Keeping a Samoyed Laika at home: caring for the dog, proper feeding and walking features

Samoyed huskies are one of the most ancient dog breeds on Earth. They have a charming appearance, a wonderful flexible character and developed intelligence. They are very loyal to their owners and can withstand adverse weather conditions well. In large families, Samoyeds will make friends with older children, and for kids they will become gentle and caring nannies.

The coat of Samoyed huskies does not cause allergies, so those who suffer from this disease can undoubtedly adopt them.

The owners will be proud not only of the unusual appearance of their pet, but also of the status of the owner of a dog of such a rare breed, because in Russia there are only 2,500 of them.

Is the Samoyed suitable for keeping in an apartment or on the street?

The Samoyed is a breed suitable for keeping both in an apartment and on the street.

On the one hand, this is an Arctic dog that loves the cold. She copes well outside even in severe frost. All she needs is a sturdy, unheated booth. In addition, the dog loves activity and needs physical activity, and this image fully satisfies these needs.

On the other hand, the Samoyed is very attached to its owner and family members. Therefore, he must have access to the house.


If you keep your pet in an apartment, then daily walks are a must. A dog living in an apartment needs daily outdoor games and training. Such activities should take at least 2 hours every day.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Activityin the house2.8
on the street4.1
Dominationin family2.4
over dogs3.1
Defending your territoryfrom people2.2
from dogs3.1
Sociabilityin family4.8
with strangers4
with dogs3
Concentrationin family1.3
in front of strangers1.7
with dogs2.6
Aggressivenessin family1.3
to strangers1.8
to the dogs2.9
to cats3
Family behaviorcalmness3.4
demand for affection4.3
excessive barking3.8
behavioral breakdowns3.2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years4
over 4 years old4.2
Institutional usewatchman3

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Alaskan Malamute, Akita Inu, Siberian Husky, Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd.

The photo shows what Samoyeds look like:

In a snowdrift

Relaxing on the grass

This is our language

Apartment rules

If your pet lives in an apartment, follow these recommendations:

  • The dog must have its own place; teach it to sleep there.
  • Brush your pet at least 3 times a week.
  • After walks, be sure to wash your dog's paws.
  • From an early age, do not allow your dog to chew things and scratch furniture, otherwise this will later turn into a problem.
  • Regularly clean your pet's ears and teeth, and trim his nails.
  • Under no circumstances should you allow your dog to sleep on your bed.
  • If your pet comes back from a walk dirty, give it a bath.
  • In an apartment, the dog lacks space and exercise. Therefore, you need to walk your pet a lot, and it must move actively.
  • Feed the Samoyed 15–20 minutes after a walk, so the food will be better absorbed.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“First, brush your dog at least several times a week. Secondly, be sure to give her physical activity, walk with her as much as possible, otherwise things in the house may get damaged, shoes, furniture, etc. And most importantly, do not leave your pet alone for a long time, loneliness can seriously affect his psyche . If the Samoyed lives outside, make a small door in the front door so that the dog can freely enter and exit the house.”

Samoyed Laika (Samoyed) - owner reviews

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I have a beautiful Samoyedian girl living at home, she is 4 years old. As for the second post, this is not true. Samoyeds are very clean dogs and they hardly smell. They are not stupid, but they have character, for example, a shepherd dog will serve a person, and a Samoyed prefers not to serve, but to be a companion to a person. They love children very much, long walks, fun games. By purchasing such a dog, your life will be filled with even greater joy.




Recently a Samoyed attacked my small dog. There was no provocation on our part; we even stepped aside to let the owners and their two Samoyeds through. Every dog ​​has its own character, so there is no need to sing odes to all representatives of this breed.

Tanya Netkach


This miracle dog lives with me now. You need to comb it out often, as it will fall off. sheds about 2-3 times a year. I used to think that the dog couldn’t live in an enclosure, but he liked it and, what’s most surprising, began to guard the house and bark at passers-by. In my opinion, this is the best dog for children. You can’t keep her away from her one-year-old son, and he adores her. He understands all the words, but because of his restlessness he is difficult to train. But he’s a terribly good-natured dog, he loves to walk and pull (he’s definitely a sled dog).

Nelly Gontareva


This is an excellent family companion dog - very beautiful, very sociable and very friendly. Gets along well with children, in addition, it will be a medicine for special children.

Stepan Morkovkin


Why? Well, she will definitely stir you up and prevent you from falling into sadness and melancholy. Samoyeds need frequent walks in the fresh air. They are very talkative, love to play, chat, be petted, and love to be the center of attention. And on their face there is a characteristic touching smile... True, dogs are smart and headstrong, they need to be taken care of, but this is a plus if a person is lonely, or, for example, if the children have grown up, but you want to take care of someone).

Plus, when combing Samoyeds, wool is obtained, which then turns into excellent warm clothes. My good friends live with a cute Samoyed, Whiskey, with whom I like to play when I’m visiting. So the owner, Zhenya, with a sense of visible pride, showed me last year a scarf knitted from Whiskey wool with her own hands. Well, it’s true that they live in their own house, they have their own household... Yes, fussing and running around with smiling Whiskey lifts the mood, but unfortunately, I don’t have the opportunity to keep a Samoyed at home...

Well, what a scarf. Avon just watched 101 Dogs. Introduction to Dog Science There, one American lady put the production of woolen items on stream. And what? So, thanks to Samoyeds, you can start your own business. And note at the same time there is no violence, one continuous joy and one continuous happiness!))

Conclusion: a Samoyed puppy is the best gift)). New Year's, white dog.


very stupid dog. Our friends have this. Horrible. Dumb as a Siberian felt boot. Mlyn, everyone is her “master”, anyone will call and rush... I have never met a more stupid breed!


