Shiba Inu: description of the breed, character and care (60 photos)

Breed name:Shiba Inu
Breed name in English:Shiba inu
Country of origin:Japan
Type:A small dog
Weight:7-13 kilograms
Height (height at withers):35-42 centimeter
ColorBlack and tan, red sesame, cream, black sesame, sesame, red
Wool lengthShort
Lifespan:12-15 years
CharacterCharming, funny, fearless, loyal, smart, sweet
Number of puppies (average):2-3
Price of puppies:500-3500$
  • 10 Breeding
  • 11 Puppies
  • 12 Lifespan
  • 13 Dog's character
  • 14 Education and training
  • 15 Diseases
  • 16 Interesting facts
  • Description

    The Shiba Inu is a hunting dog bred in Japan. Dogs are considered a national treasure and symbol of this country. An animal's smile wins many hearts. The Shiba Inu is a dog with a lively personality and playful nature. This is an active animal that loves to travel, walk and run with its owner. Pets are independent and brave, making them difficult to train. The dogs are also very clean and spend a lot of time grooming themselves.

    Attitude towards children and pets

    The Shiba Inu is a good family dog ​​if it is properly trained and socialized. He gets along well with children, who treat him kindly and respectfully. Always supervise any interactions between dogs and small children. Teach your child never to approach any dog ​​while it is sleeping or eating, or to try to take food from it. No dog should be left unattended with a child.

    He can be aggressive towards other dogs and will chase animals that he perceives as prey. Training and keeping him on a leash are the best ways to control your Shiba Inu.


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    The standard specifies the following breed parameters.


    The head is triangular in shape. The size of the skull is moderate and proportional to the body. The forehead is wide and flat, with a slight furrow. The lower jaw protrudes slightly forward. The length of the muzzle makes up 40 percent of the total length of the head. Scissor bite. The mouth contains strong, white, even teeth.

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    The eyes are deep-set and inclined towards the outer base of the ear. The iris is dark. Eye color – brown, black edging. There are other eye colors - black, gray, light yellow and light blue. However, they are not recognized as a standard.

    The ears are triangular in shape, set far apart and tilted straight forward. Nose is black.

    Neck, back line and body

    The neck is strong and of medium length. The back line is straight, level with the base of the tail. The body is dry and muscular. The lower back is strong. The tail is thick and powerful, set high. It is located at the level of the back in a crescent or ring-shaped position.


    The elbows are located close to the body. The front legs and feet are straight and parallel. The paws are “cat-like”, with well-arched toes that fit tightly together. The hind legs are strong. Strong hock joint.

    The Japanese Shiba Inu dog has a double fluffy coat. The outer coat is hard, smooth and straight, the undercoat is soft and thick. The coat color and pattern can be of the following varieties:

    • Black with red splashes.
    • Sesame (sesame) red.
    • Cream.
    • Sesame black.
    • Sesame.
    • Ginger.
    • Brindle.
    • Albino.

    Shiba Inu: breed standard

    Shiba Inus are notable for their cunning, slightly fox-like expression on their faces. They have triangular and slightly slanted ears, a black nose and dark brown eyes with upturned corners. The body is toned, muscular and proportionate, with beautiful posture and a straight back.

    The Shiba has fairly powerful paws with well-developed joints and springy pads. Due to this, the gait is smooth, but strong and confident. The thick tail is evenly covered with hair and wrapped in a ring. The weight of a Shiba Inu is up to 13 kg, and its height at the withers is up to 41 cm. For comparison, an adult Akita weighs up to 50 kg.

    The thick, harsh coat with a soft undercoat appears plush. The most common color is red, but there are black and so-called zonal sibs. In the latter, each hair is colored in two colors - black and white or black and red. A light pattern runs throughout the body from the cheekbones and chin to the belly, the inner parts of the paws and tail.


    Pit bull (American pit bull terrier): description of the breed, character and care

    Pros and cons of a dog

    You may fall in love with this smiling dog from the first minute. But before you make such a friend, carefully study his positive and negative sides.

    Characteristics of advantages:

    • These are energetic and active individuals.
    • Dogs have high intelligence, so they are easy to train.
    • Pets are easy to care for.
    • Dogs have almost no salivation.
    • They are not prone to sudden weight gain.
    • The dog has excellent security qualities: he always protects his owner.
    • They are suitable for first-time owners.
    • This is a relatively healthy breed.
    • Pets are not allergic.

    Characteristics of minuses:

    • The animal is very stubborn and independent.
    • The dog has a high degree of shedding.
    • They may run away from home.
    • Pets do not get along well with cats and other dogs.
    • An animal will feel better in a house than in an apartment.
    • If an individual is not socialized from an early age, then it will be overly suspicious of strangers.

    What influences development?

