TOP 25 most beautiful dogs in the world by breed and color

Beauty is a subjective concept, so every owner will praise his pet, noting not only its decorative qualities, but also its character traits. Dog handlers have identified several criteria for the attractiveness of dogs - compliance with breed standards, beautiful color, cheerfulness and friendliness.

Most dog breeders believe that a beautiful dog is graceful, with a proportional build, soft and shiny fur. Our top of the most beautiful breeds in the world includes photos of dogs of different sizes, builds, coat lengths, and colors.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

The Welsh herding dog breed belongs to the miniature sheepdog family. The body is quite strong, the legs are short. The average height of a Pembroke is 25-30 cm, and body weight is 11-14 kg. The breed is characterized by a red and white color or a black tricolor. There are light markings on the face, chest and paws.

The oblong muzzle resembles a fox. There is a contrasting outline around the mouth that gives the impression that the dog is smiling. Pembroke eye color is brown. The coat is of medium length with a thick undercoat that does not get wet.

The most beautiful dog colors in the world

When choosing a four-legged friend, its color plays a significant role. Dogs with the most beautiful and original colors are valued above the rest.


Merle, or merle, is found in Dachshunds, Aussies, Border Collies and Cardigan Welsh Corgis. The gene responsible for this coloring is dominant. If it is present, the animal will definitely be spotted. Dark, light and bluish-silver inclusions on the body are located chaotically, forming a bizarre pattern.

In Spitz dogs, poodles, cocker spaniels and many other breeds, merle is prohibited by the standard. Such animals are not allowed for exhibitions and should not participate in breeding.


Lilac or isabella color is the result of a combination of blue and red. It is not recommended in a number of breeds due to its negative effect on immunity. Those with a pale cream or pale yellowish-brown coat are more likely than others to suffer from dermatitis, dysplasia and thyroid pathologies.


Dogs with this color are dark red. The most saturated option is close to the color of mahogany. At the tips of the hairs, the red color gives way to a dark, almost black shade.

The fur color also includes fawn or walnut. It ranges from dark gold to soft sandy shades. Transitions and lightened areas without pronounced redness are noted on the fur coat.


Gray or silver color is characteristic of Weimaraners and poodles. It only appears when growing up. Puppies are born with a black coat, and from the age of 2 months its color gradually changes to a uniform silver. The presence of separate black and white hairs in this color is considered a defect.


A small but very beautiful dog that weighs only 3-4 kg. The average height of the breed is 20-25 cm. The body is proportionally developed. The muzzle is small, the forehead is clearly defined. The ears are set high and have a triangular shape. The nose is small and black. Large dark brown eyes are round in shape.

The coat is long, dense and soft to the touch. Paws may be a little shaggy. The color of the breed is white. Pale orange and beige varieties are available, but this can make the dog appear dirty, so such shades are undesirable for the breed.

Saint Bernard

While they are small, they are cute and affectionate, but the Saint Bernard can grow to weigh over 100 kg, making it the largest dog on our list.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A miniature spaniel breed that is distinguished by grace, elegance and activity. The dog has soft long ears and a slightly flat head. The elongated muzzle has a small black nose and wide-set dark eyes.

The body is short and small. The height at the withers reaches 30-35 cm. The spaniel's body weight is 5-8 kg. The coat is long, silky and wavy. The breed is available in four colors - black with reddish markings, rich dark red, pearl white with chestnut spots, tricolor (black, red, piebald).

Basset Hound

The classic look of the Basset Hound is both adorable and sad, as if these little ones always feel left out of something.

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranian Spitz - photo
A decorative breed, which is characterized by soft fluffy fur, making the dog “plush”. The Pomeranian has a small, fox-like muzzle, which houses almond-shaped dark eyes and a narrow jaw. The breed reaches a height of 18-22 cm. Body weight ranges from 2-4.5 kg. At the same time, Pomeranians have a dense and muscular physique.

The breed is available in 11 colors - black, dark with red spots, blue, brown, sable, orange, blue with red markings, cream, white, chinchilla, two-color. Short fur covers the head, ears and front of the limbs. Long, straight hair grows on the rest of the body.

