How to toilet train a Chihuahua - litter box and diaper training for a puppy and an adult dog

When choosing a pet, many people give preference to dogs, thus noting their friendliness and loyalty. The choice of breed also depends on the character of the future owner - it can be a large Labrador retriever or a small dachshund.

Small Chihuahuas are especially popular among city residents. These playful and friendly dogs are especially popular with women and children. When the Chihuahua is at your home, you should immediately train him to use the toilet, otherwise small “unexpected” puddles will constantly appear in the apartment.

Where does toilet training a Chihuahua begin?

First, it should be noted that a cat litter box is not suitable for a Chihuahua (as for any other dog). For miniature sneezes, special convenient trays with low sides are sold. For sneezing boys they are equipped with a post.

Training a Chihuahua puppy begins as soon as it gets to its new home. You need to buy diapers (preferably reusable) and a tray in advance. Already on the first day of the pet’s stay in a new place, the owner should understand which place he “loved” the most.

Why is it recommended to start training with puppies? In fact, it's simple:

  • the baby’s character has not yet been formed, her psyche is plastic;
  • there are still no formed persistent habits that would need to be changed in an adult dog;
  • Adult Chihuahuas are sometimes so active that it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing for a long time.

Raising a dog at home

Many owners, when purchasing a Chihuahua, believe that raising such a dog is not necessary, which is fundamentally wrong. In order for a puppy to turn into a well-mannered and obedient dog with age, it is necessary to competently approach the issue of adjusting their behavior from childhood.

It should be noted that Chihuahuas are very trainable , but owners will need a lot of patience - due to their small size, the dogs get tired quickly at first and training sessions should not be long.

Any dog ​​in words addressed to them, first of all, picks up intonation, therefore, in this case, you should react unambiguously and equally to all misdeeds or positive actions of your pet - menacing notes in the voice will show the baby that you don’t like in his behavior, and affection will help you remember what the owner approves of. And between carrot and stick, in the case of miniature sneezes, you should always choose the method of positive reinforcement.

How to leave your pet at home alone?

Many owners have problems when they need to leave their dog at home alone. Not only is a dog’s sad look before leaving difficult to bear, but the consequences can be more serious:

  • Due to anxiety, a dog can spoil things, chew shoes, etc.
  • Can bark and howl loudly throughout the time spent alone.
  • Finally, he may simply become withdrawn, and his character will show anxiety or an increased interest in hygiene. Other symptoms of an anxiety disorder may also appear.

Important ! It is necessary to understand that scolding a dog for spoiled things only makes sense if you directly catch it doing this. Otherwise, she simply will not understand the reason for the dissatisfaction, which will only increase anxiety and nervousness.

How to deal with your pet’s “loneliness syndrome”? Here are some universal tips that you can follow to minimize both the mental trauma of your dog and the damage to your home:

  1. Get more long-lasting toys that can keep your pet occupied for a while: special bones, rubber ducks with a squeaker inside, etc. Since their purpose is to distract the dog, do not forget to put them away after returning.
  2. Many dogs react primarily to gatherings, which they perceive as a signal for the owner to leave, starting to worry in advance. If your pet is prone to panic when watching you get ready, you can try changing the sequence of actions before leaving the house.
  3. Rehearsal for leaving. Another option would be to go outside the apartment for a few minutes at first, gradually accustoming the puppy to increasing intervals of time. Positive results should be reinforced with treats.
  4. Some owners initially have two pets. They can engage with each other for a long time: play, wash, etc.

From early childhood, you should not leave puppies alone for more than 4 hours at a time: while they are so small, it is recommended to feed them at least once every 4-5 hours. The room in which the Chihuahua is located also matters - the more free space, the longer they can tolerate the absence of the owner.

How to toilet train?

One of the first and main requirements that the owner makes of the puppy is toilet training. As a rule, Chihuahuas do not have any special problems with training, which even people who are not involved in dog breeding can cope with on their own.

Puppy to diaper

From a very early age, the puppy should have a place where he can do all his business. It is best to use a special mesh tray , on which you can first lay a disposable diaper.