    There are many factors that can affect your puppy's height and weight in one way or another.

    They all need to be taken into account as risk factors for a slowdown in these indicators:

    1. Feeding and caring for the bitch during her pregnancy and lactation . The better the conditions for keeping the female and her nutrition, the less danger that the puppies will be born prematurely or with an initial lack of weight. Also no less important is the period of feeding the offspring with mother's milk. A nursing dog should receive all the necessary elements and vitamins in order to pass them on to its children;
    2. First feeding . It should not be too early, but not too late either. Complementary food should contain everything necessary to replace the puppies' lack of mother's milk;
    3. Feeding the dog . When the dog comes into your home, you will now be fully responsible for the maintenance and nutrition of the pet. It must be correct and balanced;
    4. Presence of parasites . This factor affects the lack of weight and the poor development of the dog’s height and muscles. It is important to get special vaccinations;
    5. Injuries and illnesses that the animal could have suffered as a puppy . Such indicators affect the maturation characteristics of the Shiba Inu. Serious injuries, such as fractures, or pathologies slow down the dog's normal growth and weight development;
    6. Vitamin deficiency . Do not forget to feed your pet with special supplements, especially if he is on natural feeding.

    History of the origin of the breed

    The description of the breed says that the Shiba Inu is not only the smallest of the Japanese Spitz, but also the oldest. For example, excavations have shown that this breed lived in the Land of the Rising Sun around 7000 BC.

    It is controversial whether the breed arrived in Japan from North Asia or Korea. But most experts agree that the Shiba Inu descended from dogs that arrived in Japan during the first or second major human migration. This means that the breed has been present in the country for between 2,300 and 10,000 years. According to National Geographic, Shibs are genetically similar to wolves. This indicates that it is one of the oldest domesticated breeds.

    External influences had no effect on Japan for centuries. This is due to the fact that the country was closed, so the dogs were not crossed. That all changed in 1854 when American naval officer Admiral Perry arrived with warships and forced Japan to reenter the world community. Foreigners exported other breeds to Japan and mating of different individuals began. The original Shiba Inu began to disappear.

    Rural areas still maintained the integrity of the species as they had less access to foreign dogs.

    Inu is definitely a Japanese word. But where the word "shiba" came from is still debated. Shiba is the Japanese name for brushwood. This is a certain vegetation that was common in areas where dogs hunted.

    It has also been suggested that "shiba" could mean "small" in an older dialect. Therefore, the breed was named after its size. Whatever its origins, the name "Shiba Inu" was officially coined in Japan in the 1920s.

    In 1928, Dr. Hiroyo Saito founded the Nihon Ken Hozonkai (Association for the Preservation of the Japanese Dog). In 1936, the association managed to achieve the declaration of the species as a Japanese national monument.

    Unfortunately, many individuals died during World War II as a result of bombing. After the war, breeding programs were reinstated. They used Shiba Inus that survived in remote rural areas.

    It is known that the first Shiba Inu was brought to the United States in 1954. He arrived with a military family who were returning from Japan.

    The pet's first known American litter was produced in 1979. Many people believe that this year the animal established itself in America. However, it was not until 1992 that the breed received full recognition by the American Kennel Club.

    To what age do they grow?

    On average, dogs' height is fully formed by 9 months..

    It may differ very slightly from the size of the dog per year, but there are also cases when intensive growth continues for up to a year - the maturation of each representative of this breed can be individual.

    takes another 2-3 years for the Shiba Inu to acquire the appearance of .

    Maintenance and care

    There are some things you need to know:

    • Shiba is incredibly energetic and muscular. Therefore, pets need physical activity and walks. When walking, you will need a secure harness that will not choke your dog. It should be made of durable material, with a neck circumference of 22-27 cm. Avoid dangerous retractable leashes.
    • Sibs are smart dogs. You should stimulate their mental abilities periodically. Keep them busy for long periods of time or give the dogs a goal.
    • Chewing is a great way for your high-energy Shih to burn off energy. Give her tasty treats that take a long time to chew.
    • The pet will play a lot, so it needs its own place to rest. The place where he sleeps should be secluded and comfortable. Periodically change and wash your dog's blanket or cape.
    • Sometimes pets are too active. To protect your home from destruction, purchase or make a playpen.
    • Feed your dogs high-quality, varied, balanced food.
    • Brush your friend periodically. Healthy wool is light, airy, and has a natural shine. Don't cut your pet's hair. Only trimming the mustache and pads of the feet is allowed.
    • Bathe your pet as needed. Usually once every 3 or 4 months is sufficient. Choose a special shampoo or natural soap. They should smell nice, not irritate the skin and not cause shedding.
    • Check your pet's claws about once every two months. If they don't fade naturally, cut them at home. Use a special nail clipper. If you are afraid to do this, then contact your veterinarian's office.
    • In winter, buy your baby a pair of overalls for walking.