Read Dogs for hunting - top 20 breeds

Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog)

A small proportional breed that originated in Great Britain. The Sheltie is characterized by a narrow head, small, semi-erect, V-shaped ears, and a muzzle that tapers toward the nose. Almond-shaped eyes are usually brown, rarely blue.

The weight of the Shetland Sheepdog ranges from 5-10 kg, and the height at the withers is 33-38 cm. The coat is straight and long. The undercoat is thick and dense. The neck is decorated with a fluffy mane. Shelties come in tricolor and bicolor colors, where black, marbled blue, white and red usually predominate.

Beautiful medium-sized breeds

When a family needs a faithful protector, a good nanny for a child, but there is no opportunity to have a large breed, medium-sized tailed animals ( up to 60 cm at the withers ) are suitable. Such animals are still cute due to their small stature, but are no longer so defenseless. See photos and descriptions of these beautiful animals:

Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

One of the most popular herding breeds. Due to their small stature and variegated color, shepherd dogs easily hide among a flock of sheep. They easily cope with a huge number of heads, guide them and protect them from external dangers.

The unusual appearance of the breed is due to its color: merle, blue merle, red tricolor, black tricolor. A light iris is not considered a defect for the breed. Shepherd dogs have a two-layer coat. The guard hair is fluffy, thick, with feathering on the chest, tail, and back of the thigh.

Appenzeller Mountain Dog

The smallest dog among the group of Swiss cattle mountain dogs. This is a typical Mountain Dog with an elongated body, short but soft black coat with spots of brown and white. The name comes from the Swiss name for shepherds "Senne".

The animals have lively facial expressions and a kind, playful disposition. Height at withers – 58 cm . They are designed to work side-by-side with a person. Even a child can be trusted with such a dog.

Cocker Spaniel

A group of hunting dogs designed for catching water game or hares. Their peculiarity is curly, wavy hair, elongated on the ears and hips. The animals first appeared in Great Britain and later spread throughout the world. In some countries, new branches of the breed were created.

American Cocker Spaniel

These are some of the sweetest Spaniels and are intended for showing rather than hunting. Dogs have long, thick fur, with seals and waves at the ends. This cover requires careful care. The maximum height is 39 cm, so the ideal place to keep it is an apartment or house.

English Spaniel

Energetic, strong, well-built dogs. Typical spaniels with their perfect hunting skills. English Cockers have a good sense of smell and eyesight. But the standard is so strict that many representatives often do not fit into the framework and remain at the pet class level.

One way or another, the animals remain beautiful and confident. Their height is 38-39 cm, the coat is hard, wavy, and of medium length. Colors: black, black-blue, red.

Russian hunting (cocker) spaniel

This domestic gun dog is the only one of its kind, but even it is not recognized by the world canine organization, which does not make it less popular. These spaniels are smaller than others in size, up to 45 cm at the withers, but this does not affect their working skills. The breed is used for hunting white hares and game birds. The dogs' cuteness is ensured by their wavy soft fur and trusting large eyes.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Multifunctional dog, assistant to Irish farmers. Since ancient times, he has been helping people with grazing livestock, protecting pastures and barns from rodents, and protecting property. Externally, the dog is not large (up to 46 cm), but strong.

Elongated body. The neck and limbs are long, the hind legs extend beyond the line of the croup, which ensures sweeping and graceful movements. Dogs have medium-length fur with a wavy texture. The color of Terriers is any shade of wheaten.

Collie - Scottish Sheepdog

One of the Collie breed branches is the Scottish shepherds, who have long ceased to fulfill their direct duties. Animals gained popularity after the film “Lassie,” where the devoted Collie became the main character. Long-haired dogs have a thick coat of red color with white and dark spots. Shorthairs are predominantly dark.

Another difference is the sharp muzzle and narrow eyes. This makes dogs look like foxes. At the withers, the dogs reach 56 cm. The Collie's body is elongated, with a convex croup and noticeable withers. Due to their long hair and short limbs, dogs appear stocky.

