"Advantix" for dogs: instructions for use, properties, composition

Manufacturers of Advantix position the drug as one of the most effective in the fight against ticks. But many dog ​​owners speak negatively about it: they note toxicity, frequent skin irritations, allergies, and indicate a weak antiparasitic effect.

In the article we will look at how effective Advantix is, how it works and how to use the drops correctly, whether it is worth overpaying for it or whether there are better and cheaper analogues.

At the end of the article you will find reviews from animal owners, answers to questions and recommendations for use.

Information and prices are current as of January 2022 and are constantly updated.

Release form and composition

Advantix® for dogs is produced by the world famous pharmacological company “Bayer Animal Health GmbH” (Germany). The drug is produced in the form of drops on the withers (spot-on).

As active ingredients, the drug (drug) in 1 ml contains 100 mg of imidacloprid and 500 ml of permethrin.

There are 5 types of Advantix drops for dogs of different sizes:

Type of medicationVolume of the drugAverage price per pipette
For puppies and dogs up to 4 kg.

0.4 ml.440 rub.
For adults and youngsters weighing 4-10 kg.

1 ml.500 rub.
For dogs and puppies weighing 10-25 kg.

2.50 ml.550 rub.
For puppies and dogs weighing over 25 kg.

4 ml.575 rub.
For dogs weighing more than 40-60 kg.

6 ml.620 rub.

Description and purpose

Advantix is ​​a solution for controlling ixodid ticks and fleas in dogs. The drug has a long-lasting effect, quickly spreading over the surface of the skin and fur. The active components of the product are practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, which can significantly reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction and toxic shock in the animal.


In terms of exposure, Advantix is ​​classified as a moderately hazardous product. When used in the recommended dosage, the substance has no toxic or irritating effect.

Release form and composition

The product is available in the form of a clear liquid for application to the withers of the animal. The color of the solution can vary from yellow to brown. The drug goes on sale in several volumes - 0.4; 1; 2.5; 4 and 6 ml. It is packaged in pipettes made of polymer. The containers are sealed with a protective cap.

1 ml of the product contains 100 mg of imidacloprid and 500 mg of permethrin as the main active ingredients. Auxiliary components:

  • N-methylpyrrolidone - 484 mg;
  • miglyol 812 - 50 mg;
  • citric acid - 1 mg;
  • butylated hydroxytoluene - 1 mg.

Indications for use

Advantix is ​​an insecticidal drug that helps against fleas and ixodid ticks. Drops are recommended to be used if the animal is in contact with grass or among trees for a long time. Infection can occur even while walking in the park.


  • prevention of infestation by ixodid ticks and fleas;
  • infestation by blood-sucking insects.

Mechanism of action

The action of the drug Advantix is ​​based on blocking the nerve impulses of blood-sucking insects, which contributes to paralysis, loss of coordination and death of the parasites. The active components of the product interact with acetylcholine receptors of pests.

Imidoclaprid acts as an activator of the nerve ganglion of blood-sucking insects, which enhances the insecticidal effect of permethrin.

How it works

Advantix is ​​a combination antiparasitic drug. Its active components, imidacloprid and permethrin, complement and enhance each other's action. They disrupt and block the transmission of nerve impulses in insects and ticks, disrupt coordination of movements, cause paralysis and subsequent death.

The deterrent effect of drugs is the so-called. “the effect of burnt feet.” Thanks to it, the parasite, even if it gets on the skin or fur of an animal, will not be able to gain a foothold and bite: it will fall off and die.

After application, the solution is quickly distributed over the pet’s fur and skin, and is almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream. It accumulates in the lipid layer and in the sebaceous glands, where it remains for up to a month - all this time the drug will protect the dog from damage by insects and ticks.

Advantix works quickly: after use, fleas, lice and lice die within 12 hours, ticks - within 2 days.

Instructions for use and dosage

Advantix is ​​used at the rate of 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 kg of dog weight. It’s easy to choose the dosage - you just need to buy packaging according to the weight of the animal.

Previously, for dogs weighing over 40 kg, a combination of pipettes was used: for example, if the dog weighed 60 kg, two packages of 4 ml and 2.5 ml were taken. Recently they began to produce the drug in a dosage for large dogs weighing more than 40-60 kg (6 ml) - this method is more convenient and cheaper.

Use Advantix as follows:

  • take the pipette out of the package and pierce the protective membrane with the back of the cap;
  • fix the animal on the floor (if the dog is large) or on the table (if the dog is small or medium-sized);
  • move the fur apart - it is important that the drops get on the skin, otherwise their effect will be reduced;
  • apply the solution pointwise to the withers, at the base of the neck or between the shoulder blades, if the pet is large - then in 3-4 places along the ridge;
  • make sure that the solution does not come into contact with damaged, irritated or wet skin;
  • After application, do not allow the dog to lick itself until the product has completely dried.

