What to do if your dog craps at home: advice and recommendations from a specialist

Bringing a pet into your home requires time and extra effort to instill good habits in your dog.

One of the most important habits is to teach her to relieve herself outside. However, not everyone manages to train a dog, and the pet begins to constantly crap in the apartment. Subsequently, a number of difficulties may arise that must be dealt with immediately.

If you want to get rid of this problem forever, then you should find out:

  1. What can provoke a dog to start shitting in an apartment?
  2. How to quickly train your pet to relieve itself outside?
  3. How to properly punish a guilty pet?
  4. How to behave if during a walk the dog does not want to go to the toilet?

Special means for training

Nowadays, pet stores have a large assortment of special products that will effectively help correct the animal’s habits. Some will help indicate the correct place for the toilet, others, on the contrary, will push you away. They contain components that will save carpets, floors and even flower beds. We will look at the table below to see which products will best help train a dog.

NameVolume (ml)Specifics and advantages
Puppy trainer50Safe for small breeds.
Getting used to the place200Apply at least 2 times a day.
Toilet training100Helps develop reflexes.
Stopgadin150Does not leave stains.
Let's stop shitting200Suitable for all breeds.
Stop dog100Has a specific smell.
Playing with an animal100Universal

No disadvantages have been identified among the products; specific odors can be considered a disadvantage. As for the advantages, the proposed products not only cope with the task effectively, but also such a spray as Playing with an Animal is suitable even for cats.

Read: What name to give your dog

Methods of punishment

Remember, a dog is a very smart creature that reacts quite sharply to the mood of its owner. If you do not offend your pet, he will respond to any of your requests.

Of course, it is difficult to calmly react to a puddle or a pile made on the path, but you can show your dissatisfaction with the dog.

  • Change your tone of voice and scold your dog for what he has done.
  • Take away your favorite toy and let him play only when the dog defecates outside.
  • As soon as you see that the dog wants to relieve itself, use the command: “Ugh! It is forbidden!". She needs to understand how you feel about this behavior.

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How to train a dog to go to the toilet: expert advice

A number of parting words that will definitely help stop your pet from shitting anywhere:

  • Thoroughly understand the cause of the problem.
  • It is good to socialize your dog with its relatives.
  • Follow the feeding and walking schedule.
  • Young dogs should not be left unattended for long periods of time.
  • Combat fears and phobias with the help of a qualified specialist.
  • Always leave access to the tray or diaper.
  • Timid dogs should be walked for long periods of time and in different places.
  • Walk the puppies immediately after sleeping and feeding.
  • Organize active games in the fresh air.
  • Be sure to encourage the correct choice of place to defecate.

Raising a dog is actually not difficult. The main thing that is required from the owner is patience and consistency. This is a very small price to pay for the boundless loyalty and love that animals give to people.

4.5 / 5 ( 4 voices)

Effective ways to fight

There is enough advice on how to wean a dog from relieving itself in an apartment or house.

We have tried to carefully consider these recommendations and provide you with the most effective ways to deal with such an unpleasant situation.

Basic Rules

  • Never yell at your pet (during and after the “crime”). If you start screaming after the dog has taken a shit, then it will take note that it is forbidden to take a shit in front of you and will hide from you in order to do the harm.
  • Never hit your puppy or rub his nose into the pile. This offends the pet, and he does not understand why he is being punished after the fact. This may cause the dog to eat its own excrement in fear.
  • Always be consistent and constant. If you want to teach your dog to go to the toilet outside, you need to do this regularly at the same time. If one day you took the dog out, and the next you were lazy or couldn’t, and then came and scolded the pet, he definitely won’t understand what you demand from him.
  • Always reward your dog after he goes to the toilet. When you go for a walk with your dog, grab a couple of dog treats. After the “accomplished action”, reward your pet and be sure to praise it by stroking the withers.

