How long do mongrel dogs live: the realities of life on the street and at home

Which breed of dog lives the longest? You will find answers to this and other questions in this article.

For many people, a pet is an equal member of the family, a loyal friend and a personal therapist. But animals are not given a human life, and I really want them to live longer and please their owners with a perky wagging of their tail and a loving look. So it's no surprise that many people wonder: How long do dogs live?

  • It is difficult to answer this question right away, since it all depends on the conditions of detention, on what you feed the dog, and how you treat it.
  • Also, the lifespan of a dog depends on the breed, heredity, and the prevention of infectious diseases (vaccination).
  • In this article we will look at how long representatives of this or that breed live, which dogs live longer and what is the world record for the life expectancy of an ordinary mongrel. Read interesting information below.

How many years do mongrels and chained mongrels live on average?

How many years do mongrels and chained mongrels live on average?
I really want my four-legged friend to be around for as long as possible. But this is impossible, since dogs have their own life span. How many years do mongrels and chained mongrels live on average?

  • Domestic dogs without a breed or mongrel can live between 9 and 12 years. Some of them, with good care and nutrition, live up to 20 years.
  • The lifespan of yard dogs is not much different from the lifespan of pets - 8-11 years. The main thing is that the animal eats normally and does not become infected with any disease.
  • A mongrel on a chain will live less, since it moves little, and, as a rule, it is fed to its fullest. The dog must move, run. If she is on a leash all the time, then her life will be short-lived.

In yard mongrels, even those that run a lot, the eyelids can also be short. Their life expectancy is affected by winter cold, poor nutrition, and the presence of diseases from which they can quickly die.

Interesting to know: The smaller the dog, the longer its lifespan.

Read more about each breed below.

Main causes of premature death

There can be many reasons for the early death of a Shar Pei.


One of them is hereditary Shar Pei fever. The disease is characteristic only of this breed and is a specific disorder of the immune system; 25% of Shar Peis suffering from fever do not live to see 3 years of age.

Other reasons:

  • Upper airway obstruction . The reason is anatomical abnormalities characteristic of brachycephalic breeds.
  • Mastocytoma is a malignant skin tumor. In the initial stages, the disease looks like a slight redness and even a specialist cannot always make the correct diagnosis.
  • Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome . A characteristic manifestation is damage to large areas of the skin. Wounds appear on the affected areas, which tend to spread into the roughness. The second manifestation is sudden death.
  • Adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor of the intestine.

How old do Chinese Cresteds live on average?

How old do Chinese Cresteds live on average?
Chinese Cresteds are beautiful medium-sized dogs. This is a very loyal and friendly breed. How old do Chinese Cresteds live on average? Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 13 years. But, if you take care of your pet: feed it properly, take it for walks, then it will live 15 years or more.

Important to know: This dog breed requires skin care due to the fact that it has little hair. Therefore, in winter the dog needs to be dressed, and in summer the skin must be lubricated with special creams. This will help prevent acne and flaking.

How old do Chihuahuas live on average?

How old do Chihuahuas live on average?
Despite the fact that the Chihuahua dog has a fragile body, it is very hardy. Depending on the size of dogs of this breed, life expectancy may vary. How old do Chihuahuas live on average?

  • Standard size dogs range from 1.5 to 3 kg. Such representatives of the Chihuahua breed live on average 10-16 years. But with good care and excellent heredity, your pet can live much longer - up to 20 years.
  • Mini Chihuahua weighing from 500 grams to 1.5 kg. There is an opinion that such dogs do not live long - no more than 8 years. But this only applies to those animals that weigh less than 1 kg. This is because such small dogs often have congenital diseases, and they are also at additional risk of injury during walks or due to careless actions of the owners.

You can extend the life of a Chihuahua if you follow a few rules:

  • Buy puppies only from trusted breeders.
  • Take your dog to a veterinarian regularly. The animal begins to age by the age of 5-6 years, and from this time it is necessary to carefully monitor its health.
  • Keep all vaccinations up to date.
  • Treat your dog for parasites: fleas, ticks and helminths.
  • Create the right diet. Do not feed your pet sweets or other foods from your table.
  • Wear clothes only when necessary - in the cold season. It is better not to wear clothes and a collar at home so that the dog’s fragile body is not injured.

Important: The lifespan of dogs of this breed is affected by castration. A sterilized animal will live longer. This is due to the fact that a castrated animal does not accumulate hormones that can contribute to the growth of various tumors.

In addition, the level of aggression decreases, the animal becomes balanced, which means it will live longer.

Table of the age ratio of a pug and a human

There are several characteristics based on which you can roughly guess the age of a dog. It will tell us: the condition of the coat, muscles, eyes and teeth.

