Miniature Poodle: description of the breed and care features

Care and maintenance

It is important to place the dog correctly, placing the bed away from drafts and leaving free space around so that the animal does not experience discomfort and can freely stretch out to its full length.
One of the main procedures is grooming. The royal breed does not shed, but this does not prevent it from creating a beautiful appearance, characteristic of the standard

Particular attention should be paid to adolescents 8-10 months of age who are undergoing juvenile molting. During this period, their old fur falls out and tangles may form if the animal is not combed daily.

Adults are brushed once a week

If the wool is cord-like, then it is carefully sorted by hand. Haircuts are carried out as needed

It indicates the breed, so the dog should look the part.

The owner trims his nails, brushes his pet’s teeth, and performs these procedures regularly. The dog is bathed once every 1-2 weeks, which she treats very favorably. Apparently, the blood of the ancestors who hunted game and pulled it out of reservoirs plays a role. The bathing procedure is also important before the exhibition. The wool is combed wet and dried with a hairdryer.


The characteristics of a large poodle include his love of eating well. He will not leave leftover food in the cup, eating everything, so he quickly gains weight. The regime is important: feed at the same time and ration portions. There is no need for additional snacks or additional food from the table.

You can feed a “person of royal blood” with both natural products and premium food. The amount of food is calculated based on the dog’s weight and lifestyle. If natural food is used, then it is advisable to create a menu so that the products contain all the necessary components. The basis of nutrition will be lean meat. It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • offal, among which preference is given to beef liver;
  • lean sea fish, boneless and boiled;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • chopped vegetables and herbs are mixed with meat or cereals;
  • carrots or apples 2 times a week as a source of fiber, vitamins and prevention of tartar formation;
  • fermented milk products, but not often.

Puppies need dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, milk porridge. Dogs may be deficient in vitamins and minerals in their diet. In this case, dietary supplements containing the necessary nutrients are added to the feed.

Dog care and nutrition are the main points worth paying attention to.

Advantages and disadvantages

A miniature poodle is an excellent choice for a family with older children who understand that a dog is not a toy. The breed does not shed, is easy to train, is very attached to its owner, cheerful and active. The Poodle loves to interact with people and loves to show off its tricks and skills. The description of the breed and character of the dwarf poodle notes its cheerfulness, activity and energy.

But if you don't have enough time to play and walk with your pet, this breed is not for you. The toy poodle is extremely devoted to its owner, the owner is the center of his universe. But the pet also expects emotional warmth from the owner. This very decorative dog is well suited for older people who need long walks and companionship.

The poodle has an excellent memory. Having harbored a grudge, the dog can remember this for a long time and will later take revenge on you by ruining the thing or causing mischief. The miniature poodle does not tolerate loneliness, lack of communication or attention from the owner. Because of this, he becomes depressed and experiences severe stress. What do you think about the very beautiful toy breed of dog, the miniature poodle?

Health and life expectancy

The breed, unfortunately, is not the most prosperous. At the same time, life expectancy still remains quite high, averaging 12 years. Regardless of size, there is a predisposition to:

  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy;
  • Edison's disease;
  • Skin tumors;
  • Sebaceous adenitis;
  • Tracheal collapse;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Epilepsy;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • Stomach bloating and volvulus;
  • Dental diseases;
  • Puppies often develop hypoglycemia.

To maintain health, it is important to provide your pet with high-quality and nutritious nutrition, physical exercise, timely vaccinations, treatments for parasites, carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, and do not forget about annual medical examinations. According to research in the field of genetics and physiology, non-standard colors of poodles do not pose anything dangerous to health and are not markers of hereditary defects

According to research in the field of genetics and physiology, non-standard colors of poodles do not pose anything dangerous to health and are not markers of hereditary defects.

Description of the breed

Characteristics of the dwarf poodle breed allow you to fully appreciate all its features. Even puppies already have pronounced signs that make it possible to determine their belonging to breeding animals. The dogs have a strong build without unnecessary grace, are a miniature copy of their standard counterpart, and require similar care and attention.

The standard parameters typical for a toy poodle are as follows.

  1. Body weight in the range of 4-6 kg. In this case, the animal must have a strong physique, which distinguishes it from the toy version, which has an elegant bone structure.
  2. Height at the withers is 28-35 cm for an adult animal with fully formed bones.
  3. The head is of correct shape, without distortion of proportions, the occipital protuberance is moderately pronounced. A characteristic feature is the presence of a groove running longitudinally from the back of the head to the back of the nose; it can be felt, even if this sign is not visually visible.
  4. Muzzle without signs of obvious weakness or massiveness. The jaws are well developed, the fur gives them a U-shape. The correctness of the silhouette, according to the standard, is determined not by the silhouette of the jaw bones, but by the edges of the lips. They have a contrasting pigment (black) or to match the coat; pink spots are not considered a defect. The bite is scissor-shaped, standard, the tooth enamel is snow-white, without yellow spots or chips.
  5. The nose is medium-sized, the nostrils are widened, the color matches the tone of the coat and lips.
  6. The eyes are medium-sized, with a slight slant at the inner corner. In the French version of the standard, the shade of the iris is specified as almost black, but taking into account the variety of shades of the coat, an amber or dark brown tone is allowed.
  7. The ears are soft, quite thick, on the sides in the upper part they are adjacent to the head. According to the standard, the lower edge of the ear should reach the corners of the lips, but lack of length is not considered a gross defect. The measurement is made without taking into account the length of the coat.
  8. The body is strong, slightly elongated, close in shape to a regular rectangle.
  9. The neck is oval, the withers are almost not pronounced, the scruff is clearly defined and well developed.
  10. The croup is round, the lumbar region is strong, the back is short, slightly tapering towards the hip region.
  11. Well-defined oval chest, wide, reaching the elbow joints. The belly emphasizes the elegance of the silhouette, toned. The tail is set high, the standard allows both natural length and tip docking. When moving, it should be carried high, without bending. The breed standard specifies a defect that leads to culling - this is the complete absence of a tail, bobtail.
  12. The limbs are straight, without distortion or curvature, the hind legs are muscular, the hock joint is springy.

