Types of leashes for ferrets and features of walking

The collar is the most famous and widespread fetish, attribute and device in the practice of BDSM. A woman's delicate neck is shackled in leather and steel as a symbol of submission and possession. A collar around a girl’s neck can be not only part of the role behavior of a dominant and submissive. It can be a stylish addition to your everyday look and this does not always mean belonging to the BDSM culture.

Why do ferrets need a harness?

Without walks, ferrets do not behave well in the house. They need to spend energy, otherwise they begin to act out, damage household equipment, and even show aggression towards people. Long walks have a beneficial effect on the behavior of animals - after being exhausted in the fresh air, they become calm and harmless.

Ferrets differ from dogs and cats in that they cannot be left unattended - curious animals can scurry into any crevice. Frightened, they may hide in some shelter where it will be impossible to find them. Naughty and active animals can jump out right under the car.

A dog-like collar is not suitable for ferrets. The body structure of these sneaky animals is such that a regular collar can simply strangle them. In addition, the ferret is able to slip out of it, pull it off and run away. A safer accessory for walking ferrets is special harnesses.

How to make the right choice?

The best option is to take your ferret with you to the store. For fitting. Here you can try on several models and choose the best option. If you cannot bring the animal with you, take two measurements - the volume of the neck and torso.

What to look for when choosing a harness for ferrets:

  • Cat and dog harnesses are not suitable for animals, since they have a different body structure and are smaller in size.
  • The material of the product is durable, but not hard. So that the ferret cannot chew it. Manufacturers offer ferret harnesses made of: leather - it gets dirty less and is easy to clean;
  • nylon - they are easier to put on, elastic and have convenient fastenings.
  • Inspect the seams - they must be of high quality, strong, reliable.
  • The harness should be such that it does not squeeze the animal’s body, but it should not dangle either. The ideal option is if you can stick a finger between the harness and the animal’s body.
  • In addition to a harness, you need a good leash for walks. The optimal length is 2-3 m. New-fashioned tape measures are not particularly suitable for ferrets. Nimble animals can jump into the thickets, and the long leash will get tangled in the branches.

    “Once you stop seeing the face, you pay attention to everything else.”

    Lana Nisnevich, journalist, fashion analyst

    I have two theories about the return of fetish-style clothing to fashion. Firstly, in my opinion, all these leather masks of Kardashian and stockings on Kanye West’s head are more likely not BDSM, but Balenciaga, Richard Quinn and other brands flirting with anonymity, which has become more pronounced against the backdrop of the pandemic. Incognito in fashion has been talked about for a long time. We discussed the anonymity of the designer, anonymity in digital, and now it’s time to talk about the anonymity of the star. Can a celebrity remain recognizable without a face, and what does the pandemic have to do with it? Of course, the point is in the masks that hide the faces of not only the stars, but also people in general around the world.

    Secondly, techno fashion is simply expanding its boundaries. The world has long been going crazy about the aesthetics of the squat, the underground, the Berlin atmosphere, raves and the energy of youth at these raves. Hence the Bottega Veneta private show in Berghain, Rick Owens's millions in profit and the long-lasting popularity of avant-garde and deconstructivism. And BDSM is one of the variations on how to dress for this techno.

    Versace fashion show at Milan Fashion Week, autumn-winter 2019

    Photo: Shutterstock/REX

    There is such a theory - about a superhero costume. Spider-Man, or Batman, wears a mask to hide his identity. But why do they wear tight suits? According to Barbara Brownie and Danny Graydon, authors of The Superhero Costume, it's all about focusing on the body. Once you stop seeing the face and emotions, you pay attention to everything else. A superhero is strong and muscular - he doesn’t need emotions and beautiful eyes to save the world, he needs biceps, and superpower lies in these biceps.

    Mugler creative director Casey Cadwallader speaks of this same emphasis on the body: “It takes courage to wear tight.” And, apparently, after the pandemic, people have become bolder, because everything tight, sexy - like a bodycon dress or a catsuit - is now very popular.”

    Types of leashes

    Manufacturers offer ferret owners three types of harnesses - vests, H-shaped models and figure eights. Each option has its own characteristics and recommendations for use.