Of all the huskies, the Samoyed is the most human-oriented, it definitely needs to be loaded, but the Samoyed does not require such super loads as the same huskies, it recognizes one leader in the pack... they love to play, especially with balls, they will simply sell their souls for this, so there are no problems I don’t see it at all with loads... and even if the dog likes to play accordingly and is trained simply with a bang! The only problem is the barking, they bark very loudly, it’s just some kind of ultrasound, and white fur! and if you are new to this breed, then it is better to take a bitch



you can’t count all the advantages


sometimes mischievous

I already have one husky dog ​​in my house, I have already written a review about it. I really love animals, especially dogs. And when I saw a white bundle of happiness at my friend’s place, for some reason I also wanted one for myself. And most of all, what bought me was that the dog is very good-natured and not aggressive at all. What can I say about the Husky breed? In general, I was inspired to buy this dog in one place. At the beginning, my husband resisted and gave arguments, such as why there are two dogs in the apartment, but still my arguments prevailed, and it was decided to buy a dog. And after a certain time, a bundle of happiness was in my arms. What can I say about this dog? The dog is simply amazing, of course there are problems with it just like with any other, but this one has a huge advantage in that the dog loves children very much and is absolutely not aggressive, even if you put your hand in its cup or pick up a bone from its mouth, it will not react Absolutely nothing. What can I say about the Husky? By the way, she has good security qualities; when neighbors walk outside the door, she yelps. And if you want to take a dog into your home, then don’t hesitate to take a Samoyed, you won’t regret an ounce.



Kind, affectionate, trusting, easy to train, loves children very much, in a word, a smiling dog)


Barks a lot because... requires a lot of attention)

5 reasons to get a Samoyed: 1. They don’t stink of dog meat - they smell like winter freshness 2. They don’t bark - they sing and talk 3. They don’t get dirty - their fur is self-cleaning 4. They don’t bite - they kiss 5. They don’t get in the way with their feet - they worry about us, helpless little people. Disadvantages Cannot stand loneliness.

Dog lover

If you don’t comb it properly, you’ll end up with a shabby homeless person, not a dog. In general, all huskies are very independent, they love to bark and howl, and many bite. If you want a companion and guard primarily, consider other options

Victor dlya-sobak-samoedov-ma

Our friends have had a Samoyed male for three years. Not very well-mannered, loud, noisy, mischievous. Most likely due to lack of education. He is really very friendly with everyone. When we come to visit friends, he starts jumping on us with joy, trying to lick us. To be honest, this is not very pleasant to me.



Very friendly, affectionate, active. The best friend for adults and children.


Wool is everywhere.

I work with children with developmental disabilities, so I was looking for a dog that would help me in this work. The choice fell on the Samoyed. So 4 years ago I bought a Samoyed dog. From my own experience I was convinced that this dog helps children develop and fight diseases, since being with this particular breed is equivalent to being with a dolphin (dolphin therapy). My daughter was born premature with a very weakened immune system. After the appearance of Jena (that’s what my daughter called her), she stopped getting sick, even seasonal allergies went away, and if a cold appears, it will only be in a very mild form. Also, the Samoyed is the best dog to help children overcome self-doubt. Children with speech impairments and autism begin to talk. In children with cerebral palsy, spasticity is weakened. It can even be owned by those who are allergic to dog hair - it does not cause allergies!!! What a miracle dog!



Kind, friendly, no smell


Prolonged shedding.

I am the owner of a wonderful breed, I have two of them! Very friendly, sociable, loves children, playful. This breed is suitable for those who love an active lifestyle. He doesn't eat that much compared to other dogs of his size. It can be trained, but it should take much more time than a German Shepherd. I dreamed about this breed for six years, I am very happy that there is snow-white happiness in my family. I never doubted my choice! From the very first exhibition we received first places and CAC! A very great advantage of Samoyeds is that they have no smell, suitable for those who live in an apartment. Of course, care is a separate topic, but there is nothing complicated. Once a week you definitely need to comb it completely, under no circumstances do you need to throw away soft wool, you can either knit it yourself, or like me, I sell wool very profitably! Many people think that such a snow-white dog is bathed almost every day, no, this should not be done under any circumstances, otherwise the structure of the coat may be damaged. You can bathe no more than twice a year, of course it doesn’t work out that way, in general somewhere I bathe 6 times a year. The wool is self-cleaning, so after a walk an hour later, the wool will be snow-white)



Beautiful appearance and no smell.


I described everything point by point in the text. I advise beginners to read and think about it.

