Medicinal dog food - TOP best food for preventing diseases in dogs in 2022

A diet for dogs is a specific system of feeding them. A set of measures to change nutrition, dictated by any disease or condition other than normal. Or the conditions of its existence. Dietary nutrition is provided in two ways. This can be achieved by changing the diet - the amount and ratio of its usual components. You can also use ready-made dog food. A variety of dietary foods can also be special medicinal foods for dogs with a specific disease.

Diet and dietary food for dogs. Therapeutic diets and feeds.

The diets themselves have been known for a long time and have developed historically in different populations of dogs in different habitats. For example, fish products predominate in the diet of dogs in riverine and coastal marine areas. Areas with predominantly agriculture and cattle breeding predetermined the predominance of grains and vegetables in the diet. This “geographical” diet for dogs for centuries has shaped their ability to digest and assimilate carbohydrates at the genetic level. These are also diets, only naturally determined.

This can also be dietary nutrition for obesity or, conversely, exhaustion. There are diets for sports dogs and service dogs. Therapeutic diets and dog food are designed specifically to treat specific diseases.

A self-organized diet is self-medication.

There are “diets” that are formed spontaneously by the dog owner. Most often this happens with allergic reactions. So they gave the dog a product: one, two, three. The result is allergies to all three. What does the owner do? He begins to feed only what the dog can definitely tolerate. For years. Does it seem logical? But it turns out that the pet was put on a diet that may not be healthy at all. Monotonous unbalanced diet. What's the result? After a couple of years, the dog has new problems. With fur, with digestion, maybe with the condition of the joints or reproductive capabilities. With anything! Like a snowball, it can add to one another. Trips to the veterinarians begin. Considerable financial costs, because time is lost.

But all in all, at one time it was necessary to solve the problem with a veterinarian in a timely manner, and not to be clever yourself. Because no one will ever solve such a problem without special education. The diet for dogs is selected only by experienced specialists. For example, you can take a foodborne test. But this is about 3 dozen positions! And then select dietary food for the dog according to its needs.

Therefore, you need to remember that diet is also treatment. And any self-medication can easily harm a dumb pet. Who does not have a free choice of what to eat or what product to choose.

The essence of the veterinary diet

Every pet requires special attention from the owner, and a sick dog needs it doubly.

Why is medicinal food necessary?

Animals suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis, digestive problems, urolithiasis and other ailments are very sensitive to food. Often it is the wrong diet that leads to disruptions in the functioning of the four-legged friend’s body.

Therapeutic dry and wet dog food is designed to normalize the patient’s condition and provide him with the vitamins and microelements necessary for health. It is difficult for the owner to prepare such food on his own, so store-bought mixtures become the best choice for the duration of treatment - or for the rest of his life.

Is it possible to feed an animal with a veterinary line without a veterinarian's prescription?

There is a wide range of food on the shelves of specialized stores. It is difficult to choose a suitable veterinary line for a dog suffering from chronic diseases. Moreover, the owner does not always understand which ingredients in the composition are useful and which are not.

A consultation with a veterinarian will help you find out which brand of products is best suited for a particular individual with health problems. But independent choice can lead to a worsening of the condition and the development of complications.

Introduction of a diet and exit from it.

Replacing regular food with dietary food should occur gradually, including changing the volume of feeding portions. To do this, new products are introduced into the diet in parts. Approximately 15-20% of the target amount for 1 week, gradually bringing it to full. This will help avoid possible unwanted reactions from the digestive system. After all, the digestive organs also need some time to adapt to the new diet. Otherwise, regurgitation, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation are inevitable.

Exiting the diet is also carried out according to this principle. However, such a schedule may not be used for therapeutic diets that are prescribed to treat a serious disease. For example, in case of allergies, intolerant foods are immediately removed from the diet. Or hard-to-digest fatty meat products for liver diseases.

Diet for obese dogs.

If you are overweight, strict adherence to all the principles of proper feeding will ensure its normalization after some time. This is if the dog is healthy. Especially with increased physical activity. Although the principles of proper feeding must be observed in any diet and during normal daily nutrition.

The simplest solution to the problem is to switch to feeding in reduced portions. Usually it is enough to reduce them by 20-25%. Or maybe even less. But we must also remember that sudden weight loss is dangerous to health. When reducing the calorie content of the diet and (or) the volume of single feeding portions, this should be done gradually. But these measures may not solve the problem. The development of obesity in a dog often requires prescribing dietary nutrition and calculating calorie intake.

Therefore, special low-calorie foods were created for the dietary nutrition of overweight dogs. These are medicinal foods for dogs in the Diets/Obesity category. They include vitamin complexes, mineral supplements and proteins, preserving muscle mass while reducing body weight. These include Pro Plan Veterinary Diets OM Obesity Management, Royal Canin Satiety Weight Management Wet, Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Mini Weight Management. In cases of severe obesity, low protein dog food can be used, but only as a temporary measure.

Varieties with examples

The production of the best medicinal dog food is carried out by large companies that have specialists on their staff to develop dietary recipes.

For sensitive digestion

Therapeutic dog food for gastrointestinal diseases is suitable for dogs with pancreatitis, gastritis and hypersensitive digestion. The composition of the Gastro or Gastrointestinal class mixture has a reduced content of proteins and fats - this helps prevent problems with food digestion. All components are well absorbed and eliminate constipation or diarrhea.

The Gastro category includes:

  • Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal;
  • Farmina Vet Life Gastrointestinal;
  • Happy Dog Intestinal.

The balanced composition of the products of these companies protects the dog’s stomach from the occurrence of peptic ulcers. To achieve this, the mixtures are enriched with special prebiotics to normalize microflora, as well as vitamins and minerals to maintain overall health.

For liver diseases

Liver diseases in advanced form are very dangerous for a pet. The duration of treatment and diet therapy depends on the complexity of the pathology. Chronic liver failure is normalized only by a lifelong diet.

Hepatic class products:

  • Royal Canin Hepatic HF16;
  • Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HP Hepatic.

They contain highly digestible plant proteins, as well as a reduced copper content and an increased amount of zinc. A complex of antioxidants slows down the process of liver cell destruction.

For renal failure

Kidney problems occur in dogs of all ages. Improper functioning of organs leads to serious disruptions in the functioning of the entire body and requires proper treatment and a special menu. Kidney or Renal mixtures will help you follow your diet. These include:

  • Hill's Prescription Diet k/d;
  • Happy Dog Renal;
  • Royal Canin Renal RF14.

They contain an increased percentage of proteins and phosphates, which helps slow the development of kidney failure. Reducing sodium, phosphorus and protein helps remove toxins and improve your pet's well-being.

