10 Fun, Impressive Tricks You Can Teach Any Dog

(Photo credit: merc67/Getty Images)

January marks the official start of the national dog training month, but you can teach your dog new things at any time of the year. We all love our pets, but sometimes it may seem like your dog is incapable of learning any tricks. Although it may feel impossible, with the right techniques and the right amount of practice it's just something any dog ​​can learn.

Taking on teaching your dog some tricks is a great New Year's resolution, but it's also a fun bonding experience for you and your dog throughout the year. Watch the following video to learn some simple techniques that make it possible for any dog ​​to learn tricks.

Bark On Command

This trick may be for more experienced dogs and takes some extra patience as it is one of the more difficult tricks. As the video shows, you have to be diligent in waiting for your dog to bark at you first, and then reward them as they constantly do. The dog in the video won't bark right away even if the trainer is a professional, so make sure you remember that this won't happen right away. However, if you can master it, barking on command is a very unique trick that will definitely amaze your fellow dog owners.

Circus team training

Interesting circus teams for dogs can be used for pets that are easy to train. They are distinguished by their developed intelligence. For example, you can teach your dog the following commands:

  • “Be healthy” - the pet will bring a handkerchief if the owner sneezes;
  • “Bow” - the dog performs movements, raising the upper part of the body, stretching out its front paws;
  • “Snake” - a trick suitable for dogs of short breeds; the animal walks around the owner’s legs.

Important! Only an owner who has a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills can teach a pet circus acts.

Shake hands

The “shake hand” trick is definitely one of the cuter tricks your puppy can learn. It's quite simple and is actually one of the easiest tricks to teach. The secret is that your dog will already naturally put his paw on you if they want something. When you present a closed handful of treats, your pet will be forced to paw on your hand since they cannot treat with their mouth. As soon as they continue pawing, start using the command “Give paw” and repeating it several times, your dog is sure to learn a new trick.

General principles of animal training

When training, it is necessary to understand that small puppies do not understand human words. They associate all commands only with the emotions and mood of the owner.

If a puppy makes a puddle in the wrong place, he will understand by a loud and angry cry that he did wrong. Praising him in a calm voice, on the contrary, will let him understand how to act.

The main thing in education is consistency and patience. You cannot allow today what you were scolded for yesterday. If a dog was allowed to sleep in the same bed as its owner when he was a puppy, he will not understand why it is forbidden to do so now.

The result of training will directly depend on compliance with the principles of teaching commands. They are as follows:

  • The owner gives the pet a command.
  • The animal does it correctly.
  • The incentive is chosen.

If the dog does not comply with a one-time command, it cannot be repeated a second time. You need to force him to follow the given command using a leash or hand.

Important! While pronouncing a command, you cannot add accompanying phrases. For example, instead of “lie down,” say “quickly lie down.” Words should not be complex, but monotonous.

There is a mandatory list of commands: “lie down”, “sit”, which cannot be replaced with other words.

You should always reward your animal for performing a trick correctly.


And fetch is a classic game; for some dogs it's deception, which doesn't come naturally. It can get quite frustrating when your dog doesn't cooperate during playtime. Some dogs are not interested in toys and don't even want to try, some will go and fetch the toy but won't return it, and then there are stubborn dogs that will bring the toy back but then won't let go. Watch this tutorial to see how you can get your dog interested in fetch in the first place, and then actually learn how to play fetch correctly.

How to avoid mistakes when training a dog

The owner must know not only what tricks can be taught to the dog, but also how to do it correctly. You cannot start training a pet that is not physically and emotionally ready for it.

After completing the exercises, the dog should be given time to rest. It is necessary to complete training before the dog is completely exhausted.

Important! There's no need to rush. This can lead to a nervous breakdown in your pet. You can start learning new commands only after the animal has fully reinforced the previous one.

When bringing a dog into the house, every owner must understand that it is his responsibility to teach the pet. Not only a professional service dog, but also a small decorative dog must know commands, be obedient and well-mannered.

Play Dead

“Playing Dead” is a great trick that is sure to impress your friends and families. Unlike simple commands such as sit or shake hands, playing dead takes a little more time and persistence to master. This tutorial uses the reverse approach, teaching the last part of the trick first for the dog to learn more easily. Take your time and remember to reinforce with a clicker and treats to make the process faster. If your dog already knows the “roll over” trick, then it will be much easier for them to learn this trick.