Date: November 5, 2020

Varieties of the poodle breed with photos

The poodle breed is divided into 4 types, taking into account height at the withers. However, dog experts say that these indicators do not serve as the only criterion in determining the type of poodle. There is some difference in the size and weight of animals, as well as in their character and habits.

Large (standard)

A standard poodle is also called a royal poodle and the height of such a dog is 45-60 cm. A dog of this size requires appropriate living conditions and a play area. The Standard Poodle can be successfully trained and can become a hunting or service dog. The standard breed poodle treats others kindly and is therefore not capable of causing harm to its owner.


The medium-sized poodle reaches a height of 35-45 cm, and their character has many similarities with the royal variety. The animals are quite obedient, balanced and hardy. From birth, the pet is endowed with a sense of self-esteem and adapts well to life in an apartment. Despite this, such a dog requires mandatory long walks with physical exercise.


The size at the withers is 28-35 cm. Dogs of this size look quite cute and gentle, but they have a fairly hardy character. If they do not receive enough love, they can become jealous of the owner and at the same time always require increased attention.

A poodle of this breed is considered to be a fairly energetic dog who loves to play with children and misbehave. In addition, the toy poodle is considered a fairly loyal dog.

Toy (smallest)

The toy poodle resembles a toy in appearance and its height reaches only 24-28 cm. However, this type of pet is considered quite proud, so you should not take it seriously. One of the disadvantages of a toy poodle is its miniature size, and it constantly barks. However, a pet may bite if they refuse to recognize it as a full-fledged dog.

Description and breed standard

Mini poodle conformation standard:

  • height – 24-28 cm;
  • weight – no more than 3 kg;
  • head – elongated with a narrow forehead;
  • nose – dark and large;
  • eyes – black or dark brown (apricot-colored fur may have amber inclusions), almond-shaped;
  • ears – flat, drooping, widened downward, reaching the corners of the lips;
  • tail – raised up, allowed not to be docked;
  • color – uniform, solid: white, black, silver (gray), brown, apricot;
  • the coat is thick, elastic, quickly restores its shape after hand pressure, with steep curls.

Deviations considered to be a disadvantage of the Toy Poodle breed:

  • height at withers less than 23 cm;
  • tail thrown over the back;
  • weak pigmentation of the nose;
  • muzzle too long or too short;
  • eyes that are not dark enough;
  • absence of some teeth;
  • short ears;
  • uneven or dimly expressed color;
  • wool is too rough.

Dogs with such deviations are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Body type

Content Features

Phantom and Harlequin, like other poodles, are ideally suited for home keeping. They practically do not shed and are hypoallergenic breeds, although in rare cases they can cause a reaction. They are clean and tidy, adapt to the rhythm of family life and are absolutely not suitable for the role of a street dog abandoned in the yard.

The poodle needs communication, joint games and walking. The duration and intensity depends on the size of the dog. If a large phantom needs to walk for about 2-3 hours a day, then a miniature harlequin needs calm walks around the house lasting about 30 minutes. He can splash out the rest of his energy by running around the apartment with a ball.

Grooming your poodle includes regular brushing, trimming, bathing, nail trimming, and ear and teeth cleaning. You need to carefully monitor the condition of your skin and eyes. Grooming a poodle using special cosmetics is not a cheap pleasure.

The Poodle is an ideal breed for those who like to experiment with their appearance. It boasts the largest variety of hairstyles and cuts. And if desired, curly wool can be braided into cords.

Features of caring for a phantom poodle

The main difficulty in the maintenance process can be called caring for the fur. Regardless of the fact that phantoms practically do not lose fur, they require daily care. It would be better to buy certain tools, including a metal comb and a bristle brush.

Another significant expense item is haircuts. It is especially needed for those dogs that actively take part in exhibitions. Today there are 2 types of haircuts: traditional haircut and modern.

In the first case, the haircut is done like this. The fur on the front legs is trimmed short with scissors or a clipper. In this case, only the section in the middle of the limb remains long. In this area, the fur is only slightly trimmed. In the middle of the back and at the hind legs, a short haircut is made using a clipper. The fur on the tail, again using a machine, is trimmed short, and then a brush in the shape of a ball and a cone is formed at the tip.

The dog's mane is only trimmed using scissors. The fur on the ears can also be easily trimmed to give them a cute shape. On the muzzle the fur is trimmed short. Any hairs that stick out should be cut off around the eyes.