    To start or not

    The character of these animals remains the same as in ancient times. Similar to cats in their independence and willfulness, without training they can become uncontrollable and cause many problems. Representatives of this breed are active, courageous, intelligent and will do only what they consider necessary.

    They love to be in the company of family, but do not tolerate close physical contact. No matter how much they love all family members, they will show real affection only to one person - their owner, while the rest will be kept a little at a distance.

    These animals need a brave owner with an iron character who will keep them in line, show them who is boss, and defeat their stubbornness. On the street, you should not neglect wearing a leash - the hunter's instincts can wake up at the most inopportune moment.

    They are extremely reserved when communicating with strangers, but they have a positive attitude towards children and love to communicate and play with them. However, the relationship between them is very complex.

    If you are active, have strong nerves and, first of all, you dream of a friend, and not an obedient subordinate, then the Shiba Inu is definitely for you.


    Owners know that the breed is very independent and prone to bouts of “activity.” Dogs that do not receive adequate nutrition may become lethargic and anxious due to lack of nutrients. The right food supports their brain and motor functions.

    What to feed your Shiba Inu?

    Be careful about how much and what you feed your Great Dane.

    The main necessary substances for the breed:

    1. Protein. It contains amino acids that are essential for creating healthy muscles, tissues and cells. Protein, found in proteins, helps with development during puppyhood and adulthood. The ideal source of protein for the species is whole animal meat.
    2. Fiber is needed for two main purposes. It helps produce the energy needed to stay active and also promotes a healthy digestive system.
    3. Carbohydrates. They are a source of quick energy. Large amounts of carbohydrates can be harmful to your pet. High-quality dog ​​food formulas already take care of the ratio of protein to fat and carbohydrates. Therefore, you just need to make sure that you follow the feeding instructions.
    4. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and vitamins. They are important components that contribute to the health of your pet's skin and coat. The coat will shine when the dog gets enough Omega 3 and 6.
    5. Fat. It is needed to process nutrients and produce hormones. Contrary to popular belief, fat does not cause weight gain. Rather, it helps provide sustained energy so your pup can enjoy walks and play without becoming prematurely tired. If you notice that your friend is showing signs of lethargy, he may not be getting enough fat or other nutrients in his diet. Discuss these symptoms with your veterinarian.

    How much to feed your Shiba Inu?

    All dogs have approximately the same nutritional needs. However, there are differences in energy needs depending on the age, gender and activity level of your pet.

    The easiest way to determine how much to feed your pet is to follow the recommendations on the food package. The problem is that these recommendations may not take into account your pet's activity level. If you want to be more precise, you can calculate his actual calorie needs.

    The average energy requirement for an adult is about 30 calories per 0.45 kilogram.

    Keep in mind that small pets have a very fast metabolism, while larger pets have a slower one. The Inu falls into the first of these categories, having a maximum weight of about 11 kilograms. Animals this size typically require more calories because their daily energy expenditure is higher. Therefore, they need 35 or 40 calories per 0.45 kilograms. This gives a range of 595 to 1000 calories per day, depending on the size of the individual.

    Usually the animal eats well. But if your dog refuses to eat for a day or more, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    Owner reviews

    Shiba Inu dogs are quite active and also have attractive appearance. These dogs attract the attention of many lovers of unique breeds, although their upbringing requires maximum effort and patience. Despite its modest size, the dog's watchdog qualities are at a high level. The great advantage of the breed is that it barks only when necessary. In addition, this is a wonderful and devoted friend, as well as an assistant.

    It is very important not to overfeed the animal, and also to provide it with appropriate physical activity.

    About the Shiba Inu breed


    Girls weigh 7-10 kilograms, they grow to 35-39 centimeters.

    In appearance, females are slightly smaller than males.

    The girl is more aloof, especially with strangers. This trait is due to the fact that the female is more cautious.

    Neutering also affects her behavior. Spayed females show aggression less intensely.

    However, the female Shiba Inu is quite intelligent. Therefore, it is easy to train.

    Shiba Inu - photo

    It is impossible to remain indifferent while looking at the wonderful and fluffy Shiba Inu. So we couldn’t!





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    The weight of males reaches 10–13 kg, height – 38–42 centimeters.

    Males are usually larger in height and weight. Males should have wider muzzles. Females are generally smaller.

    A properly raised male is more friendly and interested in making new acquaintances than a female. On the other hand, a poorly behaved boy may be angry and want to dominate.

    There is also a difference between intact and castrated males. Intact individuals more often have a predisposition and desire to dominate compared to castrated ones.

    Due to the hormone testosterone, boys may be more active than girls.

    Most experienced owners recommend taking males for the first time. They are usually more sociable, affectionate, and easier to handle.

