How to stop a dog from barking for no reason at home and on the street

A dog is a man's good friend. But few people think so when the dog starts barking furiously at night , preventing you from sleeping and doing this not only on the street, but also at home.

From this article you will learn why a dog barks at night and how to stop a dog from barking at everything.

Domestic dogs are also often prone to barking at night. But why does a dog bark into space at night when he should be sleeping? Doesn't she understand that it's time to rest?

What should you not do to stop your dog from barking?

First of all, you shouldn’t shout to a constantly barking dog “Be quiet!”

“Stop barking!”
, since in most cases this is a pointless exercise.
Moreover: this approach can cause your pet to bark even louder
! The dog sees that special attention is paid to it when it barks. Some dogs find this attention more valuable than no attention at all (just like children!). Many people use what is called a shock collar. In fact, this is quite a painful thing that can develop in your dog an aggressive attitude towards the owner himself or towards other dogs whose barking is not restrained by anything or anyone. In addition, many dog ​​owners themselves unwittingly teach their dogs to bark for every reason. For example, you shouldn’t praise your dog and pat him on the withers, saying “Good dog!” when he comes running to you barking after you haven’t been able to call him for a long time. © Krystian Bęben / Pexels


When the dog is left alone

When left alone in an apartment or house, a pet can bark continuously, thus waiting for a person to arrive and unnerving the neighbors. Causes:

  • territory protection;
  • an attempt to “call” the owner and speed up his arrival home.

This behavior can become a serious problem, so the puppy is taught from a young age to the absence of people in the house. After the baby gets used to the new home, along with basic commands, training begins. One option is to lock the puppy in a separate room and control his barking.

The main causes of barking

We have already found out that dogs bark because they want to attract the owner’s attention and convey information to him. There may be several main reasons for attracting attention in this way:

  • fear . Often the cause of fear can be a new habitat, improper socialization of an animal that simply does not know how to calmly respond to environmental changes;
  • anxiety . The animal is concerned about any sounds that force it to turn on “guard mode” and signal in such a way that the territory is protected. For example, dogs often bark at strangers simply because they do not know what to expect from such a visitor;
  • joy . A stormy meeting between the owner and household members, the distribution of goodies overwhelms the animal with joy so much that it cannot restrain itself and expresses emotions with loud sounds;
  • call to play . This vocal stimulus signals that you need to spend more time with your pet. He misses;
  • warning . The dog himself has not yet figured out what is happening and makes it clear to the person that he should be careful. Such sounds will most often be hesitant and cautious.

All these reasons may conceal additional reasons to bark.

Before you scold the dog and give the command to stop, you must give a signal that you have figured everything out.

Below we will talk about specific reasons for barking in order to understand what exactly can drive a dog crazy at a time when there are no visible reasons for this.

Various sounds when barking

As a rule, we do not pay attention to the “intonation” with which a dog barks. We can identify an alarming sound when the dog is simply tearing up and indicating his desire in other ways. Although, with due care, it is very easy to determine the emotional state of the animal at this moment. The main conclusion about a dog’s barking is a strong desire to convey information to the owner.

For example, a long, loud bark, sometimes turning into a squeal, indicates severe fright. Rough low sounds are an indicator of an aggressive mood. Well, the way a joyful pet barks when its owner comes home is familiar to everyone.

Why does a dog growl while looking into nowhere?

Many owners endow their pets with intelligence and feelings similar to those of humans. Dogs are really very smart, they can be sad, happy, and miss their owner. They see and hear much better than us (including in the dark), but they know much less about the world around us.

Yes, sometimes dogs growl insistently, looking, for example, at the corner of the room, and many also begin to dig the floor there. At the same time, the dog looks either frightened or very menacing. The first “brave ones” usually tuck their tails between their legs, begin to tremble and try to hide away from the terrible place. In the latter, the hair on the back of the neck stands on end, and in the mouth, even a short-sighted person can easily count all 42 dog teeth.