    Types of harnesses for ferrets:

    • Eights. They are more suitable for small animals. Thanks to its design, this harness does not allow ferrets to get out of it on their own. This harness has fasteners that securely fasten it to the animal’s body.

    • Vests. These harnesses are designed for large dogs. But the size must be selected individually - these products are not universal. Adult ferrets are more comfortable in such harnesses than in figure-of-eight harnesses. In addition, they can insulate animals during the cold season - there are both summer and winter models made of thick fabric on sale.

    There are several popular options for neck collars for girls: 3

    • Classic leather. It is usually quite wide and strong, has a secure clasp and can be used to restrain the submissive or limit his mobility. Often leather models are decorated with rivets or a pendant with the owner’s name. Rings or carabiners can be attached to it to secure the leash. The model without decorations, signs of the owner and fastenings can be used as an everyday decoration.

    • Simple metal. It comes in the form of a steel hoop, a thin rim or a chain. Metal collars are often equipped with a lock. Thin metal collars are used as everyday decoration, as a symbol of power over the slave, but are not recommended for use for restraint or control.
    • Spiked collars (leather and metal) – usually used as a fetish or as punishment (such as sleep deprivation). Sometimes it is mistakenly believed that a collar with spikes is a sign of a superior one. Most BDSM adherents are confident that such a product has no place on the owner’s neck. An exception can only be if it is jewelry. However, on this issue there are also categorical opponents of a collar on the top, even if it is strewn with precious stones.

    How to make a leash with your own hands?

    Harnesses are not cheap in the store, so if you have sewing skills, sew this product yourself. There are several sewing options and ideas, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages.

    Materials and tools

    To make a harness with your own hands, you will need to stock up on some accessories, materials, and tools. And, of course, patience - sewing requires attention, diligence, patience and accuracy.

    To make a harness you will need:

    • ribbon made of dense fabric, length - 3-3.5 m, width - 1-1.5 cm;
    • carabiner - to attach a leash;
    • half ring - to fasten a carabiner;
    • a pair of fasteners, which are usually used when sewing backpacks;
    • a pair of regulators.

    When choosing a material for a harness, keep in mind that the tape must withstand the jerking and running of the ferret. Locks should be reliable, not weak Velcro, which can come undone at any time.

    The harness for ferrets should be adjustable - animals always gain weight and get fat by winter, and lose weight by summer.

    Options for homemade harnesses

    Before making a harness, arm yourself with a measuring tape and take measurements from the animal. To sew a product for walking, you will need two sizes - neck and chest circumference.

    The harness can be made of ribbons or in the form of a vest. In the latter case, you will need a pattern similar to those used for sewing vests for cats and small dogs. Harness vests are only suitable for adults.

    The fabrics for the vests are elastic so that the harness vests do not squeeze the animal’s body. Summer and demi-season vests are made from thin and waterproof fabrics, while winter vests are made from warm fabric.

    Step by step instructions

    You can make any of the existing harness options yourself. From ribbons - an H-shaped or figure eight, from fabric - a harness-vest.

    How to make a harness from ribbon:

    1. According to the measurements taken in advance, cut two pieces of appropriate length from the tape - one for the neck, the other for the chest. The length of the pieces should correspond to the circumference of the animal’s neck and chest.
    2. Cut another piece of tape for the jumper. Its length is equal to the distance between the front legs and the neck.
    3. Attach adjusters and sew fasteners to the edges of the sections covering the chest and neck.
    4. Attach a ring to the jumper - under the carabiner.
    5. Sew the pieces with the jumper.

    Making a leash is even easier. Cut a piece of tape 1.5-2 m long. Attach a carabiner to one side of the leash, and make a loop on the other side - you will thread your hand through it.

    If the harness is made from synthetic tape, be sure to singe its edges, otherwise over time it will unravel and crumble.

    Video on how to sew a harness from ribbon:

    Having spent a little more time and effort, you can sew a more universal version of the harness - a vest. If possible, sew models for different seasons - light and warm.

