American Cocker Spaniel: photo of the dog, description of the breed

Usage:companion, gun dog
Color:plain, two-, three-color
Dimensions:height at withers 35-38 cm, weight 8-14 kg
Lifespan:up to 15 years

The American Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular dogs. This is an energetic, flexible and loyal animal. Initially, it was bred for hunting, but now it is increasingly being kept as a pet. The breed has become famous thanks to its original appearance and mischievous character, which leaves no one indifferent.

Description of the American Cocker Spaniel breed

Popularity 196th place among 263 dog breeds


13-14 years old

Breed group:



males: 36.8-39.4 cm, females: 34.3-36.8 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

10-20 thousand rubles


7-14 kg
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Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:
  • small size, allowing you to keep a dog in an apartment;
  • kind attitude towards children and other pets living in the neighborhood;
  • boundless devotion to the owner;
  • unobtrusiveness towards the owner and family members;
  • no excessive barking.
  • Minuses:
  • too much activity of the pet;
  • the need for frequent walks;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • tendency to overeat.

Key facts

Smart, cute - whatever they call these little dogs bred for hunting. The American Cocker Spaniel, the closest relative of the English one, is rightfully considered one of the best helpers in baiting medium and small game. Appearing in the United States of America, the pet has become widespread throughout the world. You can often hear other abbreviated names: American cocker or cocker.

Despite its miniature size, the breed has gained high popularity among game shooting enthusiasts. The American Cocker Spaniel's light weight (up to 14 kg), as well as its height (up to 39 cm), allows the pet to penetrate into places inaccessible to others in order to please the owner with a trophy.

The lifespan of the American Cocker Spaniel is 13-14 years. During all this time, the dog remains active and very cheerful. According to reviews from owners, dogs are very vulnerable and take offense for a long time at shouts or dissatisfied intonation from a person. The characteristics of the American Cocker Spaniel breed claim that they love their owner and consider them the main thing, and are ready to go on the most incredible walk.

An eccentric and active pet becomes easy to control and flexible with proper upbringing. It is important not to ignore his pranks and be sure to stop his self-indulgence. You shouldn't leave a cocker alone for a long time. The description of the American Cocker Spaniel breed emphasizes that these handsome dogs have difficulty withstanding loneliness. They are equally comfortable living in a private, country house or apartment, because they do not need a lot of space.

Pets should be walked 2-3 times a day, and long and active walks in the fresh air are desirable. Because of this, cockers may not be good companions for older people, but are excellent for sporting owners or hunters.


There are more than 20 varieties of spaniels. Each of them has a different appearance and character. But the dogs of this group have one purpose - hunting small and medium game. The closest relative of the representative of the breed in question is the English Cocker Spaniel. These two brothers differ, firstly, in their physique parameters, and secondly, in their disposition.

The “Englishman” is more stable in behavior and mood, while the “American” is eccentric and fickle. In addition, the first is more gentle, and the second is rather independent and serious. The American Cocker is an ideal show pet. He is diligent, calm and gentle. Loves to be the center of attention, very artistic.

History of the origin of the American Cocker Spaniel

It is believed that the ancestors of modern American pets ended up in the New World with the first English settlers. However, for several centuries few people were interested in dogs. Only at the end of the 19th century did breeders pay attention to them. The selection of the best individuals based on exterior, character and working qualities has begun.

The main thing for the breeders was to obtain a hunting dog: for these purposes, small local dogs were involved in mating. The result was small-sized animals with dense wool, which worked well on field and waterfowl.

Cockers gained particular fame after participating in an exhibition held in 1882 in Manchester, New Hampshire. And in 1921, breeders finally decided on their standards, but only in 1946 these four-legged animals finally became a separate breed, adding the name of the country of origin to the name.

Outside the United States, Cocker Spaniels did not immediately become popular. So, in the USSR they appeared in the 70s of the last century, but they really became widespread in the 80s. Then specialized nurseries began to appear that bred and sold American Cocker Spaniels.

Reproduction and lifespan

Healthy and strong cocker spaniels have a life expectancy of at least 15 years. Some of them even live up to 17 years. The breeder must be able to distinguish the English variety of this breed from the American one. The basic rule of dog breeding is that only absolutely healthy individuals are crossed.

If a potential mother or father has an illness, there is a high chance that the puppies will face similar problems in the future. Also, they should not be relatives, especially close ones.

