Medium dog breeds - list with names suitable for the street

For people living in the private sector, an important question is: what breed of dog should be chosen to guard the house and the surrounding area. Outbred chain bugs are quite capable of reacting by barking to a suspicious noise or silhouette, but only animals with a pronounced territorial instinct can fulfill the task of a guard and repel an intruder. Functional guard dogs have a high level of dominance, a tough character and the ability to act independently, which allows them to fearlessly, and often alone, enter into battle with a human opponent.

In addition to psychological factors, the best dog for guarding a private home should be unpretentious and resistant to weather conditions, feeling quite comfortable both in the summer heat and in the February frost. For short-haired guards in winter, a heated room is necessary: ​​in particular, the enclosure must be securely closed from drafts, and a heater must be installed in the booth.

Selecting Medium Sized Mixed Breed Dogs

A suitable medium-sized dog without a pedigree can be found at local animal shelters. Their workers will tell you in detail about the animal’s characteristics, needs and character.

At the first meeting, you can verify this by talking with your future pet.
The behavior of a dog in a shelter and at home may initially differ - it needs time to adapt and get used to a new family. Important! Organizations dealing with the problem of stray animals will help speed up the adaptation period. They will explain the nuances of activity and temperament of each of their “guests”, and point out the standard mistakes of inexperienced dog walkers.

Ordinary mongrel

Akita Inu

An original Japanese large breed from the Spitz group, bred in mountainous areas to perform security functions and hunt large game. These hereditary guards have impressive size, power, endurance, hard work and strong immunity.

They are unpretentious, obedient and loyal to their owner, aggressive and suspicious of strangers, capable of adequately assessing threats and making independent decisions. Akita is suitable for keeping in a high-quality enclosure with a warm kennel and the possibility of entering the home.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of owning a mongrel dog include:

  • uniqueness of the animal;
  • high intellectual abilities;
  • excellent health;
  • inexpensive care.

The disadvantages include:

  • distrust of people;
  • difficult initial adaptation to new housing;
  • independent character and unwillingness to follow certain rules.

Important! Homeless animals are more loyal than purebred aristocrats raised in comfortable conditions.


The largest and best guard dogs for the home:

Cane Corso

Italian breed, which is a national treasure. This breed was officially declared only a couple of years ago. Not long before this, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but now the situation has returned to normal.

The Cane Corso's relatives were Molossian dogs that lived in Ancient Rome. They descended from the mastiff-shaped dogs of the Etruscans, the Macedonian dogs and the war dogs of the Persians and Carthaginians. For more than 1000 years they have served and protected man.

This is evidenced by the name of the breed. The word “cane” is translated from Italian as “dog”, and “corso” means guard.

The dog is not afraid of any task, be it protecting the area or hunting a bear.

Popular medium-sized dog breeds

The TOP breeds of medium-sized dogs include frequently encountered representatives. They are known for their intelligence, sociability and good nature.


In terms of intelligence, he is equal to a German shepherd. Has a cheerful and good-natured disposition without hidden or overt aggression. If danger arises, the poodle may attack the offender of its family member.

Jack Russell Terrier

Characterized by an aggressive attitude towards other pets, it was previously used for hunting small game. Cynologists identify the following character nuances in him:

  • learns quickly;
  • adores the owner;
  • has a sharp mind.

Important! The disadvantages of the Jack Russell Terrier include excessive attachment to the owner and distrust of strangers.

Jack Russell Terrier

Dutch Spitz

A dog with fluffy fur, not afraid of the cold. With a kind, playful and cheerful character, he adores children and performs watchdog functions.


Known for his intelligence, sociability, stubborn nature and tendency to depression. Requires comprehensive training and regular physical activity, and cannot tolerate loneliness.

Basset Hound

It is easy to train, does not require complex care, and is tolerant of children and other pets. The disadvantages of this smart four-legged dog include the habit of barking and a tendency to quickly gain weight.

Important! Innate stubbornness does not allow him to carry out commands on demand.

Basset Hound

Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

A very powerful defender and reliable guard of any objects with pronounced territorial behavior. Representatives of this ancient breed are not distinguished by a strong emotional attachment to humans, are unpretentious and are accustomed to survive in harsh conditions.

