Why does a dog run away and what can be done to prevent this from happening?

Quite often the question is asked: what to do if the dog constantly runs away while walking, from the house, from the yard and other similar situations. Some dogs are runaways and take the first opportunity to go explore the world. In some cases, their behavior turns into an obsession: an open door or an unlocked gate is enough for the dog to run away. In other cases, the dog actively tries to escape by digging under the fence or climbing over it. You've probably observed similar behavior at dog parks where they are let loose: the owner runs after the pet, and when it's time to go home, the dog refuses, no matter how many times it is called, turning it into a game of “catch me if you can...”
In general, in the human world, running away for a dog is much more dangerous than in nature. A dog can get lost, killed, or injured while running through the streets. Other people may pick up the dog and, if it does not have a phone tag or microchip, they may not know who to return it to. Dogs that take the first opportunity to escape do not understand their place, believing themselves to be the leader of the pack, they cannot be controlled and disciplined in the house.

Why does a dog run away from its owner?

A properly raised dog must obey its owner unquestioningly and follow all commands. Disobedience can lead to dangerous consequences, for example, running away while walking. Such a problem is fraught with the loss of your four-legged friend; on the street he can get hit by a car or be bitten by other animals. There are several reasons why a pet regularly runs away from its owner:

  • fear of punishment, regular abuse;
  • banal disobedience - the dog is not trained in the “come to me” command;
  • physiological needs, for example, the period of estrus;
  • insufficient physical activity.

There are often situations when the owner is not the first owner of the dog or the animal is in foster care. This can lead to the pet trying to escape at any opportunity.

If a dog runs off its leash, it can only return if there is a strong emotional connection with its owner. Thanks to physical endurance, the animal can go quite a long distance, but thanks to marks and familiar smells in its area, the pet can find its way back. However, it is recommended to begin search activities immediately to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Photo: flickr.com

Reason for running away

It happens that an animal runs away, frightened by a car horn, the noise of a construction site, bright flashes of light, or strangers passing by the fence.

Having understood the reason for the dog’s fear, follow a number of rules:

  1. Try to eliminate the causes of fear.
  2. If elimination is not possible, limit the cause of exposure to the animal. For example, take it into the house during periods of strong noise.
  3. Try to understand where the dog hides when very frightened. Create a “shelter” at home that reminds the animal of this place in appearance.
  4. Try to “desensitize” your pet - teach it not to be afraid of frightening phenomena. Start accustoming to small “doses” of the stimulus by being nearby and calming the animal. Little by little, teach your pet to calmly react to frightening phenomena.
  5. Fearing separation, the pet runs away, trying to find its owner. Make leaving and returning unnoticeable, letting the dog know that nothing bad will happen, the owner will definitely return.

If the dog is too restless and suspicious, give special sedatives prescribed by a veterinarian.

If the dog runs away while walking

Most often, dogs run away during a walk. This can happen regardless of age, gender or breed. The main reasons why pets run away while walking:

  1. The owner does not use a leash or tape measure - this is especially dangerous if the animal does not comply with the command “come to me” or “near”. According to the law of the Russian Federation, walking dogs is allowed only on a leash, the length of which allows you to control the pet’s behavior.
  2. Dogs are sensitive to the mood and emotions of their owner. She may consciously run away if you call her with a threatening intonation, irritation and aggression in your voice.
  3. Punishing the pet by any means if it nevertheless approaches the leg after escaping. In this case, the animal will form a clear behavioral connection - “punishment for obedience.” This can lead to the pet stopping following commands altogether.
  4. The dog picks up something and then runs away to avoid punishment. Having a muzzle will help avoid this situation.
  5. The owner begins to run after the dog if it does not approach on its own. It is best to call her with loud sounds, move calmly and confidently. To attract attention, you can suddenly change the trajectory of your movement, sit down or start jumping.
  6. The dog's passion for something. It is especially common among hunting breeds and male dogs that have found the trail of a female dog in heat. In this case, you should first draw attention to yourself, and only then call.
  7. The dog is afraid of his owner. An animal will not want to approach a person who treats it aggressively and regularly punishes it with physical force.

If your four-legged friend does come to you when called, you should not scold or reprimand him, or immediately take him home. The dog develops a bond that the walk ends when he returns. You should also remember about stable physical activity - if the dog does not splash out energy, its obedience and reaction to the owner worsen.

