here is a list of trusted online stores for pet supplies:

    Well, if you have basic sewing skills, you won’t have to overpay in stores, because sewing clothes for a French bulldog with your own hands will not be difficult.

    Let's look at the main types of clothing for small dog breeds

    Functional clothing

    – things used for autumn-winter-spring walks: these are jackets made of light but waterproof material, warmer fur coats or down jackets, as well as safety shoes.

    Decorative clothing

    – it includes things that do not carry any functional load, but serve for purely aesthetic purposes. These are various dresses, blouses, pants, T-shirts and other things that, in their assortment, are close to the human wardrobe.

    Buying ready-made clothes for your pets or sewing them yourself is a matter of taste and wallet for each individual owner. This article will talk about how to sew clothes for your dog without spending a large amount of money, because you can use your old boring things, such as a jacket or jeans.

    Let's look at how to sew clothes for a dog using a pattern, using the example of a sports overall for a Chihuahua. For work we will need: a sheet of paper, fabric (preferably cotton or knitted velor), threads in the color of the fabric, a sewing machine (you can do without it - the overalls are not large), rhinestones or other decorations at your request.

    How to take measurements

    Sewing an outfit for a French bulldog, just like for people, begins with creating a clothing pattern. To do this, you need to take measurements as accurately as possible. Otherwise, the finished item may restrict movement, interfere, press, rub, or not fit at all. All measurements must be taken with the dog standing. For convenience, you can loosely tie a ribbon or elastic band in place of the collar and take the rest of the measurements from it.

    Pattern of overalls for a dog-boy

    The cut of a dog's outfit directly depends on the gender of the four-legged friend. This is why it is so important to choose the appropriate pattern. This jumpsuit is suitable for both large breed dogs and small and medium-sized animals. It can be used as a regular raincoat. If you equip your clothes with an insulated lining, then your pet will feel comfortable in it even in winter.

    1. Take all measurements and cut the material.
    2. Immediately sew the hood to the neck and insert an additional elastic band.
    3. Place the visor parts with right sides facing each other and sew.
    4. Turn them right out and work along the curved edge.
    5. Overlap the straight edge.
    6. Sew the visor under the edge of the front of the hood, directly along the groove.
    7. Sew the side elements and tummy.
    8. Only after this do you sew on the sleeves.
    9. Sew the cuffs and pull the elastic bands into them.

    At the final stage, sew on the zipper.

    How to sew

    Attach the finished pattern to the dog; you may need to adjust anything. If everything is in order, transfer it to a piece of fabric folded in half with the right side inward. Place the product without a fastener on the back on the fold of the fabric and then you will have a back piece and a chest piece. For a jumpsuit with a zipper or Velcro on the top, cut out 2 back pieces and 1 chest piece.

    The correct pattern can become the basis for sewing different clothes. By adjusting the length of the back, fastener options and fabric density, you can significantly diversify your pet’s wardrobe, both winter and summer.

    Take into account the structural features of the French bulldog - short stature and a wide, massive torso, large neck. Add 3-5 cm (not counting seam allowances) to each piece. This way the item will not fit too tightly on the dog, will not interfere with movements, or rub the skin.

    Do not make the collar high and voluminous - the Frenchman has a short neck. If possible, use soft ribbed cuffs and collars. Drawstrings and ties can put pressure on the paws and neck.

    Choose non-staining, dense, preferably elastic fabric. The item should wash well, dry quickly, not need ironing, and not fade. Give preference to natural materials to avoid allergic reactions, diaper rash and irritation. Do not use a very rustling fabric; the sound may irritate the animal and provoke aggression.

    Choose a plastic zipper with large teeth and be sure to make a bar underneath it. This will help prevent hair from getting caught between the links when you fasten or unfasten the snake. All decorative details must be well sewn or glued so that the animal cannot be torn off, swallowed or injured by them.

    If desired, a summer or autumn jumpsuit can be turned into a winter one by making a soft fleece lining. The main thing is to estimate the dimensions so that the final item does not turn out small and does not sting the dog.

    How to sew a winter overall for a Chihuahua

    An unusual jumpsuit can be sewn not only for a Chihuahua, but also for a pug, spitz, poodle and other small dogs. Visually this outfit resembles a coat. By dressing your animal in such clothes, you don’t have to worry that he will be cold during a walk.

    1. Take the necessary measurements and draw a diagram on paper.
    2. Fold the fabric in half and cut out two halves of the future product. Be sure to make small seam allowances.
    3. Cut out the lining details in the same way.
    4. Sew the outer parts with the lining, leaving only the sleeves unfinished.
    5. Sew a strip along the bottom, the width of which should correspond to the width of the chest.
    6. Sew one of the top seams with a stripe, and sew a zipper into the remaining one.
    7. Knit a neat collar and sew it to the hem.
    8. Connect all remaining parts.

    Advice: the length of the sleeves should not be short. It's better if they are a little longer. The cuffs equipped with elastic bands will prevent the fabric from drooping, and the animal will be much more comfortable in loose clothing.

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