From seeker to therapist: how dogs of different professions help people

Four-legged pets have lived side by side with humans for more than 20 thousand years. First of all, dog lovers value their loyal character and high intelligence. Despite this, the main goal of domesticating wild wolves was the ability to help in various areas of life.

With appropriate training, many pets become suitable for work in a wide variety of fields, including customs service and law enforcement. Below you can find out which dogs are service breeds - and whether it is worth getting them as a regular companion.

Rescue dogs

Dogs naturally have a keen sense of smell. People took advantage of this and trained some to be lifeguards. These dogs search for those buried in avalanches or victims of earthquakes. Swiss experts conducted an experiment, hid the man at a depth of 2 m and first assigned rescuers to find him. They found the victim 4 hours later. The rescue dog completed the same job in 12 minutes.

If a person is wounded and bleeding, without being able to bandage his wounds, then his life is measured in minutes. The sooner the rescue dog discovers him and people remove the victim from under the rubble of a house or an avalanche, the more likely he is to survive. The dogs are trained according to a special program. They are happy to serve people and save lives in any bad weather.

Features of the profession

This is a noble profession that does not yet exist in Russia. Not because we don’t like animals, but because so far Russian animal rescuers work with almost sheer enthusiasm, i.e. free of charge, as volunteers.

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Russian protection societies have neither the means nor the authority to expose and neutralize negligent and cruel animal owners.

Defenders of our little brothers proceed from the fact that the needs of animals are as valuable as the needs of humans. An animal, just like a person, experiences pain and fear, hunger and thirst, heat and cold. This means that no one has the right to treat an animal as an inanimate thing. And anyone who causes suffering to an animal must answer before the law.

In many countries, animal welfare departments are police forces with all the powers that entails. The famous documentary series Houston Police Department Animal Welfare depicts just such a system. Such units cooperate with animal protection societies, which are public organizations and exist on voluntary donations from citizens. (In some countries they are financed from the budget.)

The main focus of such services is on the protection of domestic animals and livestock. But if the agent comes across cases where a wild animal is in distress, he also comes to the rescue. Both the hedgehog who fell into the sewer hatch and the lake turtle suffering in a dry terrarium will be taken under protection as soon as the agents learn about their trouble

The Humane Society is a kind of ambulance for homeless, abandoned animals and animals suffering from someone's inhumanity

Both the hedgehog who fell into the drain and the lake turtle suffering in a dry terrarium will be taken under protection as soon as the agents learn of their trouble. The Humane Society is a kind of ambulance for homeless, abandoned animals and animals suffering from someone's inhumanity.

Often, police agents learn about animals in trouble from ordinary people who cannot pass by indifferently and call the agents. Having received a signal about ill-treatment, the agent goes to the scene and finds out the details of what happened. Cruelty does not always mean beatings. Sometimes it is neglect of one's responsibilities. For example, an agent may discover that the horses’ stables are not cleaned, they do not have fresh water and normal food, and besides, no one has cleaned their hooves for a very long time, and this is very dangerous for the horse’s health. If calls to restore order do not help, the agent seizes the poor horses from the careless owner, collects evidence of their poor condition and takes the case to court. The judge reviews the case file and, if he decides that the horses did suffer from abuse, confiscates the horses to the Humane Society.

Sometimes it is enough to explain to the owner his shortcomings, and he will correct everything: he will go with his pet to the veterinarian, clean the cage, begin to regularly change the water in the drinking bowl, etc. Perhaps this is the best case scenario.

But animal rescuers often have to deal with human aggression. Therefore, both public and municipal organizations in this area usually cooperate with the police. The police provide support for social activists, help seize animals, and when it comes to arresting those responsible for cruelty, they make an arrest.

But it’s not enough to take a beaten dog away from a villain. She needs to be cured, taken out, fattened and new owners found for her. This is done by veterinarians and humane society shelters.