Reproductive instinct

There is a chance that your pet is running away from the backyard in search of a dog of the opposite sex. After the animal is six months old, its reproductive instincts begin to turn on. Male dogs are more likely to leave the house as soon as they smell a female.

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If the dog runs away from the yard

In a private home or country house, dogs are often placed outside in an enclosure, on a chain. Even a well-bred and trained animal can run away when exposed to certain external factors. The main reasons why a dog runs away from the site:

  1. Fear. Pets have a sensitive psyche and are often afraid of sharp sounds - thunder, car horns or pyrotechnic explosions. In such situations, they begin to behave restlessly, which leads to atypical behavior.
  2. Boredom. For example, if the owner is away from home for a long time. As a rule, this happens with close emotional contact and good socialization of the pet. Escapes often occur due to boredom and with insufficient physical activity.
  3. Curiosity. The animal may become interested in something outside the yard. It could be a passerby with food or a pleasant smell, a passing cat, or another dog. In such a situation, the pet begins to dig a tunnel and tries to jump over the fence.

To avoid your four-legged friend escaping from the yard, you need to provide maximum protection and isolation from the outside world. Most dogs run away through the fence - they dig under it or jump over it, crawling through holes. It is necessary to ensure reliable protection of the territory and regularly check its integrity.

Most often, representatives of hunting breeds escape (they love to dig, do it efficiently and quickly), as well as large animals capable of high jumps.

Regardless of the size of the breed, it is recommended to tie the dog when you leave home. A securely fastened chain is suitable for this purpose, since the rope can be easily chewed. You should pay attention to the convenience and reliability of the collar - it should fit snugly to the neck and be comfortable for the pet.

The length of the leash should be sufficient for free access to the enclosure or booth, bowls of food, and water. Tangling the legs is strictly prohibited - this method is used only for cattle and horses in the stall.

If the dog runs away from home

In certain circumstances, a dog can easily run away from home. The most common reasons for running away:

  • long absence of the owner;
  • the presence of an open window, a balcony on the lower floors of the apartment;
  • congenital or acquired fearfulness of the pet;
  • sharp sounds outside the house;
  • the presence of extraneous irritants - odors, animals running nearby, distracting passers-by.

If the dog is in foster care or has a previous owner, the animal may try to run away to find its previous home. If you are adopting an adult pet, it is important to build a good relationship and walk it well. Basic ways to prevent running away from home:

  • securely close windows and front doors;
  • ensure good physical activity, quality walking of the pet;
  • leave a treat so that the animal has something to do;
  • if a thunderstorm or fireworks explosions are planned (for the New Year), it is recommended to lock the animal in a small room without windows.

Treats can be hidden around the apartment to keep your pet interested while you are away. Various bones are effective, requiring a lot of time to crack them. After your return, your four-legged friend should always be rewarded for good behavior. Being alone should be taken calmly; the dog must be accustomed to this from puppyhood - left alone in the house, gradually increasing the duration.

How to find a dog?

If the pet does run away, search efforts should begin as early as possible. Useful tips:

  1. First of all, walk along the usual walking route, looking into all secluded places - basements, trash cans and bushes.
  2. While searching, take your favorite squeaking toy with you to attract attention with sound.
  3. Write an ad and post it in the area of ​​the loss. It is best to use bright paper and attach a photo and description of the pet. It is advisable to place it on porches, poles, as well as in the nearest veterinary clinic and pet store.
  4. Post an ad on social networks, for example, in a thematic group in your city. Offer a reward, but do not indicate its amount (resale may be more profitable than the offered reward).
  5. If the dog has just run away in an unknown direction, ask passers-by.
  6. Before entering the house or near the entrance, leave your item with a scent so that it is easier for the dog to find the trail back.
  7. View video camera recordings in the city - some providers place video surveillance in courtyards, near city attractions and provide access to them for free.
  8. Call all city shelters, veterinary clinics and crematoriums for animals.

You should approach writing your ad wisely. It is not recommended to indicate all signs - this can protect you from scammers and accurately determine the signs of your pet during a call. You should not indicate the nickname, as this will help the dog adapt faster to its new owners.

Be sure to place an address tag on the collar indicating contact numbers and some emotional phrase, for example, “they are waiting for me at home.” The search for a runaway pet can continue for quite a long time; do not become discouraged if there are no results for a long period. The dog can run very far from home, starting from the second week, the search can begin in nearby cities.

