A mixture of corgi and husky - description, characteristics of a cross between two breeds

Corgis and huskies are popular and sought-after dogs. But not everyone is familiar with the crossbreeds of these breeds. Mestizos are distinguished by their interesting appearance, easy-going disposition and special attitude towards their owner.

Like all hybrid individuals, a cross between a corgi and a husky has excellent health, but requires proper maintenance, proper feeding, education, and training.

Keeping a hybrid dog

Caring for a cross between a Yorkie and a Spitz is practically no different from caring for purebred representatives of these breeds.
The most difficult coat to care for is because it can differ significantly from the parent's. If the mixture results in a puppy with long and thick fur, like a Spitz, use shampoos for long-haired dogs. Bathe your pet no more than once every two months. For severe contamination, use dry shampoo. Blow dry your dog completely. Natural drying should not be allowed to avoid skin problems and the formation of fungus, as well as eczema.

It is considered ideal when a mixed-breed puppy's fur touches the ground by six months. Usually the fur grows by 10-20 mm in a month. In an adult hybrid, the fur grows much more slowly.

Grooming can be a hassle

Pay attention to the ends of the fur, removing any cuts once a month. If you don't do this, you can slow down coat growth.

It is necessary to take care of your dog from birth. If the air at home is dry, humidify it with additional products so that your pet's coat shines and does not dry out. If the fur constantly falls off, split ends, and the coat itself does not look healthy, worry about the health of your pet.

The following factors can also affect your pet’s fur and skin:

  • poor diet;
  • insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals;
  • long periods of time in the sun;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics for hair care;

When caring for a mestizo, follow these rules:

  • nutrition should be balanced;
  • walks in the fresh air - regular;
  • Grooming should be done regularly.

At the first signs of illness, contact your veterinarian. If your pet's hair is falling out, the skin is peeling and dandruff forms, contact your veterinarian immediately. Lack of proper care can cause the dog to become bald, and a Spitz-Yorkie mix without beautiful fur will not be so attractive.

Make sure the fur doesn't tangle

To do this, constantly scan the entire cover, paying special attention to the inner thigh. Brush your pet daily, pre-moistening the fur with special products.

Every day, wipe your eyes with sterile wipes, trim your nails as they grow. Also monitor the condition of your teeth to avoid the formation of tartar.

It is better to feed an animal bred by mixing the blood of a Yorkie and a Spitz with specialized premium-class dry food. If you prefer a natural diet, be sure to include:

  • lean chicken and veal, offal;
  • buckwheat, rolled oats, rice, corn cereals;
  • any vegetables except potatoes and leeks;
  • fruits;
  • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir).

Sweets are bad for your dog's health

A cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie will not have any ancestral diseases, so these pets are quite healthy. However, bite problems can occur, so don't play tug of war with your puppy.


About pet health

Representatives of the Horgi breed have enviable health. With proper care, the average lifespan of such dogs is approximately 12-15 years.

Particular attention should be paid to caring for animals:

  • eyes;
  • skin;
  • spine;
  • wool

These dogs are especially susceptible to gaining extra pounds. However, they have increased immunity and reduced allergic reactions.

Vaccination against helminths is an essential element of caring for a horgi.

How to tell a purebred husky from a crossbreed?

In light of the active breeding of husky hybrids, it is extremely important for breeders when purchasing a puppy to have an understanding of how to distinguish a purebred dog from a mixed breed. Mixing of breeds can occur both in one generation and can be traced in several generations, since some matings are not at all planned by the owner

When buying a four-legged friend, you should pay attention to its cost. As a rule, mixed breeds will be much cheaper than purebred dogs

Sometimes such animals without a pedigree can simply be offered as a gift. Such situations will help a potential buyer understand the situation. Metis, in light of the inheritance of many traits from different parents, can be distinguished by a rather complex character. Therefore, the breeder is recommended to observe the puppy he likes, and also, if possible, get to know the animal’s parents.

However, only a genetic test can reliably determine that a pet is purebred; otherwise, the buyer can rely on the external characteristics of the animal, as well as the documentation provided by the nursery

The breeder should pay attention to the size of the animal, however, at an early age it will be quite difficult to determine whether the dog meets the standards. As a rule, a small puppy can grow into a big dog and vice versa

The main characteristics of the Husky breed are as follows.

  • Animals stand out among their relatives by their “voice.” So, it is typical for the breed not to bark, but to howl. Moreover, this applies to all emotions – both positive and negative.
  • Not all mestizos will have an innate love for children; huskies are excellent nannies, so they will try to accompany children everywhere, if there are any in the family.
  • Huskies are unlikely to be good guards; as for mixed breeds with outbred animals, they, as a rule, have this instinct more developed.
  • Purebred Siberian dogs do not have a specific odor. Because animals clean their fur on their own.
  • Since the breed is positioned as a sled dog, a feature of such dogs will be strong limbs. Mestizos may not have this exterior feature.
  • The main characteristic of the breed is eye color. Huskies are characterized by mirror-blue pupils.

