Choosing the right Caucasian Shepherd puppy and caring for it

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the most ancient breeds. The ancestor of this breed is considered to be the Tibetan Great Dane. The wolfhound is distinguished by its strength and endurance. This is a reliable guard, a loyal friend and a wonderful pet. The choice and purchase of a puppy should be taken extremely seriously. This is a noble and strong breed that requires careful care and attention.


In order to make a purchase of a puppy, you need to decide on your expectations from this purchase. There are some criteria that will help the future owner make a choice:

  • physical and mental health of the puppy;
  • presence of species characteristics of the breed;
  • the character of the future pet.

When choosing a newborn puppy, the first priority is to become familiar with the entire litter. The dog should look active and mobile, the coat should be clean, the teeth should be healthy, the mucous membranes should be black and free of unhealthy discharge. A “Caucasian” should not be afraid of sharp sounds and react painfully to light. If the puppy is cheerful and happily makes contact with you, this is a good sign.

There is a simple test to check your dog's mental health. Drop any ringing object near the puppy; if the dog is not frightened by this, he comes up and starts sniffing this object, which means the pet is healthy. Next, you need to decide on the practical purpose of purchasing a puppy. If the pet’s task is to be a guard, then you need to make sure that you have a guard service diploma. When buying a dog for breeding, it is worth talking to the breeder and familiarizing yourself with the puppy’s pedigree.

The most important difference between puppies by gender is character. The bitch is flexible, amenable to training, and knows how to get along with children. The male, in turn, is more powerful and resilient than the female, so the male is more suitable for the role of a guard. When determining the breed of a puppy, one usually pays attention to the front paws. Even in children they are distinguished by a certain massiveness and impressive size. The head must be proportional to the body. The distance between the hind legs is slightly wider than between the front legs.

He or she


It is better to choose a male dog for those owners who already have experience with boys of at least other medium or large breeds. The Caucasian Shepherd is a domineering and powerful dog; it will not obey a weak owner who does not know which side to approach it from. Some habits of a male dog can be confusing. For example, a beginner will not be able to cope with an excited dog that is rushing after the current bitch.

Raising and training such a pet is not an easy task, due to its dominant nature. Without certain knowledge, it will be difficult for the owner to take control of this leader. An uncontrollable dog will become a great threat both to the family and to random passers-by.

However, the male dog also has its advantages. Its impressive appearance and impressive weight will look great not only at exhibitions, but also just for a walk. And his protective instinct, combined with his exterior, will scare off any intruders.


The bitch will also require leadership qualities from the owner, which is why she is a Caucasian Shepherd. However, if there are children in the family, then a female is the best option. She has a softer and more flexible character. And the maternal instinct inherent in bitches helps to quickly establish communication with children. And training will be easier than with males.

But bitches also have their drawbacks. Any owner will have to deal with periodic estrus. During this process, the bitch, as a guard, will be absent, as she must be locked. Otherwise, there is a risk of unplanned pregnancy. But if the pregnancy is planned, then the owner will be able to make money from the offspring, and this is already a plus.

Pregnancy, childbirth, caring for puppies, large financial investments for proper care - all these tasks will fall on the shoulders of the owner of the Caucasian Shepherd bitch. Of course, you can have an operation to castrate or sterilize your pet, but this also costs money.

Photo gallery

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

7 months

Table of height and weight of the Caucasian Shepherd by month

Age (in months)Male weight (grams)Bitch weight (grams)Height at the withers of a male dog
Height at the withers of the bitch (cm)


If you have made a firm decision, are ready to purchase a dog and have the necessary amount, you should start your search with specialized clubs and kennels. In such establishments, they treat pets with care, monitor the physical and mental health of the dog, and can guarantee the purity of origin.

Pay attention to the official registration of the nursery.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the breed standard and talking with the breeder, as well as checking the dog’s documents, which include: birth certificate, medical passport, certificates of conformity to the breed.

Housing preparation

You should pick up a puppy at the age of 1.5-2 months from birth. Before buying a puppy, it is very important to prepare a personal equipped space for the dog. This could be a spacious outdoor enclosure where the baby can be active and mobile. Your pet must have a kennel so that he can shelter from adverse weather conditions.

There should not be very high structures in the enclosure.

