12/08/2017 How to stop a puppy from whining at night: 8 ways

Whining is a fairly common occurrence that every pet breeder has encountered. This behavior often causes irritation not only among pet owners, but also among neighbors. Before dealing with the problem, it is necessary to find out the reason why the dog behaves this way, what exactly bothers it.

Every dog's whining always has a reason.

The dog whines: reasons

The dog will not howl for no reason; such behavior may mean that the pet wants to say something to the owner. There are several most common cases, it is worth considering these situations in more detail.

Health problems

If whining occurs against the background of poor health, then in this way the dog is trying to show the owner that something is bothering him. Most often this is associated with the following pathologies:

  • colds, for example, with otitis, the dog shakes and scratches the sore ear;
  • problems in the musculoskeletal system manifest themselves in the form of groaning and are characterized by an abnormal gait;
  • violation of defecation, in this case the number of bowel movements is reduced, the pet has hard feces, the stomach becomes large and dense;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases in the form of vomiting, frequent bowel movements.

If you have even one of the symptoms, you should immediately visit a veterinary clinic. A specialist will identify the problem and fix it.

Whining can occur due to illness; the dog becomes sad, may go to a secluded place, and begins to twitch and tremble


Howling can be caused by injuries in the oral cavity due to damaged gums.
Or, alternatively, the dog may have damage on its paws. Attention! Painful sensations and discomfort provoke whining. In this case, you need to carefully examine your pet for wounds.


Often the dog begins to whine because of the cold, this happens especially often in winter. You can get rid of the problem by laying a bed for your pet on the floor, making a kind of bed. This is especially important for breeds such as:

  • York;
  • mini terrier;
  • dachshund.

This way you won't have to wear them to your own bed at night. They will feel comfortable in their place.

Behavior driven by instincts

Whining can be caused by the hunting instincts of a four-legged friend. He may bark and howl loudly when he sees birds outside the window or a cat. The frustration of not being able to catch prey makes the pet whine.

Bad Education

If you don’t work with an animal, don’t explain to it what can be done and what is strictly prohibited, then it will grow up ill-mannered. Accordingly, the dog will bark at night, ask to go to the toilet at the wrong time, and spoil objects and things.

This is actually why it is so important to accustom a puppy and train it from an early age. Then he will not bother his owners with causeless whining.

Often whining is a simple manipulation, so owners should be careful

Pet's emotional state

Whining can be caused by joy, for example, when meeting the owner from work or after a long trip. Usually these emotions are temporary; after a while the pet will calm down on its own.

Depression and sadness

Another reason why an animal begins to behave strangely and emit a characteristic whining sound is depression. In this case, the dog may not find a place for itself.

Attention! It is necessary to analyze all the events that have occurred in the near future and try to avoid such situations in the future.


If your pet starts hiding and whining, then most likely he is afraid of something.

In this case, the dog must be desensitized by a specialist. You can also give her her favorite toy, which will distract her and relieve her of anxiety and fear.

During heat

Another reason why a dog whines is due to hormonal changes that occur monthly in bitches. Estrus can affect the behavior of a pet, this especially often happens with the onset of spring.

The hormones produced affect the nervous system, the female begins to make characteristic sounds calling for males. In this case, the owners need to wait it out; with the end of the heat, the dog will calm down on its own.

Communication method

In this case, whining arises as a way of communication. Thus, the dog is trying to attract attention to himself:

  • asks for food;
  • wants to play;
  • requires a walk.

Also, a dog often uses characteristic sounds to show its attitude towards its owner and show respect. In this case, she can take the appropriate position: lie on her side or back.

Physical need

If a pet begins to whine and rush around, dig a hole and stand on its paws in front of its owner, most likely it wants to go to the toilet. In this case, dealing with barking is quite simple. You need to take the animal outside to relieve itself.

Whining for no reason

If the howling occurs for no apparent reason, then this is a cause for concern. Characteristic sounds cannot appear just like that. Often, owners simply cannot figure out the problem on their own.

It is necessary to take a closer look at your pet and observe it for some time: lameness indicates an illness or injury to the paws; with sore ears, the dog begins to tilt its head in the direction where the pain occurs; If the animal has a sore stomach or toothache, it refuses to eat.

