Siberian Husky (60 photos): description of the breed, character and care

How much does a husky cost? When you have a desire to buy a purebred dog for yourself, a true friend and faithful assistant, the first thing you think about is its cost. Especially for you, we have prepared a short overview of the real prices for a dog of this breed.

  • Average price of husky pet class: 20,000 rubles ;
  • Average price of husky breed class: 30,000 rubles ;
  • Average price of a show class husky: 50,000 rubles .

Husky cost

Origin story

Even in ancient times, sled dogs were bred in what is now the Far East. The active development of the direction in its modern form began in the seventeenth century, when the need for transport increased. New, roomy sleighs and sleds appeared, and even more dogs were needed for them.

In 1908, Siberian dogs came to North America, because the Gold Rush in Alaska had just begun. In the USA, the breed was recognized even earlier than at the international level - in 1934. Even the specific names of the breeders who were at the origins of the formation of the standard are known - William Husak, Foke Maul Ramsey and Olaf Svenson.

The very concept of “husky” is a corruption of “Eski” or Eskimo. Now all representatives of the breed are divided into three groups - sledding, working and exhibition. They differ slightly in appearance, but basically it all depends on the opinion of a particular expert.


Cost of an adult dog

The cost of an adult dog also depends on the classification. The more achievements it has, the better the food used to feed it, the more expensive the animal is. If you are planning to start a kennel, then you need a dog that is already untied and has high performance. An adult dog, regardless of gender, is valued at $4,000 and above.

The cost is influenced by the city of residence. For example, in large cities the price will be higher. But you will be given all the necessary documents and guarantees, and will be provided with the help of a dog handler. In small towns, the cost is 20 percent lower, but they will also provide fewer guarantees. Also, a lot depends on the country of residence. For example, in Ukraine, a baby husky with all the documents can be purchased for $200, while in Russia, for the same parameters, the price starts at $400.

Siberian Husky: breed standard

According to the standard, huskies weigh up to 28 kg and grow up to 60 cm, although females are slightly smaller. A small rounded head with a straight nose should not be too massive or narrow. Almond-shaped eyes are brown or blue, and heterochromia is often found in huskies.

The color of the nose depends entirely on the coat, and the triangular ears are strong and high, standing straight up. The Husky has a deep chest, wide ribs and a strong, level back that turns into a tail that curls when excited. The coat is of medium length and appears very fluffy, but not shaggy. By the way, the characteristic white mask on the head is unique to huskies.


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What does the price consist of and what does it depend on?

Huskies combine natural beauty, devotion, and affection. With their smart, understanding look, they win the hearts of many pet lovers. But not everyone is ready to buy a puppy because of the high cost. So what does it depend on? What should you pay attention to when purchasing?

First, you need to decide why you need such a dog . Do you want to get a pet companion or build a dog career? The price of a husky will depend on the pedigree and breed standards.

Character of the Siberian Husky

Huskies are very friendly, active, but at the same time very calm. Their ancestors served man for centuries in the most extreme conditions, and this connection is still unusually strong!

Traits and Temperament

Huskies are flexible, obedient and very devoted to their family. They have a fairly strong hunting instinct, but they are not suitable for hunting - they will not share their prey. Due to the fact that huskies are pack animals, they are easy-going and feel good in company, but are poorly suited for protection.


Attitude towards the owner

For a husky, the owner is the leader of the pack, so it is important to build the correct hierarchy from the first months. Although this is a wayward breed, a well-mannered husky listens to commands without question. In addition, they quickly adapt to any stressful situations and are able to take care of a person themselves.


Attitude towards children

In their native northern latitudes, huskies were often left as nannies for children. They looked after the babies and kept them warm on the coldest days. Of course, this is of no use in a warm apartment, but a husky will get along with a child in any case.


Relationships with other animals

Huskies are a pack breed, so most often they get along with other animals without problems. Active and friendly dogs easily find a common language even with cats, if you do not train them to be aggressive on purpose.


How much do husky puppies cost in Moscow and other cities?

Blue-eyed husky puppy
How much does a husky cost in Moscow and other regions of Russia? You can find this information here:

RegionsCost of a husky puppy (rubles)
Moscow and regionfrom 25 000
St. Petersburg and regionfrom 20 000
Republic of Tatarstanfrom 16 000
Sverdlovsk regionfrom 5 000
Samara Regionfrom 18 000
Irkutsk regionfrom 9 000
Krasnodar regionfrom 10 000
Rostov regionfrom 15 000
KHMAOfrom 7 000
Omsk regionfrom 5 500

Table 4. Prices for husky puppies in Moscow and regions

Husky care

There is a stereotype that huskies are very difficult to care for. But in fact, the main difficulty is only that the dog needs constant physical and mental stress. In other matters, residents of the far north are quite unpretentious.

Conditions of detention

Although huskies are now often kept in apartments, they are not made for four walls. A dog feels best outside the city when it has its own home and a large area. Otherwise, be prepared to walk the dog for hours and look for places where it can run around to its fullest.



Oddly enough, caring for huskies is quite simple - they don’t even need to be bathed. Moreover, an unpleasant odor often appears precisely because of water procedures that disrupt the natural balance. But be sure to comb the fur, brush the teeth and periodically examine the eyes and ears.