Until the age of four months, “Caucasians” are contraindicated from jumping and running on stairs due to the high likelihood of deformation of the hind limbs and various diseases of the bones and joints. If the pet will be kept at home, then you should also take care of sufficient space and a ventilation system. Don’t forget about the place for your pet to sleep; it should be comfortable and roomy, because the dog will grow very quickly.


Even before the dog is home, you should take care of the necessary equipment:

  • food bowls;
  • drinking bowl;
  • basic first aid kit for the animal;
  • items for hair care (shampoo, comb, brush, etc.);
  • toys for the puppy.

From the first days, you need to start accustoming your pet to a new place. Don't forget to repeat your pet's name often so that he gets used to it. It is useful to call your dog by name before meals.

The adaptation period will be much better if, before taking your pet home, you visit him at the nursery a couple of times.

It would be best to get to know and play with the dog a little so that the baby can get used to you. First of all, when the puppy is at home, you should give him something to drink and familiarize him with his surroundings. The dog will act restless at first, this is normal. We need to help the animal adapt and treat this with understanding.

It is recommended to talk to the puppy calmly, without raising your voice, so as not to scare the baby. Most of all, the future owner should have direct contact with the animal. A Caucasian Shepherd puppy should know its owner and not strive to take a leading position.

First meeting

The psyche of a puppy

Now it's time to carefully examine the litter itself. Don't rush to choose, take a closer look at all the puppies. Listen to the advice of the breeder, who, knowing your preferences, will recommend a baby that suits you. After all, it is the first owner, like no one else, who knows his charges.

Remember that when choosing a future family member, you are unlikely to need the advice of your friends, especially inexperienced ones. For example, if a puppy sits in the corner and barks loudly from there, this does not mean that he will become a good guard. Just like it doesn’t mean that the first baby who comes running to you is fate. Perhaps the puppy sitting in the corner has mental disorders, and the quickly running baby will grow up too trusting.

In general, there is a quick test to check the nervous system in dogs. It is necessary to drop some small, loud object near the puppy, for example, house keys. If the baby was not afraid, but calmly approached an unfamiliar thing and began to sniff it, he has a normal psyche.

To determine whether a dog is aggressive, another test can be performed. To do this, turn the baby on his back and for some time do not let him return to his original position - on his paws. A puppy with a stable psyche will not growl, bite, or, conversely, react sluggishly. He will struggle hard and try to get out from under your hand.

Ideally, the puppy you choose should rejoice in your presence, stretch out its paws for acquaintance, and bring you its toys. Intelligence, confidence and kindness should shine in his eyes. In general, a puppy that can demonstrate its strengths is a great puppy.

Physical data

To determine that this is a Caucasian Shepherd puppy, especially a healthy one, you need to know what it looks like. First of all, take a closer look at how your chosen baby walks. He should have active movements, a slightly waddled gait. The limbs of a good dog do not move apart, but stand parallel to each other and quite wide.

Lameness, abruptness in movements, lethargy, imbalances in the structure of the body, too long and thin limbs - all these are signs of developmental disorders, hereditary or acquired diseases.

A Caucasian Shepherd puppy should have a powerful neck (a head sitting on the shoulders will never allow the dog to perform its working functions), a short and voluminous body, a straight line of a strong back, thick, physically developed paws, and a thick tail.

Be sure to pay attention to the puppy’s belly - it should be moderately tucked, without an umbilical hernia. A bloated belly can be a symptom of the presence of worms in the dog's body. You can also see how the baby goes to the toilet - whether his stool is normal, whether there is diarrhea or constipation.

Now it's time for a closer inspection. With the breeder's permission, pick up the chosen puppy and place it on your lap. Carefully palpate all accessible vertebrae for possible fractures.

The head of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy should be proportional to its body: voluminous, with pronounced cheekbones, a wide muzzle and a massive lower jaw. The forehead should not be too flat or too prominent. The fur on the frontal part can hide the true state of things, so it is best to feel the forehead.

Examine the dog's dental system - all teeth should be in an even row, close to each other and white. The mucous membranes of the oral cavity should be a healthy pink color. The bite can be either scissor or straight. Keep in mind that an overbite runs the risk of developing into an overbite over time. This risk may be associated either with heredity or with poor living conditions for the puppy.