This miracle has been living in our house for three years now. Samoyed Dog. It’s not my first, I have a good and positive experience behind me. We also have a Corgi, an extraordinary dog ​​with the kindest and most loyal heart. Before that, there was also a dog who lived with us for a decent 15 years. And to say that I love dogs is an understatement. I've always simply adored them. We took our Samoyed for an active lifestyle, we planned to ride bicycles, ski with it, etc. We bought it from prof. nursery. Quite famous among Samoyed owners. Parents are super champions. We were predicted to have a wonderful exhibition career. And maybe it would have turned out that way, but we were unlucky with our character. I also had to forget about sports. Obviously, the dog was not intended for its purpose. Terribly lazy))) And sometimes just uncontrollable! How much money, time and effort we spent to at least somehow correct her behavior! What nerves this was all worth! OKD passed with grief in half. We turned to recommended and already familiar dog handlers, animal psychologists, etc. etc. And we just realized that it couldn’t be fixed. ))) We will love you as you are. Among the owners of Samoyeds I found excellent friends with whom we constantly meet, organize hikes or just walks, share experiences, as well as problems in education. I came to the conclusion that we are not the only ones. And there are very, very many people like us. Samoyeds really have a lot of behavioral problems and here are some of them: 1. There is too much of her! Energy like a vampire. ))) Samoyeds are very jealous and demand maximum attention. All your 24 hours. We also have animals at home. A cat and a dog of the Welsh Corgi breed. They are all young and full of energy, but they always have their own things to do. With the Samoyed, it turned out that she was not interested in playing with other animals. She constantly needs to hang on to her owners. They should and simply must play with her around the clock until she gets tired, but she never gets tired of playing games. The whole world should revolve around her. The first year it seemed to me that I didn’t have a puppy at home, but an infant who was not growing up. If ignored, the dog falls into either frantic hysteria or aggressive depression. She can lie all day, eat nothing and doesn’t let anyone near her, growls, mischiefs, barks... And all this will happen until they come up to Her Majesty and start persuading her to eat, play, etc.))) 2. The dog often runs away, loves everyone and everyone, recognizes the owner in anyone who feeds him deliciously. They love to hug and tease everything that moves, including a Kamaz truck, even if it is traveling at a speed of 100 km/h. It’s okay, you won’t have time to blink an eye and throw yourself under the wheels. Unfortunately, in three years we have already heard a lot about how Samoyed escapes end. So, the experienced ones try not to let them off the leash. 3. They love to yap. Very loud and shrill. Ours loves to scream during ultrasound, so much so that her ears get blocked. However, like many Samoyed girls. 4. Trusting and loving. They are absolutely not loyal to their master. If you leave your Samoyed with a stranger and you go on vacation for 2 weeks, then he is unlikely to miss you. We leave ours to friends who have 2 Samoyeds. It was as if we didn’t exist... Although, of course, there are loyal dogs among Samoyeds, but this is rather an exception. 5. They are difficult to train. There is rather a misconception here. Samoyeds understand human speech very well. Personally, my dog ​​understands everything! But she will never just do what she is told. You definitely need a motivator. This is not a corgi or a shepherd dog, which will stand on its hind legs only out of loyalty. He behaves disgracefully on the street. All classes, as I understand it, are just passing by. There are bananas in the ears, the tongue is over the shoulder and just wildly jumps from side to side. She flatly refuses to play with me and the second dog. We just go out into the street and she runs around chaotically. ))) bullies the elder, who barks at her menacingly, but the house is friendly and they play quite well, if, of course, the queen deigns. )) 6. Well, perhaps the worst thing for me is dirt and fluff. They shed shamelessly. Even on expensive vitamins and good food, we have fur everywhere. Now I can’t do without cleaning every day. He eats all over the house, very sloppy. If our Corgi eats at the bowl, then the Samoyed will carry pieces of meat throughout the house, play with them, poke around, be greedy, and growl at everyone. We worked on this “growl” on trust for a very long time. In general, a complete zero.))) And if they gave you a bone, then it’s scary to go into the room where it’s located, not only will it not let anyone near it, it won’t let anyone into the room. Although I take everything from Corgi calmly. Never growls. But this is a completely separate topic. And now I get to the important thing. I sometimes perceive everything that I described above with a smile. Everyone has their own character, nervous system, etc. But Samoyeds have one huge drawback; maybe, of course, this also exists in other breeds, but I haven’t heard... They are vindictive and will definitely take revenge for punishment, even if it was fair . Mine takes revenge on me in the following way: she pees or makes piles on my bed... Exactly in the place where I sleep. By the way, I'm not the first. I often observe this phenomenon on forums or social groups. networks. A friend’s dog has been peeing on her carpet next to her bed or on her things for about five years now... But beds and sofas are priority places for some reason. Honestly, I’ve never even had cats like these... And in terms of toilet training, these are the stupidest dogs I’ve ever known. I trained my corgi to walk for exactly a week. Then he began to ask himself. The Samoyed dog was trained before she was a year old. And it's very hard. And even now she never asks, I just take them out for a walk at a certain time, apparently she’s gotten used to the routine. Some people treat this normally and patiently, saying the hackneyed phrase “it’s a Samoyed.” I come to the conclusion that a more useless and stupid breed simply does not exist. Disadvantages: they are clearly overstretched, and sometimes they go off scale. There is, of course, a huge plus - the breed is gorgeous in appearance. But for aesthetic pleasure, it’s better to get a Pomeranian; at least he won’t sprain his fingers while walking. Yes! And this happened to us. I decided for myself that I would never again get involved with the Samoyed Dog breed. Still, a dog is a faithful friend, a companion, sometimes a watchman, sometimes a nanny. Who will love you. But not the other way around.

Tkacenko Ilona


Beautiful fur, playful, and that's all


Goes to the toilet at home, Jumps on people, Eats all sorts of nasty things, Gets jealous,

I always dreamed of a shepherd dog, but when I saw the cute Samoyeds I couldn’t resist. We adopted our girl when she was 2 months old. The next day, after arriving, my eyes began to run. The breeder said that this happens after the mother's milk is stopped. They washed the eyes, but it didn’t help much, we bought drops and it immediately became better) She’s not fussy about food, she eats everything, and she can eat a rubber toy or plastic. Fortunately, our Alma is not interested in shoes, but she quickly loses her composure when she sees food. She barks a lot, of course. We didn’t even try to wean him off, since we have a private house, which is even a plus. Although she’s not much of a security guard at all, she runs to everyone and is happy even with strangers. She loves to be the center of attention, if you are not interested in her, then she will sit next to you, bark loudly, poke you with her toy, give you her paw, and jump on you. If you continue to ignore her, she takes revenge, namely, she craps at home. And this is the biggest problem, she is almost a year old and she still craps the house, it’s just terrible. She doesn’t tolerate it at all, and doesn’t want to ask either. Before her, we had two dogs (a Labrador and a spaniel). By the time they were 5 months old, they were walking twice a day, and they tolerated it calmly. I won’t say that our Samoyed is stupid, she just doesn’t like going outside to the toilet. That's all, and there's nothing we can do about it. I walk her on a leash, not because she can run away, but because she jumps on people, and can teach her to jump into a stranger’s arms or knock a child down with her dirty paws. She always manages to slip away and run to the next street to eat some slop. After that, of course, she litters the whole house. During heat she shed a lot, but on ordinary days if you comb it every day (or at least every other day), the fur does not come out, because the food and shampoo were chosen correctly. Even if the dog is dirty, the fur does not smell like dog. He gets along well with children, but not very well with other animals (he is jealous). As soon as you pet the cat, Alma will then start nibbling on it anyway she likes. She is calm when alone, but when you come she needs to be given attention. We walk twice for 40-50 minutes, and go out a couple of times just to go to the toilet. In general, the dog is active, jealous, but beautiful)