A logical explanation can be found for this mystical picture:

During an epileptic attack, before the convulsions, the dog may have hallucinations when it rushes at an enemy invisible to us

This is exactly what happened in my brother's family. Their dog is quite old, she is 12 years old. One day she started growling loudly and throwing herself at the battery. The 15-year-old nephew came up to calm the dog, but she did not recognize him and rushed right into his face. Then she started having convulsions. Fortunately, the miniature pinscher is not a very large dog, and the child is not a toddler, so the matter ended with a small scar. The family did not even suspect that the pet had epilepsy, but after that they began to treat it.

Oh! My nightmare! Mine did this too, growled, his fur stood on end, rushed into the void, ran around the room. If you stop being afraid and listen, you will almost certainly hear the barking-snarling-howling-whining of a strange dog somewhere. I listened and I heard a dog howling somewhere three floors above.

Los Angeles CB

Why does a dog bark: looking for the reason

The first thing that owners of “talkative” dogs should understand is that the animal never barks in vain. First you need to find out why your pet is flooded, and then choose a correction method. The cause of uncontrollable barking may be:

  1. Guard instinct.
    An innate reflex pushes the dog to react violently to calls on the intercom, door, telephone, knocks, rustling behind the wall, sounds of the elevator, people passing along the entrance or past the local area. This is how she warns about strangers and potential danger.
  2. Fear.
    Often pets, especially timid and insecure ones, act on the principle “the best defense is an attack.” If a dog starts yelling at cars, cyclists, passers-by and relatives, he lacks confidence.
  3. Excitation.
    It is caused by the departure or arrival of the owner and guests, loud sounds. The reason is typical for small dogs with an unstable nervous system.
  4. Lack of attention.
    A dog can attract attention by barking loudly. This usually happens at home. The owner is busy with business, ignores the pet and he tries to interest the person.
  5. Excess energy.
    Any dog ​​should receive exercise every day - mental and physical. Otherwise, she will have extra energy, which she will waste on bad behavior - loud barking, damage to furniture and clothes.
  6. Diseases.
    If an animal barks a lot, constantly (after waking up, during feeding, at night, on walks) and for no apparent reason, it needs to be taken to the veterinarian. The pet is probably letting you know that something is bothering him.
  7. A game.
    The only option when yapping is considered normal. The pet simply rejoices and loudly expresses its emotions - just like children on the playground.

Another reason why a pet barks at everything and everyone is poor socialization or its complete absence.

It is important to teach your dog to react normally to children, cats, other dogs, public transport, cyclists, and strangers.

The critical period is from 4 to 8 months. The puppy is introduced to all possible situations and praised for its calm behavior. If for some reason he was not socialized, he will have to instill skills in an adult dog - preferably with the help of a dog handler.

Educational methods for weaning off barking

To stop a dog from constantly barking on the street or at home, you will have to dig deep.
First, you need to be confident in your leadership. If a dog walks ahead on a walk, enters and leaves the room first, eats before its owner, ignores commands, it considers itself the leader. Until she learns otherwise, no adjustment will work. There are several ways to train your dog to be quiet. They need to be used in combination - one method will not work. Systematicity is also necessary - if you give up once, previous efforts will go down the drain and you will have to start raising your pet all over again.

We ignore the yapping

Often, owners do not notice that they themselves provoke unnecessary behavior. While the dog is barking, owners can give toys, food, tease it, console it, or reprimand it.

All this is considered a pet for the signs of attention for which he began to bark.

This behavior is completely wrong. You cannot encourage a dog or show interest while it is barking. Let it flood. Sooner or later she will get tired and give up. A few repetitions and the dog will understand that trying to attract attention is futile.

The exception is when a pet warns with a voice about a perceived danger: the arrival of guests, neighbors, noise behind the wall, etc.

Then you need to calmly approach him, make it clear that he was heard (lightly stroke or praise, but not violently) and command “Place” or “Sit.”

We teach commands

A dog cannot help but bark - this is its way of expression.
But she needs to be taught to control her emotions. The commands “Voice” and “Quiet” or “Silence” will help with this. The dog is specially provoked to bark, at the same time I command “Voice”.

Then they say “Silence” or “Quiet” and wait until he calms down. You can squeeze your mouth so that your pet understands what is required of him. Success is reinforced with treats, and mistakes are reprimanded.