Note! If you cannot identify the cause yourself, then you should consult a veterinarian, otherwise you may miss a serious illness.

Whining may occur due to the occurrence of some kind of disease

At night

At night, a dog's whining can be triggered by a fear of the dark; it cannot lie down and sleep normally. In addition, the animal is affected by the lunar phases, for example, during the full moon, pets behave especially restless and anxious. This condition causes howling.

You can get rid of the problem with the help of a sedative.

Newborn puppy whines

Like other newborn babies, puppies also require special attention. It is worth knowing that if they are healthy, well-fed and are close to a nursing mother, then they will not whine.

The cause of whining may be an illness acquired during childbirth. Most often, the first puppies suffer from intrauterine infection. Moving along the birth canal, they absorb all the infection into themselves, clearing the passage of it for subsequent carnivals. Sick puppies may whine, squeal, they are weakened, cannot suck on their own, do not gain weight and begin to lag behind in development. Often they die, and the last born puppies survive.

In this case, the litter is given to another dog for feeding, and the bitch that gave birth is prescribed treatment.

If a dog has numerous offspring (more than 6 puppies), then the owners will have to worry about feeding them, since in most cases, there is not enough mother’s milk for everyone. The weakest puppies may not receive enough nutrition, and this causes them to whine. In this same situation, another lactating bitch or bitch milk purchased at a veterinary pharmacy can help.

How to stop a dog from whining correctly

It is possible to wean a dog from whining, but each individual case requires an individual approach and measures. Owners who lack experience should seek professional help from dog handlers.

How to stop a dog from whining when alone

It is always easier to wean your four-legged friend from whining alone if he is trained in basic commands in the form of “Fu” or “No”. It is enough to leave for a few minutes, and as soon as characteristic sounds are heard, return and pronounce a prohibiting command in a stern voice.

Naturally, this will take time, but as a rule, this method works; after 1-2 months the pet will behave quietly.

Note! If the dog whines in the absence of his owners, then you can give him a mild herbal sedative. Cat Bayun drops work great.

Working with an adult pet

Before trying to wean an animal from whining, you must find out the reason, this will significantly simplify the task. Dog handlers advise doing the following:

  1. If your pet lacks attention, then you should give it a little more affection and care. But don’t pamper the dog too much, otherwise you can make the situation worse. The dog needs to know that it is loved.
  2. It is also worth showing that barking and whining are bad. This can be done in a stern voice and intonation; the pet must understand that the owner is dissatisfied with his behavior.
  3. If the reason lies in health problems, then you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. After treatment, the dog will no longer be tormented by painful sensations, and it will no longer torment its owners.
  4. If the animal whines like a dog that is sad, then some work will have to be done. You need to give the dog time to get used to being alone without feeling abandoned. At first, you should leave your pet alone in the room for a short time, but so that he understands that the owner is in the apartment. Every day increasing the time of absence.

If a dog, with its whining, begs for something from a person, for example, a treat or games, then you should not follow its lead. The animal can get used to it and will manipulate the owner in this way.

Feeling loneliness and melancholy is one of the reasons why a dog whines

What to do if an adult dog whines: advice from dog handlers

Experienced dog handlers and veterinarians are confident that you can get rid of your pet’s whining if you act correctly. Here are some tips from the experts:

  • you need to walk your four-legged friend on time and not disturb the eating schedule;
  • raise a puppy from early childhood, teach him discipline and good behavior;
  • do not forget about the animal, caress it, praise it, play with it in your free time;
  • When howling, you can distract your pet with something interesting, this will calm him down and he will quickly forget about his desire to whine.

Important! To prevent your pet from interfering with his howling at night, he needs to be taught a routine from an early age. In this case, he will understand when to play, sleep and eat.

What should you not do during the first few nights with your puppy?

When you leave your dog in a crate and sleep in another room, when you hear whining, do not immediately run to calm the dog down.

Ignore him when he whines and barks. Wait for the dog to calm down for at least 1-2 seconds, and then when it becomes quiet, say loudly: “I have come,” and then calm the dog and wait until he falls asleep.