Portuguese water dog

The unusual nature of the breed is due not only to its appearance, but also to its functions. Can Diagua were bred along the entire coast of Portugal, they drove large fish into nets, looked for fragments of fishing gear, and transmitted messages from ship to ship. It is to perform the work of a fisherman that dogs are given a water-repellent thick coat of a curly type.

The maximum height of dogs is 57 cm . They can be light (white, beige) or dark (black, brown), large spots are allowed. By nature, the animals are balanced, calm, loyal and friendly.

Samoyed dog

Fluffy and cute Samoyed huskies are born for the north and work as a sled dog. They have long white fur and dark eyes and nose. It seems as if these dogs are always on springs, their optimistic attitude infects their owners.

Although the animals are medium in size (53-60 cm), they live better outside the apartment and in a temperate climate. Hot summer and Samoyeds are incompatible. In addition, these pets shed heavily all year round.

Bernese Shepherd

The herding breed, originally from Switzerland, is distinguished by its large size and good-natured disposition. The Bernese Shepherd is characterized by an “aristocratic” appearance. It has long, thick fur that is soft to the touch. The color is tricolor, which includes black, red and white.

The breed is characterized by a strong muscular body and high growth, which reaches 70 cm. Body weight is 40-50 kg. The head and paws are round in shape. Almond-shaped eye color is brown. The lying ears are set wide apart.


Charming curly creatures evoke delight and tenderness in both children and adults. The poodle, thanks to its dazzling appearance, has become one of the most recognizable breeds in the world. These dogs come in both large and miniature sizes, but all of them are distinguished by an unusually thick, curly coat, which, however, requires regular grooming and a haircut. There are even several haircut standards for this breed: “Teddy bear”, “lamb”, “lion”, “bolero” and others. Often, owners like to create funny and elegant hairstyles for their pets. Ponytails and braids gathered over the ears make the dog even more charming. Hairstyles look especially cute on toy poodles; such dogs literally look like living toys.

It is worth noting the movements of the poodle: the dog walks so gracefully, as if it were dancing. It is not for nothing that these smart pets are most often chosen for training in animal shows. Their unique appearance, grace and charm, combined with high intelligence, make them the stars of any performance.


A large breed of dog that was bred in Great Britain. The Bobtail is characterized not only by its large size, but also by long, thick fur that completely covers the dog’s body. The color is usually gray-blue or white; puppies with black markings are less common.

Medium sized floppy ears. The oval eyes are set wide apart. They can be either light or dark. The body and head itself are quite massive. The bobtail's height is 50-55 cm, and its weight is 30-40 kg. The coat is thick, long and wavy. A good undercoat provides reliable protection from bad weather.

Assessment Methodology

When choosing the most beautiful dog breeds in the world, several professional criteria for the aesthetic appearance of the animal are taken into account:

  • Exterior;
  • Manners and movements;
  • Character, behavioral characteristics.

First of all, the exterior, that is, appearance. The dog’s physique, its coat, eye color, muzzle structure and other external features. Everything together should give the impression of a harmonious combination. Of course, breeders of absolutely all breeds tried very hard and for years bred, in their opinion, perfect specimens of their favorite animals. However, we have selected those breeds that are different from all the others. These dogs are easily recognized by anyone, even those who are very far from dog breeding. It is impossible to take your eyes off dogs with such exceptional appearance when you meet them.

The second important criterion for appearance is the dog’s manners and movements. The most beautiful dogs in the world are very graceful. They are distinguished by a light, graceful gait and a royal stature; such a dog should not move awkwardly or waddle.

Finally, the third criterion is the dog’s behavior, which directly depends on the character of the animal. Some breeds have a friendlier disposition and are considered pleasant companions. Lack of aggression and cute habits add to the attractiveness of dog breeds with the most charming appearance.

Golden retriever

The shepherd breed has a harmonious physique. The body is quite strong and muscular. The head corresponds to the size of the body, there is a clear transition from the forehead to the nose. The height of the golden retriever is 50-60 cm, and body weight is 25-40 kg.