For urolithiasis

Metabolic disorders lead to the appearance of stones in the urinary tract. This disease leads to severe suffering for the pet. He whines in pain, and blood becomes visible in his urine. To alleviate the patient’s condition, the doctor prescribes Urinary class food:

  • Advance Urinary;
  • Hill's Urinary Care;
  • Pro Plan UR Urinary dry.

They contain a balanced mineral formula that prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system. Having the correct levels of magnesium, calcium and potassium ensures normal bladder function and prevents inflammation.

For allergies

The range of hypoallergenic foods is varied. A consultation with a specialist, who must accurately determine the cause of the allergic reaction in the patient, will help you choose this or that product. For the menu of sick animals, monorecipes from the Hypoallergenic category are best suited:

  • Royal Canin Hypoallergenic DR21;
  • Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HA Hypoallergenic;
  • Hill's Prescription Diet z/d Food Sensitivities.

This also includes foods marked Grain-Free. They are used for celiac disease - gluten intolerance.

These brands do not contain chemical compounds that cause dermatitis and manifestations of food intolerance. The recipe excludes certain ingredients that cause allergic reactions. Typically, hypoallergenic foods are prescribed to the animal for life, since switching to any other type of food is fraught with severe health problems.

For cardiovascular diseases

The balance of useful and nutritious substances in Cardiac class foods normalizes the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Before developing a menu, the doctor performs tests on the patient. It is important to know what level of sodium is present in the patient's body. There are only two types of Cardiac class products available in stores:

  • Farmina Vet Life Cardiac;
  • Royal Canin Cardiac EC.

The diet helps at the first signs of heart problems. The components reduce the load on the organ and prevent fluid retention. The formulation contains the additive L-carnitine, which has a positive effect on lipid metabolism. In case of congenital pathology of the cardiovascular system, the diet is prescribed for life.

For joint problems

Elderly individuals often experience problems with the musculoskeletal system. A special diet can normalize joint mobility and protect against inflammation and complications. Mobility class foods include:

  • Royal Canin Mobility C2P+;
  • Advance Articular Care;
  • Pro Plan JM.

They contain ingredients that are beneficial for the functioning of joints, bones and cartilage. The food is enriched with calcium, collagen and elastin - they stop the destruction of connective tissues and increase muscle mass.

For diabetes

Diabetic class mixtures are intended for the lifelong diet of dogs with diabetes. The vet line helps to increase the dog’s activity and control blood glucose levels. The pet's menu should include only foods low in protein and sugar. These include:

  • Farmina Vet Life Diabetic;
  • Advance Diabetes Colitis;
  • Royal Canin Special Low Carbohydrate.

The Diabetic class contains fiber to control glucose levels. Reduced carbohydrate content. The beneficial vitamins and minerals included in dry and wet mixtures solve problems with diarrhea and constipation. Food is quickly digested without increasing blood sugar levels.

For obesity

Excess weight becomes a serious problem, due to which disorders of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems develop. If your pet is obese, you should not overfeed your pet or give him treats. Diets/Obesity category foods will help cope with excess body weight:

  • Pro Plan Veterinary Diets OM Obesity Management;
  • Royal Canin Satiety Weight Management Wet;
  • Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Mini Weight Management.

Low-calorie composition includes proteins, vitamin-mineral complex and nutrients. They help reduce excess weight and maintain normal muscle mass.

Hypoallergenic diet for dogs.

Signs of food allergies most often appear gradually, as the food allergen accumulates in the body. They can manifest themselves as redness and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and digestive problems. Often this is itchy skin, inflammation of the skin with weeping or peeling. There may be discharge from the nose and eyes, swelling of the muzzle and limbs, and deterioration of the coat. General well-being also suffers. Tasks of a veterinarian (nutritionist):

  • identification and exclusion from the diet of foods containing allergens;
  • selection of an adequate diet that provides all the body’s needs.

Determining the list of acceptable food products is possible only after testing for food tolerance. Such tests are performed in fairly large veterinary clinics. Based on their results, you can create a suitable diet. Balanced for all nutritional components and energy needs. Only a specialist can do this. After all, you will have to take into account a lot of factors that influence the calculations. This is the state of digestion, constitutional and breed characteristics, lifestyle, concomitant diseases and much more. And all this is strictly individual.

Typically, a hypoallergenic diet for dogs includes super-premium food specially created for this purpose or special holistic foods. These foods can also be used as treats. But for this, it is better for the dog to choose something especially tasty. Subject to tolerance, something from natural products is selected - again based on the test results. Treats made from rabbit or venison jerky may work.

Hypoallergenic dietary food for dogs.

The choice of food depends on the list of foods intolerant to the dog, its preferences and many other factors determined by the veterinarian. On the part of the owner, the choice depends on financial capabilities and trust in the brand. Feeds of a lower class than “super-premium” may contain chicken, which itself is often an allergen. This should be remembered. As well as the recommended consumption rates on the packaging.

Such medicated dog food does not contain artificial industrial additives or any allergenic compounds. They are usually classified as Hypoallergenic and labeled as such. Examples of such foods are Royal Canin Hypoallergenic DR21, Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HA Hypoallergenic, Hill's Prescription Diet z/d Food Sensitivities. Grain-free foods labeled Grain-Free are also hypoallergenic. They do not contain gluten, so they are indicated for gluten intolerance. In particular, in the treatment of celiac disease.

Hypoallergenic dietary food for a dog should be prescribed to it for life.

What is holistic dog food?

This name can often be found on the packaging of expensive dog food. Unlike popular opinion, this is not a brand, not the name of a manufacturing company. This is a new approach to balanced nutrition.

Holistic is a derivative of the word “holism”. The literal translation is integrity. Derived from the latest ideas in medicine about a holistic approach to treating the body (body, soul, mental images).

A little vague, but there is a bit of rationality in it. The physiology and anatomy of pets directly depends on both the diet and many factors: breed, age, development conditions, upbringing, families where the pet is kept.

The term was first used by Innova to refer to all-natural food without chemical additives. It is believed that holistic nutrition is based on the rational use of only natural ingredients.

The most common hypoallergenic medicated dog foods.

Bosch Sensitive.

Medicinal food from the German manufacturer Bosch Sensitive belongs to the super-premium class food. They are balanced in all nutrients. Contains PUFAs and prebiotics. It is based on rice and lamb meat. It also contains barley, potato flour, beets, dried egg, mussel and flaxseed flour. And also the meat of the New Zealand green-lipped mollusk, which is a source of glycosaminoglycans.


Specially created dietary food for dogs with food allergies. Contains duck meat, beet and potato flour. Sources of vitamins include dried blueberries, green tea and chicory extracts. Also present are mint, parsley, ginger, and taurine. The food reduces gas formation, eliminates nausea and unpleasant odor from the mouth, and improves digestion.

Pro Plan.

