Tartar in dogs - description and TOP-16 means of treatment and prevention

What is tartar

Just like humans, dogs' teeth accumulate plaque over time. It is a soft growth consisting of food residues, saliva, polysaccharides and various bacteria. But over time, it hardens due to the minerals contained in saliva and turns into tartar. Typically, it consists of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate, as well as organic matter and microorganisms.


Precipitated mineral salts are gradually deposited on the yellowish soft coating. Initially loose, the formations harden and darken. The gums swell, bleed, and hurt. It becomes difficult for the dog to grind food with its teeth. Stomatitis, abscesses occur, teeth fall out or require removal.

From the source of inflammation, pathogenic microflora is introduced into the internal organs, causing diseases of the stomach, intestines and kidneys. In severe situations, sepsis develops, ending in the death of the pet.

Symptoms, types, consequences of tartar

The presence of tartar in dogs can be detected with the naked eye by examining the dog's mouth. If you notice yellowish deposits on your teeth and an unpleasant odor from your mouth, know that this is it. In advanced cases, the stone on the teeth becomes darker in color and increases in size. The dog may also notice reddening and bleeding of the gums, and the pet may be reluctant to eat food, especially solid food.

Depending on the location of the stone on the teeth, they are divided into supragingival and subgingival.

We can see supragingival stone when examining the oral cavity. It forms on the surface of the tooth and borders the gum. It looks like a rough gray or yellow or yellow-brown hard growth. Such a stone can damage the mucous membranes of the cheeks and lips, which can subsequently lead to their inflammation.

Subgingival stone is located under the gums, on the root of the tooth and can only slightly protrude onto the crown. It has a dark green color and is much harder than supragingival. If this stone is of significant size, then it detaches the edge of the gum from the tooth, causing gum inflammation. This can cause infections to penetrate inside the tooth.

Most often, these two types of tartar occur simultaneously. If the oral cavity is not sanitized in a timely manner, then for the most part this leads to severe inflammation of not only soft but also bone tissues, up to and including serious dental diseases.

Side effects

There are no contraindications to the use of gel or spray.

In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur during use due to individual intolerance to the components of the product. The gel can sometimes cause gagging. If unpleasant symptoms appear, treatment with the drug should be stopped and the mouth should be rinsed.

Both forms of Zubastic can lead to staining of the enamel. This is not a contraindication for use.


In the wild, the ancestors of our four-legged friends cleaned their teeth naturally by chewing on the bones of their prey. A domestic dog that eats soft food does not need to chew solid food and does not undergo mechanical cleaning of its teeth, which increases the risk of tartar formation.

Oral hygiene, or rather the lack thereof, is of great importance. It is extremely important to use preventatives even if your dog is eating solid (dry) food.

There is also a genetic predisposition to the development of tartar. In small dogs and brachycephalics, diseases of the oral cavity are much more common, this is due to the proximity of the teeth to each other.

Risk group:

  • dwarf and small dog breeds;
  • brachycephals;
  • dogs whose diet mainly consists of soft food;
  • dogs over 3 years old.


It is impossible to remove tartar at home. The procedure for removing tartar is carried out only in a veterinary clinic under general anesthesia. Anesthesia is necessary for a thorough examination and cleaning of teeth, and no dog will allow any manipulation in its mouth.

In veterinary dentistry, two methods are used to remove tartar in dogs: mechanical and ultrasonic.

Mechanical removal

It is carried out with special dental instruments. This method has several disadvantages - the possibility of damage to the gums and teeth when pressing hard on the instrument, as well as the inability to remove plaque.

Ultrasound method

It is more popular, effective and painless. This procedure is carried out using a special apparatus - a scaler. Due to ultrasound, tartar is destroyed and peeled off from the tooth. The only drawback of this method is the difficulty of removing subgingival stone.

Composition selection

It is absolutely unacceptable to use human toothpastes to sanitize a dog’s mouth. The fluorine and xylitol they contain cause intoxication and allergic reactions in pets.

Reusable diapers for dogs, as well as disposable ones

However, even when choosing dog toothpaste, you should definitely consult a doctor at a veterinary clinic. You should also carefully examine the ingredients in your cleaning product.

Important! People rinse their mouths after brushing their teeth, but dogs do not need to.

Tartar preparations

Today, the pet products market offers a huge range of various products for the prevention of tartar from Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Toothpastes and gels are used both for cleaning teeth and for simple treatment by applying to the gums. They effectively remove plaque, perfectly freshen breath and prevent the formation of dental growths. Medicines are available in pet stores. Toothbrushes are used together with gel or paste.

Sprays and drops are not only effective means, but also the most convenient to use.

You can also prevent the formation of tartar with the help of special food and treats. Dry food for oral hygiene is part of the line of medicinal dietary foods; they are produced by the world's largest brands, such as Royal Canin and Hill's. And tasty dental sticks or bones will serve as a prevention of dental problems and as leisure for your pet.

Tooth paste from the Danish company Globalvet

Removes bad odor from the mouth, removes plaque, and prevents the formation of caries and tartar. Available in 50 ml volume. A small amount of paste is applied to a special toothbrush or finger and carefully, lifting the pet’s lip, I begin to brush the teeth. Due to the fact that the paste has an attractive taste, brushing your teeth will not be difficult.

American toothpaste “Toothpaste For Dogs” brand 8 in 1

It is an excellent tool for maintaining healthy teeth and gums and removing unpleasant odor from the mouth. It is used in the same way as the first paste. Available in a weight of 92 g.