The floppy ears are medium in size. Eye color is dark brown. The coat is straight or wavy. The dense undercoat does not allow water to pass through. A distinctive feature of the breed’s appearance is its golden or cream color. Sometimes there are white spots on the chest.

Tibetan mastiff

The most ancient and largest breed, the weight of which is 60-80 kg, and the height at the withers is 60-77 cm. The Tibetan mastiff has a beautiful long thick coat. It reliably protects it from cold and rain. The breed has a well-developed body and strong paws.

The drooping ears are triangular in shape. Slightly tilted eyes are widely spaced. The color of the iris is dark brown. The color of the Tibetan Mastiff is presented in three variants - black with small tan marks, blue and golden.


A large breed of dog originally from Croatia. Dalmatians are distinguished by their spotted color. The white short fur usually has distinct black or brown spots. Eye color – light or dark brown, rarely blue. Drop ears are set high.

The shade of the nose always matches the color of the spots, which is considered a feature of the breed. The body proportions of the Dolmatian are quite harmonious. A strong body and long, stable paws make the breed quite hardy. The height of dogs ranges from 54-62 cm. Body weight averages 25-30 kg.

Read Dogs that look like a fox - 20 breeds with examples of similarities


The hunting dog breed from Great Britain is medium in size, short legs and long soft ears. Beagles are 30-40 cm tall and weigh 13-18 kg. The breed is characterized by a strong, muscular body with short, round or slightly elongated legs.

Beagles are characterized by all the colors of hound dogs, except sand. There are two-color and three-color puppies. But the tip of the tail always remains white. Eye color – dark or light brown. The look is smart and cheerful. The Beagle has short and dense fur, which perfectly protects it from bad weather.

Irish Red Setter

Owners of Irish Setters consider them the most beautiful breed. And it’s hard to argue with this: the large, lean body (27–32 kg and 55–67 cm) of the dogs is dressed in a long red-chestnut fur coat, the hard fur shimmers with all shades of red in the sun, and there are feathers on the ears, chest, paws and a dewlap on the tail give dogs a “model” look.

But maintaining such an image is not easy. Despite the slight odor and shedding, the Irish need a lot of varieties of combs, shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, oils and vitamins for their coat. Otherwise, you will have to forget about the luxurious fur coat.

“Irish” are not as docile and obedient as other setters. In addition, dogs mature psychologically by the age of 3 years. Until this age, juniors are difficult to raise, often play pranks and love to destroy everything they can reach.

Longhaired Collie

A shepherd breed, which is characterized by long fur, an oblong muzzle, and dexterous and graceful movements. The collie's body weight is approximately 20-30 kg, and its height is 50-60 cm. The rectangular body is quite strong and strong.

The wedge-shaped head blends harmoniously with the body. Almond-shaped eyes are usually dark brown or blue. Semi-erect ears point forward. The tail is fluffy. The coat is straight and harsh. Collies are typically sable or tri-colored, as well as blue merle.

Weimaraner (Weimar Pointer)

The hunting breed is medium in size and has an athletic build. The height at the withers can reach 70 cm, and the weight can reach 40 kg. The dog is characterized by an aristocratic appearance with straight lines and a silver-gray color. White spots may be visible on the paws and chest.

The body is strong and muscular. The head is dry, the muzzle is long, there are clearly defined cheekbones. The drooping ears are long and wide. Round eyes set askew. Their color ranges from light to dark amber. Puppies have blue eyes.

Great Dane, strict and prim

One attentive look of this dog is enough to stop the uninvited guest. The leisurely and aristocratic Great Dane is an excellent option for guarding your property or city apartment. The peak of its popularity is associated with the release of the animation, where Scooby Doo became the main character. Only a real Great Dane is distinguished by completely different character qualities: he is courageous, self-possessed, intelligent and devoted to his owner. The dog is large, which can scare not only enemies, but also ordinary passers-by - this must be taken into account when walking. At the same time, the dog will closely monitor your behavior: if you are nervous, he will be worried too. Amazing sensitivity for such a strict appearance. Therefore, try not to offend your four-legged friend even by raising your voice, this will bring him discomfort. His sincere desire is to please you; failure will upset the dog.