Of course, from the first day the dog may not understand what is being asked of him, so you should be persistent and put the pet in the right place over and over again, and when he pees on the diaper, show the puppy with your emotions and tasty encouragement how glad you are that he I did everything right.

Forming such a habit can take more than one week , the main thing is to be patient and persistent!

An adult dog to the tray

In adulthood, Chihuahuas, like any other miniature dogs, can easily cope with a tray without a diaper. The habit has already been formed and they usually understand perfectly well what the owner requires.

Positive reinforcement and joy at the sight of a pet going to the toilet where it needs to go is a great motivation for him. It often happens that a dog goes to the litter box even without much desire, just to please the owner and receive his share of praise.

How to wean it off?

It is always difficult to wean a dog from doing something to which it is already accustomed . Here, as in any training, dedication and perseverance are important.


If your dog leaves little piles around the house every now and then, then you need to decide what you want from him in relation to toilet matters: teach him to relieve them only outside or also in the indoor litter box.

  • In the first case, it is recommended to reduce the intervals between walks, bringing them to 3-4 per day.
  • And secondly, reprimand the offending dog over and over again, showing him where he should do such things.

And when he can do everything right, you should definitely reward him for his success with a treat or emotional praise.

Anywhere to write

If your pet prefers to pee in other places other than the tray, you should pay attention to what exactly attracts him. Chihuahuas often choose thick fleecy carpets or sofas for toileting, from which it is quite difficult to remove the smell. If this is not done, then the dog may follow its sense of smell over and over again, peeing in the same place.

Important ! You should remove such traces as quickly as possible, preventing your pet from forming the wrong habit. If you catch him directly at the crime scene, then a menacing “ugh!” and a demonstrative spank will also show the dog what exactly the owner is dissatisfied with.

Mark the apartment

Corners, curtains and sofas are most often marked by males, but females can sometimes do the same thing. The reasons can be very different:

  • covering your old marks;
  • lack of master dominance;
  • the presence of a foreign dog as a guest;
  • state of increased stress.

You can cope with such manifestations of dog instincts in the following ways:

  1. Training designed to show the pet that the boss is the only one in the house.
  2. The apartment should have a tray in which you can sometimes put a diaper soaked in a dog puddle.
  3. It is necessary to get rid of old marks by carrying out general cleaning. As long as the dog smells the furniture, the desire to refresh the mark will not disappear.


Chihuahuas can bite both during play and just like that, proving their superiority over the owner or other members of the “pack”. If in the first case the possibility of such behavior remains at the discretion of the owner, then in the second it definitely needs to be stopped.

Under no circumstances should you punish your dog by depriving him of walks, food, or leaving him alone for a long time. Here are the recommended methods:

  1. Walk away after a bite during play, leaving the dog alone, without paying attention to it for 15-20 minutes. Such behavior will let the animal understand that this cannot be done.
  2. Choose less aggressive entertainment with your pet, without teasing or provoking him to bite.
  3. Show the pet who is boss in the house: do not let him sleep on the bed, force him to let the owner go first, etc.


Loud dog barking can become a serious problem from the first days after the pet is born. As with the entire training process, you should start working on the norms of canine behavior as early as possible. If you are initially touched by your pet’s yapping, he will perceive it as positive reinforcement, and it will be much more difficult to wean him off. It is recommended to stop barking with a stern voice , demonstrating to the animal that you are unhappy.

You can also turn to a dog handler for help, who will conduct full-fledged training with basic commands - this method will certainly solve the problem of loud barking.

Get angry

If a dog is raised correctly, then it will never become angry, as in the presented photo:

Unfriendly growling towards the owner or family members, as in the case of attempts to bite, usually occurs due to incorrect placement of dominant roles. From the first months, the dog must learn that the main ones in its new “pack” are people who must be respected and obeyed. The technique is also no different - it is necessary to show character, demonstrating to the dog who is in charge : do not let him on the bed, do not give food from the table, etc.

Also, a dog often becomes angry in the following cases:

  1. if during a meal someone takes away the bowl;
  2. female dogs can protect their offspring in this way;
  3. in case of illness or poor health;
  4. when protecting their territory and toys.