It is represented by two lines of hypoallergenic food - each is divided into food for dogs of different sizes. The first food is for dogs with sensitive digestion, and the second is for dogs with problem skin. The Optidigest mark is for the first food, it is based on lamb meat. It also contains dried poultry protein, corn, wheat, chicory, minerals, and vitamins. The second food is made from salmon.

Lamb&Okanagan Apple by Akana.

Grain-free food based on New Zealand lamb, also includes carrots, pumpkin and apples. It is considered very balanced due to the variety of selected additives. These are green peas, chicory root, ginger, seaweed, lemon balm, mint, green beans. Among the additional animal components there are lamb kidneys and fat, liver. Designed for pets with sensitive digestion.


Balanced and does not require additional minerals and vitamins. Made with hypoallergenic cornstarch and a variety of meat options. Contains antioxidants that bind free radicals. Used in dogs with disorders of the digestive system and skin. Participated in studies that showed the clear effectiveness of this food. And a beneficial effect on the skin with food allergies.

Skin&Food Sensitivities.

Wet medicated food for dogs with an eloquent name. They are also intended for the treatment of skin manifestations of allergies and digestive disorders of the same nature. Available in canned form. The feed contains salmon, potato starch, vegetable oil, fish oil, taurine, antioxidants, and microelements. 370 g (one can) is nutritionally equivalent to approximately 100 g of dry food.

Brit Care Adult Medium Breed Lamb & Rice.

Representative of a Czech brand widespread in Europe. There are varieties depending on the age and weight of the dog. Most suitable for dogs of medium size and age. The food is based on lamb and rice. Also includes fish and poultry fats, yeast, vegetable and fruit extract. Processed crustacean shells are a source of glucosamine.


Also intended for dogs experiencing skin or digestive problems due to food allergies. Used from one year of age. The special structure of food granules is designed for greater effectiveness in cleaning teeth. This achieves the removal of plaque and unpleasant odor from the mouth. The basis of the food is lamb meat and rice. Also contains wheat and barley, egg powder, corn, beets, fish oil, additional minerals.


The company of the same name produces its products in Belgium and Italy. Foods are divided by breed and age and belong to the holistic class. A dog diet based on this food is considered one of the most balanced. All of them are also based on lamb and rice. Only one variety - based on white sea fish. All foods contain probiotics. Contains no soy, wheat, corn, beets or eggs, GMO or artificial additives, salt or sugar.

Rating of the best holistic dog foods

Here are the best foods based on a holistic approach, which will help you decide on the composition and features.

Go! Natural

Feed Go!
Natural Manufacturer: Canada

Food based on turkey meat. Suitable for adult dogs of large or medium breeds. Gluten free. According to veterinarians, it is an excellent addition to the main diet when it needs to be diversified. Low-temperature technology is used to process the components, preserving all the benefits of vitamins and proteins. Supplemented with pro- and prebiotics that normalize intestinal function, including antioxidants.

Allergic reactions are excluded, recommended to support the dog during the diet. Sold canned or dry in packages starting from 230 g. up to 11.35 kg.


Manufacturer: Canada

Holistic Blend – balanced nutrition with different tastes. For example, lamb with rice contains young lamb, wild salmon, whole brown rice and barley, sunflower oil, alfalfa, cinnamon, garlic and rosemary extract. Vitamins B, A, C, E, choline chloride and folic acid were added as microelements. The source of protein is meat, not offal. Chicken and Rice is a mixture of rice cereal and chicken.

Suitable for all dog breeds, regardless of age. According to the owners, the price is affordable; the food can be purchased in large centers or ordered from an online store. Dogs tolerate the transition from one species to another well.


Grandorf feed

Manufacturer: Italy, Belgium, Russia

Belongs to the low-grain class of holistic diet, containing a minimal amount of grains. The line includes flavors with rabbit and lamb.

The composition is based on 60% natural meat, 26% proteins and only 15% fats. Contains no: by-products, eggs, chicken fat, sugar, dyes, soy and GMOs. Suitable for medium breed dogs with highly sensitive digestion. The granules help remove plaque from teeth. The taste is natural, without enhancers. The dog gets full quickly. Veterinarians recommend this for those with pets who are picky about food or who have problems with indigestion. Packaged in packages from 1 to 12 kg.


Manufacturer: Canada

The Go brand has become known since the late 90s of the last century. This is a series of “holistic” products, which exclude artificial additives and dyes, enhancers, and sugar. The owner can choose the most optimal option based on the breed and conditions of detention.

  1. Go FIT plus Free is recommended for nutrition at all ages, including puppies, if there is a tendency to obesity. There are no grain crops. The composition affects the intelligence and abilities of young animals.
  2. Go NATURAL is the most popular among owners. A high level of animal protein fractions is guaranteed, with minimal proportions of plant proteins added. To satiate, 50% of the usual portion of other brands of food is enough.
  3. Go SENSITIVITY SHINE is intended for dogs with digestive problems: constipation, diarrhea, nausea. Enriched with Omega complex to improve coat quality, prevent alopecia and hair loss. The color becomes more intense and bright.
  4. Go REFRESH PLUS RENEW with high animal protein content: lamb, chicken, turkey. According to veterinarians, they are suitable for dogs undergoing serious physical activity (working, hunting) regardless of age and size.
  5. Go DAILY DEFENSE is ideal for feeding puppies and older dogs. Contains brown rice, fruits, turkey, beef, and root vegetables. Easily digestible, promote cell renewal and regeneration.

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Manufacturer: Canada

Pronature is a proven line of food that provides a complete diet based on holistic ideas about the balance of components. Completely natural, excluding GMOs, flavor enhancers and dyes.

All ingredients go through the stages of extrusion - uniform distribution of components inside the granules. When eating Pronature Holistic the following are excluded:

  • fatty meats (pork, beef);
  • a large number of grain crops.

All of them are a source of allergies and obesity.

The protein chosen is lamb, fish or chicken. Additional vitaminization occurs due to extracts of cranberries, spinach, carrots and beets.

There are several series: 21 is suitable for aging dogs, increasing life expectancy; 22 – the best food for adult dogs; 26 - for large breeds, 28 is designed for puppies.


Feed Now
Manufacturer: Canada

Nau food is one of the top 10 leaders in balanced nutrition for dogs of all breeds. It is based on poultry fillets (turkey, duck), wild animals (deer), fish (trout, salmon). Vitamin E was chosen as a preservative, enriching the cellular composition and promoting rapid regeneration. The volume of the coat increases, it becomes thick and pleasant to the touch.

Designed for dogs prone to allergies and obesity. The wealth of fruit and berry extracts (banana, raspberries, mango, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, papaya) makes it possible to maximally vitaminize the dog’s diet and create conditions for an active motor mode. According to the owners, the disadvantage is that the price is too high. The advantage is seen in its versatility. High quality is ensured by the complete absence of grains that cause allergic reactions.