    Features of character and intelligence

    The Shiba Inu has characteristics close to freedom-loving hunting dogs. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their independence, stubbornness, high playfulness, they have retained a strong hunting instinct and at the same time are devoted to their owner.

    The breed is freedom-loving, which makes it difficult to teach it to walk on a leash and with a collar. The natural cleanliness of the breed allows them to quickly adapt to the walking regime. Even when the dog is kept in an enclosure, it strives to maintain as much cleanliness as possible and will tolerate it until it is taken out for a walk.

    Dogs don't tend to bark for no reason. They speak up when there is a reason for it. If the dog is not happy, he screams. The dog’s pronounced stubbornness along with a fairly high intelligence becomes the reason that it quite often begins to manipulate its owner and does only what it wants, and only if it is encouraged for it. Like all other breeds, the Shiba Inu has a description that combines very attractive qualities and those that limit the possibility of keeping such a pet by an inexperienced owner.

    Security guard potential

    It is not recommended to have this dog as a guard dog. She will give a voice when a stranger approaches, but will not be able to protect the owner or his property if necessary.

    Attitude towards people

    Dogs are loyal to their owners, but without excessive display of emotions. Shiba Inus are wary of strangers, will not come close and will try to constantly monitor their location with their eyes. The dog's toy appearance does not at all correspond to its behavior. She will not be a companion who is always ready to communicate and constantly waits for the owner to pay attention to him. If a stranger tries to touch the dog, it will most likely show aggression.

    Physical data

    These dogs are medium in size. The weight of a male is from 10 to 13 kilograms, and that of a female is from 7 to 9 kg. The height of the animal also varies depending on the gender. The height at the withers for males is from 39 to 41 cm. The height of the female is from 35 to 37 cm at the withers. If an animal exceeds the height and weight standards established by the standard, it is considered a defect, which entails culling.


    Externally, the animal looks very attractive and resembles a husky and, to some extent, a smooth Spitz. The Shiba Inu comes in a variety of colors: red, wolf, white and black and tan. Having a strong physique, the animal looks fit and graceful. The special expression of the muzzle makes the dog look like a toy.


    For boy

    Popular Japanese boy names with meaning:

    • Akira - bright.
    • Daiki - great glory, nobility.
    • Haruki is the shining sun.
    • Hinata is a sunflower, facing the sun.
    • Hiro is generous.
    • Ichiro is the first son.
    • Itsuki - forest trees.
    • Jiro is the second son.
    • Kichiro is a happy son.
    • Kiyoshi – purity.
    • Kuta is a great world.
    • Masaki is a big tree.
    • Masato is a righteous man.
    • Masumi – true clarity.
    • Nao - honestly.
    • Nori - edit.
    • Osamu – disciplined, diligent.
    • Riku is earth.
    • Shinobu – endurance.
    • Takahiro – valuable, noble.
    • Takashi is prosperous.
    • Toshi is wise.
    • Yasushi – peaceful.

    For girl

    Popular Japanese nicknames for girls with meaning:

    • Akemi is a bright beauty.
    • Asami - morning beauty.
    • Haru - spring.
    • Hideko is a child of perfection.
    • Hikari – light, radiance.
    • Hiro is generous.
    • Hiroko is a generous child.
    • Hoshi is a star.
    • Kimi is noble.
    • Kiyomi is pure beauty.
    • May - dance.
    • Maiko is a child of dance.
    • Maki is true hope.
    • Mika is a wonderful scent.
    • Miku is a beautiful sky.
    • Mio is a beautiful cherry color.
    • Misaki is a beautiful flower.
    • Natsuki is the summer hope.
    • "Peekaboo" is a women's hairstyle.
    • Rio - Sakura Village.
    • Satoko is a wise child.
    • Shinju is a gem.
    • Shiori is a poem.
    • Sora is the sky.
    • Yoshi is a lucky guy.
    • "Foxy" is a fox.
    • Yuki is happiness.

    Color variations - the most popular colors

    The coat of the breed has coarse guard hair and a lush soft undercoat. The longest fur is on the tail of an animal. In accordance with the standards, three color options are allowed:

    • ginger;
    • black and tan;
    • zonal (sesame or sezar).

    Hovawart (dog breed): description of the breed, differences

    The first is considered the most popular, the other two account for about 20% of animals. Regardless of the main option, “urajiro” (“urajiro”) is considered mandatory - the presence of white hair on the throat, neck, tail and paws. White fragments should also be present on the sides of the muzzle and under the belly.

    Important! The most valuable are Shibo Inu dogs with bright, rich colors. However, light versions of the red tone - sand, peach - are also allowed by the standard.

    White representatives of the breed are very beautiful, but they are not recognized by the standard, therefore they are not allowed for breeding and exhibition activities.