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Harlequins are a breed of hounds that are distinguished by their original color - light gray, with frequent small black specks, or rather small dark spots, and one or both white eyes of a bluish-white color (Sabaneev).

We do not have any reliable information about the origin of harlequins, and everything that has been said so far relates only to the realm of guesswork. So L.P. Sabaneev, in his work “Hounds,” published on the pages of “Nature and Hunting,” joins the opinion of S. Kareev, and tries to prove the origin of harlequins from English hounds. It must be said that this evidence is very unconvincing, and, however, a note by K.V. Moshnin is immediately placed, refuting Sabaneev’s assumption. Rosen, in his “History of Hound Dogs,” believes that harlequins came to us from France, and come from the ancient Artois, which were marbled.

Genetic basis of inheritance of color and coat type

There are currently eight genes known to be associated with color in the canine genome. Each of them occurs in at least two varieties (alleles), which together determine the color of the animal.

Loci associated with color

Genes located at the agouti locus are responsible for the distribution of pigment throughout the animal's body.

Alleles defined by a brown-black protein associated with melanin production. There are two known alleles determined by the B locus:

B is dominant to b. An animal with at least one copy of the B allele will have a black nose, paw pads, and eye rims. In an animal homozygous for one of the b alleles, these areas of the body will be liver-colored.

Alleles at the D locus determine the intensity of pigmentation. There are two known alleles at this locus

d = diluted (black turns into gray or blue, brown into sand or isabella).

D is dominant to d. Animals homozygous for the d allele often suffer from baldness and various inflammatory skin diseases.

E (extension, distribution)

The locus determines whether the animal will have a black mask or gray hair on its face, and whether the pigment eumelanin will be present in its color. The presence of eumelanin results in black or brown pigmentation, while its absence results in red or fawn pigmentation. There are four known alleles at the E locus:

The dominance/recession relationship in the alleles of the E locus is: Em > EG > E > e. The gray allele (EG) is characteristic of dogs of the Saluki and Afghan Hound (Afghan) breeds. Among Afghans this color is called “domino”.

Alleles at this locus determine whether the animal will have a harlequin (marble) color - large, ragged black spots on a white background. In total, two alleles are known at this locus:

H is dominant to h. Breeding experience shows that embryos homozygous for this allele (H/H) are lethal. Therefore, all merle dogs are heterozygous (H/h). The harlequin allele is specific to the Great Dane breed. K (dominant black)

Determines whether the color will be solid or spotted

Dominance/recession for alleles of this locus looks like this: KB > kbr > ky. An animal with one kbr allele and no KB will have a brindle coloration.

List of suitable nicknames

Choosing a name is the first thing after purchasing a poodle

It is important to find an option that the family will like, will be easy for the pet to remember and will be easy to pronounce.

Nicknames for male toy poodles:

  • Cupid, Agate, Archie, Bucks;
  • Baron (Barry), Barney, Bim, Bike;
  • Bolt, Willy, Chip;
  • Chief, Chuck, Butch;
  • Oscar, Fluff, Arnie, Claude;
  • Woody, Scooby, Bond;
  • Pirate, Toby, Cliff, Earl, Gray, Horus;
  • Harold, Casper, Tom;
  • Kurt, Rich, Luke;
  • Peach, Kai, Hans;
  • Henry, Kazbek, Eric, Olympus;
  • Perce, Jerry, Simba, Pike;
  • Donald, Motya, Zeus;
  • Hulk, Timon, Sonic;
  • Charlie, Walt, Leo;
  • King, Nike, Larry;
  • Bim, Dick, Chase, Simba.

Nicknames for female miniature poodles:

  • Astra, Alpha, Gina, Bella, Bonnie;
  • Jesse, Dina, Debi, Tori, Molly;
  • Vesta, Chapa, Dusya;
  • Gerda, Greta, Gabi, Hera;
  • Ella, Emma, ​​Zita;
  • Kira, Nancy, Paw, Knopa;
  • Dana, Lily, Remy, Laura, Gucci;
  • Zlata, Mila, Maya;
  • Irma, Salma, Doll, Tosya;
  • Uma, Jody, Motya (Matilda);
  • Sandra, Taya, Tina;
  • Vika, Viva, Tonya, Shura.