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With age, pugs' fur becomes dull and loses its silkiness. In some cases, oiliness appears. After the first molt (about 4-6 months), the hair becomes shiny, gains a little stiffness, and the color appears brighter. But at the age of about 7 years, gray hair appears.

Young individuals have very strong and elastic muscles, because they do not move more often. Over time, the dog either gets fatter or, conversely, becomes bony.

Young pugs' eyes seem to glow. They are shiny and clear. Older dogs have dull eyes. The shine is most often lost.

  • The puppy is born without teeth, but every month there are more and more teeth.
  • On the 25th day, fangs appear, later incisors, milk and molars.
  • The change from dairy to indigenous ones usually occurs at 3-5 months of life.
  • By the age of one year, all teeth are fully formed and have a white color.
  • By the age of two, the teeth already turn yellow and even tartar appears.
  • By the age of 4, the teeth wear away and the yellowness is noticeable to the naked eye.
  • At 10 years of age the final loss occurs.

Some characteristics of the animal make it very difficult to determine age.

Pug agePerson's age
5-6 weeks2 years 6 months
12 weeks5 years
6 months10 years
9 months12 years 6 months
1 year16 years
2 years24 years
3 years28 years
4 years32 years
5 years36 years
6 years40 years
7 years44 years old
8 years48 years old
9 years52 years old
10 years56 years old
11 years60 years
12 years66 years old
13 years72 years old
14 years78 years old
15 years84 years old
16 years90 years old

How many years do toy terriers live on average?

How many years do toy terriers live on average?
Another representative of the small dog breed. Their height does not exceed 30 cm, and their weight does not exceed 3 kg. These dogs also seem fragile, but their life expectancy is much better than the Chihuahua's. How many years do toy terriers live on average?

  • Dogs of this breed live on average from 12 to 16 years.
  • The number of deaths at an early age in these dogs occurs due to inexperience and irresponsibility of the owners.
  • If the dog has proper care, good nutrition, leads an active lifestyle and walks regularly, then its life expectancy can increase to 22 years.

The longevity of representatives of this breed is usually explained by good immunity and the ability to quickly recover from illness.

How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?
The Yorkshire Terrier is another small-sized dog breed. This decorative lap dog is a real flower of the dog world. She needs to be protected, protected, cared for and cherished. Yorkies are very kind, love children and will never hurt them. How old do Yorkshire terriers live on average?

  • On average, dogs of this breed live 13-15 years.
  • But, if the owner monitors the quality of his pet’s diet, then in reality he will live longer.
  • A characteristic disease of this breed is caries. This disease in itself is not dangerous, but due to tooth pain, the dog may refuse to eat and then be sick for a long time.

Take your pet to the doctor at the veterinary clinic in a timely manner. This will help avoid unwanted consequences if your dog gets sick.

How many years do Alabai live on average?

How many years do Alabai live on average?
This breed is more than 5000 years old. It was originally intended to protect caravans and homes. She has thick fur that protects from the cold, thick and strong skin that protects from insect bites and impressive size, thanks to which everyone will be afraid of her and no one will think of getting inside the living space. How many years do Alabai live on average?

  • On average, representatives of this breed live 11-15 years.
  • Alabai breeders warn that you need to walk this dog all day long, and if you are not ready to do this, then it is better to abandon this breed.
  • If a dog does not run a lot, its character may deteriorate and it will begin to age quickly.

But, if you take the time to walk your pet a lot, he can live up to 20 years and will always be in a positive mood.

How many years do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average?

How many years do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average?
An agile, active dog with short legs will turn the life of its owner into an event full of adventure. This dog does not sit still and will be the favorite of all family members. On the street, he will demand active games from the owner, but will not tolerate training, since he does not like it. Any dog ​​needs good care, but this terrier is especially important. These dogs are generally in excellent health, but some individuals may suffer from hereditary diseases.

How many years do Jack Russell Terrier dogs live on average? Thanks to good health, care, daily active walks and proper nutrition, a dog of this breed can live more than 15 years. Genetic diseases cannot be cured, so it is important to know the breeder personally to be confident in their puppies.

What determines life expectancy

How long dogs live at home depends on a number of factors. These are nutrition, size, the presence of genetic diseases, stress, treatment of diseases, stress and pregnancy. Understanding all the nuances and maintaining comfortable living conditions will help your pet live several more years.

Improper nutrition, lack of exercise (very important for working and hunting breeds) and much more greatly shorten the dog’s life.


Your pet's diet should be balanced according to BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Choose only good quality food. These do not necessarily have to be premium diets. There are many manufacturers producing good food at reasonable prices.

How many years do Belgian Griffon dogs live on average?

How many years do Belgian Griffon dogs live on average?
The expressive appearance of griffons suggests that they are decorative dogs. These gentle pocket animals were bred to hunt rodents, but they took root well in people's homes and became their friends. How many years do Belgian Griffon dogs live on average?