Photo: flickr.com

Install a dog house

To make your dog feel comfortable in the yard, equip him with a good kennel. Make sure your friend can wear it to protect themselves from rainy weather or the sun. If you are not sure which booth is needed for your breed, consult a pet store. Also, don’t be surprised if your pet avoids her at first. Typically, dogs need time to get used to their new home. Help her do this with the help of familiar toys, soft bedding and your things.

How to stop a dog from running away

There are several methods to teach a dog not to run away from its owner during a walk in the yard. Basic Rules:

  1. Teach your pet the “come to me” command. This is recommended to be done in early childhood, when the opportunity arises for walks on the street. You need to call in a joyful and cheerful tone, reinforce the result with treats and encouragement. It is forbidden to scold an animal even if it disobeys. The main goal is to teach how to come to the leg after repeating the command once.
  2. Designate places on the site where the pet can walk freely. Select a place for the enclosure and insulate it if necessary. Place bowls of water and food nearby.
  3. From puppyhood, teach the animal to tolerate loneliness. Gradually increase the time when the dog is alone. You can leave the camera at home to monitor behavior.
  4. When walking, use a comfortable collar; the length of the leash should be sufficient for comfortable movement and your control.

If your dog regularly tries to run away during walks, then you need to take a full course of OKD. This will help teach your pet basic commands; a professional dog trainer will suggest patterns of behavior with a disobedient pet.

Basic Techniques

  • "Come to me" command. Ideally, your dog should run towards you on command. It is much easier to control a pet who is fluent in this command. As a rule, few people have problems during the learning process.
  • Conduct regular training. In addition, you need to pay attention not only to the fact of why the pet does not want to stay in the yard, but also to train it not to do so. Regular exercise will tire the dog and it will not want to waste energy.
  • Sterilization. Neutered dogs are less likely to travel and are also not attracted to members of the opposite sex. On the other hand, you have the need to monitor interactions with other dogs.
  • Install a fence. Give your pet enough space to move around without worry. If you decide to install a fence, you need to make it high enough so that the dog cannot jump over it. You also need to cement the foundation so that it does not undermine. If you do not want to resort to such a measure, then periodically check to see if your four-legged friend has gone on a journey.
  • Always work on your pet's behavior. Your responsibility during a walk is to explain to him in an understandable way what he can do and what he cannot do. If you have not done this, keep the animal on a leash. Also, include your number and home address on the collar. If you're lucky, if you lose it, caring people will return your pet. After it has been returned to you, do not scold it, but rather praise it and give it something tasty. If you encourage him to return, then sooner or later he will understand that this place is his home.
  • Enjoy spending time together with your pet. For many, dogs are good friends who take owners on various adventures. In addition, arrange your yard so that the animal is not interested in leaving its confines. Train his behavior, encourage obedience with delicious food. Also buy him toys so that he can chew and fiddle with them.
  • Add variety to your dog's life. Very often they become bored with backyards, so they may run away to explore a new area. Take your pet for rides in the car, if possible, and take them to parks and training grounds.

You need to create conditions that will ensure that the pet does not go on wanderings.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A dog may run away from its owner during walks, from the yard or directly from the house.
  2. The main reasons for running away are fear, external stimuli, boredom and lack of physical activity.
  3. If she lives in the yard, the area needs to be fenced off, and the holes and the presence of tunnels in the ground must be checked.
  4. If you need to leave your pet alone at home for a long time, it is recommended to leave a treat. Close windows, balconies and doors securely.
  5. To prevent your friend from escaping, it is important to teach him the “come to me” command and use a leash while walking.
  6. The search for a runaway dog ​​can take a long time. Ads should be placed in nearby areas on social networks. Regularly go through your pet’s usual route.

Did your dog run away? Share your experience in the comment section on how you taught your pet to return on command.


The dog’s desire to escape from the yard and frolic to its heart’s content is easily explained. If the shoots are infrequent and short, there is no need to worry. Often dogs want to go for a walk; if there is an excessive desire to escape, the owners find out the reasons and take appropriate measures. Otherwise, the animal is in danger and can endanger the people around him - passers-by or neighbors.

To stop your pet's escape, you will need to find out the causes of the phenomenon. Perhaps the animal is afraid, or it’s time to find a partner. Often, eliminating the cause helps stop escapes without resorting to additional measures.

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