To learn how to buy a husky so that in six months it does not turn into a mongrel, watch the video presented.

Education and training

They enjoy long walks before training.

In terms of intelligence, animals are not inferior to the original data of purebred parents, so they are well trained.

You need to start small: training the puppy to use the toilet. In this case, you need to walk with him a lot and for a long time. Then you need to consistently accustom them to their name, place and toilet on the street.

At the age of 2 months, puppies can be taught basic commands: “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Near”, “Come”. Later you can combine them and train them for more complex tasks.

Note! If training begins at an early age, then there is a high chance of raising a pet with better qualities than its parents.

If there is a fear of failure during training, then the pet can be trained by a dog handler for an additional cost.

Popular nicknames

Choosing a name for a dog is very important for its owner. Dogs are often given names from cartoons, films, TV series and books - Astra, Beethoven, White Fang, Bruiser, Droopy, Eddie, Goofy, Lucky, Hooch, HuckelbErry, Fan, Lampo, Lassie, Madison, Odie, Pankracy, Lightning, Pluto, Rex, Ren, Rin, Tin, Saba, Scooby Doo, Snoopy, Football, Bib, Toto, Tramp.

Chihuahuas are often given nicknames such as: Fafik, Bubble, Bambi, Amor, Bucks, Coco, Mick, Buba, Posy, Timon, Pimpek, Rocky Nurja, Mickey, Ada, Gloria, Linda, Silva, Elsa, Tina Posy.

For girl puppies, the following nicknames are taken: Punya, Bella, Belle, Blueberry, Snowflake, Luna, Selena, Pusya, Fiona, Star, Violuna, Nika, Fredzya, Juli, Tuptusia, Nana, Reika, Sweet, Junya, Amy, Mika, Bobusia , Lola, Kitka, Sue, Sarah.

For boy puppies - Rocky, Mel, Nor, Fresh, Megan, Jean, Kesha, Britt, Brut, Gab, Sab, Busya, Funia, Rusiy, Savaliy, Jess, Bert and others.

Corgi Husky Mix Temperament

Puppy metrics: what is it, what does a sample look like?

Since this breed is not pure, it adopts the best of both worlds.

Corgi Husky mix is ​​not shy, thanks to its herding genes and it is quite playful, thanks to the temperament of the original breeds.

This breed is a bit too friendly and playful since both original breeds are, and so it may not make the best guard.

Read – Facts About Miniature Husky Dogs

Borrowing features of both parent breeds, these little cuties have adorable, blue eyes that most pet lovers can love.

They are a bit mischievous too but will have you swooning in no time with their innocent puppy looks.

Corgi Husky Mix takes more after the Corgi in size as it can grow up to 22kgs in maturity.

This works well for dog owners who prefer this smaller size but still want the qualities that come from the Husky.

Color is probably the biggest winner for those who prefer this cross breed as they get the agouti color, black, or gray from the Husky as well as the red, sable, or tan that they inherit from the Corgi side.

The color will mostly show better on the face and tail.

How Big Does a Husky Corgi Mix get?

The height and weight of a Corgi Husky mix will depend largely on the parent genes.

A Horgi whose genes are from a dominant Husky parent can weigh as much as 50 pounds.

The height will always be under 15 cm as the Corgi gene is still dominant when it comes to height.

Corgi character

Corgi dogs have a kind, brave, alert and determined character. In an unfamiliar environment, they behave warily, but this does not mean they are cowardly. Rather, this is how a sharp mind manifests itself. Animals are able to correctly assess the situation and choose the appropriate behavior model.

Another characteristic of the breed is its inexhaustible cheerfulness. Welsh Corgis radiate positivity and infect others with it. Their smiling faces lift the spirits of everyone around them.

The most charming features of the breed are its excellent sense of humor and innate charm. Many Welsh Corgis deliberately perform funny tricks to make their owners laugh.

These dogs are curious and love to explore everything around them. They never refuse walks and love outdoor games.

The character of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is characterized by a complete lack of aggression and nervousness. Animals with behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified. However, a miniature shepherd is always ready to protect its owner - even from an enemy that is significantly larger than it.

This one does not have a hunting instinct, which allows it to be kept with other pets. Corgis and cats often become good friends. At worst, the animals will remain neutral. But at first you need to make sure that the cat does not offend the small dog.

Children and corgis also get along great. The dog exhibits a herding instinct, and it looks after the baby and does not allow him to leave a certain territory.

Features of behavior

The Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgi dog breeds are very sociable. These animals cannot live alone in the yard or sit on a chain. Owners note that their pets are sensitive to people’s moods and do not suffer from excessive intrusiveness.