    Charming Shiba Inus will become faithful companions for family people


    The first heat in girls begins at 5-6 months. However, a bitch can be bred from the age of 7-12 months.

    Females come into heat once or twice a year. It lasts approximately 21-28 days. At this time, the bitch begins to have bloody discharge and an unpleasant odor. 10-15 days are the most suitable for mating.

    Before mating, you need to prepare the future parents. Carry out deworming and vaccination a month in advance. Two weeks before the expected date of breeding, start feeding the expectant mother high-protein foods.

    Pregnancy of individuals lasts 58-68 days. You need to prepare the birthing area in advance.

    If your girl is giving birth for the first time, ensure that an experienced breeder or veterinarian is present at the birth. They will be able to help if the dog cannot cope on its own.

    On the day of birth, the girl will lie down a lot, her basal temperature will drop to 37°C.

    At one time, the bitch gives birth to 2-3 puppies. A newborn baby weighs 400-700 grams.

    Weight and size of a puppy from a month to a year

    Puppy agePuppy heightPuppy weight
    1 month18 cm2.8 kg
    2 months20 cm3.2 kg
    3 months22 cm3.4 kg
    4 months24 cm4 kg
    5 months27.5 cm5 kg
    6 months30 cm6-7 kg
    7-8 months33-36 cm8-9 kg
    9-12 months37-40 cm10-11 kg

    Shiba Inu puppies grow very quickly . Because of this, their diet must be as balanced as possible to prevent any deviations in their development.


    What do you need to know before buying a new miniature friend? You need to understand what to feed your baby, as well as what items he may need.

    Buy the following items:

    • Toys.
    • Feeder/water bowl.
    • Baby wipes.
    • Paper towels, rags.
    • Cleaners.
    • A crib.

    Some tips for caring for babies:

    • Feed your pet special food two or three times a day. Features depend on a number of factors, including how active your dog is and his age. The cub should always have clean water available.
    • The pet's fur is odorless and does not need to be trimmed. But it sheds constantly, especially intensively twice a year (autumn and spring). Brush your pet once a week to remove dead hair. Start the procedure as soon as you pick up your new friend so that he gets used to the sensations.
    • Bathe your dog only when necessary. If the pet has not rolled in the mud, then bathing it once every three or four months is enough. Use dog shampoo and rinse off any residue thoroughly with warm water.
    • Take your pet outside. Toddlers love to run and play outdoors. Therefore, give him this opportunity as often as possible. Fence an area of ​​your yard and regularly check for weak spots. Dogs can easily escape due to their small size. Walk your puppy regularly so that he gets used to the leash and obeys commands.
    • Start obedience training early. Dogs need discipline. They are notoriously stubborn and sometimes difficult to train. Teach your pet proper behavior as soon as he comes home.
    • Follow your vaccination schedule.

    How to feed and how much food to give babies?

    For four weeks after receiving your puppy, continue to give him the same food that the breeder gave him.

    Dogs' digestive systems are different from ours and can be quite delicate. They don't crave variety and don't adapt to different foods the same way we do. Different foods contain different types of protein, amounts of fiber and fat. Drastic changes in diet can lead to stomach problems.

    If you decide to change your food, it should be done gradually over a period of about one week. For the first two to three days, mix about three-quarters of the existing food with a quarter of the new food.

    During the next stage, give him three-quarters of the new food mixed with a quarter of the old food. Do this for 2-3 days. At this stage, your puppy's digestive system should adapt to the new diet.

    If any problems occur or your puppy is suffering from diarrhea or vomiting, consult your veterinarian.

    Proper nutrition of the baby is vital for his health and further development.

    According to the recommendations of the National Club of America, you should feed your puppy a high-quality, high-protein food. One that contains at least 30 percent protein and 15-18 percent fat is suitable.

    Because puppies grow so quickly, they need the right combination of protein and fat. This will provide the foundation for strong muscles, bones, tissues and healthy organs.

    Any food label will give you recommendations on how much to feed your baby.

    Things like breed, size, age and activity level should take into account the amount of food the puppy receives. Because he is a fairly small and active dog, he will have a faster metabolism than a larger breed. This means he can burn calories faster and needs more calories per pound than a larger dog. The amount your Shiba Inu puppy eats can vary greatly as he grows.

    Key points in training

    Sibs are freedom-loving and willful. Coping with them is not easy; education and training will require a lot of effort and time, despite the fact that the dogs are very smart and quickly remember commands. First of all, the puppy needs to be taught that in the family the main owner and household members are the main one, to show the pet that everyone needs to obey equally. This can be achieved if you share all the responsibilities for caring for your pet: create a schedule for walking, feeding, and hygiene procedures.