It is advisable to accustom him to commands from puppyhood. An adult dog is several times more difficult to train. When the pet unconditionally fulfills all requirements, increase the time between rewards.

A clicker is also used - it is clicked upon successful completion in order to develop an additional positive connection between the sound and the reward.

Let's turn our attention

A good way to stop your dog barking at home or on the street is to switch it from the source of irritation to something else. For this:

  • massage the ears: first they try the method on a calm dog, if he reacts positively, use it when he yaps;
  • lightly flicked on the face or slapped on the rump;
  • they jerk the leash sharply, or, as an option, loosen it, and then abruptly throw it on the pet so that it gets scared;
  • they give the commands “Come to me”, “Nearby”, “Sit”, “Lie down” - the animal will not be able to simultaneously obey the owner’s order and bark;
  • splash water in the face;
  • give treats and toys.

Simply switching your attention is not enough. It is necessary to stop attempts at the first yelp - when the dog is not very excited.

Afterwards, when she becomes silent, give her a treat and praise her. This way the pet will understand that he is being rewarded for his silence. Gradually increase the interval from the moment the dog stops barking until the reward.

This technique is used when the animal reacts violently to loud sounds - a bell, a knock, noise outside the door. They deliberately provoke him (they call or knock), and then they turn his attention and reward him for silence. Repeat ad nauseam every day until your pet calmly tolerates any irritant.

Getting used to loneliness

Often dogs begin to cry furiously in the absence of their owners.
And they wail for hours until they find themselves in the company of people again. At the same time, they can spoil things. Often those who like to “be indignant into the void” feel like they are in charge, are too cowardly or not tired enough.

Solve the problem using several methods at once:

  • give the dog a good walk so that he gets tired;
  • leave him toys;
  • before leaving, they take the pet to its place, do not allow anyone to approach them, do not have contact with the animal - it is forbidden to speak, “say goodbye,” feel sorry, or pet it;
  • Upon arrival home, they do not react to his joyful barking and jumping - you can only silently pick him up and hold him for a couple of minutes.

You cannot return when the dog is yapping. But you can stand at the door, wait until he stops talking, go into the apartment and stay for a while. If the animal behaves calmly, it is praised and left.

If the dog is kept in an enclosure, then he will 100% vocalize at other people, cats, guests, “calling out” to the neighbor’s pets.

The question here is not whether it is possible to wean a dog from barking - you will have to be content with minor adjustments in behavior: walking well, paying attention, praising when it makes a voice on the case and scolding when it barks just like that.

The main reasons and solutions to the problem if the dog barks at night

bark in the dark not only due to poor manners, but also due to psychological and physical discomfort. The main reasons for barking:

  • Puppy age. Puppies and “teenagers” can be emotional, experiencing new sensations, and react with loud barking, regardless of the time of day. Children especially often express longing for the warm side of their mother and fear of new sensations.
  • Fear. An animal experiences negative emotions when left alone for a long time, in a dark and small space. Unfamiliar objects, smells, and sounds can frighten the dog.
  • Boredom. A young and active animal may not get enough exercise during a walk. Lack of proper attention also provokes the development of boredom.
  • Hyper-emotionality, nervousness, fear of everything. Inherent in dogs of dwarf breeds.
  • The presence of a stranger, a relative, a cat, rustling, movement - a person may not see or hear this, so sometimes he thinks that the dog is barking into the void.
  • Traveling out of town with your pet dog. The animal does not like being alone on the street; it also barks all night due to the lack of the correct habit of responding to extraneous noises.
  • Disease. The dog reacts differently to being unwell, including barking all night.

  • If the cause of barking is fear, stress, or puppyhood, then the animal should not be scolded or punished. Run out to him and calm him down as well, otherwise the dog will start barking even more often.
  • Before going to bed, you need to take a long walk with a young animal, first playing actively, and then walking calmly.
  • If your pet gets bored at night, his leisure time should be brightened up with his favorite toy.
  • The owner's firm and confident voice, light stroking, casual massage, and squeezing the ears will help the dog distract and calm down. It is necessary, if possible, to eliminate all irritating factors - turn off the loud sound on your mobile device, reduce the intensity of the doorbell, etc.
  • For stress, the veterinarian may prescribe sedatives of herbal origin, nutritional supplements with ingredients that calm the nervous system.