If the corgi wants to play with the owner, he sits next to him and gently pushes him with his paw or nose. To express emotions, a whole arsenal of various sounds is used - grunting, sniffling, grunting, grunting, etc.

Who is not suitable for the Welsh Corgi?

This is a working dog that needs systematic physical and mental exercise.

The pet will not lie on the sofa all day and wait for the owner to pay attention to it. Therefore, it is better not to have such animals for too busy people and people with disabilities.

The Corgi dog is a real shepherd. From childhood you need to work with it competently:

  • stop pranks;
  • teach commands and obedience;
  • establish the correct hierarchy.

Owners who treat their cute corgi as a toy end up with uncontrollable and willful pets. Yes, this breed has certain qualities - friendliness, cheerfulness, etc. But in order for the dog to behave adequately in any situation, you will have to devote a lot of time to its upbringing.

Also, not the best option for homebodies. These dogs are quite active. They need human interaction, active walks, games, and meeting other people and animals. If the owner is not ready to do this, he should get some kind of “couch” pet.

The owner will have to put up with heavy shedding. In spring and autumn, the apartment will be literally strewn with hair, even if the dog is regularly brushed. If cleanliness comes first, it is better to think carefully about purchasing this breed.

Those who are planning to buy a Welsh Corgi for breeding need to know that childbirth in this breed is very difficult. In 80% of cases, a caesarean section is required, and some females die.

Behavior and intelligence

Horgi are cheerful and playful dogs
Corgi crossbreeds exhibit obedience and a companionate attitude towards their owners. And from the husky, the pets of this breed have adopted pronounced endurance and strength, and the ability to perform routine activities for a long period of time.

These animals are very active, sociable and hardy. Temperament – ​​restrained. They are inquisitive, smart and easy to train. They are interested in live communication, active games, walks and travel. Pets are not guards by nature.

Horghi dogs can get along well with other animals and people of any age.

Such pets easily adapt not only to a changing environment, but also to the mood of their owners. In addition, their distinctive feature is the absence of conflict and touchiness.

Note! Dogs do not like to bark loudly, but can only howl.

Hybridization results

“What happens if you cross a Husky and a German Shepherd?” - thought the newly minted US breeders and mixed the two breeds into a single hybrid.

The resulting mestizo pleased with his appearance, beauty and stature, lively mind and ability to sleep for a short time in the snow in a blizzard.

It turned out that in an attempt to improve, many of the working qualities of two separately superior breeds were lost - the German Shepherd and the Siberian Husky.

The resulting mixed “breed” did not acquire the endurance over long runs typical of sled dogs – once again.

The unconditional obedience and desire to please the owner, developed in the German Shepherd through long decades of selective selection, was lost - two.

The cute bastard (two+ blood - “double blood” in English) disappointed the creators with instability of behavior and inability to pass on the best external and working qualities to his descendants - three.

A cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky, it turned out to be good only as a large decorative dog, which became popular in Canada and the States.

Smart, agile, affectionate, mischievous and devoid of any manifestations of aggression (maximum - hoarse, angry barking with an imitation of an attack), the Gerberian Shepski was recommended as a “therapeutic” dog in canistherapy and for keeping a pet at home.

Detailed description of the characteristics of mestizos

There are many varieties of mestizo breeds, differing from each other both in appearance and in character and behavioral characteristics.

With a German Shepherd

A cross between a Husky and a German Shepherd is the most popular and has several names: German Husky, Siberian Shepherd, Shepherd Husky and Gerberian Shepski. The last name is the most common.

The initial goal that the breeders tried to achieve when breeding this hybrid was a service dog adapted to the conditions of the Far North. It was never achieved. Externally, a mixture of husky and shepherd looks like this:

  • the coat is thick, dense with a pronounced undercoat, brightly colored;
  • eyes are blue or multi-colored;
  • the structure is powerful, but without the sloping croup characteristic of the Germans.

Interesting! A cross between a Husky and a German Shepherd does not strive to serve its owner unquestioningly, like a German, and is not capable of moving long distances. The mestizo did not adopt these parental qualities.

Husky and German Shepherd mix

With a wolf

A mixture of a purebred husky and a wolf is called a wolfop or wolf. They are larger than a dog, but not as big as a wolf.

  • height at withers is 65-75 cm;
  • the head, paws and body are shaped like a wolf;
  • Husky color, blue eyes often come from this breed.

Their character is completely unpredictable. They do not become attached to their owner. Training animals is very problematic. The dog does not recognize strangers at all.

Important! Volskis should not be fed dry food under any circumstances. Even premium brands are not suitable

They require exclusively natural food. They must have the opportunity to constantly drink clean water; they will need a lot of it.

With a pit bull

A Husky and Pitbull mix is ​​called a Pitsky. This is one of the most popular mixed breeds. They are beautiful, smart and good-natured.