Puppy phantom what is it

BREED IS NOT RECOGNIZED BY FCI APPROVED BY THE PRESIDIUM OF THE RKF: January 26, 2008 USE: Companion dog. FCI CLASSIFICATION: Conditionally applies: Group 9. Companion dogs. Without working tests.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Medium lined dog with a characteristic curly or corded coat. Gives the impression of an intelligent, constantly attentive, active, and also harmoniously built dog, which is very elegant and full of self-esteem. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the muzzle is approximately 9/10 of the length of the skull. The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. The height at the withers is almost equal to the height of the croup. The distance from the ground to the elbows is equal to 5/9 of the height at the withers. BEHAVIOR/CHARACTER: The dog is distinguished by loyalty, intelligence and the ability to learn, which makes it a particularly pleasant partner. HEAD: Refined, straight lines, proportional to the body. The head should be well sculpted, it should not look heavy, but also should not be too thin. CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Its width is less than half the length of the head. When viewed from above, the skull appears oval along the longitudinal axis; in profile it is slightly convex. Longitudinal axes slightly diverging. Brow ridges: Moderately pronounced, covered with long hair. Frontal groove: Wide between the eyes, tapering towards a very well defined occipital protuberance. (In dwarf phantoms, the occipital protuberance may be less pronounced). Transition from forehead to muzzle: Very slightly pronounced. FACIAL REGION Nose: Developed, vertical when viewed in profile, nostrils well open; black. Muzzle: The upper profile is straight. The length of the muzzle is approximately 9/10 of the length of the skull. The lateral bones of the lower jaw are located almost parallel. The muzzle looks strong. The lower profile is formed by the jaw, and not by the lower edge of the upper lip. Lips: Moderately developed, rather dry, of medium thickness, black. The upper lip lies on the lower lip without overlapping it. The angle of the lip is not pronounced. Jaws / Teeth: Scissor bite, strong teeth. Cheekbones: The muscles of the cheekbones are not protruding, tightly adjacent to the bones of the skull. The infraorbital region is well carved and little filled. The cheek bones protrude slightly. Eyes: The expression is friendly, temperamental, located at the level of the transition from the forehead to the muzzle, slightly slanted. Almond-shaped eyelid section. Eyes black or dark brown. Eyelids: The edges of the eyelids are black. Ears: Quite long and falling along the cheekbones. The base is located on the continuation of the line emanating from the top of the nose and passing just below the outer corner of the eyelid. Flat, widening from the base, the tips are rounded, covered with long, wavy hair. The ear flap should reach the corners of the lips.

NECK: Strong, slightly convex nape line, medium length, good proportions; carries his head high and proud. Without the formation of a suspension. The neck is oval in cross section. Its length should be slightly less than the length of the head.

BODY: The body of the phantom is of very good proportions; the length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. Withers: Moderately pronounced. Back: Short, harmonious contour, straight, strong. Withers and croup should be at approximately the same height. Loin: Strong and muscular. Croup: Rounded, but not sloping. Forechest: The top of the sternum should be slightly prominent and set fairly high. Chest: Extends to the elbows. The width is 2/3 of the depth. In large phantoms, the circumference of the chest, measured behind the shoulder blades, should exceed the height at the withers by at least 10 cm. Oval ribs. Wide in the back area. Lower profile line and belly: The underline is taut, but without undermining (like a greyhound).

TAIL: Set fairly high, level with the loin. It can be long, shortened by one third or half of the natural length. When calm, the tail is lowered. When moving, the tail is carried obliquely upward.

Health and life expectancy

The breed, unfortunately, is not the most prosperous. At the same time, life expectancy still remains quite high, averaging 12 years. Regardless of size, there is a predisposition to:

To maintain health, it is important to provide your pet with high-quality and nutritious nutrition, physical exercise, timely vaccinations, treatments for parasites, carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, and do not forget about annual medical examinations. According to research in the field of genetics and physiology, non-standard colors of poodles do not pose anything dangerous to health and are not markers of hereditary defects

According to research in the field of genetics and physiology, non-standard colors of poodles do not pose anything dangerous to health and are not markers of hereditary defects.

Breed description, standards and appearance

The Large Royal Poodle is the tallest representative of the breed group. This is a proportionally built dog, which, despite its impressive size, looks graceful and elegant.

When assessing the exterior, judges pay attention to the following proportions:

  • The length of the royal poodle's muzzle is 9/10 of the length of the skull;
  • the body is slightly stretched - the length is greater than the height;
  • the withers are approximately at the same level with the croup;
  • the distance from the ground to the elbows is 5/9 of the height.

Official description (ICF standard No. 172):

  1. The head is graceful, proportional to the body. Looks not overly large, but not too light.
  2. The skull is oval, slightly convex. The stop is weakly expressed, but not completely absent.
  3. The nose is developed, with open nostrils. The pigmentation of the lobe depends on the color.
  4. The muzzle is straight and strong.
  5. Lips are dry, moderately thick. The top touches the bottom, but does not cover it.
  6. The strong teeth are set in a scissor bite. Overshot or undershot are disqualifying faults.
  7. The eyes are almond-shaped, slightly slanted. According to owners' descriptions, royal poodles have an attentive and kind look.
  8. The ears are long, widening towards the bottom, hanging along the cheekbones. Covered with long fur. The ends are rounded.
  9. The neck is strong, with a slightly convex nape. Thanks to her, the royal poodle carries his head high and proud.
  10. The body is harmonious, the withers are clearly visible. The back is short, the loin is strong, with well-developed muscles. The croup is smoothly rounded.
  11. The chest is deep, reaching to the elbows. Its width is equal to 2/3 of its depth. The girth recorded behind the shoulder blades exceeds the height by more than 10 cm.
  12. The belly is tucked in, but not dry, like that of a greyhound.
  13. The tail is set high, approximately at the same level with the lower back.
  14. The limbs are absolutely straight, set parallel to each other. The paws are gathered into a ball.

Description of movements: the royal poodle runs freely and naturally, as if dancing. Overlapping limbs and an excessively flying gait are not encouraged.

Dimensions and weight

The FCI standard describes the dimensions of the royal poodle as follows:

  • height 45–60 cm, deviation of 2 cm in a larger direction is acceptable;
  • weight is not strictly regulated; it usually ranges from 20–25 kg.