    How to sew a harness-vest:

    1. Buy suitable fabric or use scraps found at home - you won't need a lot of fabric for the vest.
    2. According to the measurements - the girth of the chest and neck (the same ones that were used to sew the harness from a strong ribbon), make a pattern on paper. It is extremely simple and resembles a rectangle with holes for the neck and paws.
    3. Cut out the pattern and attach it to the fabric with pins.
    4. Cut out the piece using seam allowances (approximately 1-1.5 cm). Stitch the edges.
    5. Sew fasteners to the vest - its edges will connect on the animal’s belly. Here, unlike a harness, it is better to use Velcro - they will optimally fix the animal and will not allow it to slip out.

    When sewing, take into account the peculiarity of the animal - the arching of its back. If the vest is too big, he will bend and easily slip out of it and run away. Therefore, the product should fit the animal quite tightly, but not tightly, from the middle of the body to the neck. In other places the harness may be less tight.

    Video about sewing a harness-vest:

    Harnesses-vests do not require any special expenses or skills, and they can become not only a stylish accessory for a ferret, but also his exclusive costume. If desired, you can decorate the harness-vest with bright ribbons, rhinestones, appliqués and other decor.

    Both the sign of a slave and the symbol of power

    It is generally accepted that the human collar was invented during the slave system. He dressed slaves and equated those in slavery to animals (for which collars were originally invented). It helped limit freedom of movement, if necessary, and was a humiliating mark by which free citizens immediately recognized a person in slavery. A special tag was put on the collars of slaves, which indicated the name of the owner.

    The same tag indicated the punishment for stealing a slave or helping him escape. Slave owners in Ancient Rome and Greece quickly abandoned the use of slave collars. This is explained simply - there were more slaves than free people. Slaves visited public places and could see that there were more of them than their masters. This could lead to the unification of slaves and the beginning of a rebellion.

    However, a collar on a person did not always indicate slaves. In Ancient Egypt and the Mayan tribe, jewelry made of metal, stone, and bone was worn around the neck. It tightly covered the throat, served for protection when attacked by animals or other people, and was used only by representatives of the upper class.

    Jewelry in the form of ribbons and strings of beads, tightly clasping the neck, was often used by noble ladies, but closer to the 20th century, such decoration also became popular among women of “lighter social responsibility” (kept women, prostitutes, courtesans).

    A little later, in the wake of punk culture, necklaces in the form of a collar returned to fashion again. The founder of punk fashion, Vivienne Westwood, dreamed of this accessory becoming popular again for a large number of people. But her collars were created under the impression of BDSM experiments, which very confused ordinary people

    In the early 90s, jewelry around the neck in the form of a ribbon or thin headband became quite popular. This accessory is called a choker (from English “strangler”) and the attitude towards it changes depending on the worldview of a particular person. Some see in it a direct connection with the collar in BDSM culture and call it a “black belt in throat blowjob.”

    Those familiar with the history of such jewelry believe that this is an elegant way to emphasize the whiteness of the skin and the beauty of the neck. In any case, it leaves few people indifferent and attracts attention to the one who wears it.

    The recent return of chokers to the fashion catwalk allows girls to use collars as decoration in everyday life.

    How to dress and train a ferret to wear a harness?

    If you put a harness on your ferret without preparation and immediately drag him outside, he will become very stressed. Two new events at once is too much even for such an active animal. Ferrets need to be accustomed to wearing a harness in advance, preferably from childhood.

    How to accustom an animal to wearing a harness:

    • Keep in mind that the ferret will resist when you start putting on an “unit” that is incomprehensible to him.
    • Be persistent and don’t give in to the animal.
    • Put on the harness, pushing the animal's head through the hole. Carefully fasten the fasteners and check the tension by inserting your finger under the tapes - it should pass under them freely.
    • After putting on the harness, give the ferret some kind of treat - let him associate the action performed with pleasant sensations.
    • Let the animal walk around the house in a harness - let him walk in it for 10-15 minutes.

    Carry out the training again and again so that the ferret gets used to the accessory, does not resist when putting it on and does not try to pull it off.

    When the animal gets used to the harness and treats it calmly, attach the leash and walk around the house. After the ferret gets used to such manipulations, you can safely go outside.

    Features of walking with a ferret

    Walking in the fresh air is not a requirement for keeping a ferret. Rather, it is additional entertainment for both the animal and its owner.

    Before the walk

    To ensure that your walk brings only positive emotions and is not complicated by any troubles, prepare for the walk in advance.