    You cannot use brute force or humiliate your pet. Sibs are vindictive and touchy. To punish a dog, a remark, a stern look, or deprivation of a treat is enough.

    In order for the owner to show and consolidate his leadership, several rules must be followed: feed the dog after the family has eaten; to let you into the house when everyone has already entered; do not allow sleeping or jumping on human furniture .

    If education begins from the first minute the puppy is born, then training is usually done from 3-4 months, when the dog has already learned its name and daily routine.

    Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

    If the owner is not confident in his abilities, then you can contact a training school or experienced dog handlers. It is important to take the “Dog in the City” course, which will help your pet adapt to city life.

    In addition, the dog needs socialization: getting to know animals, people, getting used to the noise of cars and loud sounds. If the puppy is not properly socialized, he may become aggressive, timid or fearful. The Shiba Inu has strong instincts, but in order to teach the pet how to properly handle game and respond to all the owner’s commands, the animal is given to other people who specialize in hunting dogs.

    Dog character

    By nature, the Shiba Inu is loyal and devoted. But they do have some natural traits and instincts that you need to be aware of.

    • The dog's character is that he is independent and very pure. Before buying a new pet, many people are concerned about the question: does it smell like a dog? This breed grooms its fur like a cat. Therefore, there is no smell coming from it at all.
    • The pet loves when its owners are nearby. However, they are often aloof, like cats. Animals don't need or want human attention most of the time.
    • This is not a noisy dog. However, when strange people or sounds appear around the house, the animal will bark to alert its owners.
    • The pet does not bark very loudly, but it has a wide range of “vocal styles”. Your dog will quickly learn to use his screaming against you if you let him.
    • The breed is graceful and agile. She can jump over high fences and run away from home. You must wean your pet from this from childhood.
    • The Shiba Inu can quickly learn a set of commands. But the animal thinks that it is much smarter than you. Therefore, the pet obeys only when he wants it.
    • The dog may have a small body, but inside he has a big personality. If the species were human, it would probably be completely selfish.
    • The dog is very smart. Most often, he uses his mental powers to “pressure you” and get what he wants.
    • Beware of your pet's gaze. This is one of his most powerful weapons. The individual will use it with great success if he senses any weakness in you.
    • Animals are extremely touchy. If they are in this state, they may snap or bite anyone who approaches them.
    • The dog doesn't like to be touched. Nail trimming, bathing, or veterinary examinations are never fun for this pet.


    To officially breed dogs, owners need to obtain a certificate from the kennel and fill out a special form, but this is only if both the female and the male are breeding dogs and have documents. A gentleman is selected in advance for the girl. The owners agree on the price and date. As a rule, the boy's owner can ask for one puppy from the litter or a percentage of the cost of the animal.

    Puberty and the first estrus occur at approximately 8-10 months, and can only be unleashed at 20-25 months. At this time, the third cycle and third heat will begin. The most favorable day is 14-15 from the beginning. The girl becomes playful or aggressive, her loop loosens (before this it should have been hard), and the discharge becomes lighter.

    The animals are walked together, given time to communicate and get used to each other. After this, the female is brought to the male’s territory. This is done so that the boy does not look for “pleasure” on the side and gets used to the fact that all pleasant procedures take place only at his home. In addition, males feel more confident in their own territory.

    For the first time, an experienced specialist is often invited to help owners and pets understand the process. When the male makes the landing, the dogs are held and helped not to lose their balance. The bitch is held under the belly so that she does not sit down, and the dog is directed into the noose.

    Active tremors do not take longer than 5-7 minutes, after which a lock should occur in which the dogs stand for 10-15 minutes . If there was no castle, there is no need to worry, this does not mean that the girl is empty. Fixative mating is carried out after 48 hours.

    Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

    Education and training

    Some breeds are more difficult to train than others. The Shiba Inu is considered one of the most difficult breeds to train. People fall in love with the “foxy” appearance, but subsequently are not ready to deal with such a stubborn person.

    A Shiba Inu will only respond to actions that make sense to them. They will fight back if they feel threatened and will not back down when they have their hearts set on something.

    Shiba Inus are naturally clean animals. They don't like polluting their living space, so they will do their "toilet business" elsewhere. The first and most important step in the toilet training process is to set a schedule. Shiba Inus are creatures of habit, so consistency is a surefire way to successfully train.

    Dogs will repeat their behavior when they receive positive reinforcement. Praise your pets and give them treats for doing the right thing.


    The Shiba Inu loves to dominate. Therefore, you initially need to establish house rules. Establish routines as early as possible before the animals develop bad habits. Each owner will set his own laws. But the common ones for everyone will be “don’t bite”, “don’t beg” and “don’t jump”.

    Immediately show who is the leader in the house. This is a social animal that obeys a hierarchy.