Color and coat type

The breed standard allows for 2 coat types for Royal Poodles. Description of each of them:

  1. Corded - thick, delicate and wavy wool forms characteristic cords. Minimum length – 20 cm.
  2. Curly - elastic fur with elastic curls forms curls of the same length.

The official description of the breed allows for a wide variety of colors of royal poodles, but only solid colors are allowed. Uneven color and spots for any suit are disqualifying faults.


The White Royal Poodle may have a fawn coat color or yellowish markings as a baby, which disappear after shedding. Description of other features:

  • skin tone should tend to silver;
  • the pigmentation of the lips, iris, and nose is as dark as possible;
  • claws of any color from pink to black.


The Black Royal Poodle is one of the most numerous representatives of the group. The coat of dogs of this color is denser and of higher quality.

The color should be bright, rich, deep and intense, the skin should be dark. The eyelid rim, lobe, lips, and claws are also black, the pigmentation of the iris is dark brown.


The color description in the standard states that any shade of gray that does not resemble black or white is acceptable. Puppies may be born black, but the coat becomes lighter as they mature. The skin tone matches the color. The nose, edges of the eyelids, claws are black, the iris is black or dark brown.


The description states that the color should be deep and the shade should be warm, similar to chocolate. Beige and lighter colors are not acceptable. Lips, nose, claws are brown, eyes are brown or dark amber.

Red or ginger

The official description allows for any shade from light red to deep red. The pigmentation of the eyes, eyelids, lips, claws and all mucous membranes should be as dark as possible, and the skin color should match the tone of the coat.


Apricot Royal Poodles can be very bright, almost like dried apricots, and quite pale. In some dogs, the color fades over time.

The ears are usually brighter than the base color. Lips and claws should be brown or black, eyes and eyelids should be as dark as possible.

Standard Poodle Colors

Black color is a classic, and many owners of black poodles note that the quality of their coat is much better than that of dogs of other colors. The ideal poodle has a deep black coat color, with no brown or gray tints and no white or silver guard hairs. The skin appears gray and even has a tinge of blue. The nose, eye rims, lips, claws are black, and the eyes are always brown.

White poodles are also quite common and have a number of features. Most puppies are born with cream or apricot patches on the chest, ears, and lower legs, but as they age, the coat becomes white. The skin is pink or truffle (spotted). The nose, eye rims, claws are black, the eyes are always brown. Puppies may be born with pink noses and paw pads, but their noses darken as they age. It happens that white puppies are born to dogs with colored fur, but such puppies are considered full-fledged, and in the future they will not give birth to colored offspring.

The silver color of poodles is characterized by shades of gray, but the shades should not be close to white or black. Silver is a very complex color that takes 2-3 years to develop. Puppies are born black, the color of the coat gradually changes. At the age of 6 weeks, the puppies should already have a visible silver color on their faces and limbs. To correctly determine the color, you need to shave the poodle, then the silver tint of the hair at the root will be noticeable. The eye rim, nose, lips are black, and the eyes are always dark brown. Skin color to match the coat.

Brown or chocolate poodles are distinguished by a dark brown coat color without beige or light brown shades and not close to black. On the ears, the tips of the hair are lighter. Leather to match the fur. The rims of the eyes, lips, claws are dark brown or black, the nose is liver-colored, while at exhibitions preference is given to poodles with a darker nose. The eyes are dark brown or dark amber. As puppies grow older, they lose color intensity, and then confusion in tones often occurs.

Apricot Poodles have coats of varying shades of apricot color, but the shades should not be close to white or dark brown. The ears are slightly darker than the base coat color. Puppies are born with a darker shade of apricot, but within two years the color is finally formed and the coat becomes lighter. Apricot Poodles often lose color and become creamy with age. The skin is white or pink and may have shades of gray or blue. The nose, eye rims, lips, claws are black or brown, eyes are brown.

Red Poodles have a rich, dark apricot or mahogany color. With age, the coat may become lighter in color. Skin color to match the coat. The rims of the eyes are brown, the pigmentation of the lips is dark brown, almost black, the nose is black or brown. By the way, puppies are born with black noses, but with age, some have a lighter nose. The eyes are brown, while poodles with brown noses have lighter eyes. The claws are dark brown or black.

At the end of 2007, the RKF recognized several more poodle coat colors, namely harlequin and black and tan. It should be noted that in America, Germany, the Czech Republic and some other countries they are also officially recognized. By the way, the cost of poodles with phantom and harlequin colors is higher than the cost of individuals with standard coat.

Harlequin – the main color is white (approximately 60%), while the border between white and black is clearly visible. Usually the line from the bridge of the nose to the first cervical vertebra (not always), the limbs, chest, belly are white, the head is black, there are 2-3 black spots on the back, and the tail can be completely or partially (at the base or tip) black. Eye rims, nose, lips, claws are black, eyes are dark brown. Most often, these puppies are born as a result of crossing white with light brown skin and black or gray poodles with the spotting gene.