External description of the breed:

  • average height, at the withers up to 55 cm;
  • the body is lighter than that of a pit bull, and with less developed muscles;
  • the ears are erect, cropped by breeders in childhood;
  • eyes are most often blue, but brown, amber, olive and heterochromic options are acceptable;
  • The color is varied, but there is often a light mask on the face.

The character of these pets is at the same time good-natured, simple, and very playful and capricious. They can easily run away from home, so you need to keep a close eye on them.

Husky/Pitbull mix

With a pug

Such a cross is not a designer one and is not purposefully bred. But as a result of accidental mating, the birth of cute doggies is possible:

  • the appearance is almost completely borrowed from the pug, with the exception of size;
  • the height is average between a short husky and a fairly tall pug;
  • the head is round in shape, the muzzle is wide, upturned;
  • ears can be either drooping or erect;
  • eye color brown or blue;
  • the coat is thick and short, color like that of a husky;
  • tail - ring.

Interesting! Although this breed is not purposefully bred, it is quite common and even received a separate name - hag or hagski (the second name for the pug is pag).

Hybrid of Husky and Malamute

A hybrid that is a mixed breed of Husky and Malamute is called an Alaskan. They are bred for a specific purpose: these dogs are universal sled dogs.

The dogs are more powerful and larger than huskies, their hair is longer and thicker. Eye color can be amber, blue, heterochromic.

Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of a wolf, they are almost impossible to distinguish from each other. However, the character of Alaskans is calm, reasonable, and sometimes a little phlegmatic. A distinctive feature is high intelligence.

Mixed Welsh Corgi and Husky

This is a breed not recognized by international and Russian standards, called corgi-husky or horgi. There are standards of appearance for her:

  • the body is long, the legs are short;
  • short height up to 40 cm, average build, weight about 16 kg;
  • the coat is thick, with a well-defined undercoat, and can be of absolutely any color, including spotted and multi-colored;
  • Eye color is most often brown, heterochromia and small blotches of blue are possible.

Horgis have inherited all the best qualities of corgis and huskies. These are very cute dogs with a cheerful, good-natured disposition, suitable for indoor conditions.

Jack Russell Terrier and Husky

This is an extremely rare species, which looks more like terriers, but behaves like both owners at the same time.

Mixed Malamute and Shepherd. Let's see!

According to its haplogroup (genetic code), the Alaskan Malamute is closer to wolves than a husky, and even more so a German shepherd.

Malamute and Shepherd mix

The proximity of wolf blood makes this dog of great physical strength and fantastic endurance unsafe for people if not properly raised. Lack of physical activity with the Malamute’s increased need for active movement can result in unmotivated aggression, which brings the Malamute to 6th place in the list of aggressive breeds.

A socially adapted malamute retains only a wolf-like appearance, and its character becomes affectionate and good-natured. The only negative trait is animal stubbornness.

They tried to overcome stubbornness by hybridizing a Malamute with a German Shepherd. The breed qualities of both dogs were mixed in arbitrary proportions, making the cross between a shepherd and malamute unstable. Some of the puppies became efficient, like a shepherd dog, but acquired increased malice and distrust of strangers. The other part “strengthened” its stubbornness and borrowed the increased aggressive qualities of its wolf-shepherd ancestors.

Advantages and disadvantages of dogs crossed with a dachshund

Mestizos have a number of advantages over the original breeds. Among them:

  1. High immunity, minimum hereditary diseases.
  2. The wool of hybrids does not cause allergies.
  3. Smoothing out negative character traits.
  4. Unusual look.
  5. Low price of puppies.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. It is impossible to predict a dog's temperament.
  2. The dog is not considered purebred.

Mixed collie and poodle

The Cudoodle is a medium to large sized dog. Her coat requires the care of a professional groomer. If you don't pay enough attention to the fur, mats will appear: to get rid of them, you will need to shave the dog. If the poodle genes are dominant, the pet's coat will be hypoallergenic.

Energetic Cadoodles need periodic physical activity: running, swimming, working in the dog park. These unusually smart and obedient animals are highly trainable.

But do not forget that a hybrid breed can inherit health problems from its parents:

  • bloating;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • epilepsy;
  • vision problems;
  • von Willebrand's disease.

Photo of poodle and collie mix:

Pros and cons of the breed

Like any other breed, the Horgi has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the following:

  • Due to their size, these pets can be kept in a small space.
  • The dogs are highly clean and trainable.
  • Their care is minimal.
  • They leave virtually no traces of drool and odor.
  • Due to the structure of their fur, pets are almost not afraid of frost.
  • These sociable dogs are suitable for active people.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • You cannot leave such a pet at home for a long period of time.
  • During the molting season, he loses a lot of fur. To speed up the process, the dog needs to be brushed frequently.
  • There is a risk of diseases due to the length of the spine.
  • Physical activity is useful, but you need to monitor the quantity and quality of jumps.