These dogs are very easy to socialize with everyone, but not easy to care for. Of course, try to keep her coat completely white, especially in the off-season. Scratch it every day, wash it! Well, with food it’s a whole epic. This is a breed, and purebreds are all allergic! Then select food and food for him... Keep an eye on his vaccinations, get his haircuts, etc. and so on….

By the way, as a dog handler told me, you need to walk such a dog at least 6 hours a day, i.e. 3 times for 2 hours, because they are sled dogs and they need daily mileage, otherwise they may have problems with their legs later on. Therefore, someone correctly said in his review that this is not a dog for the lazy. If you started it, quit your job!..

Our handsome guy's name is Fox! Well, of course, this is not his nickname according to his passport, according to his passport he is Azimuth of the Fluffy Blizzard, but that doesn’t matter. The daughter, to whom this cunning young man gave her, named the puppy differently, because that cunning one is still the same! This is expressed in the fact that, for example, in order to get some kind of delicacy, instead of one command that he does not like to carry out, he will first carry out another, pretending that he does not understand what he is being asked to do. And he will do it so cunningly that everything will be written all over his face. And only when he understands that they won’t get off him and won’t give him a treat, he will reluctantly do what is asked of him. In general, of course, he likes to get everything for his beautiful eyes! And most importantly, he knows who to get it from! He’ll come, sit down and let’s take turns giving paws, he knows that if he gives one, then they’ll still ask for another!

I don’t know if it’s just ours or everyone, but their face really resembles a fox, and such a cartoon face - cunning, cunning... and at the same time simple-minded and naive.

In my opinion, these dogs are completely untrainable; to teach one command would take a ton of salt. They are also very affectionate, love everyone and everything, and absolutely do not know how to voice. At first I thought that he didn’t know how to bark at all, and would never learn, but my daughter somehow forced me to do it. Although he barks on the street on very rare occasions. This is very good, it does not bother neighbors and passers-by.

In general, draw your own conclusions - to start it or not to start it! And if you decide to have one, remember: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”


I'll tell you my story... My husband and I decided to get such a miracle Samoyed. We decided to take this step very quickly, just as quickly we found a puppy and voila even faster, without much hesitation we purchased it! In general, briefly about the qualities of the dog: these are incredibly kind, friendly, curious, playful dogs. An ideal option for those who have children and other animals. Whoever, the Samoyed will make friends with them one hundred percent. All the nonsense about how supposedly the fur stinks and sheds (sorry, but if you bought a dog, kindly give it good quality vitamins, a balanced diet and you will be happy) this is all nonsense!!!!! The wool of this breed does not stink!!! Regarding shedding, I am sure that those people who so obsessively talk about shedding have no trace of animals, and moreover, they do not know that even short-haired animals, be it a cat or a dog, shed and how. Grooming is important, and a well-chosen shampoo, furminator, slicker brush and three hours to wash and comb your pet will help you with this. I also own a long-haired cat, and believe me, more often than not I encounter hair on the rugs of a cat, not a dog. If shedding scares you, get yourself a SPHINX (a completely hairless cat) and be happy))) The Samoyed is a very active dog, that is, for people who love movement.

And now I’ll move on to the question: A SAMOYED IN AN APARTMENT? Just don’t hesitate to read: when someone is at home (a person) everything is normal... but when no one is there - the result is personally from our life: the wallpaper is torn (we put up new wallpaper - it was torn again), the legs of the chairs are completely ripped off... more "crunchies" and they will simply become short and unusable, the wall behind the kitchen corner was completely destroyed (our Samoyed simply dug the wall down to the brick, we discovered this very late), there were simply no baseboards left in the hallway, all the cat litter scoops were destroyed, any things left on the floor from the dog's point of view, whether a belt or a bra is destroyed at this very second, the flowerpots had to be taken from room to room, since she turned them over and chewed them, her collars were successfully chewed off, the cat is constantly licked - shower effect, chases, mocks, hunts for her even when the cat goes potty, destroyed all the carpets that were in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet (just stupidly tore them up like a hot water bottle), constantly destroys all the water bottles, once ate all the fur from my friend’s shoes, what did we have to do with apartment (and thank God she doesn’t touch her shoes). It seems to me that if we left this “BEING” in an apartment with access to all rooms, we would have to do not just cosmetic repairs, but also change all the furniture. I know that a Samoyed lives in an apartment next door, so the woman changed all the doors. In general, the result (if you have a lot of money, you simply love to do repairs, you are stress-resistant, are not afraid of losing your favorite things, you absolutely love cleaning every day, then this dog will undoubtedly suit you). She will create the best conditions for keeping you occupied with the above mentioned; you will not go wrong with your choice.

Note to self: I believe and hope that in the bright future we will move to a house where any of our MIRACLE DESTROYER dogs will be comfortable and will devote all their attention to lawns, flowers and the destruction of the enclosure)))) But that’s another story)))) ))

Skachkova Alexandra

This dog's place is on the street, in a country house! But not like in an apartment!