Necessary conditions for trick training a dog

To teach your dog new tricks

, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. The dog must be hungry
    . This does not mean that you can go without feeding her for several days. It is enough, for example, if you exercise in the first half of the day, to give 30 - 50% of the portion in the morning, and feed the rest during the lesson. But a strong feeling of hunger is stressful for the dog; he will only think about how to get food and will not be able to concentrate on his activities.
  2. A familiar place
    to make the dog feel comfortable.
  3. No irritants
    (if possible). In a new place with a lot of stimuli, it is more difficult for a dog to concentrate.
  4. The dog should be walked, but not tired
  5. Having a plan
  6. Taking into account the individual characteristics
    of the dog.

To achieve your dog training goals

, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Smooth increase in requirements. If you see that the skill is starting to work out, increase the requirements quite a bit and see if the dog is ready to move to the next level.
  2. Adequate level of difficulty.
  3. Changing the method of reinforcement. For example, if you teach a dog by holding a treat to its nose, then when it begins to master the skill, try “leading” it with an empty hand and dispensing the treat from the other.
  4. Control of work volume. Let your dog rest before he gets tired and loses interest in activities.

The most important thing is not to forget that exercise should be a joy for both you and the dog.


Keep in mind that many tricks require serious physical training.

, since they assume a not entirely natural position of the dog’s body in space. In normal life, dogs are unlikely to walk on three legs or jump 180 degrees. And before you teach your dog a new trick, you should make sure that it is sufficiently developed physically and coordinated. Sometimes preparatory exercises are necessary.


Getting your dog on his back on command is one of the main dog pranks. Although seemingly difficult, doing your dog's back when directed can be done very easily with the right technique. The instructor in the video shows you how to start with a treat and eventually get just a voice command. However, getting your dog on his back with a voice command alone can be quite difficult for newbies, so even if you get your dog on his back with a hand, cue or treat, then it is still an achievement to be celebrated.

Important Ingredients for Success in Trick Training a Dog

In trick training, as in any dog ​​training, it is very important to mark the correct actions in time. And it will probably be convenient to use a clicker for this.

It is unacceptable to use inhumane methods in trick training a dog, including the use of inhumane ammunition.

Sometimes owners say, “I tried positive reinforcement, but it doesn’t work!” However, in each case, behind this lies the mistakes of the trainer himself.

Basic mistakes in trick dog training:

  1. Incorrectly selected reward (at the moment the dog does not want what you offer).
  2. Lack of a plan. You must always keep in mind the next step that you will reinforce.
  3. Reinforcements are at the wrong time. In this case, the dog simply does not understand why you are rewarding it, which means it will not learn what you expect from it.
  4. Unnecessary movements that prevent the dog from understanding what you want from it.
  5. Too difficult a task. The dog either needs more training or you should break the task down into several simpler steps.

Photo: pxhere.com

Don't be upset if something goes wrong.

If the dog carried out the command perfectly yesterday, but today it doesn’t carry it out at all, go back a step or a few steps. And if something doesn't work out at all, sometimes it can be helpful to give both yourself and the dog a time-out and return to the planned trick later.

Why train a dog

Systematic training to train a dog is mandatory. Moreover, you need to take on this as early as possible, while your puppy is receptive to the authority of his owner and quickly learns new skills. All these commands are the basis for the animal to memorize further conditioned reflexes.

For example, initially you need to instill in your pet the knowledge that needs can only be relieved outside. If you train your four-legged friend correctly, you will end up raising a dog with a stable psyche, and this is a key task in the process of raising a puppy.


Some dog owners call this command “bunny” or “serve” - the essence does not change, the dog should, sitting on its hind legs, simultaneously wave its front legs, as if begging for something from the owner.

The training technology is also simple - sit the dog down, take a treat and, holding the pet by the leash, bring the tasty piece to the dog’s nose, and then smoothly lift it higher. The first reaction will usually be to lift the front paws off the ground in an attempt to reach the treat. Encourage this movement with a simultaneous “beg” command and immediately give the treat. And so on several times.

A complication of this trick is to carry out the command while standing on its hind legs, and later even walking and jumping on two legs.