Alabais are devoted to their owners, balanced, independent, always strive to control the environment, are aggressive towards other people's dogs and in difficult situations warn about themselves with a loud growl. Being first-class guards, they are willful and disobedient “students”, so work on their education should begin from puppyhood.

Medium size herding dog breeds

A separate branch that was previously used to guard the herd.

Australian Shepherd

An athletic, agile, energetic and intelligent dog used to participate in dog sports. Representatives are valued for their reliability, affection, and are suitable for lovers of outdoor activities.

Border Collie

Energetic and smart animals require regular physical and mental exercise. Reliability and good nature can be replaced by harmfulness and a depressive state with prolonged loneliness and lack of games with relatives.

Border Collie

Chow chow

A guard breed bred in Ancient China. The Chow Chow is distinguished by its developed intelligence, courage, excellent reaction, learning ability, loyalty to its family and a close relationship with its owner. The ability to stand up for themselves and a strong sense of ownership, combined with a distrustful approach to strangers, make these dogs wonderful guards of the house and garden.

They always warn of an approaching person and, if that person shows aggression, they are capable of instantly turning from a slow bumpkin into a lightning-fast warrior. For this breed, free space is of great importance; they will happily guard a large territory.

We hope this rating will help you decide and choose the best breed of dog to guard your private home! If you have questions and other candidates for our TOP, write in the comments!

Medium-sized fighting dog breeds

Initially intended for participation in dog fighting. Over time, the specifics changed, which made it possible to use them as companions.

Bull Terrier

Short in stature, dense, with a strong physique, the dog, with timely training, grows up calm and obedient. Charm and playfulness, bursts of energy are the hallmark of bull terriers.

American Bulldog

Dense, short individuals are energetic when young, but become lazy as they age. Representatives may have congenital problems with skin, joints, and breathing. Animals are reliable friends.

Important! The breed has a tendency to snore due to the structural features of the nasopharynx.

Pit bull terrier

Proper upbringing will prevent your dog from growing up angry and aggressive. She is attached to her owner, suffers from prolonged separation, and loses her appetite when alone. Pit Bull Terriers can be used as guard dogs.

Pit bull terriers do not tolerate loneliness well

Staffordshire Terrier

He is fearless and never shows weakness. A dog requires complex training: if handled incorrectly, it can become aggressive and intolerant of strangers.

English bulldog

The beautiful folded skin of bulldogs evokes affection. They are observant, friendly, suspicious and quickly become attached to humans. A bodyguard dog requires constant health monitoring.

Important! Animals are taken to the veterinarian twice a year.


Observant, hardy, overly playful. Seriousness appears in dogs closer to 4 years. Their training is difficult for professionals due to their innate stubbornness. Four-legged animals are friendly with children.

Cane Corso

Famous for its poise, endurance and watchdog qualities. A strong dog is a reliable protector of the home, but requires early socialization and training.

Cane Corso can become a reliable home protector

Shar Pei

A calm, balanced character will allow the four-legged dog to become a companion. Previously, it was used to guard and herd herds.


Wayward animals that require a general training course. Their massive body and wide chest allow them to become reliable defenders on the street.

German Shepherd

A versatile, easy to train breed with a balanced psyche, excellent reactions, the ability to protect and work in a team. Energetic, quick-witted, hardy, courageous and unpretentious, German Shepherds are widely used in service, search and security activities.

They are loyal friends, love contact with family members, are loyal to other animals, are very active, emotional, and require attention and regular exercise. They treat strangers with suspicion and prefer to keep them under close surveillance. Thanks to their well-developed coat, “Germans” can be kept in an outdoor enclosure and used to protect the local area.

Medium-sized hunting dog breeds

Pets were bred to help hunters and require long walks and active games.


Easily amenable to education, training and training. The breed does not conflict with cats and is good with other pets. It does not attack strangers first; it prefers to express dissatisfaction with loud barking.

Important! The dogs can be used to bait foxes and hares and are characterized by a keen sense of smell and excellent eyesight.

Drahthaar puppy


A short-haired pointer with hunting instincts and well-developed muscles. When hunting, he tracks foxes and hedgehogs, and drives birds towards their owner. Hunting qualities are genetically determined and do not require special training. The four-legged dog is friendly towards all family members, loves long walks and active games together. It is considered a universal hunter with the function of everyone's favorite.