Summit feed

Manufacturer: Canada

Balanced food that does not contain corn, gluten, or wheat. Chemical derivatives are completely excluded. Based on extracts of dried lamb and chicken. The high protein content (28%) ensures rapid growth of musculoskeletal tissue, joint strength, and length of time for walking and activity.

Fractions of flour from eggs, trout and meat make it indispensable for young and adult dogs of different breeds. Potassium, choline and sodium chlorides serve as a source for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems.

Disadvantage - it is difficult to buy in Russian stores.


Acana food

Manufacturer: Canada

All ingredients for Akana food are caught in the Pacific Ocean or grown in Canada.

Everyone distinguishes 4 types.

“Classic”, which includes 45% meat from turkeys, ducks and chickens. Only 5% by-products. Almost a quarter of an oat grain. About 20% vegetables and fruits. Suitable for dogs leading a sedentary lifestyle.

“Heritage” contains seafood (herring, flounder), 70% meat, 35% fresh vegetables and fruits. Recommended for those prone to obesity and overweight as the main diet, regardless of temperament.

“Regional” consists of 70% poultry, and the rest is fruits and vegetable fractions. Best suited for aging dogs prone to diabetes and shortness of breath.

“Singal” is similar to the classic one, but contains extracts of plants that stimulate immunity and cell growth (lily of the valley, burdock, lavender) to increase the activity of medium-sized dogs (height at the withers does not exceed 40-50 cm).

When choosing Canadian food, you need to take into account both the high price and the specificity of production and its shortage. It is considered ideal for older dogs that have difficulty moving.


Manufacturer: Italy

Completely hypoallergenic food, in which the composition is as close as possible to the diet of predators. Some of the products are produced in Serbia, Norway, and Brazil. The ingredients do not contain grains, GMOs or dyes. Potatoes, vegetables, and fruits are used instead.

Several options are presented from the holistic series:

  • for puppies and young dogs (up to 3 years old) food with chicken and pomegranate;
  • for adults, combinations: fish-orange, boar-apple, lamb-blueberry.

The composition is enriched with prebiotics, extracts of medicinal herbs, fatty acids for digestion and hair growth. Recommended as the main diet, regardless of the dog’s age, breed, or behavioral characteristics.


Abba food

Manufacturer: Germany, Netherlands

The Holistic series contains up to 80% natural meat and is considered the best among its analogues in terms of composition and owner preference. Based on dehydrated lamb or poultry meat, the pellets contain only muscle structures and no by-products. The composition is enriched with wild rice, peas and corn - sources of plant proteins.

To grow muscle tissue, fish meal and salmon oil are added. For the first time, the effectiveness of the components was noticed on dog breeds called “herding” (collie, mini-collie). They ate fish with pleasure, and the wool became much better. The productivity of the gastrointestinal tract is ensured by beet juice, carob, dried grapes and apples. Fortification with iodine, copper and zinc helps to form strong immunity.

Regardless of age and breed, Abba products are highly valued by veterinarians; they are recommended as the main diet after illness, injury, or infection. It increases energy and endurance.


HILL'S food

Manufacturer: USA

The invention of the Hill's feed formula has a centuries-old history. The products are constantly being improved and are popular all over the world. The basis of high-quality holistic food is the following components:

  • high content of animal protein from dietary meat breeds (up to 30%);
  • sources of carbohydrates are corn and wheat;
  • beet and carrot pulp help with digestion;
  • fish, chicken fat, flax seed and vegetable oil are sources of easily digestible fats;
  • fortified supplements and microelements to nourish cells.

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Despite the recognized quality, the holistic product of this company does not deserve due attention due to the large number of grains. These are sources of allergies and gastrointestinal problems.


Artemis food

Manufacturer: USA

Belongs to the “6 star” category of food. It is considered unusual in composition, as it includes:

  • lactobacilli for digestion;
  • there are no cereals, instead potatoes, carrots, and fruits are added;
  • Indispensable components for the diet are blueberries, cranberries, rosemary extracts, green tea, yucca plants, chicory root and brown algae.

It has a minimal protein content and is therefore suitable for dietary nutrition and weight loss programs in dogs.


Orijen food

Manufacturer: Canada

It occupies a leading position among similar products. Does not contain cereals. The diet includes 70% animal proteins, excluding by-products. Instead of cereals, potato starch, carrot substrate, and other root vegetables are used. Crushed bone meal and chicken eggs are used to build bone tissue cells. In order to prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract, probiotics are included in the composition.

Suitable for large breeds prone to active movement and thick coats.


Wellness food

Manufacturer: USA

The term “wellness” means good health, care for health. Feed manufacturers adhere to the same concept. For best quality, highly effective components are selected:

  • no vegetable protein is used;
  • animal protein is obtained from poultry, lean beef and lamb;
  • Potatoes and legumes are used instead of carbohydrates;
  • tomatoes are used for fiber;
  • cranberries provide prevention of urolithiasis;
  • chicory extract helps cope with cardiovascular problems, normalize heart rhythm, and cleanse the pancreas;
  • sources of fatty acids are flaxseed oil and salmon fish oil.

Wellness Kore food is perfect for all breeds without exception. Useful for those who are prone to urolithiasis after castration.

Now Fresh

Now Fresh food

Manufacturer: Canada

Considered a universal holistic treatment for all dog breeds. Does not contain chicken or gluten, which cause allergic reactions. Manufacturers are proud of the possibility of human consumption, since each granule contains the maximum balance of nutrients.

NOW Natural holistic is formulated for puppies up to 15 months of age. No soy, meat and bone meal, corn. The pet will receive the highest quality protein with a high rate of absorption. A balanced composition of fats, probiotics, and omega acids ensures intensive growth and improves blood supply to tissues and internal organs. Ideal proportions (70% meat, 20% vegetables and fruits, 10% vitamins and minerals) help grow a puppy into a strong, healthy, active and cheerful dog.


Canidae food

Manufacturer: USA

The food is recommended by veterinarians as the main diet and daily nutrition of large breed dogs. Advantages:

  • protein of animal origin only;
  • mineralized supplements are completely natural;
  • There are no chemical components in the form of odor enhancers.

Plant oil and vitamin extracts (C, E, PP) are used as a preservative.

It is not very common in Russia. Due to the high price, it is not in wide demand.

Almo Nature

Almo Nature food

Manufacturer: Italy

AlmaNature is a leader among European producers of high-quality feed. Meat and fish are used as protein.

There are several lines of food on the market designed for the age, breed, and health of the pet.

Rice, which is presented as a side dish, is an anti-allergenic component, being an antioxidant. Among the products you can find canned fish, lamb, and chicken. They serve as a supplement to the main diet and promote better absorption of substances.