Essentially, black and tan is a phantom color, but it includes not only black and tan poodles, but also poodles whose main coat color is brown, red, and silver. Therefore, the description will be general - the main color is dark (approximately 80%), there are tan marks on the eyebrows, muzzle, chest, along the edges of the ears, on all limbs, around the anus. Black tans come in apricot, gray, red, silver, cream, and brown colors. Browns have apricot tan marks, while reds have lighter shades of red and apricot. Silvers have tan markings in varying shades of gray and cream. Pigmentation, eye and skin color depend on the base color of the coat.

Buying a puppy, price

In Russia and many other countries there are nurseries and breeders that specialize in breeding poodles of non-standard colors, based on compatibility. The main stock in their kennels are usually standard solid colored poodles. It is undesirable to breed harlequins and phantoms with each other, this leads to degeneration of the desired characteristics.

  • Harlequins are born by crossing white poodles with dark skin and black or silver poodles that carry the spotting gene.
  • Phantoms are born from mating apricot or red poodles with black ones.

On Internet message boards, phantom and harlequin poodles do not appear as often as poodles of recognized solid colors. Their cost depends on pedigree, correct color, and other breed characteristics. The average price is 25,000 rubles.


Mating can be tribal or informal. In order for the puppies to have status and pedigree, you need to contact the nursery for a certificate for mating. A special form is filled out by the owners of the bitch and dog. The price for mating is set by the boy's owner. Usually it is 30% of the cost of puppies or one puppy. If the girl turns out to be empty, the mating is not paid for.

To determine the date, you need to monitor the female's cycles. The first heat usually begins at 8-10 months, but this period is considered too early. The best time for mating is 13-15 days of the third estrus: when the loop becomes loose and the discharge is light.

Standard Poodles are large dogs that need a lot of space. The dogs are usually walked together and brought into the territory of the male dog. For the solution (the first time), you can invite a specialist who will help pets and owners understand the procedure. Usually the animals are helped: they are held and directed towards each other. The act will last no more than 10 minutes. In the absence of a lock, the female may be complete, but it is better to re-mate after 48 hours.


Phantom and Harlequin are elegant dogs with a characteristic corded or curly coat. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Weight is not defined by the standard. According to growth, there are four varieties:

  1. Large - 45-65 cm;
  2. Small - 35-45 cm;
  3. Dwarf - 28-35 cm;
  4. Toy - 24-28 cm.

The head is refined, proportional, and well sculpted. The skull in profile is slightly convex. The muzzle looks strong and dry. The eyes are almond-shaped, black or dark brown with black eyelids. The ears are quite long, falling along the cheekbones. The neck is strong and of medium length.

Body of good proportions. The back is straight and strong. The lower back is strong. The croup is rounded. The forelimbs are slender, parallel, with good muscles and bones. The hindquarters are set parallel, with pronounced angles and developed muscles. The correct structure of the limbs provides the dog with a light, springy gait, characteristic of a poodle.

The standards for the poodle, harlequin and phantom breeds are absolutely the same, with the exception of the point about color.

  • Harlequin color: white dominates. Separated from black spots by a clear boundary. It is desirable that the limbs, chest, and belly are white. The skin is well pigmented.
  • Phantom color: black dominates. It is fairly evenly covered in tan color (tan, apricot) with symmetrical patterns: on the ears, above the eyes, throat, on all limbs, under the tail.

The FCI standard recognizes only solid colors: black, white, brown, apricot, silver, red.

Character and habits of toy poodles

All varieties of poodles are distinguished by their quick wit and fairly high intelligence. Such dogs learn very easily and with interest, and also master complex tricks with great pleasure. If an animal lives in a family, then it very quickly remembers the most frequently used phrases of the people around it and over time begins to understand everything that is said to it.

Toy poodles are active and cheerful dogs. They become very attached to their owners and require constant attention; they do not tolerate loneliness quite well, which is why it is better not to leave them alone in the apartment for a long time. If your toy poodle is left alone at home all day, you should definitely get a second pet (cat or dog).

Toy poodles are very willing to play with children, but the behavior of the latter should be delicate and not cause any unpleasant sensations to the animal. When children impose their company too much on a dog, it can show its hunting nature and even bite. For this reason, adults should clearly explain to the child that a pet is not a toy, but a family member whose feelings and desires must be respected.

The toy poodle is always friendly and tolerant towards other pets. The dog can readily communicate with both small and large dogs, as well as cats. The Toy Poodle is very friendly to strangers and will willingly play with unfamiliar house guests if they so desire. The dog is completely indifferent to ordinary passers-by on the street.

Due to its intelligence and intellectual development, this breed is able to quickly learn not only the simplest commands, but also more complex ones. Dog experts recommend training a puppy in a playful way, and a separate lesson should not last more than 15 minutes. Another piece of advice from dog trainers: repetition is the mother of learning. Therefore, you need to repeat the lessons constantly - even several times a day.


The Harlequin Pinscher is an unbridled energizer. The dog does not sit still for a second: it runs, jumps, plays pranks, attracting attention to itself. The dormant genes of ancient terriers explain a lot about the character of sociable and playful animals. Like most classic Pinschers, the Harlequin is bold, courageous and extremely courageous. The dog, without hesitation, rushes at the aggressor, protecting the owner and his family.

The center of life for a dog is the owner and all his household members. The Harlequin Pinscher is a great companion. This is a character trait nurtured by centuries of selection: devotion to family. Thoughtful German selection “grounds” the fiery temperament and demonstrates to the world obedience and ease of training. Despite their playful and slightly eccentric temperament, spotted pinschers amaze with their docile nature and indulgent good nature.