Important ! In any case, you should not provoke or tease the animal by taking away its food or threatening its safety in other ways.

What kind of toilet should a Chihuahua have?

For a small puppy, diapers act as a toilet. It is up to the owner to decide whether to buy reusable or disposable ones, but at first it is better to take the former. With their help the baby will be trained. Over time, instead of diapers, the puppy is given a tray. They put newspapers or the same diapers in it.

A comfortable toilet for a Chihuahua puppy will be so if the following rules are observed:

  • the baby has free access to it;
  • he feels comfortable in the place where the toilet is located.

Chihuahuas often choose areas near doors and walls as a place to relieve themselves. Therefore, first you need to try to arrange a toilet in one of them. Another preference of dogs is secluded places. If the pet prefers them more, you need to re-equip and move the toilet area there.


It becomes easier to toilet train your puppy at home if you position him with easy access to him. It is important that the Chihuahua feels calm and comfortable.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Be sure to monitor your pet's behavior. Having noticed the Chihuahua's preference for another area of ​​the apartment, it is advisable to equip an additional toilet there.

Dogs instinctively choose, when defecating, the border of the developed territory. Taking into account such features, it is recommended to initially place the tray or place the diaper next to the balcony or room door.

Often the dog is attracted to secluded places, such as the bathroom. If she goes there constantly, then the pallet is moved to this room. The door is left ajar.

How to toilet train a Chihuahua puppy?

To the diaper

Since Chihuahua puppies are vaccinated at a young age, they must be quarantined. At this time, you should not let your pet outside and, especially, allow it to come into contact with other animals. Therefore, the owner is faced with the need to teach the baby to relieve himself at home.

The following tips will help you teach your little Chihuahua to walk in a diaper:

  1. You need to start training on the very first day the dog arrives in its new home. In the first five to seven days, it is better to equip several additional toilet areas, because it is still difficult for the baby to get used to it. It is necessary to spread reusable napkins or diapers near the walls, doors and in the bathroom.
  2. The moments at which the puppy is most likely to want to relieve itself are the time after eating, sleeping and active games. In addition, the baby may involuntarily do this under the influence of strong emotions. Therefore, you need to be ready to carry and put the baby in a diaper on time.
  3. After each successful “trip” you need to praise the baby. Stroke the Chihuahua and say nice words. This will let the sneeze know that he did everything right. Some hosts use the command "Toilet" to create an even stronger association.
  4. You can't scold a Chihuahua. Moreover, assault. This way you can completely discourage your child from studying and studying.

Diapers are sold not only in pet stores, but also in regular pharmacies. Of course, multilayer ones cost more than disposable ones, but they absorb more liquid and eliminate odor.

To the tray

First, let's figure out how to choose a tray for a Chihuahua. For females, an ordinary one, with low or medium sides, is suitable. But for males it is better to take a tray with a column and low sides, since the boys lift their legs. This skill will later be useful to the sneezer when he relieves himself on the street.

Either newspapers or diapers are used as filler. But this is only at first: over time, the Chihuahua will quickly learn to walk without a filler. The only thing is that the tray does not absorb the smell, which is its disadvantage. Therefore, many Chihuahua owners continue to put napkins or newspapers in it. Just don't put in glossy magazine pages, because they won't absorb liquid at all.

To train your Chihuahua puppy to use the litter box, you need to start putting him in a place where he always relieves himself. The first time, put a piece of dirty diaper in the pan so that the baby can smell his own smell.

Step by step instructions

The urge to urinate and defecate in a baby Chihuahua occurs after sleep, eating, and between games. But it is not always possible to track the process.

Toilet training needs to be done regularly. The time and nerves spent will be more than rewarded with cleanliness in the house and pride in a well-mannered pet.