Safety precautions for trick training dogs

It is important that the dog does not get injured during training. To avoid injury, you must follow safety precautions when teaching your dog tricks.

  1. Please be aware of age restrictions. For example, under no circumstances should you offer a puppy, whose bones and muscles have not yet formed, to do “Bunny”.
  2. Never work on slippery surfaces.
  3. Do not work on hard, hard surfaces (such as asphalt).
  4. Insure your dog. If she loses her balance, you need to support her.

How to teach your dog commands

13 minutes to read

So that your puppy can fulfill basic requests, obey, and you can curb his activity, you need to train him from childhood. Then he will be able not only to overcome a barrier or fetch a stick, but also serve or walk not on a leash, but on his own. How to teach a dog commands at home, and how to quickly teach it to fulfill basic requirements, you ask. But this is quite possible; all you need to do is get a little advice from experienced dog handlers, watch training videos and strictly follow the rules that we will mention below.


Many have seen a trick where the owner walks, and at the same time the dog “winds like a snake” between his legs.

You will also need a treat to teach this trick. Place your dog next to you and show him that you have something tasty in your hands. Next, you will walk widely, at the same time giving a vocal command and sticking your hand with a treat under the knee, alternately to the left and to the right, so that the dog follows it. Start training with just 1-2 steps, encouraging your pet. In the future, you will be able to walk a whole path of steps in this way, and even without a treat.

In the same way, this trick is taught to a pet when the dog walks like a snake not between your legs, but between stick stands.

A more complicated variation of the exercise is the “backward snake”.

Why learn basic commands?

Often, tricks can only be learned after mastering the basic skills. Increasingly complex exercises are based on simple, standard skills for many. Of course, circus teams require a certain level of preparation. Basic skills training lays the foundations of dog obedience. If you have tried and found a common language with your pet, you can further complicate the tricks.

The basic training program includes the following teams:

  • Sit;
  • Near;
  • To me;
  • Lie;
  • Voice;
  • Fas and others.

Many owners are familiar with this list. Interestingly, some of them can be studied while at home during the quarantine period. At the age of 2 months, the puppy can understand the commands “come to me” and “nearby”, then you can move on to teaching others.

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Why circuses with animals should not be banned: myths and facts. Column by Edgar Zapashny

Why shouldn't circuses be banned? More precisely, why shouldn’t circuses with animals be banned?

No, not because this is my life.

No, not because this is my profession.

No, not because I view this art form as a way of survival for circuses. No.

I say this only because I am a professional, a person who has thoroughly understood this issue.

There are a lot of myths around the circus.

There are a lot of myths around human-animal communication.

Let's figure it out. And let's start with a simple question: what is training?


Many pets, demonstrating their affection for their owner, tend to lick him on the nose or cheek. This impulse can be used to teach the “kiss” command.

Say the command every time your dog is about to lick you. Praise and/or treat your pet every time after this, and do not encourage licking without a command. After several repetitions, the dog should learn the command.

The second option is suitable for calm dogs, not prone to sudden, careless movements. At the same time as the command, bringing your face closer to your pet, hold a piece of treat to the cheek so that the dog can grab it or lick it. With each repetition, reduce the piece of treat, and then completely remove your hand from your cheek.


The task is simple - find the treat under the glasses. First, teach your pet to turn the glass over. Place a treat underneath and encourage your dog to reach for it. Encourage only when trying to turn the glass over.

Next, increase the number of glasses and place them in a line. Make sure that the dog sees which of them the treat is under and where it is when moving. Use the "search" command to get your dog to look for food.

You also need to ensure that the dog turns over only the desired glass. To do this, reward her only when she turns over the right one the first time. In the future, you can replace the food with any other item, but it must emit a strong enough smell for the dog.

"Give me your paw"

A dog that welcomes friends home by giving them a high-five with a paw is always the star of the party.

Meanwhile, learning this trick is not difficult. Usually the dog is shown a treat in the palm of your hand and allowed to smell it. When the dog is convinced that the “yummy” is in your hand, clench your palm into a fist (or squeeze a piece of food between the fingers of an open palm) and raise it to the level of the dog’s chest. The pet usually tries to open your fist with its paw, scratching at it - it is at this moment that you need to give the dog positive reinforcement with the “give paw” command, immediately giving the treat. To consolidate, the exercise is repeated several times.