The height of the Great Dane can reach 100 cm at the withers. Despite their seemingly strong external form, their life expectancy is only 5–7 years; the health of this breed is fragile.

Samoyed dog

The medium-sized breed was bred in northern Russia. The dog has a harmonious physique and light, thick hair. The height of somoeds is 50-60 cm, and their weight is 20-30 kg. The body is muscular, the legs are straight and strong.

The head is wedge-shaped. The lips are black, which creates a peculiar smile. The ears are small, slightly rounded at the edges. Almond-shaped eyes are dark brown or black.

The coat is beautiful, thick and fluffy. The soft undercoat protects the dog from cold and bad weather. Around the neck and shoulders is a fur collar characteristic of the breed. The color of Samoyeds is pure white, sometimes with a biscuit or cream tint.


Leonberger is a dog with the appearance and heart of a lion. The breed was bred in the German city of the same name in the middle of the 19th century on the basis of St. Bernards, Landseers and Pyrenean mountain dogs.

Despite its gigantic size (45–77 kg and 61–80 cm), the Leonberger is harmoniously built and moves elegantly. The menacing appearance is frightening, but the dog has a calm, balanced and flexible temperament. He is not aggressive and obeys his owner unquestioningly.

The Leonbergen is often called the lion dog. The body is decorated with long, straight, dense hair, which forms a mane on the neck and chest, feathering on the front legs and “pants” on the hips. The colors are close to those of lions: yellow, red or sand. A black mask on the face and dark hairs on the body are also required.

Large dog breeds.


The breed is medium in size, although it is considered the largest of the terriers. The height at the withers is 55-60 cm. The average body weight is 20 kg. The dog has a proportional build, a neat muzzle and a compact body.

The head is balanced, without wrinkles or folds. The paws are small and round. The floppy ears are set close to each other. The Airedale Terrier's coat is hard and slightly wavy. The standard color is reddish-brown with black or brown spots.

What criteria are used to determine the beauty of dogs?

The beauty of a dog is a relative concept, because each person has his own criteria for evaluation. Some people find strength and stature attractive, while others admire elegance and aristocracy. In order not to be overly subjective, when compiling the rating of the most attractive breeds, the results of world dog shows were chosen as a guide, the winners of which were chosen by experts in the field of cynology. The largest canine beauty contests are considered to be annual events held in the USA (New York), Great Britain (Birmingham) and China (Hong Kong and Nanying), which attract more than 5 thousand participants from all over the world.

International dog champions at reputable dog shows are selected based on a large number of parameters. Not only personal characteristics (grooming, health), but also general characteristics of the breed are assessed. For example, to receive the title of the most beautiful, a participant must be different:

  • Proportional body structure.
  • Aesthetically attractive color, good coat structure.
  • The absence of selection defects that make the dog unusual and funny, but not very beautiful.
  • Gracefulness in movement.
  • A predisposition to good behavior (for example, cleanliness, lack of excessive aggression, etc.).

In the photo - participants of a canine beauty contest held in Kyiv

Video: participants of the canine beauty contest WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW-2018

Siberian Husky

Medium sized sled dog. The height at the withers reaches 60 cm, and the weight is 20-30 kg. The head is small, the muzzle is of medium length, which gradually tapers towards the nose. Almond-shaped eyes are set obliquely. They are usually brown or blue, but hetegochromic variants are often found, when the eyes are different colors. The ears are set high, with rounded tips pointing upward.

Read Decorative dogs - top 20 breeds

Soft and thick wool perfectly retains heat and gives a neat appearance. There are quite a lot of Siberian Husky color varieties - from light to dark. The most common species are black and white or white and gray. It is rare to see a pure black, white or brown dog. A typical, but not required, sign of the breed is a black or white mask around the eyes and several vertical stripes on the forehead.