Based on the breed and size of the dog, dry granules are different. They help clean the mouth and remove plaque. The dog is quickly satisfied due to the carefully selected composition of ingredients.

Therapeutic dietary nutrition.

Designed for self-treatment of any diseases. Together with other therapeutic measures, without replacing them. Depending on the stage of the chronic disease, the composition of the diet changes. During the period of exacerbation, the diet is one, during the period of remission - another. Therefore, when the condition normalizes, dietary nutrition designed for the acute period of the disease should also be changed.

In the vast majority of cases, therapeutic dietary nutrition involves abandoning natural feeding. And the transition to special medicated dog food. After all, it is impossible to prepare food on your own that is balanced for a sick body at home. This also requires the absence of contraindications from the teeth and jaws. Wet dog food can also be used. Using wet food can increase your dog's fluid intake. Such food is usually eaten with great appetite. A diet for dogs that involves a combination and alternation of dry and wet food has proven itself to be excellent.

Medical nutrition schemes are prescribed in the acute period of the disease or during an exacerbation of the chronic one. Although in some cases, with a chronic disease, medicinal dietary food for a dog can be prescribed for life. This is quite a difficult task and can only be carried out by a trained veterinarian. There are also preventative dietary regimens. They can also be used for constant daily nutrition in healthy dogs.

Medicinal dog food contains carbohydrates from cereals and a strictly defined amount of protein from lamb, rabbit, duck or fish. As well as healthy fats from nutritionally appropriate oils. Some foods contain fruit pulp and egg powder. Any therapeutic diet for dogs involves the use of only special food, which is much easier to digest than usual.


To maintain and preserve the health of the dog, medicated food contains only healthy ingredients. Foods with high levels of protein and fat are completely excluded. The premium category includes special components that help control metabolism.

The composition is carefully checked for balance. Hypoallergenic medicated food can be made from brewer's yeast, oatmeal, fruit, and dietary fish.

Approximate composition of most products for dogs:

  • carbohydrates obtained from cereals;
  • proteins obtained from the meat of duck, rabbit, lamb, fish;
  • fats from healthy oils.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The packaging may also indicate egg powder or fruit pulp. All of these components have a beneficial effect on the process of food digestion and allow you to quickly cope with allergies, gastrointestinal and urological diseases.

The composition of medicinal feeds is not limited to this list. It can contain nutrients based on the dog's breed, age, problem, etc.

Daily norm

The goal of all manufacturers of medicinal feed is to eliminate the disease or provide support to the animal’s body to prevent relapse. These products can only be used during an exacerbation period.

There are preventive varieties suitable for the dog’s constant nutrition. The consumption rate must be indicated on the packaging. The daily dose is calculated individually, taking into account the age and weight of the sick pet.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question


  • do not skip feeding the dog, do not break the plan;
  • monitor reactions to food;
  • do not increase the portion if the previous one was missed.

Diet for dogs with diseases of the digestive system.

Gastrointestinal diseases in dogs are very common. Therefore, dietary nutrition plays an important role in their treatment. Since gastrointestinal diseases are quite diverse, the veterinarian will develop a diet for your pet individually. For example, hepatitis often requires a reduction in the protein component in the diet, as well as the amount of fat. There are specific dietary features for pancreatitis and intestinal diseases. In this case, the specialist will focus not only on the diagnosis. But also on the characteristics of the breed, the dog’s previous nutrition, the stage and degree of manifestations of the disease. And also take into account the breed, constitutional and individual characteristics of your pet. His size, age, lifestyle.

Frequent reasons for prescribing such a diet are acute gastritis or gastroenteritis. It is characterized by:

  1. Using a line of grain-free dietary foods that are gentle and do not irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  2. When feeding naturally, avoid fatty meat and any fish. In the first week of treatment, any meat products are completely excluded from the diet. Meat is introduced gradually from 2 or 3 weeks in the form of a mixture of semi-liquid porridge and minced meat, gradually increasing its quantity.
  3. The acute period at the onset of the disease requires a fasting diet for 1-2 days. After which you can start feeding the dog vegetable broths with chopped boiled eggs. Or low-fat kefir.
  4. From the second week you can give chopped steamed vegetables. By excluding those that cannot be fed to the dog. And also oatmeal or rice porridge, cottage cheese.
  5. Then the diet can be expanded, but only a veterinarian will determine this. Bones, sausage, raw milk, and any human food are strictly excluded.

These principles apply to weak digestion and a tendency to diarrhea. It is also important to maintain proper drinking regime.

How to feed a dog if it is sick?

When pets are unhealthy, it’s hard for owners too. After all, animals, like small children, cannot say how they feel and what hurts them. You have to rely on your own experience or the recommendations of a veterinarian.

Sometimes the dog is simply moping or capricious, demanding some special food. But sometimes the requirements for a special diet are associated with a serious or even chronic illness. In this case, there are a number of rules that must be followed when choosing food for your dog.

First, let’s recall an immutable rule (which, by the way, works for people too). Any diagnosis is always made by a doctor and only he prescribes medications! Your veterinarian may also prescribe a special diet for your pets based on their tests and diagnosis. By the way, not all diseases require special nutrition, and if the doctor allows it, you can feed the dog its usual food. In any case, it should be a balanced, quality holistic product.

If the animal still needs a certain diet to recover, the veterinarian will tell you on what basis to choose food, how often and how much to give it.

Let us outline the general principles of nutrition for a sick dog:

1. There are many different veterinary foods, which differ in the effect they have on the animal’s body. Accordingly, there is a different type of food for each disease (or group of diseases). The veterinarian usually recommends not only the type of food, but also a specific brand. We recommend immediately asking your doctor to name several analogues of food from other manufacturers: it is possible that the dog will be picky (this is quite typical for sick animals). In addition, veterinary foods (especially rare ones) cannot always be found in the store. Also note that different brands of diets are usually used interchangeably (if in doubt, consult your veterinarian).

2. If the dog’s disease occurs with allergic symptoms or the animal has previously been intolerant to some ingredients, check this point with your veterinarian. You may need to choose a hypoallergenic food or simply make sure there are no inappropriate ingredients in it. Typically, veterinary food is made from animal protein, such as poultry (chicken, etc.) or fish. In controversial cases, carefully study the label and composition of the diet.

3. Be sure to adhere to the dosage and number of feedings per day prescribed by your veterinarian. Do not change the amount of food, do not feed the dog from the table, do not give treats. You should not think that “you can pamper a patient to get better” - this can lead to complications, and even a small piece of the “wrong” food will be enough. If the dog, on the contrary, has no appetite, do not force feed it, especially if it has not eaten for a long time or, for example, was under anesthesia. 4. Don’t forget to check with your doctor about how long you need to feed your dog with specialized food. The fact is that veterinary diets for animals are the same medications that do not need to be given to the dog for the rest of its life. Medicinal feeds are usually designed for a course of 3 to 6 months. Their longer use is possible only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

5. Unless the doctor specifically states it, the dog should have unlimited access to clean water. Encourage the animal to drink more, for example, install a drinking fountain. If the dog drinks very little, dry food can be supplemented with wet canned food (such medicinal diets are now produced by many brands). In the postoperative period or in severe conditions, in agreement with the doctor, you can dilute the wet food with warm water and feed the dog with the resulting puree.