Estonian hound

Previously used for hunting small game, now it is a companion. The name uses the place of origin - Estonia. A balanced psyche allows the hound to calmly communicate with children and not react to their occasional rudeness. Can't stand birds, doesn't pay attention to cats.

Important! If there are representatives of birds in the house, then sooner or later the animal’s hunting instinct will work.

American Foxhound

Representatives can be heard from afar and are identified by their ringing bark. The small size of the “hunter” does not affect its endurance; it is capable of running several kilometers while tracking down potential prey.

Important! Its cute appearance has made the Foxhound a favorite pet.


Energetic and cute animals, characterized by increased endurance. They prefer active games in the fresh air and require regular physical activity. They should not be left alone for a long time or locked in a room - as a result, all available things will be in a deplorable state.

The Beagle is an energetic and sweet dog

Cocker Spaniel

The smallest representative of the group, who loves fun games and is capable of performing simple physical activities. With proper upbringing and timely socialization, he gets along easily with younger family members and other animals. Long hair requires regular trips to the dog groomer.

Important! The weak point of cocker spaniels is their ears - they require regular cleaning. If hygiene rules are ignored, problems with otolaryngological infections can occur.

East Siberian Laika

A single owner with a negative attitude towards other pets. Manic jealousy does not allow her to share the owner's attention with someone else. She is a good guard who remains vigilant in any ambiguous situation.

Italian Greyhound (Italian Greyhound)

It is easy to learn due to its innate intellectual abilities and does not cause problems during training. Its small size allows it to be kept in small housing.

Cane Corso

One of the rare, very expensive and oldest breeds of the Molosser group, bred in Italy. These are muscular, intelligent, hardy and unpretentious guards who intuitively determine the degree of danger of a given situation. Cane Corsos are characterized by good manners, patience, and love for children and animals. They do not have a tendency to causeless aggression, but when a threat to the safety of the owner or a protected object arises, they make independent decisions and react in a timely manner.

The owner must have leadership qualities, as these dogs are characterized by stubbornness, reactivity and extreme mobility. Suitable outdoor conditions: a spacious indoor enclosure with a warm booth and long walks in the yard.

Medium-sized sled dog breeds

Representatives were bred to work in teams, which did not prevent them from winning the attention and love of connoisseurs.

Samoyed dog

Known for her endurance, good nature, devotion and activity. The only problem with care is that the long and thick coat requires regular combing and brushing. In the autumn and spring seasons, playful dogs manage to get seriously dirty on every walk.

Samoyed dog


A large and strong dog with a body weight of up to 28 kg, with thick hair. Friendly and calm huskies can be used for exhibitions and sled riding, as a pet. They are not suitable for the role of guards and watchmen due to their innate lack of aggressiveness and sense of territory.

Alaskan Klee Kai

It is a miniature copy of the classic husky (smaller in withers and weight), known for its activity and energy. Animals love to frolic on walks and prefer noisy and cheerful companies. They do not tolerate loneliness well and may become depressed.

Important! When there is an excess of energy, things and furniture are actively damaged; in order to avoid problems, the four-legged animal must be provided with a supply of toys.


Another large Hungarian guard dog breed with a shorter, thicker white coat. The ancient Magyars used these ferocious dogs to protect houses from predatory animals and robbers. Kuvasz radiate nobility and strength, are proportionally built, have developed muscles, tirelessness, are undemanding in terms of living conditions and can easily withstand bad weather.

They have a tough, self-possessed character, courage and fearlessness, and are ready to selflessly defend their owner and the entrusted territory at the cost of their own lives. Due to their innate pride, Kuvasz dogs are difficult to train, so serious attention should be paid to their early education.

Medium-sized guard dog breeds

Natural guards are used both to protect the home and as a friend.


A serious appearance does not go well with an innate soft character. If the Malinois is not constantly distracted, then she will quickly find something she likes: from damaging the owners’ personal belongings to damaging furniture.


It is difficult to train, like other primitive breeds. High intelligence led to an independent and stubborn character. Smooth-haired animals are suitable for experienced dog breeders - their wayward behavior and leadership qualities require constant adjustment.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Giant Schnauzer

A balanced character and the absence of anger and aggression help the animal to easily find a common language with relatives and other pets. The Giant Schnauzer is attached to its owner and reacts calmly to younger family members.