The Doberman looks a little menacing, but very elegant. This is an exquisite breed with an aristocratic appearance and self-esteem; such a dog needs attention and proper upbringing. In color, the dog is most often black, sometimes brown, always with rust-colored markings on the front. Dogs of this breed have high intellectual abilities and a penetrating, vigilant gaze. In the appearance of the Doberman, in his movements, despite the severity, there is an inexplicable sophistication and nobility.

This impressively sized dog exhibits the most courageous character traits, which is why it is often used as a service dog in law enforcement agencies. With proper training, a dog will never behave aggressively; it only shows wariness towards strangers, since it has excellent guarding qualities.

Appenzeller Mountain Dog

The breed is medium in size, the height of the withers reaches 47-58 cm. The standard weight of the dog is 23-27 kg. The body is strong, muscles are well developed. The head is proportional to the body, the cheekbones are poorly defined. The almond-shaped small eyes come only in black or brown. The hanging ears are triangular in shape and slightly rounded at the bottom.

Wool consists of two layers. The upper one is distinguished by good density and shine; small waves may occur in the area of ​​the withers or back. The lower layer is dark and cannot be seen through the awn. The color is black with pronounced brown and white spots.


It's hard not to put a pug puppy at the top. His huge eyes, wrinkled face and small size make him loved all over the world.

Hungarian Vizsla (Hungarian pointing dog)

Medium-sized hunting breed. Height is 55-65 cm, and body weight is 20-27 kg. It is distinguished by a reddish color with a golden tint. There may be a small white spot on the chest. There are wire-haired and short-haired Hungarian Vizslas. The first option is distinguished by long, dense and coarse fur. Short-haired dogs have a short, shiny, thick coat that is pleasant to the touch.

The physique is muscular, graceful and graceful. A strong, wide chest and strong paws make the breed hardy. The head has the shape of a rectangle. The ears hang, they are set low and slightly rounded at the ends. The color of almond-shaped eyes usually matches the color of the dog.

Afghan Hound

In the world of dogs, the Afghan Hound could well be considered a top model. The long-legged beauty with luxurious silky hair looks like a high society lady. The fur of this dog can be considered a work of art; it is very soft to the touch, covers almost the entire body of the animal and falls in strands along the body, like a mantle. When the dog runs or moves actively, the fur flutters spectacularly in the wind, giving the animal a special charm. These dogs have an elongated muzzle, with curious slanted eyes and a look full of dignity.

The combination of extraordinary appearance and manners of dogs of this breed is amazing: their proud posture and graceful slimness reveal a person of royal blood. We can say that this is a dog with character, quite selfish and stubborn, it can show jealousy towards other pets, but at the same time, the Afghan Hound is very sociable. With enough attention to her person, she will always pay with mutual affection. It’s impossible to relax with such a capricious creature; the Afghan hound knows its worth and always demands an appropriate attitude from its owners.

Chow chow

A guard breed with a strong, well-balanced build. The average height is 45-55 cm. The dog's body weight is 20-30 kg. The body is compact, harmonious, lion-like, strong. The skull is flat and wide. The muzzle is of medium length. Eye color is dark, rarely blue. The small ears are slightly rounded at the ends.

There are long-haired and short-haired Chow Chows. The first option is characterized by a thick, straight and abundant coat with a soft undercoat. A “collar” characteristic of the breed is formed around the neck. Short-haired dogs have short, dense fur. Color – black, red, blue, white, cream without spots or marks.


The breed is medium in size and has a harmonious and balanced build. The height at the withers is 40-43 cm, and the weight is 9-11 kg. A distinctive feature of appearance is a wrinkled forehead. Almond-shaped eyes are set obliquely. Their color is usually dark - black or brown. Small ears with sharp ends are set high.

Medium size muzzle. The neck is long, but not thick. The body is harmoniously balanced. The legs are long and strong. The fur is short, shiny, soft, and fits well to the body. The characteristic colors for the breed are black and red and white, black and brown and white.


Dachshunds, often called lap dogs, resemble cute little sausages. Their tiny legs only add to the impression.

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