The nose, eyelids, lips should be pure black, without any discharge. By the way, if a puppy has a large nose, it means that an adult will have a rather voluminous muzzle. The ears and almond-shaped eyes should also be clean and free of pus.

The dog's coat should be shiny and dense and rough to the touch. Soft or curly hairs indicate that they will remain that way in the future. And, most likely, this quality of wool will be passed on by inheritance. If you are going to breed purebred Caucasian Shepherds, then this fact can derail all your plans, as well as your pet’s exhibition career. Accordingly, for these purposes the puppy must have a standard coat color and slanted eye color.


A puppy can grow up healthy and happy only with the proper level of care. Due to their long, fluffy coat, these pets should not miss brushing with a coarse bristle brush two to three times a week. It is necessary to carefully go through the entire coat and, if necessary, trim the pet to avoid the formation of tangles. Nails need to be trimmed once or twice a month.

The puppy needs long walks in the fresh air, which will be accompanied by active games. After each walk, you should check your pet’s ears for the presence of parasites; after inspection, be sure to wipe them with a cotton swab, as this is the most vulnerable part of the Caucasian Shepherd. A balanced diet and regular vaccinations will help your pet always stay healthy.

Nutritional Features

The first priority for the owner is to ask the breeder what the dog was fed before. With a sudden change in diet, the puppy may experience digestive problems. Therefore, the transition to a new type of nutrition should be as smooth as possible. The pet should be fed in a designated area. The diet should be balanced in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Don't forget about the vitamins and minerals that your baby needs so much.

It is recommended to feed puppies with premium dry food, a thoughtful homemade diet, or stick to a combination menu. It is recommended to feed a puppy 4-5 times a day; until one year of age, the number of meals decreases and the volume of portions increases. An adult dog eats twice a day. There should always be clean and fresh water in the drinking bowl, which must be changed as needed.

The daily diet of a “Caucasian” directly depends on the viscosity of the feed consistency. With a wet diet (i.e. liquid content 65-80%), the puppy is given 35-45 g of food per 1 kg of weight. If your pet's diet consists of dry food, the food calculation is 10-15 g per 1 kg.

It is prohibited to give puppies the following foods:

  • fatty meat (pork);
  • tubular bones;
  • salty, fried, spicy or smoked foods;
  • fish
  • sweets
  • low quality dry food
  • baked goods, fresh bread.

What to feed a puppy

In the first year of life, a “Caucasian” gains weight very rapidly. At the time of birth, the puppy’s weight is only 500–600 g, at 1 month its weight already reaches 3–4 kg, and after a year – 50–65 kg. In order for a growing body to develop properly, it needs a balanced diet.

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It is unacceptable to feed your puppy dry food. His menu should consist of natural products: lean meat (beef, horse meat, bones), fish, dairy products, as well as age-appropriate feed additives. At 2 months, the baby should be fed 5 times a day, offering at least 250 g of meat per day.

From the third month, the diet can be diversified with cereals (100 g/day), vegetables and fruits (30 g/day). By 6 months, the puppy is gradually transferred to three meals a day, and portions are doubled. From this age, his growth will not be as active, and by the age of 12 months he will completely switch to two meals a day.


The main goal of vaccination is to develop stable immunity in your pet. Caucasian Shepherd puppies are vaccinated against canine distemper, leptospirosis, parvovirus enteritis, rhinotracheitis, adenoviral hepatitis and rabies.

After vaccination, it is necessary to monitor the pet's condition. In some cases, the following symptoms of the disease may be observed: low activity, loss of appetite, elevated body temperature, general weakness, and unhealthy nasal discharge. Usually, unhealthy symptoms disappear on their own after a couple of days.

If the dog's condition worsens, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Approximate cost of a Caucasian Shepherd

The price of a Caucasian Shepherd puppy depends on the class and pedigree, as well as on age, gender and color. The cost of a “Caucasian” one and a half to two months old in nurseries starts from 15 thousand rubles. For 20 thousand you can buy a pet dog with minor defects (non-standard color), which will do an excellent job of protecting the house and its owner. A future champion or breeding dog with excellent conformation and genetics will cost 45–50 thousand rubles. You can buy a puppy with all the necessary documents for 25-30 thousand rubles.

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