What to do if your dog misses the toilet

Multivariate method

Usually, breeders already begin to accustom their babies to one of the types of home toilet. If possible, find out which one. But even if this information is available, the baby may become confused in an unfamiliar place and vomit on the floor. Sometimes even trained Chihuahuas, when moving to a new place of residence, lose their skills and begin to crap everywhere. To overcome confusion and regain lost knowledge, a multivariate technique is used:

  1. Place a tray, a diaper and a newspaper in different corners of the room.
  2. They bring the dog to each of them.
  3. They leave the baby for a while, quietly keeping an eye on him.

You can give the dog the right to choose

There is a high probability that the dog will remember the usual toilet place and go there. In this case, he needs to be rewarded with praise and treats.

Space limitation technique

If the previous method did not work, use the space limitation method:

  1. They will set up a little pen for the baby; you can take an old playpen.
  2. The bottom is lined with diapers.
  3. The bedding is removed one at a time every day, leaving them in the place where the baby prefers to relieve himself.

The enclosure needs to be arranged with maximum comfort

When only one diaper remains, the pen is dismantled, and the bedding is gradually moved to the desired location - 3-5 cm per day. During training, the dog is fed and watered right in the playpen. The puppy sleeps there.

Retraining method

If the owner is tired of buying and putting away diapers, the smart Chihuahua can be transferred to a litter tray. For this:

  1. Purchase a “pot” with low sides.
  2. Wrap the mesh part of the tray with a diaper.
  3. Two days later, when the dog gets used to it, the bedding is transferred under the mesh insert.

You can completely remove the diaper after two to three days. By this time, the Chihuahua will have become accustomed to the new toilet.

The tray should be lined with the usual diaper

Video - How to train a Chihuahua puppy to wear a diaper

Toilet training in an apartment

In the apartment, the chihuahua pees and poops in the litter tray. If he is not taught to do this, then unexpected puddles or piles will regularly appear on carpets and furniture. Once trained, the puppy will always find the right place for the toilet.

As mentioned above, learning begins with diapers. You need to spread them along the walls, near doors, in secluded places like the bathroom. Once you let your puppy into the apartment, you need to be careful about which place he chooses as a toilet area. If this place is found, you should leave the diaper only there. A little later, a tray is placed in its place. After the end of quarantine, you need to take your baby outside.

Should I scold and how?

Punishing a Chihuahua
You should scold the dog for relieving itself in the wrong place during this process. Otherwise, the animal will not understand why he is being reprimanded.

Under no circumstances should you physically punish your dog, because then it will become nervous and cowardly. It is enough to say the command “No” several times in a raised tone.

Attention! If the pet has done its business in the tray or in the diaper, the animal should be rewarded with a treat.

Toilet training outdoors

After the quarantine after vaccination is completed, it is time to take the dog outside. This usually happens no earlier than three months. Until then, the owner needs to tame the baby to the leash. After all, if he is afraid of him, he may never leave the house.

The method of teaching a Chihuahua to go “on errands” outside is quite simple:

  1. At the first stage of training, you need to take a contaminated piece of napkin with you outside. This is necessary so that the baby can smell his scent and his instinct will work. To understand when it is time to leave the house, you need to monitor when the baby goes to his usual place.
  2. When going outside, you must wait until the Chihuahua relieves itself. If he endures until the last minute, you still need to wait. In the end, the dog will do it anyway. It is important that the baby overcomes fear. The next few times it will be much easier for him.
  3. After each successful time, you must praise the Chihuahua and caress the dog. If he doesn’t listen, you need to teach him the basic commands “No”, “Come to me”, “Place”. But you can’t raise your voice at the baby, because otherwise he will get scared or be very offended by the owner.

Advice from experienced dog breeders

Advice from experienced dog handlers will help novice breeders cope with training a dog to use a tray:

  • You can't shout or hit the dog. If the owner loses the trust of the pet, then it will be much more difficult to train him;
  • when the puppy has gone to the right place, he must be praised;
  • You can scold a dog for defecating in the wrong place if the pet was noticed immediately. In this case, the owner should say “ugh” in a serious tone and point the puppy to the puddle;
  • If the dog is not toilet trained, it should not be left in a room with carpets and upholstered furniture. When it is not possible to constantly monitor the dog, the floor is covered with a diaper and the furniture is blocked;
  • You should not poke your pet’s muzzle into feces. The baby may get scared and also continue to shit in the wrong place.