Attention! Under the age of 1 year, a dog should not go down stairs on its own.

Brief information about Husky

Photo and description

The dog is of medium height (approximately from 50 to 60 cm at the withers, weight is about 15-28 kg), compact, but at the same time harmonious build.

The body is slightly stretched and exceeds the height at the withers by no more than 2-3 cm; the shape of the head from above resembles a triangle, slightly tapering towards the muzzle. The stop is well defined, but not sharp.

The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to the length of the cranial part of the head.

The ears are erect, triangular, of medium size, set quite close to each other.

The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted. Their color can be blue, brown, amber, olive. In addition, different eye colors are allowed.


The nose, as well as the pigmentation of the lips and rims of the eyelids, depending on the color, can be black or brownish.

The neck is of medium length, the chest is deep and powerful, but not too voluminous. The forelimbs are moderately wide, even and parallel. The hind legs are muscular, with well-defined angulations of the hock joints. The tail is similar to a fox's, in a calm state it is lowered downwards, but when alert, it is carried in the form of a sickle over the back.

The coat is not too long, two-layered, while the undercoat is thick and soft, and the coarser hair is quite smooth and adjacent to the body. The color can be almost any, although the most typical colors for huskies are grey-white, black-and-white, brown-white and reddish-white.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Intelligence and intelligence.
  • Ability to make decisions independently when necessary.
  • Lack of aggression towards humans.
  • Love for children and playful disposition.
  • Loyalty to the owner.
  • Endurance and unpretentiousness.
  • Easy hair care.
  • They make excellent sled or sport dogs.


  • Not suitable as guard dogs.
  • Tendency to dig up the earth.
  • Sometimes they are headstrong and stubborn.
  • They often howl.
  • They can be aggressive towards smaller animals.
  • They need a lot of physical activity and long walks.
  • Out of boredom, they can start to damage things in the house.


Lively and friendly towards people. Huskies, unless serious mistakes were made during their upbringing, are never aggressive towards humans and are not inclined to bite.

Friendliness towards strangers and lack of territorial instinct make these dogs poor guards and this must be taken into account by people thinking about purchasing such a pet.

Huskies have an innate hunting instinct, but they will not make hunters either. These dogs hunt for game only for their own food and will never give it up to their owner of their own free will.

These are independent, independent, and sometimes stubborn and willful animals, prone to running away and wandering.

In addition, huskies love to dig up the ground and, out of boredom, can chew furniture, tear off wallpaper, or howl like wolves.

However, when keeping these dogs in the house, you need to take into account that most of the bad habits of a husky are easy to remove or simply prevent them from appearing in your pet. This is achieved through early socialization and proper education and training.

In addition, as noted above, huskies act out mainly from boredom and idleness, and therefore, if you provide the dog with sufficient mental and physical stress, it simply will not have time for mischief.

Characteristics and appearance

A cross between a corgi and a husky has a special appearance:

  • the strong body is slightly elongated - a third more than the height of the animal at the withers;
  • head with an elongated, narrow muzzle;
  • ears are erect, with sharp tips;
  • muscular straight back;
  • strong neck;
  • the animal's paws are rather short than long;
  • beautiful fluffy tail.

The weight of an adult crossbreed is from 15 to 18 kg, height is up to 40 cm. A mixed-breed puppy is covered with thick fur, under which there is a dense undercoat. The length of the coat is medium, but the hips and lower part of the tail are characterized by longer feathering.

The color of the crossbreed can be one-color, two- or three-color. Possible color combinations of white, red, gray, black tones, including spotting and speckling. There are mixed-breed corgis and huskies with a light muzzle, belly, and paws with a dark body color.

The eyes of hybrids can be all shades of brown or blue. Sometimes puppies are born with different colored eyes (one blue, one brown).

Today is the day for Gerber Shepsi

Today, the husky-shepherd mix is ​​being actively promoted as a new breed by unscrupulous breeders, who are commonly called “breeders” or “breeders.” The blue eyed puppies they offer may not even be Gerberian Shepskys!

Shepsky can only be called a cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky in the first generation - an F1 hybrid - 50% of the blood of a purebred Husky mother and 50% of the blood of a purebred German Shepherd father. And never vice versa!

Hybrids of the second, third and subsequent generations as Gerberian Shepski are not even considered.

Crosses obtained by crossing an East European Shepherd and a Husky are also not considered, although in appearance they are very reminiscent of a large Siberian Shepherd.

Why do people choose mixed race?

Husky mixes are the result of their crossing with different breeds (large, small and medium). Hybrids are not purebreds, they are not allowed to participate in exhibitions, however, many choose them as pets. The reasons for this decision are:

  • low cost;
  • the expectation that hybrids are easier to care for;
  • the desire to have a dog with an original exterior;
  • more complete compliance with the tasks that the owner assigns to the pet;
  • less sensitivity to genetic pathologies.