Don't yell at your dog to calm him down. Even if your four-legged dog wakes you up, do not show aggression.

This will only make the situation worse, destroying the dog’s psyche and lowering its trust in you. Be patient and get ready for sleepless nights for the first week (or maybe even a month).

Why does a puppy howl and how to wean him off

From the moment a puppy is brought into an apartment or house, it must be taught that it should not express emotions too violently, that is, howl, bark and whine. Especially at night, at a later age it will be much more difficult to wean the animal from these bad habits.

Why does a puppy whine at night?

A pet can whine for various reasons, but most often this happens during the adaptation period. He is afraid of a new place, misses his mother. You can take the puppy into your room for a while and pet him more often. Over time, this will pass, he will get used to his new life.

How to stop a puppy from whining at night and during the day - tips from dog handlers

Professionals do not advise running to your pet as soon as he starts whining, since he can get used to it and in every incomprehensible situation he will call the owner with his voice.

In addition, you need to give your puppy a walk before bed. The animal will run up, play enough and sleep soundly all night.

Also, you should not put your dog to bed hungry, you need to feed him well - this is also the key to good sleep. But don’t forget about water, it should be within walking distance from your pet.

Note! The puppy cannot be restricted in its movement; it must move freely around the apartment. In a closed room he will become bored and sad, and this may make him want to howl.

What to do when your dog whines

So, if ignoring the whining does not produce results, the dog does not stop disturbing the neighbors, then you need to resort to the “fu” command. It should be pronounced firmly and confidently. You may have to repeat it two or three times if the dog did not stop his voice messages the first time. If he is silent, praise him.

It is important not to physically punish your young dog. Starting training by beating a dog is a fundamentally wrong tactic. But vocal influence as a sign of the owner’s dissatisfaction is more appropriate. From the very beginning of the dog’s stay in the house, he must understand that the main thing in it is the owner. The key rule for correcting a puppy's behavior is patience. For good behavior and obedience, the dog is rewarded with praise and petting.

Many breeders say that if a dog whines at night, it means he is unwell during the day. This in practice means a lack of attention from the owner. Yes, no one forces you to take time off from work and pay maximum attention to the dog during the period of its adaptation to the house. And yet you should try to make sure that your pupil is constantly surrounded by warmth and affection. It is necessary to take care of its timely walking, because completely physically satisfied dogs will make themselves known less often. They will simply relax in their free time. The same goes for nutrition. Feed the puppy strictly according to the schedule, and not on demand. Provide constant access to water if you feed your child dry food. It is also recommended to leave his favorite toys, teeth sharpeners, within sight of your pet at night. Perhaps in this case he will switch his attention to communicating with these objects and will not whine.

Inexperienced dog breeders should understand that raising a dog begins with accustoming it to a place, a nickname, and one of the first commands should be the “fu” command. It is she who is called upon to stop the puppy’s bad actions and correct his incorrect behavior.

The most effective recommendation for weaning a puppy from whining at night is to walk him sufficiently in the evening. If the dog runs around, gets some fresh air, plays to his heart’s content with his owner, and gets a hearty meal at night, then he won’t be bored. Your dog will sleep soundly, just like yours.

If our recommendations do not help, the young pupil whines at night, and maybe even during the day, then it is advisable to show him to the veterinarian. Perhaps the reason really is the puppy’s health or poor nutrition.


The most silent breeds

If owners do not want to face the problem of night barking or whining, then they should pay attention to silent dog breeds. These include:

  • Bullmastiff is a physically strong and powerful dog, which is distinguished by its unobtrusiveness and silence;
  • Shar Pei is a charming plush pet with an independent character; this breed barks and whines extremely rarely;
  • Basenji - due to its anatomical features, this breed does not make barking sounds; the maximum it is capable of is a quiet grunt.

Also quiet breeds include the St. Bernard and the Greyhound. But due to their large size, they are not very convenient for keeping in an apartment.

If the dog whines because it is cold and uncomfortable to sleep on the floor, then you need to equip it with a sleeping place

The puppy promises when he sits in another room

If the puppy has become accustomed to you and its new habitat, but continues to disturb you or makes heart-rending sounds when locked in another room, you need to be strict in your upbringing. If you constantly indulge in such behavior, pity or calm the dog, whining will become a habit, and the dog will howl for any reason.