Conscious, constant and systematic care for the weak and defenseless is one of the signs of a civilized society. Russia is still only on the way to this state of affairs. Already, many people understand that animals, including domestic ones, very often need help, but this understanding is not yet available at the state level.

Dogs working as guards

Most often, large service breed dogs are hired as guards. Shepherd dogs with Airedale terriers, large Molossians of various breeds are good in this role. The dog is required to have knowledge of breeds, obedience to its partner, the ability to think independently and make decisions according to circumstances.

Sniffer dogs are used to detain offenders. Some dogs are injured and even killed by gunfire. Of course, dogs do not understand the danger they are exposed to; most often they are natural leaders. They are brave and resilient, they know when to speak up and signal their human partner to apprehend the offender.

The security guard must be confident in his abilities. He cannot be trusted by strangers, since one of the strangers may turn out to be a thief who wants to rob the owners and even cause physical harm. Some guard dogs are trained to attack strangers who wander into their property. Others will simply stop the person and hold him until the owner arrives.

In villages, many people get Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and Alabais to guard their yards. Often during the day they are chained or in an enclosure, and at night they are released to patrol the territory. These and other service breeds (Moscow watchdog, various mastiffs, etc.) are hardy and unpretentious. For which they are truly appreciated by their owners.

Hosea, or Passenger Pusher

Anyone who has ridden the subway at rush hour at least once in his life can well imagine the utter hell that is going on in the subway at this time
. subway at this time. To make the plight of the poor souls who are forced to take part in it a little easier, in Japan there is a profession called oshiya. This is the person who pushes people into the carriages, because of which the train cannot close the door and move on, and also makes sure that their luggage is not caught in the door. The work does not require any special skills other than endurance and physical fitness.

Dogs walking in harness

Dogs of these breeds are very hardy. These include, among others: huskies, huskies, and Samoyeds. They can transport people and goods over different distances. Everyone remembers the story of the team leader Balto, who brought the vaccine and saved many people from death during the epidemic.

Archaeologists in Kamchatka, in the valley of geysers, found a harness that is at least 8 thousand years old. This means that already at that time people used dogs as sled dogs. In a day, dogs in sleds can cover a distance of 100 km. At the same time, they carry not only a person, people, but also cargo, a musher.

If you look at the appearance of sled dogs, you will see that they are medium in size, but stocky and fluffy. An excellent undercoat protects them in severe frosts. These dogs are able to make decisions independently and act in difficult situations.

They say that among some northern peoples who honor traditions, puppies eat from the same plate with children. This makes the connection between them even stronger. Sled dogs are loyal and friendly. There was a practice when a dog that showed aggression towards a person and bit him was immediately killed in the village.


For those who love animals and want to truly help animals, it is worth considering the specialty of a veterinarian. Such specialists are trained at special faculties.

In universities, there are various areas and specializations that include veterinary medicine. At Timeryazevsky University, for example, they train animal engineers in the areas of poultry farming, fish farming, horse breeding, beekeeping and others. There are also such faculties as genetics and animal breeding, cynology, felinology, biotechnology of reproduction and animal ecology and many others.

Like an ordinary medical worker, a veterinarian, after receiving a higher specialized education, will have to undergo a two-year internship in a medical institution specializing in veterinary medicine. After completing practical training, the intern is assigned the position of veterinary doctor. But the learning doesn't end there either. Any highly qualified specialist is required to attend courses to improve or confirm their qualifications, lectures and seminars, etc. Unfortunately, if it is possible to obtain higher education for free, then all the training to be completed after graduation is paid for independently.

Sniffer dogs

These dogs are distinguished by their ability to search, for example, truffle mushrooms, drugs or explosives, or a person who has gone into the forest and got lost. Hunting dogs have an excellent sense of smell. These include spaniels, golden retrievers and Labradors. German Shepherds do a good job of searching. These dogs are capable of finding drugs hidden in the double bottom of a car crossing the border.