What diets are recommended depending on the type of disease and how do they differ?

Allergies This is the most common problem for dogs. Often, to solve this problem, it is enough to simply change the food, for example, eliminating chicken or grain components from the diet. But there are also more complex cases. We advise you to consult a veterinarian at the first manifestations of allergies (redness, itching, scratching and other damage to the skin). This must be done to exclude non-allergic skin diseases. If the veterinarian confirms an allergy, you will be advised to change food and put your dog on a special diet. In some cases, the animal is prescribed antihistamines (remember: self-medication is dangerous, only a doctor prescribes medications).

Usually, special nutrition and medications are resorted to if the allergy is very severe or when a simple change of food does not help. Veterinary diets usually contain one source of protein (one type of meat) and this protein is hydrolyzed for better digestibility. Examples include Farmina Hypoallergenyc and UltraHypo . They are prescribed to dogs for allergies, food intolerances and intestinal inflammation, as well as in cases of confirmed dermatitis.

Animonda Integra Protect Dog Sensitive Rabbit & Potatoes food is recommended for food allergies complicated by urolithiasis (KD). If the animal cannot eat dry food, wet food with a similar mechanism of action is used. On a special diet, external manifestations of allergies gradually disappear. At the end of treatment, the veterinarian should give recommendations on further nutrition and food selection.

Gastrointestinal problems If your dog has diarrhea, vomiting or bloating, consult your veterinarian promptly. These symptoms may indicate either diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or something less dangerous. An upset stomach can be a temporary phenomenon associated with a change in weather, food, or because the dog “ate something wrong.”

After the examination, the veterinarian makes recommendations for nutrition over the next few days or prescribes a longer-term diet. Don’t forget to check whether your dog can be fed dry food: for some gastrointestinal diseases, only wet food is allowed. You can choose, for example, FARMINA VETLIFE Gastrointestinal ( dry or wet ), or Animonda Integra Protect Dog Intestinal , specially created for dogs with digestive problems and a predisposition to developing urolithiasis.

Joints Unfortunately, many dogs of large and medium breeds often suffer from joint problems. It happens, for example, that the bones of puppies do not have time to grow along with their muscle mass. And in adult dogs of large breeds, the bones have a greater load due to their mass. As elsewhere, this problem is easier to prevent, so many foods for large breed dogs contain special additives (chondroitin and glucosamine) that prevent joint diseases.

If the disease has already developed, the animal requires ongoing therapy with nutritional supplements, such as the 8in1 , or a specialized diet. Puppies can be given FARMINA VETLIFE GROWTH: this food contains the necessary nutrients when the puppy’s body requires recovery or there are disorders of the development of bones and skeleton, including those associated with the rapid growth of the animal. For adult dogs, the veterinarian may prescribe Farmina Vetlife Joint . This food stimulates the production of essential substances in the joints and ensures the restoration of cartilage connective tissue.

The diet prescribed for joint diseases also maintains the dog's optimal weight to reduce stress on the bones. This diet is often recommended for prevention for overweight large breed dogs. Animonda Inregra Protect Dog Gelenke (JOINTS), a dry medicinal food prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, has a similar effect. This food helps restore joint tissue and also prevents the development of urolithiasis in dogs.

If the problem with the joints is caused primarily by excess weight, the veterinarian may recommend FARMINA VETLIFE Obesity - a dry food that is prescribed to adult dogs with obesity. This food can also be used to feed dogs if it is necessary to control blood glucose levels (including diabetes).

Urolithiasis Contrary to popular belief, dogs are susceptible to urolithiasis no less often than cats. For this disease, a diet is prescribed, which depends on the type of disease. There are oxalate and struvite type ICDs; they differ in the chemical composition of the resulting stones and sand. That is why each type of ICD needs its own food: for oxalate-type ICD, dry food Farmina Vetlife Oxalate , and for struvite-type ICD, Struvite or Struvite Management . In this case, the dog’s diet can be supplemented with Struvite .

Separate diets are prescribed by a veterinarian when diagnosing other diseases, for example, chronic heart or kidney failure, liver disease or diabetes.

We never tire of reminding you: only a veterinarian should prescribe specific treatment, food or diet!

Sometimes you just need to select food with certain characteristics, for example, with a lower (higher) level of protein or lower fat content, and in some cases you will need veterinary food.
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Dietary food for dogs with digestive system diseases.

Therapeutic food for dogs with sensitive digestion differs from the usual dietary food used for regular feeding of relatively healthy dogs. They are used for feeding for hepatitis, pancreatitis, and inflammatory bowel diseases. When digestion is clearly impaired due to illness. Such foods can also be used for acute gastritis, nonspecific gastroenteritis, food poisoning, simple dyspepsia, and hypersensitivity of the digestive tract. But not on an ongoing basis, but in courses for the period of treatment. And as prescribed by a veterinarian. These medicated dog foods are labeled Gastro or Gastrointestinal. They contain less fat and protein, which is beneficial for digestion of food. Their composition is aimed at preventing constipation or diarrhea, improving intestinal function. They also have an antiulcer effect. Any such dietary dog ​​food is enriched with prebiotics, vitamins and minerals. Examples of Gastro foods are Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal, Farmina Vet Life Gastrointestinal, Happy Dog Intestinal.

Therapeutic foods for dogs with liver disease are labeled Hepatic. They include plant proteins with a high degree of digestibility. They have reduced copper content, but increased levels of antioxidants and zinc. The Hepatic class includes such foods as Royal Canin Hepatic HF16, Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HP Hepatic. With the development of chronic liver failure, such foods are prescribed for life.

Which wet food is best to buy for a dog?

When choosing both dry and wet food for an animal, owners need to look at its composition. On the packaging, all ingredients are listed in order of their percentage in the recipe (descending). The meat ingredient must come first, and cereals and other additives should follow.

The higher the amount of protein in the composition, and the better its quality, the better the food is considered:

  • Holistic diets contain the most meat, and no by-products are added to it.
  • Economy category feeds contain much less protein, and cereals or processed meat products often come first in the list of ingredients. Therefore, they are not recommended for daily feeding of pets.
  • Dogs with allergies should avoid chicken. In this case, it is better to give preference to food based on duck, turkey, fish, beef or other hypoallergenic meat.

Among carbohydrates, preference should be given to rice. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. But it is better to avoid wheat and corn in the composition - they often become the cause of food intolerance.