A male cocker is mated to a female when she begins to come into heat, but not in the first days, preferably 3-4 days from the date of its onset. This happens on the dog’s territory or in a neutral place, for example, in a kennel.

Appearance of the American Cocker Spaniel

General impression

Overseas spaniels can easily be classified as the smallest hunters among all existing hunting dogs. Compared to their English counterparts, they are slightly smaller, but their main difference is the length of their muzzles. Americans have it much shorter. Among the differences, one can highlight the satin coat, which is more shiny and dense. Unfortunately, their performance is not so good. As a result of the pursuit of breeders for an attractive appearance, their hunting sense is not so pronounced. But in the photo, American cocker spaniels are the real kings of the catwalk.


The skull of dogs has a rounded shape, and the brow ridges are well defined. The muzzle is wide, has sufficient depth, turning into flat cheekbones. The standard is a square muzzle with a pronounced vertical edge.

The pet's long, dense ears are covered with thick hair. A sensitive nose with a medium-sized lobe and large open nostrils easily detects any odors. Its color depends on the color of the animal. In light representatives of the breed it is brown, in black or dark dogs the lobe is black.

The American jaw resembles a square. The teeth are medium, even, and remain strong for a long time. The eyes are not prominent, are almond-shaped and are often dark brown in color.


In a spaniel it is long and beautifully curved. Closer to the head, the neck gradually narrows. It is very mobile, bends well, which allows him, bending low, to touch the ground with his nose while working.


The cocker's miniature body does not look weak due to its strong, muscular back. The chest is quite wide and deep. The body looks almost square due to strong bones.


The animal's strong, parallel, even legs are covered with thick hair. Strong muscles make them mobile. The shoulder blades of the American individual are laid back, this helps it make fast, unfettered movements.

Hind limbs

The thighs are quite massive. The knees are strong with the joints located at a normal angle. The hock joints are low. Dogs' paws are large, but compact. The pads are elastic.


He must be docked to maintain the breed standard. Interestingly, the tail should not be positioned vertically or tucked under. The tail is often carried slightly elevated. The dog demonstrates uncertainty and fear by hiding it between its hind legs.


Like all gundogs, cockers move smoothly, very freely. Despite their small size, they move with fast, sweeping steps.


The silky, satiny coat is very soft to the touch. The hair is slightly wavy with a thick undercoat. The shortest hair is located on the dog's head. On the body, paws and ears the hair is thicker and longer.


Representatives of the breed come in black, black and tan, or white in combination with other shades. The American Cocker Spaniel is also acceptable in one color, ranging from light fawn to dark brown, sometimes with tan marks. Moreover, tan can only be located on strictly defined areas of the pet’s body: the area under the eyes, cheekbones, the inside of the ears and legs.


The size of American Cocker Spaniels in females should usually not exceed 36.8 cm, and in males - 39.4 cm. The weight of the American Cocker Spaniel varies from 15 to 20 kilograms. The standards in this regard are quite strict. In general, the size of the American Cocker Spaniel is quite compact.

Breed standard

The American Cocker breed is small in size. The optimal height for males is 38 cm, for females – 35.5 cm. The maximum parameters are 40 cm and 37 cm, the minimum are 36 cm and 34 cm, respectively. Spaniels that do not meet the specified dimensions will be disqualified. The American Cocker weighs a little, which is quite consistent with its compact size. The small mass allows the animal to run quickly.

Table: weight of a spaniel puppy that meets the standard, by month:

Age (month)Weight, kg)

The American Cocker should weigh up to 14 kg. Excess body weight is dangerous for a dog - it leads to the development of joint diseases.

Official description of the breed (American Cocker Spaniel standard FCI No. 167):

  • the head is round, proportional to the body, with a clearly visible stop;
  • The eyes are large, slightly elongated, brown in color. The look is good-natured, thoughtful, which is clearly visible in the photograph of a cocker;
  • nose - with wide nostrils. Spaniels of dark color have black lobes, while fawn ones have brown lobes. In winter, light lightening is possible. The colors of the eyelobe and the rim of the eyelids should match;
  • jaws – square, connected in a scissor bite;
  • ears are long, lobe-shaped. The base should not be higher than eye level;
  • The neck is curved, muscular, widening as it approaches the shoulders. With its help, the spaniel should easily reach the ground with its nose;
  • body - the chest is deep, quite wide, but not interfering with linear movements. The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. However, the American Cocker Spaniel dog should not look overly stretched or squat;
  • tail – sits high, continues the line of the back. Previously, the breed standard required mandatory docking. Now this norm has been abolished;
  • limbs are muscular, located parallel.