Huskies need intense exercise, otherwise they simply become destructive to everything around them. They need to run a lot and engage in active leisure activities. They willingly participate in sports, go hiking and overcome obstacle courses. It is strictly forbidden to leave an untrained husky in a new unfenced area alone and without a leash.


Education and training

Huskies are not at all aggressive, so training does not cause problems in this regard. But they are smart, willful and independent - sometimes this causes difficulties when the dog must follow a standard algorithm. For the same reason, huskies are not used instead of service dogs, and it is recommended to train them in a playful way.


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How to choose the right one so as not to make a mistake in price

  • It is better to choose a puppy yourself, come to the nursery, look at the living conditions and the appearance of the baby. Pay attention to the breeder's behavior. He should definitely ask for what purpose you are buying the animal, what living conditions you will provide for it. A good breeder will show the parents of the litter even without your request. By their appearance you can determine what your pet will be like when it grows up.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask to see the nursery’s documents and certificates. Be sure to read the puppy’s pedigree; in addition, you will be provided with a photocopy of it .
  • If you do not have a clear understanding of husky standards, then you can invite a dog handler to make a choice. It will help you understand how the dogs meet the standard.
  • Look at the behavior of the puppies. They should behave actively, be inquisitive, eat well, be moderately well-fed, and not shy.
  • If you are planning to buy a puppy older than two months, then visit him daily, feed him, and walk him.
  • Experienced dog handlers will teach him the necessary commands before your purchase.

Approach the choice of a husky puppy with all responsibility. After purchase, provide your child with decent living conditions. The pet needs to be walked regularly, raised immediately after purchase, taught commands and obedience. Be sure to provide your pet with a balanced diet, its health and appearance will depend on this. Write in the comments, have you already become a happy owner of a northern dog? For what purpose did you purchase it?

What to feed your husky

Small puppies are fed little, but often - up to six times a day, gradually reducing the amount by half during the first year. It is enough to feed adult and fully formed animals once or twice.

We recommend using specialized food specifically for huskies or a series for active, active dogs. There is no need for vitamins with a proper diet, so let your veterinarian prescribe them.


Organizing natural feeding for huskies is quite difficult, because they need a lot of meat. Moreover, raw or immersed in boiling water for a maximum of a second. Don't give your dog chicken because huskies are often allergic to it.

Eliminate pork and lamb and feed your pet beef, rabbit and turkey. You can give cereals and vegetables, except potatoes and legumes. We recommend fermented milk products instead of milk, and the yolk instead of a whole egg. Add fish oil and some vegetable oils to your diet.


Where and how best to buy a husky

Now that you know how much a husky costs, you need to find out where is the best place to buy such a dog.

Video: 10 reasons to buy a husky

You need to purchase a puppy or an adult from a certified nursery. There is one like this in every region of Russia. The cost of such puppies is higher than when buying dogs secondhand. However, experienced breeders will raise the puppy even before the moment of sale, give him vaccinations according to his age, and create the right living conditions.

Purchasing a husky puppy from a kennel is a guarantee of a healthy dog.

Health and disease of the breed

The Siberian Husky is one of the healthiest breeds, because northern latitudes dictate their own requirements. Most often, owners are faced with thyroid disorders, diabetes and eye diseases. Huskies occasionally suffer from epilepsy, but modern treatment allows the situation to be kept under control.

Be sure to watch how the dog walks and runs. Huskies are very active, and any abnormalities may indicate incipient muscle or joint problems. You also need to control your weight and do not forget about scheduled deworming.


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How to buy a dog cheaper

There are only three options for purchasing inexpensive huskies:

  1. Buy a grown-up puppy. The older the dog, the cheaper it costs. However, this does not apply to show-class pets.

It is noteworthy that this practice exists only in the CIS countries. Pets from 4 months are cheaper, since most people want to buy babies. Abroad, juniors, on the contrary, are sold at a higher price because breeders have invested more money and effort in raising the dog.

  • Buy a husky from an ad on the Internet, in a newspaper, or buy it at a poultry market. It is worth remembering that they often do not meet breed standards, have no pedigree, are sick, or are even mixed breeds.
  • Adopt an adult dog. Sometimes you can find an advertisement for the transfer of a mature dog for free or for a nominal fee. How much it will cost is impossible to predict. It happens that an animal is sold for a couple of thousand rubles. But you need to be careful. The best option is if the pet is given away due to relocation, worsening living conditions, or the death of the owner. But often they simply get rid of huskies - because of the fashion for the breed, animals are often acquired by people who do not take into account their character and do not cope with their upbringing. 99% of these pets will have behavioral problems.

Undoubtedly, it is best to buy huskies from a reputable kennel. Moreover, advertising is not always an indicator of quality. In your city, you can find out about trusted breeders from dog handlers or by visiting exhibitions.

Siberian Huskies are a very beautiful and popular breed. This significantly affects its cost. It is worth remembering that you won’t be able to buy a purebred healthy puppy cheaply. Therefore, you need to buy your pet from an official nursery. It is better to overpay for a kitten than to spend a lot of money in the future on the treatment of a frail mestizo or to lose a friend early.

Siberian Husky - photo

Husky is not only a loyal friend, but also concentrated beauty. It is with great pleasure that we have compiled a large selection of photos for you!









Photo: kutyata.rf
















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