    Start training your puppy as early as possible. Eight weeks is the ideal age to start training. If your pet is already older, then start right now. He is very intelligent, but his strong personality and unique temperament can make training difficult.

    Delicious food is the best motivator for this breed as they do not crave praise or attention from their owners.

    Start with one specific command, such as "sit." Most people start with the sit command because it is relatively easy to learn. It can also be useful in getting the animal to stop and focus on additional commands. Say the command clearly and use a calm tone of voice. Never raise your voice or use an angry tone. Introduce a new command after your dog masters the first one.

    How to choose a Shiba Inu puppy

    Now that you know everything about Shiba Inu dogs, you can start your search. The first piece of advice is that you should not buy dogs at the Bird Market. By going online, you will find a specialist who breeds dogs.

    The puppy should only be seen where it was born. Do not agree to meet the breeder in another place, no matter what arguments he gives. When you visit the breeder, ask to see the puppy's mother and, if possible, the father. If the father of the offspring is absent, then a professional specialist always has with him a photo of the father and a folder with documents for him. Pay attention to all dogs in the breeder's kennel. Pets must be clean, well-groomed and odorless. Puppies must also be well-groomed and free of diseases. If the kennel residents, along with your puppy’s mother and father, behave calmly and distantly, then the puppy you choose will also be prone to the same behavior.

    Carefully examine the Shiba Inu puppy's parents, they must meet the Shiba Inu breed standards. And if you don’t know the natural characteristics of the Shiba, you need to pay attention to some important aspects:

    • the height of the puppy's parents should not exceed 38 cm for a female, 40 cm for a male
    • ears are small and pointed
    • eyes are triangular and “oriental slanted”
    • The color of the dogs is bright or with a pronounced white color on the underchest, muzzle, belly and the inside of the hind and front legs
    • The length of the tail should reach the knee joint, without creases

    The environment in which the puppy will be must be clean and homely. A Shiba Inu puppy raised in the wild in a yard sees very little of the peculiarities of everyday human life. Such a puppy will be afraid, for example, of a working vacuum cleaner.

    Shibs are small dogs that find it important to grow up in a home with their family.


    Common diseases to which the breed is prone:

    1. Glaucoma. This is a disease that slowly destroys the optic nerve of the eye. Most often, it is associated with a buildup of fluid that creates an obstruction in the front of the eye. Although the different types of glaucoma vary in severity, they are almost always treatable. If left untreated, the disease causes partial loss of vision or complete blindness. However, various eye drops can help stop the fluid from accumulating. There are also several types of operations that successfully solve the problem.
    2. Progressive retinal atrophy. This is another disease that affects the eyes. It is often associated with genetics. The photoreceptors in the back of the eye begin to fail, making it difficult to see in the dark. As the disease progresses, vision deteriorates. Dogs begin to see poorly even in bright daylight. Unfortunately, without treatment, complete blindness occurs. The best option is to diagnose a predisposition to the disease at an early age.
    3. Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. With this disease, the ligament in the knee is weak and the dislocation leads to the displacement of the kneecap. Shiba Inu may be genetically predisposed to this condition, or may acquire it as a result of various injuries. The severity of patellar luxation varies greatly. In some cases it is minor, and in other cases correction is required. Symptoms include abnormal gait, pain when walking, lameness in the leg(s) and, in the worst cases, immobility. Depending on the severity, there are many different ways to treat a luxated cup. It is never life threatening. But without specific treatment, the dog will constantly suffer.
    4. Hypothyroidism. This condition occurs when a dog's thyroid gland does not develop properly. Symptoms: the animal becomes lethargic, obese, and hair falls out. In some cases, there is an excessive need to urinate. If you suspect something is wrong with your pet, it is important to have him tested for hypothyroidism. Without treatment, this can lead to very serious consequences. However, once the diagnosis is made, the dog's life can be improved with the help of medications.
    5. Cramps. Convulsions in animals are completely different from those in humans. The pet can run non-stop, hide in corners in complete confusion, bark, and not notice anything. Seizures are usually not life-threatening in dogs, but they can also indicate a more serious problem. Therefore, it is important to take your friend to the vet. This condition can often be treated with medication.
    6. Allergies. Symptoms: runny nose, swollen eyes, dog sneezes excessively. Allergies can be to food, certain substances (such as shampoos or cleaning products), air pollution, and more. Your veterinarian should diagnose the cause of the allergy and then prescribe the recommended treatment.
    7. Hydrothorax. This condition occurs when fluid accumulates in the chest. It can cause loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing, coughing and shortness of breath, and weakness. It is usually treated by removing fluids and introducing a low-fat diet. In more severe cases, surgery is required.