Spaniels have a thick undercoat. On the muzzle it is short, on the body it is elongated, forming a “skirt”. The fur is silky, straight or with light waves.

In Russia, the most popular color of dogs is fawn. However, the colors of American cockers are much more diverse. Spaniel can be monochromatic - black, chocolate, soft cream, deep red. There may be white hair on the throat or chest. Animals with markings on other parts of the body are subject to disqualification.

The dog can be two-, three-colored, spotted. There are many combinations - black and white, white and red, white and black with tan, etc.

The American Cocker Spaniel, the photo of which reflects the features of the exterior, is strongly built, but looks elegant. He moves in a sweeping manner, pushing off the ground with his strong paws.

Any deviation from the standard is considered a deficiency/defect. Evil or cowardly animals, as well as dogs of inappropriate color and size, are subject to disqualification.

Character of the American Cocker Spaniel

Representatives of the breed are classified as fidgety dogs, strongly attached to their owner and members of his family. The cocker perceives the owner as the leader of the pack, but treats the rest of the house with great warmth. Other animals do not cause a negative attitude in the dog. But it is better not to let the spaniel near the birds that live in the apartment, so that the hunter’s working instinct does not work.

The mischievous nature of the American Cocker Spaniel sometimes turns against children who want to play with him. Carried away by a chase or game, he may slightly bite small family members. This applies, for the most part, to puppies, while an adult usually controls himself, not allowing anything unnecessary, although he retains infantile habits until old age.

Those who have adopted the American cutie note his cunning. Under no circumstances should you show your weakness in raising a child. Otherwise, he turns into a hooligan and spoiled person, who will be extremely difficult to re-educate.

Dogs have difficulty withstanding loneliness, so this breed is not suitable for always busy people. But older people are also likely to have difficulty keeping a pet. His energy requires regular, long walks in the fresh air, even in winter. Ideally, you should walk your cocker outside three times a day: in the morning before eating, in the afternoon, and before bed. Only in this case can the irrepressible character of the American be controlled.

Education and training

The upbringing and training of the American Cocker Spaniel should be carried out even if it was not bred for hunting. A poorly trained pet will create many problems for the people around it and other inhabitants of the house. Its socialization must begin from the moment the puppy appears in the house.

To begin with:

  • teach the baby to use the toilet and hygiene;
  • develop the skill of walking on a leash;
  • teach him to respond to his nickname.

Next, they conduct training to teach various commands. The very first one is “Place!” – is fundamental for understanding and consolidation.

The following elementary orders: “Sit!”, “You can’t!”, “Voice!” are worked out gradually. Educational or training exercises are performed regularly. There is no need to give your pet some slack, but shouting won’t be able to change the situation either. The dog should not be afraid of the owner's touch. Physical violence is completely excluded. Praise and treats work well for the baby for correctly following the owner’s instructions.

It is important to expend the enormous energy of the quadruped. If he does not fully use it during walks, then you should not be surprised at chewed pieces of furniture or wardrobe.

In the United States of America this breed is used as a sporting breed. Dogs take part in a variety of shows and competitions. To perform at exhibitions, cockers undergo ring training and learn how to make the correct stance.

Hunters begin to train their spaniel to search for birds from an early age. First, he is accustomed to the smell of game, then he goes out into the forest and into the fields to work in the area. By the age of one year, the little helper should learn to look for shot prey, make a stand next to it and patiently wait for the owner.


American cockers are obedient and easy to train. For full development, you should alternate physical and mental exercises. Spaniels are trained in a playful way, excluding any violence. As a result of the use of brute force, animals become isolated and cease to obey the owner.

Socialization of a spaniel puppy begins as early as possible - from about 8 weeks. He is introduced to his relatives and other people, taught not to be afraid of strangers. At 4 months of age, the American Cocker may try to dominate. This behavior must be stopped immediately.

Properly socialized spaniels do not clash with other pets. Only in relation to birds can they show a hunting instinct. Cockers develop very close friendships with cats.