You can ignore whining if this is how your pet attracts attention. Over time, the dog will understand that such behavior only displeases the owners. If the whining really bothers you, open the door. In a stern tone, send the dog to its place, give the command “Fu.” Repeat similar actions until the dog calms down. If all else fails, the dog continues to howl as soon as you close the door, increase the punishment, find a method that will achieve results.

Useful tips

There are some helpful tips that can help if your dog is squeaking or whining. They are as follows:

  • Organize your pet’s own place and provide it with toys. If the problem lies in boredom, then the dog may occupy itself with play and the whining will stop on its own.
  • Try to keep the puppy busy with things to do, then he will have no time left for other activities. It is worth spending more time walking, and the walking should be quite active. You can keep your dog busy with running, training, and playing. The more tired he gets, the more sound his sleep will be, and the desire to whine will completely disappear.
  • It is worth planning the daily routine in such a way that the regime satisfies the dog’s physical activity. Active breeds must expend a lot of energy, otherwise the animal will behave badly, howl and damage property.

Note! During a move, renovation, or the birth of a child, you cannot ignore your pet; during this period, you should give it maximum attention and take care to avoid stress, as it can provoke causeless barking and night howling.

Maybe she's bored?

Keep her busy. An active dog doesn't have time to whine, but a bored dog is basically trying to get your attention so you can give him something to do. It's actually a simple fix. When your puppy starts whining, direct his attention to something new. First, start by learning simple commands. This will give him a mission, and spending time together will strengthen the bond between you. Giving your dog the opportunity to demonstrate how he has learned is a good way to deal with his whining. To keep a bored pet entertained, try building a dog obstacle course in your yard where she can spend her energy, play fetch, treat hunt, or simply tug with her favorite toy.

Signs of why a dog whines

For a long time, superstitious people have associated the howling of dogs with various good and bad events. There were a number of signs why a pet whines.

For example, if a dog howls on the eve of an important event, then this is a negative sign, warning that things will go badly. An animal howling by the bed promises an imminent illness.

If the dog whines and tries to hide, then soon there will be trouble in the house; howling at guests is a bad sign, warning that the visitor has come with evil thoughts. The dog seems to warn the owner about troubles.

As you can see, a pet whines for many reasons, most often it is associated with painful sensations and an emotional state. It is important to understand the problem and eliminate it, then peace will reign in the house and the dog will feel comfortable.

How long does it take for a puppy to adjust?

Every puppy is different and therefore there is no fixed period that determines how long it will take for the puppy to adjust. This time will mainly mean the actions that we ourselves take to facilitate this adaptation. If all goes well, your baby may begin to feel comfortable within a week and stop crying at night.

A newly adopted puppy doesn't understand why he's no longer with his mom and siblings. Therefore, it is important to convey security, trust, affection and comfort while promoting relaxation and a positive environment.

My dog ​​is crying - what should I do?

Now that we've explained why your dog whines, we want to discuss how to calm a crying dog. Firstly, we recommend that you always consult with your veterinarian to ensure that your dog is not suffering from any pathology.

If your dog isn't crying in pain, take a look at these options for what you can do to stop your dog from crying:

If you are adopting a puppy, it should be at least 8-10 weeks old. This is because the puppy must experience family socialization with its mother and siblings; in order to develop properly. This will also help the puppy adapt to its new home more easily.

  • Is your dog scared? A dog suffering from phobias must be sensitized by a professional, as well as a case of separation anxiety in dogs.

In this case we recommend; daily exercise, educational toys and plenty of company for dogs suffering from anxiety and fear.

  • Always make sure your dog has enough water and food when left alone.
  • If the dog screams due to nervousness and excessive excitement, especially when greeting; Reduce this behavior by avoiding petting him at this time. This act will teach the dog that crying will not lead to petting.
  • If your dog won't stop crying, we recommend meeting with an ethologist. A professional trained in dog behavior modification or a dog educator can help stop your dog from whining, crying, or howling.
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