Anatolian Shepherd (Karabash, Kangal)

One of the oldest breeds of wolfhound dogs that ever existed in Asia Minor. These dogs are still used to protect pastures from predators and guard large objects.

They prefer to control the protected territory from a hill and, in the absence of the owner, will not allow even a familiar person into it. The breed is characterized by slender proportions, a muscular build, speed, agility and a strong jaw system.

Anatolian Shepherds are endowed with a subtle mind, a stable psyche, and are distinguished by a possessive attitude towards the owner’s property, friendliness with children and devotion to the family. They need a leader owner and training from an early age. Free-range territory enclosed by a high fence will reveal the best qualities of these formidable guards.

English bulldog

Weight of an adult dog: from 22 to 25 kg. Height at the withers is from 38 to 41 cm. A faithful friend and a brave bodyguard - this is how the owners characterize English bulldogs. At first glance, bulldogs are clumsy and slow, but this impression is deceptive.

If the animal itself or its owner is in danger, the bulldog will orient itself with lightning speed and will defend to the last. Brave and stubborn, the bulldog knows no feelings of fear or uncertainty.

Among his family, the English Bulldog is a loyal, lazy and very balanced pet. This is one of the few breeds that voluntarily refuse to walk and prefer to spend time at home, under a blanket, at the feet of their beloved owner.

But you cannot indulge hypertrophied laziness: bulldogs are prone to obesity, the first reason for which is the lack of physical activity. The breed is ideal for families with children. The English Bulldog will allow them to do whatever they want with him, will never show aggression and will be a model of humility.

But English bulldogs also have a lot of shortcomings. This includes a strong specific smell, increased salivation, and a love of trying the owner’s things “to the teeth.” And, of course, a huge number of not the most pleasant sounds: slurping, snoring, grunting, squelching...

All this cacophony will accompany you around the clock. English bulldogs also suffer from increased gas production, which can also cause great discomfort to household members. It's up to you to decide if you can live with these shortcomings. If yes, then you will get a true friend. If not, look at dogs of other breeds.

Samoyed husky

Weight of an adult dog: from 15 to 30 kg. The height at the withers is from 50 to 55 cm. Representatives of the breed are famous for their excellent health, because there has been almost no artificial human intervention in the breed. A snow-white fluffy coat, a touching face and an easy-going character have made Samoyeds one of the most sought-after breeds in the world.

And not only in the north, where dogs do an excellent job of protecting reindeer herds and racing sled dogs, but also in a developed civilized society. The Samoyed dog is ready to show love for everyone, if not every minute, then certainly every hour. Samoyeds are called “dogs with ideal character.”

Playful, loving enthusiasts are extremely friendly towards everyone, even strangers. It is important for them to be in the center of attention all the time, but at the same time Samoyeds are completely non-confrontational - the genetic habit of living and serving side by side with other dogs in the pack has left its mark on the character of the Samoyed.

Another distinctive feature of the breed is boundless courage. When you get a purebred Samoyed, you can be sure that you will never see the slightest sign of fear from him, at most - wariness.

In winter, Samoyeds are harnessed to sleighs, which children and adults enjoy riding. And it is not known who is more delighted by this fun: a dog or a person? Samoyeds perceive such walks as a reward.


At first glance, it is easier to have a dog in a private house than in an apartment building: here it definitely won’t bother anyone. But it’s still worth asking about the law: Ch. 3 tbsp. 10 part 2 of this law of the Russian Federation says that dogs in the private sector can be kept on the principle of free range.

However, the entire perimeter of the territory in this case is surrounded by a fence. Otherwise, the dog will have to be tied up and walked only under human supervision. The booth or enclosure must be located on the territory of your private home; placing it outside, behind a fence, is illegal. In this case, neighbors will have every right to file a complaint.

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It is also mandatory to have a warning sign at the entrance to the site indicating that a dog lives there. If you live in a house in which several families live and which is located on a separate plot with a fenced area, then you also need to have the consent of all residents of this house.


Adult dog weight: from 10 to 12 kg. The height at the withers is from 44 to 51 cm. The second name of this breed is the Small English Greyhound. Their distinctive feature is high intelligence and the ability to sense the mood of the owner.

A dog can be a quiet smart guy or a smart electric broom - it all depends on your emotions. But if they give you a break, don’t dream that it will last long. An emotional whippet will soon begin to express his love and affection to you.