The spaniel and the children quickly find a common language. They enjoy spending time together. The American Cocker is tolerant even of children and calmly tolerates their pranks.

Health and Diseases of the American Cocker Spaniel

Possible diseases

Representatives of this breed can be considered fairly healthy individuals. Most often, their diseases depend on environmental factors: living conditions and diet. Therefore, in the first place in distribution are all kinds of food allergies, as well as infectious diseases of the ears, sometimes leading to complete or partial loss of hearing.

Americans may have the following hereditary, acquired diseases:

  • atopy, most often hereditary;
  • hepatitis of different stamps;
  • infectious eye diseases;
  • congenital epilepsy;
  • dysplasia, inflammation of the hip joints.

With proper care and maintenance, the pet will delight the owner for a long time with good physical shape and a perky character.

Timely vaccinations contribute to good health. Puppies undergo routine vaccination against enteritis and distemper at a very young age. Rabies injections are given at the age of 9-11 months.

Reproductive health

Final puberty in females occurs at the age of one and a half years. However, it is recommended to breed the bitch during her third heat. It is at this time that the dog’s body is strong enough to bear and reproduce healthy offspring.

Veterinarians advise sterilization to be carried out after a year of a pet’s life. The operation should be carried out on a healthy individual, then it is necessary to provide good care after the procedure.

Features of feeding and diet

The health and appearance of your four-legged friend directly depends on his diet. It should be based on lean meats, fermented milk products, cereals, and vegetables. Meat products are recommended to be given in the morning meal. It is recommended to feed turkey, rabbit, and beef. Veterinarians do not recommend pork due to its high fat content.

Cottage cheese, kefir and vegetables should be given in the afternoon. The most suitable cereals for cockers are oat flakes, rice and buckwheat (cracked grain). Adding carrots or pumpkin to your pet's menu will help with good bowel function.

No more than once a week you can treat your dog with homemade rye bread crackers, a chicken egg or dried fruit. At one month of age, puppies should not be given the whole egg, but only the yolk.

Breeders give preference to natural food when feeding. If it is necessary to introduce dry food, you must choose only premium food, enriched with vitamins and mineral complexes.

Twice a month you need to spend fasting days, giving your pet only half the daily requirement.

How many times to feed a cocker depends on its age:

  • Puppies up to 8 weeks are fed 6 times a day;
  • up to 4 months – 7 times a day;
  • 3 times a day should be fed up to 6 months;
  • from the age of six months, an adult dog is switched to two meals a day.

You should not spoil your pet with treats between meals. You should not give food from the master's table: it is harmful to him, as it can cause digestive problems, as well as develop the habit of begging.


The diet of any domestic dog should be balanced and complete. This means that in addition to meat and dairy products, she should also eat vegetables, berries, fruits, cereals, etc.

The basic product for a spaniel is raw meat. A young cocker should eat from 100 to 300 grams of this product per day (depending on age). When it is fully formed and grown, you can stop feeding meat, replacing it with super-premium dry fortified food.

In addition, also give your pet: milk, boiled rice/millet/buckwheat/semolina, melons and watermelons, boiled potatoes, cottage cheese, chicken eggs, whole grain bread, bagels, dog biscuits, etc.

List of prohibited products:

  • Cream cake.
  • Marmalade.
  • Chocolate.
  • Lard and smoked meat.
  • River fish.
  • Sharp bones and cartilage.
  • Raw pork.

Advice! To keep your pet healthier, give him special vitamins for animals, especially in winter, when his immune defenses are weakened.

Care and maintenance

Due to the decorative nature of the breed, the main place for keeping them is an apartment or a country house. Dogs go to the toilet outside. Walking in the fresh air should only be done after mandatory vaccination. If you need to climb stairs to walk, then until the age of six months you should carry the puppy in your arms so as not to spoil the position of the paws.

Place the dog in a quiet corner of the room, away from drafts and radiators. You can’t indulge your puppy’s desire to sit on the sofa. The owner must show persistence and patience so that the pet understands who is in charge in the house.

A walker should be taken outside at least twice a day, but it is better to do this three times a day. In the fresh air, the cocker spaniel should be allowed to warm up and run a race. But communication with street pets should be kept to a minimum due to the breed’s susceptibility to various infections.