    How to properly prepare for a walk:

    • Your animal must be accustomed to a harness and leash. You shouldn’t go outside without preliminary training.
    • Do not rush to take the animal outside, first give it all the necessary vaccinations - against rabies and carnivorous distemper. Maintain quarantine - the veterinarian will indicate it, and only then go for a walk.

    Do not take the animal outside if you washed it the day before. Its undercoat will not have time to dry, and the animal may catch a cold.

    Gradual acquaintance with the street

    Animals, once outside, are happy to get acquainted with the world around them, get a lot of impressions and even get to know their brothers, if local dance dancers like to walk in company.

    To prevent the animal from getting stressed, scared or, conversely, being too active from excessive delight, accustom it to the street gradually.

    How to train a ferret to go for walks:

    • Deliver the ferret to the place of walking in a container. This will avoid situations in which the animal will escape along the road.
    • Increase your walking time gradually. Especially in winter. Start with 10 minutes.
    • For walks, choose the cleanest and safest areas. They should be located away from roads and dog walking areas. The best option is remote, uncrowded squares and parks.


    During your walk, be extremely careful - the nimble and energetic animals will not let you relax. Monitor their behavior and follow the rules that will help you prevent dangerous situations and unwanted consequences.

    Security measures:

    • Take measures against parasites. When outdoors, ferrets are at risk of contracting fleas and ferret ear infections. Use a special spray sprayed onto the wool. It is important that the animal does not lick itself after treatment.
    • Take only healthy ferrets with strong immune systems for walks.
    • Do not walk animals that have not reached the age of 9-10 months, especially if it is cold outside.
    • If you still decide to let your ferret off the leash, provided that there is no danger for him nearby, then attach a bell to the harness in advance. By its ringing you can detect the animal. The sound of the bell can be heard even under the snow.

    Walking rules

    When walking your ferret, follow the rules to help you avoid trouble. It is important that walks bring only positive emotions to both the animal and its owner. And most importantly, they should not negatively affect the health of the animal.

    Walking rules:

    • Walk animals only with a harness and leash, never let the animal go. Carelessness will probably end with the animal running away - the ferret will definitely see something interesting for itself and give chase.
    • Check the tension of the harness - it should not put pressure on the animal. If you tighten it too much, it will hurt him to walk.
    • When you return home, be sure to wipe your ferret's paws and inspect him for parasites.
    • You can walk your ferret all year round. The exception is extreme heat and frost. Ferrets do not tolerate high temperatures well and can even suffer from heatstroke.
    • If you are going to walk your ferret in winter, be sure to walk him in the fall, getting him used to the cold weather in advance.

    Collective trauma

    Recently, popular stars appear in public much more often wearing clothes with BDSM elements. For example, Damiano David, the lead singer of the Eurovision-winning band Måneskin, appeared on the MTV EMA red carpet in a shocking outfit: a black transparent shirt, high leather gloves, panties, garters, fishnet stockings and patent leather boots. At the Metropolitan Museum of Art's annual Met Gala, actor Evan Mock wore a black patent leather mask with spikes on the top of his head in the shape of a mohawk and sealed eye holes.

    At Fashion Week in New York, TV star and one of the main influencers Kim Kardashian was noticed in a leather suit from the luxury brand Balenciaga, consisting of a jumpsuit, a raincoat, gloves, high boots and a blind balaclava with a hole for the face with a metal zipper. And the singer Madonna came to the MTV Video Music Awards in a leather jumpsuit with a deep neckline, a cap with a chain and high fingerless gloves.

    Damiano David at the 2021 MTV EMAs

    Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage/Getty Images

    Foreign fashion experts expressed their assumptions about why fetish fashion has gained a new wave of popularity in 2022. Lou Austin, co-owner of the fetish portal MegaPleasure, believes that the return to fashion of BDSM-style items is due to the collective trauma suffered by society during the coronavirus pandemic.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this pandemic sparks a resurgence in mask-wearing, both in bedrooms and on catwalks, as a sign of communion with the collective trauma we've all endured over the past year

    Lou Austin, co-owner of the fetish portal MegaPleasure

    Professor Andrew Groves, curator of the Undercover exhibition, agreed: “The revival of fetish fashion is partly a reaction to quarantine. For the past 18 months, we've all been in a weird BDSM relationship with a government that controlled our bodies, forced us to wear masks, and dictated who we could kiss or touch. The return of fetish clothing to fashion can be interpreted as a desire to change this relationship, to regain control and take a dominant position in it.”