Most whippets are affectionate, sensitive and extremely attentive pets. Their love of love sometimes just goes off scale. They will follow their owner with their tail, look faithfully into the eyes and wait for a response.

But such love does not extend to children: as soon as the baby becomes overly annoying and, in the opinion of the whippet, goes too far, the dog leaves with dignity. He doesn’t growl, doesn’t snap, but just walks away - this is also a definite plus.


Smart and quite emotional dogs, which are most often bred to guard a city apartment rather than a private home. By nature they are very affectionate and “talkative”; they can bark from the threshold of both a stranger and the owner of the house. Physical maturation usually stops at 18 months, although Boxers mature mentally much later. Average weight - 25-32 kg, height - 54-63 cm. They are considered long-livers, easily crossing the 13-14 year mark.

Despite getting along well with other animals in the same territory, they can chase cats, losing control of themselves. They do not like to be alone, preferring to always be surrounded by people. In education, they do not tolerate the method of “whip” and punishment, but on the contrary, they quickly learn commands in the mode of praise and encouragement. A distinctive feature of dogs of this breed is excessive noise, as well as the ability to snore.

Watchman or security guard

Not everyone had to think about how (besides size and appearance) the dogs that protect the territory entrusted to them differ from each other. But such a difference is of fundamental importance when choosing an animal.

Guard dogs are designed to promptly notify the owner of a stranger entering the territory. Trained animals do not use barking, but body language, and can, if necessary, detain or search for a person using fresh tracks. In everyday life, guard dogs warn of the appearance of strangers by barking loudly.

The task of a guard dog is not limited to attracting people's attention. A guard dog will attack the enemy and can cause serious injury to him. In fact, such a dog is capable of taking on the function of a bodyguard.

Thus, both guard and guard dogs have a highly developed territorial instinct. They will protect your property with the same courage, but will take a different approach.

When training service guard dogs, dog handlers are faced with the task of teaching the animal both classical guarding and the ability to include security skills (detaining an enemy without damaging vital organs) if necessary.

And although the sense of protecting territory is characteristic of all dogs, even the smallest or mongrel ones, it would be wise to purchase an animal specifically designed for protection.

Qualities required for a guard dog:

  1. Balance (moderate excitability) - the animal should not show aggression unless necessary.
  2. Courage - When threatened, these dogs must confront the enemy without hesitation.
  3. Intelligence and acumen. These qualities are manifested in attentiveness, the ability to notice suspicious noises, distinguish familiar people from strangers, evaluate their intentions and act according to the circumstances.
  4. Physical health and endurance. They are especially needed for dogs living on the street (on a chain or in an enclosure). Equally important are keen vision, hearing and smell.

Video: a dog guarded a flooded house, standing up to his neck in water

Japanese Spitz

Adult dog weight: from 5 to 8 kg. Height at the withers is from 28 to 36 cm. A snow-white fluffy dog ​​can become the most faithful friend and companion. Representatives of the breed are very clean; they try not to get dirty while walking. Their thick coat is able to repel dust and moisture, so it is easy to maintain a neat appearance for your Spitz.

We train the Japanese Spitz well, but this should be done by the person whom the dog recognizes as the owner. Dogs are very wary of strangers, although they try to hide it behind a “trademark” smile on their pretty face.

The future owner of a Japanese Spitz needs to be prepared that from time to time this handsome guy will try on the crown and demonstrate to the world that “the spool is too small for the roads.” Many owners mistakenly assume that such funny situations should be encouraged rather than suppressed. Do you want the white prince to sit on your neck? Do the same.


Adult dog weight: from 14 to 27 kg. The height at the withers is from 43 to 53 cm. Completely opposite character traits coexist in this breed: poise is adjacent to amazing fighting qualities, wisdom is combined with childish spontaneity.

A pit bull always remains faithful to its owner and will never show its leadership qualities around him. Pit bulls prefer not to show aggression, but it can manifest itself if the dog is left to its own devices for a long time.

This breed has a bad reputation as killer dogs. And, although animals are not to blame for the criminal acts of their owners, before you plan to travel with a pit bull, make sure that the breed is not banned in the country you are going to. For example, in the UK, pit bulls are strictly prohibited; the breed cannot not only be bred, but also kept at home.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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