When a person gets lost and a canine handler with a dog arrives at the scene, he lets it smell the thing and it can follow the scent even 30 km. Often a lost, hungry person is found and the dog receives a tasty reward.

Learning to pick up a scent is not easy, but once a pet masters this skill. it brings great benefits to people. Retrieval dogs require a balanced character, calmness, and a high level of socialization in order for the dog to feel good in a crowd.

Humanitarian work

Humanists often cannot find a job that they deserve, because the lack of technical knowledge forces many bosses to refuse the applicant. In fact, there are many humanitarian professions for introverted individuals:

  • writer;
  • screenwriter;
  • copywriter;
  • corrector;
  • archivist.

Writers have been working for many years to create literary works of various genres. Their activities depend on inspiration and imagination. To be productive, a writer needs to be alone - this is an ideal profession for introverts. The screenwriter develops texts for films. Their work is also valued in animation, video editing, and theatrical productions.

Copywriting is a suitable profession for introverts. It consists of writing texts for various websites, blogs and online publications. In this area, age, type of past activity and education are not important. But a high level of literacy and perseverance is required. And correcting ready-made texts is the task of proofreaders. Until they edit what they have written, it will not be published. Proofreaders must have education as a philologist, linguist or editor.

Pets working as guides

Dogs are trained in this profession from puppyhood. There is a method by which the most capable of being companions and assistants to visually impaired people are determined. After training, the dogs avoid various obstacles and notice signs that hang at the level of a person’s head and which a blind person can hit. Dogs stop at a pit or at a traffic light. So, they can warn their beloved owner about the danger.

A trained dog remembers well the routes that he often takes with his owner. He will not lead him through too narrow passages, into a park where tree branches overhang and the pet will also bypass a puddle. If the owner drops something from his hands, the dog will give it to him.

What puppy has a chance of getting such a job? Friendly, patient, kind and reserved. This should be a good-natured dog that does not fuss. Abroad, Labradors are willingly hired for this work.

In the service of science

Here, astronaut dogs probably deserve special attention and honor. We can assume that this profession arose in 1957, when Laika’s paw entered orbit. On July 28, 1960, Chaika and Lisichka flew on the Vostok ship, and from August 19, 1960 to March 25, 1961, they made 5 more launches with 8 passengers. Bee and Mushka died then, but Belka, Strelka, Zhemchuzhina, Chernushka, Zhulka and Zvezdochka survived after the space experiments.

In addition, there are other “scientific” dog professions:

  • Laboratory dogs;
  • Dogs that predict earthquakes;
  • Foster mothers for babies of other animals in zoos.

Dogs of any of the named professions are heroes, and their contribution to human life is simply colossal.

Dogs are not only the most intelligent, but also hard-working animals.
If you can only laugh at the popular queries “how to make a cat work” (although there are also cat side jobs ), then doggies work not out of fear, but out of conscience.
For them there are both complex professions and simpler jobs. Here are the most popular vacancies. Photo:


Basically, small terriers that are bred specifically for this purpose are hired for this type of work. They help fight insects - garden pests.

This canine specialty is most common in America.


There are dogs that work regularly in the circus, and there are also those that live freely. And, by the way, they earn not only a pittance and bring profit to the owner. When they start their own blog or account on Instagram and the likes go off scale, the owner also receives excellent advertising.

Photo: Efrem Lukatsky


These four-legged employees perform very noble work. They give their love and affection to those who need it most. These include people who have experienced an accident or the loss of a loved one, autistic children, and the disabled.

Therapy dogs sometimes help better than any medicine. Both a purebred dog and an ordinary mongrel can heal a person. Dogs also provide excellent support for retirees in nursing homes.



One of the most difficult and dangerous professions. Dogs at war side by side with humans. They pull the wounded from the battlefield, search for mines, and sometimes even sacrifice their lives. In addition to helping in battles, they bring letters and help soldiers with psychological relief.