How to calm a dog

  • You shouldn’t scold and punish, persuade and feel sorry without understanding the reason for the barking;
  • Take a long walk with a young and active animal before going to bed. At the beginning there are energetic classes, then a calm promenade. The dog should be tired and sleep “without its hind legs”;
  • from the first days, the dog is given a comfortable place, toys are chosen that can calm him down alone;
  • You need to talk to the dog in a firm voice, without shouting. It’s worth petting and patting the ears;
  • if possible, eliminate irritants or reduce their impact: reduce the volume of the doorbell, move the bed away from the front door, etc.;
  • Visit a veterinarian to rule out the presence of disease or stress. Your veterinarian may prescribe a sedative to help you cope with a stressful situation.

Socialization of a pet should begin from a very young age; the complex of such educational measures also includes weaning the dog from barking for no reason.

puppy barks at night

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She needs to be taught very gradually not to be afraid of the world around her. If she has to be forcibly taken to a place for walking, then this only perpetuates her fear.

Stock up on treats, toys and patience. See which toy stands out to her the most and take it with you outside.

Fasten it to a long (3-5 meters) leash and, preferably, to a harness. Let her go on her own until she gets scared. Try to understand WHAT exactly scared her, and carefully offering something tasty to lure her to the “fearful place”. Do not hold her there forcibly, most likely she will behave like a wild animal - she will grab a piece and jump back, then repeat the process, luring her towards you. Dogs are rarely afraid of “everything at once”, usually it is a fear of a complex of sounds - an unfamiliar smell + a sharp noise - and the little coward gets scared where he was running calmly 10 minutes earlier. Two weeks is still very little time for even a domestic puppy to adapt, much less a street wild one.

Modern means and devices to prevent barking

Currently, there are many means to stop a dog from barking.

Anti-bark collars

Equipped with microphones and sensors that respond to sound and produce an irritating signal. They are considered an inhumane way to stop a dog from barking.

The dog does not understand why he needs to stop barking, since the reasons are not explained to him - he will be afraid to raise his voice even during danger and games. Also, the collar does not always work - the pet may pull it off or get scared and yelp even more.

There are several types of Anti-bark collars:

Ultrasonic device

The next invention is a special device that emits ultrasound, which is unpleasant for the hearing of a four-legged animal. This is a small box that can be installed both at home and outdoors.


This is the simplest and at the same time the most effective method, preventing the dog from freely eating and drinking, but at the same time preventing it from barking in vain.


These are all kinds of tablets, herbal infusions and decoctions that soothe and balance the emotional state of the pet.

Vocal cord cutting

The most undesirable method. It is necessary to perform surgery and trim the vocal cords. The dog literally becomes mute.

Surgical intervention is usually resorted to when neighbors, driven to white heat by constant barking, begin to complain en masse, and especially irritable ones begin to sue.

Ligament surgery has many disadvantages:

The best way out is to teach your dog proper behavior from puppyhood. Kids are easy to train and remember why they are praised or punished.

It will not be possible to quickly re-educate an adult “idler.” This is a complex process. But with a systematic approach, any dog ​​will learn good manners and stop barking in vain.

a dog barking at night for no reason How to stop a dog from barking at passers-by and other dogs for no reason

The unreasonable barking of a pet irritates everyone around him, and neighbors are especially dissatisfied, demanding to calm down the restless dog. But why do dogs bark if there is no visible reason for it? How can the owner correct the situation, maintain good relations with people living nearby and force the pet to behave appropriately? To do this, you need to find out the reasons for barking and apply one of the methods to eliminate it.

Barking is a means of expressing emotions for a dog; with the help of barking, animals communicate with each other. There are several types of dog barking: joyful, threatening, frightened. Seemingly stupid barking always has some reason

, knowing which, you can stop your pet’s destructive behavior.

Reason one: the dog is bored. Many people have heard how yard dogs bark monotonously behind the fence all day long. Dogs do this because they are not interested in sitting on a leash, out of boredom, because they are deprived of the attention of their owners. Pets also get bored in the absence of their owners; they bark or howl when left alone, which incredibly irritates the people living next door.