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Sequential learning steps

  1. If after quarantine you start taking your puppy outside, then you need to do this before the baby takes a shit. Keep track of your pet, after what period of time he wants to go to the toilet. As soon as the puppy begins to suspiciously look for the “fifth corner” or whine, quickly take him outside.
  2. Take walks at the same time. Monitor when your dog wakes up to relieve itself. Try to adjust and regularly take your dog out at the same time in the morning. The same applies to an evening walk. A properly created routine will help your dog feel your care and attention.
  3. Use of special repellents. Veterinary pharmacies sell products that can be used to treat the areas where your pet poops most often. If this is not possible, then you can use vinegar. Add a little table vinegar to the water and rinse the area well. The pungent smell will scare away the pet and it may eventually stop relieving itself on the floor.
  4. Train your pet to certain commands. If you want your pet to do the need, come up with a command that you will subsequently repeat constantly until the dog does the job. Then praise her.

Physiological reasons

We should not forget that the cause is often health problems. Veterinarians remind us that people can shit at home:

  • Decorative breeds of dogs. The phenomenon is observed after a long walk in the cold season. If a dog makes puddles, then there is a high risk that he has a cold and needs the help of specialists to treat cystitis;
  • Aging animals suffer from urinary incontinence. In this case, the best solution would be to prepare a tray and train the dog to wear a diaper. After all, the owner is not always able to take her out for a walk upon request;
  • Toddlers who have not yet fully acquired the correct habits. A tray and gradual diaper training are also suitable for them;
  • Digestive problems. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract leads to diarrhea and the appearance of heaps in the house. The reason for this may be stale food, a sudden change in food, chronic diseases or other factors;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system, or in common parlance - cystitis, is also a common cause of puddles in the apartment.
  • Worm infestation also often causes the development of bad habits;
  • The period of sexual hunting. In male dogs, the need to mark their territory sharply increases against the background of changed hormonal levels.

Important! The simplest solution in this situation seems to be mating a male. However, this, unfortunately, does not save you for a long time. Moreover, an untied male strives for marks with much greater force.

One likely solution would be the use of sedatives. They normalize hormonal levels and allow the animal to feel calmer. The most radical method is castration of a male dog, but not all owners are ready for it.

If the dog begins to shit at home and this event was not preceded by any psychological trauma or stress, then you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Your pet may need professional help and treatment. Physical punishment in this case only aggravates the problem. After all, killing a sick animal is far from the most reasonable method of education.

Separation anxiety

If your dog gets stressed when you leave the house, he may have separation anxiety. Signs include scratching at doors and windows, destructive chewing, and howling or whining.

Different dogs have different reasons for their panic reaction. Some are not used to being alone. Others cannot cope with the change in routine.

Whatever the reason, you can take steps to reduce the problem:

  • Don't make a big deal about leaving the house or coming home.
  • Talk to your veterinarian about over-the-counter sedatives.
  • Ask your veterinarian about prescription medications that calm anxiety.
  • Place the dog in a room with windows and toys to limit destruction.
  • Leave your dog in recently worn clothes. Your scent can have a calming effect.

If the dog refuses to pee outside

A dog may be comfortable walking to relieve itself in an apartment, so it may specifically endure a walk in order to relieve itself at home. In this regard, the following recommendations should be made:

  • Find your dog a walking buddy. While walking outside, dogs will frolic, which will make you feel the urge to go to the toilet. Also, another dog can become an example, and your pet will begin to repeat after it, mark its territory and defecate.
  • Take water. When the dog has run around enough, he will want to drink. Pour water into her bowl and let her drink. The abundance of liquid will force the dog to do the deed outside.
  • Play with the dog. The more the dog runs and frolics, the faster it will want to go to the toilet. Come up with outdoor games to keep your dog moving as much as possible. This will also lead to the desire to empty the bowels and bladder. After this, be sure to praise your pet.
  • Increase your walking time. The dog cannot endure for long if there is every opportunity to go to the toilet. Therefore, walk your dog longer until he gives up and sits down.

Using these tips has helped many dog ​​owners teach their pet to go outside when needed. Never give up and stay consistent. The dog will always respond to your care and love. Let your pet be the most obedient and “cleanest” friend of the family!

Worth remembering

Urine stains on your favorite carpet or floor can be a little damaging to your relationship with your dog. Prevention is better than cure. Our tips that you have read previously have been verified. However, they cannot predict what is wrong with your dog from a distance. To be sure, contact a good specialist. It is worth choosing only proven animal psychologists and behaviorists. Avoid fire trainers who do not understand the needs of dogs. If someone offers you a 5-second solution in the form of electric collars or spikes. For the good of the dog - run!

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