How to potty train a Chihuahua is a question that concerns all owners. The first time turns out to be the most difficult, since maximum patience is required from the owners. With the right approach, after a few weeks the first positive results appear, and the dog begins to go to the toilet in the right place.

How to train an adult Chihuahua dog to use a litter box and a diaper?

An adult Chihuahua is more difficult to train because it is more stubborn and active. She gets distracted faster and loses attention. However, training follows the same rules as for puppies. The only thing is that the owner will need twice as much patience and time.

Stages of training a Chihuahua to diapers and a tray:

  1. In the first case, diapers are spread throughout the entire potential territory, that is, near walls, doors and in hidden secluded places. Next, it is important to find out in which zone the Chihuahua prefers to pee. Then you can remove the diapers from the remaining area.
  2. When the sneeze has become comfortable, a potty is placed in its toilet place. Don't forget to put a dirty napkin there the first time.

Choosing a place for the toilet, its organization

When answering the question of what a dog toilet should be like, it is important to consider the following:

  • Despite the fact that most owners believe that the litter box is universal for all pets, this is not true - a cat litter box is not suitable for a dog.
  • Newspaper is not suitable for cleaning the needs of a puppy - after moisture is absorbed, stains form on the floor, which are difficult to remove in the future.
  • Pet stores have a wide variety of dog litter boxes, which vary in type, wall height, and more.
  • For a puppy, a diaper is an ideal option, suitable for the training period. Then the question arises, how to accustom a Chihuahua to a diaper, the answer to which will be given later in the article.
  • The tray should be placed near the door or on the balcony, as the Chihuahua will instinctively run outside.
  • If the apartment has an aviary, then the toilet can be placed there.

Toilet for Chihuahua

Where should the toilet be or the diaper?

One of the main advantages of the Chihuahua breed is the ability to teach your pet to relieve itself in a certain place. Then the owner has a question about where the dog’s toilet should be.

It is important to take into account that the owner must be persistent and strictly follow the Chihuahua’s regime, which involves “first food, then toilet.” It is also necessary to take into account some features of this breed.

Chihuahuas, as a rule, choose their own place to go to the toilet, and also do not like punishment.

Most often, the puppy independently determines the place for its toilet, heading towards the front door or balcony if it is glazed.
Attention! A toilet or diaper can be placed in an enclosure or a separate room so that if the puppy wants to do his business, he can quickly find it.

Puppy toilet

How to choose a tray

You should think about what the tray should be like before purchasing a pet. The toilet for Chihuahua girls and boys must meet the following requirements:

  • The height of the sides must correspond to the height of the animal. For large dogs, trays with high sides are suitable, and for medium and small breeds - low ones or without them at all.
  • The material of the pallet is also of great importance. It is better to avoid buying a tray made of cheap plastic, as it tends to absorb odors.
  • The filler material should be selected based on the needs of the pet. It is wood-based, wood-mineral and mineral.

Tray for Chihuahua

What to do if your Chihuahua won't wear a diaper?

Before you begin to solve the problem, you need to find out the reason for this behavior. The most common reasons for walking “out of place” are the following situations:

  1. If your baby relieves himself on furniture, then there is a possibility that the tray purchased for her is simply inconvenient or is located in the wrong place. You need to try moving the pallet to another area or buy a new one. In addition, it is advisable to temporarily limit your pet’s access to furniture.
  2. When a baby walks on the carpet, he absorbs the smell well (even if this happens only once). Because of this, the dog becomes confused and begins to think that the carpet is the toilet. The only thing the owner can do in such a situation is to remove the carpet.
  3. There are situations when a Chihuahua does not go into the potty, but next to it. This could indicate several things: the tray is too small for the dog, or it is simply dirty. Therefore, you need to choose a potty according to the size of your pet and wash it daily. After all, not only people love cleanliness.
  4. If the baby sits in the tray, but does his “business” by, you should try to teach him to sit in the middle of the tray, and not on the edge.