  • The Brussels Griffon lives from 10 to 15 years.
  • Health problems are usually related to reproductive function. Female dogs cannot give birth, and if they become pregnant, complications during childbirth are possible. They often undergo caesarean sections.
  • Small puppies are born weak, and many of them die in infancy.
  • Hereditary diseases do not cause much harm to health (cataracts, glaucoma), but they prevent the dog from living a full life. She can become aggressive and will bark loudly at any sound.

Important: If you are going to get yourself a puppy of this breed, then remember that such a dog does not tolerate heat well. Short hair does not protect against the cold either. Therefore, the Brussels Griffon will have to be protected so that it lives longer.

Owner reviews

My Gerdunka lived for 17 and a half years. She was an ordinary noble breed. I still can't come to terms with the loss.


Basically, people limit caring for an animal to providing a roof over their head, food, and companionship. But a minority thinks about education and veterinary control.


In general, I love mongrels more. I had a Bimka. We adopted her as a puppy and grew up with the children. She lived her dog's life to an old age. We tried to count how many years we had her. Approximately 15–16 years old. And she was smart. She understood human speech better than some people.

A military secret

The author of these lines had a small dog with a fluffy tail curled up, which was playful and friendly in the presence of its owners, and in their absence it sat on the porch - and if anyone tried to come into the yard. Another mongrel, a large spotted dog, was distinguished by his exquisite tastes: he would disgustingly pick out onions from food with his fingernail, as children do, and when the tulips bloomed in the yard, he would come up and smell each flower in turn. Alas, both dogs died tragically: the first was shot during a dog wedding, the second died of distemper. And each of them was mourned by the household no less than the most expensive purebred specimen.

Bim White

Mongrels are not much different from purebred dogs, except that they have stronger immunity and a lower tendency to hereditary pathologies. Otherwise, their life expectancy depends entirely on the conditions and quality of their maintenance and nutrition.

How many years do Pekingese live on average?

How many years do Pekingese live on average?
Pekingese is one of the most ancient breeds on our planet. Owners must monitor not only the dog’s proper nutrition, but also its coat: wash and comb. It is the fur that causes discomfort to such a dog, since it is long. On a summer day it can be hot and the animal can become overheated and tired, which will lead to dehydration and the dog will die. But, if you monitor your health, how many years do Pekingese live on average?

  • If the dog is not sick and has high-quality care and proper nutrition, then it will be with you for 16-18 years.
  • This breed also had long-livers, living up to 22 years.
  • Genetics also plays a big role in life expectancy.

To extend the life of their Pekingese, owners must monitor the health of this pet: visit the veterinarian, get tests and vaccinations.

Tip: When purchasing a puppy, ask the breeder when the last vaccination was given so you know when to get the next one.

How to extend the life of a pet

To improve the dog’s quality of life and thereby extend its life, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Feed your pet only high-quality products. Follow the feeding schedule.
  • Take your dog to the vet regularly.
  • Vaccinate in a timely manner.
  • Prevent diseases.
  • If your pet is sick, you need to provide him with professional help in a timely manner.
  • Keep your dog physically fit.
  • If necessary, carry out castration and sterilization.
  • Show care and affection.

Balanced diet

If a dog is not purebred, this does not mean that it can be fed with anything. Quality nutrition is the key to your pet’s health.

First you need to decide on the type of feeding - natural or artificial (they cannot be mixed). The best option is premium or super premium dry food.

As for natural nutrition, the dog’s diet should include:

  • meat and offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs;
  • porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits and vegetables.

A balanced diet is the key to a dog’s health and long life.

Routine visit to the veterinarian, vaccinations against diseases

To maintain your dog's health, timely and regular veterinary examinations are very important. This event will allow you to identify hidden ailments and begin treatment.

Attention! If obvious symptoms of illness are detected, the owner is obliged to show the animal to a doctor, because he is responsible for his pet.

It is also very important to get vaccinations on time to protect your pet from dangerous diseases such as distemper, rabies, hepatitis, and leptospirosis. Vaccination is carried out according to schedule.

Walking, unchaining

It is necessary to maintain the dog's physical fitness. To do this, take regular walks (at least 2 times a day for half an hour). A dog that is kept on a leash must be released from the chain from time to time.

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average?

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average?
The German Shepherd is a special dog that requires not only careful handling and proper care, but also a good psychological climate in the house where it lives. If a dog lives in stress, does not fully rest and suffers from physical inactivity, then its age will be no more than 5-6 years.

How many years do shepherd dogs live on average if they are properly cared for? A dog of this breed, with a good attitude towards him, proper diet and daily exercise, will delight you with his presence for 10-13 years.

How many years do Spitz live on average?