For animals with sensitive digestion, it is better to buy grain-free formulas. They replace grains with potatoes, sweet potatoes or other vegetables.

After castration and sterilization, low-calorie diets are recommended to maintain the optimal weight of the pet. Also, these canned foods contain less calcium, phosphorus and magnesium - an excess of these microelements leads to pathologies of the genitourinary system.

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16 Best Dog Foods

18 best foods

Bifitrilak and diet for dogs.

Bifitrilak MK is a Russian drug created for dogs and has the properties of a prebiotic, probiotic and sorbent. Recommended for use in conjunction with dietary regimens for sensitive digestion and its functional disorders. In these cases it can be used independently. For diseases of the digestive system - only in conjunction with the main treatment. As an adjuvant, in addition to a therapeutic diet, Bifitrilak MK showed excellent results.

This remedy normalizes the intestinal microflora and creates an acceptable environment for digestion and the development of beneficial bacteria. The drug also binds and helps remove toxins and gases that accumulate in the intestines. And helps improve local intestinal immunity. Bifitrilak is well tolerated, has no side effects and has no contraindications.

Ingredients: fermented milk bacillus Lactobacillus bulgaricus, acidophilus bacillus Lactobacillus acidophilus, fermenting lactic bacterium Lactobacillus fermentum, bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum, prebiotic oligosaccharides, sorbents (vermiculite), trace elements and antioxidants.


  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal dyspepsia (constipation, diarrhea);
  • complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • antibiotic therapy for other diseases;
  • artificial feeding in puppies;
  • pregnancy in a bitch before giving birth;
  • deworming and vaccination measures;
  • periods of serious stress (moving, intense physical activity, exhibitions).

Available in the form of granules in 5 gram bags. When treated with antibiotics, the prophylactic dose for an adult dog will be 0.2 g/kg body weight for 3-5 days, in one dose per day. For gastrointestinal diseases, the therapeutic doses are the same, but the course of treatment is longer, from 5 to 20 days. Artificial feeding of babies - a course from 30 to 90 days. The dose is the same for large breed puppies; for small breeds it is halved. Exceeding the dose may cause constipation.

Diet for dogs with kidney disease.

During the Soviet period of the 20th century, the tendency in veterinary medicine to prescribe a low-protein diet to such dogs was firmly rooted. When the dog gets almost no meat in his diet. And his diet consists mainly of cereal porridges with vegetables. But, firstly, such restrictions should not be prescribed for any kidney disease. But only for severe and advanced forms, complicated by chronic renal failure. And secondly, a dog is still a predator, no matter how you look at it. Well, you can’t force her to be a vegetarian. Such a restriction will ultimately do more harm than good.

However, such a diet can be prescribed. In this case, the amount of meat in the diet should be reduced gradually. Maybe take the path of reducing the single portion. Or try to find a more or less complete replacement for the prohibited product. Again, it should be emphasized that such issues can only be resolved with the participation of a specialist.

Currently, such dogs are transferred to specially created food. Dietary food for dogs with kidney disease allows you to competently solve the problem of complete and proper nutrition.

Wet or dry?

In the diet menu of a pet, it is allowed to use only dry and only wet food, as well as its combination - natural food is prohibited. If there are no special contraindications in the form of problems with the oral cavity and jaw bones, then the pet can calmly eat dry granules. They clean the teeth, massage the gums and train the dog's jaws.

Wet mixtures are designed to increase fluid intake and diversify the diet of your four-legged friend with new tastes. It is optimal to alternate wet and dry food in your pet’s menu.

Dietary food for dogs with kidney failure.

Many kidney diseases in dogs are asymptomatic or their manifestations are mild. And the dog will not say anything about his unfavorable moments. And the owners of such dogs are not always attentive to manifestations of kidney disease. Often the symptoms are not assessed seriously and are not a cause for alarm. This leads to the fact that the disease is often detected only at a late stage. The result is a statement of the fact that a formidable complication has already developed - chronic renal failure. The diagnosis is made based on laboratory tests.

The treatment will necessarily include an appropriate diet for dogs. Therapeutic foods for dogs with chronic renal failure are labeled Kidney or Renal. These include Hill's Prescription Diet k/d, Happy Dog Renal, Royal Canin Renal RF14. Keeps protein, sodium and phosphate levels low. Their use will greatly simplify the removal of toxins from the blood and improve the well-being of a sick pet.

Therapeutic food for dogs with urolithiasis.

The disease develops as a result of pronounced changes in metabolism. Stones that form in the kidneys and urinary tract cause significant suffering to the dog. A diet for dogs with this disease can make their life much easier. Urinary class foods are used: Advance Urinary, Hill's Urinary Care and Pro Plan UR Urinary dry. These feeds are mineral balanced according to a special formula. Their use helps prevent stone formation in the urinary tract. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the bladder and kidneys.

Food for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

This is Cardiac class food. They are prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the four-legged patient. The dog diet includes Farmina Vet Life Cardiac or Royal Canin Cardiac EC food. The balance in these foods is aimed at reducing sodium in the body and preventing excess fluid retention. The effect on lipid metabolism is carried out by adding L-carnitine and limiting the intake of fats. The feed is enriched with potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants. For diseases of the cardiovascular system, they are usually prescribed for the rest of the pet’s life.

Problems with joints and spine.

Frequent in large breeds and in older dogs. The incidence of various dysplasias, chondropathy, arthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system has increased in recent decades. Diet for dogs with such problems is an inevitable and important component of their treatment. The goal of the diet is to improve joint mobility and prevent inflammatory and destructive complications. For this purpose, feed has been created that is enriched with “building blocks” for the connective tissue and cartilaginous structures of the joints and spine. These can be collagen, elastin, organic calcium compounds, hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans, chondroitin. Dietary food for dogs with such diseases is labeled “Mobility”. Therapeutic foods for dogs in this class are: Royal Canin Mobility C2P+, Advance Articular Care, Pro Plan JM.

general characteristics

Every animal needs care and affection, but when a pet suffers from a chronic disease or allergy, the owners have to carefully monitor its diet. It is difficult and time-consuming to create a correct diet for every day and not to miss important points. A special dietary or medicinal food for dogs will help make the task easier.

Each individual species has a different composition. It contains substances aimed at combating a specific problem. To strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the dog’s internal organs, dietary supplements, vitamins, and microelements must be added.

Expert opinion
Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Together, all components fight the underlying disease, prevent age-related disorders, and maintain normal weight levels. The assortment is huge and is divided into many categories: for large and small breeds, for adult pets, puppies, by type of pathology, etc.

Veterinary food is recommended for healthy dogs during pregnancy, during periods of vitamin deficiency, after serious illnesses, and surgical operations. They replenish the deficiency of nutrients and strengthen the dog’s immunity. The doctor may also recommend dietary nutrition for an animal prone to gaining excess weight.