Health and major diseases

Corgis, like other shepherds, are strong and hardy dogs.

But still, it is worth considering a predisposition to certain ailments:

  • Obesity. Corgi loves to eat and has no sense of proportion. If you don’t control your diet, your dog will gain excess weight very quickly.
  • Food allergies. Expressed in the form of diarrhea or unbearable skin itching.
  • Spinal cord lesions (degenerative myelopathy). Most often manifests itself in old age. The disease is hereditary and cannot be cured.
  • Hip dysplasia. The most common disease among Pembrokes, which affects the mobility of the hind legs. In particularly advanced stages, surgical intervention is required.
  • Eye diseases: progressive retinal atrophy, lens luxation, glaucoma, cataracts.
  • Cervical disc disease, such as a malformation or degeneration.
  • Willeband's disease is a blood clotting disorder and spontaneous bleeding. Develops after injury or surgery.
  • Epilepsy, as a consequence of a prolonged stressful situation or nervous overstrain.
  • Tartar – occurs only as a result of poor diet or lack of oral hygiene.

Chow chow nutrition

Natural nutrition

At 3 months, the baby moves to a new home, which is associated with severe stress. To facilitate adaptation, the pet’s diet and daily routine do not change for 7–10 days.

Afterwards, the chow chow's nutrition is completely under the control of the new owner.

If you choose “natural”, the ward’s menu expands to the following set of products:

  • Meat (beef, less often poultry without skin and bones).
  • By-products (10–15% of meat can be replaced) – heart, stomach (rumen), liver, lungs, trachea, cartilage.
  • Milk and dairy products - homemade yogurt, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese (preferably calcined).
  • Eggs – several per week, only boiled for puppies.
  • Cereals – wheat, barley, rice, buckwheat. Barley is indicated for dogs that quickly gain weight. Corn grits are neither harmful nor beneficial.
  • Vegetables - sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, cabbage (not raw), carrots, beets (not a lot).
  • Fruits - apples, pears, some bananas, berries, nuts.

Whether an adult Chow Chow should be fed dairy products or pork is up to you to decide.

Let us only point out the fact that fatty meat is contraindicated for dogs, and lean pork must be boiled or deep-frozen (it may contain the false rabies virus).

Lactose intolerance is not a fiction, but in fact, this trait is characteristic of some (not all) dogs. If your pet begins to have diarrhea after a bowl of milk, it is most likely worth switching your pet to fermented milk products.

Industrial food

Dry food for Chow Chow is the best solution for owners who have no time to cook or look for homemade (not store-bought) products.

In a global sense, all feeds are divided into:

  1. classes:
  • economy,
  • premium,
  • super premium,
  • holistic;


  • dry,
  • semi-moist,
  • wet.

Since the breed is not prone to food allergies and stomach upsets, the choice is usually “drying”.

If the dog does not have health problems and is overweight, premium or super-premium food would be the best choice. Each dog has its own metabolism and digests foods differently.

At the selection stage, do not stock up on food for future use. It happens that a dog refuses a particular “drying” after a week or two of successful eating.

Before purchasing, carefully read the ingredients; all products must be clearly and individually described.

Vegetable oils, animal fats, mixtures, preservatives, dyes, and flavor enhancers are extremely undesirable.

The food should have a neutral (not pungent odor), uniform structure and color (brown, light brown).

Foods for puppies and lactating bitches may have a fatty texture.

Dry food for Chow Chow puppies should be placed in a bowl and filled with hot (not boiling water) water for 7-10 minutes. The granules will be saturated with water, after which they must be thrown into a colander and served to the dog. The point is to protect young, newly erupted teeth from curvature and abrasion.

Feeding commercial food (especially dry food) requires constant access to water. Don't forget to wash the drinker and change the water 2-3 times a day.

An adult dog receives drying in a “natural” form. If you notice abrasion of the enamel, you need to either change the food or switch your ward to natural food.

Veterinarians strongly do not recommend feeding dogs both dry and natural food; it is believed that this approach can lead to dysbiosis or intestinal problems.

If you decide to switch your ward to a natural diet, do it gradually, mixing canned food into the granules, and then porridge into the canned food. As a temporary measure, combining industrial and natural food is acceptable.

How much and how often should a dog eat?

How not to starve a dog and how not to overfeed it? It's actually quite simple.

The size of the portion is determined by measuring the time it is eaten. We put a bowl for the dog, he starts eating, if the entire portion is not eaten within 20 minutes, it is too big.

In the reverse algorithm, if the portion is swallowed in 5 minutes and the pet looks at you reproachfully, you need to increase the volume of food.

You should also rely on the pace of weight gain, since the Chow Chow rarely, but does have, an uncontrollable appetite (that is, the dog believes that it is always hungry).