Spotted dogs get along well with children; harlequins make good, caring nannies.

Sincere love and selfless devotion to the owner negatively affect the relationships of pinschers with other pets. No, this is not a desire to dominate, this is ordinary jealousy. Well, the ancient blood of English terriers guarantees the difficulties of living together with cats (alas, this is at the genetic level).


The breed is not officially divided into varieties. However, in Japan, small dogs were bred, 22–24 cm tall and weighing up to 3 kg, which were called the “Japanese toy poodle”. They are a genetic mutation and are considered defective.

The Japanese Toy Poodle cannot participate in exhibitions or breeding. Tiny dogs require even more careful care because they have weak skeletons and are prone to a whole bunch of diseases.

However, the Japanese Toy Poodle has the same friendly and positive personality. Following fashion trends, people keep him as a pet, despite possible problems.

Color and coat type

The Toy Poodle's body is covered with elastic and well-pigmented skin. In white dogs it is silver in color, in animals of all other colors it corresponds to the color.

Representatives of the breed can have two types of fur:

  1. Curly – elastic, with pronounced curls.
  2. Corded - the wool is divided into separate strands (so-called cords) at least 20 cm long.

The spine should be fine in structure, and the coat should be thick and fluffy. Sparse, flabby, hard fur is a serious drawback.

Allowed colors:

  1. Black is a classic color without any admixture of gray or brown.
  2. White – Dogs may be apricot or cream at birth, but after molting the color becomes uniform.
  3. Brown – rich, warm, uniform without beige or lighter tones.
  4. Gray is not close to black or whitish. Includes a range of gray, blue and silver shades.
  5. Red (red) - the dog can be light red, orange (apricot) or red in color. With age, the coat lightens and becomes less vibrant.

In 2008, the RKF recognized two more colors - harlequin (black and white) and black and tan. Now such dogs are considered separate breeds: harlequin and phantom. They are not yet recognized by the FCI, but they are successfully bred in the USA, Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic.

How to properly care?

This is a small breed that is distinguished by its cleanliness, lack of odor and shedding. Despite this, such a pet needs special care. Starting from a sleeping area, protected from drafts and direct sunlight, to grooming.

Grooming helps the poodle get rid of sticky dirt, tangles and food debris in the hair on the face. If it is enough to do a haircut once a month, then it is recommended to comb the dog, if not daily, then at least a couple of times a week. A massage brush and a damp towel will help with this.

The animal is exposed to water procedures more often than others, so you should not neglect bathing either (once every 5-8 weeks).

Since the breed is prone to various diseases, the condition of the claws, ears and teeth requires special control. For example, cleaning the ears serves as a preventive measure against otitis media, and examining and cleaning the teeth to remove tartar.

Behavior and skills

Dogs of this breed are characterized by tirelessness and activity. At the same time, miniature poodles are incredibly elegant and full of self-esteem. If you immediately begin to instill in them the necessary skills, then the animals are particularly attentive and obedient.

Kids are very sensitive to their owner’s emotions and are unobtrusive. Puppies quickly adapt to the interests, routine and rhythm of life of the family.

Character and training

All around, the positive character of the Miniature Poodle has one noticeable difference from its larger brothers. Due to their smaller size and faster metabolism, four-legged animals are more active, agile and restless. They require more attention from a person, and if they do not get what they want, they can become very sad or develop complexes.

If you still haven’t decided on the subspecies of the breed, it’s worth considering a few nuances. In addition to the dimensions, the difference between the Miniature Poodle and the Toy Poodle is reflected in the method of keeping:

Both breeds are at risk of increased injury due to their small size.

If you have children under 10–12 years old, a four-legged dog will become your first pet, or you are not ready to protect the dog in every possible way during puppyhood (due to work, home arrangement, etc.), it is better to opt for a medium Poodle.

Toy dogs are more versatile; they can handle being walked twice a day, but suffer from kidney problems more often.

Toy poodles should be walked 3-4 times a day or be able to relieve themselves in a diaper (tray).

Alternatively, you can toilet train your Miniature Poodle, such as using a litter box. This approach has a huge advantage - the pet will not have to endure, which will significantly reduce the risk of urolithiasis in old age.

Almost all Poodles are harmless towards strangers, children and other animals. There are exceptions; some representatives of the breed are even trained as bodyguards. However, for the most part, “curly girls” who have undergone socialization are tolerant of the world around them. Don't be afraid of failure; start training your Miniature Poodle from the first days in your new home.

Quadrupeds are very intelligent and smart, in addition, they are prone to imitation. If you already have a dog that knows the basic commands, the Poodle just needs to show them by example.

Don't forget about your ward's hunting skills. Naturally, you are not obliged to train your dog to hunt game, but you can and even need to run around and chase birds to your heart’s content. Until you fully master the calling, strictly monitor your pet or do not let him off the leash. Poodles have a very keen sense of smell and excellent memory, so it costs them nothing to track down impromptu prey. A pet that is carried away by the search may not respond to commands. An alternative is to use a whistle that can be heard in strong winds or outside noise.