This is what I tried to prove to my sister, now she completely agrees with me!

And very suitable for children!

Now our Chelsea is 1 year old! Knows all commands except, To me and near! This is the only thing that makes me happy!

God, how we are suffering now! Ate everything! Spoiled it!

We were brought up according to the method, as explained and read a lot!

No matter how much you walk... he always pees at home! She gets bored because she always wants to play!

I don’t know about other Samoyeds, but ours can’t even stand up for herself, even small dogs offend her!

It’s no longer fun to come home and think about what she ate today!


Just in despair, how to change it!


I hope my review will be read by many people and there will not be more and more unhappy sled dogs. This is just some kind of cry from the soul. And let the happy, self-sufficient owners and breeders throw rotten tomatoes at me. Now there is a fashion for handsome Samoyeds, Huskies and Malamutes. And everyone who is not too lazy starts them. But these are sled dogs and they need to work to be happy!!! Otherwise they are stupid. Specifically about Samoyeds. 1) He loves everything, but more than that drunk guy passing by. 2) The leash pulls, many do, but after reading the forums and talking with self-owners, nothing stops them. The pregnant woman was walking with a stick, my ears were cracking, I thought he would drop me somewhere or twist my arms. 3) many of them have problems with peeing at home. I talked to many people. As the owner of my Samoyed’s sister said, “it’s good that he just started shitting on the street recently” 4) he won’t obey you at a glance like a service dog. You need to have a huge connection with the dog so that he follows all the commands. 5) this is a pack dog, that is, it needs a leader like no other. You won’t become a leader through lisp and go away how dear he is to me. I advise you to read “education according to the tale” for those who still decide to start one. 6) I believe all these problems are due to the lack of employment of the Samoyed. Oh, he should join the pack and drag the sledges through the snow! What a joy it would be! Once I met a family with two children, they took this baby and said, “We’ll go roller skating with him!” Wow, it’s already hard for him in the heat, but they want to force him to run too. 7) the Samoyed is not interested in doing things that may be interesting to other dogs, for example, fetching. They also don’t play much with dogs in the clearing. SES (northern sled dogs) either. In a large group of dogs, like my Samoyed and our friend the Malamute, after six months of age it becomes uninteresting to play with other dogs. I believe that problems arise with any dog ​​because it is not occupied, and few people can give the Samoyed what it really needs. Work. In the summer he is hot, in the winter in the apartment due to the heating, he is hot again. For families, I advise you to take a closer look at other breeds. I adopted a Samoyed, like many others, because of its beautiful, unusual appearance and friendly character. Although I love him, I regret choosing the breed. I try to do everything to make him happier. In the summer I take him for a swim (you understand, it’s difficult to wash the sand out of it and it takes a long time to dry on its own), in the winter I carry a tire, I started skiing myself, I force my husband to take him with me for a run... For the two years that I’ve had a dog, I haven’t I work and walk him three times a day. But this does not solve the problem. He needs to run!!! And the more, the better. The Samoyed's energy is overflowing. Before you adopt a Samoyed, think about why you need a dog. I wrote about my experience and my thoughts. Spelling and punctuation are lame, I write with one hand with a child in my arms))


Let me start by saying that I love animals very much. There were always cats (many kittens), hamsters, and then dogs (first a Pekingese, and immediately after a pug) living in the apartment. My husband and I moved to a new apartment, and I really wanted to get a puppy. After a long choice and torment, after reading reviews, we decided on a Samoyed dog (Samoyed), namely a girl.

Perhaps we should start with the fact that this dog is clearly not for city housing. You need to not just walk with her, but let her off the leash so that the dog can run around as much as possible, so if you live in a city where there is no field or forest nearby or where there are not a lot of people walking, you should think 10 more times! In the apartment, we immediately showed her “who’s boss”, so in our presence she behaves very exemplary, obeys in everything, lets her brush her hair (we do this almost every day, since she often rolls around somewhere and gets dirty), doesn’t chew anything , in addition to what they gave her, she is affectionate and loves a lot of attention. Diaper training also took a lot of time. This is where the real stubbornness of our Samodikha manifested itself; we had to roll up and remove all the carpets for almost a month (and we took a 3-month-old puppy).

We are working people, so from the very first day we tried to accustom her to being alone at home. We did everything as other knowledgeable people wrote: we started with a few minutes and gradually increased the time. Everything went well: torn diapers, chewed corners of the carpet (they left the only lint-free carpet in the kitchen, it was not a pity), sometimes an overturned bowl of water. But at some point (a little over 4 months) our little thing started licking and biting the walls on the balcony (the balcony was simply plastered), and they started giving her calcium. The matter was not limited to the balcony, the next stage - the wallpaper and all the protruding corners were chewed down to concrete.

In my opinion, love for people is more a disadvantage than an advantage. But love for people is not easy, but love FOR ALL PEOPLE, whether you know them or not! It can run away or jump and kiss anyone who tries to beckon or simply does not resist. The same applies to children, especially those who cry! If you have them in your family, rejoice, this fluffy toy will endure any bullying from your child (pulling the fur, tearing off the ears) and won’t even make a sound.

Despite all this, I love my furry one very much! Affectionate, smart, even cunning, ever-smiling face!