Adult Chow Chows eat 2-3 times a day. Feeding frequency depends more on the owner's life/work schedule. The daily food intake is divided into 2-3 equal parts. Food is stored in the refrigerator and served warm.

The frequency of feeding puppies depends on age:

  • Newborn babies eat up to 8 times a day.
  • At the time of moving, the puppy will need to be fed 5 times a day. The frequency of meals decreases gradually, with increasing portions.
  • By the age of 10 months, the dog is transferred to 2-3 feedings a day.

Description of the cross

Welsh Corgi mix

It was the queen who elevated this crossbreed to the status of an official breed, which was named “Dorgi”. The breed was created by crossing a Dachshund and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

As for appearance and temperament, they can be different and combine the qualities of both breeds. As a rule, such a pet is small in size, with a long body and short legs. The dog has a round head, a narrow muzzle and drooping or erect ears. The coat is short, dense, and the color ranges from gray to dark brown or even black.

The Dorgi is a cheerful, intelligent dog and a wonderful friend and companion. The dog gets along with all family members and other pets.

What did the hybrid take from its parents?

It was no coincidence that breeders came up with the idea of ​​crossing corgis and huskies. This is an attempt to combine the positive characteristics of two popular breeds.

From Corgi

The hybrid got its body shape, short legs, head size, and short stature from a corgi. A parent from England passed on to his descendant a funny, slightly sly expression on his face. The qualities of the Corgi mini shepherd - obedience and good communication with the owner - are clearly expressed in the crossbreed.

From a husky

From his Siberian parent, the half-breed inherited triangular erect ears, eye shape, saber-shaped tail, and interesting head color. The horgi also received the structure and type of coat, strength, endurance, and the ability to perform monotonous actions from a noble husky.

History of the origin of the breed

The very name of the Welsh Corgi breed reveals its place of origin – Wales.

There are two subspecies of the Welsh Corgi: the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The first appeared in an isolated area of ​​Cardiganshire, Wales. One theory is that the Cardigans' ancestors were brought to the British Isles by the Celts at the end of the Bronze Age.

As for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, this breed is native to Pembrokeshire, Wales, and has its origins in the 13th century, presumably from dogs of Flemish origin. According to one version, King Henry of England had a hand in the appearance of corgis in the British Isles. In 1107, he invited Flemish weavers, who, in turn, brought with them small Spitz-like dogs.

photo: malteze.net

The first written mention of the corgi breed appeared in the code of laws of King Hywel the Good, who ruled Wales in the 10th century. One of the laws stated that for the murder of a corgi herding cattle, its owner could demand compensation from the culprit in the form of a whole ox.

The main function of Welsh Corgi dogs in those days was herding. This breed of dog was held in high esteem, as they could herd herds of sheep, herds of ponies, and even poultry (geese and ducks) without human intervention. Corgis also guarded farmland and the houses of their owners. Corgis could independently watch over the herd all day, protecting it from wolves and robbers. Therefore, it is understandable that the death of a shepherd dog was a tangible loss for the owner.

For their miniature size, corgis received the nickname “Welsh yard” - from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail, their body length does not reach even a meter. Corgis were also called “nipper dogs” because of their specific manner of biting cattle grazing on the pasture on the hind legs. The short limbs of dogs make them more maneuverable and protect them from injury, blows from animal hooves and horns.

photo: simple-fauna.ru

There is also a version that the Corgi breed originated from the Schipperke, Samoyed, Keeshond and Norwegian Spitz. But the main ancestors, most likely, were the Icelandic dog and the West Goth Spitz (also known as the Swedish Vallhund). Today, both breeds are extremely rare.

photo: petstime.ru

There is also controversy about the origin of the very name of the breed “Corgi”. Some researchers are sure that it came from the Welsh “cor” (dwarf) and “ci” (dog). Others insist that the name is based on the words “cur” (to watch, guard) and “ci” (dog), so the name of the breed is translated as “guard dog”.

Despite all its merits, the Corgi breed was not widespread until 1892

Corgi dogs managed to attract attention after they took part in an exhibition show in 1892, where breed standards were determined and its best representatives were identified. After this, the popularity of the breed began to grow quite quickly in many countries of the world, including Russia.

So, in 1933, the Duke of York gave his daughters Elizabeth and Margaret a puppy each. It is known that corgis captivated the heart of little Elizabeth so much that even after becoming Queen Elizabeth II, she kept this particular breed of dog at court all her life.

Since the 20th century, corgis have confidently gained recognition among dog lovers around the world, and they were brought to Russia from Finland only in 1993. Until the end of the 90s, the Corgi breed attracted almost no interest among Russians, and only with the opening of the National Club did it find a response in the hearts of dog lovers. There is an opportunity to participate in major exhibitions and bring quality manufacturers to the country.

photo: nytimes.com

For those who believe in legends, there is another version of the origin of the Corgi breed. According to the beliefs of the Welsh, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi dogs were given to people by fairies who were used to riding them. Allegedly, proof of this is a saddle-shaped spot on the back of the animals.