You should also know that males go through puberty after ten months of age. And that means omnipresent territory markings. The situation gets worse if the pet smells a bitch in heat, experiences stress, or has a hormonal imbalance in its body. Only castration of the male will help solve the problem forever.

Possible difficulties

Sometimes, no matter how hard the owner tries, the furry pet gives him unpleasant surprises. What unforeseen situations may arise during the process of toilet training a Chihuahua, and how to deal with them?

The dog chose upholstered furniture as a toilet seat

This can happen if sitting on the tray causes discomfort in the dog. For example, the “pot” is wobbly or the mesh of the liner is too thin. The owner needs to replace the tray, limit the pet's access to the sofa or chair and use special repellent sprays.

Special repellent sprays

Chihuahua shits on the carpet

An isolated incident can develop into a habit, because the smell eats into the fibers, and the dog is sure that this is its toilet area. To wean her off, carpets should be covered with diapers. When the dog gets used to them, the carpet is removed and thoroughly cleaned, and the number of diapers is gradually reduced. Then the last bedding is moved to the area chosen for the toilet.

Carpeting is removed and thoroughly cleaned

The puppy defecates next to the potty

Perhaps the trough is inconvenient to climb into. You need to buy a tray with lower sides and line it with a diaper. If the dog still sits in the tray, but the discharge flows over the edge, you need to buy a larger “pot” and put a piece of used litter in the center. Then the baby will sit closer to the middle. And just in case, place a piece of linoleum or a plastic mat under the tray to make it easier to remove if things don’t work out smoothly for the baby again.

The tray should be large enough, but the edges should be low

Male marks furniture and walls

By the age of ten months, male Chihuahuas enter the puberty phase. They mark territory just like big dogs. If a decorative dog is rarely walked, this natural process will transfer to household items. The activity of a tailed young man can be provoked by:

  • the presence of old marks of other dogs;
  • intimacy of a lady during estrus;
  • hormone imbalance;
  • stressful condition.

Often the abundance of marks indicates that the dog does not feel the dominance of the owner!

Even a baby like a Chihuahua has all the qualities of a dog man. Owners often forget about this because of its cute appearance. But it is necessary to educate male dogs, even if they look like toys. The owner must show his authority as the leader of the pack.

Despite their small size, male Chihuahuas are real men

Additionally, you need to walk your pet more often, use repellent sprays and choose a special device with a pole as a toilet. If all else fails, and the dog is not planned as a breeder, the easiest way is to castrate him.

Male does not raise his paw

Male Chihuahuas begin to lift their paws at an attractive post or tree during puberty. If a young dog is not yet doing this at one year old, he will have to be taught. Buy a tray with a column, which is wrapped in a diaper. A familiar smell will tell you how to do everything right.

Dog tray with post

If you can’t find a similar pallet, you can create it yourself from a plastic water bottle or pipe. It is advisable to think about toilet training a Chihuahua before purchasing a puppy, and begin the process immediately after the new family member arrives in the house. For everything to go smoothly, you need to be kind and patient, but also persistent and a little strict.

Questions and answers

How does a Chihuahua go to the toilet?
Before the quarantine is completed after vaccinations, the Chihuahua relieves itself at home. After three months of age, when the quarantine is over, it’s time to move the baby outside. Usually retraining does not take much time.

How to train an adult Chihuah to use the dog toilet?

At first, diapers are spread throughout the entire potential territory, that is, near walls, doors and in hidden secluded places. Next, it is important to find out in which zone the Chihuahua prefers to pee. Then you can remove the diapers from the remaining area. When the Chihuahua gets comfortable, a potty is placed in its toilet place. Don't forget to put a dirty napkin there the first time. It is easier for a Chihuahua to navigate by its own scent.

How to understand that a dog wants to go to the toilet?

In puppies, due to their small body size and fast metabolism, the accumulation and elimination of waste products from the body occurs faster than in adult representatives of the breed.

It has been noticed that boys go to relieve physiological needs more often than girls. However, everything is individual and largely depends on the diet and the amount of liquid consumed by the puppy. Arm yourself with a notepad and pen, keep statistics of visits to the “closet”. This will help predict the time of the next urge in order to promptly monitor the baby’s actions.