Reason two: the dog protests against isolation in a cage or a separate room, against the care of its adored owner. At the same time, the barking is always loud and demanding, it can not stop for a very long time, the animal stands at the door and barks, raising its head up.

Reason three: the dog is irritated by the presence of another animal that it cannot reach. Typically, domestic dogs bark at dogs and cats walking outside the window or door. Barking can be endless, especially if the stimulus is constantly in the animal's field of vision.

Reason four: the dog is scared. Most often, night monotonous barking is produced by dogs that are frightened by darkness, night sounds

Re-education methods

Before you begin the process of re-education, you should clearly determine what is the reason for the roar. If this is a disease, solving the problem here will be quite simple. It will be much more difficult to put a matured and insolent dog in its place. Experts have developed several rules that must be followed strictly.


Food aggression in animals develops due to the fact that the schedule and mode of food intake were not initially normalized. It is worth paying attention to several rules.

  • The dog should not be fed before you and all members of your family have eaten. The animal must eat when your command is given. If the dog growls, do not let go of the bowl, holding it by the end. Any dissatisfaction when eating should be suppressed.
  • Don't let your dog eat from your table. If you give food only once, the animal will beg for it endlessly. And the point here is not the greed of the owners, but the fact that most of the foods on the table are harmful for dogs. In addition, food received in abundance very quickly leads to dominant behavior.
  • Do not be alarmed and do not move away from the dog if it growls. Your fear will lead the dog to think that it is very easy to scare you off with a light warning.

I feel bad

Finally, the most subtle reason why your dog is barking at nothing is due to health problems.

Dogs with canine dementia can exhibit strange behaviors like the ones we're talking about here.

Pain may be another cause, but this is easier to understand since barking in pain may sound different than your pet's usual bark.

Where did the habit of barking come from?

During the research, a theory was put forward - various shades of bark are used only by domestic dogs. Wild tribesmen resort to this method of communication with each other only in rare cases.

If we talk about wolves - the closest relatives of domestic dogs, an interesting observation is that adult individuals do not use bark to communicate. But wolf babies communicate in this way willingly and use many shades of bark. Researchers conclude that domestic dogs are like teenage wolves, arrested in development and dependent on humans.

What breeds are few?

  1. Basenji is the only breed of dog that does not bark at all and cannot do this. Instead of barking, they howl or purr.
  2. Bullmastiff - he will snort and sniff rather than bark.
  3. Deerhound - They bark very quietly.
  4. Afghan Hound.
  5. Chinese Shar Pei - Bark only when playing or when danger seems imminent.
  6. Rhodesian Ridgeback.
  7. Akita Inu is usually silent unless there are special reasons for alarm.
  8. Clumber Spaniel - does not bark unless it senses extreme danger.
  9. Greyhound practically does not bark.
  10. Russian greyhound.
  11. Mastiff.
  12. English bulldog.
  13. Irish Wolfhound.
  14. German dog.
  15. Saluki (gazelle dog).

Why does a dog bark at night?

In general, animals do not divide time into day and night. They see well in the dark and have keen senses. Therefore, they do not think that they need to sleep at night.

A dog may bark at night for the following reasons:

  • Communication. She is looking for communication and calls other dogs this way. Yard pets often do this;
  • Aggression. She's just hunting someone. Perhaps it is a mouse or some kind of insect;
  • Anxiety. You locked your friend in the room, he is worried. So he barks;
  • A game. Even adult dogs love to play. And during this you can bark.

Some ufologists and psychics claim that dogs can see entities from other worlds that we do not notice. But scientists do not confirm this. So it’s unlikely that your pet is barking at a ghost...

dog barking at night for no reason

How to stop a dog from barking for no reason at passers-by and other dogs

The unreasonable barking of a pet irritates everyone around him, and neighbors are especially dissatisfied, demanding to calm down the restless dog. But why do dogs bark if there is no visible reason for it? How can the owner correct the situation, maintain good relations with people living nearby and force the pet to behave appropriately? To do this, you need to find out the reasons for barking and apply one of the methods to eliminate it.