No less fabulous is the legend that one day peasant children found two puppies resembling fox cubs on the branches of a tree. They brought them home and learned from the adults that they were small dogs that were ridden by fairies.

Pembroke puppies

What does a fox-type Pomeranian look like: the pet's character and features of proper care
After reading the article, have you decided to get a Pembroke puppy? You need to know the following: You can only adopt a puppy from a special nursery!

  • The price for Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies is from 30 to 55 thousand rubles, non-standard and non-show ones - 20-25 thousand.
  • If the price for a puppy is lower than the standard price, you don’t need to buy it blindly.
  • You will spend less money, but there is a risk that you will buy a mixed breed or a pet that has serious hereditary diseases.
  • Therefore, in no case should you save money: study the reviews and choose the best breeder.

You bought a puppy, but before you bring him home, you need to put all your shoes out of reach and be sure to hide all the wires. It is better to remove the carpets for a while, as toilet training your puppy will take a long time.

Health and life expectancy

The crossbreed that results from crossing a Husky and a Corgi is generally in excellent health. Hybrid animals are usually not prone to genetic diseases of their purebred parents.

Life expectancy is quite high - 12–16 years. However, you should not rely only on nature. Hybrids, like their purebred relatives, need proper care.

To extend the life of your horgi, you should follow several rules:

Provide complete, balanced nutrition. Avoid overfeeding and do not exceed the daily feed amount indicated on the package. Prevent obesity by controlling weight. Horgis are prone to gaining extra pounds, so lower calorie foods should be used. Stay in good shape through exercise and training. If possible, visit dog fitness clubs, where special trainers teach animals physical exercise. Fitness classes are an excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the key to proper muscle development

For a mestizo prone to spinal problems, this is very important.

Veterinary measures for a crossbreed are the same as for representatives with a pedigree. It is necessary to vaccinate with complex preparations against all kinds of pathologies (once a year for an adult dog, according to a special vaccination schedule for a puppy).

Prevention of helminths should be done regularly - once every 3-4 months. In the warm season, it is advisable to treat the animal's fur against external parasites (ticks and fleas).

The health and longevity of the Horgi largely depends on its owner. By following the recommendations of dog handlers and veterinarians, you can make the life of your four-legged pet fulfilling and happy. The pet will repay its caring owner with devotion and love, becoming a true friend and an irreplaceable companion for a person.

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What breeds should not be mixed with Corgis?

Corgis can be crossed with any other breed. But there are still some dogs with whom mixing is highly discouraged. Crossbreeds undesirable:

  • corgi-english greyhound;
  • Corgi Doberman;

  • Corgi Dalmatian.
  • The mixed breeds of these breeds look somewhat funny and even ridiculous - an absurdly long body on low paws. In nature, such hybrids, as a rule, are not found.

    It is desirable that the dog breeds crossed with the Corgi be similar to the English parent, at least in size. Otherwise, the resulting mestizo will only cause ridicule and puzzled looks from passers-by.

    If you want to have a cute and loyal four-legged friend, you can choose any mestizo you like. However, having taken responsibility, even for a non-pedigree pet, it is necessary to educate it, take care of it, give it affection and attention.

Care and maintenance of Welsh Corgi and Jack Russell mixes

In terms of everyday care for the Welsh Corgi and Jack Russell mix, there are no problems that are inherent in other, pampered breeds. The dog does not require anything outstanding, but only a routine set of mandatory procedures.

  1. The coat is brushed regularly, at least 2-3 times a week. During the molting period, it sheds especially abundantly, which is typical for all smooth-haired animals with hard hair. If the mestizo took the furry pants from the Welsh Corgi, then you will have to tinker with them too.
  2. Weekly cleaning of the ears with a damp cloth is necessary. To do this, the ear is carefully turned out, and all accessible places are cleaned of dirt. If the dog likes to dig the ground and get into holes, then the procedure must be performed after each such walk.
  3. Treatment of the eyes and nose area - remove crusts and flaky skin from the surface. If soil gets into the eye area, suppuration or irritation may occur. To eliminate symptoms, veterinary drugs or a strong infusion of ordinary tea leaves are used.
  4. Welsh Corgi and Jack Russell mixes love to spend time in areas with soft earthen surfaces (forests, fields). In this case, the claws do not naturally grind down on hard materials. The owner will have to trim them, but this must be done carefully - there are many small blood vessels in the area of ​​the pads and there is a risk of damaging one of them.

Other actions are carried out as necessary: ​​regular examination of teeth and gums, water procedures, preventive examinations by a veterinarian.

Important! Outdoor placement is best suited for keeping the Welsh Corgi and Jack Russell mix. You will have to organize free space for him in a house or apartment, otherwise the dog will not be able to throw out his natural energy.

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