One of the oldest professions, which a dog can do even better than a human. There are many breeds specially bred for this purpose. The dogs do not allow the herd to scatter, driving the animals into a circle. And if someone breaks away from the group, they will definitely find the fugitive and bring him back.


Guides are indispensable helpers for visually impaired people. They are always there, showing you the way, protecting you from troubles and simply supporting you. Dogs begin to be trained to be companions from puppyhood. They stop near pits, walk around puddles, wait for traffic lights and don’t run away. Most often, Labradors are hired for such important work.


A simpler, but very solemn work. Almost every American college and university has its own symbol dog. Her portrait is printed on all covers, T-shirts, and sometimes even on flags. Most often the symbol is English bulldogs.



In many countries, dogs help owners or clients with deliveries. Some dogs go shopping and carry bags, and some dogs even work in the office and pass documents from one employee to another.

If you train your pet in time, he will happily offer his help to the courier. This is both convenient and makes you proud of your smart assistant.



Irreplaceable workers. How many cases have there been when dogs saved people in places where no one else could go! Rescue dogs are very brave and sensitive.

Once, scientists from Switzerland even conducted an experiment. They hid the man 2 meters deep and asked them to find him. The people completed the task in 4 hours, and the dog in 12 minutes. A similar profession is sniffer dogs.


This vacancy is given to a Lagotto Romagnolo dog. Despite the fact that it is very ancient, it was officially recognized only in 1995. Such dogs have a particularly sensitive sense of smell and are able to search for expensive truffle mushrooms, which are considered a delicacy.

Companions and Hunters

Since ancient times, people have hunted game with dogs. Nowadays, many breeds have been developed that are classified as hunting breeds. Some of them drive the animal out of its holes, others follow the trail perfectly, and others, sensing prey, take a stance. You can also hunt with a pack of dogs. When setters, pointers, spaniels or representatives of other breeds detect birds, they will raise them on the wing, and the owners’ task is to shoot the prey.

Thanks to dogs, hunting for men becomes an interesting, exciting vacation. Puppies from working parents. having no pedigree, they are not expensive, and the benefits from them are greater than their sofa brothers.

What qualities do they have?

For an introvert, fantasies, reflections, deep analysis of the internal state, calm contemplation of the surrounding world are much more important than real hectic life with all its ups and downs.

Main features

Below is a list of the main characteristic traits of an introverted personality, which will help you immediately understand who is in front of you. And if you have not yet figured out what your child’s psychotype is, then the list will help you decide.

  1. You always feel a little awkward around an introvert. Even if you've known him for 100 years. He is open and talkative only with those closest to him. In society, he is a closed and silent person. If he enters into a conversation, it is only for a specific purpose.
  2. Children and adult introverts can be alone for a long time and absolutely do not need company or interlocutors. They feel good alone. They do not tolerate introduction into their personal space well.
  3. They tend to get offended over trifles, are sometimes sentimental and can shed tears. If they are not heard, they can become hot-tempered.
  4. However, all their actions and actions are carefully thought out and calculated. They go out into society fully armed. For introverts, it is always a more hostile environment. If any incidents or troubles happen, they constantly relive them again and again.
  5. These are people with developed fantasy and imagination.
  6. These are wonderful analysts. In adulthood, they are perfectly able to control their emotions. In life they always achieve their goal, go towards it independently and confidently.

Features of this type of worker

  • They are distinguished by their enormous capacity for work, they are accustomed to performing the entire front of work systematically and without distraction.
  • These are demanding and serious leaders who know how to competently distribute responsibilities among subordinates.
  • If you choose to work in a team, it is advisable to have very few colleagues. In this case, it will be easier to gain authority in the team.
  • Teamwork is not very suitable, because introverts are used to completing all the work to the end. Among them there are many perfectionists, punctual, diligent and responsible people.
  • Depending on the subtype, introverts can be deep: then working at home is more suitable. If they are emotionally involved, then creative professions are a priority.