Diabetes mellitus in a dog.

The veterinary line for diabetes contains Diabetic class food. They are the basis of the lifelong diet of such dogs. With the help of this line of food it is easier to control blood sugar levels. Dogs with diabetes should not be given easily digestible carbohydrates. Their protein content is also reduced and they contain a small amount of carbohydrates in the form of fiber. The food is rich in vitamins and mineral components. These include Farmina Vet Life Diabetic, Advance Diabetes Colitis and Royal Canin Special Low Carbohydrate.

These medicated dog foods are quite nutritious and easily digestible.

The best canned food for daily feeding of adult dogs

Wet food is recommended as a supplement to the daily dry diet. Also, many dog ​​owners switch their pets to canned food in old age, when it becomes difficult for them to cope with hard granules.




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buyers recommend this product

German canned food Belcando is a balanced food for the daily diet of dogs. They contain no artificial colors, GMOs, flavors or preservatives.

The formula includes only natural products supplied to production by farmers. 98.8% of the composition is occupied by the meat ingredient, due to which the food is well absorbed. The remaining 1.2% is allocated to vitamins and minerals, and in recipes with a side dish, 5% is occupied by vegetables or noodles.

Canned food is made using proprietary low-temperature technology, which preserves all nutrients.

The line offers several flavors: selected meat, meat with vegetables, noodles or liver, turkey with rice, beef, lamb, salmon with amaranth and zucchini. The food is available in tin cans of 400 or 800 g, with a tongue on the lid for easy opening.


  • high-quality protein composition;
  • contains a vitamin-mineral complex;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • many tastes;
  • Suitable for all breeds;
  • Convenient packaging with a pull tab.


  • expensive (from 350 rubles for a jar weighing 800 g).

Belcando – complete canned food for dogs. A wide range allows you to find the ideal taste for your pet, but the high price stops many dog ​​breeders from making frequent purchases.




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buyers recommend this product

Organix is ​​a Russian-made natural canned food made from fresh meat. Choices include turkey, veal, chicken and lamb. The composition also includes by-products: tripe, liver, heart, lung.

Cereals make up no more than 2%, which means canned food is suitable for pets with sensitive digestion. Dyes, flavors and preservatives are excluded from the recipe.

Owners in reviews note that dogs quickly eat the prescribed portion. Wet food is sold in packages of 100, 410 or 750 g. Tin cans are equipped with a ring for easy opening.


  • convenient jar;
  • low price (about 75 rubles per 410 g);
  • natural protein composition;
  • 4 flavors to choose from.


  • Not on sale everywhere.

Dog owners like Organix canned food for its favorable price-quality ratio. The food is not sold in all pet stores, but it can be ordered online.

Brit Premium



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buyers recommend this product

See review▶

Premium Czech canned food Brit is popular among dog breeders due to the optimal combination of price and quality. Cereals (except food with rice), soy, meat flour, preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers are excluded from the composition.

The line includes 9 different recipes. All formulas are based on beef, which eliminates allergic reactions in dogs.

Also added to the recipe are heart, offal, gelling agent, vegetable oil, cereals, salt, and water. The food is available in 850 g cans, with a tongue on the lid for opening.


  • suitable for all breeds;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • convenient tin packaging;
  • several flavors to choose from;
  • affordable price (120 rubles per 850 g);
  • Available at most pet stores.


  • The tongue often breaks when opening.

Owners note that there are often discounts on Brit Premium canned food, which allows them to buy food at a better price.

Cesar for small breed dogs



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buyers recommend this product

Cesar is a canned food designed for small dogs. The manufacturer offers a line of 11 different flavors. This allows you to choose a diet to suit even capricious pets. The food is sold in 100 g bags and 150 g aluminum cans.

The composition includes at least 38% meat and offal, 4% vegetables. The rest is grains, fiber, water, vitamins and minerals.

The reduced fat content (4.5 g) allows you to feed canned food to older dogs, pets after castration or sterilization, as well as animals prone to gaining excess weight.

The owners speak positively about the canned food. Some note that the food helps improve digestion in problem dogs.


  • sold in almost every store;
  • convenient release form;
  • wide range of flavors;
  • reduced fat content;
  • there are vitamins and minerals;
  • reasonable price (about 30 rubles per pouch).


  • Not all dogs like the taste;
  • not suitable for large breeds.

Cesar canned food is sold not only in pet stores, but also in hypermarkets. This is especially convenient for forgetful owners who can buy additional food for their pet at any time.

"Four-legged Gourmet"



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buyers recommend this product

Canned food Four-Legged Gourmet was developed with the participation of veterinarians. The result is a balanced food that can be given to pets daily.

The recipes are suitable for dogs of all breeds, regardless of age. There are no chemicals in the composition, so canned food is recommended for animals with allergies.

The manufacturer's assortment includes 20 different flavors. Canned food contains only meat ingredients, jelly, water, and salt.

Prebiotics improve intestinal microflora and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The food is available in cans of 100, 240, 340 or 500 g.


  • presented in most stores;
  • large selection of flavors;
  • balanced natural composition;
  • suitable for dogs with allergies;
  • contains prebiotics.


  • high price (up to 150 rubles per 100 g).

Four-Legged Gourmet offers canned food in different price categories. Cold cuts are a budget line, the gold line is super premium and includes only 1 type of meat.

Platinum line – deli meats. Here in jars there are only large pieces of meat or offal, the content of which is 98%.


10 best foods for kittens

Problems in organizing dietary nutrition.

The diet for dogs prescribed by a veterinarian must be strictly and accurately followed. But this is precisely what causes a number of problems for owners:

  1. Lack of readiness to change diet. Example: the required product is not yet available - I’ll feed you the same, no problem. Hence the unreasonable substitution of products. Or for example: the dog doesn’t like this, why not replace the rice with millet, since these are all cereals?
  2. Humanization and excessive pity for the pet. “Oh, you dog, you sufferer, you love chicken so much. Well, at least I’ll pamper you on weekends - there won’t be a big disaster!”
  3. Dietary irregularities and missed feedings. Here it’s the other way around - since you’re on a diet, it’s not harmful to go hungry, otherwise I’m here for work for a day - who will monitor the nutrition? Or: here are friends visiting, and even with children, is it really possible to forbid them? Well, they’ll treat you to sweets, but that’s not every day.

If you value your pet's health, you should be persistent. And follow the veterinarian’s recommendations strictly and without the slightest deviation.

A diet for dogs used for a wide variety of diseases is an important component of their treatment. Dietary dog ​​food will help maintain its health in a variety of situations. The main thing is to use dietary nutrition correctly and as prescribed by a specialist.

Yagovitin M.Yu.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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