Italian gel “Stomadin”

They are used not only to prevent the formation of tartar, but also to treat various diseases of the oral cavity. It is applied between the gums and lips. After application, massage the area for a few seconds. The procedure is carried out up to two times a day. Available in 30 ml volume.

Russian gel “Strong teeth”

Available in 25 ml volume. Contains exclusively natural ingredients. The drug is used to prevent the formation of tartar and eliminate unpleasant odor from the mouth. It is an aid in the treatment of oral diseases. The drug is applied to the gums several times a day for one week.

Russian product “Zubastic Gel” from Api - San

Produced in a volume of 30 ml. Normalizes pH and improves metabolism in the oral cavity, reduces the risk of tartar. The drug is applied to the gums 3-5 drops, then rubbed. The procedure is carried out several times a day for one to two weeks.

Beaphar brand double toothbrush

Flexible and soft bristles allow you to safely brush your pet's teeth. Suitable for dogs of all sizes. Costs about 300 rubles.

Japanese toothbrush from Earth Pet Co.

It looks like a fingertip. This shape of the brush allows you to control the degree of impact on the teeth and gums during brushing.

Chinese toothbrush

It has two sides, one for cleaning teeth and the other for massaging gums.

Dutch spray “Fresh Breath Spray” from the famous brand Beaphar

Kills bacteria, freshens breath and, with regular use, prevents the formation of dental growths. Like other sprays, it is very easy to use. You just need to lift your dog's lips and spray the spray onto the gums. It is advisable to use after each feeding. Available in a volume of 150 ml. The cost is about 900 rubles.

Russian sprays “Zubastic Spray” and “Strong Teeth”

They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anesthetic effects. They freshen breath and prevent the formation of plaque and tartar. Zubastic is available in a volume of 30g, Strong teeth - 75 ml.

Fresh Breath Drops from the American company TropiClean

You just need to add a few drops to a bowl of water and your pet will be provided with fresh breath and healthy teeth. Available in a volume of 52 ml.

Royal Canin Dental special veterinary line food

Designed for oral hygiene in dogs. The special shape of the croquette, when chewed, can prevent the appearance of plaque. Suitable for dogs from 6 months of age of all breeds. Hill's t/d Dental Care special diet food

Also provides reliable protection and health of the oral cavity. Corvettes are relatively large in size (about the size of a matchbox), so your pet will chew it. This will not help avoid the appearance of tartar, but also improve digestion. This food should not be fed to puppies or pregnant dogs.

Pro Plan Dental Pro Bar

These are a kind of treats that serve to prevent the formation of tartar. Pro Plan makes this product for medium and large breed dogs and for toy dogs. The package contains 5 spiral-shaped sticks. The cost is about 300 rubles.

Dr Alders Dent Snex bones made from beef skin and tripe

Manufactured in Germany by Dr. Alder's

A wonderful natural treat that will clean your dog's teeth. The package contains 2 seeds with a total weight of 140 g.

Bone Toothpicks are manufactured in China and sold under the brand Country Delicacies.

The treat is sold for one bone each for small, medium and large dogs.


“Brushing a dog’s teeth, how stupid,” many of you will think. However, observing just such a basic rule of hygiene can prevent most problems associated with the oral cavity, and in particular tartar.

Veterinary dentists recommend brushing your teeth every day after every meal. But few people will have this opportunity, so you should perform this procedure at least 3 times a week.

Brush your pet's teeth with special gels and a toothbrush and toothpaste. Toothpaste for animals and for people are completely different products, so it is strictly not recommended to use your own toothpaste on your pet.

A good and simple preventive measure would be a spray and treats in the form of sticks or bones, which also eliminate bad odor from the mouth and prevent the appearance of stone and plaque.

Making toothpaste for dogs at home

You can make your own dog toothpaste. To do this, water and ordinary clay are mixed in equal proportions. Add a tablespoon of honey to 200 g of the mixture as a preservative. If your dog is allergic to honey, 5 drops of sage oil will be suitable as a preservative.

Homemade toothpaste for dogs.

If there are problems with yellow teeth, the mixture is supplemented with 1 tsp. table sea salt. The above product can be stored for up to 2 weeks.

Important! The procedure should be carried out especially carefully so as not to damage the animal’s gums.

Popular questions

How to clean your dog's teeth from tartar?

Dogs need to brush their teeth from the age of one, but they are accustomed to this procedure from childhood. To do this, the puppy is introduced to the brush. First, they let him smell it, then they begin to brush their teeth, moving it in a circular motion along the gums. The procedure time may initially be a couple of seconds, but then it needs to be gradually increased. You can smear a treat on the brush to create a pleasant association for your puppy and help him get used to brushing his teeth faster.

How much does it cost to remove tartar from a dog?

On average, ultrasonic teeth cleaning will cost about 2,000 rubles. The larger the dog, the more expensive the cost will be. This is related to the amount of anesthesia that will need to be administered to your pet.

How to prepare your dog for teeth brushing

Nicknames for dogs for boys, huskies, and also for girls

It is necessary to prepare the following tools:

  • toothpaste and brush;
  • a bowl of water;
  • goodies;
  • towel.

The animal is called and caressed. They let him sniff the prepared instruments. Then they lay a towel on the table and sit the pet on it. It is better for small breed dogs to brush their teeth while lying down.

The pet is fixed. With one hand they take it by the head, lifting the upper lip near the nose, little by little going deeper towards the cheeks in the process of brushing the teeth. With the other hand, take a toothbrush, lightly moisten it with water and apply a little toothpaste.

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