Advantix is ​​valid for up to 28 days. Therefore, the treatment is repeated monthly. Moisture does not reduce the effectiveness of the drops, but if your pet swam in a river or pond without permission, it is better to apply the drug again a week after the previous application.

Important instructions

The toxicity of the product is quite low, but precautions are still necessary. It is important not to apply it to the skin where any damage is observed, so that the drug does not enter the bloodstream; also, you should not drip it if there are ulcers or even wounds on the dog’s skin. Another important piece of advice from the manufacturer of the drug is that you should not wash your dog before applying it, as the protective layer of the skin will be partially washed off, making the application no longer as safe.

There are also some tips for dog owners: do not drink alcohol, smoke or eat during application, as if the product gets into the digestive system, everything can end sadly. Also, do not allow the animal to come into contact with children until the product has completely dried, which will happen in just a few hours.

All this is practically no different from the rules for working with many medications. After this, wash your hands as thoroughly as possible, using soap. If for some reason the drug gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, it should be washed immediately using plenty of water.

If you have hypersensitivity to the previously discussed components of the drug, then do not use it or use it with gloves, avoiding contact. If you have an allergic reaction, then the only solution is to contact a specialist (it is important to take the drug itself and the box of it with you so that the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment).

Currently reading:

  1. Seven Signs and Remedies for Getting Rid of Fleas in Dogs
  2. Powerful anti-parasite drug Prazicide complex for dogs
  3. Fleas, ticks and parasites will not go away with Stronghold for dogs
  4. Review of the best eye drops for all dogs

Contraindications and side effects

Advantix flea and tick drops are a moderately dangerous medicine (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). It is relatively well tolerated by animals and does not cause intoxication or irritation.

However, the drops have limitations on their use. Yes, it is prohibited:

  • puppies up to 7 weeks;
  • kittens and adult dogs weighing less than 1.5 kg;
  • simultaneously with other insectoacaricides;
  • pets with hypersensitivity to the components of the solution;
  • animals of other species - cats, birds.

Advantix is ​​also toxic to bees and fish. After applying the drops, it is forbidden to pet the dog and allow children near it for 24 hours: if contact occurs, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Side effects are also possible. Most often they occur with an overdose or individual intolerance. Possible:

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • apathy;
  • hypersalivation (increased salivation);
  • muscle tremors;
  • pupil dilation.

If negative reactions are detected, wash off the drug with pet shampoo and water. Usually the animal’s condition normalizes itself after 1-4 days, but in case of severe symptoms, antiallergic and symptomatic drugs are prescribed.

What are Advantix drops used for?

Advantix release form - drops. The dose is selected depending on the weight of the pet. The drug kills fleas 12 hours after use. It provides protection against re-infection for 30 days. The itching will disappear 3-5 minutes after use.

In spring and summer, it is worth checking your dog every day and removing any dead ticks attached. It is best to apply drops at the end of winter, a month before the weather warms up. The drug repels parasites, including carriers of ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease. If you treat the animal, it will be less likely to be bitten by flies and mosquitoes. The product destroys adults, larvae, and eggs. It gets rid of parasites throughout their life cycle.

It is important to understand that after a lethal dose, insects do not begin active migration, but die. Therefore, the killed mites remain on the skin, which gives the impression of no effect. To see the result, you should wash your pet after three days.

The instructions indicate that the product does not harm the health of the dog. But doctors emphasize that these drops are quite strong, so special care should be taken.

The main active components in the composition are permethrin and imidacloprid. They are highly toxic. Imidacloprid is an insecticide belonging to the neonicotinoids group. They affect the central nervous system of insects. In small doses, this ingredient is low toxic to animals. But after conducting studies on rats, it was found that high dosages cause thyroid pathologies.

Permethrin is an insecticide. Its action is similar to that of a neurotoxin. It is extremely harmful to cats. The instructions indicate that there should be no contact between the dog and the cat for 24 hours.

Advantix is ​​not suitable for every dog. You must read the information on the label carefully. For puppies less than seven weeks old and dogs weighing less than 2 kg, a different product will be needed. There are also a number of contraindications.

Analogues of the drug

There are no drugs synonymous with Advantix. But there are many analogues with similar effects, albeit based on other active ingredients.

A complete review of deworming medications for dogs.

Review of flea and tick drops for dogs.