Judging by the reviews here, everyone is super cute and the perfect dog. Apparently I was the only one who came across a harmful furry asshole ;D

So, let's start with the fact that this breed is really for people who are ready to devote a lot of time to their pet. And it doesn’t matter to him that you want to surf the social network or relax on the couch. He will confidently poke you with his toy squeaking chicken - inviting you to play) Ours also puts all his toys on the sofa or in my pocket in a robe. So get ready for this. A lazy Samoyed is not a Samoyed. Walking with him you will pump up your gorgeous abs, because sometimes I get the impression that our Samoyed is ready to pull ten people on a sled or an oil tanker, but it doesn’t matter what, the main thing is to pull. Especially if he saw other dogs or a tree that could and should be marked) He practically does not react to the commands “fu”, “no”, etc. For Samoyeds, training is a game, and as you know, they get bored with games over time. In general, we have a hard time with this. In addition, he loves to “vacuum clean” everything. Especially when you start playing with him on the street, it’s like he’s a specialist and starts eating grass, pebbles, pieces of paper and other goodies that seem to him, while running away from the assholes with a satisfied face. We only walk on a leash, because this 18-kg cudgel (he is 9 months old) immediately flies to people, then to cars, then to other dogs. And of course, you definitely won’t be left without attention. The breed is truly beautiful. Yes, and they didn’t call him any number of names: Spitz and bear and kitten and chow-chow, but what killed him more was when his uncle said to the boy: “Oh! look at the poodle!”

Some people write that it smells. Those who write this apparently have not heard of the smell of dog

Wool. Ours is generally strange: when you scratch, there is almost no hair on the brush, but when you vacuum, the poor vacuum cleaner is already choking on hairballs. Yes, my cat has never spat out as many hairballs in her life as the vacuum cleaner collects at one time. And the cat, by the way, is 15 years old! I don’t know how he does it) We scratch several times a week. By the way, I advise you not to mess around with this, since ours has developed tangles behind his ears. The infection prevents you from scratching your ears)

There are no problems with food, you select super premium food and feed it. It seems to me that drying is still better. There are more problems with natural dogs because these dogs are allergic. Well, of course, ours is still a thief; if you leave the food, he will definitely try to steal it. He collects all sorts of falling crumbs so diligently, as if we don’t feed him at all)) And not only crumbs, socks, T-shirts and other things. Fortunately, it stores it in one place and is easier to find)) And this miracle has learned to be cunning and hide buttons, coins and other small things in its mouth. To the questions “what’s in the mouth”, “show me”, he looks innocent, retires to the “warehouse” and begins to chew quietly) Therefore, if the dog is not sitting with us, it means he’s eating something quietly)))

One Samoyed does not like to stay. He will tear up and destroy everything you love. Our comrade also managed to beautifully lay out his dark affairs on a pillow. This is a pack dog and you and your household members are his pack, but a pack does not abandon its own. And that’s why it seems to me that I have not one Samoyed, but 20. Because he’s everywhere! As soon as you go to the kitchen, it’s already lying there. I go into another room and he’s right there. Besides, the “place” is his entire apartment and someone will always trip over him)

He gets along well with other animals, but other animals themselves don’t get along very well with him. We have a cat and a cat, so the first one seems to communicate with him (the cat threatens to stay away with all its appearance), even allows him to approach and pets himself. But the Samoyed does not understand that the cat only wants to rub against him and go on about his business. He tries so hard to continue the game and attract the cat’s attention that in an attempt to catch up with him, he overturns chairs and stools, and sometimes even carries them away. The noise in the apartment is so loud that it seems to me that there is a herd of hippopotamuses running around in my apartment and that now the neighbors will call the police for disturbing the silence. In terms of silence: Samoyeds howl, not often, but it happens. Barks only when relatives meet, or when they are locked in the kitchen and a stranger comes in at that time. This dog has a sense of its own dignity and can relieve itself when its freedom is limited, and, as if nothing had happened, come out wagging its tail and even lick you, making such an innocent face with its signature Samoyed smile. And you seem to be angry, but it seems that you have already forgiven this furry asshole))))

In general, I will say one thing:

- Do you want a fun life? Take the Samoyed!

Ps I’ll post photos of this “cutie” later

Personal place

A dog’s personal place is its territory, a cozy corner in which it can relax.

To make your pet comfortable, follow these rules:

  • The dog's place should be bright, warm and cozy. Under no circumstances should it be in a draft or passageway.
  • Also, do not place it near radiators, heating devices, or in the bathroom.
  • The best place for a dog is the entrance to the owner's bedroom or the bedroom itself. This place smells like the owner, his things are here, and for the dog this is the most important thing.

How and what to feed?

Starting at 7 months of age, the Samoyed is fed twice a day. In this case, the dog must be provided with free access to clean water. If you prefer dry food, it is better to choose premium or super premium food.

Premium food includes:

  • Yam.
  • Hills.
  • Kanin.
  • Royal.

Super premium food:

  • Pedigree Advance.
  • Purina Pro Plan.
  • Eukanuba.

If you are a supporter of natural nutrition, then your dog’s menu should include:

  • Lean meat (beef, poultry, rabbit or horse meat).
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt).
  • Sea fish.
  • Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkin, cucumbers, etc.)
  • Eggs.
  • By-products (kidneys, lung, heart, etc.).

An adult dog should be fed at the same time 2 times a day.


It is imperative that your pet is given vitamins and food supplements with microelements.

How to toilet train a puppy?

Toilet training a Samoyed puppy By this time, the dog should eat on a schedule. In the intervals between feedings, any food should be inaccessible to him. This approach will make toilet training easier for your dog, since puppies relieve themselves some time after eating.

At the follow-up stage, you need to carefully observe the puppy. Usually, when dogs want to go to the toilet, they begin to spin around in one place, whine pitifully or go to another room. If you notice anything like this, take your puppy outside immediately.

On the street, the dog will most likely do its business. Be sure to praise her and give her a treat. This procedure must be done several times.

Interesting Facts

Friendliness, agreeableness and love for children, inherent at the genetic level, make these dogs indispensable for canistherapy. Thanks to communication with dogs, sick and disabled children begin to recover and recover faster. Parents and doctors often compare this process to a miracle.