As you get older, the daily number of urges to go to the toilet will decrease. Already at six months of age, the number of bladder emptyings in a dog will be reduced to 6-7 times a day, and bowel movements to 3-4.

The Chihuahua's behavior signals the desire to go to the toilet. The puppy becomes worried and begins to spin around in one place, frantically sniffing the intended “landing” site. In rare cases, slight scratching of the floor and hesitant whining are observed. Ignoring the signs will inevitably lead to the miraculous formation of a “heap.”

Chihuahuas are known to go to the toilet shortly after waking up from sleep, eating, and between active physical activities. Monitor the animal closely for 10 minutes and be prepared to take corrective action.

How to choose a place

It’s worth deciding where the Chihuahua’s toilet will be even before the puppy gets into the house.

The most suitable places for this:

  • glazed loggia;
  • bathroom;
  • corridor;
  • hallway.

In the first few days, the puppy should not be allowed to roam around the entire apartment or house. It is better to keep it in a limited, but sufficient space for comfortable living. You also need to put a diaper or a tray there.

Keeping a Chihuahua in this way eliminates the possibility that he will get confused in a new place, will not be able to find a toilet and, as a result, will relieve himself on the carpet, in the kitchen or other place not intended for this .

If it is not possible to fence off a space for the puppy, you should lay out several diapers at once - at least 1 in each room. As the Chihuahua gets older, it will be better to determine the toilet and the number of diapers can be gradually reduced.

You should not place the toilet next to the food area - representatives of this breed are very clean and will refuse to relieve themselves where they eat.

Features of using the tray

The tray is a more economical option compared to diapers. Over the course of a dog's life, it is enough to buy a maximum of three trays. This is a simple and convenient container for managing natural dog needs. However, litter box training often has to begin in diapers. Once your Chihuahua learns to use an absorbent diaper, you can begin litter box training.

The potty itself must be spacious; a regular cat litter box is not suitable in most cases. For males, this should be a tray with large sides and a column in the center, since boys from the age of seven months prefer to urinate near the “bushes”. For girls there is no need for such a column. A properly equipped tray will allow the dog not to get its paws wet, and will also protect nearby furnishings from splashes.

To prevent the smell from spreading throughout the apartment, you can use special dog litter.

As soon as the dog has learned to go to the toilet in a diaper in a certain place, place a tray in this area. For the first time, you can lay your pet’s usual diaper on top, and then try to remove it. You can also put a piece of the dog's used diaper in the potty. As already mentioned, dogs go to the toilet based on the smell, and thus the litter box will attract the pet and motivate him to relieve himself in the right place.

This method will allow you to wean your pet off the diaper. For litter box training, it is quite acceptable to use special chemicals; their aromas also attract dogs.

The process of training a puppy to use the toilet in the house should begin as soon as the pet appears in the apartment. This must be done very delicately so as not to scare the new family member. A few rules will help the owner solve the problem faster.

  • Praise your dog every time he goes to the toilet in the right place. Scratch her, call her affectionately, reward her with a treat.
  • Don't yell at your pet for going the wrong way. Perhaps he was confused and confused.
  • When you leave the apartment, isolate all things (clothes, toys, shoes) that the dog could dirty or mistake for a toilet.
  • When returning home, do not scold the puppy for going out of place. Otherwise, in the future, the dog will associate the owner’s coming home with punishment and scolding, so the dog will experience stress every time the owner returns.
  • Place your dog in a diaper after eating and sleeping. Usually during this period puppies want to go to the toilet.
  • Don't praise your dog too early. That is, you should not pet a pet that has just sat down in the tray; it is more effective to do this after the process is completed.
  • While the puppy is small, place diapers in every room. His bladder is still weak and cannot withstand a long search for a suitable place.
  • Never poke an animal's face into a puddle; the pet will be very frightened by such actions of the owner.
  • Remove all carpets from the floor during the training period. An inexperienced puppy may confuse the carpet with a diaper, get it dirty, and in the future this area will smell like urine and motivate the animal to urinate in the same place.
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