    By nature, Shiba Inu is endowed with strong immunity and good health. On average, such dogs can live 13-16 years. The diseases that occur most often in representatives of the breed are listed below:

    • Dislocations – lameness and pain.
    • Dysplasia - leads to lameness; at the last stage of the disease, immobility of the joints can occur.
    • Allergies - in most cases there is an allergic reaction to food.
    • Von Willebrand disease is a hereditary disease characterized by blood clotting disorders and spontaneous bleeding.
    • A cataract is a clouding of the lens, which is normally transparent.
    • Progressive retinal atrophy - degeneration of the visual cells of the retina - rods and cones.
    • Entropion - entropion of the eyelid is removed surgically.
    • Hypothyroidism is a pathological condition of the body that develops as a result of a long-term lack of thyroid hormones.

    Many health problems can be avoided if vaccinations and treatment against internal and skin parasites are done on time. It is also important to visit a veterinary clinic with your pet for tests and preventive examinations by a doctor.

    Interesting Facts

    • According to the Guinness Book of Records, one of the oldest individuals in the world was a Shiba Inu named Pusuke. She died at the age of 26 in 2011, three months shy of her 27th birthday. The dog was very active until the last day. Pusuke died five minutes after his owner returned home from his morning walk.
    • The Japanese name of the species is a bit mysterious. The name Shiba Inu probably translates to “brush dog.” It is believed to come from her ability to get through bushes or thick grass while hunting.
    • The animals were bred to chase wild boars, birds and bears.
    • Dogs have dense undercoats that allow them to withstand cold temperatures.
    • The Shiba is the smallest of the six original Japanese species (Akita Inu, Shikoku Inu, Kishu Inu, Hokkaido and Kai-Ken).
    • Dogs are considered a national treasure of Japan. This has been stipulated in the Law on Cultural Property since 1936.
    • Dogs make almost human-like cries when they are upset. Sources of stress include taking baths or cutting your nails. With such cries, it's easy to see why they are sometimes called the "drama kings and queens" of the dog world.
    • The Japanese have three words to describe the essence of the Shiba. Kan-i refers to the alertness and bravery of the breed; this awareness and confidence makes the Shiba an ideal watchdog. Rosei means to be good-natured, loyal and obedient. Finally, soboku describes their effortless, natural appearance.
    • Famous people who are proud owners of adorable Shiba Inus include Kelly Osbourne, Daniel Dae Kim and Robert Flack.
    • Sometimes the breed is mistakenly called the Chinese Shiba Inu dog.
    • Nita Brawl Stars is a popular game for mobile devices in the MOBA genre. One of the main characters is a Shiba Inu.
    • There is information about the existence of a dwarf subtype of the breed that is not approved by the standard. His height is from 19 to 30 centimeters.
    • Russian President Vladimir Putin's Akita Inu dog. It is a related species to the Shiba Inu.
    • In the name of the species, the emphasis must be placed as follows: shiba-inu.

    How to measure correctly?

    Most breeders and veterinarians measure a dog's height at the withers. The withers are a part of the body that begins immediately after the neck - it is located between the shoulder blades.

    Knowing where the withers are is not just necessary for measuring height, you will need this skill to:

    1. Treatments with drops against parasites;
    2. Injections;
    3. Growth control;
    4. To select ammunition and accessories for your pet;
    5. Selecting special clothing for the dog.

    Finding the withers of an animal is very easy; you don’t need special knowledge or skills . To do this, move your hands from the animal’s shoulders upward until a fold is formed and your hands rest on the shoulder blades.

    The skin that forms on top is your pet’s scruff, or withers.

    Once you have found the withers of the animal, you can take measurements.:

    1. A rigid measuring tape is most suitable, because other attributes (ruler, measuring tape, etc.) can give distorted results, and it turns out that your dog’s height will be inaccurate, but with errors of several centimeters;
    2. It will be best if you take several measurements every few minutes. After you measure the height 2-3 times, calculate the average size of the pet - it should be final and truthful;
    3. The dog must be able to take a stance. Without this condition, it will not be possible to make correct measurements. If you have a dog that is not show class, then you should watch him. Close to the stance will be the state of the dog's body when it is interested in something and is carefully observing some object. You can artificially create such a situation, but in this case, measuring growth will require several people - one distracts, and the other measures;
    4. The attributes with which you will measure must be applied tightly to the dog's fur, but so that they do not squeeze the skin.

    Even representatives of the same breed may have different head postures.

    Height at the withers is the distance from the nape to the fulcrum. The surface on which the dog stands must be level.

    When the dog takes a stance, or you were able to interest him in something, then you can take a measurement . The main thing is that the dog is calm and not fidgeting.

    If your pet constantly tries to run away, then in this case, it is better to bring him to the door frame or wall and take a measurement on them.

    It is better to carry out this procedure before feeding, then the dog will be more interested in the treat, with the help of which you will force the pet to take the correct stance.

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