Work as therapists

There is a practice when cute dogs come into the ward of people who have suffered serious injuries due to an accident or catastrophe and the patients communicate with them. Dogs often live in nursing homes or children's homes. They may even be mongrel.

Children with autism are helped out of this condition by pets. Therapists work with a group of 3 dogs. They lie around the little patient and he feels that he is not alone, someone in this world needs him. The baby communicates with them, plays and, more and more often, comes into contact with adults.


When there is a war, purebred and mongrel dogs help pull the wounded from the battlefield. They are looking for mines, they may bring mail. For all employees, communicating with a dog is a psychological relaxation.

Since ancient times, dogs have been used in work: hunting, military affairs, messenger and guard service. People needed and still need four-legged helpers, which is why countless dog professions and directions have arisen.


Good shepherds: collies, Caucasians, German shepherds, Australian shepherds and representatives of other breeds. When the herd is grazing. they are looking after him. They return closer the stray sheep or bull. They can find the missing calf.

Popular questions about professions working with animals

What are the highest paying professions working with animals?

In the segment under consideration, veterinarians receive the highest salaries. In Moscow, the salary of this specialist can exceed 150,000 rubles, which is equivalent to the salary of a good programmer.

The second lines in the ranking of highly paid professions working with animals are occupied by felinologists, dog handlers, groomers, protection agents, canine therapists, ornithologists, and zoologists. Their salary ranges from 40,000-70,000 rubles, but it all depends on experience and talent. The more animals they work with, the higher the income.

The worst paid work is for milkmaids and veterinary paramedics, who can claim a salary not exceeding 20,000-30,000 rubles.

Are there any professions related to both animals and travel?

Ornithologists and zoologists are often sent on business trips abroad. Aquarists and felinologists often travel both within their native country and abroad, searching for and studying interesting individuals. Trainers working in circus troupes travel around the world during tours.

If you want to not only work with animals, but also travel the world, you can become a naturalist. Naturalists (naturalists) study nature as it is. They visit different countries to show the world rare animals. The profession is suitable for women and men of any age who are willing to take risks.

Important! Naturalists can host their own shows; over the years of their career they manage to visit many exotic countries, but this profession is dangerous. For example, in the early 2000s, famous naturalist Steve Irwin died from a stingray attack.

Another interesting profession in working with animals, which involves travel and a good salary, is a dolphin trainer. Specialists have the opportunity to take up vacancies in famous museums dedicated to the sea and dolphinariums. Coaches are constantly in contact with their students, teaching them how to interact with people, sing, and draw. They take care of adult and small dolphins. To work in this field, you must have a higher education in biology or ecology.

What other professions are there for working with animals?

People who love animals come into contact with them constantly when working as photographers. Yes, owners of purebred cats, dogs and other fauna often order photo sessions for their pets.

Animal photographers can work in a studio or travel the world taking photographs for renowned magazines such as National Geographic. The profession is suitable for people of any age who know how to use a camera. A quick reaction is important, because a beautiful monkey or bird will not patiently pose until you create a successful shot.

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You can also choose one of the following professions:

  • ecologist, dealing with the problems of global warming, extinction of populations of animals, fish, birds, insects;
  • a handler specializing in the professional demonstration of dogs during exhibitions;
  • ichthyologist, professionally engaged in the study of the characteristics and evolution of fish;
  • a jockey who works as a rider during a race;
  • groomer specializing in horse training. He also helps people learn the basics of horse riding.

Another interesting dynastic profession was called taxidermist. These specialists create stuffed animals and birds. In the CIS countries, the profession can only be mastered privately; at the moment there is no faculty for taxidermists in universities and colleges!


There is a whole direction in modern medical practice - canistherapy. Dogs of absolutely any breed, including outbred dogs, participate in treatment and rehabilitation programs for children and adults with various cardiovascular diseases, Down syndrome, those suffering from autism, nervous disorders and social behavior disorders, hyperactivity and many other diseases. The effectiveness of this technique has been repeatedly confirmed.