Barking is a means of expressing emotions for a dog; with the help of barking, animals communicate with each other. There are several types of dog barking: joyful, threatening, frightened. Seemingly stupid barking always has some reason

, knowing which, you can stop your pet’s destructive behavior.

Reason one: the dog is bored. Many people have heard how yard dogs bark monotonously behind the fence all day long. Dogs do this because they are not interested in sitting on a leash, out of boredom, because they are deprived of the attention of their owners. Pets also get bored in the absence of their owners; they bark or howl when left alone, which incredibly irritates the people living next door.

Reason two: the dog protests against isolation in a cage or a separate room, against the care of its adored owner. At the same time, the barking is always loud and demanding, it can not stop for a very long time, the animal stands at the door and barks, raising its head up.

Reason three: the dog is irritated by the presence of another animal that it cannot reach. Typically, domestic dogs bark at dogs and cats walking outside the window or door. Barking can be endless, especially if the stimulus is constantly in the animal's field of vision.

Reason four: the dog is scared. Most often, night monotonous barking is produced by dogs that are frightened by darkness, night sounds

Reasons for Loud Behavior

Frequent barking does not mean that the dog is an empty-headed dog. The voice is the main way of expressing emotions. This is how animals express both negative and positive reactions to any event.

The main reasons why a dog barks at trifles:

  • Excitement – ​​the pet hears extraneous noises or finds itself in an unfamiliar situation.
  • Fear - the animal is frightened by loud sounds, such as fireworks and fireworks. We need to help him stop being afraid of external stimuli.
  • Lack of communication - the pet is alone for a long time in a confined space. Animals, unlike humans, do not know how to entertain themselves on their own. By barking they try to attract the attention of the owner.
  • Play – dogs are quite emotional. Carried away by a fun game, they bark, expressing joy.
  • Aggression - even the most well-mannered and calm dogs periodically get angry: at other four-legged animals that cross the boundaries of what is permitted, or at people who encroach on their territory.
  • Jealousy – a pet may not like the fact that the owner is petting another animal. Then he barks loudly, showing displeasure.

Long and monotonous barking for no apparent reason may indicate health or mental problems.

How to stop a dog from barking at night

  • From puppyhood, the dog must be taught the “Quiet” command. Whenever a dog barks for no reason, he is given the command “Quiet” and rewarded with a treat or affection only if the animal stops barking. The command is given only when the pet’s behavior is not related to the performance of security functions (barking at strangers, protecting property, etc.).
  • An adult animal can be trained to be quiet using the commands “Quiet” or “Place”. Experienced dog handlers do not recommend using the “No” or “Fu” command to stop unwanted behavior.
  • What should an owner do if a dog barks all night and training methods are ineffective? Experienced dog breeders and dog handlers in such situations resort to special devices in the form of collars. Accessories have different mechanisms of action on the dog. Collars can deliver a weak electrical or ultrasonic pulse when your dog barks. Such devices are called “Anti-bark”.

There are accessories on sale that are based on vibration. As soon as the dog starts barking, he is distracted by the “buzzing” of the collar. There are also collars with a spray - with vocal vibrations, the device sprays odors that are unpleasant for the animal.

A dog barking at night is a problem that can ruin the mood not only of the owner, but also of the household and even neighbors. You can correct unwanted behavior by eliminating the reasons for your pet barking at night. To solve the problem, dog handlers recommend using not only elements of training, but also special devices to wean the animal from barking for no reason.

What to do?

When a dog barks at night every day, it is very annoying. And the problem must be solved. You can simply say "Ew" or "Quiet." This might work.

How to teach a dog the FU command

You can also spank the dog with something: a newspaper or a towel. This way she will understand that you are clearly not happy. The opposite action can also be applied. Feed the animal. Perhaps it just wants to eat.

There are ultrasonic devices on the market that produce a sound that is inaudible to humans. This sound is not pleasant for dogs. Turn on this device when the dog begins his “serenade”.

The dog needs to be muzzled for a while. This way she will understand that few people are happy about her barking.

You can also use a collar that delivers a small electric shock when barking occurs.

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