Due to their highly developed intelligence and increased sensitivity, Samoyeds are kept in some psychiatric hospitals as four-legged doctors. They are sensitive to the human condition. Capable of getting people out of depression.

In addition, Samoyeds are able to detect the deterioration of a person’s physical condition by the first symptoms: a sharp rise in blood sugar, a hypertensive crisis, an epileptic attack.

How to trim claws?

It is believed that Samoyeds do not need to trim their nails, since they grind them down on their own. But it is not so.

Even if the claws have ground down on the asphalt, they all need to be filed early to prevent cracking. In addition, the claws on the side toes do not always grind down and often interfere with the pet’s walking.

How to trim nails correctly:

  1. Sit on a chair and place your pet in front of you.
  2. Grab your dog's paw firmly but not harshly, place the tip of the nail into the nail clipper and trim in one go.
  3. If the dog reacts calmly, you can move on to the next nail. If your pet is nervous, calm him down or postpone grooming.
  4. Try to carry out the procedure when the dog is calm and in a good mood.
  5. A hemostatic agent should be prepared in advance. This could be baby powder, food starch or flour.

How to clean your ears?

If you see dirt in your dog's ears or smell an unpleasant odor, it means it's time to clean his ears. To do this, position your pet so that its head is at the level of your hand. At the same time, fix the animal’s head with your left hand, and with your right hand, begin to clean the ears.

For cleaning, use a cotton swab and a special balm. First, use a cotton swab to remove plaque from the ear. Then take a clean swab, put a few drops of balm on it and wipe your pet's ear. Repeat this action 2-3 times.


Samoyeds have an excellent character, carefree, cheerful. These dogs are very affectionate, which is the main difference between these animals and the Spitz. Individuals of the breed become best friends with all family members. However, regardless of such friendliness, they are very independent by nature. They can find something to do and will not get in the way.

Unlike other breeds, these animals do not suffer when left alone.

An excellent breed, the Samoyed dog needs training, as dogs can be overly welcoming. They have a shrill voice and can act as excellent sentries. But the barking of dogs is only a message that someone has knocked on the door, they need to be let in, contact must be established. When a stranger enters the house, it is quite likely that the dog will lick him to death rather than bite him.

Representatives of the breed adore children and become best friends with them. Pets love spending time with babies. However, one of the main problems in this case is the instinct that forces the dog to control other animals.

Since the Samoyed dog breed is characterized by friendliness, these dogs find a common language with other animals. In addition, many Samoyeds prefer the company of dogs; they are not characterized by dominance, territoriality, or aggression. Representatives of the breed have a gentle character, which gives them the opportunity to find a common language even with small dogs.

Dogs have a highly developed hunter instinct. With proper socialization, dogs can get along with other pets, including cats. Samoyeds also have a herding instinct, they want to guide other animals.

These dogs are very smart, easy to train, and love to learn. As dog experts note, these dogs are the easiest to train among large-sized Spitz dogs.

Although the breed is not dominant, they listen exclusively to those they trust and respect. If you need a pet that obeys all commands, then this is the Samoyed. Individuals of the breed can be made into ideal obedient dogs.

These animals have significant requirements for vigorous activity, however, not prohibitive. They need long, daily walks. Dogs enjoy running and can run for long periods of time, but they are not constantly on the move.

You need to allow your pet to throw out its accumulated energy, otherwise it will get bored and bark. Samoyeds love winter, running and having fun in the snow, which they can run around for a long time.


Samoyeds are very clean dogs, they clean themselves like cats and have virtually no smell, so they do not need frequent bathing.

However, after walks, the dog often returns dirty and has to wash its paws and belly. That is why in bad weather it is recommended for your pet to wear overalls. If you need more serious cleaning, use dry shampoo.


The thick and dense coat of the Samoyed requires regular brushing. To do this, it is better to use several combs with different frequencies of teeth, as well as slicker brushes with long teeth (for combing the undercoat). This procedure is carried out 3 times a week, and during molting - daily.

Causes of hair loss in Samoyeds:

  • Poor nutrition. Namely, a lack of thiamines or an unbalanced amount of nutrients.
  • Parasites and skin diseases.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Consequences of a serious illness.
  • Taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs.
  • Decreased immunity.

Do not confuse pathological hair loss with shedding. Shedding is the natural process of replacing the undercoat. For Samoyeds, this happens 1 or 2 times a year. The duration of molting is from 7-14 days.

FCI standard

HeadMassive. It has a wedge shape.
StopUnsharply expressed.
NoseThe lobe is well developed, black in color. The bridge of the nose is straight.
MuzzleDeep, strong. Gradually tapers towards the nose.
Jaws/teethStrong. The bite is correct, full, scissor-shaped.
EyesDark brown, set wide and deep. Almond shaped. Eyelids black.
EarsSet quite wide and high. Small, erect, triangular in shape, tips slightly rounded.
NeckMuscular, medium length.
BreastDeep, wide. The ribs are well sprung.
BackMuscular, straight, medium length.
Small of the backVery strong, short, slightly convex.
StomachModerately fit.
ForelegsOval. The fingers are long and not too tightly gathered.
Hind limbsSimilar to the front ones. If there are dewclaws, they need to be removed.
TailSet high. If the animal is alert, the tail is thrown over the back or side. At rest it descends.
Coat Abundant, dense. Consists of long, straight, topcoat and dense, short undercoat. Bitches have softer, shorter hair. In males, the “collar” is more pronounced; it is formed by the hair on the neck and shoulders, framing the head.

The tail is covered profusely. Wool with a shiny shine.

ColorSnow white, cream, white with biscuit (main color white + a few biscuit spots). Pale brown tint is not allowed.
FlawsAny deviation from the breed description.

How to bathe properly?