Belgian Malinois

This versatile and easy-to-train short-haired breed is used in European countries to protect public order. The attentiveness, strength and speed characteristic of dogs allow them to successfully undergo special training and perform guard duty, and, if necessary, neutralize an armed bandit.

Malinois are muscular, graceful, lean. They have a stable psyche and are characterized by independence. The average height of males is 60, and that of females is 56 centimeters, with a weight of 30 and 25 kilograms, respectively. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Dense wool and rich undercoat ensure comfortable keeping of Malinois in the local area in a spacious fenced area. They require exercise - with proper training, dogs are successful in sports competitions, but when kept in an apartment they feel constrained and get bored without jogging.

The Malinois breed is recommended for experienced dog breeders and people who have the desire and opportunity to regularly work with their pet and train it.

Central asian shepherd dog

The protective qualities of the Central Asian Shepherd, which are transmitted at the genetic level, are in demand in professional activities.

Dogs are balanced. This breed tends to attack only as a last resort when the owner is threatened or a protected area is violated.

The animal has coarse, straight and hard-to-the-touch fur, with a thick undercoat. The height of an adult male dog is from 70 centimeters, females - from 65 with an average weight of 40-80 kilograms. Life expectancy is 12-15 years. Character depends on gender: if males are phlegmatic, then females are quite sociable and active.

To keep a Central Asian Shepherd Dog, a spacious enclosure in a private household is desirable.

The breed is recommended only for experienced dog breeders, since proper education of the obstinate leader and his timely socialization are of utmost importance.

What do people in the dog handler profession do?

The responsibilities of a dog handler directly depend on the position he occupies. A nutritionist will monitor nutrition, a psychologist will correct behavior, and a generalist will try to do everything at once. It is quite possible that as a result of career growth you will be able to take a higher position and become, for example, the head of the canine service. It is possible that you will open your own training center or provide services as a private specialist. In any case, the key task is to work for the benefit of the dog’s health and professional viability. Regardless of the position.

German Shepherd

This popular breed of dog is easy to train and is suitable for both professional work as a guard and for keeping in the family.

Dogs are strong, resilient, attentive and vigilant, poised and determined.

The height of males is 60-65, females - 55-60 centimeters, weight 27-50 kilograms. Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

The ideal conditions for keeping a shepherd dog is a spacious enclosure in a private home. Such accommodation will provide fresh air, regular walks and exercise, which are necessary to maintain the health of the dog.

German Shepherds are very capable, so regular training and basic knowledge of training rules will help raise a loyal and devoted friend.

French Shepherd Beauceron

The French Shepherd is a true working dog. It is used in official activities as a mine detector, but has found greatest recognition as a shepherd. With skillful upbringing in the family, the dog will become a true friend and devoted companion.

French shepherds have unique abilities to manage livestock: they orient the herd, notice lagging animals, and drive them in the right direction.

The Beauceron is prohibited from biting and barking loudly - it is important that the dog’s hunter instinct “goes out” and the shepherd instinct prevails. All this does not come by itself, but is the result of a person’s hard work during training.

The dog's coat is smooth, hard, with a soft undercoat. The height of males is 65-70, females - 61-68 centimeters, weight - 40-50 kilograms. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

Herding dogs are not comfortable in the city, so a fenced, spacious area in a country house would be a good option for keeping a Beauceron. The dog will be grateful to the owner for the opportunity to run around the yard. And existing domestic animals can successfully replace a pet’s herd, which he will be willing to lead.

The Beauceron is not easy to train, so from the first time the puppy arrives in the house, it is necessary to gain his trust and treat the dog with respect. French shepherds take a long time to mature - approximately by the age of three, so the process of education and training is drawn out.

The owner will need a lot of strength and perseverance for daily active activities with the pet before it becomes a loyal friend, ready to sacrifice his life to protect the owner and his family.

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