Caring for and maintaining an American Cocker Spaniel requires quite a lot of time. If you entrust it entirely to specialized salons - hairdressers - then keeping a pet will become very expensive. Therefore, from the moment the puppy arrives at home, you should be patient and purchase various tools for grooming: brushes, tangle cutters, combs and slickers.

The cutie's hair requires daily care, including combing and removing tangles. These tedious procedures are taught from an early age. Long-haired animals periodically get dirty, so they also have to be bathed often. It is recommended to wash once every two weeks, but its frequency may depend on the time of year.

It is necessary to bathe using special shampoos for long-haired dogs. To make combing easier after water treatments, use moisturizing conditioners or rinse the hair with a weak solution of citric acid. Such measures will give the animal’s coat a satiny shine and also protect against skin parasites.

Cockers shed quite heavily, especially females during estrus or after giving birth. Haircuts are carried out regularly as needed or for decorative purposes.

Formed tangles must be cut off in a timely manner using a tool designed for this purpose. Particular attention is paid to the groin areas, armpits, and hock joints.

The spaniel's long ears also require attention from the owner. Before each feeding, they are raised and secured with an elastic band above the dog's head so that they do not touch the food. Mites love to settle in the ears due to wax and dirt that is not removed in time. Therefore, examination and cleaning of the ears should be carried out at least once a week.

You can use special prophylactic drops for care, or you can use heated vegetable oil. It is instilled into the pet's ear, then a cotton pad moistened with hydrogen peroxide or boric alcohol is used to remove dirt.

The cocker's eyes are cleaned of dust and dirt in order to avoid inflammation. It is good to wipe them with chamomile infusion or albumin.

The dog needs to brush its teeth. How many times to do this depends on the type of food. Dogs that eat dry food need less frequent brushing than dogs that prefer natural food. The latter are recommended to brush their teeth 1-2 times a week.

Puppies are given bones to remove plaque, but in adult animals, their use leads to abrasion of tooth enamel.


Functionally and clinically healthy spaniels are used for breeding. Cockers with obvious physical or mental disabilities are prohibited from breeding. Only fully formed animals over 1.5 years old are crossed.

It is better to spay or neuter a dog not purchased for breeding.

In spaniels, the favorable time for conception occurs 8-10 days after the start of estrus. Due to the excessive activity of cockers, it is advisable for breeders to control mating. The bitch should be held gently but firmly by the head so that she cannot escape.

Breeding in spaniels lasts from 15 minutes to an hour. At this time, it is also advisable to hold the cockers so that they do not make sudden movements. If the lock does not work out, the pairing is repeated a day later.

Owners of young dogs who have never bred should invite an experienced breeder for the first mating.

Visible signs of pregnancy in cockers appear quite late. A female spaniel bears her offspring for about 9 weeks. A litter usually contains 4-6 puppies.

Tips for choosing a puppy

American Cocker Spaniel puppies are not cheap, so you must first decide on the financial capabilities, as well as the needs of the owner. Thus, exhibition copies will cost an order of magnitude more expensive to purchase and maintain.

Girls adapt faster to their new conditions, and they are also much friendlier. Male puppies, on the contrary, demonstrate disobedience and leadership habits. However, competent training helps solve all problems.

A huge number of nurseries offer a wide selection of animals based on color or working qualities. But it is important to find out the reputation of these places and read the reviews of the owners. There is no need to be shy about asking for documents confirming the pedigree of your future pet. The seller is obliged to demonstrate the baby's parents at the buyer's request.

When purchasing, you need to find out about the treatments carried out against parasites, as well as the vaccinations given. The puppy's tail should be docked, its coat should be shiny, and its eyes should be inquisitive.


With proper care, the American Cocker lives about 15 years. Your spaniel should eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and visit a veterinarian.


Typical diseases of the American Cocker:

  • deafness;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atopy;
  • food allergies;
  • skin cancer.

Older spaniels are more likely to develop eye, heart and joint diseases.

How long dogs live depends directly on their health. Diseases of the American Cocker Spaniel can significantly reduce life expectancy, so at the first sign of illness you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.


The care of the initial vaccination of the spaniel puppy falls on the shoulders of the breeder. At six months of age, cockers are given a second vaccination against rabies. In the future, annual revaccination is carried out, and the dog is regularly treated for parasites.

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