Basic care rules

In order for your puppy to grow up healthy and happy, you need to care for him by following some rules:

  • In the first days, be extremely attentive to the puppy and be affectionate with him. It was hard for him to move to a new house; he misses his mother and brothers. You must show him that you do not pose any danger, but on the contrary.
  • If there are children in your house, then it is worth explaining to them that the animal is not a toy. You should not disturb him while he sleeps or pull his paws or ears. Show how to properly handle your new pet.
  • The pet must have its own place to sleep and rest. Don't disturb him if he settles on it to catch his breath.
  • The dog should have its own toys. As he grows up, he will have a need to chew on something and play with something. It would be better if it were his things than yours.
  • Make sure that there are no things valuable to you or anything small that are dangerous for him on the floor or in the dog’s access area.
  • Start teaching him his name and hygiene procedures: trimming his nails, cleaning his ears, rubbing his eyes, and checking his teeth. He must get used to the fact that such things will be repeated regularly.
  • When walking outside, do not let your puppy pick up any objects from the ground, especially not eat or chew them. Do not let your dog off the leash unless you are sure that it is accustomed to you and will not rush after the first car or cyclist.
  • The puppy should always have clean water freely available.
  • Do not forget how many times a day you need to feed the puppy, and also that gradually the number of meals should be increased to twice a day.

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A mother dog can feed her puppies milk for about 60 days. Around the middle of this period, babies begin to be fed with low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir, egg yolk, grated apples, and finely chopped boiled beef.

In the new home, the toy poodle continues to be given the usual food - the slightest changes in the diet are fraught with digestive problems. You can gradually switch your puppy to ready-made food appropriate for his age. The transition takes at least two weeks.

With a natural diet, the diet is supplemented with:

  • rice or buckwheat porridges cooked with milk or meat;
  • vegetables - carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin;
  • fresh herbs - spinach, dill, parsley, dandelion leaves.

At 4 months, sea fish is included in the menu. Puppies are given only fillet, thoroughly cleaned of bones. At the same time, by-products are introduced into the diet - liver, lung, tripe. When teeth change, the amount of fermented milk products rich in calcium is increased. To make the process easier, dogs are periodically allowed to chew sugar seeds.

At 6 months, a toy poodle eats an adult menu, but the total amount of food should be slightly larger as the pet continues to grow. The serving size is calculated individually, based on the baby’s needs. If the dog greedily licks the bowl, give a little more food. If the dog does not eat food within 20 minutes, the amount of food is slightly reduced.

Toy poodle feeding frequency per day:

  • 1–2 months – 5 times;
  • 2–5 months – 4 times;
  • 5–7 months – 3 times.

From the age of 8 months, a toy poodle receives food like an adult dog - twice a day.

Notes[ | ]

  1. Hunting with a poodle (undefined)
  2. Intelligent breeds, from Stanley Coren Archived January 13, 2015 on the Wayback Machine
  3. AKC: Poodle history
  4. 12
    FCI Standard No. 172 dated 04/18/2007 (English)
  5. 12
    FCI Standard No. 172 dated April 18, 2007. Translation
  6. Description of the dog breed Great Royal Poodle (Russian). Date accessed: February 24, 2022.
  7. POODLE: PAST AND PRESENT - articles from the LUMIERE DYNASTY (undefined)
    . Date accessed: February 26, 2019.
  8. Krukover V.
    Dogs. The most complete encyclopedia. - M.: EKSMO, 2013. - P. 232. - 464 p. — ISBN 978-5-699-59539-6.
  9. Hunting with poodles (undefined)
    (inaccessible link). Retrieved May 31, 2022. Archived December 17, 2016.
  10. Alexei.
    Feeding a poodle puppy and an adult dog, diet (Russian). (January 3, 2012). Date accessed: February 26, 2022.

Origin story

In the FCI basic standard for the poodle breed, six solid colors are recognized. Sometimes when they are crossed, dogs with a non-standard coat color are born: spotted, brindle, black and tan. Purposeful selection of such is a very difficult task.

The popularity of phantoms and harlequins in France led to the decision to separate them into an independent breed. This has caused indignation among Russian breeders, who understand that in the future they will have to breed phantoms and harlequins only within the breed, and this is fraught with degeneration of the desired qualities.

A collective appeal was created by an alternative group of the NCP “Union Poodle Club in Russia”, in which the breeders opposed the recognition of the Chien Particolor a Poile Frise breed, similar to what the French did

In 2022, the commission took into account all the information and made a decision to recognize two new colors for the poodle breed, allow them for breeding, and also issue pedigrees with the mark “color not recognized by the FCI, but recognized by the RKF.”

Interesting Facts

There are quite a lot of interesting things associated with the breed:

Images of dogs resembling poodles were found on coins of Ancient Rome and Greece, in ancient tombs. Representatives of the breed served in Napoleon's army. The soldiers put dogs in backpacks so that if they were wounded, they would draw attention to the soldiers with a ringing bark. Composer Richard Wagner always took his beloved poodle to orchestra rehearsals. Hearing false notes, the pet began to bark. The breed was loved by many famous personalities: Prince Charles, Ludwig van Beethoven, Winston Churchill, Elvis Presley. Toy poodles were recruited into the Japanese police force. They work in a search and rescue team, since large dogs often cannot crawl under the rubble.

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