    Russian designers and fashion analysts have seen other factors influencing the spread of BDSM aesthetics in the fashion industry in 2021. They reflected on this topic in a conversation with Lenta.ru.

    What mistakes can you make?

    Before getting a ferret, you need to think carefully. Its temperament is radically different from that of a cat - the animal moves a lot, it is nosy and even hooligan. Because of this, many ferret owners make a lot of mistakes when keeping ferrets, including when walking them.

    Typical mistakes:

    • You take a long walk the first time. You can’t immediately go on long and long walks. Start by traveling around the house - let the animal get used to the street gradually.
    • Forced to go for a walk. Do not immediately pull the ferret's leash or force it to move. If the animal did not go for walks as a child, then when it finds itself outside the house, it will be extremely anxious. Give him time to get comfortable. Be calm and patient, do not force the animal to walk, do not get irritated or nervous.
    • Carelessness on the street. Keep your ferret close to you when walking on sidewalks and bike paths. It’s better not to walk there at all - go to parks and squares. Bicycles and electric scooters that suddenly appear on the sidewalks can hit an animal without even noticing it.
    • Lack of supervision. If you don't keep a close eye on your ferret, it may grab and eat something dangerous or poisonous. Many plants can cause intestinal blockage and poisoning in ferrets. If an animal starts chewing something on the street, take it away immediately.
    • Wrong size. If you overdo it and tighten the harness too tightly, or the vest is too small, the animal will suffer from squeezing. This will negatively affect his health. Check the tension by inserting your finger under the harness.
    • Communication with animals. Ferrets are extremely sociable and may be the first to approach dogs and cats. But not all of them will react positively to the animal. Meetings with hunting dog breeds are especially dangerous. Driven by instincts, the latter can pounce on a ferret and bite it to death with one movement of their jaws.

    When you come home from your first walks, grab leaves, flowers, small branches from the street - let your ferret smell them, let him get used to the smells of the street.

    If you still decide to get a ferret, do not be lazy to organize walks for him. All you need for this is a little patience and a harness. Walking your animal daily will have a positive effect on both its health and yours. Fresh air and energy expenditure will exhaust the ferret, and his behavior in the house will be calmer.



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    “Fashion is a vulture that recycles itself”

    Sasha Amato, admin of the Golden Chihuahua Telegram channel

    I see the trend towards latex, black leather and BDSM paraphernalia as part of a general countercultural movement, harkening back to the bold, radical fashion of the late 1980s and early 1990s. This is at the same time a new step forward: the trend itself and its sudden appearance can almost single-handedly be attributed to designer Demna Gvasalia. He is a big fan of 1980s fashion and various subcultural movements, the style of which he always integrates into his collections for both Vetements and Balenciaga.

    The important point is that these clothes are popularized by celebrities such as Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Evan Mock, and initially such clothes were part of the music industry. She appeared in magazine shoots, on the covers of CDs, artist albums and, of course, at the performances of Britney Spears, who used red latex for her images.

    Artists who previously selected fetish attributes only for concerts are now wearing them on the red carpet of music awards.

    Sasha Amato

    Thus, clothes that were previously considered club clothes suddenly became suitable for social events. The mechanism is quite simple, but very effective: when, with the help of a culturally influential person, some subcultural attribute such as BDSM costumes, latex or masks is promoted to the masses, it begins to be perceived as the norm. It is clear that it is still special and should not be worn to university, but for some evening or special event it is quite possible to wear it.

    Erotic fair Venus in Berlin

    Photo: Emmanuele Contini / imago stock&people / Globallookpress.com

    Fashion is cyclical, as a rule, this cycle is exactly 20 years. And an example of this is BDSM paraphernalia. Fashion is a vulture that constantly recycles itself. Another thing is that in the fashion industry itself, the attitude to this issue is quite ironic and sarcastic: such exercises are more likely to be perceived as a gadget, and not as some kind of mass trend that needs to be popularized and copied.

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