The most common of them:

AnalogueDifferencesaverage cost
StrongholdContains selamectin. Effective against fleas, demodectic and sarcoptic mites. Does not have repellent properties against mosquitoes and flies. Less toxic, less likely to cause side effects. 400 rub. per pipette.
FrontlineAvailable in the form of drops and spray. Helps against most types of ixodid mites, as well as scabies. Lasts longer: prevents infection by ticks for up to 5 weeks, and insects for up to 3 months. Spray for 100 ml – 1,100 rubles, drops – 540 rubles. a piece.
Pract-ticThe action is similar to Advantix, only it contains a different active ingredient - pyriprole. It has great restrictions: it is prohibited for puppies under 8 weeks and weighing less than 2 kg. 300-400 rub. per pipette.
BravectoProduced in the form of drops and chewable tablets. Effective against ixodid, demodectic and sarcoptic ticks. Less toxic. RUB 1,250 a piece.
AdvocateContains imidacloprid and moxidectin. Works against fleas, lice-eaters, scabies and demodectic mites, as well as helminths. 450 rub. per pipette.
BinakarDrugs based on imidacloprid, cypermethrin and propolis extract (prevents skin irritation). It works better, helps against more ticks, and also repels dipterous insects. Safer and less likely to cause negative reactions. 220 rub. one joke.
AdvantageAnother antiparasitic remedy for. Contains imidacloprid, which is effective against fleas, lice and lice, but does not work against ticks. 900 rub. per pipette.
Bars ForteThe antiparasitic effect is achieved through fipronil and diflubenzuron. The action is similar to Advantix, but does not repel mosquitoes, flies, midges and sand flies. There is a dosage for dogs up to 1 kg. Prohibited for pregnant and lactating bitches. 100 rub. per pipette.
BlochNetHelps against fleas, lice, lice (up to 2 months), ixodid and sarcoptic ticks (up to 4 weeks), repels mosquitoes (up to 7 days).320 rub. a piece.

Owner reviews

Boris: “I used Advantix for 5 years, there were no problems. But it is financially expensive: I have 2 bullmastiffs weighing 60-65 kilos. In addition, our vet noted that the ticks began to get used to the drug and its effectiveness decreased. Last summer we switched to Frontline - it’s cheaper and works better.”

Sasha: “I have a one-year-old Jack Russell terrier. While he was little, they only used a collar. But this year we decided to choose a better means of protection. On the advice of the veterinarian we decided on Advantix. The drops showed only their best side: no side effects and not a single tick for the entire season. We will only take them."

Tatyana: “I took Advantix out of habit, but have already given it up. First, 2 dogs repeatedly caught ticks over the summer, one suffered from piroplasmosis. And the last time, one dog developed a terrible allergy: in the morning I treated him with a solution, in the evening his fur remained wet and greasy, in the morning the same picture. She ran her hand over her fur coat - it came out in clumps. I urgently bought the animal. Now I definitely won’t buy these drops.”

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can I bathe my dog ​​before and after applying the solution?

Water slightly reduces the effectiveness of the drops. But detergents wash away the lipid layer, which is needed to distribute the solution. Therefore, the pet is washed 2-3 days before and after treatment. Subsequently, bathe the dog no more than once a week.

Is Advantix harmful to cats?

Yes, the drug contains permethrin, which is dangerous for cats. If it gets on the skin or inside the body, cats develop severe side effects: fever, ataxia, epileptic seizures, muscle tremors. They lead to serious complications, including death. Therefore, after using the drops, do not let the cat near the dog for 2-3 days and make sure that she does not lick the dog until the solution dries.

Are pregnant dogs allowed to use the drops?

The instructions do not directly prohibit the treatment of pregnant and lactating bitches with Advantix. But the drug is toxic, so it is used only when absolutely necessary and under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Pros and cons of the drug

An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages will help form an opinion about the drops. The advantages of using are the following:

  • Convenient to apply using disposable pipette tubes.
  • Possibility of use during pregnancy, since the substances do not enter the bloodstream.
  • The drug is applied superficially, so problems that occur with the oral route are eliminated.


  • Relatively high price.
  • Negative effect on the condition of the animal if the ingredients of the product are accidentally ingested.
  • It is prohibited to keep cats and dogs together in the same room when using the drug.
  • Restriction on contact between the pet and children for up to 24 hours after the procedure.

If the itching is not eliminated, treatment should be supplemented with antihistamine tablets.


Advantix drops are generally a good product.
For many years it effectively protected against ticks and fleas. Unfortunately, in the last couple of years, the effectiveness of the drops has decreased: due to frequent long-term use, the parasites have become accustomed to the active substances of the solution. Therefore, owners using this drug are increasingly finding ticks on their pets’ bodies. In addition, I am increasingly experiencing side effects from Advantix. The most common skin reactions are: itching, irritation, eczema, ulcers, local alopecia.

If Advantix suits your dog and you don’t find a single tick during the season, continue treating your pet with it. Otherwise, I advise you to change the drops to Frontline, cheaper Bars, BlochNet, and even better Binacar - it has the lowest price and the greatest effectiveness among similar medications. If you need comprehensive protection, take Advocate drops: it helps against blood-sucking parasites and worms.

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