How many years do Spitz live on average?
The Pomeranian Spitz is a beautiful fluffy baby - a real bundle of joy for its owners. The main condition for the long life of these furry “bears” is a good owner. He should treat his dog with love and spend time playing with it all the time. But proper care and good nutrition are also of great importance.

How many years do Spitz live on average? A dog of this breed will live with you for 12-15 years. But, if you surround him with care and constant attention, then the Spitz will delight you much longer with his cheerful disposition and beautiful appearance.

Life expectancy of a mongrel

The average life expectancy of a mongrel is on average higher than that of many purebred dogs. Mestizos have a stronger natural immunity. They endure various diseases more steadfastly, and their psyche is resistant to shocks.

Thanks to the constant mixing of blood, these animals are devoid of many genetic diseases characteristic of most breeds.

Another question is that mongrels are often kept in worse conditions than purebred dogs. And we are not talking about stray dogs now.

In good conditions, mongrels live longer than their purebred counterparts.

Outbred animals are often kept in rural areas. There the attitude towards animals is more practical. Mongrel dogs are bred for protection and are often kept on a chain or in an enclosure. In such conditions, the animal does not receive the necessary load and is exposed to cold and drafts. This greatly affects health and life expectancy.

But if a person treats a mongrel animal as a friend, takes care of it, provides good nutrition and treatment from a veterinarian. In this case, mestizos show good results and really live a long time.

"Mongrels" can live a long life. Their living conditions and the care of the owner play a big role. A simple mongrel animal should not be confused with stray and homeless animals. The latter have their own history.

How many years do large dogs and small breeds live?

How many years do large dogs and small breeds live?
As mentioned above, the smaller the dog, the longer it lives, and vice versa, the larger the dog, the shorter its life expectancy. How many years do large dogs and small breeds live? Large dogs live from 10 to 13 years, and pets of small breeds live from 12 to 16 and even more.

Which dogs live the longest?

Which dogs live the longest?
Some people choose a dog based on its appearance, the length of its fur, or the lack thereof. Others pay attention only to life expectancy, as they want their pet to please them for as long as possible with its cheerful disposition, kindness and love. Which dogs live the longest? Here are 10 long-living dog breeds:

  • Chihuahua - up to 20 years
  • toy terrier - up to 22 years old
  • alabai - 15-20 years
  • Pekingese - up to 20 years
  • toy poodle - up to 20 years
  • dachshund - 18-20 years old
  • Shin Tzu - 20 years old
  • Lhasa Apso - 18 years old
  • New Guinea singing dog - up to 20 years
  • beagle - from 16 to 18 years old

These dogs are very beautiful, friendly and cheerful. Thanks to their mobility, they live a long time and delight their owners.

How long do dogs live at most?

How long do dogs live at most?
From the facts described above, it is clear that dogs of many breeds live up to 20-22 years. But how long can dogs live at most? History knows the fact about a dog that ran with shepherds in Australia. This dog even got into the Guinness Book of Records, as he was able to live to 29 and a half years. Scientists explain this by several factors: the fresh air of the Australian meadows and the good physical activity of the dog, which ran after the shepherds on the green grass every day.

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A variety of circumstances influence the longevity factor of dogs. Let's note the main points:

  1. Vitality greatly depends on the breed. Breeders for dog lovers have developed unnatural features in some breeds regarding the size or deliberate decorativeness of animals. These factors certainly influence the greater susceptibility of some dogs to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems.
  2. The factor of heredity is even more important in determining how long a pet will live. If the puppy’s parents have reached a respectable age, then he will also live a long time in this world. And this gives hope to lovers of large dogs or bulldogs: not all of them are doomed to a short existence. But if the breeder is concerned only with the number of offspring and does not take into account the degree of deterioration of his pet’s body, then the age of such a dog will be much shorter than the average of its breed.
  3. How long a four-legged pet will live depends on the animal’s quality of life. If the owner constantly takes care of the physical and mental health of the pupil, protects him from stress, and provides him with the necessary exercise, then it is possible to actually increase the dog’s life by several years.

Fighting breeds and Great Danes live shorter lives, but huskies, hounds, and dachshunds are long-lived.

Heredity cannot be discounted. The age of an Australian Shepherd is defined as 12-18 years. But there is a known case when the dog Blue lived without one month until he was 29 years old. All his life, like his parents, he helped shepherds herd livestock. Genetic predisposition, constant physical activity, being in the fresh air and the care of the owner worked a miracle.

In many ways, the length of a dog's eyelid depends on the living conditions of the animal. If the owner knows about his pet’s predisposition to certain diseases, then he can eliminate the irritants or use medications to reduce their effect on the animal’s body. Constant physical activity and a healthy diet give hope that a dog’s life will be long, regardless of the characteristics of the breed and the play of heredity.

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