Complications of the command are variations: “Give this paw”, “Give me the other paw”, “Give ten/both paws”. You can also teach your dog this command from sitting, standing, lying down, and even when you are away from him. The latter option can be a great basis for a trick (where you can ask everyone around, “who knows this or that?”), where the dog raises its paw in response.

Useful tips

To achieve the desired results, constantly reinforce the skills acquired at the training grounds during walks and at home. Get your pet to strictly follow the given command. Vary your activities. Training should be interesting and exciting for your pet. Do not force your dog to do tasks that are beyond his level.

Learn to understand and interact correctly with your dog. Only in this case will your pet be happy to learn and even be able to master complex circus tricks.


One of the simplest tricks. To do this, you need to sit your pet in front of you and take any treat. Holding the treat in your lips, you need to lean towards the dog. It is important that your pet is on a leash. You need to step on the leash with one foot so that your pet does not make a sudden jerk. It is necessary that the dog takes the treat as carefully as possible and does not snatch it with his teeth. You need to practice the skill smoothly. In the process, you can allow the pet to paw at the owner’s chest.

Principles of training in the circus

The main difference between circus training and regular training with a trainer is the predominance of the taste-based method, which is based on the positive encouragement of the trained animal with a treat. If before working on the big stage the dog was trained in a different way, then it will be extremely difficult to retrain it.

Already from the first minute of the performance of the four-legged people, a person with an experienced eye can determine how the animals were engaged. If the animals are energetic, follow commands with interest and the first time, the training went well. Otherwise, if the animals perform tasks sluggishly, and the trainer has to repeat commands, then most likely the training process was structured incorrectly or the pets did not receive enough encouragement during the classes.

In order for the skill development process to be as productive as possible, the following training rules must be observed:

  • a dog no older than 2-3 months;
  • contact with an animal before starting classes;
  • knowledge of basic commands from the training course;
  • great desire and patience of the teacher;
  • availability of free time.

As a rule, training begins with 1.5-month-old puppies, and after a few weeks the pets easily execute the commands: “lie down,” “fu,” “fetch,” “sit,” and “come.”

With age, the puppy learns to carry out new commands aimed at performing on the big stage: “barrier”, “stand”, “place”, “forward”, “nearby”. The main thing in establishing a skill is regularity, not duration. If you devote 20 minutes to training every day, this will be enough for your pet to learn how to perform simple numbers.

Special competitions are held in Moscow where dogs show circus skills. If you want to take part, you will need to work with your dog for about an hour every day for a long time - up to six months. During training, they usually learn tricks: dancing and twirling, bowing, passing between the legs, walking backwards.

Which numbers to choose for your pet is up to you. These can be complex performances or just a couple of exercises from a basic training course.


An interesting trick is to have the dog walk backwards. Some breeds, such as the Black Russian Terrier, are naturally able to walk this way and do not need training. If the owner of a different breed of dog wants to teach the animal the trick of backing away, it is necessary to sit the pet between the spread legs, showing the coveted treat. You need to slowly lure the dog back until it begins to back away.

"Serious" games with puppies

The way we teach a puppy commands determines his future behavior. By the age of 3 months, the baby should clearly know his place in the house and not litter the room.

The main commands for entry-level training are: “Fu”, “Come to me”, “Place”.

The duration of the first workouts should be 15-20 minutes. Gradually, the time can be increased to 40 minutes a day. Long exercises will lead to fatigue and disobedience. To avoid this, you need to take short breaks (5-10 minutes), ending your workouts on time. This applies to students of all ages (especially if adult dogs have not been trained before).

To punish a four-legged friend, a severe reprimand in a dissatisfied voice is enough.


Everyone has seen how dogs stretch, focusing on their outstretched front paws, or crouch to the ground in exactly the same way when playing with their owner or relatives - this position can become the basis for learning the “bow” command.

Command the dog “Near!” and, holding the leash with your foot, move your hand with the treat forward from the dog’s nose, and then down. As soon as the dog begins to reach with its nose to the ground (towards the hand with a treat at the very surface), immediately give it the command “Bow” and with the other hand under the belly fix the standing position of the hind legs, not allowing the dog to lie down. At the initial stage, even a slight tilt of the dog’s body is considered successful execution of the command. With each repetition, try to make the bow “deeper.”

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