The Samoyed does not need frequent bathing, as it does not have a specific odor. In addition, their wool has the property of self-cleaning. Therefore, your pet should be bathed no more than 3-4 times a year.

If your dog needs to be washed, follow these rules:

  • You should not bathe your Samoyed until he is 3 months old.
  • The water temperature for swimming should be approximately 37–38 degrees.
  • First of all, the dog needs to be thoroughly wetted with water and soaped, since the Samoyed’s fur is very thick. This procedure will take quite a long time.
  • The pet's head is washed last.
  • Use shampoo for white, double-coated dogs when bathing.
  • After applying the shampoo, rinse the animal thoroughly so that no shampoo particles remain on the fur.
  • Wrap the Samoyed in a large towel, gently blot the coat and dry with a hairdryer.


During and after bathing, be sure to praise your dog and talk to him gently.


Samoyeds are highly trainable. This is facilitated by their natural intelligence, curiosity and good memory. Even without the knowledge of a professional trainer, any persistent owner can teach his pet a number of simple commands.

It is necessary to begin training and raising an animal from puppyhood. It is much more difficult to teach an adult animal the necessary commands. The situation is aggravated to a greater extent in cases where an adult dog tries to take a dominant position or ignores the owner.

The list of basic commands that a Samoyed owner can teach his pet on his own includes such as “Come to me”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Fu”. Correct execution of the owner's commands during training is recommended to be rewarded with treats. As a treat, professional breeders recommend using boiled chicken hearts, cut into small pieces, slices of hard cheese or pieces of boiled beef liver, dried in the oven.

At the age of 3 months, a Samoyed husky puppy must be enrolled in a general training course. Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, the dog will quickly learn to carry out an expanded list of special commands, including those given to the animal using gestures.

Education and training of the Samoyed Laika should be combined with sports training. Dogs of this breed need intense physical exercise, which strengthens the animal’s muscles, develops endurance, and has a beneficial effect on the neuropsychic state.

When training a Samoyed Laika on your own, you must adhere to the general recommendations related to raising and training a dog. So, commands should be given in a calm, even, stern and confident voice. Screaming, threatening or, conversely, overly affectionate intonations are not allowed. It is strictly forbidden to use brute physical force.

If the animal is tired, the training must be interrupted. During breaks, you can play ball with your pet or give your dog the opportunity to rest and gain strength.

Teeth cleaning

You should brush your teeth at least 3 times a week. In this case, you need to use special toothpastes intended for dogs. The same goes for the brush. Human brushes and toothpastes are not suitable for dogs, as they have a completely different jaw and teeth structure.

In addition, when cleaning, the dog will certainly swallow some of the paste, and this can lead to poisoning.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. Place or place your pet on a raised platform. The best option is a low table.
  2. Start brushing with the front teeth on the upper jaw. If the dog behaves calmly, move towards the distant teeth.
  3. You should brush your teeth in a circular motion, cleaning first the outer and then the inner surface of the teeth.
  4. After the teeth on the upper jaw are cleaned, proceed to the lower ones.
  5. After completing the procedure, be sure to praise and treat your dog.

Basic rules of care

Basic rules for caring for the Samoyed Laika:

  • The dog needs to be brushed several times a week. Use special dog brushes and slicker brushes for this. In addition, you should simultaneously blow the wool with a special hairdryer to prevent tangles from forming.
  • It is not recommended to cut Samoyeds, since the natural length of the coat is protection from cold and sunburn.
  • You can bathe your pet no more than 3-4 times a year. It is best to do this during the molting period.
  • Be sure to provide your pet with daily exercise. Otherwise, the dog will become very irritable. Moreover, the lack of physical activity will lead to the appearance of the disease and will negatively affect the life expectancy of the pet.
  • Provide your dog with adequate nutrition.
  • Clean your pet's ears and teeth regularly.
  • Trim nails as needed.

History of the origin of the breed

This breed is one of the oldest, known for more than 3 thousand years. It has not been subjected to selection, so the appearance of the dogs has hardly changed. Only in addition to white Samoyeds, black and white and sable colors were common in the past. The breed's homeland is the northern regions of Russia. In those days, these fluffy dogs were part of the family. They lived with humans, warmed and protected children, protected livestock from predators, and helped drag cargo.

People appreciated the animal's snow-white fur, which blended with the snow. And also the character of this dog: she liked to serve a person, lying next to him, this dog does not move so as not to disturb the sleeping owner. For a long time, these dogs lived separately and did not cross with other breeds. Only at the end of the 19th century did they appear in Europe. First in the UK, where they quickly became popular. The breed was called the Arctic Spitz or Samoyed dog.

By the beginning of the 20th century, amateur clubs were created. At the same time, Samoyeds came to America. They immediately appreciated their working qualities and noticed that they were superior to other sledding breeds. Breeders tried to preserve the original characteristics of Samoyed Laikas. Thanks to this, the breed was preserved. But there are two varieties: bear and wolf. Now Samoyed huskies have spread throughout the world. In Russia in the 20th century there were few of these dogs left. They returned to their historical homeland only in the 80s. These are still quite rare and expensive dogs.

Why is this breed called "Samoyed"

There are several versions of why the dog is called a Samoyed. A more plausible one connects this with the designation of nationality. Samoyeds or Samoyeds are the indigenous people of northern Russia, now called Nenets. It was on the territory of these tribes that such white fluffy dogs were bred in ancient times. The people are so called because of their way of life. The word “samoyed” means independent, self-contained. According to another version, the breed was named so because of its use as a sled dog. The word “Samoyed” comes from the combination of “sam” and “rides.” When the dog was used as a sled, its white fur blended with the snow. It seemed as if the team was moving on its own. But researchers believe this version is incorrect. The name of the breed should be translated as self-sufficient, independent.

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